North Ossetia and Alania – resorts, attractions and tourist reviews

Located in a harsh mountainous area, the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, whose sights are interesting and varied, preserves numerous stories and traditions of ancient times. Ancient fortresses and temples, mountain settlements and other monuments included in the list of historical and cultural heritage of the republic have been preserved here. Today North Ossetia is considered a center of mountaineering and mountain tourism. The capital of Alania, Vladikavkaz, which emerged in 1784 at the intersection of two military roads (Georgian and Ossetian), became the gateway to Transcaucasia. To this day you can see buildings erected in the Art Nouveau style. The city has more than 60 historical, architectural and cultural monuments that are landmarks of North Ossetia-Alania and are under state protection.

Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Among the republics and states of the Caucasus, North Ossetia is the only one where the majority of residents adhere to Orthodoxy. Although you can find temples of other faiths here.

The Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, erected in 1815, is called Ossetian. Famous people of the city are buried in its necropolis.

Digori Gorge

The next gorge in our top is one of the most popular in Alanya National Park. People come to Digoria to see the Three Sisters waterfall, look at the Akhsinta canyon from the Devil's Bridge (and even jump down) and find out who Nana is and what she is famous for.

  • Where: 119 km from Vladivkavkaz in the direction of the village of Stur-Digora;
  • How to continue: find the “Ossetian Colosseum” or admire the Frigate Castle.

Holy Dormition Monastery.

Temples are still being built today. The highest mountainous Alanian Holy Dormition Monastery, despite the fact that it appeared only in 2000, became the spiritual center of Ossetia and Southern Russia.

In addition to churches, there are many monuments and wonderful places in Vladikavkaz. For example, the cast-iron Olginsky Bridge and the monument to M. Bulgakov .

In the village of Dzuarikau there is an obelisk dedicated to the seven Gazdanov brothers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War.

Tseyskoye Gorge

This is a whole resort complex, a place of attraction for climbers and tourists. From here the tracks leave for Tourist Peak, here you can climb by cable car to a height of 2,500 meters and see the Skazsky glacier, and if you spend more time on this place, you can have time to see the Shagatsikondon waterfall and the Tseysky glacier.

  • Where: 83 km from Vladikavkaz;
  • How to continue: go to the “Ancestral Towers” ​​museum in the village of Unal, where you can literally touch history and touch ancient stones.

City of Angels.

In Beslan, they began to build a memorial complex “City of Angels”, which does not allow to forget the tragedy that occurred on September 1, 2004. Here is the “Tree of Sorrow” and a monument to fallen special forces soldiers.

The sights of North Ossetia-Alania are also famous for their gorges, which are not only historical and cultural monuments, but also resorts with balneological springs, as well as recreation areas for tourists and climbers.

Natural attractions of North Ossetia (photos)

The Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is full of natural resources that are worth seeing, capturing in photos, or simply keeping vivid memories from traveling to these lands.

Mineral Lake

The lake, located in the Ardon River valley, has a rich mineral composition. Its water contains iron, iodine, sulfur, lithium and other components. Its composition is close to the mineral springs of Essentuki. The benefits of the waters and the extraordinary beauty of the mineral lake attract many fans of tourism in the Caucasus. The amazingly beautiful blue water harmonizes with the surrounding greenery of the slopes and rocky rocks.

Due to the mineral composition of the water, the lake is surrounded by a characteristic aroma of hydrogen sulfide. Therefore, most tourists rush to quickly take a photo and contemplate the beauty of this creation of nature from afar.

Table Mountain

Table Mountain
This is part of the North Caucasus mountain system and its landmark. A massive natural landmark, the image of which is placed on the coat of arms of the city of Vladikavkaz. The mountain, 3003 meters high, got its name due to its shape: steep slopes descend from the hewn top. The shape of the mountain resembles a dining table. Such creations of nature are classified as geological monuments.

Since ancient times, the mountain was considered the main concentration of power and habitat of the gods: ancient sanctuaries were preserved on it. Descriptions of archaeologists date them back to the 10th-18th centuries.

To climb the mountain, you do not need to have mountaineering skills: there are quite accessible routes. One of them is the Path of Ancestors.

Midagrabin waterfalls

Midagrabin waterfalls

Groups of cascading waterfalls, which, in combination with the surrounding nature, create amazingly beautiful landscapes. This attraction belongs to one of the highest and main waterfalls in the world - Big Zygelan. Its height is 750 meters. Descriptions of some legends tell that wishes made near this waterfall come true. But only if a person has pure thoughts: then his thoughts ascend along the stream of water upward into the universe.

In addition to Zaigelan, there are other high-altitude waterfalls that the entire republic is proud of. It’s better to come here in the summer months, when water from melting glaciers flows down them: during this period they are full of water and are great for photos.

Grove of Khetag

Grove of Khetag

Khetag is a Kabardian who professed Christianity. There is a legend according to which he fled from Muslim persecution and hid in the forest. Exhausted, he could not run any further, and then the trees themselves came to his aid, hiding him from the gaze of his pursuers. Since then, the grove has been considered sacred and sacred, which has special power. Its shape is round, and nearby there is a round clearing, almost equal in area to the grove. This is associated with the legend of the trees that moved.

Khetag Grove is a landmark of North Ossetia and a popular site of pilgrimage for Christians. A house of worship was built here, and trees were protected from being cut down and broken down. It is also prohibited to light fires and drink alcoholic beverages on its territory.

"Trail of Miracles"

"Trail of Miracles"

The name is fully justified by the number of unique attractions that tourists see while walking along the trail. There really is something to see here: amazingly beautiful views of the rocky mountains, interesting landscape compositions, breathtaking views of the surrounding area. The originality of this bridge lies in its design: it runs along the steep cliff of the Kadargavan canyon. On the way, tourists encounter a stone of impressive size: it offers an unusually beautiful view. It also takes excellent photos.

The “Trail of Miracles” attraction is located in the Kurtatinsky Gorge, the depth of which exceeds 60 meters. Not far from here is the village of Tsimiti, where architectural monuments in the form of medieval buildings have been preserved.

Karaugom Glacier

Karaugom Glacier

Among the attractions of North Ossetia, glaciers especially stand out. The largest of them is Karaugom on the mountain of the same name. Its location creates a surprisingly beautiful contrast: the ice mass descends straight to the forest. In such an unusual way, eternal ice and green forest lands coexist. Fans of mountain tourism have taken a liking to a small clearing next to the glacier, overgrown with fresh grass and mountain plants.

Today, the length of this glacier is about 13 kilometers and its area is 20 square kilometers. Due to global climate change, its size has decreased recently. Previously, it occupied an area of ​​35 square kilometers.

Tana-Tsete Glacier

Tana-Tsete Glacier

It is one of the oldest in North Ossetia. Its area is 3.4 square kilometers, and it extends 8 kilometers in length. Located in the permafrost zone at an altitude of more than 3600 meters, surrounded by high mountain peaks. Melt water from this glacier feeds the Tanadon River, which descends to a valley with healing springs. Tourists who visit this attraction note the special impressions produced by massive mountains and an equally impressive glacier.

Glacier Fairy Tale

The attraction has an official name - Skazsky Glacier. The popular name “Fairy Tale” assigned to it, however, well reflects the beauty and uniqueness of this attraction.

This glacier is also shrinking: its length is 3 kilometers, which is 1 kilometer less than a hundred years ago. Its highest point is at an altitude of 3907 m. The best time to see it is summer. Here the meadows are covered with greenery, mountain herbs and flowers bloom. In winter, it is attractive for skiers. In the thickness of the glacier there are grottoes that resemble ice halls.

Rock fortress Dzivgis

Another incredible creation of human hands. Seven defensive towers near the entrances to the caves provided protection for the warriors, and the fortress itself frightened enemies. Now this is a key point in the Kurtatinsky Gorge.

  • Where: 44 km from Vladikavkaz;
  • How to continue: walk the “path of wonders” and meet bears and leopards (not too close, don’t worry).

The importance of the republic in the modern world

North Ossetia, whose sights are known far beyond the republic’s borders, has an eventful history. Another name is Alanya. It appeared thanks to the name of the indigenous local people - Alans.

During archaeological excavations, scientists found ancient exhibits that give the right to claim that even BC. Entire settlements lived in these places. In the XIII - XIV centuries. On the territory of the modern republic, feudal fragmentation occurred, as a result of which several principalities warring with each other appeared.

These lands were included in the Russian Empire in the second half of the 18th century. The first mentions of North Ossetia as an independent entity date back to the mid-20s. XX century

Today, the total area of ​​the republic is more than 8 thousand km², about 700 thousand people permanently live on its territory.

Today it has common borders with Kabardino-Balkaria, Stavropol Territory, the Chechen Republic, South Ossetia, Ingushetia and Georgia. Exact coordinates of the capital of North Ossetia, Vladikavkaz, 43°02′12″ N. and 44°40′04″ E.

Main attractions of Vladikavkaz

There is a lot to admire in the city, which grew out of a powerful fortress founded in 1874, which His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin considered the key to the entire North Caucasus. You should start getting acquainted with it by visiting the most interesting places in Vladikavkaz, which are its recognizable symbols.

Monument to Issa Pliev

  • Address: Pliev Square. Transport stop "TSUM".

The blessed land gave the world many brave warriors who glorified the homeland of the Alans. One of them is military general Issa Pliev, who during the Second World War commanded a cavalry-mechanized corps that terrified Hitler’s vaunted warriors. A monument to the great countryman appeared on the embankment of Vladikavkaz in 1998. The tallest of several stone trapezoidal steles symbolizing mountains is crowned with a sculpture depicting Pliev galloping on a horse. A burka develops behind the general’s shoulders, he spurred his faithful comrade in arms, who is already ready to jump over the Terek. The composition by sculptors B. Totiev and N. Khodov stunningly conveys the expression of the moment.

Table Mountain

This landmark was given to Vladikavkaz by nature itself. Table Mountain is considered one of the most picturesque peaks of the Rocky Range. It rises to 2,933 km and is clearly visible from anywhere in the city. The mountain, depicted on the coat of arms of the capital of North Ossetia and which has long become one of its main symbols, is especially beautiful at sunset. Be sure to come to the bridge over the Terek at this time to enjoy the stunning spectacle.

Sculpture "Fatima Giving the Sun"

  • Address: st. Iristonskaya. Transport stop "Elkhotovskaya Street".

At the entrance from Beslan, tourists are greeted by another iconic landmark of Vladikavkaz. A cube is installed in the center of a small platform lined with slabs. A stylized sculpture of a beautiful Ossetian girl rises above it. A beauty in national clothes raises a solar disk with a mountain peak inscribed above her head. The townspeople affectionately call the elegant metal installation “Fatya”. According to the Nart epic, the Caucasus is considered the abode of the gods. Magnificent Fatima, as it were, gives a gift of sunlight from them to the residents of the city and its many guests.

Olginsky Bridge

  • Address: st. Kotsoeva, 62. Transport stop “Nalchikskaya Street”.

In the spring, the capricious Terek floods widely, and its stormy waters easily carry away even serious crossings. Therefore, in the middle of the 19th century. city ​​authorities decided to save the residents of Vladikavkaz from annual disasters by installing a permanent bridge. Cast iron elements were ordered in London and already in 1863 the engineering structure was opened. It owes its name to the wife of the then governor of the Caucasus, Olga Fedorovna. The amazingly elegant structure with a span of 52 m was one of the main attractions of the city for more than a century, but over time it began to deteriorate. Instead, a new reinforced concrete structure was erected nearby. Part of the spans of the old bridge were installed in the village of Suargomskoye and in the Kabansky Gorge, and you can admire two of them today near the Sunni mosque.

Fountain "Nart Soslan"

  • Address: Lenin Square. Transport stop "Lenin Square".

A simple fountain on Lenin Square, where townspeople loved to make dates and important meetings, has existed since ancient times. However, at the beginning of this century, the authorities decided to replace it with something more original. So in 2007, Vladikavkaz acquired another iconic landmark. The dominant feature of the magnificent sculptural composition is the figure of the mighty hero Soslan, dancing with a sword in his hand on the bowl of Uatsomonga. According to legend, the wondrous vessel was filled with a drink that gave great strength if the Narts told true stories about their exploits. Otherwise, a fetid liquid would appear in it, infested with toads and lizards. Geysers shoot from nozzles at the base of the bowl and from the gaping jaws of fairy-tale creatures seated around the perimeter of the round pool.

Where to take your child in Vladikavkaz?

Young tourists traveling around the Caucasus with their parents will not be bored in the colorful city. Vladikavkaz will provide them with the opportunity to choose entertainment to their taste. A lot of bright impressions are guaranteed for children.


  • Opening hours: daily, from 8:00 to 19:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 70 rubles, children 50 rubles.
  • Address: Costa Avenue, 30. Railway station "Eternal Flame".

A visit to a small but very colorful zoo can delight any child. And the point is not only that during the excursion you can see representatives of the fauna of the Caucasus and exotic animals. The staff of the institution tries to do everything to make the children like it here. They are invited to play with zoo pets, ride a pony and camel, and take part in a variety of events. Thus, on Tiger Day, striped predators are presented with a delicious chicken cake. Most animals can be treated to special food that is sold at the zoo.

Toy railway

  • Opening hours: daily, from May to October inclusive.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, children 50 rubles.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: Costa Avenue, 30. Transport stop “Russian Railways named after. Tereshkova."

The children's railway, which has existed for 50 years, enjoys constant popularity among citizens and guests of the city. Visitors will enjoy an exciting 2.2 km journey through the picturesque park, during which stops will be made at the Eternal Flame station, at the obelisk to the heroes of the Second World War and on the Camp platform. The conductors, conductors and drivers of the Ossetia train are schoolchildren who attend a club under the management of the North Caucasus Railway.

Park named after K. Khetagurova

  • Address: Mira Avenue. Transport stop "Freedom Square".

It’s not difficult to have a great time with the whole family in the central city park, established back in 1830. Walking along its magnificent alleys, you can admire elegant sculptures, fabulous installations on the theme of the national Ossetian epic, elegant Swan and Cupid fountains, mysterious grottoes, made of rock. It’s worth stopping at the pond to feed the ducks bread crumbs. Teenagers will be able to do workout classes and play mini golf. There are swings and rides for kids.

Most popular resorts

North Ossetia is one of the calmest republics of the North Caucasus. The last armed ethnic conflict occurred in 1992. The only real danger for tourists is horsemen driving cars.

The recreational and tourist base “Harp” in the village of Akhsau, opened in 2015, has become incredibly popular.

Minimal but sufficient comfort, beautiful place, all-inclusive tours. Perhaps the ideal place for a family holiday in nature. The Taymazi sports and health tourism base is the best place for the young and active. A great chance to try your hand at paragliding.

Fiagdon is the closest mountain resort to Vladikavkaz. Here you can stay in one of the most famous art hotels - “Fiagdon”. The location and proximity to the best restaurant in Fiagdon, “Valley of the Sun,” make the choice of the hotel obvious.

An alternative to a serious hotel is a youth tourist hotel. The prices are moderate, everything is of good quality, but without comfort or frills. Fiagdon has a large selection of private houses that are rented out to vacationers - from modern designed villas to timber cottages and old dachas.

In Tsey, a favorite among tourists is the Vertical Hotel. The cost of living there is 4000 per room with breakfast and lunch.

Directly from the hotel, the trail leads to a beautiful waterfall. The only problem is that there is no Wi-Fi and the mobile Internet works very poorly.

An alternative to “Vertical” are cheaper ones:

  • "Victoria";
  • "Fairy tale";
  • the iconic Soviet alpine camp "Tsey".

The options for overnight accommodation in Vladikavkaz are varied: from the hostel with the very accurate name “One” to the “Alexandrovsky” hotel with an honest four stars. This hotel is one of the best in the North Caucasus. We can also recommend the Imperial Hotel, it has a solid three stars.

There are several three-star hotels in the city that cost 2–2.5 thousand rubles per room - half the price of the Imperial. There is also an exotic place to stay overnight in the historical center of the city - a tent camp in the art space "Portal".

Kurt and Tag Tower

These are the ruins of an ancient medieval rich house of local rulers, the view of which opens from a mountain serpentine winding between the rocks. An example of the state in which many attractions can remain without proper care.

  • Where: 49 km from Vladikavkaz on the road to Upper Fiagdon;
  • How to continue: examine the sculptures - the monument to Uastirdzhi and the “Mourning Horse” in the village of Fiagdon

Biragzang thermal springs

What a vacation in the mountains without the opportunity to warm up! Taking a dip in a thermal spring is a pleasure. If you spent active time in North Ossetia, then you will need to take a good soak and relax your muscles.

The water here rises from a depth of more than 2,000 meters and is healing, so swimming will bring only one benefit.

  • Where: in the village of Verkhniy Biragzang, 41 km from Vladikavkaz;
  • How to continue: see the reservoir of the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power station. You won't be able to swim, but the photos will be great.

How to get there

North Ossetia, whose attractions many tourists want to visit, has transport links with most major Russian cities. There are several ways to get to Alanya from the Russian capital, which are separated by about 1,750 km.

By plane

Travel time: 2.5 hours. The average cost of tickets is from 3200 rubles. up to 8000 rub. one way for 1 person

By train

Travel time: from 30 hours to 36 hours. 30 min. 1 ticket costs from 1900 rubles. up to 4000 rub.

Depending on the level of comfort that the passenger chooses: a reserved seat carriage or a compartment.

By bus

Travel time, taking into account numerous sanitary stops, is from 25 to 29 hours. Ticket price is from 2,500 rubles. up to 3000 rub. for 1 person There are discounted tickets and children's tickets, the price of which is 10-25% less.

By car

Travel time, including stops, is about 22 hours - 26 hours. Along the entire road there will be numerous gas stations and car service stations, roadside cafes and hotels). The fare depends on the type of fuel and vehicle power. It is recommended to use a navigator. A taxi ride will cost at least 26,000 rubles. one way.

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