Yasny – a city made of mountain flax: an expedition of Orenburg bloggers

The city of Yasny, the administrative center of the Yasnensky district, is located 150 km from Orsk, 28 km from the Razvedka railway station and 3 km from the Gorny Len railway station. Founded in 1961 in connection with the discovery of the Kiembaevsky asbestos deposit and the construction of the Orenburgasbest mining and processing plant. City since 1979

Back in the 30s, near the village of Kiembay, which translated from Kazakh means “rich clothes,” asbestos deposits were discovered. However, the war prevented the completion of the survey work.

In general, the first studies of the territory of the future field date back to the end of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century, when P.S. visited here. Pallas in 1773, Kovalevsky, Gengro, Eversman, Murchison in 1840, Meglitsky and Antipov in 1854-1855.

In 1932-1933, employee of the Volga Geological Trust A.A. Petrenko carried out a geological survey of the Eastern Orenburg region over an area of ​​10 thousand square kilometers and laid the foundation for a consistent study of the geology and minerals of this area.

In 1935, the first geological survey work on the territory of the Kiembaevskoye field was carried out by B.I. Borsuk, who discovered asbestos outcrops on the earth's surface. In 1941, on the eve of the Great Patriotic War, a group of geologists was sent here, to the east of the Orenburg region, and began a specialized search for a rare mineral. Soon one of the geologists, V.I. Shcherbina, discovered silky fibers in the “dump” of a marmot hole. And soon, after persistent searches, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bMount Dusbaika, near the village of Verkhniy Kiembay, Shcherbina found serpentinite rock coming to the surface - a constant companion of asbestos.

It should be noted that B.I. Borsuk, and V.P. Shcherbina were somewhat skeptical about the future asbestos deposit. Nevertheless, their work, as well as that of other geologists, subsequently contributed to the discovery of the Kiembaevsky chrysotile asbestos deposit.

In 1952, the first post-war search party was led by experienced geologist V.R. Artemov, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences. The initiative to organize the search work belonged to the chief engineer of the Soyuzgeologoasbest trust A.S. Chernikov. The prospecting project was drawn up by V.R. Artemov.

A.S. participated in the first familiarization route to the Kiembaevsky massifs, from which the discovery of the deposit began. Chernikov, head of the search team V.R. Artemov, Head of Dzhetygarinskaya GRP D.L. Rykulin. Soon the “Glavnaya” deposit was discovered and asbestos rocks were discovered in the area, which later received the name “Northern”.

In the spring of 1953, the first wells began to be drilled and seals were collected from various depths. Among the first drillers were N.I. Shlyakhtin, P.P. Akimenko, G.K. Anferov. Drilling aces, they passed on their experience to the young. Soon the young people also became real masters of drilling - P. Pasechnik. A.M. Beauty, B. Sarsembayev, V.A. Tkalich, A. Kikinev, M.D. Koksharov, L. Heide, I. Savelyev...

Simultaneously with the exploration of asbestos deposits, housing construction was already underway in the summer of 1953. The first homes of the pioneers were dugouts with windows looking into the sky. It was later that houses built of adobe, reed slabs or turf appeared. Heating is a potbelly stove and stoves, water from a well or a water heater, bread from Kumak. It wasn't easy for the pioneers, especially by today's standards. But none of them complained, but on the contrary, each tried to make the greatest contribution to the common cause. Having finished their shift in the mountain area, people went to build barracks and unload the arriving cargo. It was through their efforts that the necessary basis was created for the continuation of exploration work, the scope of which was increasing every month.

The village of Razvedchik is remembered with great warmth by its residents. According to them, they were one family. The doors of the houses were never locked. If a wedding happened, the whole village celebrated, everyone could come to it. There was a village club, headed by M.M. Beauty. People still remember the amateur performances, the choir and one of its soloists, Konstantin Nikolaevich Trushkovsky.

From 1954 to 1960, the work of the Kiyemba geological party was headed by geologist A.P. Stepanov, under whose leadership detailed exploration to a depth of 400 meters was completed, a project of conditions for the deposit was drawn up and approved, and asbestos reserves of the Main site were calculated. In 1959, the deposit was registered with the State Reserves Committee. But exploration work at the new field continued and lasted for more than 20 years from the moment of its discovery.

...June 1961. By decree of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR and the Orenburg Economic Council, the Asbeststroy construction trust was formed for the construction of the plant and workers' village and the directorate of the plant under construction was created. Vladimir Pavlovich Muromtsev was appointed its first director.

The first construction manager was Alexander Vladimirovich Chernomazenko. He was a demanding person, but fair, easy to deal with people, not a hint of arrogance or arrogance, did not tolerate falsehood, the desire to “get out”, or shift the blame for omissions from himself. He cared about people, respected their opinions, saw people, people did not dissolve for him in the general mass.

There was no hospital at that time, and the conditions were not easy. People started getting sick. Housing is also tight. And yet they decided to sacrifice housing. Four houses were given over to a pharmacy, an outpatient clinic and a hospital. And Chernomazenko was reprimanded for “wasting housing.”

Tents, potbelly stoves, water from a tank, dirt in autumn and spring, Orenburg snowstorms known for their indomitability in winter and dust storms in summer. Work until you sweat, in the wind, in the heat and cold, endless subbotniks and sundays - this is how Yasny began, it began with people...

In the work book of M.M. Minnikhaziev, the date of entry for employment in SU-31 of the Asbeststroy trust is July 14, 1961. On his first working day, he, together with F. Yusupov and Y. Mazitova, went to Orsk, they brought about 200 tents in 3 cars, each of them was designed for 20 people. The first tent was erected on the site of the former music school building. And two tents were already standing here, they were, as it were, erected without permission, private tents, and the guys who had arrived from Svetly lived in them - Sergei Dovzhenok, Pavel Dolzhin and Svetlana Povolokina. A few days later, a tent city grew up in the steppe. He was waiting for his tenants. And they began to arrive. These were envoys from Orenburg, Smolensk, Voronezh, Ulyanovsk regions, Belarus, Chuvashia, and Mordovia. Young boys and girls went to continue their fathers’ work biographies and write their own. They named the streets in the tent city, and then in the village under construction, in memory of their native places - Moldavskaya, Voronezhskaya, Orenburgskaya...

A tent city grew; in the fall of 1961, about 3,000 construction workers lived in 150 tents. No matter how hard they tried to build housing faster, they lived in tents throughout the fall and winter. The last tent was removed on February 28, 1962. They spent the winter without their families. And only one of the builders brought with him his family - his wife and four children, the youngest of them was not even two years old. It was Fayzulhak Yusupov. He worked first as a groom, then as a carpenter.

The first team leaders immediately stood out with their ability to organize people and create a businesslike spirit: Vasily Bulygin, Vadim Krivoshein, Alexander Pashnin, Mikhail Doktorovich. The first builders were in a fighting mood; they often worked from 6-7 in the morning until 11 at night. And they didn’t complain about boredom. No matter how tired they were, they found time and energy for sports and amateur activities. The first dance floor was on the site of the current parking lot on the street. Ural. Here the first projectionist and photographer of Yasny L.V. “played the movie”. Kripak.

Then the first club was built - A. Pashnin’s team installed it in one day. Later, by order of Chernomazenko, 3 houses were converted into a club.

Already in 1962, their own orchestra appeared, instruments were donated by the residents of Novotroy, they also brought a library - about 300 books. The football team was strong, coached by SU-32 mechanic Valentin Babin. And the team of hockey players was trained by N.A. Goncharov. In 1962, Yasny athletes went to Orenburg for the first time to regional competitions and brought 4 cups for prizes. The first Komsomol youth leader is Sasha Novikov. The mood of the volunteers who came to build the city, to test themselves, is understandable.

During the first year, several amenities were built in the village. In the spring, a kindergarten with 25 places was opened, and on September 1, the school, which in October 1964 moved to a new standard building with excellent classrooms and a gym. Its first teachers were T.I. Goncharova, I.I. Kurteeva, L.P. Kozina, L. Ya. Kolesnik, 3.M. Bannikova, E.F. Chernyaeva, A.I. Kosenok.

In parallel with the construction of housing, builders created their own base. The first to operate was a small concrete plant, where several concrete mixers were installed on temporary foundations. Later, workshops and warehouses were built for the trust and subcontractors, a standard garage for the construction fleet and a power plant building. Well No. 82, drilled by geologists, was connected to Yasny by a kilometer-long water supply system. At that time, the village maintained communication with the outside world using a walkie-talkie.

In 1962, the settlement under construction was named Yasny. In 1963, a village Council of Workers' Deputies was created in Yasny. The first chairman of the executive committee of the council was E.S. Silantyev, Deputy Chairman P.V. Fursov, secretary of the executive committee N.V. Frolova. By this time there were already more than three thousand inhabitants. Construction of the second microdistrict has begun. Unlike the first one, there were no barracks or two-story houses. It was built up with five-story residential buildings. A canteen, a kindergarten, shops, and a library were opened in the microdistrict.

Along with housing and cultural facilities, industrial construction was carried out. The bakery, commissioned in 1963, became the first industrial enterprise in Yasny. In the summer of the same year, they began to lay the foundations for the buildings of the processing complex.

In 1964, the construction of the IV crushing stage building began, in 1965 - buildings of the I, II and III crushing stages, and a dry ore warehouse. Boris Nikolaevich Tokmantsev was appointed director of the plant at this time. However, work on the construction of the plant proceeded slowly.

In 1973, after the CMEA countries signed the Agreement on the construction of the plant and the adoption of Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of June 5, 1973 No. 382-124 “On cooperation with the CMEA member countries in the construction of the Kiembaevsky asbestos mining and processing plant,” a new stage in the life of the construction began.

Bulgaria, the GDR, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Czechoslovakia pledged to take part in the construction of the plant. The General and Bilateral Agreements stipulated that the countries participating in the construction would receive Kiyembaya asbestos for twelve years after the start-up of the enterprise. The volume of supplies was determined by the size of each country's share.

Powerful cranes and electric locomotives from the GDR, excavators and dumcars from Poland, control panels from Romania, and consumer goods from Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia began to arrive in Yasny.

At the end of the seventy-third year, the Ministry of Construction of Heavy Industry Enterprises of the USSR formed a large construction trust "Knembayasbeststroy" in Yasny, headed by A.T. Sukhonosenko, V.A. was appointed chief engineer. Suchkov.

In December 1973, construction in Yasny was declared an All-Union Shock Komsomol. Komsomol members and young people from all over the country began to arrive here using Komsomol vouchers. In August 1974, the Komsomol shock detachment “Chkalovets” arrived at the CMEA construction site.

A popular vacation spot for residents of the city of Yasny is the Hare Grove, which is a birch and aspen grove with an area of ​​about 2 hectares on the site of a former quarry. Hare Grove is located 3 km west of the regional center.

Operational space and many reasons to be happy for the residents

Further acquaintance with Yasny took place in direct contact with its streets, squares and various institutions. After looking around the first square and noting the most interesting objects, the mixed group of guests and hosts went to the stadium.

The stadium did not seem particularly outstanding, but I liked that it was not empty. People moved along the treadmill in various ways. Some walked at a walking pace, others at a good pace, and some used Nordic walking poles. Here we saw a skating rink, a playground and even a beach that was sad in anticipation of warm days.

Huge, professionally executed graffiti caused surprise and even envy. Ordinary five-story buildings have turned into real works of art in Yasny. A variety of subjects, from very realistic images of animals to works of military themes, forced us to stop every now and then to better take a closer look at all this beauty.

Our photographer kept disappearing behind the houses and making new discoveries there. He returned to the general formation with a satisfied expression on his face and cunning in his eyes. All this meant that he managed to photograph something that we were not able to see.

Gradually we moved towards the territory of another square. It turned out to be large in size and, as they explained to us, is in the stage of further development. Two important objects are located here: a composition dedicated to war heroes, and a little further - a huge bucket from an excavator. Apparently, it was taken from a real car that had served its time in the quarry.

"Orenburg Minerals" in Yasny

Clear lives thanks to minerals.
The local mine contains minerals that are the subject of legends. They are mined by the city-forming enterprise “Orenburg Minerals”. Expedition members arrived at the production site. We watched how chrysotile was mined using explosions. The depth of the quarry of ore deposits with a ten-story building is 250 m. A dump truck moves around the deposit site. The machine's carrying capacity is 100 tons! Chrysotile ore is loaded into it. It does not burn, and its fiber fluffs like flax. Even under Peter the Great, Ural craftsmen knew how to weave tablecloths from the fiber of this mineral that were not afraid of fire. However, such a product is more of a tribute to whim.

Mountain flax is not mined for fun. Dozens of useful products are produced from chrysotile. Non-metallic construction materials are produced from enrichment waste and overburden. Chrysotile is the basis for the production of corrugated and flat slate, asbestos-cement pipes, seals, asbestos cardboard and other products. Orenburg Minerals has mastered the production of an innovative secondary product - an additive for road surfaces, which increases its service life to 40 years. The economy of Yasny depends on Orenburg Minerals.

History of the city of Yasny

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Region Orenburg district Yasnensky city Yasny age group middle 8th grade nomination: Chronicles of the native land “History of the city of Yasny” author: student of the Children’s and Youth Educational Institution “Children and Youth” Nadezhda Semibratova head of the association: additional education teacher of the first qualification category Pavlogradskaya Ekaterina Igorevna sot. tel. 89123450776 email. address gostepriimnay [email protected] mail . ru

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Project and research work “The history of my hometown Yasny”

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Introduction Each of us is interested in learning about the region in which we live, what it is famous for and what attracts guests. So I decided to find the answer to these questions: 1. How did the city of Yasny arise? 2. How did the Kiembaevsky mining and processing plant “Orenburg Minerals” appear? 3. How is the city developing?

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Relevance: in order to grow up as a patriot of your homeland, you need to know the history of your city where I was born. Hypothesis: an important role in the development of the Yasnensky district and the city of Yasny, in particular, was played by the Kiembaevsky mining and processing plant "Orenburg Minerals"

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Goal: to find out the history of the emergence of the city of Yasny and the Kiembaevsky mining and processing plant (Orenburg Minerals) and get acquainted with its glorious history. Objectives: - collect material about the history of the city of Yasny; — collect material about the Kiembaevsky mining and processing plant (Orenburg Minerals); -collect material about the city’s achievements.

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The area of ​​the municipality is 356,910 hectares. The length of the borders is 340 km. in the north, the municipality borders on the Adamovsky district, in the south and southwest – on Dombarovsky and for 10 km. lies the border with the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the east our neighbors are the Svetlinsky district, and in the northwest lies the border with the Novoorsky district.

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“Love for the native land, knowledge of its history is the basis on which the growth of the spiritual culture of the entire society can exist” (D.S. Likhachev). Yasny began with people who now remember him in their poems

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The city of Yasny Over the years, markers have been placed across the hilly steppe. They set up the drilling rigs... Everything is behind us now. Drowning in flowers, the city has grown here - Clear! Combine in the sky! The horse, rearing with ropes, cuts deeper into the ground, sharpens its teeth in the rock, a steel horse - ECG. The years rang tenderly, Like tulips in the spring, And in a blizzard, and in a blizzard - Dear, kind, dear... The height of poplars, The young city of Yasny Warms souls, hearts... V. Smirnov

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Since childhood I have been leafing through the pages of early youth And I see familiar faces: We grew up in the city of Yasny. Let our city be small, and trams don’t knock on the streets here. I miss you when I’m apart And I come back again... L. Chermeneva

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Symbols of the city of Yasny Flag of the Yasnensky district municipality Coat of arms of the Yasnensky district municipality

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The history of the creation of any city and enterprises always follow parallel paths. Yasny was no exception

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...Our city is still so young that its history is still shorter than the history of the deposit. Back in the 30s, near the village of Kiembay, which translated from Kazakh means “rich clothes,” asbestos deposits were discovered. However, the war prevented the completion of the survey work.

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This is how Yasny began. The first homes of the pioneers were dugouts with windows looking into the sky, tent cities. The first tent was erected on the site of the former music school building. And two tents were already standing here; they were, as it were, erected without permission, private tents, and people who had arrived from Svetly lived in them. ...What was there in the beginning? Only the tents were empty, And the blizzard howled at night, And there was also Labor and Labor. V. Nikitenko

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Simultaneously with the exploration of asbestos deposits, housing construction was already underway in the summer of 1953.

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It was later that houses built of adobe, reed slabs or turf appeared.

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Construction in Yasny attracted enormous material and human resources. In 1962, the standing settlement was named Yasny.

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Since 1969, the hospital was located in a three-story building on the street. Oktyabskaya and was designed for 100 beds. The hospital “moved” to its current standard four-story building in the fall of 1973. The new hospital was spacious, comfortable, and bright. The number of beds has increased to 240. Today, the Yasnenskaya Central District Hospital employs more than 620 employees. City hospital complex 1982.

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Medical care is provided to the population by the central district hospital, 3 medical outpatient clinics, 10 medical and obstetric stations

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Our sanatorium-preventorium “Lenok” continues to operate for a long time. From year to year, the material and technical base is improving, new equipment and medical equipment are being purchased, and new treatment methods are appearing. "Lenok" fulfills its main task - to preserve and strengthen people's health.

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It was a great joy to open a club on the street. Ural. It was built in 1969 for Builder’s Day, which is why it received the name “Builder”, and after it a dance floor appeared in the park area. The club stood for more than 15 years.

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The Zarya cinema has always been a favorite vacation spot for Yasnaya residents. In the sixties, it was erected as one of the first buildings in the village. Yasnetsya people went to the cinema to meet their beloved girl and relax with the whole family. Entire classes, teams, and shifts visited the cinema.

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But the cinema has not lost its educational and educational role. True lovers of real cinema still come here. Recently, our cinema has been transformed and has become a beautiful and modern building.

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The system of cultural institutions includes 16 cultural and leisure institutions, a children's art school, the central district and children's libraries. City Museum School of Arts

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Schools in our city The education system includes 15 schools, 7 kindergartens and one additional education institution

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The first school in the city of Yasny MOBU OOSH No. 1 celebrated its 50th anniversary this year

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My youth center

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Time has passed and tastes have changed. Dates are now arranged at the “bucket”

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The city communications center was formed in January 1980. There was a telephone exchange, an automatic telephone exchange, a telegraph office, a post office, and a radio center. City communications center 1979

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The expansion of the service sector required the construction of new shops and dining buildings.

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One of the first canteens in Yasny, 1975

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Start of construction of a nine-story dormitory

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In 1983, the Asbest sports complex opened in the city. This institution immediately became a center. sports work on the Yasnaya land.

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We love sports. This is how our stadiums changed.

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The latest construction of the restaurant "Tulip"

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The all-Union shock Komsomol construction became an unforgettable page in the fate of hundreds of Soviet families. This is where many happy married couples were born, including my grandmother’s family.

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Central district pharmacy No. 17 was opened in September 1962. Now in our city there is a whole network of pharmacy establishments that offer Yasnets residents a wide selection of a wide variety of medicines.

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The pride of the Yasnets residents is the city-forming enterprise, the Orenburg Minerals OJSC plant, one of the largest producers of the most valuable natural raw materials - chrysotile asbestos. The plant, the best enterprise in the asbestos industry, won the annual regional competition “Economy Leader” in 2009 and was awarded a bronze badge.

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On the day when the plant turns 36 years old, a new house is being rented out, which has no analogues in the city yet. The happy owners of their own “square meters” were adult citizens belonging to the category “orphans and children without parental care.” It is gratifying that our territory is making its contribution to a good cause.

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Our city is small, but compact and cozy. Slender nine-story buildings look down on modest five-story buildings, just as luxury shopping buildings look down on small pavilions. But both of them look elegant and fun.

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Administration of the Yasnensky district

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The population is: Yasny - 17.3 thousand people. rural settlements - 5.1 thousand people THEN Komarovsky - 8.9 thousand people TOTAL: 30,320 people.

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It so happened historically that in our region over the course of all these years, representatives of 28 nationalities have lived in an atmosphere of peace, kindness, friendship and harmony. Most of the rural residents are Kazakhs; in the city, Russians make up 66.5%, Kazakhs – 11.8%, Ukrainians – 7.6%. In addition, Germans, Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Azerbaijanis, and representatives of other nationalities live on the territory.

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Yasny is a multinational city. There is a place for Russians and Kazakhs, Armenians and Ukrainians, Azerbaijanis and Germans. Ethnographic festival Conducted by MOBU DOD "DYUTS" once every two years

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The appearance of the courtyards has completely changed - bright children's playgrounds, city fairy-tale figures and comfortable benches have appeared.

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Conclusion: I found the necessary material and studied it. My opinion that the Kiembaevsky mining and processing plant “Orenburg Minerals” played an important role in the development of the Yasnensky district and the city of Yasny was confirmed. In addition, during our work we learned a lot of new and interesting things about our native land and the people living in it. As it turns out, our city has its own unique history. Usually cities are built first, and only then enterprises of various kinds, and the distinctive feature of the emergence of our city is that first the plant began to be built, and only then the city was built up. Our town is small, but quite beautiful and green. A large number of poems and songs were dedicated to this city. To be a patriot of your great Motherland, you need to know the history of your city and region. Be proud and honor those who make our lives happy and carefree.

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Thank you for your attention!

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References 1. Yasny - the city of my destiny, 2006. Historical essay. 2. History of the native land. Textbook for secondary schools of the Orenburg region 2008 3. Economic and social geography of the Orenburg region, 1992 foto-tur.ru Archival material Collection “30 years of the Yasnensky district” S.M. Strelnikova. Geographical names A. Chibilev “Natural heritage of the Orenburg region” Photos from personal archive Literature and Internet resources: www.nyaski.ru

Career in Yasny

Director of the Orenburg Minerals enterprise Andrei Golm is upset that young people are trying to leave Yasny after school. The entrepreneur does not agree to put up with this state of affairs. Orenburg Minerals has developed a strategy for attracting young specialists. Boys and girls who decide to build a career in a city-forming enterprise can expect decent salaries and free trips to Russian and foreign resorts.

Orenburg Minerals cooperates with the administration of the Yasnensky urban district not only in solving the problem of personnel drain. According to the head of the municipality, Tatyana Silantieva, the issues of lack of housing for orphans, the condition of municipal facilities, and the large volume of loans left over from the previous administration need to be addressed. The company helps with finances and develops a systematic approach to solving problems.

At the festival "City-Art"

In August, a whole series of festivals took place in the city. On August 10, the graffiti festival “City-Art” took place. The Streetart team from Yekaterinburg painted several local buildings. The management of the plant proposed making the street art festival in the city permanent and next time attracting the residents of Yasny to it. The city saw a jeep trial - an off-road competition. The competition had three categories of tracks: standard, sport and extreme.

On the same day there was a concert for City Day. Local creative groups performed in Yasny: the vocal studio “Triumph”, the vocal group “BIS”, the ballroom dance duo, as well as the dance group “Zabava” from Orsk, the Orenburg cover band “Apollo” and others. Dominic Joker also performed at the celebration.

Leaving territories with sweet names

On our way out, we took a photo against the backdrop of a stele indicating the name of the city – Yasny – and set off on the road with a sense of accomplishment.

If we talk about what surprised and pleased us most, it was the names of cities and towns in this region of the Orenburg region. There are few places on earth where such romantic names as Yasny, Rassvet, Veselovsky are concentrated in one place, which locals simply call among themselves Vesely, Svetly, Radiant...

It is clear that such names could only be given by true optimists. People who worked in the most difficult conditions, but at the same time believed in a bright and clear future.


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  14. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2015/bul_dr/mun_obr2015.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [www.webcitation.org/6aaNzOlFO Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  15. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  16. [www.gks.ru/free_doc/doc_2016/bul_dr/mun_obr2016.rar Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2016.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]
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