Russian billion: The population census turned out to be another fake

Population of the Penza region by district and city

According to him, the urban population decreased to 893 thousand 214 people, the rural population - to 398 thousand 997.

Based on the proposal of the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Demography of the Penza Region, for 2022, establish the cost of living per capita at 10,038 rubles, for the working population - 10,941 rubles, pensioners - 9,381 rubles, children - 10,402 rubles.

In January 2022, the situation on the labor market in the Kirov region is characterized as stable, according to the local Employment Center.

Population of Penza for 2022: how many people live by district. Current information about the number of people, what place the city occupies in Russia, growth dynamics over the years. Exact data in table form on our online resource.

Regional center

As noted just above, the Penza region was formed shortly before the Great Patriotic War. Initially, back at the end of the eighteenth century, this region was famous for agriculture. It is not for nothing that the official coat of arms of the city contains three golden sheaves - wheat, barley and millet.

The majority of the region's population, which at that time exceeded two million, was rural. But after the war, the regional center, Penza, became the main magnet for residents. As a result of population migration from villages to cities, the Penza region has become an area with a predominance of urban population. And given the fact that a significant part of the population migrated to regions of the country that suffered damage during the war, the number of people living in the region decreased. The 1959 census recorded just over one and a half million inhabitants. Since then, the number was maintained at this level until the collapse of the Soviet Union. Since 1991, the population of the region has been steadily decreasing, and its growth since that period has been recorded only in three out of twenty-four years.

Map of the city of Penza. Penza Yandex maps

Vasily, if you don’t know the meaning of words, it’s better not to use them. Penza is an ordinary provincial city. Boring.

More than 615 thousand Russians were laid off during the period from January 11 to January 25 this year, and in total there are more than 2.5 million officially unemployed in the Russian Federation.

The number of marriages and divorces in the region also showed a uniform increase. Over six months, the number of weddings increased by 526, divorces by 504.

Previously, the airline flew to St. Petersburg, but flights were canceled in the fall of 2022. They say it's temporary.

Certificate EL No. FS 77-77315 dated December 10, 2019. Founder of PenzaInform LLC. Editor-in-Chief - T.S. Yazychenko

The city was formed according to all the canons of the provincial government with the necessary administrative buildings. By the time of the revolution of 1917, just over one hundred thousand people lived in Penza, and by the time it received the status of a regional center (in 1939), it was already one and a half times more.

According to the operational data of Rosstat dated April 23, 2020, “The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.”

According to Federal Law No. 134-FZ of October 24, 1997 “On the subsistence minimum in the Russian Federation,” the subsistence minimum (LM) is the amount of money that a person needs to normally exist in Russia for 1 month.

Almost all major federal operators operate in Penza - Yandex Taxi, Uber, Vezet, Maxim. The prices are approximately the same for all, the difference is a maximum of a few rubles.

In the 90s the population of Penza was called Penzyaks - this is the traditional name. This is what they said, including from the pages and screens of the media.

The most populated urban district of Penza for 2022 is Oktyabrsky, with a permanent population of 181,370 people.

In the 90s the population of Penza was called Penzyaks - this is the traditional name. This is what they said, including from the pages and screens of the media.

According to the operational data of Rosstat dated April 26, 2021, “The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.”

It is not by chance that the authorities are looking for excuses. If we “pull” the water supply, it will be for the long term. Is it worth laying lines to dying villages?

More than 615 thousand Russians were laid off during the period from January 11 to January 25 this year, and in total there are more than 2.5 million officially unemployed in the Russian Federation.

The editors are not responsible for the information and opinions expressed in comments and news materials compiled on the basis of reader messages.

This is a fun place with delicious food. The interior of the restaurant is unusual, with many details, cozy - in general, it’s a pleasure to be here. I am pleased with the well-trained staff - I have little knowledge of Georgian cuisine, and the waiter will always tell you what is best to order.

That year, compared to 2022, the number of children born decreased by 6.4%. The number of deaths increased by 23.4%.

Good day, I left Penza in 92, my childhood dream came true. I recently came to pick up my parents and was once again convinced of the correctness of the choice; in principle, by and large, nothing has changed - depressive energy, dirt, narrow roads, rudeness, inferiority. I visited Centrok, it was as if I was in the 90s. According to statistical data, on January 1, 2022, the population of the region was 1 million 305 thousand 563. In other words, over the year the population decreased by 13352.

The history of Penza begins in 1663. By decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, a fortress was founded that protected the southeastern outskirts of the Russian kingdom. In 1719, the settlement became part of the Kazan province. At the end of the 18th century it was declared a provincial town. Soon he became a district member. Entertainment and educational institutions began to open there. Factories and an iron foundry were erected.

Penza through the eyes of a resident. About climate, ecology, areas, real estate prices and work in the city. Pros and cons of living in Penza. Reviews from residents and those who moved to the city.

At the same time, Penza is little known. Few Russian residents know about it unless they have been there in person. “Penza... Where is it?” If you explain that Tambov, Saratov, Samara are nearby, their faces become clearer: now it’s clear. At the same time, the population of Penza is 521 thousand people, and the area occupied by the city is 290 km². 841 thousand people live in Saratov, and 285 thousand people live in Tambov.

During the last summer month, according to official statistics, 2,086 people died. For comparison: in August 2020, 1,550 residents of the region passed away (+34.6% compared to last year).

Drivers will now be able to complete car first aid kits themselves in accordance with the list given in the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. First aid kits produced before this date will be able to be sold and used until the expiration date of the medications included in them, but no later than 2025.

PENZA, October 11. /TASS/. The number of employed people in the Penza region exceeded pre-pandemic indicators in 2022, amounting to 628.5 thousand people. This was announced on Monday by the acting head of the regional Ministry of Labor, Alexey Kachan, at a meeting with the government of the Penza region.


Initially, in 1663, the population of Penza, a fortress founded by decree of Alexei Mikhailovich, was a little more than three thousand people. The name comes from the river of the same name, the steep bank of which became the site for the construction of the fortress. Gradually, the population of Penza increased, the territory of the Russian kingdom expanded, and this settlement received the status of a district, controlling large, but not yet numerically large, camps. With the further growth of the state's territories, Penza changes its original purpose as a fortress and turns into the center of an entire region. The growth of the city was initially carried out without a master plan and took place along the waterway - the river of the same name. Only towards the end of the eighteenth century did the first general development plan appear, because by 1780 the center of the county became the center of the governorship, and then, by 1796, the center of the entire province.

A small incident occurred in 1801, when the province was abolished, and Penza became part of the Saratov province. But less than a year had passed before the city was restored to provincial status and remained there until 1928. With the reorganization of the administrative-territorial structure of the state, the former provincial center becomes the center of the region of the Middle Volga, and then the Tambov region. Only in 1939 was the Penza region finally formed within its modern borders.

The Penza region is rapidly losing population

Within a few years, about 3,300 people lived in these places. Fragments of ancient guard buildings have still been preserved: the remains of an earthen rampart can be seen in the very center of the city, and on the western outskirts - a serif line.

In most villages there is no longer a post office, a store, or kindergartens. The school is closed: it is not profitable to maintain a staff of teachers and an entire building because there are three students per village; children are taken to neighboring villages. The situation with FAPs is no better: not a single direct line has passed through the governor without the issue of medical care being raised in the districts.

In 2000 - three times less. In our country, it is considered normal to get stuck in a traffic jam during rush hour and stand there for about an hour.

Several large enterprises operate here, including the largest in the region, and the improvement of the city has long been the envy of many residents of the region. Penza also grew, although not by much - by three thousand people, that is, by 0.5%.

Urban population

The population of Penza, in contrast to the size of the region itself, was constantly increasing before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and in 1989 the maximum number of city residents was recorded - more than 542 thousand. After this, periods of increasing numbers alternated with periods of decreasing, reaching its minimum over the last 27 years in 2009 - just over 507 thousand. Since then, the population of Penza has only increased, and the city itself is one of the hundred largest cities in Europe.

In total, there are 27 settlements in the region that are classified as urban. In total, the number of these settlements is more than 903 thousand people, or more than two-thirds of the total population of the region. The population density of the cities of the Penza region is increasing mainly due to the regional center. In other points, the population, if at all, increases, it is insignificant.

The population of Penza and the Penza region for 2022 is:

Registration date: 12/06/2016, founder - Limited Liability Company "Penza-Vzglyad". Editor-in-Chief: Pavel Aleksandrovich Shikunov.

If all sorts of penzyuks did not come to Moscow (from the good life in their hometown, one must assume), Muscovites would feel much better. And what a style: to come to someone else’s city and crap on it! One word - penzyuki.

A lot of money was invested, but... apparently, not for long, sorry... You may not like negative comments, but they are true. In this city you really become dumb and gradually turn into a Cattle. It’s not the people who live there, it’s the energy of the city, so if possible, leave!!!

Population of the Penza region for 2022

We shop near our house at the “Store in my area” chain. We rarely go to the market or grocery store - it’s a waste of time, and the prices there are not always lower than store prices.

Now the world has become open, and with the development of the network, people see how they live in other cities and countries, they have a desire for this life with a more developed infrastructure and the benefits of civilization. Conditions in our outback cannot satisfy all these needs, and citizens are leaving in search of a new life. There are also a number of programs that provide funds for living, but they go to a very small part of the population. Last year (compared to 2019), the number of children born decreased by 657 people (6.4%). The number of deaths increased by 4,298 people (23.4%).

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