Rules for entry into Abkhazia for Russians in February 2022

Abkhazia is an amazing country located on the northeastern coast of the Black Sea. Despite its small size, the territory has many sea and mountain landscapes, so every year many tourists come here to see such beauty with their own eyes. But if you decide to take such a trip, then you need to know how to get to Abkhazia. There are several ways to visit this country (by car, bus or plane), but the most common and accessible is the train. More details about how to get to Abkhazia by train will be discussed in this article.

How to get to Abkhazia by train

Resorts of Abkhazia

What you need for the trip

To visit Abkhazia, you do not need lengthy preparation of documents, since you can enter the republic with a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or with a foreign passport.

Documents required to cross the border

When crossing the border, all information about possible loan debts or alimony, as well as outstanding fines, may be revealed to customs control officers. In such cases, tourists are refused and they have to return to their homeland, saying goodbye to the opportunity to travel through the territory of Abkhazia.

Abkhazia map

If you decide to visit Abkhazia with your whole family with a child, then for his legal stay in the country you need to have a Russian passport or a birth certificate that indicates the citizenship of the baby. Also, if a child travels with only one of the parents, then written permission from the other parent is required to enter the territory of Abkhazia. Such permits must be notarized. Otherwise, the document has no legal force.

How to cross the Abkhaz-Russian border

Border crossing

The train crosses the border, so there will be two stops along the way for customs inspection and document checks. There is no need to get off the train or change trains anywhere—the border guards board the train themselves.

From the Russian side - at Veseloye station (60 minutes). From the Abkhaz side - at Tsandrypsh station (30 minutes).

The documents required to enter Abkhazia are a regular Russian passport or a foreign passport (the foreign passport has a crossing stamp, but the Russian passport, of course, does not).

Below is all the information on the train to Sukhum and intermediate stop cities in Abkhazia.

Features of traveling to Abkhazia

The only way to enter the territory of Abkhazia legally is through the border with Russia. But here you need to be careful, since when you receive the appropriate mark in your international passport about your stay in Abkhazia, problems may arise if you then decide to visit Georgia. This is due to the fact that Georgians still consider Abkhazia to be their territory and regard visiting this region across the Psou River as illegal border crossing. This is where certain consequences may follow.

Traveling to Abkhazia by train

Note! In order not to get bogged down in bureaucratic delays, it is still recommended to visit Abkhazia with a regular internal passport confirming Russian citizenship. This will avoid problems while traveling.

How to get from the vicinity of Krasnodar to Abkhazia

Travelers from Krasnodar have access to the highway and railways.


One of the convenient modes of transport is the direct train Krasnodar-Abkhazia (Sukhum). Travel time is 12.5 hours (landing is at 22:17, so the main part of the road is covered at night). The cost of a reserved seat is about 1,550, a coupe - almost 2,600.

Along the way, the train stops in Adler, Tuapse, Khost, etc.

A less convenient way is to go along the railway tracks to the Adler station, and then by any transport to the border.

The train does not go from Krasnodar to Abkhazia.


Flights from Krasnodar are only possible to Adler; it lasts about an hour. How to get to Sukhum in the future is described in the section “How to get from Adler to the Republic of Abkhazia” above.


The direct Krasnodar-Abkhazia bus departs at 19:00. The ticket price for an hour-long trip is just over a thousand.


On average, drivers cover the distance from Krasnodar to Sukhum (450 km) in 7.5 hours. However, summer traffic jams on the M-4 highway and customs control at the border significantly increase travel time.

How to get there by train

Among vacationers, traveling by train is the most preferred way to get to Abkhazia safely and cheaply, which cannot be said about flights. Of course, speed is not considered the “strong point” of trains, so the main disadvantages of this type of travel include spending a lot of time on the road. But if you have a limited budget, then traveling by train is the only normal solution . Below are examples of trips to Abkhazia from different cities of Russia.

The train is cheap, but not very fast

From Moscow

If we talk about the capital, then today only 2 trains depart from it. The number of the first train is 306M, it departs from the Kazansky station at 19:50 every day. The duration of the trip in this case will be about 1.5 days, after which passengers will arrive in Sukhumi - the railway station of Abkhazia. The cost of train tickets is low and depends on the carriage. For example, for a trip in a reserved seat you will need to pay a little more than 3,000 rubles.

Moscow. Kazan Station

But not every person can withstand 1.5 days in a reserved seat, so many prefer to overpay a little and buy a ticket in a compartment car. In this case, the cost can vary from 6,000 to 12,000 rubles (you will have to pay more for luxury cars).

Cost of a train ticket from Moscow

There is also another train moving through Moscow in the direction of Sukhum, its number is 479A. But the ride will take several hours longer, so most tourists prefer the first option. In addition, the cost of a reserved seat is 300 rubles higher, and a coupe is 500 rubles higher. This train moves through the capital from St. Petersburg (boarding at 10:40). The train does not have luxury cars like the 306M.

Train No. 479 St. Petersburg - Sukhum

From Saint-Petersburg

The previously mentioned train 479A, passing through Moscow, departs from St. Petersburg daily at 00:40. The duration of the trip will take more than 2 days, or rather 55 hours, so if you still decide to go to Abkhazia by train, then you should stock up on sandwiches and drinks for the trip. But as practice shows, even the longest trips in a cheerful company do not seem so boring, so if you are traveling with friends, then the time of the trip will fly by for you.

Ladozhsky railway station in St. Petersburg

On a note! The cost of train tickets to Abkhazia starts at 4,700 rubles - this is for a seat in a reserved seat. If you want to travel in a compartment car, the ticket price will be much higher (about 8,000 rubles).

From Yekaterinburg

Unfortunately, there is no direct flight from this city. Therefore, to get to Abkhazia, you need to take train 139N heading to Liski at 16:18. The cost of a ticket for this train is 3,500 rubles, and the duration of the trip is 36 hours. After you arrive in Liski, you need to change trains heading to Sukhum. We are talking about flight 306M, which will need to wait another 3 hours. The second trip is not as long as it was before and is 27 hours.

Ekaterinburg railway station

There is another way to get to Abkhazia and Yekaterinburg - through Moscow. To do this, you need to take train 019CH, which leaves every day at 15:17 in the direction of Moscow. The ticket price starts from 6,000 rubles, and the trip duration is just over 25 hours. In Moscow, passengers need to transfer to the previously mentioned train 306M, which will take them to the railway station in Abkhazia.

Electric train between Russia and Abkhazia

From Adler

Unlike previous cities, several trains are sent from Adler to Abkhazia. For example, you can take Moscow train 306 and within 5 hours you will be there. Due to the short distance, the ticket price is 650 rubles. You can also use the services of a train heading from St. Petersburg (we are talking about train 479A). The duration of the trip in this case is also approximately 5 hours. The train leaves Adler at 3:23 a.m., so tourists will get to the place in the morning.

New railway station in Adler

There is no need to go to the final station, that is, to Sukhum, since trains along the way stop in several cities and towns, where there is also a lot of entertainment and local attractions for tourists. For example, you can go to Gagra - an excellent resort town. You can go to it not by train, but by train. It will take longer, but much cheaper.

By plane

Despite the fact that many people prefer to travel by plane, in this case they will be disappointed. There is no direct connection with Abkhazia from Russia, so you can only fly on board an aircraft to Sochi, from where you can get to the Abkhaz border by bus or other land transport.

Of course, most of those who want to stroll along the streets and beaches of the best resorts of our fathers in the post-Soviet space, in the capital. And it just so happens that it is the easiest way to get from Moscow to Abkhazia. It is possible to use several types of transport at once, each of which has its own advantages. But there is something similar for all routes, regardless of where they originate: there is only one point for land crossing of the Russian-Abkhaz border - the Psou checkpoint.

Among the advantages of this route, it is worth noting that it is fast and cheap: in just 2-3 hours of flight you will find yourself at Sochi Adler Airport, having paid only 4.5-7 thousand rubles for the service.

Next, you have to transfer to a regular bus, which will take you to the Abkhaz border. The distance is small - only 8 km, so this stage will not take tourists much time. The bus makes a stop right at the Psou checkpoint, where all vacationers undergo a simple procedure for customs and passport control. In just a few minutes you will already be breathing clean mountain air.

Tourists from St. Petersburg also have the opportunity to quickly and comfortably get to sunny Sukhum. Perhaps the fastest travel option today would be a complex route, consisting of a flight to Sochi and a trip by regular bus to the border of Abkhazia. So, a direct route by air will cost 13-15 thousand rubles, and the travel time will take approximately 4.5 hours. Next, tourists will need to transfer to a comfortable bus, which will take them directly to the Psou checkpoint (as we mentioned earlier, this is the only place where you can legally cross the border).

  • What to see in Abkhazia by car - 20 most interesting places
  • 10 best resorts in Abkhazia for families with children
  • Temples of Abkhazia – 10 main shrines
  • 20 most beautiful places in Abkhazia
  • Abkhazia hotels with sandy beach

Why is it worth going there?

Abkhazia stretches along the Black Sea coast, demonstrating its riches: numerous historical monuments, medieval castles, parks and forests with untouched vegetation, high beautiful mountains. Regardless of which city in Abkhazia you decide to visit, local attractions (museums, squares, gardens, etc.) will be waiting for you there. Everything is done in such a way that no one returns home without positive emotions, because it would be a shame to visit Abkhazia and not get acquainted with the history and culture of this wonderful region.

What to visit in Abkhazia

Table. The main attractions of Abkhazia.

Place nameDescription
New Athos CaveThis unique place, which is a large karst cavity, can compete in its beauty with many underground palaces of the world. The cave was first discovered in the early 70s, and since then many tourists have come to Abkhazia to look at this natural monument.
Dioskouri EmbankmentOn the territory of present-day Sukhumi approximately 600 BC. An ancient Greek colony was located. At that time it was called Dioscurias. On the site of the former colony, the remains of an ancient settlement are kept at the bottom of the bay.
Blue LakeThere is a legend among local residents that once upon a time, in a dark cave lived an old man with blue eyes and a long white beard. People came from all over the world to seek his wise advice, and in that place, after the death of the sage, a lake with water as blue as the sky appeared.
Gagra colonnadeA large structure on the territory of Abkhazia, equipped with 4 huge towers that are connected to each other. The Gagra Colonnade is considered one of the most important attractions of the country, so when visiting Abkhazia you should definitely see it.
Azantian dolmenAn ancient monument that scientists attribute to the megalithic era. It is located several tens of kilometers from Sukhumi, near the village of Azanta. The dolmen is a historical structure, the exact origin of which has not yet been established.
Villa AloisiA famous architectural structure located in the city of Sukhumi, or rather, on the slope of Mount Samata. Villa Aloisi has a unique view, attracting many tourists from all over the world. Like all ancient buildings, the villa has its own individual personality, reflecting the time in which it was built.

Abkhazia is a beautiful country with unusual nature. It fascinates with wonderful waterfalls, picturesque lakes and rivers, architectural monuments, as well as healthy sea air. No matter what city in Abkhazia you come to, be it Ochamchira, New Athos or Pitsunda, here you can always find interesting places worth seeing.

From Saint-Petersburg

To Sukhumi

Regular direct trains to Sukhum run from Moskovsky once a day. You can buy tickets online on the official website of Russian Railways.

Train No. 479A, St. Peter-GL-Sukhum Departure time: 00:40 Travel time: 56 hours Arrival in Sukhum: 09:13 Tickets in 2016 cost: reserved seat from 4,400 rubles, compartment from 7,570 rubles.

To Tsandrypsh

Train No. 479A, St. Peter-GL-Sukhum 00:40 Travel time: 52.5 hours Tickets in 2016 cost: reserved seat from 4,400 rubles, compartment from 7,570 rubles.

To Gagra

Train No. 479A, St. Peter-GL-Sukhum 00:40 Travel time: 53.5 hours Tickets in 2016 cost: reserved seat from 4,400 rubles, compartment from 7,600 rubles.

To Gudauta

Train No. 479A, St. Peter-GL-Sukhum 00:40 Travel time: 54.5 hours Tickets in 2016 cost: reserved seat from 4,500 rubles, compartment from 7,800 rubles.

To New Athos

Train No. 479A, St. Peter-GL-Sukhum 00:40 Travel time: 55 hours Tickets in 2016 cost: reserved seat from 4,500 rubles, compartment from 7,800 rubles.

If you have not yet chosen where you will live and want to save money when booking, we recommend using the RoomGuru service. Firstly, it contains hotels, apartments and guest houses from many different booking systems, so you won’t miss out on a worthwhile option. Secondly, you can immediately compare prices for one place in different services and book where it is cheaper (this is not always Booking!).

Alternative Travel Methods

As noted earlier, the train is far from the only way to get to Abkhazia , as you can travel by car, bus or use the services of an airline. Many tourists enjoy traveling by car best because they get to decide when and where to stop. Also, when driving your own car, you have more opportunities to enjoy the incredible beauty of Abkhazia and look at the local attractions that you encounter along the way. Let's consider each type of travel separately.

About other ways to travel

By plane

The most expensive type of transportation is not suitable in the case of Abkhazia, since there are no airports in the country. In this case, you will have to fly to the city of Sochi, from where you will take a bus directly to Abkhazia. Many airlines provide flight services to Adler from different cities of Russia, for example, S7 and others. The cost of one ticket depends on the city from which the flight departed. For example, on the Moscow-Sochi route, you will need to pay 6,200 rubles for a ticket.

Is it possible to get there by plane?

By bus

Another relatively inexpensive way to travel, the popularity of which is approximately on par with the train. Daily bus service between some cities of the Russian Federation and Sukhumi. If you plan to leave Moscow, then be prepared to pay about 2,500 rubles for the road to Abkhazia. Every day a bus leaves from the capital's bus station and large southern cities, for example, from Sochi.

Traveling to Abkhazia by bus

By car

Despite the many advantages of traveling in your own car, this method has one serious drawback - large queues at the border with Abkhazia. As statistics show, in the summer the queues at the border increase significantly, so on hot days you will have to stand there for several hours. The checkpoint is located near the village of Veseloye.

Traveling in your own car

On a note! The advantages of traveling in your own car also include the ability to transport a large number of things. For example, you can take home many different souvenirs and local alcohol. In addition, the trip from Adler to Abkhazia will not take much time (you can get to the border post in just 30 minutes).

Border zone between Russia and Abkhazia

From Russia to Abkhazia - by bus

Regular bus service between Abkhazia and Russia is represented mainly by routes from southern Russian cities. You can also get to Abkhazia from Moscow by bus and some remote cities. Travel time from Moscow to Sukhum is 29 hours.

Rostov-on-Don – Sukhum. Travel time is 12 hours, there are no stops in Abkhazia.

Krasnodar - Sukhum. Travel time 8 hours, stop in Gagra.

Krymsk - Sukhum. In Abkhazia without stops.

Volgograd - Sukhum. The journey takes 26 hours, stops in Gagra, Gudauta, New Athos.

Vladikavkaz - Sukhum. The bus runs even in winter - once every 6 days.

The main advantage of traveling by bus is, perhaps, easy and quick border crossing. Regular transport at customs is allowed out of line, and you go through passport control lightly.

All buses from Russia arrive at the station square in Sukhum.

Interesting facts about Abkhazia

The country is famous not only for its attractions, but also for the hospitality and generosity of the local population. There are many stereotypes about Abkhazia, showing the local people and the country not in the best light. But these are all nothing more than myths, as many tourists who visit it every year will agree.

Interesting facts about Abkhazia

Let's look at some interesting facts about this country:

  • unlike the Russian alphabet, which has only 33 letters, the Abkhaz alphabet consists of 54 letters;
  • all people know what adjika is, but not everyone knows what this word means. In fact, the word “adjika” is of Abkhazian origin and is translated as “salt”;

The word "adzhika" is of Abkhazian origin and simply means "salt"

  • among all the shores of the Black Sea, the Abkhaz coast is the cleanest;
  • traditionally, residents of Abkhazia prefer to seal their union with marriage in the autumn, because autumn is considered the wedding season here;
  • In one of the cities of Abkhazia, namely in Old Gagra, there is an unusual building, during the construction of which not a single nail was used. This building is popularly called Gagripsh.

Holidays in Abkhazia

In fact, the inhabitants of Abkhazia are very hospitable people, so even if you encounter trouble in a particular city, contact the Abkhazians, and they will kindly help you solve all your problems!

Ticket price

Since the distance and travel time are quite long, there are no seats on the trains of this route, but you can relax in comfort by purchasing a ticket for a reserved seat car, a compartment or a sleeping car. In 2022, the cost of a reserved seat ranges from 3,800 to 5,500 rubles . The price of a ticket for the Moscow - Sukhum train in a compartment varies from 6,600 to 8,500 rubles . For a seat in a luxury sleeping car, which is a kind of “business class”, you will have to pay more - from 14,300 rubles .

It is worth remembering that the amounts are approximate and become relevant at the time of opening of sales. Sales open 90 days before the train departs. Thus, Russian Railways is implementing a “Dynamic Pricing” program, which allows you to significantly save on purchasing tickets in advance. The closer the departure date and the demand for tickets, the higher the price will be. More details about the terms and conditions of this program can be found here.

Sukhumi railway station Photo: © Angelina Dobyrn

How to get to Abkhazia cheaply

We will look at a comparison of road costs using the example of travel from Moscow (residents of the southern regions may benefit from other transport than those departing from the central and northwestern regions).

A trip by car will require approximately 10 thousand:

  • gasoline costs will be approximately 7,200 (for calculation, we take a distance of 1,630 km, fuel consumption 9 l/100 km, the price of AI-92 gasoline is 44 rubles);
  • the cost of living in a good hotel is 2,200 (one night for 28-30 hours);

Those traveling by car can take travel companions, sharing transportation costs with them, this is done by the blah blah car service.

Traveling by air from the capital (plus a taxi to the border from the airport) in the summer will cost an average of 6,700.

The cheapest option is the train (costs 4,600). However, if there are more than two passengers, it is more profitable to go on vacation by car.

Don’t forget about food and entertainment; we recommend allocating at least 1,500 rubles per person per day for this. We definitely recommend taking a gastrotour through the national cuisine; you can go to any restaurant from the Tripadvisor rating, but don’t trust the reviews, almost all of them are purchased.

Thus, there are several ways to travel to the republic. Everyone can choose the best option for themselves, based on personal preferences regarding comfort, as well as financial capabilities.

“Legends” about Abkhazia

There are many “legends” about Abkhazia, and all these legends are spread by people who have not been to the country themselves, and of course, they are all not true.

The most common legends about Abkhazia:

  • There are gangs operating on the roads that rob all vacationers, take all their money, and even their car. Of course, all this is not there. Abkhazia really needs vacationers, and this is no longer a war period. Everything is centralized here. And the Abkhaz people are very simple and good-natured. They will always suggest something, and even provide assistance.
  • Everyone carries weapons . Another myth. After the war, some still had weapons. But a permit has been issued for it, and it is kept at home. And they definitely don’t walk down the street with him.
  • Everyone drives without rules . Partially we have to agree. Abkhazians love to drive cars. But in Abkhazia there are not many cars, the roads are not congested, and therefore accidents are rare here. As for traffic rules, basically everyone drives according to the rules. They just drive fast and sometimes cross the solid line.
  • There are only ruins around. Here people live and little by little develop. Of course there are a lot of non-residential buildings and unfinished houses. But there are new cafes and hotels. In places where vacationers often go, everything is fine here. And all the Soviet-era buildings have been preserved very beautifully. Looks very exotic.
  • No pharmacies. It is not true. They are not at every step. But pharmacies are still common.
  • In Abkhazia it is especially dangerous for girls. There are a lot of rumors about the hot guys of Abkhazia. And many are sure that unmarried women are absolutely forbidden to travel to Abkhazia. This is another lie. It is much safer for women to walk here than in Russia. Abkhazians are very educated people. And they themselves will not harass a woman, unless, of course, she herself gives a reason. The second point, it’s not clear why, but in Abkhazia you meet many more women on the streets. So the Abkhazians clearly have someone to show attention to.
  • Georgians live in Abkhazia . Abkhazians live in Abkhazia, and Georgians remain only in the southern part. Abkhazians went through a war for their independence in 1992 and value their freedom and independence. And to say in the country that they are all Georgians will be very wrong and offensive to the local residents.
  • Problems at customs. Many describe great problems at the border. There are even people who offer their services for trouble-free crossing of the border. In fact, it takes about half an hour to cross the border. And there is nothing difficult about it.
  • Cheap prices. Unfortunately, it is not. The prices here are low only for our own products. And everything that is imported is a little more expensive than in Russia. Cheap items here include wine and tea, and, in season, tangerines.
  • Cows walk along the roads. This is true. Only there are not so many of them, but you can still often find cows walking along the highway.
  • There are sick dogs walking everywhere . It's true. Abkhazians treat dogs very well. If you and your dog go to the country, you will always be greeted well and will be touched by your dog. They do not poison stray dogs, but veterinary care is poorly developed in the country, especially for strays. And that’s why there are a lot of stray dogs throughout Abkhazia, but many of them are sick. All stray dogs do not pose a danger to people. They may react badly if you walk with your own dog, but they don't bother people.
  • Traffic cops are penny-pinchers. On the roads, of course, you often meet traffic cops. But if you follow the rules, then everything will be fine. And yes, a car with Russian license plates is a reason to earn some money.

Most likely, there are many more “legends and myths” created by people who themselves have not even been to Abkhazia. Don't believe it. Everything here is cultural and civilized.

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