Kovrov attractions to see in one day?

Kovrov is a unique city of its kind, in which Russian history and modernity are closely intertwined.
The city was founded in 1778. The first settlement on this site was erected thanks to Yuri Dolgoruky, it was named Elifanovka. Later, thanks to Andrei Bogolyubsky, this village was renamed Rozhdestvenskoye. In the sixteenth century, the family estate of the Kovrov princes was located in the village. It was from their surname that the modern name of the city was formed.

The city of Kovrov is famous for its defense industry and heavy engineering, motorcycles, textile production and Kovrov toys.

Enterprise named after Degtyarev

Thanks to Degtyarev's work, Kovrov became famous for its machine guns. During wartime, Kovrov carried out a massive supply of the USSR army with the necessary weapons. Degtyarev is especially revered by the city residents themselves. The enterprise was named in his honor, the construction of which began in 1916. The name of the gunsmith was assigned to the plant in 1949. Today, products for various industries are produced here.

Church of John the Warrior

The first mention of the chapel of St. John of Rila dates back to the 17th century. By the end of the same century, for unknown reasons, this church was abolished and ceased to function.

In 1780, a new religious center was erected on the territory of the city cemetery, called the Church of St. John the Warrior. The author of the project is titular councilor A. N. Vershinsky, who served as the Vladimir provincial architect.

The construction of the cemetery church in Kovrov was stopped in 1812 and resumed again in 1814, when Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated. In 1929, the church housed a community of autocephalists.

The Church of St. John the Warrior, which belongs to the city cemetery, was closed in 1934 at the request of workers working at the Kovrov excavator plant.

In 1994, it was again returned to the list of the Russian Orthodox Church. During restoration work, workers found a monument that stood on the grave of Kovrov manufacturer I. A. Treumov. Now it is located in a place of honor near the altar of the church.

Location: Pershutova street - 4.

Hare Museum

The museum was opened in 1999 on the basis of a family library. It is famous for its unusual exhibition of hares, the objects of which include postcards and toys. Hares are intended for games and puppet shows. The museum's collection is regularly updated. So, when the Degtyarev enterprise began producing motorized vehicles, one of the motorcycles with the image of a hare ended up on display in the museum. The height of the smallest toy here does not exceed 1.5 cm. The exhibition includes approximately 175 items.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

In 1889, the Znamenskaya women's community was established. In 1913, construction began on the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity, which was to be donated to this community. The construction was completed by 1918, at which time the crosses were erected.

However, this religious center could not function, since it could not be consecrated in a timely manner. When the church came under the control of the Soviet government, its building was immediately closed, and all religious buildings went to the department of the Kovrov Machine Gun Plant. A boiler room and toilet were installed in the former church building. The Church of the Life-Giving Trinity is currently being reconstructed.

Location: Pervomaiskaya street - 28A.

What to see in Kovrov in 1 day

Kovrov interestingly combines the features of an ancient Russian city and a modern industrial center. Its history dates back to the times of Yuri Dolgorukov and Andrei Bogolyubsky, and Kovrov received the status of a city under Catherine II.

Today Kovrov, located on the high bank of the Klyazma, is famous for the defense industry and heavy engineering, textile production and motorcycles, as well as Kovrov clay toys - a craft that was revived here quite recently, but has already earned people's love.

The most convenient way to start exploring the city is from the railway station, from Abelman Street, which leads to the historical part of the city. The first of the attractions is the monument to V. A. Degtyarev, an outstanding designer of small arms. Not far from the monument is the building of the Local History Museum, from which along the street. Degtyarev you can go to the city park named after. A.S. Pushkin - small and rather neglected. On its territory there is a necropolis where famous residents of the city are buried.

Transfiguration Cathedral

In the old part of the city of Kovrov, tourists can find the bell tower of the Transfiguration Cathedral that has survived to this day. It stands on top of a hill that slopes steeply down to the river.

Due to the fact that the bell tower is visible to people at a distance of several kilometers, it secretly serves as a sign for tourists traveling from the village of Kameshkovo towards Kovrov.

The cathedral building was built with funds from parishioners at the very end of the 19th century. However, during a disgraced period for religion (1930s), this religious center was closed by the Soviet government and partially destroyed. Since 1934, the cathedral was used as a prison, then a warehouse. In 1991, it was returned to the diocese and reconstructed.

Location: Pershutova street - 28.

Taneyev estate Kovrovsky district

At the beginning of the 18th century, the lands, which were called Marinino deserts, were granted to the nobleman Tikhon Taneyev, since then this area has become a family estate. The estate is located just a few kilometers from the center in a picturesque green corner. Since 2009, a museum and leisure center has been operating here, a few lines about this location when reviewing, Carpets attractions photos with descriptions.

The most famous resident of the estate can be considered Sergei Taneyev, who was the director of the Moscow Conservatory, one of Tchaikovsky’s favorites and Rachmaninoff’s teacher. Thanks to the non-standard services offered to tourists, the estate is very popular; more than 200 thousand visitors come here every year.

There are now 20 different excursion programs available; fans of classical music will especially want to visit the estate, as musical events are constantly held here. The entrance ticket for adults is 60 rubles, a sightseeing tour will cost 300 rubles. You will have to pay extra separately for the opportunity to take pictures with your mobile phone; it will cost 50 rubles.

Services include master classes on toy making. The center is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00. A detailed diagram and schedule of public transport is written on the official page at this direct link


It is best to visit Kovrov in the summer - in early June, when City Day is celebrated here, this way you can not only resolve the issue, Kovrov attractions photos with descriptions, but also become part of the folk festivities and listen to local amateur performances.

You definitely need to bring with you a clay toy from a local factory, which can be purchased on Zhukovsky Street, prices start from 150 rubles, the toy catalog is here


Monument to military builders

Tourists can see this monument on Griboyedov Street. It is presented in the form of an obelisk dedicated to the work of military construction veterans, the work of people who helped the active development of the city.

The author of this memorial sign is the artist P. Raskin. The obelisk was installed in Kovrov in 2016.

Location: Griboyedov street.

Educational institutions

Today there are 46 kindergartens and 19 schools in Kovrov. Reviews show that there are no problems with registering a child in a preschool institution; there are enough places for everyone. More than 6,000 children are educated in kindergartens, and about 13,000 children study in schools.

Educational institutions in the city of Kovrov are not only schools. There are also technical schools here, which provide a high-quality basis for entering universities. And in 1996, the Kovrov State Technological Academy began its work. Thanks to this, today not only residents of Kovrov, but also children from nearby regions can receive high-quality higher education. Many applicants choose this particular institution due to the fact that studying here is much cheaper than in capital universities.

Today the Academy is the leading educational institution in the Vladimir region. The main focus is training qualified engineers. In addition, employees who have long since completed their studies at the university can improve their qualifications here. Training is carried out in 15 higher profile specialties. There is also the opportunity to receive secondary specialized education. The Faculty of Economics has remained the most popular for several years now. To receive a free education, you must pass a competition. The university offers preparatory courses for applicants.

Many children specially come to Kovrov to get a quality education. The population remains stable due to the influx of out-of-town applicants. The university also has a military department, which graduates reserve officers.

Temple of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Many tourists, when they arrive at the Kovrov railway station, see a massive temple built opposite this building. It was not built here in vain, because it is closely connected with the railway.

In 1857, Emperor Alexander II ordered the construction of railways throughout the Russian Empire. One of these highways was the Moscow – Nizhny Novgorod route.

To repair rolling stock, workshops were built everywhere, and Kovrov was not spared this fate.

In 1867, craftsmen working on the railway tracks submitted a written petition to the inspector of the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod section Kaznacheev, in which they asked for permission to build a temple dedicated to the events of April 4, 1866 (D. Karakozov’s attempt on the life of Emperor Alexander II).

Active construction began in 1868 using the personal savings of workers working on the local section of the railway. Subsequently, the temple was maintained with money donated by the same workers.

After the decree of January 23. In 1918, the church was officially separated from state power, and unrest began in Kovrov. The current archpriest calls on his parishioners to organize a religious procession, but the Soviet leadership, in turn, met this demonstration with fire and bullets. The temple was partially destroyed. Today it is open to parishioners and almost completely restored.

Location: Maleeva street - 2/2.

What does it look like in the interior of the rooms?

Alexandrov: attractions, what to see in one day

You rarely put the same carpet in different rooms, so you should select the model very carefully.

Carpets in the living room interior

Most often, soft flooring is laid on the floor in the living room. After all, this room is the center of the house; the whole family, guests, and children often gather here. The rug is placed in two ways: under furniture, covering almost the entire floor area. Or under a coffee table, highlighting the central area.

In the photo there is a light carpet on a wooden floor

The carpet for the living room is selected according to the style, but it should be a kind of accent - a bright color, a rich pattern or an unusual combination of textures will help you.

The photo shows a carpet in patchwork style

Photo of carpets in the kitchen

Many people underestimate the importance of paths and carpets in the kitchen, but it is textiles that can add home comfort to this room. It is especially important to lay a covering along the work area on a cold tiled floor, so you can cook even barefoot

If a long path is of no use, throw a round rug near the sink to make the dishwashing process more enjoyable.

Lay an oval or rectangular rug under the table - this way you zone the room and highlight the dining area.

In the photo there is a dining area with a palace

Bedroom interior with carpet

Getting out of a warm bed onto a cold floor is unpleasant; a carpet will help correct the situation. Usually they lay one large rug, pushing it under the bed. But you can get by with two small rugs on both sides.

Choose the most pleasant texture - long pile, soft fur, pleasant wool.

Examples of use in the corridor

The hallway is perhaps the most stressful area for flooring. In spring and autumn it is dirty here, in winter it is wet, in summer it is dusty. Plus, household members constantly walk along the corridor from room to room. Therefore, the carpet in the interior of the entrance group must withstand loads. Synthetic models (acrylic, polyester) with short pile are suitable.

However, you should not cover the entire area with soft textiles - in the corridor you have to wash the floors often, and the path will interfere with this.

Photo of carpets in a children's room

The brightest and most unusual colors can be enjoyed right here - in the child’s room! But first, evaluate the safety of the carpet: first of all, it must be hypoallergenic, which means only synthetic threads are suitable. Another requirement is easy cleaning. And synthetics come in handy here too.

The picture depicts cartoon characters, animals, and plants. The carpet is often used as a playground, so it can imitate a football field, lawn, or city roads.

Shopping arcades

The Trade Rows building is located on Pershutova Street. The building appeared at the end of the last century so that local entrepreneurs could sell their goods there. With its architecture, the building resembles a castle from the Middle Ages or the upper shopping arcades in Moscow , although the area of ​​the Kovrov building is much smaller.

Shopping arcades

During Soviet times, a local printing house operated in the building. In 2011, it was decided to begin the reconstruction of the building and equip it with new halls. Now within these walls there is an organization that provides support to aspiring businessmen.

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