Kaspiysk: population, history and date of creation, location, infrastructure, enterprises, attractions, reviews of residents and guests of the city

City in Dagestan, Russia



G. Kaspiysk
Coat of arms
Location of Kaspiysk

Location of Kaspiysk

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Kaspiysk (Republic of Dagestan)

Show map of the Republic of Dagestan

Coordinates: 42°52′49″N 47°38′18″E / 42.88028 ° N Latitude 47.63833°E / 42.88028; 47.63833Coordinates: 42 ° 52′49″ N 47°38′18″E / 42.88028 ° N Latitude 47.63833°E / 42.88028; 47.63833
A countryRussia
Federal subjectDagestan
City status from1947
• BodyMeeting of Deputies[1]
• General32.94 km2 (12.72 sq mi)
Height0 m (0 ft)
(2010 Census)[3]
• General100,129
• Evaluate
116,340 (+16.2%)
• Classify163rd in 2010
• Density3,000/km2 (7,900/sq mi)
Administrative status
• SubordinateCity of Kaspiysk[5]
• Capital fromCity of Kaspiysk[5]
Municipal status
• Urban districtCaspian urban district[6]
• Capital fromCaspian urban district[6]
TimezoneUTC + 3 (MSK [7])
Postal code(s)[8] 87246
OKTMO I WOULD82720000001
Web sitedagmo.RU/ city-kaspiysk


(Russian: Kaspiysk; Lak: Kkasppi; Dargin; Lezginsky; Avar: Kaspiysk) is a city in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, located on the Caspian Sea, 18 kilometers (11 mi) southeast of Makhachkala. The 2010 All-Russian Census recorded the city as the fourth largest in Dagestan. This is a working satellite city of Makhachkala.

About the history of the city of Kaspiysk

In 1931, a decision was made to build a new plant for the production of torpedoes for the Soviet navy, 18 km south of Makhachkala, on the shores of the Caspian Sea. In the summer of the same year, among the swamps, salt marshes and dunes located between the mountains and the sea, a tent camp for workers was set up and construction of a plant with the factory village of Dvigatestroy began. The construction manager was Nikolai Fetisov, and the chief engineer was Alexander Dezortsev. The construction was personally supervised by People's Commissar of Heavy Industry Sergo Ordzhonikidze.

In 1932, the Supreme Council of the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic considered a proposal to rename the village of Dvigatelstroy to the city of Stalinyurt, but in the end it was not approved. The new torpedo production plant was named “Plant No. 182”. One of its workshops - workshop No. 8 - was built in 1934-1937 right in the middle of the sea, on a stone foundation built on the seabed. Since 1966, this unusual building has ceased to be used, but it has survived to this day and rises from the sea waves, like the famous French Fort Bayard.

Stele "Kaspiysk"

In 1947, the village of Dvigatstroy was given the name Kaspiysk and given the status of a city. Its population at that time was already 20 thousand people. In 1948, Plant No. 182 began producing marine diesel engines and diesel power plants. The production of torpedoes also continued at this enterprise, which since 1966 has been called Dagdizel.

During Soviet times, tests of unique equipment and weapons were carried out in Kaspiysk. In particular, ekranoplanes - half-planes / half-ships designed to destroy enemy aircraft carriers. Since 2008, it has been part of the Marine Underwater Weapons – Gidropribor concern, based in St. Petersburg.

Another Soviet enterprise that has been operating in the city of Kaspiysk since 1959 and survived the devastation of the 1990s is the Caspian Precision Mechanics Plant. It produces gas control units and filters, as well as military products for the Russian Navy.

Old mermaid statue near the embankment

The city of Kaspiysk was included in the category of single-industry municipalities of the Russian Federation (monotowns) with the most difficult socio-economic situation.

In April 2022, a decision was made to build a new main base of the Caspian Military Flotilla in Kaspiysk - instead of Astrakhan, where it was located in all previous years, construction of coastal infrastructure and housing for officers and sailors was launched.


The first data on the population of Kaspiysk appeared in 1939. At that time, only 18,900 people lived here. After this, the population grew steadily, for example, already in 1959 more than 25,000 people lived here.

During the years of perestroika, the population of Kaspiysk reached 61,000 people. In the 90s, unlike most other cities in Russia, the population here did not decrease. On the contrary, the population of the city of Kaspiysk was constantly increasing.

In 2010, Kaspiysk had more than 100,000 inhabitants. Currently, the population of the city of Kaspiysk is 116,340 people.

Historical part of the city

The most prestigious microdistricts in Kaspiysk are those in the city center (Khizroeva St., Akhmet Khan Sultana) and on the seashore (Lenin St., Khalilov St.). The “Old Town” in Kaspiysk consists of nostalgic-looking houses of old construction (including Stalinist architecture), lined with trees (including fruit-bearing ones). There are colorful quiet green streets, cozy little shops and cafes. The streets are laid out straight, without the confusion that characterizes the vast private sector. However, in general, most buildings are distinguished by shabby facades that have not seen repairs for many years. Along the embankment there is a picturesque tiled park alley with benches.

Historical part of the city

National composition

Kaspiysk is considered one of the youngest and fastest growing cities located in Dagestan. Until the middle of the last century, Russians predominated in the population of Kaspiysk - about 65%.

But in recent years, due to the massive resettlement of mountain peoples to the plains, as well as in the context of a decrease in the increase in the share of the Russian population, the situation has changed dramatically. Now the population of Kaspiysk is a very diverse national composition, in which no one nation predominates over the others.

According to the latest census, in Kaspiysk there are a little more than 21% Lezgins, about 20% Dargins, 14% Avars and Laks each, almost 10% Kumyks, 9% Russians, about 5% Tabasarans. Aguls and rutulians are also found in small quantities.

Guests who visit Kaspiysk leave mostly positive reviews, noting that in many respects it is better here than in Makhachkala, and even the beaches here are much better. So those who want to relax on the Caspian Sea often choose this settlement.

Eighth workshop - Soviet Fort Bayard

Workshop No. 8, designed for testing and shooting torpedoes, was built 2.7 km from the coastline of Kaspiysk and began operation in 1937. It stands directly in the sea, on a specially poured stone “pillow” 6 m high and on a concrete base, which also has a height of over six meters.

The total area of ​​the “fort” is more than 5 thousand square meters. The height of its observation tower is 42 meters. The thickness of the underwater walls is one and a half meters. The workshop was equipped with an elevator to the tower, a dormitory for 60 people, a cinema, a canteen, and a library. A cable running from the shore along the bottom of the sea supplied electricity, and it also had its own diesel power station.

During the Great Patriotic War, the Germans wanted to capture this structure intact. They bombed the harbor of Kaspiysk, but did not throw bombs at workshop No. 8. The workshop was actively used until 1959. In 1966 it was closed because... torpedo production technologies had advanced far, and its use was no longer advisable. Until the end of 1976, workshop No. 8 was under guard. But on December 29, 1976, it was removed and the structure was abandoned.

Eighth workshop - Soviet Fort Bayard

Now it is in a deplorable state. Firstly, after the rise of the Caspian Sea (1978−1995), waves with massive ice floes thoroughly broke its base. Secondly, in the 1980s, shots were fired at the building from the Lun ekranoplane, an original design of a Soviet-era combat vessel/aircraft. The tower on the right side was hit and tilted slightly. Other shells hit the front part of the workshop - the firing ports, which had previously been covered so that water did not enter the workshop even during a storm. After the shelling, water began to penetrate inside and began to destroy the building intensively. And the fire that started from the shelling destroyed everything inside the workshop in a few days.

The mere sight and lack of security of this grandiose object attracts stalkers, romantics and simply curious people. Local residents will gladly take you to the old “fort” by motor boat for a small fee. Subject to good weather and no rough seas.

Plans to turn the eighth workshop into a popular tourist attraction, similar to the famous Fort Bayard, which are voiced in the republic from time to time, remain only fruitless dreams.

Excerpt characterizing Kaspiysk

After tea, the company moved to the sofa room, and the princess was asked to play the clavichord. Anatole leaned his elbows in front of her next to M lle Bourienne, and his eyes, laughing and rejoicing, looked at Princess Marya. Princess Marya felt his gaze on her with painful and joyful excitement. Her favorite sonata transported her to the most sincerely poetic world, and the gaze she felt on herself made this world even more poetic. Anatole’s gaze, although fixed on her, did not refer to her, but to the movements of m lle Bourienne’s leg, which at that time he was touching with his foot under the piano. M lle Bourienne also looked at the princess, and in her beautiful eyes there was also an expression of frightened joy and hope, new to Princess Marya. “How she loves me! - thought Princess Marya. – How happy I am now and how happy I can be with such a friend and such a husband! Is it really a husband? she thought, not daring to look at his face, feeling the same gaze directed at herself. In the evening, when they began to leave after dinner, Anatole kissed the princess’s hand. She herself did not know how she got the courage, but she looked directly at the beautiful face approaching her myopic eyes. After the princess, he approached M lle Bourienne’s hand (it was indecent, but he did everything so confidently and simply), and M lle Bourienne flushed and looked at the princess in fear. “Quelle delicatesse” [What delicacy,] thought the princess. – Does Ame (that was the name of m lle Bourienne) really think that I can be jealous of her and not appreciate her pure tenderness and devotion to me? “She went up to m lle Bourienne and kissed her deeply. Anatole approached the little princess's hand. - Non, non, non! Quand votre pere m'ecrira, que vous vous conduisez bien, je vous donnerai ma main a baiser. Pas avant. [No no no! When your father writes to me that you are behaving well, then I will let you kiss your hand. Not before.] – And, raising her finger and smiling, she left the room. Everyone left, and, except for Anatole, who fell asleep as soon as he lay down on the bed, no one slept for a long time that night. “Is he really my husband, this strange, handsome, kind man; the main thing is to be kind,” thought Princess Marya, and fear, which almost never came to her, came over her. She was afraid to look back; it seemed to her that someone was standing here behind the screens, in a dark corner. And this someone was he - the devil, and he - this man with a white forehead, black eyebrows and a ruddy mouth. She called the maid and asked her to lie down in her room. M lle Bourienne walked around the winter garden for a long time that evening, waiting in vain for someone and then smiling at someone, then being moved to tears by the imaginary words of pauvre mere, reproaching her for her fall. The little princess grumbled at the maid because the bed was not good. She was not allowed to lie on her side or on her chest. Everything was difficult and awkward. Her stomach was bothering her. He bothered her more than ever, just now, because Anatole’s presence transported her more vividly to another time, when this was not the case and everything was easy and fun for her. She was sitting in a blouse and cap on an armchair. Katya, sleepy and with a tangled braid, interrupted and turned over the heavy feather bed for the third time, saying something. “I told you that everything is lumps and pits,” the little princess repeated, “I would be glad to fall asleep myself, so it’s not my fault,” and her voice trembled, like that of a child about to cry. The old prince also did not sleep. Through his sleep, Tikhon heard him walking angrily and snorting through his nose. It seemed to the old prince that he was insulted on behalf of his daughter. The insult is the most painful, because it did not apply to him, but to someone else, to his daughter, whom he loves more than himself. He told himself that he would change his mind about this whole matter and find what was fair and should be done, but instead he only irritated himself more. “The first person he meets appears - and father and everything are forgotten, and runs upstairs, combs his hair and wags his tail, and doesn’t look like himself! Glad to leave my father! And she knew that I would notice. Fr... fr... fr... And don’t I see that this fool only looks at Burienka (we need to drive her away)! And how there is no pride enough to understand this! At least not for myself, if there is no pride, then for me, at least. We need to show her that this idiot doesn’t even think about her, but only looks at Bourienne. She has no pride, but I will show her this”... Having told his daughter that she was mistaken, that Anatole intended to court Bourienne, the old prince knew that he would irritate Princess Marya’s pride, and his case (the desire not to be separated from his daughter) would be won, and therefore calmed down on this. He called Tikhon and began to undress. “And the devil brought them! - he thought while Tikhon covered his dry, senile body, overgrown with gray hair on his chest, with his nightgown. – I didn’t call them. They came to upset my life. And there’s a little of it left.” - To hell! - he said while his head was still covered with his shirt. Tikhon knew the prince’s habit of sometimes expressing his thoughts out loud, and therefore, with an unchanged face, he met the questioningly angry look of the face that appeared from under his shirt. - Have you gone to bed? - asked the prince. Tikhon, like all good lackeys, knew by instinct the direction of the master’s thoughts. He guessed that they were asking about Prince Vasily and his son. “We deigned to lie down and put out the fire, your Excellency.” “No reason, no reason...” the prince said quickly and, putting his feet into his shoes and his hands into his robe, went to the sofa on which he was sleeping. Despite the fact that nothing was said between Anatole and m lle Bourienne, they completely understood each other regarding the first part of the novel, before the appearance of pauvre mere, they realized that they had a lot to say to each other secretly, and therefore in the morning they looked for an opportunity see you alone. While the princess went to her father at the usual hour, m lle Bourienne met with Anatole in the winter garden. Princess Marya approached the office door that day with special trepidation. It seemed to her that not only did everyone know that her fate would be decided today, but that they also knew what she thought about it. She read this expression in Tikhon’s face and in the face of Prince Vasily’s valet, who met the hot water in the corridor and bowed deeply to her. The old prince that morning was extremely affectionate and diligent in his treatment of his daughter. Princess Marya knew this expression of diligence well. This was the expression that happened on his face in those moments when his dry hands clenched into a fist out of frustration because Princess Marya did not understand the arithmetic problem, and he, getting up, walked away from her and repeated the same words several times in a quiet voice. the same words. He immediately got down to business and started the conversation by saying “you.” “They made me a proposition about you,” he said, smiling unnaturally. “I think you guessed,” he continued, “that Prince Vasily came here and brought with him his pupil (for some reason Prince Nikolai Andreich called Anatoly his pupil) not for my beautiful eyes.” Yesterday they made a proposition about you. And since you know my rules, I treated you. – How should I understand you, mon pere? - said the princess, turning pale and blushing. - How to understand! – the father shouted angrily. “Prince Vasily finds you to his liking for his daughter-in-law and makes a proposal to you for his pupil. Here's how to understand it. How to understand?!... And I’m asking you. “I don’t know how you are, mon pere,” the princess said in a whisper. - I? I? what am I doing? Leave me aside. I'm not the one getting married. What do you? This is what it would be good to know. The princess saw that her father looked at this matter unkindly, but at that very moment the thought came to her that now or never the fate of her life would be decided. She lowered her eyes so as not to see the gaze, under the influence of which she felt that she could not think, but could only obey out of habit, and said:

Embankment and City Park of Culture and Leisure named after Magomed Khalilov

Along the sea coast in the central part of the city of Kaspiysk there is a wonderful embankment with a beautiful stone parapet. It offers a picturesque view of the sea. A famous landmark in the city is a crumbling mermaid sculpture mounted on a concrete pillar. Local loafers practice their accuracy by throwing stones at it, causing the statue to gradually disintegrate.

In the park

Near the embankment of the city of Kaspiysk there is a beautiful park named after the mayor of the city, during whose work this facility was put in order. Youth and young families with children walk here, there are playgrounds, attractions, and a Ferris wheel.

View from the park to the embankment



The predominant faiths of the city of Kaspiysk are Sunni Islam and Orthodox Christianity.

Russian Orthodox

The city belongs to the Makhachkala diocese. The Caspian parish was formed in 1990 with the blessing of the Metropolitan of Stavropol and Baku, officially registered in 1994. In 2000, the community was consecrated. Kazan Church [].

Seventh-day Adventists

In 2010, Seventh-day Adventists dedicated a house of worship in the city. Within two months, he was the target of two explosions.

Palace of Culture

A large monumental building in the style of Stalinist architecture, which was completely completed after the death of the leader, in 1961. Which, apparently, somewhat changed its original appearance towards simplification. Nowadays, this cultural institution also remains on the balance sheet of the plant, but practically nothing happens in it. The theater building of the building is closed, and in the second building some clubs for children are held.

Palace of Culture

Address: st. Mira, 7.

Entertainment complex "Moscow"

A modern building next to the sea embankment of Kaspiysk, which houses all the entertainment and types of cultural recreation and leisure popular in our time. This is a multiplex cinema, bowling alley, karaoke, bars, cafes and restaurants, a fitness club with a gym and a swimming pool, a sauna, a beauty salon, concert, conference and banquet halls, and a night club. This is the center of the entire cultural and entertainment life of the city of Kaspiysk. Its owner is Magomed Abdullaev, who is also the chairman of the board of the Izberbash Wine and Cognac Factory and the son-in-law of the former mayor Jamaludin Omarov. In 2014, the owner of Moskva took the post of mayor of Kaspiysk.

Entertainment complex "Moscow"

Address: st. Khalilova, 12a.

Notable natives

Such famous politicians and entrepreneurs as Devletkhan Alikhanov and Leonid Mikhelson were born in Kaspiysk; athletes Khabib Allahverdiev, Magomed Aripgadzhiev, Timur Bogatyrev, Badavi Huseynov, Ibragim Ibragimov[23], Aliyar Ismailov, Zamira Rakhmanova, Alexander Reshetnyak, Albert Selimov, Ruslan Khairov; military men Georgy Ilyashenko, Alexander Nazarov, German Kirilenko[24]; poetess Marina Kursanova; Hero of Socialist Labor Evgeny Myasoedov[25].

The names of more than 30 people are included in the Book of Honorary Citizens of the city, including teachers, doctors, economic specialists and representatives of other professions[26].

"First Gallery" in the RusHydro building

The art “First Gallery” was founded in Dagestan in 1998, in Makhachkala. And in 2009, she moved to a new building and became a trustee of this cultural organization. Exhibitions of Dagestan artists are organized in the gallery halls.

"First Gallery" in the RusHydro building

Address: st. Khalilova, 5.

Monuments in Kaspiysk recognized as cultural heritage sites

In the historical center of the city there are several monuments erected in Soviet times and recognized as objects of cultural heritage of regional significance. They are located close to each other, so you can explore them in one short walk. On Lenin Square, the main square of the city, there is a monument to the leader of the proletariat and the creator of the USSR. In front of the Dagdizel Palace of Culture there is a monument to Sergei Kirov (1950). There is also a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War on the square.

Monument to Kirov

On the territory of educational institutions there are monuments and busts to the Heroes of the Soviet Union: Magomed Gadzhiev (installed in 1985) - near the city gymnasium; Alexander Nazarov (at school No. 2); Akhmet Khan Sultan (1990) - at school No. 8; Magomed-Zagid Adbulmananov (at the first vocational school). On the square since 1970 there has been a monument to the pioneers of this enterprise and the entire city.

Memorials to the victims of the terrorist attacks of November 16, 1996 and May 9, 2002

On November 16, 1996, at night, a powerful explosive device was detonated, which brought down part of a nine-story panel building on Lenin Street, 58. As a result of this attack by Islamic terrorists, 64 people were killed (of which 17 were border guards, the rest were mostly women and children, members of their families and relatives). The damaged house was dismantled, and in its place a memorial stele and slabs with the names of people killed by terrorists were installed.

On May 9, 2002, a terrorist attack was committed by Islamic extremists on Mira Avenue during a parade dedicated to Victory Day. As a result of the explosion of an MON-90 anti-personnel mine, reinforced with a landmine with destructive elements, 43 people were killed (20 military and 23 civilians, including 13 children), and about 120 people were injured.

Memorials to the victims of the May 9, 2002 terrorist attack

The monument at the site of this explosion was erected a year after the atrocity of the Caucasian Wahhabis. The monument consists of two broken arches made of black granite. The names of all those killed during the terrorist attack are engraved on the base of the monument.


Kaspiysk has a cold semi-arid climate (Köppen climate classification: BSk


Climate data for Kaspiysk
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Average high °C (°F)3.3 (37.9)3.6 (38.5)7.1 (44.8)14.4 (57.9)21.1 (70.0)26.3 (79.3)28.9 (84.0)28.6 (83.5)23.5 (74.3)17.2 (63.0)10.8 (51.4)5.8 (42.4)15.9 (60.6)
Daily average °C (°F)0.4 (32.7)0.8 (33.4)4.1 (39.4)10.7 (51.3)17.1 (62.8)22.3 (72.1)25.1 (77.2)24.6 (76.3)19.9 (67.8)13.8 (56.8)7.9 (46.2)3.1 (37.6)12.5 (54.5)
Average low °C (°F)−2.4 (27.7)−2.0 (28.4)1.1 (34.0)7.0 (44.6)13.2 (55.8)18.3 (64.9)21.4 (70.5)20.6 (69.1)16.4 (61.5)10.4 (50.7)5.0 (41.0)0.5 (32.9)9.1 (48.4)
Average precipitation mm (inches)22 (0.9)28 (1.1)21 (0.8)18 (0.7)28 (1.1)25 (1.0)26 (1.0)23 (0.9)38 (1.5)43 (1.7)31 (1.2)29 (1.1)332 (13)
Source: Climate-Data.org [16]

Football stadium "Anji Arena"

The home of the professional football club Anzhi (Makhachkala) was built in 2003 and was originally called Khazar. The capacity of the stands is 26,400 spectators. In 2011, it was decided to reconstruct it, strengthen it taking into account the strong winds that occur in this area, and increase the number of seats to 30 thousand. The renovated stadium was named “Anji Arena” and opened in 2013.

Football stadium "Anji Arena"

Address: Akulinicheva Avenue, 21.

Religious shrines: temples and mosques of Kaspiysk

Representatives of different religious denominations live in Kaspiysk. There are more Muslims and Christians here, as a result, you can see both a mosque and a church here.

Mosque named after Saida Afandi

  • Address: st. Gamzatova, 5.

One of the largest mosques in the North Caucasus opened in Kaspiysk in 2013. Its appearance was facilitated by the then owner of FC Anzhi Suleiman Kerimov. The temple was christened in honor of the famous religious figure, peacemaker, fighter against Wahhabism Said Atsayev, known in Islamic culture as Sheikh Said Afandi. His life was taken by a terrorist attack in 2012. The mosque is illuminated at night, which gives it an amazing look.

Temple of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

  • Address: st. Lenina, 1A.

Kaspiysk is a city that grew up in Soviet anti-religious realities. It is logical that there were no Orthodox churches here. A nice, neat, elegant church on Lenin Street is a legacy of the post-Soviet era.

Its construction began in 1993 and lasted six years. In 2000, the temple appeared in all its glory, and in 2002 it was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The consecration of the lower limit took place only in 2008; it was dedicated to John the Warrior.

See also reviews of the sights of Izberbash and Derbent

The settlement, built as a “monotown”, has grown, flourished over more than a century of its history, and today continues to reveal its potential, demonstrating new opportunities for sports and tourism. The coastal position and proximity to the capital of the republic are important factors for the development of the settlement, which can be considered as a satellite city of Makhachkala.

Aqualand water park near the Anji stadium

Finding the most modern water park in Dagestan, Aqualand, is not difficult: it is located on the Kaspiysk-Makhachkala road, from which you can see bright signs and water slides inviting you to fly. Intended for visitors of all ages, the Caspian water park "Aqualand" offers a full range of water attractions. The pools are divided into age zones and equipped with several slides of varying lengths and heights. Artificial waterfalls and geysers have been built. There is a recreation area around the water attractions, with cafes, lawns and cozy shady places.

Aqualand water park near the Anji stadium


Wikipedia has a portal “Dagestan”
  • Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
    Aktau | Atyrau | Kuryk | Sogandyk | Bautino (Fort Shevchenko)
    Azerbaijan Azerbaijan
    Alyat | Astara | Baku | Dubendi | Lankaran | Sangachali | Sumgayit
    Iran Iran
    Astara | Babolser | Bender-Torkemen | Bender-Anzeli | Neka | Chalus
    Northern FleetVidyaevo • Gadzhievo • Gremikha • Zapadnaya Litsa • Polyarny • Severodvinsk (main base) • Severomorsk
    Pacific Fleet Bolshoi Kamen • Vilyuchinsk • Vladivostok

    • Fokino

    Black Sea Fleet Novorossiysk • Sevastopol[1] (Sevastopol naval base

    [1] • Crimean naval base[1]) • Ochamchira[2]

    Caspian flotilla Astrakhan

    • Kaspiysk • Makhachkala

    In the Mediterranean Tartus[3] (Syria)
    1. 123
      on the territory of Crimea, which is the object of territorial disputes between Russia and Ukraine
    2. on the territory of the partially recognized Republic of Abkhazia
    3. Russian Navy logistics center

Sports Palace named after Ali Aliyev

Palace of Sports and Youth named after. Ali Aliyeva is a modern multi-sports indoor sports palace, named after the famous Soviet wrestler. This is the largest indoor sports facility in the entire North Caucasus Federal District. Its total area is 17 thousand square meters, the capacity of the stands is 5 thousand people. More than a thousand people can exercise at the same time in its multidisciplinary halls. The complex is also the playing arena for the Dagestan volleyball club.

Sports Palace named after Ali Aliyev

Address: Akulinicheva Avenue, 19.

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