City in Russia - Elista: population, numbers, employment and interesting facts

The geography of Russia is vast and very interesting. There are countless cities and towns in our country. Probably not everyone knows “where Elista is on the map,” but if you clarify that this is the capital of Kalmykia, then many more people will understand what place we are talking about.

The population of Elista is 104,000 people. By the way, Elista ranks second after Astrakhan as the driest administrative center. The city received its name from the Elista ravine of the same name, where nomads in the old days set up camps. Shady trees grew here and clean springs bubbled out from under the ground. The blessed place was ideal for creating a city. The city is located in the middle of the endless Kalmyk steppes and this is one of its highlights. The spirit of freedom and free steppe life hovers here. The climate of Elista corresponds to the steppe, that is, there are hot summers and cold winters, the wind blows. In this area, the temperature in winter drops very low; thermometers show -40 degrees. At the same time, meteorologists warn that due to changes in climate processes, the temperature in Kalmykia may begin to drop even lower.

Representatives of almost all world religions live in Elista, but most of all there are Buddhists. Moreover, Kalmykia is the only region in all of Europe where Buddhism is traditionally practiced. He came here back in the 16th century. Kalmyks themselves are calm and cheerful people. They are not afraid to look their interlocutor in the eyes. Kalmyks always smile, not only to the people nearby, but also to the space around them: the sun, the sky, the steppe. Of course, the character of the Kalmyks was influenced by Buddhism, which advocates loving all living things and considering any obstacle in life as a useful lesson. The calmness of the Kalmyks has a beneficial effect on visitors who are accustomed to bustle and stress. Charged with local relaxation, many here rest their souls and return home peaceful and partially revised their view of their way of thinking and lifestyle.

Walking route around Elista for 1 day

If you came to Elista for just 1 day, this is not a reason to be upset. The attractions in the capital of Kalmykia are located very compactly and conveniently, and if you wish, by carefully planning your route, you can see all the most interesting things here in 1 day.

Start your walk at the central Lenin Square. Several iconic landmarks are located here. This is a giant chessboard, melodious fountains, and the Seven Days Pagoda .

Seven Days Pagoda

© Julia Alisova

A beautiful ritual object was erected in Elista in 2005; its name is associated with the seven Buddhas who visited our world. The shape of the roof, prayer wheels, mantras written in golden letters - everything is symbolic here.

This is the main architectural object on the square. Don't miss the opportunity to make a wish: place a coin and spin the reel, thinking about good things.

The Seven Days Pagoda, as well as the nearby Golden Gate , are ideal locations for fans of social networks. You are guaranteed a lot of surprised and delighted comments!

Don't miss the Golden Gate. Local residents believe that once you walk under them, you can be cleansed of your sins. And for tourists, this is also a path to Druzhba Park . If you have free time, take a walk along the alleys of the park and admire the sculptures dedicated to the history of the Kalmyk people and their beliefs. The main characters of the park are the Buddha statue and prayer wheels. Don’t miss the “Boy and the Dragon” fountain, the “Dance” sculpture, and the “Lunar Calendar” eastern rotunda. Under its roof are symbols of the zodiac signs.

In the center of the park there is a mosaic panel “Blossom, Kalmykia!” If you come to Elista with children, take a walk through the entertainment part of the park. There are children's playgrounds, carousels, attractions, and concerts are held on holidays and weekends.

Do you like museums? Visit the National Museum of Local Lore, where you can get a closer look at the history and life of the people of Kalmykia. The hall of Buddhist art looks especially impressive.

Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni

© Julia Alisova

The next point on the route is a real mecca for all travelers in Kalmykia. Magnificent khurul, the largest and most beautiful Buddhist temple in Russia, and one of the largest in Europe.

This is the “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”, and the temple will impress anyone, even the most experienced tourist. The temple complex was built in 2005.

The construction site was consecrated by the Dalai Lama XIV himself, the spiritual leader of all Buddhists in the world. Not only the main khurul, the entire territory of the temple is very beautiful: pagodas, gazebos, a huge number of prayer wheels.

It's nice to just stroll here on a clear, sunny day. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to just a walk. You can (and should) examine the khurul from the inside; it is accessible to visitors of any religious denomination. In addition to the overall magnificent decoration, all guests are amazed by the huge 9-meter statue of Buddha - the largest in Russia and Europe.

What else should you include in your Elista itinerary for 1 day? Of course, the chess town of City Chess. An unusual complex was built in Elista in 1997, in honor of the World Chess Olympiad. There are huge chess pieces, chess matches, and interesting souvenir stalls. Don't forget to take a memorable photo with the original monument to Ostap Bender. The Great Schemer, surrounded by all 12 chairs at once, will meet you nearby.

Read more about what to do in Elista in our special material.

Read more: What to see in Elista in 1 day

History of the republican capital

In order to better understand why the numerical and national composition of Elista changed so much, let us turn to its history. It all started with Nicholas I, who in 1845 issued a decree on the settlement of the Kalmyk steppes. Before the very first settlement appeared on this site, the Kalmyks, who had long been a nomadic people, set up their camps here. The Kalmyks nicknamed this place Elista, which translated from their language means “sandy”. The entire left slope consisted of abundant loose sand. So the name was assigned to the village formed in this place.

The founder of Elista is officially considered to be Stepan Kiykov, who was previously a serf. After the abolition of serfdom, he freed himself from this yoke and in 1862, on the advice of a local resident named Bola, built the first dugout in this place. By 1865, as many as 15 households could be counted on the site of the future republican capital. It is 1865 that is today considered the year the city was founded. Elista soon became popular and known thanks to the large livestock fairs that were regularly organized in the Kalmyk steppes.

Holidays with children in Elista

If you're considering where to go on your next family vacation, Elista is a good option. Kalmykia has a lot of interesting entertainment for tourists of all ages, including children.

You can start your walk in Druzhba Park . This is a beautiful, well-kept recreation area in the very center of the city. Sometimes it is called an “open-air museum” - there are many interesting sculptures, pagodas, and gazebos. You can admire the fountains, ride the rides and carousels. You can also arrange a horseback ride or meet a real camel.

Monument to Ostap Bender

© Julia Alisova

Young chess players will certainly enjoy a visit to City Chess , and fans of the works of I. Ilf and E. Petrov will enjoy the sculpture of Ostap Bender surrounded by 12 chairs.

Kalmykia is a region with steppe flavor. You can go on an educational excursion with your children to visit the nomads. Visit a real yurt, taste Kalmyk tea with salt and milk.

Lovers of colorful photos can take pictures in national clothes, do archery, and have a photo shoot with camels. A great place for such a walk is yurt tent cities . They combine all the advantages of an educational and active excursion.

It is interesting to visit the theater for young spectators with children. The directors of the Youth Theater stage entertaining performances, puppet and dramatic. There are also children's entertainment centers in Elista. Popular with tourists and local residents are the trampoline room, the Gamezonekids the GoodZone entertainment center , and the Rio with excellent playgrounds, game rooms and animation programs.

The power of the councils

Initially, Elista itself belonged to the Astrakhan province. The situation changed only after Soviet power came to these places. This happened in 1918. Two years later, a decree was issued that formalized the creation of an autonomous region of the Kalmyk people. But at first, the authorities were based in Astrakhan in the old fashioned way.

In 1925, a decision was made to move the center of the region to the city of Elista, whose population at that time numbered about two thousand people. Since 1927, funds began to be actively allocated for the construction of cultural, administrative, household buildings, as well as residential buildings for the settlement, which was growing every year. In 1930, a decree was issued to transform the village of Elista into a city.

Holidays and festivals in Elista

Elista is a bright and interesting city, one of the cultural capitals of the South of Russia. It’s worth coming here not only for the colorful sights and spectacular views, but also for the cultural program. Holidays, traditional national shows, fairs, unusual festivals - the program of creative events in Kalmykia looks impressive!

The year begins, according to tradition, with New Year's celebrations . To celebrate the main night of the year, the whole of Elista is transformed - the festive illuminations turn on, the Christmas tree is decorated, and the souvenir markets are noisy. In the spring, the Christian part of the population celebrates Easter , and absolutely everyone looks forward to International Women's Day . April 5 is Constitution Day of the Republic .

National Tulip Festival

© Victor Martyanov

Also in May, Kalmyk Poetry Day . But Elista receives the largest number of tourists in late April - early May, for the fragrant Tulip Festival . The Tulip Festival is an international event.

It became one of the “brands” of Kalmykia, a bright event that managed to unite tourists and environmental activists. The festival raises important issues, such as caring for nature and the unique world of flora and fauna of the steppe.

The festival program includes not only walks through the flowering steppes, but here you can watch national dances, take pictures in spectacular costumes, and admire camel caravans. The unusual nature of the steppe expanses will remain in your memory for a long time.

The Victory Parade on May 9 continues the series of holidays Also in May, various national festivals take place, such as archery tournaments . This is a colorful and very interesting sight. All tea lovers should visit Elista at the end of May, when you come for Kalmyk Tea Day .

In September, the entire republic invites guests to the national cuisine festival “Tasty Kalmykia” . By the way, here you can try not only traditional Kalmyk beriks and bortsok, but also gastronomic delights from neighboring cuisines. Also in September, you can visit the gastronomic festival "Mahanfest" , where guests can taste kumys.

Kalmyks on the banks of the Volga

Kalmyk tribes appeared on the banks of the Volga and in the foothills of the Caucasus in the 16th century, pressed by the Russians, who at that time were seizing Siberia and fighting with the local khanates.

Arriving on the Volga, they founded their khanate, which was liquidated in 1771, which led to the tragic events known as the Torgut Escape. As a result, many thousands of people who did not want to surrender to imperial power died.

The Kalmyks, after consulting with Buddhist monks and astrologers, decided to migrate to the north of China, but Catherine II tried to prevent this by ordering not to let the nomads leave the empire. However, it was not possible to stop them, and an expedition was sent after them, which, however, was not crowned with success.

As a result, the population of the Volga steppes decreased noticeably, but it became more loyal, and this significantly simplified the further development of the lands, which would actively take place in the 19th century.

Economy of the city

Employment of the population of Elista is provided by large industrial enterprises that exist in the republican center. The basis of the city's industry is made up of oil and gas enterprises with high average wages. There are also companies associated with the manufacturing industry, printing, clothing, and food industry. Kalmyk companies are engaged in the production and redistribution of electricity, as well as water and gas.

PJSC Kalmneft is considered one of the largest enterprises in the city. This is an oil company that engages in exploration and production drilling exclusively in open fields. The Gazprom Gas Distribution Elista enterprise also operates here, which produces and supplies natural gas.



  1. ^ abcdefg Appendix to Decree No. 137
  2. ^ a b E. M. Pospelov. “Geographical names of the world”, Moscow, 1998, p. 480.
  3. ^ a b Federal State Statistics Service (2011). “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    . Federal State Statistics Service.
  4. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022". Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  5. ^ abc Law No. 308-IV-Z
  6. "On the Calculation of Time". Official Internet portal of legal information
    . June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  7. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal service objects ( postal Search for objects
    ) (in Russian)
  8. "Big Encyclopedic Dictionary", ed. A. M. Prokhorova. Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1997, p. 1402
  9. The approximate pronunciation of the Cyrillic Kalmyk name in IPA is [ˈeɮstʰ]. Name in Oirat pure script: ᡄᠯᡄᠰᡉᡐᡉ or ᠡᠯᠡᠡᠰᠦᠲᠦ, Êlêsütü

  10. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004).
    “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal districts, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers and rural settlements with a population of more than 3,000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census 2002
  11. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of the union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, negative phenomena, urban settlements and rural areas. The Köppen-Geiger climate classification map has been updated” (PDF). Meteorol. Z.
    (3): 259–263. DOI: 10.1127/0941-2948/2006/0130. Retrieved December 4, 2012.
  12. ^ a b “Climatic norms of Elista 1961–1990.” . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Retrieved February 12, 2022.
  13. ^ ab "World Weather Information Service - Elista". United Nations. Retrieved December 31, 2010.
  14. ^ a b "Weather statistics - Elista". Petrozavodsk State University. Retrieved December 4, 2012.
  15. "VPN 4. Table 4. Population by nationality and Russian language proficiency of the Republic of Kalmykia". Archived from the original on January 11, 2014. Retrieved October 24, 2022.
  16. "Investment passport of the city of Elista" (PDF).
    . Elista. 2015. p. 20. Retrieved November 11, 2022.

Sources [edit]

  • Justin Corfield, History of Kalmykia: From Ancient Times to Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Alexei Orlov
    , 2015. ISBN 978-1-876586-29-4.
  • President of the Republic of Kalmykia. Appendix to Decree No. 137 of June 25, 2002 “Register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia,” as amended. Decree No. 103 of June 27, 2011 “On amendments to the Register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kalmykia of December 26, 2001” No. 235 “On approval of the register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia.” (President of the Republic of Kalmykia. Appendix to Decree No. 137 of June 25, 2002. Register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia
    as amended by Decree No. 103 of June 27, 2011.
    On amendments to the Register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic Kalmykia dated December 26, 2001 No. 235 “On approval of the Register of administrative-territorial units of the Republic of Kalmykia.” “
  • People's Khural (Parliament) of the Republic of Kalmykia. Law No. 308-IV-Z of November 23, 2011 “On some issues of local self-government of the Republic of Kalmykia”, as amended. Law No. 105-V-Z of March 6, 2015 “On amendments to Article 13.1 of the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia “On Certain Local Government Bodies in the Republic of Kalmykia””. Came into force after 10 days from the date of official publication. Published: “Halmg Unn”, No. 214, November 24, 2011 (People's Khural (Parliament) of the Republic of Kalmykia. Law No. 308-IV-Z of November 23, 2011 “ On various issues of organizing local self-government in the Republic of Kalmykia”
    with amendments , introduced by Law No. 105-VZ of March 6, 2015
    On amendments to Article 13.1 of the Law of the Republic of Kalmykia “On various issues of organizing local self-government in the Republic of Kalmykia"
    . Valid after 10 days from the date of official publication.).


Elista has a hot summer humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfa

), although it is sometimes described as a temperate-semi-arid climate (
Köppen classification BSk
). [12] Winters are cold, with a January average of −6.1 °C (21.0 °F), and summers are hot, with a July average of 24.5 °C (76.1 °F). [13] Average annual precipitation is 349 millimeters (14 in), with winters drier than summers. [14] Extremes range from −34.0 °C (−29.2 °F) in January to 42.9 °C (109.2 °F) in August. [15]

Climate data for Elista
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Record high °C (°F)13,8 (56,8)17,6 (63,7)22,1 (71,8)32,1 (89,8)35,3 (95,5)39,4 (102,9)41,7 (107,1)42,9 (109,2)36,5 (97,7)29,0 (84,2)23,5 (74,3)18,1 (64,6)42,9 (109,2)
Average high °C (°F)-2,9 (26,8)-2,0 (28,4)4,7 (40,5)16,4 (61,5)23,6 (74,5)28,1 (82,6)30,9 (87,6)29,6 (85,3)23,5 (74,3)14,3 (57,7)6,3 (43,3)0,5 (32,9)14,4 (58,0)
Daily average °C (°F)-6,1 (21,0)-5,7 (21,7)0,4 (32,7)10,3 (50,5)17,1 (62,8)21,7 (71,1)24,5 (76,1)22,9 (73,2)17,0 (62,6)8,7 (47,7)2,9 (37,2)−2,1 (28,2)9,3 (48,7)
Average low °C (°F)-8,8 (16,2)-8,4 (16,9)-2,8 (27,0)5,1 (41,2)11,2 (52,2)15,7 (60,3)18,3 (64,9)16,7 (62,1)11,7 (53,1)4,6 (40,3)0,2 (32,4)-4,4 (24,1)4,9 (40,9)
Record low °C (°F)-34,0 (-29,2)-32,0 (-25,6)-27,2 (-17,0)-11,2 (11,8)-1,3 (29,7)3,3 (37,9)7,8 (46,0)4,6 (40,3)−3,2 (26,2)-14,7 (5,5)-27,7 (-17,9)-30,2 (-22,4)-34,0 (-29,2)
Average precipitation, mm (inches)25 (1.0)18 (0,7)17 (0,7)22 (0,9)37 (1,5)50 (2,0)40 (1,6)31 (1,2)29 (1,1)23 (0,9)28 (1,1)29 (1,1)349 (13,8)
Average number of days with precipitation65545654446862
Average sunshine hours per month718813120127730032629923716771422210
Source 1: World Meteorological Organization (UN) [14] Thermo (extremes) [15]
Source 2: NOAA (Sun, 1961–1990) [13]

Architectural landmarks

The oldest building in Elista, the Red School, is located on the main walking street of the city - Lenin Street, 201a. The building was built in 1907; orphan boys and children from poor families lived and studied at the school, preparing to enter Astrakhan educational institutions. Now in the old house there is a rehearsal hall for the Oirats dance theater.

On the street Pushkina, 18a, there is “Rodina” - this cultural center is an architectural monument and an object of cultural heritage of Kalmykia. It was in this house, built in 1938, that the region's first cinema was opened.

Unfortunately, the paintings and statues that decorated the building before the war were lost. Near the “Motherland” there is a memorial monument to those killed during Stalin’s repressions and a sculpture of A. S. Pushkin.

Elista, whose sights have a distinct national character, attracts attention with its originality. The building of the Kalmyk Drama Theater (Suseeva St., 21) was no exception. The main entrance portal of the theater named after the writer Baatra Basangov is decorated with columns, figured attics are located on the cornice, and unique high reliefs are above the entrance.

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