Map of Ishimbay in detail with streets, houses and districts



    1 History 1.1 Early history 1.2 Soviet period 1.3 Modern period

2 Physiographic characteristics

    2.1 Geographical location 2.2 Relief and hydrography 2.3 Soils, vegetation and fauna 2.4 Time zone 2.5 Climate 2.6 Ecological state

3 Symbols 4 Population 5 Local government 6 Administrative-territorial division 7 Economy

    7.1 Industry 7.2 City budget 7.2.1 Improvement

7.3 Housing and communal services 7.4 Consumer market 7.5 Telecommunications 7.6 Financial services 8 Transport

    8.1 Public transport 8.2 Intercity and suburban services

9 Science and education 10 Healthcare 11 Sports 12 Culture

    12.1 Museums and galleries 12.2 Religion 12.3 City in art

13 Architecture and landmarks

    13.1 Parks and squares 13.2 Monuments 13.3 Cemeteries 13.4 Bridges

14 Mass media 15 Outstanding Ishimbay residents

    15.1 Heroes of the Soviet Union and Socialist Labor

16 Interesting facts 17 Twin cities

    19 Used literature and sources


Nugush Reservoir

This is the most visited and favorite place of the Ishimbay people. The bright, picturesque region is rich in the presence of rocks, dense forest, and crystal clear water in the reservoir. On the shore there are several camps for schoolchildren and recreation centers, with sandy beaches.

At the Nugush reservoir, visitors go fishing, ride water vehicles (boats, jet skis), and fly kites. Tourists are offered horseback riding and hiking in the wild.



) is a city of republican subordination in Russia, the administrative center of the Ishimbay district of Bashkortostan. Located in the south of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 166 km from Ufa, on the Belaya and Tairuk rivers. This is one of the major economic, industrial and cultural centers of Bashkortostan. Ishimbay, along with Sterlitamak and Salavat, is the center of the South Bashkortostan polycentric agglomeration with powerful production potential and a population of about 700 thousand people.

The population is people (as of January 1, 2011). Area - 103.47 km?.

Ishimbay is an independent administrative-territorial unit of republican subordination. According to the territorial structure of municipalities, the city of Ishimbay and the Ishimbay district constitute a single municipal entity “Municipal district Ishimbay district” [approx. 1].

Kuk-Karauk waterfall

The village of Makarovo, Ishimbay district, is famous for this fascinating place. Kuk-Karauk is a multi-level waterfall that follows one after another at a height of 12 meters. Local and non-resident residents try to come here in the spring, since the melting snow causes the waterfall to become full-flowing, noisy and more spectacular than in summer.

The most successful months for visiting are April and May. The landscape is represented by mountain open forests, rocks and flowering herbs. In the last century, the waterfall was given the title of a natural monument of Bashkortostan.


The emergence and economic development of the city of oil workers and machine builders Ishimbay is associated with the discovery of oil fields, which later became the Second Baku. The origins of the city of Ishimbaya begin with the village of Ishimbayevo, founded in 1815. The first settler of the village was Ishimbay Akberdin (1770-1831), whose descendants still live in the city.

1.1. Early history

In 1770, in order to carry out the program for studying the Russian state developed by the scientist, the territory of the future city was visited by an expedition of the Geographical Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, headed by the famous traveler, scientist Ekhin. The expedition was stationed in the village of Kusyapkulovo, now part of the city of Ishimbaya, and discovered an oil outlet near the confluence of the Tairuk River with the Belaya River. In 1880, a geologist carried out the first geological study of the Ishimbay oil region, which gave a negative answer to the question about the presence of oil in local geological structures[3].

On July 30, 1900, the St. Petersburg newspaper Nedelya informed its readers about the discovery of large oil shows on the banks of the Belaya River near the Bashkir villages of Nizhne-Buranchino and Kusyapkulovo. In 1905, on behalf of the chief director of the Ural factories, a geologist, having drilled a 4 fathom (9.5 m) well on the island (in the area of ​​the current bridge over the Belaya River), was the first of the geologists to give a positive answer to the question of whether there is oil here. In the summer of 1915, the territory of the future city was visited by a representative of the company of Baku oil industrialists, the Nobel brothers, geologist Andersen, who gave a positive review of the prospects for exploration of local oil deposits. He offered the local Bashkirs to sell some of the oil-bearing lands, but was refused[3].

1.2. Soviet period

In May 1929, on the initiative of the head of the mining department, the Bashsovnarkhoz appealed to the State Petroleum Research Institute and the Geological Committee with a request to organize oil exploration in Bashkiria. In the summer of the same year, the State Petroleum Research Institute sent three geological parties to the BASSR, one of them, under the leadership of a geologist, worked in the future Ishimbay. In June 1930, the government of the BASSR raised the issue of accelerating the start of deep drilling work before the presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR. On October 28, 1930, a Decree of the USSR Government was issued obliging the Supreme Economic Council of the USSR to “Ensure deep drilling of oil fields in the BASSR in Soyuzneft’s plans for 1931.” Measures were taken to strengthen the material and technical base of oil exploration. In the fall of 1930, upon completion of geological research, he outlined four points in well No. 000-704 for drilling deep wells[3].

On May 16, 1932, at 11:30 a.m., from a depth of 680.15 meters, well No. 000 ejected the first 36-meter fountain of industrial oil within 4 hours, about 50 tons of oil[4]. This date marks the beginning of the formation of the oil industry in Bashkiria. The first oil field in the Volga region and the Urals was formed. The new oil center of the USSR was named Ishimbayevsky after the village of Yurmatians Ishimbayevo. The oil field, scattered over tens of kilometers, united the villages of Ishimbayevo, Kusyapkulovo, Buranchino, defining the modern borders of the city. Near the village of Ishimbayevo on the left bank of the Belaya in 1932, a workers’ settlement named after . On the right bank, not far from Buranchino, in 1933 the village of Peregonny was formed. In connection with the discovery of oil in 1932, the Ishimbayneft Oil and Gas Production Directorate was created, which is now the largest Bashneft enterprise.” At the same time, workshops were built for drillers and oil field workers.

In 1933, the first oil refining plant was installed on the left bank of the Belaya River. In 1934, a new railway line Dema - Sterlitamak - Ishimbayevo was built, a sawmill and a carpentry workshop appeared, which provided the industrial, cultural and everyday objects of Ishimbay with material [5]. On March 29, 1934, a resolution of the Presidum of the Central Executive Committee of the BASSR “On the organization of the workers’ settlement of the Ishimbay oil fields” appeared, which included a dozen new workers’ settlements, old and new large and small Bashkir villages: Ishimbaevo, Irek, Kyzyl Batyr and Yurmaty of the Allaguvat village council of the Sterlitamak region, Smakaevo and Buranchino, Makarovsky district. In total, there were over 30 settlements in the sphere of influence of the city’s formation. Some of them merged with villages (oil workers’ settlements Termen-Elga, Kinzebulatovo, Kusyapkulovo), others became part of the city[4]. In 1936, the first oil refinery in Bashkiria and the East of the country was built in the village of Peregonny, known during the war years as the “State Union Plant No. 000”[6].

By the resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee “On the formation of new districts in the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic” dated January 1, 2001[7], the working village of Ishimbayevo became the center of the Ishimbay district. The lands of the Makarovsky district (Kusyapkulovsky village council and Baiguzinsky village council) and the Naumovsky village council, separated from the Sterlitamak district, were transferred to it. At the end of 1937, the Ishimbayevo-Ufa oil pipeline was put into operation[6]. On August 22, 1939, a meeting of the presidium of the district executive committee of the district Soviets took place, which decided:

1. Ask the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BASSR to grant the oil workers’ petition to rename the village into a city. 2. Assign a name to the city of Neftegrad[8].

After approval by the regional party committee, at a meeting on September 17, 1939, the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the BASSR decided to petition the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR to satisfy the request of the oil workers.

February 10, 1940

The Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR “On the transformation of the workers’ settlement of Ishimbay into a city and on the liquidation of the Ishimbay district of the Bashkir USSR” was issued:

1. On the transformation of the working village of Ishimbay, Ishimbay district, into a city, separating it into an independent administrative-territorial unit of republican subordination. 2. On the inclusion of the following settlements within the city limits of Ishimbay: Kusyapkulova and Smakaevo, Ishimbay district. 3. On the transfer from the Ishimbaysky district: Allaguvatsky and Naumovsky rural councils to the Sterlitamak district: Kusyapkulovsky and Bayguzinsky rural councils to the Makarovsky district and on the liquidation of the Ishimbaysky district. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR L. Badaev.
For the Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR Z. Andreev. Moscow, February 10, 1940

On March 3, 1940, the first session of the city Council of Workers' Deputies took place. The executive committee of the city council was elected, and Maxim Sergeevich Platonov, a former drilling foreman, became the chairman. At the same time, the city party committee was elected[9].

In 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, the Mechanical Plant named after. Stalin, which received the new name “State Union Machine-Building Plant named after Stalin” (now a machine-building plant). He began working in 1943, producing shells for Katyushas, ​​fishing tools, chisels and more. In 1942, Oil Absorption Gasoline Plant No. 1 of the Grozneftekombinat was evacuated to the city of Ishimbay, on the basis of which a gasoline plant was built in the left bank of the city for the production of high-quality gasoline - “State Union Plant No. 000”, the future Ishimbay Oil Refinery [10]. During the Great Patriotic War, a brick factory and a carbide plant came into operation[11]. Ishimbay provided serious assistance to the front. Every fifth tank and plane was refueled with fuel produced from Ishimbay oil[12][13][14].

In 1948, in the area of ​​the village of Bolshoy Allaguvat, Sterlitamak region, seven kilometers from Ishimbay, it was decided to build a petrochemical plant (now Salavat petrochemical plant). Construction management and responsibility for commissioning the main facilities of the plant were entrusted to the Ishimbay city party organization. Near the plant, the village of Novostroika arose as part of the city of Ishimbaya, which on July 7, 1949 was named after Salavat Yulaev. The numbering of the schools being built in the village initially continued after the schools of Ishimbay. The village named after Salavat Yulaev remained part of the city of Ishimbaya until 1954, becoming the city of republican subordination Salavat. It was Ishimbay who laid the foundation for both the plant and the city, helped them gain strength and get on their feet, and sheltered its first builders[15].

In 1952, he approved the project for the revival of the city of Ishimbaya. In 1952-1953. the city of Ishimbay was part of the Sterlitamak region of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1949, both refineries entered into a single association, the Ishimbay Oil Refinery, and soon production at Peregonny was liquidated (now there are ruins of workshops there). In 1956, the opening of the Ishimbay hosiery factory (now a hosiery factory) took place. In 1966, another light industry enterprise appeared in the city - the Ishimbay Knitting Factory (now the “Badge of Honor” “Ishimbay Knitwear Factory”)[6].

Rustem Khamitov’s visit to the Knitwear Factory

In the 1970s, a number of new engineering plants were built. In 1973, the Ishimbay Experimental Mechanical Plant (now an oil and gas association) was put into operation. In 1977, the Ishimbay Transport Engineering Plant (IZTM, now the Vityaz company) and the Ishimbay Oilfield Equipment Plant (IZNPO, now Neftemash) were built.

At the end of the 70s, in Ishimbay it was planned to create one of the largest machine-building associations of the all-Union scale, by including the Ishimbay Machine-Building Plant, the Ishimbay Oilfield Equipment Plant and the construction of a new one - the Ishimbay Block Plant Plant, which was never put into operation [ 16]. In 1985, construction of the Ishimbay Specialized Chemical Catalyst Plant (ISHPP) began on the area of ​​the Ishimbay Oil Refinery, the construction of which was completed in 1990[6].

At the end of the 1980s, it was planned to radically transform the city of Ishimbay. It was planned to build a timber industry complex, which was supposed to produce parquet, furniture blanks, and particle boards. In the area of ​​the Ishimbay Experimental Mechanical Plant, it was planned to launch the construction of an artistic ceramics factory. It was also planned to build a new bakery, a semi-finished products factory, a vegetable storage facility and a salting point[17]. In the vicinity of Termen-Yelgi, a brick factory was built, the construction of which was never completed. The reason for this was “perestroika,” which cut short numerous large projects to improve the industrial potential of the city of Ishimbaya. In 1990, the Ishimbay Oil Refinery was liquidated, and its area was completely occupied by ISHZK.

1.3. Modern period

In 1992, the Ishimbay plant, unique for Russia, was commissioned for the production of manipulator cranes - [18]. In 1998, the Krovlestom roofing materials plant was built on the site of the abandoned construction of a block plant plant[19]. In 1997, the Ishimbay Museum of History and Local Lore opened.

On January 18, 2000, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan “On the formation of the administration of the city of Ishimbay and the Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan,” the administration of the city of Ishimbay and the Ishimbay district was formed by merging the administration of the city of Ishimbay and the administration of the Ishimbay district[20].

In 2001, as a result of the bankruptcy of the Ishimbay oilfield equipment plant, its former foundry was transformed into the Neftemash foundry.” The year 2005 had the most serious impact on the economy of Ishimbay. Foundry was liquidated, which resulted in the demolition of its workshops, which is about half of the former Ishimbay Oilfield Equipment Plant[21]. The same thing happened to IZTM, which significantly reduced its area, on one of which a new plant appeared - a machine-tool repair plant"[22].

Manipulators produced by INMAN

Due to bankruptcy, the Ishimbay Special Chemical Plant of Catalysts also reduced its territory, providing it with oil product services.” The new enterprise, which arose on the site of the former Ishimbay Oil Refinery, plans to organize oil refining in the city again in the near future[23].

On January 1, 2006, in connection with the municipal reform, the city of Ishimbay was given the status of the municipal formation “Urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay”, which became part of the municipal formation “Municipal district Ishimbay district”. At the same time, the city of Ishimbay remains an independent administrative-territorial unit of republican subordination.

Main streets of Ishimbay

  • Gubkin Street - One of the main streets of the city. In its center is the Square of the Discoverers of Bashkir Oil. It also passes by the park named after. Yu.A. Gagarin. It starts from the intersection of Mira and Nekrasov streets and goes to Gorky.
  • Sovetskaya Street is the oldest street, but this has not lost its importance. There is a park of culture and recreation named after. A.M. Matrosova, CJSC "Hosiery Ishimbay Factory", central market. Starts from the street. Revolutionary and ends on the street. Dokuchaevo. Intersects with Lenin Ave., st. Boulevard.
  • Stakhanovskaya Street - Runs parallel to the street. Soviet. Starts from the street. Revolutionary, ends in a dead end. Crosses Lenin Ave., Boulevard Street, Mashinostroiteley Street, Dokuchaevo Street. It is considered one of the most important streets in the city. It demarcates residential areas from the industrial zone. There are administrative buildings, a green zone, and medical institutions here.
  • Kinzebulatovskoye Highway - This highway is the exit road from the city. Starts from the street. Bohdan Khmelnytsky. Passes by the central Orthodox cemetery.
  • Naberezhnaya Street - Located along the river. Belaya in the left bank part of the city. It turns into Industrial Highway. It is home to several large enterprises: Idel Neftemash LLC, Krovlestom Production Enterprise LLC and others.
  • Industrial Highway - Starts at the entrance to the city and ends in front of the bridge over the river. White. This is the central entrance to the city of Ishimbay. It houses industrial buildings of enterprises: JSC Mashinostroitelnaya, LLC Ishimbay Machine Tool Plant.
  • Lenin Avenue - The satellite map shows that this is the central street of the city of Ishimbay. Starts from the street. Cosmonauts, ends at st. Chkalova. The width of the avenue is 25 m, length – 2.7 km. The boulevard part stretches along the entire length of the avenue. There are two adjacent squares: them. Lenin and the Discoverers of Bashkir Oil. There are several administrative buildings, cultural and entertainment institutions, educational facilities, shopping centers and others.

Physiographic characteristics

2.1. Geographical position

View of the Belaya River

The city of Ishimbay is located in the south of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 166 km from Ufa, on the Belaya and Tairuk rivers. The nearest large settlements: Sterlitamak (21 km to the north-west), Salavat (11 km to the south).

Ishimbay is located 8 kilometers from the federal highway P314

Ufa - Orenburg.

Distance from Ishimbay to major cities (by road)[24]
NW St. Petersburg ~ 2166 km

Davlekanovo ~ 151 km

Ufa ~ 166 km

Sterlitamak ~ 21 km

Nizhnevartovsk ~ 1954 km

Tyumen ~ 904 km

Z Moscow ~ 1470 km Magnitogorsk ~ 304 km IN
S-W Salavat ~ 11 km Meleuz ~ 57 km

Kumertau ~ 86 km Orenburg ~ 228 km


2.2. Relief and hydrography

See also the article Hydrography of Ishimbay

The nature of the relief is flat, slightly undulating with a predominant slope of 1-3%, in the eastern and southern directions it gives way to hilly ridges with a slope above 20%. In the same direction, there is an increase in absolute surface elevations from 130-140 meters (in river valleys) to 270 meters[25].

On the territory of the city there are a number of reservoirs of natural and artificial origin. The main part of the city is located between the Belaya and Tairuk rivers. On the border of Ishimbay and the Sterlitamak region is the mouth of the Tairuk. The Termen-Elga River, Buzaigyr and Sikul streams flow through the suburb. There are lakes and artificial reservoirs. In the left bank part of the city there is Lake Karakul (“Black Lake”), so named because of the large content of oil waste from the Ishimbay oil refinery. The largest natural lakes are located in Stary Ishimbay and Zheleznodorozhny.

Among the artificial reservoirs, one can highlight the pond on the Tairuk River, which served the townspeople for swimming and catamaran rides in the summer[26]. There are also two artificial lakes on the Termen-Elge River. The first, located in the area of ​​an unfinished brick factory, was built for the economic needs of NGDU Ishimbayneft. The second, located in the area of ​​the Chaika sanatorium-preventorium, was created for the needs of the Ishimbay Oil Refinery[27]. There are also underground lakes located in the southern part of Ishimbay, supplying the city with drinking water from artesian wells located in the area of ​​Mount Zirgan-tau.

2.3. Soils, vegetation and fauna

Ishimbay is rich in green areas; forest plantations were planted in uninhabited urban space, as well as in Zatairuchye. Ishimbay is still called the “green capital” of Bashkiria[2]. Recently, there has been an active construction of cottages in the territories of many public gardens and parks, thereby destroying the green vegetation of the city. A significant part of the park on Boulevard Street, called the “Green Zone” by citizens, has been reduced. The pioneer square named after Mazhit Gafuri at the intersection of Lenin Avenue and Blokhin Street, where there used to be a monument to the poet, was built with two-story houses.[28] It was planned to build a house in the Blokhin park at the intersection of Boulevard and Blokhin streets. To do this, on April 25, 2007, the grave of the scientist who found oil in Ishimbay was opened in order to free up the territory for construction[29].

2.4. Timezone

Ishimbay is located in the time zone designated by international standard as Yekaterinburg Time Zone (YEKT). The offset relative to UTC is +6:00. Relative to Moscow time, the time zone has a constant offset of +2 hours and is designated in Russia accordingly as MSK+2. Yekaterinburg time differs from standard time by two hours, since maternity time is in effect in Russia.

2.5. Climate

Ishimbay is located in the north forest-steppe subzone of the temperate zone. The climate is temperate continental, quite humid, summers are warm, winters are moderately cold and long with stable snow cover[25]. The average January temperature is ?15.0 °C, the minimum is ?48.2 °C (1993); July +19.6 °C, maximum +39.3 °C (2010).

    The average annual air temperature is +3.31 °C. Average monthly precipitation is 1.87 mm/day. Relative air humidity - 67.63%. The average wind speed is 4.44 m/s, the wind is predominantly from the west.
Climate of Ishimbay
Index Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct But I Dec Year
Average maximum, °C ?9,02 ?8,25 ?1,87 7,95 17,5 23,4 25,8 22,2 15,8 6,58 ?3,33 ?8,59 7,39
Average temperature, °C ?12,3 ?12 ?6,77 3,26 12,7 18,6 20,3 17,9 11,7 3,57 ?6,14 ?11,7 3,35
Average minimum, °C ?16 ?16,3 ?11,5 ?1,71 6,47 12,1 14,2 12,4 7,34 0,56 ?9,14 ?15,3 ?1,32
Source: Ishimbay city, Ishimbay district. Republic of Bashkortostan - Meteostatistics.

2.6. Ecological state

In 2009, in Ishimbay, the proportion of studied atmospheric air samples with an increased content of pollutants increased by 1.1–2.0 times[30]. The main source of pollution is the Salavat petrochemical industry.” In 2010, the Bashkir Environmental Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office conducted an inspection of enterprises located on the territory of the former Ishimbay Oil Refinery, during which violations of environmental legislation were identified[31].

In Ishimbay, there are problems with the municipal solid waste landfill, which is often set on fire[32][33]. In accordance with the comprehensive program of socio-economic development of the municipal district of Ishimbaysky district for years, the construction of the municipal solid waste landfill should be completed in 2011[34].

Sights of the city of Ishimbay

Ishimbay is home to several cultural institutions: a local history museum, an art gallery, a public education museum, a central library and its 9 branches.

  • The largest leisure center is considered to be the Palace of Culture of Oil Workers named after. CM. Kirov .
  • Entertainment facilities: entertainment complex " Patio ", youth entertainment complex.
  • Houses of culture: “ Yondoz ”, “ Neftyanik ”.
  • Among the recreation parks we can highlight Victory Park . Both adults and children can relax here; recreation areas, playgrounds, and memorial sites have been created for this purpose.

There are several cultural monuments that local residents are proud of:

  • Monument to the discoverers of Bashkir oil;
  • Memorial complex "tower-grandmother";
  • Stella to the founders of the city;
  • Monument to A.A. Blokhin;
  • Memorial complex "Alley of Heroes";
  • Monument to S.M. Kirov;
  • Monument to the creators of the Vityaz two-link transporters;
  • Stele in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Ishimbay oil refinery.


Coat of arms of Ishimbay

Flag of Ishimbay

The coat of arms of the city was approved by the decision of the Council of the urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated January 1, 2001 No. 10/86. Included in the State Register of Symbols in the Republic of Bashkortostan with the assignment of registration number 048. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation with the assignment of registration number 3238[35].

Description of the coat of arms: “In a green field there is a silver narrow overturned rafter (tamga of the Bashkir family of Yurmaty), the left side of which is wider and extended to the base of the shield, filled with azure, in which there is a scarlet mountain with a saddle on top, bordered at the top with silver, burdened with a golden abstract fountain about two streams and accompanied in the azure by the golden inflorescence of kurai"

. The authors of the coat of arms of the city of Ishimbay are [35]. The former coat of arms of the city of Ishimbay was approved by a decision of the Presidium of the City Council in 1999. The author of the coat of arms is . This coat of arms was chosen among 80 works proposed by more than 40 people. It can still be seen in different parts of the city, for example on some street name signs. Some elements of the new coat of arms practically coincide with the previous one[36].

The city flag was approved by the decision of the Council of the urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay of the Republic of Bashkortostan dated January 1, 2001 No. 10/87. Included in the State Register of Symbols in the Republic of Bashkortostan with the assignment of registration number 048. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation with the assignment of registration number 3239[35]. The flag is a rectangular panel with a width to length ratio of 2:3, reproducing the composition of the coat of arms of the city of Ishimbaya in green, red, blue, white and yellow. The flag of Ishimbay is based on its coat of arms, the composition and elements of which are justified by the geographical, historical and other features of the city. The authors of the flag of the city of Ishimbaya are [35].

Ski resort Kush-Tau

This well-known landmark is located 18 km from the village of Sterlitamak on the mountain Kush-Tau. Lovers of active recreation come here from all cities of the region. Here you can use five ski slopes. Experienced tourists and extreme sports enthusiasts find forest slopes on which the snow is not at all rolled. Those interested are provided with rental equipment for skiing: sleighs, cheesecakes. Guests arriving by personal transport can park their car in the parking lot located next to the complex. On the territory of Kush-Tau there are cafes, restaurants, and a medical center.


Population by year (Source: [37])
1932 1935 1939 1943 1944
147 people[38] 7 thousand people[39] 21.8 thousand[9] 43.1 thousand (June) 40.3 thousand (June)
Population by year (Source: [40])
1959 1970 1979 1989 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2008 2009 2010 2011
46 568[41] 54 232[42] 56 993[43] 69 896[44] 70 161 70 070 69 861 69 395 70 195[45] 70 123 69 740 69 252 68 914 68 121 68 075 68 113 66 149

National composition as of 2002: Russians - 51.7%, Bashkirs - 28.4%, Tatars - 14.9%, other nationalities - 5%[25].

As of January 1, 2010, there were no inhabitants in Ishimbay. In 2009, 898 babies were born, 907 people arrived at their new place of residence. 954 people died, 776 left for a new place of residence. Natural population decline 56 people, increase due to migration 131[46]

As of October 14, 2010, according to preliminary data from the 2010 All-Russian Population Census, there are no residents in Ishimbay. Compared to 2002, the number of city residents decreased by 5.6%[47]. The population of Ishimbay consists of men and women [approx. 2].

As of January 1, 2011, there are no inhabitants in Ishimbay. In 2009, 849 babies were born, 884 people arrived at their new place of residence. 979 people died, 970 left for a new place of residence. Natural population decline was 130 people, decline due to migration was 86[48]. The official website of the city administration states that residents live in Ishimbay[20].

Local government

Ishimbay is a municipal entity within the Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Its official name is the municipal formation “Urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay of the municipal district of the Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan”, the abbreviated name is “SE city of Ishimbay MR Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan”. Local self-government is carried out on the basis of the charter, which was adopted by the decision of the urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay[49]. The representative body of local government is the Council of the urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay. It consists of 20 deputies elected in municipal elections in single-mandate constituencies for a period of 4 years. The council of the urban settlement of the city of Ishimbay is headed by the chairman of the Council, called the head of the urban settlement and elected by deputies from among its members. The Chairman of the Council is [50].

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Gumerovskoe Gorge

This famous protected place is located in the small village of Gumerovo. The transparent and incredibly beautiful Zigan River flows nearby. It goes beyond the mountain and forms a gorge, the width of which is 700-800 meters. The Gumerovsky Gorge consists of rocks of various shapes, reminiscent of the silhouettes of people and animals.

The territory of the attraction is rich in the presence of unique vegetation. Several species are included in the Red Book: Ural flax, shiverekia, feather feather grass. Among the animal representatives found in this place are the lynx and the brown bear.

Tourists come here every year to see the caves; catch fish; swim in the Zigan River and walk in the mountains, from where you can see the stunning landscape.

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