Day outside the city. Traveling with children in the Sengileevsky district: marmots, huskies, Maldives, Arbuginskaya Mountain

City in Ulyanovsk region, Russia



Coat of arms
Location of Sengiley

Location of Sengiley

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Sengiley (Ulyanovsk region)

Show map of Ulyanovsk region

Coordinates: 53°58′N 48°48′E / 53.967°N W. 48.800° E. / 53.967; 48.800Coordinates: 53°58′N 48°48′E / 53.967°N W. 48.800° E. / 53.967; 48.800
A countryRussia
Federal subjectUlyanovsk region[1]
Administrative regionSengileevsky district[1]
City of district significanceSengiley[1]
City status from1943
Height70 m (230 ft)
(2010 Census)[2]
• Total6,958
• Estimate
6,405 (-7.9%)
Administrative status
• Capital fromcity ​​of district significance of Sengiley[1]
Municipal status
• Municipal districtSengileevsky municipal district[4]
• Urban villageSengileevskoye urban settlement[4]
• Capital fromSengileevsky municipal district[4], urban-type settlement Sengileevskoye[4]
TimezoneUTC+4 (UTC+04:00[5])
Postal code(s)[6] 433380, 433381, 433399
OKTMO I WOULD73636101001


(Russian: Sengilei) is a town and administrative center of Sengileevsky District in Ulyanovsk Region, Russia, located on the right bank of the river. Kuibyshev Reservoir, 72 km (45 mi) south of Ulyanovsk, administrative center of the region. Population: 6,958 (2010 Census);[2]8,396 (2002 Census);[7]10,366 (1989 Census).[8]


It was founded in 1666 as a defensive military outpost against nomadic raids.[ citation needed

] Several
later formed around the outpost, and at the beginning of the 18th century
the settlements of
Stanichnaya, Butyrskaya and Vybornaya merged into the village.
(Pokrovskoe), named after the Intercession Church.
In 1780 it was incorporated as the town of Senghiley; named after its position on the then river of the same name (now Sengileyka, a tributary of the Volga), which comes from the Erzya words Syang
, meaning
, meaning

In 1925, Sengilei was demoted to rural status, but received urban settlement status later that year. In 1943 it was again given city status.[ citation needed



SENGILEY, a city in Russia, in the Ulyanovsk region, the center of the Sengileevsky district. Us. 6.8 thousand people (2014). Located on the slopes of the Volga Upland, a pier on the right bank of the Kuibyshev reservoir (on the Volga River), 39 km from the railway. Art. Red Walk.

Founded in 1666 by the Simbirsk governor, Prince. I. I. Dashkov as an outpost for protection against raids by nomads. The first settlers of the outpost - the village Cossacks - founded the village of Stanichnaya. In 1670, during the Razin uprising of 1670–71, the rebel troops stopped in the settlement. In con. 17th century exiled archers of the Butyrsky and Vyborg regiments founded the Butyrskaya and Vyborgskaya (Vybornaya) settlements. In 1723, three settlements were united into the village. Pokrovskoe. In the 18th–19th centuries. Flour-grinding, felting and footwear making, cart and sleigh making, cooperage, tar production and tar smoking, etc. developed. Since 1780, the city of Sengilei has developed. District (1780–98, 1802–1924) and provincial (1798–1802) city of Simbirsk province. (until 1796 Simbirsk governorship). In 1807, 1877 and 1891 it was heavily damaged by fires. Since 1876, a Christmas fair has been held annually in S. Since 1882, it became one of the stopping points for regular steamship routes along the Volga. Sov. power was established on December 10 (23), 1917. In 1924–28, it was part of the Simbirsk (from 1924 Ulyanovsk) district. Since 1925 it has been a village, since 1928 it has been a working settlement. Regional center of the Ulyanovsk region. Middle Volga region (1928–29) and the Middle Volga region (1929–1930), the Middle Volga region (1930–35), the Kuibyshev region (1935–36), the Kuibyshev region. (1936–43), from 1943 Ulyanovsk region. Since 1943 it has been a city again. In 1953–57, in connection with the creation of the Kuibyshev Reservoir, part of S. was moved from the flood zone, and many were demolished. early buildings 19th century

The merchants have been preserved. residential buildings 2nd floor. 19 – beginning 20 centuries, buildings of the zemstvo government, hospital, primary school (all late 19th century), Pokrovskaya Ts. (in the building 1895, consecrated in 2001). Monuments: Military Glory to 1116 fellow countrymen who died during the Great. Otech. war (1975), Heroes of the Soviet Union. Union, local natives V.P. Nosov (1965) and K.I. Pushkarev (1968). Since 2007, the regional festival “S. - pancake capital"; There is also a monument to the pancake. Enterprises producing building materials (cement, bricks), food industry (including fish production and processing).

Near S., in the village. Karanino, - the estate of A. I. Turgenev and N. I. Turgenev; State complex landscape nature reserve “Sengileevskie Mountains” (2008). Due to the peculiarities of the landscape, the surroundings of S. received the unofficial name. Volga Switzerland.



  1. ^ a b c d f f d
    Law No. 126-ZO
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.” Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  4. ^ a b c d f
    Law No. 043-ZO
  5. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  6. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal facilities ( Search for postal facilities
    ) (in Russian)
  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people.” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal subjects, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers, rural settlements with a population of more than 3000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census of 2002 [All-Russian Population Census of 2002]
    (in Russian).
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of the union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages. Geographical names of the world.” Moscow, 1998, p. 379.


(Ulyanovsk region)

OKATO code:
18th century Urban-type settlement since:
City since:
1943 City of district subordination (Sengileevsky district, Ulyanovsk region)
Sengileevsky district
Urban-type settlements, population as of January 1, 2021

Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographical latitude:
Geographical longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
70 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Sengilei

Sengileevsky district

Official site

Area information

Population – 21.3 thousand people.

Territory area - 1349 sq. km. (3.6% of the territory of the Ulyanovsk region)

It borders: from the north - with the Ulyanovsk region, from the south - with the Samara region, from the west - with the Terengulsky district, from the east - it is washed by the Kuibyshev reservoir.

Local government bodies of the municipal district

The structure of local government bodies of the district includes the Head of the municipality, acting as chairman of the Council of Deputies, the Administration, and the Council of Deputies (18 deputies).

Local government bodies of the municipal district

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the municipal formation "Sengileevsky District" Kudryashov Alexander Alexandrovich

And about. Head of the Administration of the municipal formation "Sengileevsky District" Sarzhanov Ramis Sultanovich

Tel.: (84233) 2-15-76; fax 2-15-76

E-mail website:

Address of the Administration of the municipal formation "Sengileevsky district" 433380, Sengilei, 1 May Square, 2 (84233) 2-15-76

Information about settlements

The Sengileevsky district includes 3 urban (Sengileevskoye, Krasnogulyaevskoye, Silikatnenskoye) and 3 rural settlements (Elaurskoye, Novoslobodskoye, Tushninskoye). The powers of the Municipal Municipality "Sengileevsky Urban Settlement" are exercised by the administration of the Municipal Municipality "Sengileevsky District"

On September 9, 2022, municipal elections were held in the Sengileevsky district. Councils of deputies of all 6 settlements were elected in their authorized composition. In all urban and rural settlements, heads of settlements were elected - chairmen of the Councils of Deputies.

Sengileevskoe urban settlement

Address of the settlement administration: 433380, Sengilei, pl. May 1, 2

Head of the Municipal Municipality "Sengileevskoye Urban Settlement" Zhirtuev Nikolai Viktorovich. tel. (84233) 2-15-76

And about. Head of the Administration of the municipal formation "Sengileevsky District" Sarzhanov Ramis Sultanovich

Tel.: (84233) 2-15-76; fax 2-15-76

Settlements a) the city of Sengilei - the administrative center; b) workers' village Tsemzavod.

Administrator of the Tsemzavod village Kara Vasily Vasilievich tel. (8-233) 2-91-95

Krasnogulyaevskoe urban settlement

Address of the settlement administration: 433396, pos. Krasny Gulyai, st. Pchelovskaya, 1

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Krasnogulyaevskoe urban settlement Yargunov Nikolay Agafanovich (8-233) 2-71-39

Head of Administration of the Krasnogulyaevskoe urban settlement Irevlin Valery Vladimirovich (8-233) 2-71-39

Settlements a) the working village of Krasny Gulyai - the administrative center; b) the village of Krasny Gulyaychik; c) passing 35 km of railway track.

Silikatne urban settlement

Address of the settlement administration: 433393, pos. Silikatny, st. Engelsa, 5

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Municipality "Silikatno Urban Settlement" Abazov Ramil Kamilovich (84233) 2-61-39

Head of Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Silikatno Urban Settlement" Kharitonov Vladimir Ivanovich (84233) 2-61-39

Settlements a) the working village of Silikatny - the administrative center; b) the village of Kuchura; c) the village of Station Kuchura.

Elauri rural settlement

Address of the settlement administration: 433385, p. Elaur, st. Krupskaya, 1

Head of the administration of the Municipal Municipality "Elaursky Rural Settlement" Razubaev Nikolay Nikolaevich (8-233) 2-51-35

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Municipality "Elaursky Rural Settlement" Ildeikina Svetlana Ivanovna

Settlements a) the village of Elaur - the administrative center;

b) the village of Beketovka;

Administrator of the village of Beketovka Guryanova Lyubov Aleksandrovna (8-233) 2-84-41

c) the village of Golovka; d) the village of Kamenny Brod; e) the village of Krotkovo;

Administrator of the village of Krotkovo Mullina Natalya Mikhailovna (8-233) 2-85-42

f) the village of Mordovo;

Administrator of the village of Russkaya Bektyashka and the village of Mordovo Egorov Vladimir Anatolyevich (8-233) 2-33-23

g) the village of Mordovskaya Bektyashka; h) the village of Nikolskoye; i) the village of New Dontsy; j) the village of Russkaya Bektyashka; k) Utyazhkino village.

Novoslobodskoe rural settlement

Address of the settlement administration: 433387, p. Novaya Sloboda, lane. Sovkhozny, 13

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Novoslobodskoe rural settlement Yakubov Igor Takhirovich (84233) 2-39-12

Head of Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Novoslobodskoye Rural Settlement" Shtyrlov Vladimir Gennadievich (84233) 2-39-12


a) the village of Novaya Sloboda - the administrative center; b) the village of Aleshkino;

Administrator of the village of Aleshkino Kapitonova Zhanna Aleksandrovna (8-233) 2-31-45

c) the village of Bueraki; d) the village of Vyrystaikino; e) the village of Karanino; e) the village of Lesnoy.

Tushninskoe rural settlement

433390, p. Tushna, st. Shkolnaya, 2

Head - Chairman of the Council of Deputies of the Municipal Municipality "Tushninskoye Rural Settlement" Kalkamanov Marat Millievich (8-233) 2-41-36

Head of Administration of the Municipal Municipality "Tushninskoye Rural Settlement" Smirnov Ivan Nikolaevich (8-233) 2-41-36

Settlements a) the village of Tushna - the administrative center; b) the village of Artyushkino

Administrator of the village of Artyushkino Tolchkova Marina Vasilievna (8-233) 2-36-36

c) the village of Ekaterinovka; d) the village of Potapikha; e) the village of Smorodino; e) the village of Shilovka

Administrator of the village of Shilovka Belaya Natalya Anatolyevna (8-233) 2-34-24.

Visit to the Sengileevskie Mountains

The easiest way to obtain an individual permit to visit a national park is to fill out an application on the official website, where you indicate your full name and purpose of the visit. The confirmation will be sent to your email and is valid until the end of the calendar year.

Apply for a visit to the national park

© zatagin.iury

Don't forget to take the permit document with you when going to the park; a printed or electronic version on your smartphone will do. You should also familiarize yourself with the set of rules of the reserve so as not to spoil your vacation with fines. First of all, it is important to remember that you can only put up tents and light a fire in a special camping area.

Prices for services on the official website of the national park

Panorama of the Sengileevskie Mountains on Google map

Routes along the Sengileevsky Mountains

You can go on day hikes in the Sengileevskie Mountains. All routes are easy, so you don't need any special equipment. The main thing that a traveler needs to do is to take into account his individual needs for comfortable clothing, shoes, food, drink and medical supplies.

The first ecological trail through the protected area stretches near the village of Tushna. The 6 km long “Following the Marmot” route has been open since 2019. Park workers have equipped the path with signs, observation platforms and information stands. During a walk from April to October, you can observe the life of the inhabitants of the steppe - marmots. In the coming years, the equipment of other trails will be completed, in particular, to Arbuginskaya Mountain and Grannoe Ukho. Since the mountains in the park are formed from sedimentary rocks, it is worth remembering that they are easily destroyed, so it is undesirable to be on the edge of cliffs.

There are many interesting objects in the Sengileevsky Mountains, so the services of a qualified guide will not be superfluous. For a group of up to 20 people. the excursion will cost 1 thousand rubles, more than 20 people. - 1500 rub. You can travel to local attractions on foot or by bicycle (rent 200 rubles per hour).

© Kamil Bagautdinov


In the Sengileevskie Mountains you can pick mushrooms and berries if you are sure you understand them, as poisonous species also grow in the park. There are sources of drinking water on the territory - springs. You cannot take water from the Volga, it is unsuitable for drinking and cooking; you can take water from small rivers in the territory, but only if it is boiled. There is no need to be afraid of encountering dangerous mammals.


You can stay for several days in the recreational area of ​​the national park. An equipped place for setting up a tent will cost 100 rubles. per day, and a gazebo for outdoor recreation - 1 thousand rubles. for the first 4 hours, then 100 rubles. for each subsequent hour. The lack of camping equipment is not a reason to give up a few days in nature. In the Sengileevskie Mountains park there is rental: a tent for an adult will cost 300 rubles. per day, for a child - 100 rubles. per day.

On the border of the park there is a glamping site “Hills”, located near the village. Tushna. This is a well-equipped, modern outdoor camp with soft beds, heating and air conditioning. In the area of ​​the village of Old Bely Yar, on the bank of the river there is a camping site “Maple Grove”.

© zatagin.iury


In the town of Sengilei, which borders the National Park, there is a small hotel “Sengileevskie Gory” with 6 rooms. If you are not ready to spend the night in a tent, this option with a shower and kitchen will suit you. There are sanatoriums and recreation centers on the other side of the Volga.

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