In Kuznetsk, the mortality rate of the population is higher than the regional average

Kuznetsk is a city in the Penza region of Russia. It has regional significance and forms the Kuznetsk urban district. The population is 83,400 people. It is located in central Russia, in the east of the Penza region. Its height is 254 meters above sea level. This is due to the influence of the Volga Upland. The Truev River flows through the city.

The area of ​​the city is 2287 hectares. The population of Kuznetsk is gradually decreasing.

Natural conditions

Kuznetsk is located on a hill in central Russia. The climate is temperate, with an annual precipitation of 627 mm. Winters are cool. The lowest average temperature is observed in February - 9.8 °C. The average annual temperature is + 5.3 °C. Summer is moderate. Precipitation at this time of year is often showery.

The city is located in a forest zone. To the north of the city borders there is a coniferous forest. No serious deposits have been discovered in this district. There are natural oil deposits. The most widespread are sands, sometimes peat bogs. There are places where clays, loams, and mineral dyes occur.

To the north of the city there is a nature reserve: the Volga forest-steppe.

Main attractions

What are they?

  1. Church of the Resurrection of Christ. This brick temple was built in the middle of the last century. It is a work of ancient Russian architecture.
  2. Memorial complex "Hill of Military Glory". The opening took place in 1975 on the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Victory over fascism. There is a sculpture in the form of three soldiers made of granite. The Victory Banner is installed nearby.
  3. Women's gymnasium. It was erected in the second half of the century before last and is a two-story brick building. During the period of hostilities, the headquarters of the Tenth Army was located there.

Kuznetsk - reviews from those who moved

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12/05/2020 at 15:12


Before you say about Kuznetsk that the city is bad and there are no prospects here, then read about Vorkuta, the city is dying out there, but people live the same way. And we still have excellent conditions

02/06/2022 at 23:44


Why compare with bad cities, compare with good cities and you will understand that not everything is good in Kuznetsk!

Irina Nikolaevna
09/12/2020 at 16:57


There is no need to criticize our city and our people. If you don’t like it, go to big cities. And our dialect is originally ours, Kuznetsk. Abaaa, ama... etc. and the village has nothing to do with it. I love my small, quiet Kuznetsk. And I think the indigenous people will support me.

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The city is very backward. Especially people and especially young people, because due to the age and time in which they live, their vocabulary hurts the ears….hvataaat….understand….abaaaa….amaaa… It seems that the young girls of this city have village women in them. Sad picture


A rotten, dying, run-down town. People are very angry and envious. Everyone communicates through gossip. The number of more than 80 thousand, apparently, if correct, is maintained due to the outflow of residents from nearby villages and also the extinction of the latter. Young people are leaving here far away. There are no prospects here. Only those who remain are those who simply cannot leave due to family or lack of normal education. Therefore, the city has long been turned into a cattle town. Industry in the city was destroyed during the perestroika and post-perestroika years. There are no factories as such. And if there is, then they produce the weapon of genocide of the Russian people - alcohol. Or from a team of thousands there are only 15 people left who are forced to go on vacation without pay! Here you can’t even get a job in a grocery store without cronyism! Everywhere you need your own garters. And you are “great” luck if you work in furniture production, so as not to die of hunger, since state employees here receive 8-10 thousand. And here you can fully experience all the feudalism of capitalist Russia in your own Well... working on furniture. The “private owner” is usually a bandit from the 90s, who has neither education nor the culture of human communication with the team. In general, Kuznetsk is a city turning into a village. In the era of the Union he was not like this!


I really like the city. Live in a metropolis and you will really want to move with your family.


I’m from Penza, but I’ve been to Kuznetsk. The city, to put it mildly, is not very good! Somewhat dirty, gloomy, sad! But this is my impression


What does a special order shoe factory cost, on Sverdlov Street they cheat, especially on CNC machines, they lure you with beautiful fairy tales, and on payday you will take a bite and eat crackers for a long time because they won’t give you the money, be careful


I'm from Penza, I was in Kuznetsk once. the city is simply terrible, it’s not even a city, but something like an urban-type settlement, everything is gray, gloomy, old, so “Soviet”... I completely agree with 2. personally, I would never go 3, but Penza is like Kuznetsk in comparison Moscow compared to Penza, IMHO


Awesome city!!! And there is more than one post office there! The lights are on at night! The buildings are quite colorful! They put up a lot of posters, a beautiful park, a lot of public gardens, there are 2 fountains! :) And you don’t have to worry about getting from one part of the city to another! AND IN GENERAL THIS IS THE BEST CITY! Snowy winters, hot summers, what else do you need?


-A lot of cars and not enough parking


-Lack of development and medical centers. services - libraries, clinics, anti-cafes, etc.

-In the warm months of the year there are a lot of young people near the park, noisy music and a lot of other not very good things


Kuznetsk has always scared me, apparently because Farshtat is in that area, and also Abashevo, the Baydayevka there somehow becomes uneasy (((on Zapse, even though our drug addicts are not happy anymore, mothers either died or wherever they go to another place they began to go !!!



The city is like a city. It’s ordinary, no matter how many times I’ve been there, I haven’t noticed anything special about it. And he is not retarded. I have many friends from Kuznetsk and nothing is wrong.


And I love this city! Compared to Moscow, people here are friendly and don’t walk around with dull expressions; it even seems like they’re about to hit you on the head with something HARD!!! There may not be many places to hang out in Kuznetsk, but everyone knows each other and they all REALLY HAVE FUN!!! This cute town is very cozy, and everyone who lives in it really LOVE it!!! And the school “OLIMP” is a cool thing!!! The best people study there, and a HUGE HELLO to all of them from Dashulka A.!!! I kiss all the blacksmiths - you are the BEST!!!


When I saw the Kuznetsk district for the first time, I was in shock for a long time, it was 3 years ago in April, the houses were tattered, the streets were scary and dirty... it was not a happy sight. (I had the feeling that I was in stagnant and terrible times), I didn’t even rent an apartment there. We lived in Novobaidaevka, we liked it. Now we bought an apartment on Montazh where the Cathedral is... quiet, cozy))) I like it)))


Terrible, terrible little town! Built up with gray, monochromatic, gloomy boxes, mixed with village houses, there is nowhere to put your eyes. The dirt is up to your ears. I don’t understand how people live here. And even local insanity. Of the mobile operators, only Megafon and Beeline receive reception (there is no MTS at all). So, to connect to Mega, you need to be a resident (!) of Penza or Kuznetsk. Have you seen such stupidity? No other way. I had to use Beeline. And he has a network - the cat cried :(. In general, Kuznetsk is hell! And how do people live here?



Small, calm city


Hardly ever

The city of Kuznetsk, Penza region, is my small homeland. I was born here, grew up, studied here, and now I work here. Kuznetsk is not a very big city. This is the regional center of the Penza region. I think you've heard about Penza. The first settlement arose in 1699 on the banks of the river. Truev and until 1780 bore the name of the village. Naryshkino, named after the founders of this village. The residents were master blacksmiths. According to legend, Empress Catherine II, passing through in 1780, visited the village. The roads were very bad then and the wheel of the Empress’s carriage fell off. The blacksmiths quickly fixed everything. Then Catherine the Second ordered by her decree to found a city on this place - Kuznetsk in honor of the masters of blacksmithing. Although the city is small, it also has its own attractions - the Hill of Military Glory, the Komsomolets cinema, the Alley of Elms, the railway station, architectural monuments of the 19-20th century, which create the unique appearance of the modern city. This city is never visited by crowds of tourists; they probably believe that there is nothing to see here. I beg to differ. Yes, the city is small, but that’s what makes it attractive. Here you can see the life of the Russian hinterland, the life of an ordinary Russian person. This is a city where everyone knows each other. The most important attraction of the city is the Hill of Glory and the Alley of Heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Every year on May 9, a rally is held on the Hill of Glory in honor of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. City school students proudly keep a vigil of memory.

The Hill of Glory was created in 1975 in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. This memorial complex has no analogues in Russia. On the territory of the central platform there are busts of blacksmith heroes. At the foot of the Hill of Glory there is a large Museum of Military Glory, which contains various materials donated by residents of the city of Kuznetsk. The museum is very popular among residents of the city and region. And most importantly, excursions are organized here for students from all schools in the city. Another attraction is the Ascension Cathedral, built in 1699, on the site where an old wooden church stood. The architect of the Cathedral was Konstantin Ton. The cathedral has a Sunday school, a beading club, an icon painting center and an Orthodox library. Another beautiful temple is the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This majestic temple with a three-tiered bell tower and a low refectory stands out for its splendor and bright, beautiful domes. And that is not all. If you come to Kuznetsk by train, then on the platform of the railway station in Kuznetsk you will see the locomotive-monument L4-235 with a carriage and rails. There is also a place for couples in love. Now wedding ceremonies in the city take place not only in the registry office, but also this service is provided by the Rodina ITC. And near Rodina there is another landmark of the city - the taganaite stone, which was presented to the residents of the city by the governor of the Penza region V.K. Bochkarev. The stone of sun and love was brought from the Ural region. Here is a short tour of my small homeland.


It’s just terrible that I live in this city... It’s even scary!!!



A person sees what he wants to see. Our city has both good and bad, just like any other city. I wish they wouldn’t speak so evilly about my hometown. Yes, we don’t have normal jobs, but good people live in our city.


The city is terrible! I regret that I live in it, I have negative feelings towards it! There are almost no prospects in it, living in Leninskaya is suicide, there is nothing, not even work... I am seething with anger at this city!


Good day to all! Today I want to take a short virtual tour of the city in which I have lived for the last ten years. This is the city of Kuznetsk, located in the northeast of the Penza region, on the border with the Ulyanovsk region.

The town is small, our population is about 100 thousand people. The people are most engaged in the following areas: furniture production, shoe production and blacksmithing.

The name Kuznetsk was assigned by decree of Catherine the Second, in connection with its declaration as a district town, “since this city is filled with blacksmiths, from whom it received its handicrafts and name. »

There is also a bakery, a brewery, a distillery and a confectionery factory in Kuznetsk. There are also several individual entrepreneurs who produce semi-finished products. The largest are Laura and Korolev and Co.

There are 19 schools and 16 kindergartens in Kuznetsk. There are 3 children's and 4 adult clinics. Post offices and banks are on almost every corner.

Various shopping and entertainment centers, shops and other retail outlets appear here like mushrooms after rain. The largest shopping centers are Gulliver, Solnechny, M-City and Equator.

We have two hypermarkets: Nasha Raduga (Auchan) and Family Magnit. There are also supermarkets Magnit near the house, Pyaterochki, Svetofor and two regional supermarkets Kvartal (Kuznetsk) and Karavan (Penza). But the most popular among us is the low-price store Pobeda. There are, of course, opponents of this store, who believe that the goods here are allegedly worse than in Magnit or Pyaterochka. Personally, I don’t know: the manufacturers of the goods are the same, the quality is also the same, but in Pobeda the prices are more attractive.

We purchase household chemicals and cosmetics from Ruble Boom, Magnit-Cosmetics, and Ulybka Raduga. Also, all sorts of useful little things for the home can be found in Fix Price stores. For wholesalers we have two bases: “Central” and “Alekseevskaya”. Household appliances can be bought at Eldorado, World of Technology and M-Video.

There are many beauty salons and hairdressers for girls. The most popular is the Estel hairdressing salon. I most often go to the hair salon "Diva". Here I finally found a good master at an affordable price.

Young people (and not only young people) can spend their leisure time at the Gulliver Cinema Center. You can go billiards or bowling. There are also many different cafes, pizzerias, and a couple of nightclubs in the city.

Do you like sports? Then for you there are two swimming pools “Parus” and “Neptune”, the sports complex “Zvezdny”, the stadium “Rubin”, the ski resort “Snezhinka” and the ice palace “Arena”. There are also two open-air skating rinks in winter.

For believers we have 4 churches.

In the center of the city there is a park of culture and recreation "Neskuchny Garden". There are also many public gardens around the city. You can relax in nature at the recreation center “Sosnovy Bor” (Komarovka village), which is 25 km from the city.

Do you want to relax culturally and expand your horizons? Then the Hill of Glory memorial, the Museum of Military Glory, and the Museum of Local Lore will open their doors for you. There are also many buildings of architectural value in the city. The city has monuments to such people as V.I. Lenin, L.V. Smirnov, A.N. Radishchev, A.S. Pushkin, A.M. Gorky. On the territory of school #4 there is a monument to the martyr Evgeniy Rodionov.

In general, if you are passing through (the Moscow-Chelyabinsk FAD passes nearby, there are the Rossiya and Kuznetsk hotels), you will know what to do and where to go

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