Our move to the village of Kamyshevatskaya, Krasnodar Territory

The author of the article, Elena, with her 4-year-old daughter, visited the village of Kamyshevatskaya in the Yeisk district in June 2015. She shared her impressions.

A quiet place with a maritime climate was chosen for relaxation. There was a question of choosing between the Black and Azov Seas. The second option turned out to be cheaper. The main purpose of the trip was to improve the child’s health. Following the doctors' recommendations, we looked for an area with healing mud. We finally decided to go to Kamyshevatskaya after positive reviews from friends who vacation near the village every year.

About all other resorts on the Azov Sea, ideal for families with small children

How to get there

You can get from Moscow to the village of Kamyshevatskaya by bus, train or plane. In any case, on the way you will need to make a change in the city of Yeysk.

By train

The Moscow – Yeysk train runs from May 31 to September 6. It departs from Kursky Station and travels 1 day 7 hours. The price of a ticket in a compartment is 4257 rubles.

From Yeisk to the village of Kamyshevatskaya there is bus No. 107. It departs from the city market on schedule. Runs four times a day. The bus journey takes about 40 minutes.

Having reached Yeisk by train, we began to act in the simplest way: we agreed to the services of a local taxi driver, who took us to Kamyshevatskaya. He himself found a suitable house for us and subsequently, at my first call, took us to Yeisk, telling us about local customs and manners.

By bus

The “Moscow – Yeysk” bus departs from the Krasnogvardeyskaya bus station and will take 17 hours 35 minutes. The ticket price will be 2250 rubles.

By plane

The closest airport to Kamyshevatskaya is in Krasnodar. You can get there by plane from Moscow in 2 hours. The ticket price depends on the airline and will range from 2000 to 3500 rubles.

Next, from Krasnodar you need to take a bus to Yeysk. Here the travel time will be about 5.5 hours.

By car

By car you can get to Kamyshevatskaya in about 18 hours, covering a distance of 1400 km. The route will pass through Voronezh and Rostov-on-Don. There should not be any special obstacles along the way. In Kuban you can meet “cardboard police” and you should be prepared for a large number of hidden video cameras on the roads.

Excerpt characterizing Kamyshevatskaya

Prince Andrei looked at his sister. The radiant eyes of Princess Marya, in the matte half-light of the canopy, shone more than usual from the happy tears that stood in them. Princess Marya reached out to her brother and kissed him, lightly touching him to the canopy of the crib. They threatened each other and stood still in the dull light of the canopy, as if not wanting to part with this world in which the three of them were separated from the whole world. Prince Andrei was the first, tangling his hair on the muslin canopy, to move away from the crib. - Yes. “This is the only thing left for me now,” he said with a sigh. Soon after his admission into the brotherhood of Masons, Pierre, with a complete manual written for himself about what he was supposed to do on his estates, left for the Kyiv province, where most of his peasants were located. Arriving in Kyiv, Pierre called all the managers to the main office and explained to them his intentions and desires. He told them that measures would be immediately taken to completely free the peasants from serfdom, that until then the peasants should not be burdened with work, that women and children should not be sent to work, that the peasants should be given assistance, that punishments should be used exhortations, not corporal ones, that hospitals, shelters and schools should be established on every estate. Some managers (there were also semi-literate economists) listened in fear, assuming the meaning of the speech was that the young count was dissatisfied with their management and withholding money; others, after the first fear, found Pierre’s lisp and new, unheard words funny; Still others simply found pleasure in listening to the master speak; the fourth, the smartest, including the chief manager, understood from this speech how to deal with the master in order to achieve their goals. The general manager expressed great sympathy with Pierre's intentions; but he noticed that in addition to these transformations it was necessary to generally take care of matters that were in a bad state. Despite the enormous wealth of Count Bezukhy, since Pierre received it and received, as they said, 500 thousand an annual income, he felt much less rich than when he received his 10 thousand from the late count. In general terms, he had a vague sense of the next budget. About 80 thousand were paid to the Council for all estates; It cost about 30 thousand to maintain a house near Moscow, a Moscow house and princesses; about 15 thousand went into retirement, the same amount went to charitable institutions; 150 thousand were sent to the countess for living expenses; interest was paid for debts of about 70 thousand; the construction of the begun church cost about 10 thousand during these two years; the rest, about 100 thousand, was spent - he himself did not know how, and almost every year he was forced to borrow. In addition, every year the chief manager wrote either about fires, or about crop failures, or about the need to rebuild factories and factories. And so, the first task that presented itself to Pierre was the one for which he least of all had the ability and inclination - getting busy with business. Pierre worked with the chief manager every day. But he felt that his studies were not making any progress. He felt that his activities took place independently of the case, that they did not touch the case and did not force him to move. On the one hand, the chief manager presented matters in the worst possible light, showing Pierre the need to pay debts and undertake new work with the help of serfs, to which Pierre did not agree; on the other hand, Pierre demanded that the matter of liberation be started, to which the manager argued that it was necessary to first pay the debt of the Guardian Council, and therefore the impossibility of quick execution. The manager did not say that this was completely impossible; To achieve this goal, he proposed the sale of forests in the Kostroma province, the sale of grassroots lands and Crimean estates. But all these operations in the manager’s speeches were associated with such complexity of processes, lifting prohibitions, demands, permits, etc., that Pierre was at a loss and only told him: “Yes, yes, do that.” Pierre did not have that practical tenacity that would give him the opportunity to directly get down to business, and therefore he did not like him and only tried to pretend to the manager that he was busy with business. The manager tried to pretend to the count that he considered these activities very useful for the owner and shy for himself. There were acquaintances in the big city; strangers hastened to get acquainted and cordially welcomed the newly arrived rich man, the largest owner of the province. The temptations regarding Pierre's main weakness, the one that he admitted during his reception to the lodge, were also so strong that Pierre could not refrain from them. Again, whole days, weeks, months of Pierre’s life passed just as anxiously and busyly between evenings, dinners, breakfasts, balls, not giving him time to come to his senses, as in St. Petersburg. Instead of the new life that Pierre hoped to lead, he lived the same old life, only in a different environment. Of the three purposes of Freemasonry, Pierre was aware that he did not fulfill the one that prescribed every Freemason to be a model of moral life, and of the seven virtues, he completely lacked two in himself: good morals and love of death. He consoled himself with the fact that he was fulfilling another purpose - the correction of the human race and had other virtues, love for one's neighbor and especially generosity. In the spring of 1807, Pierre decided to go back to St. Petersburg. On the way back, he intended to go around all his estates and personally verify what was done from what was prescribed to them and in what situation the people were now, which God had entrusted to him, and which he sought to benefit. The chief manager, who considered all the ideas of the young count almost madness, a disadvantage for himself, for him, for the peasants, made concessions. Continuing to make the task of liberation seem impossible, he ordered the construction of large school buildings, hospitals and shelters on all estates; For the master's arrival, he prepared meetings everywhere, not pompously solemn ones, which, he knew, Pierre would not like, but just the kind of religious thanksgiving, with images and bread and salt, just the kind that, as he understood the master, should have an effect on the count and deceive him . The southern spring, the calm, quick journey in the Viennese carriage and the solitude of the road had a joyful effect on Pierre. There were estates that he had not yet visited - one more picturesque than the other; The people everywhere seemed prosperous and touchingly grateful for the benefits done to them. Everywhere there were meetings that, although they embarrassed Pierre, deep down in his soul evoked a joyful feeling. In one place, the peasants offered him bread and salt and an image of Peter and Paul, and asked permission in honor of his angel Peter and Paul, as a sign of love and gratitude for the good deeds he had done, to erect a new chapel in the church at their own expense. Elsewhere, women with infants met him, thanking him for saving him from hard work. At the third estate he was met by a priest with a cross, surrounded by children, whom, by the grace of the count, he taught literacy and religion. In all the estates, Pierre saw with his own eyes, according to the same plan, the stone buildings of hospitals, schools, and almshouses, which were to be opened soon, erected and erected. Everywhere Pierre saw reports from managers about corvée work, reduced compared to the previous one, and heard for this the touching thanksgiving of deputations of peasants in blue caftans.

Weather: when can you swim?

Average air and water temperatures in the Sea of ​​Azov for the period April-October.

MonthAverage air temperature during the dayAverage air temperature at nightAverage water temperature

The most comfortable time for a holiday is the end of May - beginning of June and the end of August - beginning of September. At this time there is no sweltering stuffiness, and the water in the sea is warm enough for swimming. In general, due to climatic conditions, the heat in Kamyshevatskaya is easily tolerated.

In the summer season, the number of people on the beach does not increase much. You can always find a quiet place.

We vacationed at the beginning of June. Sometimes, when I found +30 on the thermometer, I was very surprised. In St. Petersburg, at such an air temperature, I would be exhausted from the stuffiness. In the village the heat could not be called sweltering. There were only five rainy days in a month. As per order, they mostly traveled at night. We didn't have air conditioning. We spent most of our time outside. The sea, despite the assurances of local residents that “it’s cold to swim,” was warm.

Light wind of Kamyshevatskaya

The north of the Krasnodar Territory, of course, is not too far behind its southern neighbors. Kamyshevatskaya becomes the optimal solution for those who do not like high temperatures and heat. The fact that there is no such intense heat here should be considered a positive thing.

  • As you already understand, the holiday season doesn’t start too late here. Some visitors claim that already in May the air warms up to adequate levels.
  • Summer here is a little less hot than, for example, in Sochi, but in general, you will not feel the difference (+28 or +33 - for the average tourist it will not matter).
  • Temperatures continue to remain stable in September, but tourism experiences a slight dip as autumn debuts.

Where to live?

There are two options for holiday accommodation in Kamyshevatskaya. This is the Pokrov tourist house, opened in 2013, and the private sector.

Tourist house "POKROV"

The tourist's house has a closed area. There is a parking lot, a children's playground in the yard, a grill, a swing, and a shop. For a fee, you can order three meals a day at Pokrov. The food is delicious, the portions are large.

The rooms are clean and comfortable, without any frills in decoration. Accommodates up to 4 people. The furniture is comfortable. The room has beds, a wardrobe and a pair of bedside tables.

By agreement, you can be offered an additional folding bed.

Prices, depending on the season, can range from 2000 to 4000 rubles per room per night.

Private sector

In the private sector, conditions are varied. You can be provided with both a room and a separate house. Almost all owners are ready to offer vacationers a summer kitchen with the necessary utensils and an outdoor summer shower.

Prices in the private sector are lower than in a tourist home and depend on the conditions provided.

A taxi driver found us housing and brought us and my daughter from Yeisk. We settled on the fourth proposed option. The owner, 30-year-old Olya, seemed gloomy and uncommunicative at first glance. But first impressions are deceiving. She gave us a wonderful house with a separate entrance. The washbasin was located outside, which my daughter really liked. She had never known such exoticism. There was a summer kitchen under the canopy. There is also a table for eating. Subsequently, when another couple with a child came to Olya, we all had dinner together.

The money for housing was paid immediately for the entire stay. The house cost us 700 rubles per day.

The biggest advantage of a separate home is independence. We could come and go at any time without disturbing anyone.

Guest houses in the village of Kamyshevatskaya

With the increasing influx of tourists to the village of Kamyshevatskaya, enterprising homeowners began to build guest houses for them. Kamyshevatskaya, whatever one may say, is a young and developing resort. Every year, more and more connoisseurs of quality beach holidays come here, especially young families with children, who are attracted to the village of Kamyshevatskaya by beaches consisting of small shell rock. The sea here is so shallow and warm that parents are not at all afraid that their child will freeze.

Kamyshevatskaya guest houses are small, designed for a minimum number of guests, which means that you can relax separately and with a minimum number of neighbors. Additional services that Kamyshevatskaya guest houses provide you with:

  • Barbecue for cooking barbecue;
  • Place for a car in the yard or near the house;
  • Sandbox and playground for kids;
  • Individual seating area or balcony;
  • Laundry service or shared washing machine;
  • Ironing accessories;
  • Transfer.

Relaxation away from noisy dusty cities, at a resort where the aroma of field herbs and the smell of sea freshness is in the air - this is what a vacation in guest houses in the private sector is all about. Kamyshevatskaya. This will not only lift your spirits and make you forget about everyday work, but will also bring back your zest for life.

Prices for rooms in Guest Houses in Kamyshevatskaya

Prices for accommodation in Kamyshevatskaya guest houses are very affordable, especially if you book a room long before the start of the holiday season, in the off-season. At this time, the owners of Kamyshevatskaya guest houses are broke and very accommodating. They agree to any discounts and concessions - don’t be shy, bargain and be sure that the ice will be broken.

To come to the sea and relax as cheaply as possible, come to Kamyshevatskaya in June or September, the sea is already or still warm, as it is very shallow and warms up quickly. Also pay attention to the room you book. Make sure you actually get all the benefits you pay for. Guest houses st. Kamyshevatskaya offer a variety of rooms, but think about whether you really need air conditioning if you are going on vacation in June, when additional cooling of the room is not required, or whether you will have time to watch TV - after all, you will spend almost all the time on the beach . Another factor influencing the pricing of Kamyshevatskaya guest houses is their proximity to the sea. The closer the guest house is to the sea, the more expensive the price of accommodation. Take advantage of our tips and come to the guest houses of St. Kamyshevatskaya for rest.

Where to eat?

When stopping to rest at Pokrov, you can order food there. Lunch on average will cost 250-300 rubles. Breakfast and dinner are a little cheaper.

A local cafe will prepare aromatic shish kebab for you at a price of 200 rubles. You can order ice cream in ice cream bowls - a 100-gram serving will cost from 40 rubles.

Living in the private sector, you will have to prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner yourself. But some hosts, for a fee, will be willing to provide you with two meals a day.

There is a mini-market in the village where they sell herbs, vegetables and fruits, but it is worth considering that it is open until 12 noon.

You can buy apples here for 30 rubles, and juicy tomatoes for 70 rubles. Strawberries will cost you from 40 rubles for a 500-gram glass. And fragrant greens will be offered for 10 rubles. for a bundle of impressive size.

The assortment of local shops is quite large, but you should not expect the variety of Magnit or Lenta from them.

Approximate prices for food in stores.

productsaverage price
pastafrom 30 rub. per kg
oatmealfrom 20 rub. per kg
ricefrom 50 rub. per kg
buckwheatfrom 40 rub. per kg
drinking waterfrom 20 rubles per liter bottle
vegetable oilfrom 50 rub. per liter bottle
Rye breadfrom 30 rub. per loaf
sliced ​​loaffrom 25 rub. for 400 g
cheesefrom 300 rub. per kg
boiled sausagefrom 250 rub. per kg
Doctor's sausagesfrom 300 rub. per kg
sour creamfrom 70 for 500 g
Greenfield teafrom 80 rub.
coffee "Jockey"from 140 rub.
milkfrom 45 rub. per liter
chicken eggfrom 50 rub. for ten
kefirfrom 40 rub. liter
ice creamfrom 30 rub. per waffle cup 100 g

A separate issue is drinking water. You'll have to buy it. Tap water has a cloudy sediment and a persistent smell of hydrogen sulfide. It can only be used for technical needs.

Several times the hostess prepared lunch for us, but given our daily routine and the child’s taste preferences, we abandoned this practice. We cooked it ourselves. We stocked up on groceries at a local store. Vegetables and fruits were bought at the market. Our neighbor supplied us with fresh goat milk for 40 rubles per liter. Cooking in the outdoor kitchen was a pleasure. My daughter actively helped me, and I mentally thanked Olya for the absence of a TV in the house.


The beach in Kamyshevatskaya is for children. Very small. The bottom is flat. Children can be left without much fear. The shore is covered with shell rock. The water is quite clean and very warm. The sea warms up quickly and evenly. On the Kamyshevatskaya Spit, in the backwaters, the bottom is muddy, but after walking 500 meters along the coast, you can find sandbanks.

The amount of garbage on the shore directly depends on the culture of vacationers. There are trash cans on the beaches. No one is cleaning the area. Tourists leave behind a lot of waste and household rubbish.

Not many people. Vacationers come quite often by car, but the coast is large and there is a choice of location.

Origin and history

This landscape began to form as a result of the activity of storms and strong currents. The process went on for centuries. 5 km south of the historical center of Kamyshevatka (now this village approaches almost the spit itself), an oval area was washed out. It was “born” from fine quartz and fossilized prehistoric organisms. Over time, the fertile silt became good soil for the growth of marsh grass and small trees.

Over time, the oval of the natural landmark acquired crescent-shaped contours. The formation of the Kamyshevat Spit continues to this day: storms continue to visit here. At the same time, some people take tons of shell rock from here.

The settlement, formed in 1778, was first called Kamyshov: it is still surrounded by corresponding thickets. It was founded by Little Russian and Rostov peasants who fled from their owners to lands bordering the Ottoman Empire: for obvious reasons, it was difficult to get them here.

This settlement became Kamyshevatskaya in 1848. By that time, the Little Russian peasantry had been replenished with Kuban Cossacks. People not only fished, but also plowed the local virgin lands and planted gardens. And all fishing moved to the shores of the current spit.

Resort fame came to her mainly in the 70s. last century. A pioneer camp appeared just above the descent to the shallows. And the first rest house on Kamyshevatskaya was built 15 years later.

Vacation with children

For young people, a holiday in the village may seem boring, but for a trip with children this is an ideal place. Kamyshevatskaya is a quiet place, fresh air, warm sea, friendly people.

The nearest entertainment in the form of an amusement park, dolphinarium, oceanarium, and water park are located in Yeysk. There are also a large number of cafes, restaurants, bars.

The main entertainment for us in the village was the “mud baths”. There is a source of healing mud nearby. There my daughter had a blast. Even the hydrogen sulfide smell didn’t bother me. By the way, maybe after these medical procedures, or maybe under the influence of the captivating air, we slept very well at night throughout the rest.


If you want to sit in a restaurant, visit a water park, or just ride a Ferris wheel, then welcome to Yeysk (our guide to Yeysk).

The city is located 40 km from the village. There is everything you need to keep vacationers from getting bored.

In Yeisk you will be offered excursions to lakes with healing mud, to waterfalls, to the Rostov Zoo and excursions to Krasnodar for 2-3 days with hotel accommodation. Everything is at reasonable prices. Excursion tents are located on the street in all public places: near the market, train station, on the main square of the city.

In the summer, the number of field trips is significantly greater than in the spring.

The Kamyshevat mud was not enough for us, and my daughter persuaded us to go to Khanskoe Lake as well. The path lay through the village of Yasenskaya with a visit to the local museum. I like museums that exist mainly due to the enthusiasm of its workers - and that’s why I agreed.

The promised “comfortable bus with air conditioning” turned out to be a GAZelle with an open hatch. The driver was surprisingly polite and all the way he convinced either us or himself that “we’ll definitely get there - don’t worry.” The guide, an amazingly talented woman, started the tour from the moment we boarded the bus and talked about literally everything until the moment we returned.

The excursion itself was divided into three parts: a visit to the museum in Yasenskaya, Khanskoye Lake with mud, and the Sea of ​​Azov.

We gained knowledge about the local flora and fauna, got acquainted with local food products, swam in the sea and returned home sleepy, satisfied and happy.

Recreation and entertainment

Looking for a quiet getaway? The Kamyshevatskaya Spit is just what you need. Convenient entry into the sea, fish backwaters on the estuaries, spots for tent bivouacs - all this is on the 7-kilometer sandbank, which resembles an irregular oval from above. And at the top, closer to the village, in the shade of large acacias, you can find a children's health camp, a boarding house and a tourist center. Housing at these sites is relatively inexpensive.

The local soil composition is coarse sand and shell rock. The sandbank is located between the elevated shore of the station. Kamyshevatskaya and the sea. In some places there is sparse semi-dry vegetation, mainly squat, thick trees and tartar. “Swamp-loving” thistle grows around many tiny estuaries.

On the Azov side of this natural formation there are holes into which sea water quickly penetrates during high tides. They can be suitable bathing places for the little ones who come with you. The swimming season can open as early as mid-May - the sea in this patch, due to its shallowness, warms up unusually quickly, by June its temperature reaches +25 degrees, a figure that remains until September. There are no industrial enterprises nearby - the water always remains clean.

“Experienced” people say that with tents you need to get closer to the village to escape the moisture. As for fishing fans, it is worth noting that rams are found here. Judging by the large number of nets, local poachers love this fish most of all. By the way, not only noisy seagulls live here. Some birds are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

People have managed to immortalize all these tracts hundreds of times in high-quality photographs; in some frames no debris is even noticeable. Cellular communications are also available from here. You should buy food, drinks and all other goods necessary for the hike in the Kamyshevatskaya general store: the descendants of immigrants from Little Russia sell milk and the fruits of their gardens. It’s better to buy everything in Yeisk or Primorsko-Akhtarsk.


The main contingent who come to vacation in the village are tourists from nearby cities, who most often settle on the coast with tents, and vacationers coming from afar, who stay in the private sector or a tourist’s house.

People's attitude is very friendly. In stores, in bank branches and on the street, everyone greets each other. Local residents are polite and sociable. They treat children very well.

We are in strawberry season. All the neighbors considered it their duty to feed their daughter this berry. Moreover, everyone assured that it was his variety that was the most delicious and juicy.


  1. [krsdstat.ru/perepis/vpn2010/ekspres/%D0%9D%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5_%D0% 92%D0%9F%D0%9D_2010.pdf 2010 Census in the Krasnodar Territory]. [www.webcitation.org/6A10t3o7V Archived from the original on August 18, 2012].
  2. [gazeta.ru/2007/03/20/oa_234327.shtml The old people burned down without warning. Newspaper. RU]
  3. [kulturnoe-nasledie.ru/monuments.php?id=2301296000 Monuments of history and culture (cultural heritage sites) of the peoples of the Russian Federation]
  4. [www.new-kuban.ru/14.09.00/KX09E002.html SHOCK]

General Tips

If you purposefully decided to visit Kamyshevatskaya, then:

  • take with you a first aid kit with the most necessary things - the pharmacy in the village is not always supplied with the simplest medicines;
  • do not taste the local water - it is better to immediately buy drinking water in stores;
  • Take insect repellent with you (horseflies, horse flies, mosquitoes) - it is difficult to find in local retail outlets.

How to save money

There is a choice of housing in the private sector at any time of the year. For local residents, this is the main form of income, and therefore competition plays a role.

You can search for a place to live directly in the village. On every house in which they offer to rent a room (a separate house), you can see a sign that says “for rent.” For a higher price, you will be offered additional amenities such as air conditioning in the room, computer, TV, Wi-Fi point.

If you don’t need all this, then you can save a lot and rent a simpler place. Usually the owners whose conditions you don’t like will tell you which address you can contact.

You can book a guest house online. On social networks, in groups in the city of Yeysk, it will not be difficult to choose a suitable option.

Housing prices depend on the possibility of moving in with animals and the availability of civilization amenities in the house, but not on the proximity of the location to the sea. It’s just that houses that are closer to the coast are more in demand during the season and are occupied faster.

You can save money by eating on your own. Vegetables and fruits are cheaper at the market than in stores.

Our move to the village of Kamyshevatskaya, Krasnodar Territory

Having received a certificate of maternity capital in their hands, these same hands were eager to urgently transfer it to real estate, adding a minimum amount of real money. The Moscow region was on the agenda. After studying the market, we found no offers: either we don’t have enough money, or the house is not suitable. We began to look further, 300 km from Moscow. It seems like it’s almost working out, but then the owners don’t want to wait 2 months for cash, then some object (such as prisons) is nearby. And here summer is coming, thoughts about the sea... So we materialized them, having found at least a small but cozy house in a large village a couple of kilometers from the Sea of ​​​​Azov.

They started searching through advertisements, but the ringing made me sad. The people of the south did not really want to sell and advertise their properties. The only thing was that when we came across out-of-town sellers, there was clarity and agreement.

The place was not chosen by chance; we once vacationed here and really liked it + affordable housing prices. We selected a couple of advertisements and moved to the place where we eventually chose a house through advertising on its facade. Perhaps the most common method of local sales.

The village of Kamyshevatskaya is a kind of mini-city, there is everything for a comfortable stay. The infrastructure, despite the complaints of local residents, is well developed. Kindergartens, a school, a house of creativity, a house of culture, a clinic with an ambulance substation, a food and construction market, a post office, a museum, a lot of shops such as mini-supermarkets.

Jobs are in short supply, but they exist. In the village there is an agricultural complex, a nursing home, and a boarding house for children. If you want to find a job, you will find it.

There is communication, Internet, both wired and via whistles. At decent speed, everything works.

The city of Yeysk is the closest civilization, 40 km of highway without traffic jams. There are no problems with work there (again, for those who want to work and not moan, which is not enough, not in their specialty, far away and other excuses).

There are many complaints about the quality of water - there is such a problem, but we solved it simply: tap water for technical needs, and for food we exchange 20 liter bottles.

The sea is great! Let it be childish, small. But to be honest, I very rarely saw swimmers in deep waters, mostly everyone stands and soaks their butts or lies on them near the shore on the waves)

There is a slight lack of modern services, it is not yet very developed, to say the least. This means printing documents, ordering delivery of something. Everything is through the city.

Local residents - yes, you need to get used to it. This is their monastery, and we came to them. Everything is very simple. We get used to each other.

We immediately started our own farm, which saves us a lot on food. In general, in almost every house in the village there are birds, ducks, and geese.

I’m writing this review after living there for almost a year. What can I say to those who want to take such a step, at first everything looked more positive. After 4 months, we encountered problems with paperwork and contacting locals (as already expressed on the site, living and vacationing in Kuban are two different things). I had a breakdown, I wanted to give up everything and go to my own region. But I was detained by an excellent, well, simply beyond praise kindergarten with the Soviet method of education - no phones, cartoons in groups. Drawing, modeling, BOARD games, street games TEACHER with children. It may be old-fashioned, but I adhere to this upbringing. From the previous kindergarten, my child brought home hysterics, a desire to quickly steal the phone and poke buttons, or demanded stupid cartoons on the computer. And now the child walks, COMMUNICATES and knows how to play.

In general, we stayed late, the crisis period passed, we got used to it and grew into it).

Comparing the Moscow region and the village, I will say that living in Kuban is great, you just have to love work. The climate is mild, late autumn, early spring, in winter the snow lasts for a couple of weeks in total. Most of the year in the sun, in shorts and a T-shirt. In the short winter, you can wear a fur coat because of the breeze.

In the Moscow Region, of course, everything is at your service, almost any whim, here you have to give up a lot. I can't say it's bad. If you don't eat an extra pack of new chips, nothing will be lost and your health will not suffer.

By the way, about him. There are quite good doctors in the village. But if there is some kind of modern examination, then they will send you to the city, to the Central District Hospital, to stand in line. Or for a fee in a private clinic, but also by appointment. Services are in demand, but there are not enough medical centers.

Active youth will feel sad here, there is not enough entertainment. But for a quiet family with small children or retirees, it’s a nice thing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a holiday in Kamyshevatskaya:

  • calm, beautiful place;
  • Fresh air;
  • warm sea;
  • friendly residents;
  • interesting nature.

Disadvantages of holidays in the village:

  • cloudy tap water with the smell of hydrogen sulfide;
  • many insects;
  • difficult to get to.

If you have not yet chosen where you will live and want to save money when booking, we recommend using the RoomGuru service. Firstly, it contains hotels, apartments and guest houses from many different booking systems, so you won’t miss out on a worthwhile option. Secondly, you can immediately compare prices for one place in different services and book where it is cheaper (this is not always Booking!).

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