Alapaevsk: attractions, description, history of the city, reviews

  • July 5, 2019
  • Attractions
  • Tatiana Morozova

Alapaevsk is a provincial town in the Urals, which once arose at a metallurgical plant. People first started talking about this place after the execution of members of the Romanov dynasty in the Mezhnaya mine. But even with such an unpleasant reputation, the town itself remains cozy, very clean and calm. In recent years, tourists have been coming here more and more often. And this is not surprising, because small Alapaevsk has a variety of attractions and seems to be created for leisurely walks.

City `s history

The first mention of a settlement on the site of the modern city dates back to 1639. At that time, the small village of Alapaikha was located here. Probably, on the maps, instead of a city, a village or a village could still appear. The pace of development of the settlement changed rapidly in 1702. It was then that Peter the Great issued a decree on the construction of an ironworks here. And it changed history. In the 19th century, the Alapaevsk metallurgical plant was moved from the Alapaikha River to Neiva. At the same time, significant modernization of the equipment was carried out. For a long time, the plant was the largest city-forming enterprise. During the Great Patriotic War, factory workers worked tirelessly. Women who came voluntarily to master traditionally male professions stood up to work at the machines. The plant bravely endured wartime, and after the end of the war continued to operate as usual. In 1987, the metallurgical complex was again modernized, and then the enterprise was reorganized. Today there are two more factories in Alapaevsk: machine tool and mechanical engineering.

Historical memorials and monument of Alapaevsk

Another way to get acquainted with the history of Alapaevsk is to visit monuments that reflect the pride and sorrow of the city.

Monument to Alapaevites who died during the Great Patriotic War

  • Address: Yalunina Gora district.

In 1965, when the country celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Great Victory, a stone pyramid with a worship cross was erected on Mount Yalunina. It was based on gouges and anti-tank hedgehogs that protected the approaches to Moscow.

The monument is dedicated to the residents of Alapaevsk who did not return from the war. In total, more than 20 thousand Alapaevsk residents were called up to the front. 9,531 of them died on the battlefield, in hospitals and in captivity, and 4,273 were missing.

Walk of Fame

  • Address: Victory Square.

Alapaevsk is proud to have raised 18 Heroes of the Soviet Union. In 1995, the Walk of Fame was opened in their honor. It consists of two parallel rows of scarlet stands with portraits of heroes and St. George ribbons.

Monument to Children of the Great Patriotic War

  • Address: pl. Victory.

In 2013, a stele made of rough-hewn stone dedicated to the children of the war was installed on Victory Square. The monument was erected entirely with donations from citizens.

It is neither monumental nor especially beautiful, however, this stone with a memorial plate plays an important role for the Alapaevsk residents, whose childhood was during the war years.

Sculpture "Motherland"

  • Address: pl. Victory.

The monument was inaugurated in May 1975. In the center of the composition is a woman with her head covered, holding a wounded warrior in her arms. This woman personifies the Motherland, and the warrior symbolizes every ordinary soldier who gave his life for her.

The sculpture rises on a stone pedestal and podium, to which steps lead. At the foot, the years of war are carved into stones, and the Eternal Flame burns.

Monument to the Heroes of the Civil War

  • Address: st. Lisa Chaikina.

During the Civil War, there were fierce battles in Alapaevsk with an appalling number of casualties. 45 died between 1918 and 1919. The Red Guards were buried in a mass grave.

During the Soviet years, an obelisk with a red five-pointed star in the center was erected at the burial site. On the pedestal there is a memorial plaque with an inscription glorifying the exploits of the Red Guards.

Monument to the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna

  • Address: Cathedral Square.

Not far from the Holy Trinity Cathedral there is a monument to Princess Elizabeth, who was brutally executed by the Red Guards. Elizabeth is depicted in the attire of a sister of mercy. In one hand she holds a cross and a bouquet of flowers, and with the other she makes the sign of the cross over the residents of Alapaevsk.

At the foot of the stone pedestal there is an inclined slab on which words of sorrow for the innocently murdered princess and her family are engraved in gold.

Bust of V.I. Lenin

  • Address: square named after V.I. Lenin.

A bronze bust of the leader of the revolution is installed near the city administration building. Initially, there was a full-scale life-size statue of Lenin in Alapaevsk, but in 1995 it was destroyed by opponents of communism. After this, a modest bust was created.

Monument to I.E. Sofonov

  • Address: Lenin street.

In 1971, a statue of the first Russian inventor of the water turbine was installed at the entrance to the branch of the Alapaevsk Metallurgical Plant. Ignatius Sofonov is depicted in ancient work clothes and high boots. Strength and power can be read in his pose. The sculpture is cast from bronze and placed on a stone pedestal.

Monument to Diesel Locomotive TU-2

  • Address: st. Bochkareva, 73.

In July 1989, one of the largest narrow-gauge railways in the world was opened in Alapaevsk. The Alapaevsk Metallurgical Plant was responsible for its construction. The railway is still in operation today.

Today, a monument representing an authentic TU-2 diesel locomotive has been erected on Station Square. It is dedicated to railway workers of all times.

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City Martyrs

The execution of members of the royal family is one of the most tragic events in the entire history of Alapaevsk. In May 1918, five Romanov princes (second cousins ​​of Nicholas II) and the Empress's sister Elizaveta Feodorovna were transported to the city. At first the prisoners were treated quite well. They were allowed to move freely around the city, walk, and attend services in the temple. Those arrested lived in the Floor School, which at that time was the outskirts of the city. The situation changed in June. All valuables and most personal belongings were confiscated from the detained representatives of the Romanov family. The freedom of movement of prisoners was limited, as was food. On June 18, 1918, the prisoners were taken to an abandoned mine 18 kilometers from the city. It is believed that the Alapaevsk martyrs were not shot, but thrown into a mine and thrown with grenades. Some time later, Kolchak’s army discovered the remains of members of the royal family and organized their burial according to all the canons of the Orthodox Church in a crypt under the Holy Trinity Cathedral. The city of Alapaevsk was not long the last refuge of members of the Romanov dynasty. A year after the burial, the remains had to be evacuated due to the approach of Red Army troops.

TOP-3 - what to visit in the city of Alapaevsk in 1 day

The dark side of Alapaevsk is captured on the pages of Russian history. Its name is firmly associated with members of the royal family, who were later glorified as the Alapaevsk martyrs. The events of the terrible night of 1918 are evidenced by numerous monuments that embody grief and irredeemable guilt.

Mezhnaya mine (Lower Selimskaya)

  • Coordinates on the map: 57.954287, 61.702312.

On the night of July 16-17, 1918, the family of Nicholas II was shot in the Ipatiev House (Ekaterinburg). The next night, the Reds set about the remaining Romanovs, who were being held under arrest in Alapaevsk.

To confuse the trail and avoid pursuit by the White Guard, the Bolsheviks faked an attack, exploding grenades and stunning the city with machine-gun fire. The next day the newspapers reported that the Reds had been attacked and their captives kidnapped. Meanwhile, the Romanovs were no longer alive.

In the noise and confusion, the Bolsheviks tied up the princes and princess and took them through the forest to the abandoned Mezhnaya mine. Having reached the place, the Bolsheviks took turns throwing the still living men and women into the black abyss.

In total, eight people were buried in the mine: Grand Duchess Elizaveta Fedorovna and her maid Varvara Yakovleva, Prince Sergei Mikhailovich and his secretary Fyodor Remez, princes Vladimir Paley, Ivan Konstantinovich, Igor Konstantinovich and Konstantin Konstantinovich. The bodies of those executed were discovered only in October. It took a day to raise them from the day of the mine.

Not all those sentenced to death died immediately. Elizaveta Fedorovna resisted death the longest. She bandaged the wounds of Prince Ivan Konstantinovich and later died of starvation.

There are legends among Orthodox Christians that the princess’s body was raised incorrupt, and a serene smile remained on her face. However, this myth is debunked by terrible photographs of the mutilated bodies of the Alapaevsk martyrs. Prince Paley also did not die immediately, since his body was found in a sitting position.

At the end of October, the Romanovs and their associates were buried in the Holy Trinity Cathedral and Catherine's Church. In 1991, a worship cross was installed on the site of the collapsed Mezhnaya mine, which still stands there. Since then, every year on the day of the tragedy, hundreds of Alapaevsk residents flock to the mine with candles and flowers in their hands.

St. Elizabeth's Monastery

  • Address: st. Lenina, 79.

In 1991, the deceased members of the royal family were glorified as saints, and Elizaveta Feodorovna is no exception. In 1998, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the Alapaevsk tragedy, the St. Elizabeth's Monastery was founded in the city, and in 2018 the renovation of the main temple was completed.

The building is made of brick in pseudo-Russian style. The temple and the surrounding area is a memorial area dedicated to the Alapaevsk martyrs. There is a museum at the temple with the stories of their lives before the fall of the monarchy and during their stay in Alapaevsk. Here you can see photographs, letters, as well as autographs of poems by Vladimir Paley.

A rowan alley was planted in the park in 2022. Each tree in it is a monument to one of the martyrs. Next to them there are stands with photographs and a brief description of the life of the princes and princess.

Memorial room of Elizabeth Feodorovna

  • Address: st. Perminova, 58.

Another place that has preserved the cold breath of the terrible July night is the so-called “Floor School”, where the doomed Romanovs lived out their last days.

The school got its name because of its location - a one-story brick building was built on a remote field. Now it is under the jurisdiction of the St. Elizabeth Monastery. There is no need to pay to visit the exhibition.

In a small room, Elizabeth Feodorovna’s personal belongings are displayed: the robe of a sister of mercy, icons, an image decorated with precious stones that was with her in the mine.

For the most part, the exhibition is devoted to the religious activities of the princess, especially the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery she founded. The excursion is conducted by nuns of the St. Elizabeth Monastery.

Sights associated with the execution of members of the royal family

Holy Trinity Cathedral is the oldest Orthodox church in the city. It was built simultaneously with the metallurgical plant, in 1702. It was in this cathedral that the funeral service of the executed representatives of the Romanov family took place and here their bodies were buried by Kolchak’s army. Today the temple is operational, its exact address is: st. Tchaikovsky, 19. In addition to tourists, religious pilgrims come here who want to pray in such a special place. Not far from the cathedral there is a monument to the Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna. Arriving in the city of Alapaevsk, you can visit the building of the Floor School. Members of the royal family were kept in custody there. Today, the historic building houses a small exhibition telling about the terrible events of that time. Here you can see old photographs and personal items of the Alapaevsk martyrs. The guides talk about the Romanovs' time in exile and their last days. The Floor School building is located at: st. Lenina, 77. Next door to it, the Monastery of St. Elizabeth Feodorovna was recently built and consecrated.

Sights of Alapaevsk

There are many interesting sights in Alapaevsk.

In the historical center of the city stands the Holy Trinity Cathedral (19 Tchaikovsky St., intersection with Lenin St.). It is considered the first stone temple in the Sverdlovsk region. Built in 1702, but rebuilt several times. Actually, only the right side chapel of the temple dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. Thus, it is more correct to consider the Holy Trinity Cathedral in the city of Verkhoturye (1703-09) as the oldest temple that has reached us in its original form.

Until 1912 it was called Alekseevsky Church. The bell tower with a sharp spire, built in 1833, is interesting. Unfortunately, on March 20, 2016, this spire was demolished by hurricane winds.

In 1918, after the arrival of the whites, the discovered bodies of executed representatives of the imperial family were transported here. After the funeral service, the bodies of the dead were placed in a crypt, and during the retreat they were taken away. The crypt has now been restored.

During Soviet times (from 1932 to 1992), a bakery was located in the church building. The temple was restored and consecrated in 1999. However, the interior work is not finished yet. The cathedral was located next to the former dam of the Alapaevsky Pond.

On the square next to the cathedral you can see a memorial stone. Previously, there was a sign on it with the text of the charter of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, who legalized the village of Alapaikha. But Russia is Russia. The sign was stolen by alcoholics and sold for scrap. Only the stone remained.

But recently a monument to Elizaveta Fedorovna Romanova was erected next to the church.

Near the cathedral there was one of the iron mines - Kukuyskaya (Kokuyskaya) pit . The history of the Alapaevsky plant began with it; iron ore was mined here. In the old Russian dialect “kukuy” means “eviselok”, “separated settlement”.

a tunnel towards the Alapaikha River to drain the water The length of the Kukui tunnel was more than 100 meters. Approximately in the middle there was a locking device (it was nicknamed the “royal gate”). Unfortunately, during Soviet times the tunnel was clogged with silt, although, according to stories, some local boys climbed here back in the 1930s and 40s. There was a case when teenagers almost got stuck in a tunnel. Now the entrances to the tunnel are blocked.

The Kukuy (Kokuy) mine is a geological and geomorphological natural monument of the Sverdlovsk region.

To get to the Kukuy Pit, just walk from the Holy Trinity Cathedral along Tchaikovsky Street 200 meters to the west. Now on the site of the mine there is a flooded quarry measuring approximately 150x100 meters. If you are interested, along Karl Liebknecht Street you can go to the valley of the Alapaikha River and walk about 100 meters upstream (to the level of the Kukuy Pit). Here, in a small ravine littered with debris, you can see water oozing from the slope. She comes out of the Kukui tunnel.

Returning to the temple, go to the opposite side of Lenin Street and go south along Lenin Street. Below, under the bridge there is a railway and the Alapaikha River flows. Above the bridge in the past there was a factory pond. Now nothing reminds me of him. the ruins of a hammer shop are still preserved - the oldest industrial architectural monument built in 1702-04.

Unfortunately, it is gradually being destroyed. During a visit to Alapaevsk by participants of the Uraloved project in 2015, we discovered that one of the walls of the former hammer shop had collapsed. Soon, the oldest industrial building in the region will finally cease to exist, remaining for posterity only in photographs.

Walking further, you will see the House of Culture with sculptures of workers in front of the entrance. On the other side of the street, opposite, is the House of Children's Creativity, and a block away is a children's art school.

Continuing your journey, you will see a fire tower and the former volost administration (Lenina, 18). There is a commemorative plaque here that in this building on March 8, 1905, the country's first Council of Workers' Deputies was elected.

A little more and in front of the UrFU branch (Lenina, 10) you will see a monument to Ignatius Sofonov (1800-1873) - a famous self-taught inventor. In 1837, he invented the first water turbine in Russia. The house of Ignatius Sofonov has also been preserved. One of the city streets is named after Sofonov.

On the other side of the Holy Trinity Cathedral, the house of the manager of the Alapaevsk mining district . This is a large beautiful building with a small park. Previously, there was a factory square in front of the building.

It was here that Petya Tchaikovsky, the future world-famous composer, spent part of his childhood. Researchers of Tchaikovsky's biography believe that the Alapaevsk period had a noticeable impact on his work. By the middle of the 20th century, almost no one remembered Tchaikovsky in Alapaevsk. But Vera Borisovna Gorodilina, who found herself in the Urals, became interested in the Ural pages in the composer’s life. that the House-Museum of P.I. was opened in the former manor house. Tchaikovsky . In addition, V.B. Gorodilina made miniature models of musical instruments with her own hands. They can be seen in the museum's collections. He was an amazing man! In memory of Gorodilina, a plaque was installed on the wall of the building.

A monument to Tchaikovsky was erected near the museum in 1967, and there is a rotunda. Before the revolution, there was a garden in which the Tchaikovsky family also walked.

Address of the house-museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky: st. Tchaikovsky, 30. Phone: (34346) 3-40-72.

Next to the Tchaikovsky House-Museum there is a leisure and youth building, and the next building on Lenin, behind Rosa Luxemburg Street, is the preserved house of the inventor Sofonov (Lenin Street, 34 / Rosa Luxemburg Street, 30). He decided to build this house at the end of his life - the first and only three-story one before the revolution. But he never lived in it.

The house is very unusual. Some are wooden and some are stone. The building housed the Alapaevsk Local History Museum. However, the museum is currently closed. The house is gradually deteriorating, some of the windows are broken.

Further along Lenin Street, in the northern part of the city, there is the former building of the Floor School (Perminova St., 58 / Lenin St., 77). It was built in 1915. In 1918, until their execution, members of the imperial family - Princess Elizabeth Feodorovna and the Romanov princes - were kept here. Now a monastery has been created here, and there is a memorial room dedicated to Elizabeth Feodorovna Romanova, canonized. During a trip to Alapaevsk, we looked into the Floor School, but we were greeted very unkindly... If you want to come here when visiting Alapaevsk, then in order to avoid negativity and closed doors, it is better to arrange a visit in advance by calling (34346) 3-18-98. Although the opening hours on the door are from 10 to 16:00 from Wednesday to Sunday, in reality, according to tourists, it is usually closed.

Fans of Orthodox objects may also be interested in the Catherine Church in the local cemetery. You can get to it along Gogol Street, which crosses Lenin behind the Floor School. The church will be 900 meters on the right. The five-domed church was built in 1912 in the pseudo-Russian style. One of the few in the Urals that did not close during Soviet times. Near the walls of the church there is the grave of the revered elder Timothy. He lived near a spring on Mount Yalunikha.

And on the right bank of the Neiva, from Mount Yalunikha , you can see the Alapaevsky Metallurgical Plant with old workshops and a dam.

P.I. Tchaikovsky in the city

The history of Alapaevsk is connected with the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The family of the future composer lived in this city from 1849 to 1851. At this time, Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky was the head of the local mining district. A luxurious house was allocated for the manager’s family in the very center of Alapaevsk, opposite the Holy Trinity Cathedral. Under the Tchaikovskys, a lush garden was laid out around the mansion. It is believed that it was in Alapaevsk that young Pyotr Ilyich first spoke to the public. Researchers of the composer’s work agree that in his work he more than once returned to memories of this city. Today the building has been turned into the House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky. During the excursion you can see original things that belonged to the composer’s family, as well as an impressive collection of musical instruments from different countries and peoples. In front of the main entrance to the mansion there is a monument to P.I. Tchaikovsky. You can visit the house of the brilliant composer at the address: st. Lenina, 30.

History of Alapaevsk

It originates from the village of Alapaihi, founded in 1639 on the banks of the river of the same name, near its confluence with the Neiva River. In 1696, an iron ore deposit was discovered nearby. In 1702, the treasury began construction of an ironworks on the Alapaikha River - one of the first in the territory of the modern Sverdlovsk region. From those times, the walls of the hammer shop of the Alapaevsk plant have been preserved. It is believed that this is the oldest industrial monument in the Sverdlovsk region. Built between 1702 and 1704.

On the left you can see Alapaevsky Pond and the Holy Trinity (formerly Alekseevskaya) Church, on the right - the building of the hammer shop

In 1759, the Alapaevsky plant (together with Nizhne-Sinyachikhinsky, Verkhne-Susansky and Nizhne-Susansky) was transferred from the treasury of the Life Guards to Second Major Guryev. In 1766, the plant was sold to industrialist Savva Yakovlevich Sobakin (Yakovlev).

Alapaevsk plants owned a site at the Vysokogorsk iron ore deposit in Nizhny Tagil. Every year up to 300 thousand pounds of ore were mined there for the Alapaevsk factories. The finished products were floated down the Chusovaya River from the Kashkinskaya pier.

Since the Alapaevsky plant, located on the Alapaikha river, lacked water, which was so necessary to set the factory mechanisms in motion, the construction of the Neivo-Alapaevsky plant began in 1828. An overflow dam, rare for the Urals at that time, was erected on the Neiva River. In 2013 it was reconstructed. A number of buildings of the Neivo-Alapaevsky plant, preserved from the 19th century, have the status of architectural monuments of federal significance. According to researcher D.V. Gavrilov, a powerful day mill with a steam engine of 1200 hp was installed here in 1910. worked flawlessly until the closure of rolling production at the plant in 1986.

There was a pond here on the Alapaikha river

The old Alapaevsky plant closed in 1838. At the beginning of the 20th century, the pond was drained and railroad tracks were laid. Now the factory pond on Alapaikha can only be seen in old photographs.

Local historian N.K. Chupin wrote in the “Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Perm Province” in 1873:

“In terms of productivity, in terms of factory management, in terms of the perfection of technical devices and in terms of the quality of the iron produced, the Alapaevsk factories are among the best in the Urals. But their natural conditions are not entirely favorable: they are too far from the main iron markets; for rafting along the Chusovaya, iron has to be transported by dry route at a distance of up to 140 versts, to the Kashkinskaya pier; the forests are in a rather disorganized state, due to disorderly forestry in the past; wood and coal can now be harvested only at long distances from factories and are therefore expensive.”

In 1781, Alapaevsk received the status of a city, by decree of Catherine II, becoming the center of the Alapaevsk district of the Perm province. In 1783 he received his first coat of arms.

In 1849-1852, the Alapaevsky mining district was led by Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky, the father of the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Little Petya, the future famous composer, lived here for one year and three months (spring 1849 - late summer 1850) at the age of 9-10 years. Tchaikovsky did not manage the factories for long. He left his post due to a conflict with the factory owners.

From 1903 to 1907, the duties of the manager were performed by the famous Russian metallurgist, founder of the Russian science of metallurgy V.E. Grum-Grzhimailo. Here he met the first Russian revolution, leaving memories of this in his memoirs.

The population of Alapaevsk consisted mainly of workers. At the beginning of the 20th century, revolutionary sentiments prevailed among them. Alapaevsk went down in history because on March 8, 1905, the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies in Russia was created here. There is a memorial plaque on the building where he was educated and now hangs.

In May-July 1918, members of the Romanov imperial family were kept in the Alapaevsk Floor School. On the night of July 17-18, they were executed and thrown into a mine near the city.

The population of Alapaevsk today is 37.8 thousand people.

Museum of the History of Alapaevsk Metallurgical Plant

This is the oldest city-forming enterprise. Probably, there could have been a small village on the site of Alapaevsk today, if not for the construction of this industrial facility. In 1985, a museum was opened telling the history of the city's main plant from its founding. Tourists here can see a model of the very first plant building, authentic historical documents, technical drawings and photographs.

A unique exhibit in the collection is an accurate reconstruction of the first steam turbine, designed by master I.E. Sofonov. This invention was considered unique for its time. Thanks to its design features, the turbine produced twice as much power as a water wheel with equal water flow. A monument to Ignatius Sofonov was erected near the AMZ Museum building.

Narrow gauge railway in Alapaevsk

The narrow-gauge railway in Alapaevsk is one of the most unique technical attractions in the city. Construction of this road began in 1894. The first section was opened in 1898. During the Soviet era, the Alapaevsk narrow-gauge railway was a significant transport route. Up to a million tons of cargo were transported along it annually. At one time, the length of the narrow-gauge railway was 600 km. Today, a section of the railway of only 146 km has been preserved; it connects Alapaevsk and Kalach station. The most amazing thing: this narrow-gauge railway is operational. Nowadays, trains do not depart every day, but regularly according to schedule. Standard passenger carriages are usually accompanied by a special tourist carriage with an increased comfort class. You should start getting acquainted with this attraction at the address: st. Bochkareva, 73. There is a railway depot, the only platform, a working ticket office and a small museum. For the ninetieth anniversary of the opening of the Autonomous Railway, a monument was erected in front of the entrance - a retro diesel locomotive TU2.

Team Nomads

Another famous link in the semi-precious ring of the Urals is the historical city of Alapaevsk. It is picturesquely located among the Trans-Ural hills and ridges, on the banks of a huge pond of the Neiva River , an old city, but it seems to be an eternally rejuvenating city. By modern standards, the town is small, but ancient - one of the first in the Urals. His biography is rich, he is famous and famous for the skill of his craftsmen, revolutionary traditions, products that bear the mark “made in Alapaevsk”... The first Russian settlement at the mouth of the Alapaikha River arose in 1639. In 1704, by decree of Peter the Great, an ironworks was built here. It was he who gave life to Alapaevsk, and from then on the biography of the working city began.








The semi-precious strip of the Urals is the conventional name of the territory stretching from south to north for more than a hundred kilometers along the eastern slope of the Middle Urals in the upper reaches of the Neiva , Rezh and Adui rivers. Rich deposits of gem-quality minerals have traditionally been located here: topazes, tourmalines, emeralds, amethysts, and rock crystal. Another name for this phenomenon is the Murzin-Adui semi-precious belt.

At the intersection of ecological, natural and industrial tourism, the industry of mineralogical tourism began to take shape. The Sverdlovsk region is a traditional place for mining minerals, including precious and semi-precious metals. From 2011-2013, interactive tourist centers began operating for gold panning and visiting gold mines in the homeland of the first Russian gold in the city of Berezovsky), searching for emeralds in one of the 3 largest world deposits of this precious stone. As a basis for positioning the route brand, it is proposed to carry out a synthesis of the historical name of the territory - “The Gem Strip of the Urals” and the circular nature of the route, resulting in the “Gem Ring”.

The complex tourist route passes through the territory of 12 municipalities of the Sverdlovsk region (Ekaterinburg, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Nevyansky city district, Nizhny Tagil city district, Gornouralsk city district, Alapaevskoe municipality, Alapaevsk, Irbit municipality, Irbitskoe municipality, Artemovsk city district, Rezhevsk urban district, Berezovsky urban district, Malyshevsky urban district), which are home to 762 thousand people. (2.2 million people including Greater Yekaterinburg) -17.7% of the total number of residents of the region (51% including Yekaterinburg). This is a unique route that allows tourists to organically combine educational and active recreation, to become familiar with cultural, historical and natural values ​​in an authentic and environmentally friendly environment.

Alapaevsk - Neiva River

GENERAL INFORMATION Alapaevsk is a city in the Sverdlovsk region of Russia, the administrative center of the urban district of the municipal district "city of Alapaevsk". How to get there, where it is located Located on the eastern slope of the Middle Urals, on the Neiva River (Ob basin ), at the confluence of the Alapaikha River, in the center of the Sverdlovsk region, 146 km northeast of Yekaterinburg, 1847 km from Moscow and 2483 from Petersburg. The city is a junction of the Ekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil - Alapaevsk, Ekaterinburg - Artyomovsky - Alapaevsk - Serov railways. The Alapaevsk - Murzinka - Petrokamenskoye highway was built, which connects the city with Nizhny Tagil. In addition, the largest narrow-gauge road in Russia begins in Alapaevsk. After the write-off of the Liaz model 677M of the Alapaevsky ATP, today the city’s urban transport network has been updated. How to get to Alapaevsk? 1. Along the highway. By car from Yekaterinburg via Berezovsky, Dir. 2. By bus. Regular buses run from the Southern and Northern bus stations of Yekaterinburg to the city of Alapaevsk. 3. By rail. By suburban train Ekaterinburg - Alapaevsk. The train takes a very long time, so it is preferable to take the bus. GPS coordinates: N 57° 51'00"; E 61° 42'00"

Sights of Alapaevsk Today in the center of Alapaevsk the features of the old metallurgical center have been preserved. This is a dilapidated building of a hammer shop, presumably built in 1704, which makes the workshop building the oldest stone structure in the Middle Urals. Photos of workshops

Nearby is the ancient Holy Trinity Cathedral, the first stone church in the Middle Urals. The temple was built in 1702 at the expense of parishioners. It was rebuilt in the first half of the 19th century. To celebrate the 300th anniversary of the cathedral, it was restored at the expense of parishioners. Ivan Danilovich Samoilov provided enormous assistance. Nearby is a shopping area overlooking the Lord's House. Around the buildings of the 19th - early 20th centuries. In 1824, due to water shortages, the plant was moved from the Alapaikha River to the larger Neiva . A rare overflow dam is still in operation here, which was reconstructed in 2013.

The Alapaevsky plant was famous for its craftsmen, among whom the most famous was I. E. Safonov, the inventor of the first hydraulic turbine in Russia. His house has been preserved and now houses the Alapaevsk Local History Museum. At the beginning of the 20th century, Alapaevsk went down in history as the city where, on March 8, 1905, Russia’s first Council of Workers’ Deputies was created. A building associated with the activities of the famous Soviet organization has survived to this day. Another landmark of the city, the Catherine Church, one of those that operated throughout the 20th century.

The great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky spent part of his childhood in Alapaevsk. According to V.B. Gorodilina, Tchaikovsky’s childhood actually ended here; he never had such carefree time. Researchers associate many of the composer’s works with the influence of the Alapaevsk period of his life, for example, “Children’s Album.” On the initiative of Gorodilina, a museum of the composer’s childhood was created in the house where the Tchaikovskys lived. And in the second part of the museum there is a collection of musical instruments (three halls).

Also in Alapaevsk there was a beautiful stone Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, destroyed during the Soviet years. Now in its place is Revolution Square. Alapaevskaya narrow-gauge railway as a historical type of passenger railway transport. A railway museum has been opened in Alapaevsk on the territory of the AUZD depot. Famous people associated with Alapaevsk Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich - a great Russian composer, lived in Alapaevsk from 1849 to 1850. Safonov, Ignatiy Evstafievich - self-taught inventor, dam master, made a water turbine for the first time in Russia. Gostyukhin, Vasily Pavlovich - father of the Russian famous film actor Vladimir Vasilyevich Gostyukhin, headed the House of Culture in the city of Alapaevsk, born in 1910. Kamorny, Yuri Yuryevich - Soviet theater and film actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, born in 1944 in Alapaevsk. Tarasov Anatoly Yakovlevich - Honored choreographer of Russia Kosykh, Viktor Ivanovich - Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, born in 1950 in Alapaevsk. Zorin, Albert Radievich - circus artist, born October 12, 1955 in Alapaevsk. Samoilov, Ivan Danilovich - an ascetic who, on a voluntary basis, restored the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, Alapaevsky district, and created the only museum of wooden architecture in the Ural Federal District. About 30 buildings were located naturally, imitating the landscape of central Russia. The dominant Temple rises above the village, and on its axis are the one-story buildings of the village and the entire space, visible tens of kilometers ahead. Galkina, Lyubov Vladimirovna - (born March 15, 1973 Alapaevsk, Sverdlovsk region) - member of the Russian team in shooting in rifle exercises. Participant in the 2000 Olympic Games (4th place), Olympic champion in 2004, silver medalist at the 2004 and 2008 Olympic Games, world champion in 2006, bronze medalist in the 2002 World Championship, 7-time European champion (1999-2004). Gorodilina, Vera Borisovna - the first researcher of the Alapaevsk period in the life of the Tchaikovsky family. Founder of the House-Museum of P. I. Tchaikovsky in Alapaevsk. Fedorova, Olga Olegovna, now Olga Stulneva (born July 14, 1983) - member of the Russian national athletics team and silver medalist of the 28th Olympic Games in the 4*100 m relay, bronze medalist of the 2003 World Championships. in Paris in the 4*100 m relay, today a member of the Russian bobsled team, participant in the Winter Olympic Games in Vancouver 2010. Until the 2012/13 season, she competed under her maiden name Fedorova. Olga is married to Russian bobsledder Alexei Stulnev.

Railway transport Railway junction. Directions to Nizhny Tagil, Serov and Kamensk-Uralsky. It is connected by commuter trains to Yekaterinburg, Serov, Sosva, Nizhny Tagil and Yegorshino. Previously (until 2010) there was a passenger service from Yekaterinburg to Alapaevsk to Serov. The lines are single track in all directions. To Nizhny Tagil and Kamensk-Uralsky - electrified, to Serov - diesel traction.

Alapaevsk Narrow Gauge Railway (AUZhD) is one of the largest narrow gauge railways: 750 mm in Russia, the former USSR and the whole world. In Alapaevsk there is a depot that serves the rolling stock of the narrow-gauge railway.

DESCRIPTION OF ALAPAEVSK Metal, magnificent Ural metal, glorified Alapaevsk. The Russian craftsmen also glorified him. Ignatius Sofonov (1800-1873) worked in Alapaevsk; he built and installed the first water turbine in Russia at the plant. The Sofonov working dynasty has been known in Alapaevsk since 1757. Ignatius’s grandfather was sent to the Alapaevsky plant and worked here as a blacksmith. Ignatius’s father also worked at the factory - as a carpenter and dam foreman. During the construction of the new Neivo-Alapaevsky plant, the father took his son under his command. After his father left his job, Ignatius became a dam master. The dam master of that time was an important and responsible position. The dam was the heart of the plant; water powered all machines and installations. The dam master installed all the equipment and looked after the water management. After getting acquainted with the St. Petersburg factories in 1834, Sofonov began to reconstruct the water facilities of the Alapaevsk plant. He also developed a design for a new water turbine and began building it in the Alapaevsk mechanical workshops. By the beginning of 1837, the turbine was installed at the Neivo-Alapaevsky plant. The transition from a water wheel with a horizontal axis to a water turbine with a vertical axis was a bold technical step. The first Russian turbines of I.E. Sofonov were superior to foreign ones. However, for almost four years the Russian press was silent about the invention of the Alapaevsk dam master. Monument to the inventor Safonov

The manager of the Alapaevsk plant at that time was Ilya Petrovich Tchaikovsky, the father of the great Russian composer, himself an outstanding mining engineer, scientist, and later director of the famous St. Petersburg Institute of Technology. In 1850, at the request of I.P. Tchaikovsky, for further improvement and installation of mechanisms for a new turbine design, I.E. Sofonov was awarded a Gold Medal. However, Sofonov’s outstanding invention did not go further than the Alapaevsk district. Serf owners and factory owners still preferred to buy cars of foreign origin. On June 30, 1854, I.E. Sofonov was appointed to the position of manager of the Neivo-Shaitansky plant. Here he worked for eight years. In 1862, Sofonov moved to Alapaevsk, where he died on February 9, 1873. Alapaevsk residents sacredly honor the memory of their fellow countryman, the talented mechanic and inventor I.E. Sofonov. A monument has been erected in the city; one of the streets of Alapaevsk bears the name of I.E. Sofonov. The monument to Sofonov is located on the street. Lenin in front of the entrance to the USTU-UPI branch (Lenina 10) and perfectly complements not only the modern city landscape, but also the rich history of the provincial town. Alapaevsk is the birthplace of the first Council of Workers' Deputies in the Urals. It was created during the days of the first Russian revolution, in March 1905, and lasted a long time - 65 days.

Like many Ural cities, Alapaevsk also grew out of a factory.
At the beginning of the 18th century, large-scale industrial construction at that time began in the Urals. The first to be built were the Kamensky and Nevyansky factories in 1701, the third was the Alapaevsky plant, founded in 1702 by the treasury. The mining chief of the Ural factories V.I. Genin wrote: “...last 1704, by decree of Peter I... this plant was established and built in the Verkhoturye district within the boundaries of the Nevyansk and Murzin settlements on state land... on the Alapaikha river, which flows into the Neiva river from of this plant two hundred fathoms...".
From this moment on, the village of Alapaikha begins to become a factory village. Alapaevsk received city status in 1781. Today in the center of Alapaevsk the features of the old metallurgical center have been preserved. This is a dilapidated building of a hammer shop, presumably built in 1704, which makes the workshop building the oldest stone structure in the Middle Urals. The ancient building of the hammer shop in Alapaevsk The building of the hammer shop is the oldest in the entire Urals. In front of the workshop, on the site of the dam, there is a bridge, behind which there is a large basin, where there used to be a pond on the Alapaikha River. Nearby is the ancient Holy Trinity Cathedral, the first stone church in the Middle Urals. The temple was built in 1702 at the expense of parishioners. It was rebuilt in the first half of the 19th century. Holy Trinity Cathedral Alapaevsk

In 1824, due to a lack of water, the plant was moved from the Alapaikha River to the larger Neiva. A rare overflow dam is still in operation here. Another attraction of the city is the Catherine Church (located in the north-eastern part of the city at the exit in the direction of Upper and Lower Sinyachikha), one of the few that operated throughout the 20th century.

Catherine's Church of Alapaevsk

As already mentioned, the great Russian composer P.I. Tchaikovsky spent part of his childhood in Alapaevsk. Researchers associate many of the composer’s works with the influence of the Alapaevsk period of his life, for example, “Children’s Album.” A museum has been created in the house where the Tchaikovskys lived. It is located immediately after the bridge under which there is a dilapidated hammer shop, more precisely on the street. Lenin 30. House-Museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky is open daily from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Sunday and Monday. But the entrance to the museum territory and to the garden with a gazebo is always open. Also in Alapaevsk there was a beautiful stone Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, destroyed during the Soviet years. Now not far from the place where the cathedral stood there is Revolution Square. Also in Alapaevsk you can visit the local history museum (Rosa Luxemburg St., 30), the former home of I. Safonov, the Russian inventor of the first steam turbine. A museum with a rich history, created in 1927, and possessing a rich exhibition and various collections. Open Monday to Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Alapaevsk Local Lore Museum Many of the residents of our city know where the Kokuyskaya pit is located (you can get to it by turning left from Lenin Street onto Rosa Luxemburg Street, after 50 meters there will be Kokuyka on the left side). This was the closest place where ore was mined for a long time for the Nizhne-Alapaevsky iron-works state-owned plant. Behind the Kokuyskaya pit is Kolnogorov Street. Until 1897, the future street was crossed by a deep ravine, along which spring and rainwater flowed into the Kokuyskaya pit and filled it. Later this ravine was covered with earth. And the place where houses were built behind the Kokuyskaya pit was called Zalozhye. A roadway has been formed, along which vehicles and pedestrians now walk. Climb Mount Yalunikha at dusk, and the industrial Alapaevsk of our days will appear before your eyes. Directly in front of you is a large, but half-inactive production site. This is a shut down metallurgical plant with a blast furnace. The frozen breath of what was once the largest enterprise in the city. Breathing that previously had not been interrupted for an hour, day or night. On the left, one and a half to two kilometers to the south, you will see the squat buildings of a machine tool plant. A little to the left there are several more industrial buildings - a metalworking plant and a reinforced concrete products plant. On the western side is the territory of a wood processing plant and the Berezovsky timber industry enterprise. In the same area is one of the workshops of the former Alapaevsky mine. To the right rises the bulk of the main building of the drilling and crane machine plant - Stroydormash. Now let's digress from the production topic. Look how beautiful the city is at dusk.

The Holy Trinity Cathedral is visible to the naked eye, and much to the right is the Catherine Church. It seems that most of the city is occupied by the private sector, from the windows of which warm light flows. Think about it... After all, this is exactly what the city looked like when it was just born. The amazing ability of the human imagination to recreate past pictures is incomparable. Enjoy it. For those who have not yet been to Yalunikha and do not know where this mountain is located, I will help: it is located on the eastern outskirts of the city. If you drive along the street. Lenin to the Holy Trinity Cathedral towards Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha (to the north), then after the bridge you need to turn immediately right (on Tchaikovsky Street). This road will lead you straight to the foot of Mount Yalunikha. In the vicinity of Alapaevsk, Upper and Lower Sinyachikha deserve attention, between them there is a monastery, 17 kilometers to the south is the village of Koptelovo. Also interesting are the rocks located near the city on the Neiva and Rezhe rivers. Why did I mention the outskirts of the city? Let me give you a little historical background. In July 1821, the first women's riot in Russia took place at the Alapaevsk Metallurgical Plant, which led to a temporary shutdown of the plant. By the beginning of the revolution of 1905, the first factory council was created at the plant, which included peasants. On July 5, 1918 (on the day when the Church celebrates the discovery of the venerable relics of St. Sergius, Abbot of Radonezh), members of the royal family, resettled in Alapaevsk, were taken out of the city and killed 18 kilometers from it, thrown into one of the abandoned mines of the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya iron mine . The mine in which the last of the Romanovs died was called Mezhnaya. After the fall of the communist regime, people flocked here. In 1991, a Poklonny cross was erected near the collapsed mine. The following year, 1992, the Elizabeth Chapel was built. In 1995, construction of a monastery in the name of the New Martyrs of Russia began on this site.

HISTORY OF ALAPAEVSK The date of origin of the first settlement, on the basis of which the city of Alapaevsk later grew, is considered to be 1639, when on the river. Neiva and R. Alapaikha, the peasant settlements of Murzinskaya Sloboda and Alapaikha arose. In connection with the discovery of iron ore deposits, on the instructions of Peter I, an ironworks was founded in 1702, with the launch of which the village of Ala-paikha turns into a factory village.

From 1710 to 1720, new deposits of iron ore and asbestos deposits were discovered.

In 1886, industrial mining of asbestos was allowed, and the number of mines increased. Due to increased exploitation and deterioration of life in 1758-1763, there were major unrest among the assigned and working people.

In 1757, Empress Elizabeth (daughter of Peter I) transferred many state-owned factories into private hands, including Nizh-ne-Alapaevsky, Sinyachikhinsky and other Life Guards Second Major A.G. Guryev, who in 1766 sold these factories to the merchant and wine farmer S.Ya. Yakovlev (Sobakin).

In 1781, the Alapaevsky mining district was formed, which included factories and iron mines. In 1781, with the formation of the Perm governorship, the Yekaterinburg region was formed and the Alapaevsky district was created. The workers' settlement was transformed into the city of Alapaevsk.

In 1783, the city's coat of arms was approved.

The first women's riot in Russia took place at the Alapaevsk metallurgical plant in June 1821, which led to the shutdown of the plant. The unrest of the Alapaevsk serf workers, reduced to “extreme poverty,” continued from 1842 until the reform of 1861. From 1824 to 1828, an important event took place in the life of the city - the construction of a metallurgical plant on the Neiva River. The plant was famous for its products throughout Europe. In pre-revolutionary times, Alapaevsk roofing iron more than once received gold medals at international exhibitions in Brussels and London. In 1835-1837, for the first time in Russia, the dam master, outstanding mechanic, and self-taught inventor Ignatius Evstafievich Sofonov made a water turbine. In the spring of 1849, retired Major General I.P. was appointed the new manager of the Alapaevsky mining district. Chaikovsky. His son P.I. came to the city with him. Tchaikovsky, who lived in Alapaevsk until August 1850. A century later, in 1965, thanks to the selfless efforts of V.B. Gorodilina, academician of the Academy of Arts and Crafts named after. Demidovs, the House-Museum of P.I. was opened. Tchaikovsky. By the end of the 19th century, the metallurgical plant switched from water engines to steam engines, a power station, open-hearth furnaces, and a blast furnace were built. By the beginning of the 1905 revolution at the plant, the Bolshevik organization of workers had become a significant force and in March, during a strike, the first factory council was created, which included peasants. The Alapaevsk Council of Workers' and Peasants' Deputies existed for 65 days.

After the October Revolution, an emergency committee was created to fight the counter-revolution. On May 20, 1918, members of the royal family were brought to Alapaevsk, who were kept under arrest in the building of the Floor School. When Admiral Kolchak’s offensive began in the summer of 1918, they were taken on carts to the Mezhnaya station and dumped into the pit of an abandoned mine. Currently, a monastery is located at the site of the death of the Grand Dukes.

Rich forest resources and a narrow-gauge railway made it possible to build a wood processing plant in 1929. In 1930, a mechanical plant, a city industrial plant, a bakery, a red brick plant, and a cement-free stone plant began operating. A high-voltage transmission line was installed from the Egorshinskaya State District Power Plant. In 1940, construction of a machine tool plant began.

New microdistricts are being built - Rabochiy Gorodok (1924), M. Gorky (1924), Technical Town (1928), Mayorshino (1940). The history of the Holy Trinity Cathedral is inextricably linked with the history of the Alapaevsk ironworks. The first information about it dates back to 1702. During the years of Soviet power, the cathedral was turned into a bakery. And only in 2000, after many years of restoration work, the cathedral was consecrated by Patriarch of All Rus' Alexy. The work was supervised by the first Honorary Citizen of the Sverdlovsk Region, Academician of the Academy of Arts and Crafts named after. Demidovs Ivan Danilovich Samoilov.

The history of Alapaevsk is connected with the Venerable Martyr Elizabeth

The village of Asbestovsky arose with the beginning of the industrial development of asbestos in 1908, southwest of the city of Alapaevsk. With the launch of the enrichment plant, production volumes increased, asbestos began to be sent to Germany, America, and France. Since 1999, asbestos mining has ceased, leaving only crushed stone production. The village of Zapadny arose in 1929 in connection with the start of housing construction for subsidiary workers of the metallurgical plant. On the basis of the farm, a vegetable and dairy state farm was formed, which was later transformed into a poultry state farm.

The village of Zyryanovsky arose in 1908 with the start of iron ore mining for the Neivo-Alapaevsky plant, which was delivered to the plant by horse-drawn transport. In 1914, a narrow gauge railway was built. At the end of 1950, the mine was closed, and an automobile repair plant was built in February 1964.

The village of Neivo-Shaitansky was founded in 1730. In 1735, the manager of state-owned factories in the Urals, V.N. Tatishchev, chose the settlement of Susan, founded in 1730, for the construction of a factory. In 1753, another ironworks was installed up the Susanka River, the factories began to be called Nizhne-Susansky and Verkhne-Susansky, and the settlements Old and New Susan. With the launch of the Neivo-Shaitansky plant, which produced roofing iron, in March 1825, the Susansky factories were closed. With the development of production, the population of the village grows, and various crafts develop. Thus, cabinetmaker Trofimov P. completed an order to produce a carved iconostasis for St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

map of the Neiva River

______________________________________________________________________________________________ SOURCE OF INFORMATION: Team Nomadic PORTAL of the Sverdlovsk region. Wikipedia website https://

Museum of Fine Arts

A story about the sights of Alapaevsk would not be complete without mentioning the local museum of fine arts. You can visit this cultural organization at the address: st. Pavlova, 37. Alapaevsk is sometimes called a town of artists. Indeed, there are many talented painters among the local residents. In the Alapaevsk Museum you will not see world masterpieces of painting. The collection today features paintings by local artists and craftsmen from the surrounding areas of the Sverdlovsk region. In addition to paintings, there is an exhibition of decorative and applied arts. The fine art museum regularly hosts temporary exhibitions and master classes for guests.


(Sverdlovsk region)

OKATO code:
City since:
1781 City of regional subordination
Alapaevsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
135 Sunrise and sunset times of the Sun and Moon in the city of Alapaevsk

Hammer shop

In Alapaevsk there is the oldest stone structure in the entire Urals. Unfortunately, today this landmark is in ruins. The city of Alapaevsk in the Sverdlovsk region appeared thanks to the construction of a metallurgical plant. From the very first buildings of this industrial facility, only one has survived to this day - the hammer shop. All that remains of the building are mostly facades made of rough stone. Even in this state, one can note the sophistication of the architectural design. The window openings are rounded, making the building reminiscent of ancient Russian chambers. It is believed that the hammer shop was built and put into operation in 1704. The building turned out to be closed and abandoned, after another reorganization of the plant and the transfer of production. There is a ravine in front of the workshop; local historians claim that this is where there once was a city pond. Tourists can look at the ruins of the hammer shop on Lenin Street, under the railway bridge.

Alapaevsk temples, cathedrals and churches

In 1918, the churches of Alapaevsk became the place where the executed princes were buried. Today they preserve the history of the Alapaevsk martyrs and are the basis of pilgrimage tourism in the city.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

  • Address: st. Tchaikovsky, 19.

Holy Trinity Cathedral is the oldest in the city. It was founded at the end of the 17th century by residents of the village of Alapaikha. In 1702 a stone temple was built. Over the centuries, it burned several times, settled, collapsed and was rebuilt. The last transformation took place in 1833, when a new one was built to replace the rickety bell tower.

The cross-domed church is made in the Siberian Baroque style. The quadrangle ends with five belvederes with golden domes. The hexagonal base of the central belvedere is decorated with round dormers.

Adjacent to the temple is an apse with a blind hexagon, as well as a refectory. Built in 1833, the bell tower culminates in an impressive spire and is framed by slender columns. Of the façade decor, only elegant sandriks have survived to this day.

In October 1918, a funeral service for the deceased princes and princess was held in the temple. The bodies were buried in a crypt, the entrance to which was walled up with bricks. After the ceremony there was a procession of the cross. More than a thousand people took part in it. Later, the remains of members of the royal family were moved to different churches and monasteries.

During the Soviet years, the cathedral building was used as a bread factory. Restoration work began in 1992, after the return of the building to the Alapaevsk diocese. Currently the cathedral is operational. The bell tower gained fame in 2016, when a strong storm that thundered over Yekaterinburg tore down its multi-meter spire.

Church of Catherine the Great Martyr

  • Address: st. Perminova, 1.

In 1912, the grandiose construction of the Catherine Church was completed in Alapaevsk. The large-scale stone building was built in the eclectic style that was popular in those years. The temple is a quadrangle, crowned with five sixes under azure tents.

The facade is decorated on four sides with pediments, as well as pilasters, spindle-shaped friezes, sandriks and archivolts. The refectory and three-tier hipped bell tower are made in the same style. Authentic frescoes on the vaults of the temple have been preserved to this day.

In 1918, the bodies of Princess Elizabeth and her maid Varvara Yakovleva were buried in the temple crypt. The icon depicting them is today the main shrine of the church. The temple continued to operate during the Soviet period. In 1995, it was assigned to the monastery of the New Martyrs of Russia and today is its metochion.


There are actually not that many architectural attractions in Alapaevsk. The city has many buildings built during the Soviet era and entire blocks of one-story private houses. It is unlikely that the local urban development will seriously interest and surprise a sophisticated tourist. Still, it’s worth taking a walk through the streets of Alapaevsk. Opposite the Holy Trinity Cathedral, ancient merchant houses have been preserved, when the richest residents of the city settled here. These attractions of Alapaevsk are not mentioned in tourist guides, since almost all the buildings are occupied by offices, shops and other private organizations. Tourists can only admire their facades and imagine the former grandeur of these streets. The local Palace of Culture, built under Soviet rule, deserves attention. Statues have been preserved near its main entrance, and the façade is decorated with decorative elements. The fire station building with its watchtower stands out against the backdrop of the city landscape.

Entertainment for city guests

Today Alapaevsk is just developing as a tourist city. Mostly residents of the Sverdlovsk region and very rarely guests from other regions come here on excursions. And yet the town has significant potential for development as a tourist center. There are two hotels in Alapaevsk today. After visiting the city's attractions, you can relax in one of the local cafes. There are establishments specializing in European, Russian, Japanese and Italian cuisine. What guests of the city will especially like is that the prices are reasonable. There is a cinema in the city, where shows are held daily.

Entertainment in Alapaevsk for children: where to take a walk and where to go

After a long excursion full of impressions, it’s nice to unwind in a quiet park, where the soul-healing beauty of nature reigns.

City Park

  • Address: st. Lenina/st. Pavlova.

The city park is located on a tiny peninsula where the Neiva River bends. Nature trails are laid through the dense birch grove, leading tourists to grassy shores.

Piers have been built near the river for mooring boats. Local residents use them as bridges while swimming. It is best to visit the park in early autumn, when the weather is warm and the birches are already showered with gold.

Skazka Square

  • Address: Pushkin street.

Turning onto Pushkin Street, you can find yourself in a fairy tale straight from the pages of his books. Characters from Russian legends “live” in the grove, reminiscent of an enchanted forest. Carved wooden sculptures depict not only heroes, but also tiny chapels and landscapes.

Walking along the alleys of Skazka, you can see bizarrely shaped trees. The square is decorated with flower beds with irises and other bright flowers, and local residents are greeted by many cooing pigeons.

You may be interested in interesting places in other cities of the Sverdlovsk region - Krasnoufimsk, Verkhnyaya Pyshma, Nizhny Tagil, Kamensk-Uralsky, Irbit, Nevyansk, Sysert and Pervouralsk

The burden of history hangs over Alapaevsk. The events of 1918 changed the city forever and still echo from the walls of churches and stone monuments. This is a monument city, an eyewitness city that continues to live without letting go of the past.

Where is Alapaevsk located?

The city has a bus station and a railway station. The Alapaevskaya narrow-gauge railway was laid to the Kalach station. The city has a broad gauge station. It is called “Alapaevsk” (“Alapaevsk-2” is a narrow-gauge railway station). You can come to the city by rail from Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil. The bus travels much faster. Alapaevsk is located 149 km from Yekaterinburg. A regular bus usually covers this distance in 2.5-3 hours. Flights from Nizhny Tagil also arrive at the Alapaevsk bus station every day. It is easy to get from Yekaterinburg by private car. You should drive through Rezh, heading towards the city.

Geographical information

The city of Alapaevsk is located in the center of the Sverdlovsk region. The distance to Yekaterinburg by rail is 180 km, to Moscow - 1847 km. The city is located at the confluence of the Neiva and Alapaikha rivers. The Ekaterinburg - Nizhny Tagil and Ekaterinburg - Serov railways pass through the city. To the west of Alapaevsk are the cities of Verkhnyaya Salda, Nizhnyaya Salda, Nizhny Tagil, to the north - Verkhoturye, to the east - Irbit, to the south - Rezh, Artemovsky.

On the territory of the municipal formation "City of Alapaevsk" there are workers' settlements: Asbestovsky, Neivo-Shaitansky, Zyryanovsky; rural settlements: Zapadny, Verkhnyaya Alapaikha, Ustyanchiki, Ozero, Melkozerovo.

From the city of Alapaevsk, the settlements are located at a distance: Zapadny - 6 km, Asbestovsky - 30 km, Zyryanovsky - 14 km, Neivo-Shaitansky - 40 km.

The total area of ​​the municipal formation "City of Alapaevsk" is 1081.98 sq. km.

Rivers: Neiva, Alapaikha. There is a pond on the Neiva River within the city limits.

Minerals: chromites, semiprecious stones, beryls, asbestos crushed stone, ocher.

Highways connecting settlements of the municipality and neighboring cities are paved with asphalt concrete. Construction of the Alapaevsk - Petrokamenskoye road is underway, which will connect the city of Alapaevsk with the second largest city in the Sverdlovsk region - Nizhny Tagil.

Attractions in the surrounding area

What else can you see when going to Alapaevsk? The Sverdlovsk region is rich in historical sights and modern tourist sites. 15 km from the city is the village of Nizhnyaya Sinyachikha, where you can visit an interesting open-air museum of Russian wooden architecture. In the village of Verkhnyaya Sinyachikha, a metallurgical plant still exists today. The main attraction of this settlement is the Museum of the History of Industrial Development. The village of Koptelovo is located 20 km from Alapaevsk. It is notable for the large number of ancient houses that have been preserved in decent condition today. On the basis of such cultural and architectural heritage, there is a museum of the history of agriculture and the life of peasants.

Main streets of Alapaevsk

The main transport arteries on the map of Alapaevsk with streets - Pushkin, Frunze, Lenin, Gogol.

Pushkin street

Located in the center of the city.

Intersects with the streets of Vetlugin, Georgy Glukhikh, 3rd International, Brothers Ostanin, Sofia Perovskaya, Lenin.

There is an art museum, Skazka park, and an ambulance station here.

The city park and the Palace of Culture are nearby.

Frunze street

Also located in the central part of the city, parallel to Pushkin Street.

Intersects with the streets of Vetlugin, Georgy Glukhikh, 3rd International, Brothers Ostanin, Tyurikov, Sofia Perovskaya, Lenin.

There is a park named after Samoilov and a children's hospital here.

A few blocks from the street. The Neiva River flows through Frunze.

Lenin Street

Stretches from north to south.

Intersects with Narodnaya, Alexei Kharlov, Papanintsev, Gogol, Perminov, Zashchita, First Soviet, Volodarsky, Rosa Luxenburg, Yaluninskaya, Pavlov, Pushkin, Frunze, Safonov streets.

Here are the central city hospital, bus station, sports complex of the Zyryanovsky village, Cathedral Square, Palace of Culture, city park, museum of the history of the Alapaevsky Metallurgical Plant, the Neiva River, and the Central Stadium.

Gogol street

Located in the northern part of the city.

Intersects with the streets of Young Heroes, Kolnogorov, Karl Liebknecht, Lenin, Red Army, Dorozhnaya.

A few blocks from the street. Gogol, the Neiva River flows and the central city hospital is located.

Reviews of tourist trips to Alapaevsk

You can go to Alapaevsk for one day from Yekaterinburg and other cities of the Sverdlovsk region. Residents of larger settlements may find it a calm and romantic place. Today the city has a sufficient number of diverse attractions for a tourist one-day visit. If you wish, you can spend the night here. In local hotels the atmosphere is quite provincial, but at the same time clean and cozy. This city will probably be boring for tourists who are accustomed to a high level of service and an abundance of modern entertainment. The sights of Alapaevsk, like the city itself, will appeal more to those who love a truly Russian atmosphere and are interested in the history of their native land.



  1. ^ a b c d
    State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.
    Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 65 403”, Ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics. Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 Russian Classification of Administrative Objects (OKATO). Code 65 403
    As amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 dated January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.” Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  4. ^ a b
    Law No. 85-OZ
  5. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  6. People's encyclopedia "My City"
  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people.” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal subjects, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers, rural settlements with a population of more than 3000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census of 2002 [All-Russian Population Census of 2002]
    (in Russian).
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages. On the administrative-territorial structure of the Sverdlovsk region.” Came into force on the date of official publication, with certain provisions coming into force on other dates. Published: “Regional Newspaper”, No. 81, June 3, 1997 (Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. Regional Law No. 30-OZ of May 20, 1997 On the administrative-territorial structure of the Sverdlovsk Region
    As amended by the Law of April 25, 2012 No. 32-OZ.
    On amendments to the regional law "On the administrative-territorial structure of the Sverdlovsk region"
    . Valid from the date of official publication, with the exception of several paragraphs that come into force on a different date).
  9. Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. Law No. 85-OZ of July 12, 2007 “On the boundaries of municipalities, territory on the territory of the Sverdlovsk region,” as amended. Law No. 107-OZ of October 29, 2013 “On the abolition of individual service points in the territory of Ivdel, and on amendments to Appendix 39 to the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region “On the boundaries of municipalities, ecosystems in the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region””. Came into force 10 days after official publication. Published: “Regional Newspaper”, No. 232–249, July 17, 2007 (Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region. Law No. 85-OZ of July 12, 2007 On the boundaries of municipalities in the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region
    As amended by the Law of October 29. 2013 No. 107-OZ.
    On the abolition of several settlements in the territory of the city of Ivdul and on amendments to the Law of the Sverdlovsk Region “On the boundaries of municipalities in the territory of the Sverdlovsk Region"
    . Valid from the day that is 10 days after official publication.).
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