Where to go with a child in Taganrog

Taganrog is a small southern city with a rich cultural and historical past. It was the Italian town of Porto Pisano, a Greek settlement, and the first Russian port created by Tsar Peter I. Taganrog is considered the birthplace of Chekhov and Ranevskaya, as well as the place of death of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. It is interesting not only for its historical past, but also for its attractions . Many tourists, having arrived here, wonder: where to go in Taganrog? In this article we will tell you about the most popular places in this city.

Our impressions

I didn’t expect much from a provincial town on the Azov Sea, but Taganrog turned out to be interesting and even special. It is very different from southern coastal cities: intelligence and history are evident in everything. And although the sea splashes nearby, in its center there is not a hint of a resort, as if the city is higher than this.

While walking along the beautiful streets of Taganrog, I could not shake the feeling that I had been transported to pre-revolutionary Russia, and comparisons with St. Petersburg and Odessa came to mind. I was surrounded by old, dilapidated houses, and trams rattled past. It was pleasant to walk along the shady streets and such a calm city frozen in time. To this day, I am happy to think that such a special city has been preserved in our hectic south.

Alas, all this beauty and coziness was preserved only in a small area in the center. Outside of it, Taganrog is no different from other provincial cities, and a tourist has nothing to do in the city for more than two or three days. Well, what little there is is already a lot.

There are many very beautiful buildings in Taganrog - both restored and dilapidated. Pictured is the Art Museum.

Another beautiful building.

There is a lot of greenery in the city center.

There are many beautiful sailboats in Taganrog on which you can go to sea.


A little history

What makes Taganrog special is not only its intelligence, but also its history. The historical heritage is clearly valued here and they are trying to preserve it, because this attracts tourists, and the sea is a secondary matter.

Why is the history of Taganrog interesting? Because many influential and famous people appeared here. In general, on the site of Taganrog, the first ancient settlement of the Greeks was in the 7-6 centuries before our faith and was presumably called Kremny - it is mentioned by Herodotus. There were Scythians, Khazars, and Turks here, and Genoese and Pisan merchants traded. But the truly significant events for Taganrog began during the reign of Peter I, when the Tsar ordered the construction of a harbor and fortress on Cape Tagany Rog so that warships could easily enter the port. So in 1698 Taganrog was founded. As it is written in Wikipedia, “Taganrog is the first city in Russian history built according to a pre-developed master plan. Taganrog harbor is the first in the world built not in a natural bay, but on the open sea.”

Alas, Peter the Great's fortress had to be destroyed in 1711 under the terms of the Prut Peace Treaty concluded with the Turks. However, during the reign of Catherine II, the fortress and fleet were restored, and Taganrog received the status of a merchant and port city, and not a military one, and began to develop.

Emperor Alexander I died in Taganrog, Pushkin and Tchaikovsky visited, Chekhov and Faina Ranevskaya were born and lived. The city is especially proud of Chekhov.

The monument to Peter I looks especially impressive at sunset.

As far as I understand, someday a museum of Faina Ranevskaya will open in this house. In the meantime, only her sculpture stands nearby.

Chekhov is a brand of Taganrog

There are many places in the city associated with Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. We visited the house where he was born and looked at the family shop where Chekhov helped his father sell goods. We went to the fishing quarter of Bogudonia, where the young writer swam and drank Santurin wine with friends, and looked at the Chekhov Theater. Also named after Chekhov are the Literary Museum in the gymnasium where the writer studied, a street, a theater, a square and a library. If you are interested, look at Chekhov's places on the map.

Chekhov's shop.

Inside Chekhov's house.

Entertainment for children in Taganrog

The best establishments according to Bebeshka.info visitors

  • Transportnaya street, 61
  • +7 (999) 6. Show phone
  • daily, 12:00–21:00
  • View on map


: Children's quests

  • Svoboda street, 100-5
  • +7 (928) 2. Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 11:00–21:00, Sat, Sun 10:00–22:00
  • View on map


: Laser tag clubs, Organization and holding of children's parties

  • Rostov highway, 1
  • +7 (989) 5. Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–18:00
  • View on map


: Paintball clubs

  • Birzhevoy Spusk Lane, 8K
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 12:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • 3rd New Lane, 48
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 11:00–23:00
  • View on map


: Billiard clubs

  • Bakinskaya street, 65
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–22:00
  • View on map


: Entertainment centers

  • Grecheskaya street, 2
  • +7 (901) 4. Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–18:00
  • View on map


: Rental locations

  • Frunze street, 94
  • +7 (928) 7. Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–20:00
  • View on map


: Laser tag clubs, Entertainment centers

  • Solodukhina street, 87
  • +7 (989) 7. Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 9:00–21:00, Fri-Sun 12:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Turgenevsky Lane, 10
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 8:00–0:00, Sat 10:00–0:00, Sun 8:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Transportnaya street, 65
  • +7 (988) 8. Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–20:00
  • View on map


: Children's excursions

  • Petrovskaya street, 35
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 10:00–18:00, Sat 10:00–15:00
  • View on map


: Travel agencies, Children's excursions

  • Polyakovskoe highway, 18A
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, around the clock
  • View on map


: Water parks, Swimming pools for children, Aerobics for children - sections and schools, Entertainment centers

  • Bakinskaya street, 65
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 8:00–23:00
  • View on map


: Entertainment centers

  • 13th Lane, 57
  • +7 (909) 4. Show phone
  • daily, 8:00–18:00
  • View on map


: Rental locations

  • Petrovskaya street, 57
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 11:00–2:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Oktyabrskaya street, 44L
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Sat 10:00–20:00
  • View on map


: Theaters

  • Petrovskaya street, 67
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Sat 9:00–18:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Poselkovaya street, 56
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, around the clock
  • View on map


: Swimming pools for children, Aerobics for children - sections and schools, Sports and entertainment centers for children

  • Komsomolsky Boulevard, 21
  • +7 (928) 1. Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • st. Dzerzhinsky, 2b
  • +7 (918) 5. Show phone
  • daily, 12:00–3:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Chekhov street, 351
  • +7 (951) 8. Show phone
  • daily, 11:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Frunze street, 23
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 11:00–23:00
  • View on map


: Children's exhibitions

  • Petrovskaya street, 104
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–18:00
  • View on map


: Houses of culture, Concert halls, philharmonic societies and conservatories, Theaters

  • Polyakovskoe highway, 22
  • +7 (928) 9. Show phone
  • View on map


: Rental locations

  • Frunze street, 41
  • Tue-Sun 10:00–17:00
  • View on map


: Museums

  • Petrovskaya, 57
  • 8 800 333-. Show phone
  • 8.00-1.00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Petrovskaya street, 98
  • +7 (928) 2. Show phone
  • Mon-Thu 12:00–0:00, Fri, Sat 12:00–1:00, Sun 12:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cafe

  • Anton Glushko Lane, 15
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–19:00
  • View on map


: Museums

  • Chekhova street, 88/37
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Tue-Sun 10:00–17:00
  • View on map


: Museums

  • Chekhov street, 69
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Tue-Sun 10:00–17:00
  • View on map


: Museums

  • Mariupol highway 54 g
  • +7 (988) 9. Show phone
  • 12.00-00.00
  • View on map


: Cafes, Sports sections, schools for children, Sports and entertainment centers for children, Camp sites and recreation centers, Children's excursions

  • Mariupol highway, 50с10
  • +7 (918) 5. Show phone
  • daily, 9:00–21:00
  • View on map


: Paintball clubs

  • Dzerzhinsky street, 161-7
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–23:00
  • View on map


: Cinemas

  • Petrovskaya street, 107
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–0:00
  • View on map


: Cinemas

  • Syzranova street, 11
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • daily, 10:00–23:00
  • View on map


: Cinemas

  • Initiative street, 50
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–17:00
  • View on map


: Concert halls, philharmonic societies and conservatories

  • Zavodskaya street, 20-3
  • +7 (8634) . Show phone
  • Mon-Fri 9:00–16:00
  • View on map


: Houses of culture, Concert halls, philharmonic societies and conservatories

Where to go with a child in Taganrog: a review of interesting ideas and places. Parks, entertainment complexes, attractions and much more - in the form of a rating and on a city map. Detailed description with opening hours of establishments, addresses, telephone numbers and links to their official websites.

Here you can choose where to go with your child on the weekend and not only: how interesting and useful the children will be able to spend their time, run around, have a lot of fun and communicate with their peers.

The rating of the best and most popular establishments is compiled by our users. Take part in creating a rating of entertainment for children in Taganrog, write reviews and share your opinion.

Beaches and sea in Taganrog

As I already wrote, resort life in Taganrog is poorly developed, but it exists. The beaches are sandy, but far from ideal. We visited three beaches in Taganrog: Central, Solnechny and Eliseevsky. There is also a Primorsky beach next to the park, but we didn’t go there. There is minimal infrastructure everywhere.

People most often relax on Eliseevsky Beach, because it is the most comfortable. There is soft sand, sun loungers and umbrellas, the Lazurny water park, a dining room, entertainment, but I was very confused by the pipe going into the sea.

As you probably know, the Sea of ​​Azov is very specific - muddy shallow waters, which also bloom in July-August. In Taganrog it is dirty, I wouldn’t swim. Locals write that factories dump all their waste into the sea and advise against swimming. So if you want to relax by the sea, it is better to choose resorts in Crimea or the Krasnodar Territory, and come to Taganrog for a cultural holiday.

Sand on Eliseevsky Beach.

Eliseevsky beach.

Central beach.

Map of Taganrog beaches

Taganrog for children

Where to go in Taganrog with children? Warm water, sand, sun and shallow waters are an ideal place to relax with a child. In addition to sun and sea baths, the city can offer children entertainment in the park named after. Gorky. There are many different attractions, a Ferris wheel and a children's circular railway. There is also a terrarium and a zoo with animals from all over the planet. And the city circus regularly hosts interesting performances.

Adults and children can have fun and get a lot of fun at the Lazurny water park. It is open in summer on the seashore. There are six water slides for adults, an area with slides for children, and several swimming pools.

In winter, a skating rink is built on the territory of the Lazurny water park, the ice of which does not melt even at a temperature of +10 °C. Skate rentals are also available here, and experienced instructors work here.

Housing prices in Taganrog

In Taganrog, housing prices are low, and there are almost no star hotels. There is one Golden Horse Hotel 4* and several three-star ones, among which Greenwich Park on the first line and Ida in the city center stand out.

There are many guest houses and apartments for rent in the city. We lived in a beautiful guest house “On Italiansky Lane” in the very center of Taganrog for 2,500 rubles per night. Nice interiors, clean, nice hostess. We highly recommend!

Prices for holidays in Taganrog for mid-summer 2022 (room for two/three per night):

The simplest accommodation without amenitiesfrom 800 ₽
Decent guest houses or apartments1300 — 2700 ₽
Hotel room 3* and 4*from 3000 ₽

During our large-scale audit of resorts in southern Russia, we found that local hoteliers often deceive vacationers by buying positive reviews on travel sites, including Booking.com. Therefore, carefully read reviews before booking, especially negative ones - they will tell you a lot of interesting things. And also look at the hosts’ responses to criticism: if they are rude, play dirty, and attack a tourist, then feel free to pass by. We advise you to always book accommodation in advance, and not look for it on the spot, otherwise you will get a mediocre option, and even overpay.

Look for hotels on the Hotelluk service - it will be more reliable and profitable, because it looks for discounts on different sites. Find out how to book a hotel for less.

Look for housing in the private sector on Sutochno.ru - this is a convenient and reliable service with real photos and reviews from tourists. There you can rent an apartment, room or house directly from the owners. Don’t expect to easily find housing upon arrival at the station - they usually offer apartments at inflated prices, in an inconvenient area and with a minimum of amenities. Book your accommodation 2-3 months before your trip.

  • Private sector in Yeysk
  • Private sector in Golubitskaya

A room in our guest house “On Italiansky Lane”.

Lesha in the cozy courtyard of our guest house.

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Food prices in Taganrog

Surprisingly, there were many nice places to eat in Taganrog. There are especially many of them in the center. Prices are normal: in a cafe you can eat for 500-800 rubles per person, in a restaurant - from 1000 rubles.

We regularly went to the Borshchi iShchi on Petrovskaya Street, 67. The average bill there was 190 rubles, and everything was very tasty. The interior is not cafe-like at all, but like a cafe: table lamps, comfortable chairs, framed reproductions of old photos, pleasant music.

We really wanted to go to the famous art cafe “Freken Bok” on Turgenevsky Lane, 24. It is interesting with its interior, delicious coffee and desserts. The prices are above average, but the cafe is always crowded and there are even queues, so we never got there.

“Red Mak” on Petrovskaya, 68A, Sapore Italiano on Petrovskaya, 49 and “Madame Ku-Ku” on Petrovskaya, 51 are popular with tourists on vacation in Taganrog

Many tourists during their holidays in Taganrog prefer to cook themselves. We also bought food at the supermarket to save time on breakfast, for example, cheese, olives, bread, sausage. The assortment was surprising: on the shelves were sanctioned products that can only be found in Europe.

The Borshchi iShchi dining room is more like a cafe in terms of decor, but the prices are the same as in a cafeteria.

What to see in Taganrog

There are not many attractions in Taganrog, so there is nothing to do for more than 2-3 days. Here's what to see on vacation:

Chekhov's house. The miniature house where Chekhov was born and where the family lived for a year and a half surprised us with its ascetic but cozy atmosphere. Tiny beds, chintz curtains, a samovar at the head of the table, a lamp in front of the icon - everything is very cute and neat. Entrance costs 100 ₽.

Chekhov's shop. Also a museum dedicated to the writer. Anton Chekhov lived here from 9 to 14 years old. On the ground floor there was a grocery store, where he helped his father trade. Entrance costs 100 ₽.

Bogdonia. A colorful fishing village, where not everyone dares to come, but I advise you to visit it - it’s a completely different Taganrog. In Bogudonia, we wandered through the intricate narrow streets, marveled at the dilapidated, overgrown houses mixed with residential ones, which chaotically clung to each other, and wondered how people even live here. Be sure to go down to the beach; the houses look even more unusual from below. In reviews, tourists write that in the village you can meet packs of stray dogs and get lost in the maze of streets - none of this happened to us.

Pushkinskaya embankment . Here you will see several attractions at once: the embankment itself, which is pleasant to walk along, the stone Delpadovskaya staircase, built in 1823, and the sundial.

Petrovskaya and Frunze streets are a treasure trove of attractions. Most of the architectural monuments are concentrated here. Also interesting are Grecheskaya Street, Chekhov Street and alleys.

What else to see in Taganrog:

  • Alferaki Palace is a beautiful building that houses the Local History Museum.
  • The Tchaikovsky House Museum is a mansion from the 1870s.
  • A historical square with a monument to Peter I and a beautiful view of the port.
  • The Round House is for lovers of Soviet constructivism.
  • Seaside Park. Old Soviet park, it’s just nice to walk here.
  • Chekhov's Literary Museum in the gymnasium where he studied.
  • The European Quarter is a small dead end, stylized as Europe, with cute cafes and shops.
  • Cell of the blessed elder St. Paul of Taganrog.
  • Art Museum.
  • Museum of Urban Planning and Life.
  • Drama Theater.

Stone staircase.

Inside Chekhov's house.

Bogudonia is an unusual district of Taganrog, reminiscent of slums. This is how we first saw Bogudonia on a boat trip.


For those who are thinking about where to go in Taganrog on the weekend, the doors of local museums are always open. Each of them carries historical value.

  • Museum of History and Local Lore. Before the revolution, this was the estate of the Greek Alferaki family. The palace was built in 1848. It has a huge hall and high gilded ceilings. The museum is considered an architectural monument.

  • House on Grecheskaya Street. The place is interesting because Alexander I died here under mysterious circumstances.
  • Museum of Urban Planning and Life. It preserves antique furnishings and old postcards, plans, photographs of the city.
  • House-museum of A. A. Durov, son of the famous Russian artist and circus trainer Anatoly Leonidovich Durov. The museum exhibition shows the life and work of the artist.
  • The Chekhov's House Museum is considered one of the most important attractions of Taganrog. It was here that the future writer grew up.

  • Military historical exhibition. It is a private museum. Here is a collection of automobiles and motorcycles, models of weapons and ammunition, front-line household items, edged weapons, uniforms, documents and other military items.

Excursions in Taganrog

While vacationing in Taganrog in 2022, I advise you to take a sightseeing tour to learn the history of the city - and it is impressive for such a small town! Knowing the history and legends of Taganrog, you will look at the city differently and the more interesting your subsequent walks around it will be.

We buy all excursions only on our favorite Tripster service. There you can read real reviews from tourists, so it’s easy to choose a good and interesting excursion. The prices are lower than those of street sellers, and the reliability is greater. In addition, it contains unique author’s tours that will show you the country from a new side. I recommend it from the bottom of my heart.

Look at what interesting author's excursions there are in Taganrog:

This is me on a boat trip.

Poster of Taganrog

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How to get there

Airplane. The nearest airport is in Rostov-on-Don, 60 km from the city. The flight from Moscow lasts 2 hours, and from St. Petersburg - 2 hours 40 minutes. Find out how to buy cheaper air tickets.

Train. There is a direct train from Moscow to Taganrog. You can also take a train to Rostov-on-Don, and then transfer to an electric train, minibus, bus or taxi. The railway station and bus station in Rostov-on-Don are nearby.

Bus. The trip from Moscow takes 17-19 hours, is cheaper than by train, but is less comfortable.

Car. Many tourists come by car. We also visited Taganrog in our car as part of a big trip to the southern Russian resorts. The road from Moscow - 1140 km - takes 13-16 hours. See how to travel south by car.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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