What to see in 1 day in Derbent

The history of Derbent, the oldest city in Russia, goes back centuries. It appeared on a narrow flat isthmus between the spurs of the Caucasus Mountains and the shores of the Caspian Sea more than two thousand years ago. Centuries passed, powerful powers arose and disappeared, but Derbent continued to exist without losing its significance, because possessing a citadel made it possible to control a key section of the Great Silk Road. The city grew and became a large trade and logistics cluster, the capital of the Khanate, annexed to the Russian Empire in 1813. In modern and recent times, the policy has developed as a center of the manufacturing industry. The sights of Derbent are of great interest to tourists, photos and brief descriptions of which are presented in the article. The historical center of the city is included in the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites.

Naryn-kala citadel

In the 6th century, Sultan Khasrov the First ordered the construction of a powerful and reliable fortress on one of the hills of the Dzungarian ridge in such a way that it would block the passage to Transcaucasia. So this citadel appeared on 465 hectares, inside which a large container was built to store fresh water, which made it possible to withstand a long siege. Nevertheless, the impregnable fortress was defeated several times in its history.

Juma mosque

The oldest mosque in what is now Russia was built in the seventh century. It survived not only numerous destructions as a result of earthquakes and wars, but also restructuring. Now the length of the complex is 67 meters; you can enter the courtyard through any of the nine gates. The Baku architect Taj ad-Din ben Moussa was the author of this impressive mosque with a dome of 14 sides rising 17 meters and 46 towers.

Church of the Holy All-Savior

The stone Armenian Christian church was built at the end of the 19th century in honor of the Bishop of Iberia and Albania on the site of an old wooden chapel. The temple is located in the village of Nagdi, half an hour’s drive from Derbent. The impeccable architecture typical of Armenian religious temples attracts attention. Now there are no regular services, the temple is slowly restoring its activity.

What to see in the vicinity of Derbent

The surrounding area of ​​the city is filled with very interesting and beautiful places. Here you will find a variety of natural attractions that can surprise the most experienced travelers. You will be treated to beautiful and picturesque views that you will definitely want to preserve in vivid photographs. In the surrounding area you should visit Mount Shalbuzdag, Khanag Waterfall, Turagin Natural Bridge, Samur Forest, Yagdyg Fortress and the Church of St. Grigoris.

Mount Shalbuzdag

Mount Shalbuzdag

Mount Shalbuzdag is a natural landmark that has long been revered by Muslims. You can visit it either independently or during a tour. The mountain offers incredible natural views. You will be able to see endless space, mountain peaks and icy slopes.

Climbing Mount Shalbuzdag, you will feel incredible delight. This attraction amazes with its beauty. Local residents advise traveling to the mountain with a guide. If you are going to visit this attraction on your own, you should be very careful.

Khanaga waterfall

Khanaga waterfall

Khanaga Waterfall is an incredibly beautiful place located in the vicinity of Derbent. The height of its water cascade is 30 meters. At the bottom of the waterfall there is a clean lake where tourists love to swim. The natural attraction itself is located in the center of a foothill forest.

This is a very beautiful and memorable place. The waterfall attracts the attention of all tourists, striking with its grandeur. Here you can spend time near the lake or swim in the cool water. In addition, you will definitely take with you a large number of beautiful and vibrant photographs.

Turaginsky natural bridge

Turaginsky natural bridge

Turaginsky natural bridge is a unique place, which is located in the settlement of Turaga. It is a huge stone arch 100 meters long and 5.5 meters wide. The bridge is located over a valley that deviates from the main body of the mountain. This is a very beautiful place that every tourist is advised to visit. It can pleasantly surprise even the most experienced travelers. Here you can enjoy the beauty of nature, silence and fresh air.

Samur forest

Samur forest

The Samur forest is located in the delta of the river of the same name. Here you can have a pleasant time enjoying an untouched natural attraction. In the forest you will find many sources of clean water, various species of trees, and evergreen vines. In addition, this place is home to various birds and fish.

You can take a pleasant walk through the Samur Forest, enjoying the sounds of nature and the beauty of green trees. This place is perfect for a family holiday. A visit to this attraction will leave you with only the most pleasant impressions.

Yagdyg Fortress

Yagdyg Fortress

The Yagdyg fortress is located near the waterfall in the village of Khuchni. It is the last fortress of a series of mountain fortifications that stretched 40 kilometers from Derbent. This architectural structure may date back to the 6th-7th centuries. The fortress received its name thanks to a popular ancient legend. The attraction is located in a very beautiful and picturesque place. The fortress attracts the attention of tourists with its unusual and attractive architecture. Here you will definitely take beautiful and memorable photos.

Church of St. Grigoris

Church of St. Grigoris

The Church of St. Grigoris is a unique architectural landmark located in the village of Nyugdi. The church was erected in 1916. It is dedicated in the name of the Bishop of Iberia and Albania, who was killed in the 4th century. The church is a wonderful example of Armenian religious architecture. This attraction is very popular among travelers. The church is located in a picturesque area. Here you can stroll, enjoying the fresh air and the beauty of the architectural monument.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The only Orthodox church in the city was built at the end of the 19th century as a parish school. A little later a church and a bell tower were built. After the revolution until 1943, the temple was inactive. Now the church has a new iconostasis and all the required services for parishioners are held.

Synagogue "Kele-Numaz"

The multinational city allowed various religious communities to build their own churches, so in 1914 a synagogue appeared in the Jewish quarter. A little over ten years ago, the building needed serious restoration, and it was done in an interesting way. The structure was completely dismantled and rebuilt using modern and some old materials. This way we managed to preserve the historical appearance.

One day route

Derbent is one of the old cities, with a deep history and a large number of iconic places. Some buildings are more than 500 thousand years old.

Visit the following attractions.

Naryn-Kala Fortress

Naryn-Kala is a popular ancient Derbent fortress. It is believed that she turned the city into a "closed gate". The structure has double walls that helped control the coastal area and the passage from the sea to the south.

Naryn-Kala is included in the World Heritage List, which is regulated by UNESCO.

The size of the territory near the fortress is 4.2 hectares. It offers views of the city and surrounding areas. There is no public transport to Naryn-Kala, so take a taxi or car to the main gate or walk.

Albanian temple in Nyugdi

The ancient shrine dates back several hundred years since its foundation, despite the preserved external surroundings. Mostly Muslims live in the village of Nyugdi, but they respect this building and take care of it to the best of their ability.

The date of construction is considered to be 357.

The temple was revered among Eastern Christians for a long time; pilgrims regularly came to it. It is one of the historical monuments, despite its abandonment.

The Albanian temple is located in Nyugdi, south of Beliji.

Derbent lighthouse

Indigenous people know that Derbent used to be a seaport. The first written mentions of the harbor appeared in the 9th and 10th centuries, but lighthouses were not mentioned anywhere. It is believed that the city managed without this structure, coping with the task.

Derbent lighthouse is called the southernmost lighthouse of the country. It is carefully protected and considered an important monument.

In 2007, new, bright lighting was installed at the lighthouse, thanks to which the landmark sparkled with new colors. The signal is visible up to 18 miles away. You can get to it by driving to the city center; it is located between Nizami and Kirov parks. The monument is also visible from Sovetskaya Street, if you turn towards the sea.

Juma Mosque

This mosque is considered the oldest not only in Derbent, but in all countries of the former Soviet Union. The building appeared in 734 and for some period of time was the largest in the city. At that time, there were already 7 churches and mosques in the area, each belonging to a specific area.

The Juma Mosque is distinguished by the fact that it was never considered tied to a specific place or area. People come to her from all over the country to this day. To pay tribute to this great holy landmark.

The site is included in the Heritage List, which is regulated by UNESCO.

Over many centuries, the mosque was rebuilt and restored several times. But she has retained her true appearance, and always looks the way generations remember her.

The mosque is located in the Old City and can be reached through a confusing labyrinth of streets. The indigenous residents of Derbent claim that all alleys and paths ultimately lead to the Juma shrine, and it is impossible to get lost along this path.

House of Peter 1

This museum is one of the newest attractions in Derbent. The building appeared with great fanfare in 2015, the construction was erected to celebrate the anniversary - the 2000th anniversary of the city. Despite the fact that the eastern lands are little associated among the people with Peter 1, he was still here, leading the Persian campaign. Then the residents received the king favorably, so the moment was etched in history.

The employees who participated in the construction of the Peter 1 house want to expand the opportunities and create a full-fledged cultural center in this place. It will host tours, lectures and much more. Inside will be kept relics and memorabilia that preserve the history of the country.

In addition to historical monuments, there are also memorable locations that you can easily visit on your own once you are in Derbent.

City Beach

If you are traveling to Derbent in the summer, it would be a good idea to visit Derbent Beach. 90% of this location is suitable for relaxing and swimming; come with the whole family with children or a large group. It is important to remember that some places have rocky areas. Check the area for safety before allowing children to play or swim.

The swimming season lasts until the end of September. Fishermen will also have plenty to do, as there are plenty of fish in the local waters.

Magals of Derbent

These are ancient narrow streets that literally breathe history. Here you will appreciate the color of ancient architecture, enjoy the views and take a dozen photographs in a unique setting.

Mount Shazbuldag

If you have free time, go on an excursion to Mount Shazbuldag. An experienced guide will tell you the history of this area and share unusual facts and nuances of the local culture.

The mountain is located 120 kilometers from Derbent, but excursion buses go there regularly. Traveling in a group is safer than going alone if you have not traveled outside the city and do not know the area.

Lezgin Drama Theater

At the beginning of the last century, the first theater group appeared in the city, whose performances took place in villages and fortresses. For a long time, only men could visit them because the clergy opposed allowing women there. In 1928, the circle received its own building and began to be called a theater. Now it is the favorite theater of the townspeople.

House of Peter I

In 1772, Peter the Great, while making a Persian campaign with his army, stopped in Derbent and lived in an ordinary dugout. In 1872, a glass pavilion was erected on this site above the foundation of that same dugout. But time and the consequences of the revolution almost destroyed this structure. Subsequently, a new pavilion with columns and a museum appeared. The last restoration was in 2015.

What to see in Derbent - day 1

On the first day of your stay in Derbent, it is worth seeing the most famous places of this city. You will be able to visit unique architectural monuments that amaze with their beauty and majesty.

Sights will help you immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Derbent, enjoy its beauty and picturesqueness. While walking around the city, you should visit the Naryn-Kala fortress, the Derbent wall, the underground zindan prison, the Derbent lighthouse, the Juma mosque, the Kele-Numaz synagogue, the Derbent baths, the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Armenian Church, the House of Peter I, the Derbent mahals and the Bayat-Kapa gate.

Naryn-Kala Fortress

Naryn-Kala Fortress

The Naryn-Kala fortress is the most important attraction of the city. It was built in the 6th century. Over the course of a long time, the fortress was completed and rebuilt. Its buildings date back to different eras. The total area of ​​this attraction is more than 4 hectares. The fortress includes the defensive wall of Dag-Bara, which has partially survived to this day. In addition, on its territory there is a Khan’s palace, baths from the 10th century and an office building from the 18th century.

This is a very beautiful and unique place that is very popular among tourists. The fortress is located on a hill. Around it there is a picturesque area that complements the colorful landscape.

Derbent wall

Derbent wall

The Derbent Wall is an ancient fortification structure that was built during the reign of the Persian Sassanid dynasty. It belongs to the Naryn-Kala fortress. In ancient times, the main part of the city was located behind this wall. Most of the architectural landmark has survived to this day. Therefore, tourists can view more than 40 towers, several gates and large areas of brickwork.

The Derbent Wall will take you back many centuries. This attraction is recommended to visit for all travelers who come to Derbent. Here you can enjoy beautiful views of both the architecture and nature of the city.

In the very center of Derbent there are the best housing options, based on price and reviews:

  • Hotel Arbat. Rating: 9.4 based on 398 reviews. Price 1600 RUB.
  • Hotel GRAND. Rating: 9.7 based on 76 reviews. Price 1400 RUB.
  • Hotel SeaZone (First line). Rating: 9.5 based on 83 reviews. Price 1500 RUB.
  • Guest house "Cote d'Azur". Rating: 9.4 based on 66 reviews. Price 1100 RUB.

Underground prison-zindan

Underground prison-zindan

The underground prison-zindan is located in Naryn-Kala. This interesting structure resembles a jug. The walls of the prison are tilted upward to prevent prisoners from escaping. Its upper part is covered with a lattice, through which light and air passed into the building.

This place has an unusual and slightly creepy atmosphere. You will be able to see the prison, which is 11 meters deep, from the outside. Tourists are not allowed to go inside the premises. However, even such a visit to this attraction will make a mixed impression on you.

Derbent lighthouse

Derbent lighthouse

The Derbent lighthouse was built in the city in the mid-19th century. This 18-meter structure was damaged due to an earthquake that occurred in 1892. The lighthouse was also damaged in 1918 during the war. Later, this attraction was restored and returned to service.

Today the lighthouse remains operational. In 2007, new lamps were installed on it, so its light can be seen from afar. You can see this architectural monument while walking through the center of Derbent and enjoying the good weather.

Juma mosque

Juma mosque

The Juma Mosque is the oldest mosque located in Russia. It was built in the 18th century. The Juma Mosque was built as the main religious center for Muslims living in the city. The building was rebuilt several times, so today it looks different than it did 13 centuries ago.

This complex includes the main building, a madrasah, several residential buildings, and a courtyard. You can visit all this, carefully examine it and save it in vivid photographs. The Juma Mosque is an amazing place that will remain in your memory for a long time.

Local residents will tell you about the city in as much detail as possible on these excursions:

  • Derbent with a sparkle. Rating: 5.0 based on 40 reviews. Price 6500 rub. (for 1-10 people)
  • Dream trip: Sulak Canyon and Sarykum Dune. Rating: 5.0 based on 30 reviews. Price 16,500 rub. (for 1-18 people)
  • Derbent - first meeting. Rating: 5.0 based on 59 reviews. Price 3700 rub. (for 1-15 people)
  • Derbent is a treasury of cultures and religions. Rating: 5.0 based on 16 reviews. Price 9100 rub. (for 1-4 people)

Kele Numaz Synagogue

Kele Numaz Synagogue

The Kele Numaz Synagogue was built in 1914. In 2009, its building became very dilapidated, which is why they decided to dismantle it. A few months later, a new building was built on the site of the synagogue, which is an exact copy of the previous building.

Today the synagogue is operational. Believers pray here every day, but not everyone can visit it. On the facade of this architectural landmark you can see elements of historical decor, columns and a portal at the entrance to the synagogue.

Derbent baths

Derbent baths

Derbent baths are a unique attraction, which is surrounded by markets, mosques and the remains of caravanserais. In the past, baths were the center of life for city residents. The baths that have survived to this day were formed during the 16th-19th centuries.

The baths are a rather unusual architectural monument. It attracts the attention of a large number of tourists. The baths transport tourists back several centuries. Here you will definitely be able to take a large number of interesting and bright pictures.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the main Orthodox church in Derbent. He has been working in the city since 1901. The temple is located in a historical building. Previously it was a Sunday school. In 2009, the church underwent a major renovation, thanks to which a new bell tower appeared here.

Today the temple is operational. It is located in a very beautiful and picturesque place. The church building is crowned with three golden domes. The interior of the temple is very simple: without unnecessary decoration. The church hosts services and also runs a Sunday school.

Armenian Church

Armenian Church

An Armenian church was built in the city in 1872. That same year she received her first parishioners. During the Civil War, the temple was badly damaged, but later it was restored. Today this church can be seen by anyone. There is a Carpet Museum inside it.

The building of the Armenian Church is a valuable architectural monument. It has a very attractive appearance. The church is located in a beautiful and picturesque place. The temple perfectly complements the view. Tourists can view the church from the outside, as well as visit the museum exhibition located inside the building.

House of Peter I

House of Peter I

The house of Peter I was built on the site of the dugout in which the Tsar stayed during his stay in Derbent. The house is a pavilion with a memorial inscription. In 2010, a large-scale reconstruction of this building was carried out.

This is a rather interesting place where tourists can see a fragment of the foundation of the dugout in which Peter I stayed. Not far from the house there is a museum building. It houses an exhibition containing a collection of archaeological artifacts that were found during excavations.

Derbent Magals

Derbent Magals

Derbent mahals are neighborhoods located in the historical center of the city. This part of Derbent is the oldest. It is adjacent to the Naryn-Kala fortress. Magals keep traces of different periods of local history. Here are old houses and the main attractions of the city.

Here you can stroll along the medieval streets and take atmospheric and beautiful photographs. After visiting the Derbent mahals, you will be able to see the Juma Mosque, the Maiden Bath and other historical buildings. There is also a house-museum where the Decembrist Bestuzhev-Marlinsky lived in exile.

Bayat-Kapy Gate

Bayat-Kapy Gate

The Bayat-Kapy gate is a wall with loopholes and an arch that connects two semicircular bastions. The gate was erected during the time of Emir Maslam-bek Abdul-Malik. Today the building retains its majestic appearance. The gate towers impressively above tourists, attracting the attention of a large number of people.

You can visit this place while walking along the streets of the city. The attraction stands out effectively against the background of other architectural monuments. Here you can take beautiful and interesting photographs.

Carpet and Decorative Arts Museum

It was decided to convert the empty building of the former Armenian church from the late 19th century into a carpet art museum in 1982. But besides this, here you can see exhibits made of silver, wood and other materials made by local craftsmen in past centuries. Jewelry and weapons are the real wealth and pride of the museum.

Where to eat in Derbent

During your walks you will have time to work up an excellent appetite. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the places to eat in advance.

Rating of the best public institutions:

Cafe Rendezvous

An establishment where you will be offered dishes of Oriental, European and Japanese cuisine. Enjoy a barbecue or steak, snack on one of the many salads, or sample some sushi. There is a separate children's menu page, where you will find understandable dishes suitable for feeding even the youngest visitors.

Polite waiters will tell you about each dish and answer any questions you may have.

Address: Derbent, Gagarin street 10.

Bureau 345

Restaurant serving Asian and European cuisine. If you are a fan of Japanese or Chinese dishes, check out this place. You will find a dozen dishes on the menu. The appetizing serving of fresh and hot dishes will delight and leave a pleasant impression. The establishment's employees are attentive to all guests: if desired, you can easily adjust the positions to suit your own preferences.

The general ambience of the restaurant will leave only pleasant impressions.

Address: Derbent, Dagestan Rifle Division street 8B/2.


Many tourists, coming to a foreign city, want to enjoy the local culture and immerse themselves in the atmosphere. If you are one of these guests, be sure to take the time to visit the Shahristan restaurant. Here you will find a menu of many traditional oriental dishes prepared according to a unique recipe. The portion sizes will impress even the hungriest guests.

Children will also not go hungry; in addition to delicious local dishes, you will find familiar European dishes on the menu. You will be offered a large number of drinks from plain water to alcohol.

The overall appearance of the establishment will allow you to feel the oriental culture.

Address: Derbent, Heydar Aliyev street, 15E.


In search of familiar food, go to the Z&M restaurant. Here you will be offered familiar items from European and Russian cuisine. Affordable prices will allow a large family to eat without hitting the wallet. The establishment is suitable both for a snack and for many hours of relaxation.

Polite waiters answer questions easily and serve quickly.

Address: Derbent, Gagarin street 14.

Manhattan Lounge Cafe

A distinctive feature of this establishment is the ability to pay by bank card. Most similar places only accept cash payments, which makes travel a little more difficult for those who like to use cashless payments.

The cafe is always clean and cozy, the design will delight you with a bright and warm atmosphere. Suitable for a snack between walks.

Address: Derbent, Heydar Aliyev street, 10G.

Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent

The museum is located in the premises of former women's baths built in the 17th century. An interesting fact is that only unmarried girls could visit them; a secret ritual of preparation for future family life was held here. A well-thought-out ventilation system made it possible to warm up the fonts and pools with relaxation rooms. The last restoration in 1992 made it possible to preserve the entire interior decoration.

Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions

The new museum appeared in 2014 and is intended to tell about the time when the city was multinational and crowded. Here you can see all the national costumes typical of the townspeople, household items and paintings reflecting life in the ancient city. Excursions are often held for children of primary and secondary school age.

Where to go with children in Derbent

A visit to the ancient city will be extremely useful for a young tourist. Some interesting places in Derbent are ideal for visiting with the whole family.

Caspian Nature Museum

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: adult 100 rubles, children 50 rubles.
  • Address: st. Lenina, 64.

Any child will remember a visit to this wonderful museum for a long time. Young and adult travelers will enjoy an educational excursion into the world of flora and fauna of the Caspian region. The exhibition is divided into several sections dedicated to the forest, mountain and steppe zones of Dagestan, the Caspian Sea, and migratory birds. The exhibition halls house reconstructions of the natural habitats of animals, stuffed animals, and birds. A separate section tells about the same age as dinosaurs - fish of the sturgeon family.

Samursky reserve

  • Opening hours: daily, 24 hours a day
  • Ticket price: 50 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website: https://www.dagzapoved.ru
  • Address: Nyugdi village, Mollahalil.

Just 50 km from Derbent there is a wonderful place where you can spend an exciting weekend with the whole family. The Samursky nature reserve is located here. The unique natural recreation covers an area of ​​more than 11 thousand hectares. Under the canopy of oak forests and hornbeam groves covering the territory of the reserve, about 300 species of birds live, wild boars, roe deer, jungle cats, and Mediterranean turtles in the coastal lagoons. Special safari tours are organized for travelers, visiting the most picturesque places of the reserve.

Read about the sights of Izberbash, Kaspiysk and Makhachkala

This amazing city, in whose appearance Caucasian, Arab and Russian flavors are intricately intertwined, can rightfully be considered the pearl of the Caucasus. You should definitely visit here. The beauty of incredibly expressive nature, the charm of unique attractions, the cordiality and hospitality of the local residents will be remembered by the traveler for a long time.

House-Museum of Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

An ordinary 17th-century town house has been turned into a museum telling the biography of Alexander Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, a famous ethnographer, writer and revolutionary. It was his works that made it possible to preserve memory and information about how they lived in Dagestan in the last century.

Sights of Derbent

Derbent is one of the most underrated resorts. Here you will not see large crowds of tourists stopping at every attraction to take a few photos. In addition, the old city of Derbent is recognized by UNESCO as a World Human Heritage Site. Here you can have fun, observing picturesque views and architectural monuments. This city is made for long walks in the company of close friends or family.

This material will allow you to plan your trip in detail. You can create a route and decide which attractions of the city you want to visit. Thanks to this, you will definitely have time to see all the places that interest you.

  • Naryn-Kala Fortress, Derbent Wall, Underground Zindan Prison
  • Derbent Lighthouse, Juma Mosque, Kele-Numaz Synagogue
  • Derbent Baths, Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Armenian Church
  • House of Peter I, Derbent mahals, Bayat-Kapy Gate
  • Railway station building, "Grieving Mother" Memorial, Derbent Embankment
  • Crystal Bridge over Archaeology, Carpet and Decorative Arts Museum
  • Maiden Bath (Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent), Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions
  • Museum of Nature of the Caspian Sea, Park of Military Glory, House-Museum of Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Spring “Shekhsalakh”
  • Mount Shalbuzdag, Khanag waterfall, Turagin natural bridge
  • Samur forest, Yagdyg fortress, Church of St. Grigoris
  • Kirkhlyar Cemetery, Lezgin Drama Theater, Museum of Military Glory

At the end of the article we have placed a map of Derbent with the attractions that we mentioned in the article marked on it. Using this map, it will be easier for you to navigate the area, and also, if you wish, you can develop your own travel route to the sights.

Park of Military Glory

In 2015, for the 70th anniversary of the victory in the city, a large-scale reconstruction of the city park was carried out. As a result, a memorial complex appeared with an eternal flame and a sculpture of a woman praying for salvation, personifying the Motherland grieving for those killed in the war. Three cranes hovering above her head symbolize the souls of the defenders of the fatherland during the war.

What to see and where to go in Derbent - day 2

You should devote the second day of your stay in Derbent to interesting architectural monuments, museums, parks and embankments. You will be able to enjoy the beauty of this city, learn its history, and examine in detail the most interesting buildings of Derbent.

You should start a walk around the city from the railway station building, the “Grieving Mother” memorial, the Derbent embankment, the Kirkhlyar cemetery, the crystal bridge over archeology, the Park of Military Glory, the Shekhsalakh spring and the Museum of Military Glory. If you want to learn facts from the culture and history of the city, be sure to visit the Museum of Carpet and Decorative Arts, the Maiden Bath (Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent), the Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions, the Lezgin Drama Theater, the Caspian Nature Museum and the House Museum Bestuzhev-Marlinsky.

Railway station building

Railway station building

The railway station building is one of the most beautiful and attractive architectural monuments in the city. The building was built in the city at the beginning of the 20th century. The facade of this building is made in pseudo-Russian style. The architectural monument can be visited while walking through the streets of the city. It is perfect for a photo shoot. You will be able to carefully examine all the details of this building and enjoy its beauty.

More housing options in the center of Derbent, by price and reviews:

  • Mini-hotel 1000 and 1 night. Rating: 9.4 based on 476 reviews. Price 1150 rub.
  • Hotel Shahristan. Rating: 9.4 based on 330 reviews. Price 1350 rub.
  • Main Street Apartments. Rating: 9.8 based on 969 reviews. Price 1550 rub.
  • Boutique hotel "Derbent". Rating: 9.5 based on 200 reviews. Price 1050 rub.

Memorial "Grieving Mother"

Memorial "Grieving Mother"

The “Grieving Mother” Memorial is a monument that was erected in the city on May 8, 2015. It consists of two granite steles. In front of them is a sculpture of a woman with the Eternal Flame at her feet. Cranes hover above the woman’s head, symbolizing the dead.

This memorial is worth a visit during your stay in the city. Its beauty attracts many tourists who want to learn more about the history of the city. You will be able to photograph the memorial, preserving the memories of visiting this place.

Derbent embankment

Derbent embankment

The Derbent embankment was opened in the city in 2022. It is a great place for evening walks with your friends. The width of the promenade is 130 meters, and its length is about one kilometer. On the embankment, tourists can find a rental office for sports equipment. There is also a children's playground here.

On the embankment you can stroll and enjoy the fresh air. There are bike paths, benches and fountains. In the evening the embankment is beautifully illuminated. In summer there are also food sales points where you can buy something for a snack.

Kirkhlyar Cemetery

Kirkhlyar Cemetery

The Kirkhlyar cemetery is a preserved ancient complex of burials that date back to the 7th-9th centuries. According to legend, Arab warriors who fell during the Battle of Derbent in 643 AD are buried here. Historians say that 40 graves date back to this period. It is because of this that the complex is named “Kirkhlyar”, which translated into Russian means “forty”.

Ancient tombstones have been preserved in the cemetery: blocks of shell rock. Texts were carved on them. Today, only traces of inscriptions remain from them. This place is worth seeing with your own eyes. Kirkhlyar has the status of a protected historical monument. In addition, it has religious value for Muslim believers.

Crystal Bridge over Archeology

Crystal Bridge over Archeology

The Crystal Bridge over archeology was built in Derbent in 2013. It is located above the city's water supply system, discovered during archaeological excavations. The bridge attracts the attention of tourists with its unusual appearance. The architectural monument is located in a very picturesque part of the city. The bridge is perfect for unusual and interesting photographs. Here you can take a walk and enjoy the beautiful views. The Crystal Bridge will definitely surprise you, leaving the most pleasant impressions.

Carpet and Decorative Arts Museum

Carpet and Decorative Arts Museum

The Museum of Carpets and Decorative Arts stores examples of folk crafts that were created by the residents of Derbent and its environs. The museum has been operating since 1982. In it you will get acquainted with local arts and crafts. This is a very interesting and atmospheric place. The museum houses many interesting exhibits that you can carefully examine. The museum will be of interest to both adults and children.

Maiden Bath (Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent)

Maiden Bath (Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent)

The Maiden Bath (Museum of Culture and Life of Ancient Derbent) was built in the 19th century. They were visited by unmarried girls. Local women came here before their wedding. These baths were in working order until the 1950s. Today there is a museum inside them. Its exhibition is dedicated to the culture and life of ancient Derbent.

This is a very interesting and exciting place. Here you can get to know the history and life of Derbent better. The museum is open to tourists, so you can freely come to it and carefully examine the exhibition.

Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions

Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions

The Museum of the History of World Cultures and Religions was opened in the city in 2014. It is dedicated to world religions and cultures. The museum contains classic museum exhibitions, venues for events and scientific research. This museum will allow you to plunge into the history of Derbent. It contains a variety of interesting exhibits that will interest any tourist. The museum is perfect for spending time with friends or family.

Lezgin Drama Theater

Lezgin Drama Theater

The Lezgin Drama Theater moved to Derbent in 1949. Its history began in 1906, when theater groups appeared in the Dagestan village of Akhty. The Lezgin Drama Theater has become one of the most famous city cultural institutions.

This place is perfect for art lovers. Anyone can get acquainted with the theater's poster and choose an interesting performance. The theater stages performances based on the works of local authors, as well as other famous playwrights.

Caspian Nature Museum

Caspian Nature Museum

The Caspian Nature Museum is a local history museum that has been operating in the city since 1993. There are halls here that are dedicated to the inhabitants of the sea, forest, steppe, as well as migratory birds. The museum also displays now extinct species of birds and animals. This place is perfect for spending time with the family. You will learn many interesting facts about the fauna. Here you can also take unusual photographs with museum exhibits.

Park of Military Glory

Park of Military Glory

The Park of Military Glory is dedicated to the residents of Derbent who participated in the Great Patriotic War. More than 5 thousand city residents died during the hostilities, more than one and a half thousand local residents received military awards. The park was reconstructed in 2015. After this, the “Grieving Mother” memorial appeared here.

This park is perfect for quiet evening walks. There are benches, lawns, and walking paths here. In addition, not far from the park there is a recreation area where you can find attractions, playgrounds and cafes.

House-Museum of Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

House-Museum of Bestuzhev-Marlinsky

The Bestuzhev-Marlinsky House-Museum is a place that can tell you about the Decembrist, who, after his exile to Siberia, spent several years in this city. The museum exposition tells about the Caucasian period of Bestuzhev’s life. Here you can learn about his works, which were written by him in Derbent. In addition, museum visitors are invited to listen to an interesting lecture, explore the rooms of the house, and also look at the collection of antique utensils.

This is a rather interesting place where you can learn a lot of interesting things about the life of this historical figure. The museum is perfect to brighten up your stay in Derbent. You will be able to carefully examine all the exhibits and save them in photographs.

Spring "Shekhsalakh"

Spring "Shekhsalakh"

The Shekhsalakh spring is one of the most ancient fountains in the city. It was opened sometime in 1708-1709. The spring is located in a very picturesque and beautiful place. Here you can get water and taste it. The spring is decorated very beautifully and interestingly. Even in the most intense heat, the water here remains cold. This place can be visited while walking along the streets of the city.

Museum of Military Glory

Museum of Military Glory

The Museum of Military Glory is perfect for people who are interested in the topic of war. The museum exposition will tell tourists about the most important events of the Great Patriotic War, the Afghan and Chechen wars. Visitors will also be told about the 345th Infantry Division created on Dagestan soil. In this museum you can learn many interesting facts about the difficult events that the city had to endure. This place is perfect for visiting with the whole family. The museum will definitely leave the most pleasant impressions.

Derbent embankment

A beautiful embankment with many walking areas and places for recreation and entertainment with children was equipped for the 2000th anniversary of the founding of the city. The total area is approximately 7.5 hectares, and the length of the embankment is almost a kilometer.

Where to stay in Derbent

Every trip requires a place to stay overnight to rest between walks and excursions. Check out the famous hotels and inns, they differ in location and price category.

Hotel complex Europe

The cost of a budget single room is 2600 rubles per day. There is a choice of rooms; the more comfortable the conditions, the higher the cost. Suitable for living with children.

For meals, there is a restaurant on site, and you can easily order food to your room. Separately, there are non-smoking and soundproofed rooms.

Address: 3rd International street 23A.

Hotel Scarlet Sails

The cost of a daily booking of a budget single room is 2800 rubles. The price increases depending on the number of rooms required, the presence or absence of additional amenities.

Address: Lokomotivnaya street 5.

Hotel Shahristan

A single inexpensive room will cost 2,500 thousand rubles. There are rooms for families with children. All necessary amenities are provided on site, but some are available only at an additional cost.

Address: Gaidar Aliyev street 15G.

Hotel Metropol

Room prices start from 3,000 rubles. Relax with children and pets. There are all the required amenities.

Address: Tagieva street 33T.

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