Where to go with children in Lipetsk: attractions, cinemas, museums, interesting excursions for children, parks, reviews from tourists and advice from townspeople

Good day, my dear readers! My name is Evgenia Klimkovich and I welcome you to the pages of the ShkolaLa blog!

The article that I present to your attention today will be useful primarily to the residents of our wonderful city of Lipetsk, and the entire Lipetsk region. Those who, anticipating the imminent arrival of the autumn holidays, are already thinking about the question: “Where to go in Lipetsk with children?” How to organize leisure time for young schoolchildren so that it is both interesting and educational?

And also for all those who are simply drawn to knowledge, this information will be interesting. Or maybe you are going to come visit us? And what? Come! After all, there is a lot to see in Lipetsk.

House of Peter the Great

It is located in the Lower Park. In it you can take pictures with different bronze figures. Lipetsk was founded by order of Peter I, so many places in the city are associated with this great king. When the park was reconstructed, Peter's house was installed. This is not the original, but a copy from a building that was located next to a source of mineral water.

Where to go in Lipetsk with a child to make it interesting? Right here! The house is not very big, but there are many exhibits here that are, one way or another, connected with the king. There is a wool carding machine, a king's dining table, a porcelain service and much more. It will be interesting for children, because everything can be touched. Tourists speak very highly of it, but they advise going with a guide who will tell you in more detail about the history of the house.

Museum of Local Lore

Having talked to our hearts with representatives of the earth's fauna, we boarded a sightseeing bus and went to the local history museum.

It is located on Lenin Street.

Yes, friends, we, too, like many other cities in Russia, have Lenin Street. And there is another interesting place where the story connects. This is Lenin - Cathedral Square. Already in the name there is a certain dissonance. On this square, directly opposite each other, are the monument to the leader of the world proletariat and the Nativity of Christ Cathedral.

Let's return to the museum. The museum has many different exhibitions.

There is an exhibition entirely dedicated to Peter the Great. There is a life-size figure of the king.

There is a children's exhibition. It's called "We come from childhood." There you can see old toys, school textbooks and notebooks, old desks and even rods. It was interesting for me to look at different collections from our childhood: candy wrappers, inserts, postcards. Nostalgia has attacked)

There is an exhibition dedicated to the times of Soviet power.

The Literary Living Room hall tells about our great writers, whose lives are in one way or another connected with the Lipetsk region. Pushkin and Bunin, Lermontov and Tolstoy. There are many photographs in the hall, and there are also personal belongings of the writers.

The museum also has exhibitions dedicated to Holy Rus', the history of musical instruments, and the nature of our region.


A very good place to go with children in Lipetsk. Near the entrance to the zoo there is a figure of a deer, near which you can take a photo. There are many animals here, and the conditions for keeping them are good.

The zoo has a special animal adoption program. Many people or organizations seem to adopt animals or birds, and some cages have signs of these “relatives.” Here you can see swans, pink flamingos, bison, zebra, lizards, tarantulas and so on.

Tourists say that you can buy bags of food and feed the animals. The kids really like this.


To get to the local history museum, you will need to find Lenin Street. The exhibitions here are very diverse, and one of them tells about the history of Peter I. Other exhibitions are dedicated to Soviet power, literature, the history of Rus', and so on.

The Museum of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will also be very interesting for children, since it tells about fires and how they arise, how people fight them.

The museum area is quite large, there are fire hoses, suits, and a panorama that clearly shows the fire. This fire occurred in the city in 1806. At that time, most of the buildings in the city were made of wood; the fire quickly engulfed the city and destroyed almost everything.

The Living History Museum contains exhibits dating back to medieval times. Here you can see weapons, household items, and clothes. All this was done by reenactors. Museum visitors can make something themselves. You can touch the chain mail, and the guide shows you how to use the weapon.


The amusement park is located on Vodopyanova Street in the Malina cinema complex. There are various attractions there: horses, slides, even a UFO! Sweets are sold, including cotton candy, ice cream, and there is a playroom for very young children. There is a children's playground, it is large, and the prices are quite affordable.

Lower Park is a place that is loved not only by the townspeople themselves, but also by city guests. It seems to be intended for those who are thinking about where to take a walk with their child in Lipetsk; it is located in the Right Bank. They say that Peter the Great himself discovered healing springs here, a resort was opened in this place, and then a garden was laid out. If you are thinking about where to go in Lipetsk with a child, then be sure to visit this place.

Citizens are advised to come here on weekends, as various events are constantly held here: brass bands perform, groups give concerts, and various competitions are held.

In general, it won't be boring. A big plus is that throughout the park there are fountains from which mineral water flows, you can drink it.

Advice: if you go with your child to different attractions, it is best to buy a subscription, it will be more profitable.

Bowling "Strike" in Lipetsk

All those who like to play bowling are advised to choose the Strike bowling club for relaxation, which is located on Lipovskaya Street, house 5. According to them, this is where the whole family can have a great rest and have fun, knocking down pins on one of the many lanes and watching watching how the ratings of players change, which adds excitement and adrenaline to the game.

If someone does not want to play bowling, then there is no problem; for them there are several tables covered with soft green fabric, on which they can play Russian billiards or American pool. And after the fun games, you can relax and unwind by sitting at the table and ordering yourself a delicious meal. But most importantly, you can celebrate your child’s birthday there by booking a table in advance and discussing the holiday menu.

Toy library and “My-shka”

The first one is located on Titova Street. You can send your child to have fun on the rides, and go to a cafe yourself, it is nearby. The game library is located in the shopping area on the third floor. There is a 7D cinema here.

The Myshka toy library is located in the Karusel hypermarket on Gagarin Street. It is interesting (for those who are thinking about where to go with children in Lipetsk) because there are several sections where children can climb. Toys are laid out in sections. A child can climb until he gets tired.

Amusement park "Childland" in Lipetsk

Many residents and guests of the city, if they want to get a full range of entertainment, should go to the Tealand park, which is located in the shopping and entertainment complex, located on Katukova Street, at building 51. According to parents, there is everything you need for a wonderful pastime . Kids will be able to jump on a trampoline, slide down colorful slides, ride a train and have fun on a wide variety of attractions.

And then they and their parents can compete, playing air hockey, basketball or football, shoot at the shooting range and climb walls. The unusual design of the park will complement the fabulous atmosphere of childhood and magic, thanks to which you simply don’t want to leave here. And if during the unbridled fun you get hungry, you can immediately have a snack, gaining strength to continue your rest.

Kudykina mountain

When they ask: “Where are you going?”, they always answer: “To Kudykina Mountain.” Now there is a reason to go there! Yes, it really exists, and is located not far from Lipetsk. Address: Zadonsk district, Kamenka village.

The Safari Park is also located here. This is a very large place where you can meet various animals. Not only goats walk through the meadow, but also camels, as well as other interesting creatures. There is a cart on which curious tourists are seated and taken around the park so that they can examine the inhabitants.

This is a great place to take your children for a walk in Lipetsk, there is a lot of space and entertainment.

Important! If you go to Safari Park, city residents advise you to dress comfortably, because you will have to walk a lot. For children it is better to take a bicycle, scooter or something similar.

City of Fountains

Firstly, there are numerous fountains. Different, unusual, colorful, singing.

For example, here is a fountain in the form of trees in the Upper Park.

And this is a whole staircase-fountain on Petrovsky Descent. She is beautiful during the day, but at night, when the lights are turned on, she is simply magnificent)

The fountains of the Komsomolsky Pond may not be clear from the photograph, but they are quite tall and are also illuminated in the evening.

This is the singing fountain on Peter's Square.

A simple fountain in the Novolipetsk district of the city.

In Victory Park, water comes out of the ground.

Small fountains near the drama theater.

But to see them in all their glory you need to come in the summer. Now the fountains are closed. But even without them you will have something to do.

And now I want to tell you about the excursion that we visited with the children back on October 9th. This is not even an excursion, but a whole excursion route called “Lipetsk Kaleidoscope”. And indeed, like a kaleidoscope, the places we were able to visit changed. There were five such places in total.

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