The whole truth about how many people live in Novorossiysk and where they come to us from

The prospect of moving for permanent residence to Novorossiysk in 2022 attracts many Russians. The reason for the seaside town's popularity will become clear the moment you visit it for the first time.

View of Novorossiysk at night.. Photo: Vyacheslav Fomichev /

To find out the advantages and disadvantages of Novorossiysk, you should read reviews about it from those who have moved and those who have lived there for a long time. The opinions of those who came to Novorossiysk to relax will not hurt either.

Taking into account the points of view of many people, you can form your own judgment and understand whether it is worth choosing a city to move to, whether it will be comfortable to live and raise children in it.

General information about Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk is conveniently located on the shore of Tsemes Bay. This place was first appreciated by the Greeks. They organized the first settlement here, calling it Bati. This happened at the very beginning of our era.

The strategically attractive place was taken away from the Greek settlers by the nomadic Alans. They, in turn, were pushed out by the Turks, who founded the Sujuk-Kale fortress here.

The Russians, who had been fighting the Turks for centuries, in 1838 organized a military administration on the shore of Tsemes Bay.

In the 18th century, Russia built its fortifications here. The settlement of Novorossiya was formed around them. In 1839, it received the name it still bears today – Novorossiysk.

Soon it was established as a city, which later became the center of the Black Sea province. But before that, during the Crimean War, it was destroyed and then rebuilt.

In 1882, the first cement plant was launched here. A little later, in 1888, a railway was built. These are precisely the factors that formed today's Novorossiysk - a developed industrial and resort city with modern infrastructure.

Sudzhuk-Kale Fortress

The convenient location of Tsemezskaya, and later Tsemesskaya Bay, was also noted by Genoese merchants

, who
in the 13th century
, called Batario. The site of this trading fortified city is today occupied by October Square. The Batario fortress existed as a Genoese residence until the 15th century, until the influence of the strengthened Ottoman Empire increased in the Black Sea region. The Genoese fortifications themselves existed for a long time. Their remains suffered significant damage during the battles of the Great Patriotic War and were finally dismantled at the end of the 50s of the 20th century. Fragments of the former fortress can be seen today in the Novorossiysk Historical Museum.

Novorossiysk Bay attracted Greeks, Genoese, and Turks

Having driven out the Genoese, the Turks organized a small slave market here, but due to problems with the local climate (ice forest in winter) they did not use this coast for permanent residence for a long time. Moreover, the Crimean Khan, who was a vassal of the Ottoman Empire, was responsible for the administrative order here.

However, at the beginning of the 18th century

Problems began with the Crimean Khanate, subordinate to the empire, which could no longer maintain control over this territory and restrain attacks by mountain tribes on local settlements. In this regard, and at the personal request of the Crimean Khan, the Turks decided to build their own fortress in Tsemes Bay. Although at first Gelendzhik was chosen as the location of the fortress, then it was decided to build it on the cape of Tsemes Bay, from where the fairway of Gelendzhik Bay was clearly visible.

The site of the former Turkish fortress can still be visited today

The fortress, called Sudzhuk-Kale, was built by 1722

. Its direct builders were Tatar residents, but the architect was a representative of Turkey. Construction was carried out under the protection of the Turkish fleet.

The square brick fortress was not very large. Its perimeter was a little over 800 meters. At the corners there were bastions in the form of pentagonal towers with nine guns. The fortress walls, 4 meters wide, were surrounded by 6-meter ditches and oxen, behind which there was an esplanade (free space). The main gate on the northeast side led to the seaport buildings. On the opposite side was the Gate of Constantinople.

The Sudzhuk-Kale fortress was at one time a small quadrangular fortification

Today, curious tourists can see a partially preserved marble slab of the main gate in the city Novorossiysk Museum. Janissaries and Tatars lived inside the fortress along with their families.

For some time, the Turkish fortress Sudzhuk-Kale was the center of an administrative region located between the left bank of the Kuban River and the Black Sea coast. On the territory of the fortress there were about two hundred chaotically located houses, and the population was approximately four hundred people. In general, at the first stage of its existence, outwardly it was a small Tatar village headed by a bey who collected taxes from the surrounding population.

The remains of the slab from the main gate of Sudzhuk-Kale have miraculously survived to this day

The main type of tax in Sudzhuk-Kale were slaves, who were prisoners captured by the mountaineers and foreigners who had fallen out of favor. Sudzhuk-Kale, together with Gelendzhik, supplied up to 12,000 slaves to Constantinople annually, including beautiful mountain girls destined for the harems of noble Turks.

During the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774

near the fortress, which became a combat bridgehead for the Turkish naval forces, battles took place between them and the Russian Don squadron. After this war, the Crimean Khanate became independent and was annexed to Russia. Sujuk-Kale has since become a Turkish fortress and one of the strongholds of the struggle for the return of Crimea to the rule of the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish fleet began to be based here, and preparations were made for landing troops on Crimean territory. All these actions ran counter to the concluded peace treaty of Kuchuk-Kainardzhi.

At the end of the 18th century, the Turkish fleet was constantly located in the Tsemes Bay area

Under the terms of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Treaty, Turkey was supposed to withdraw its troops from Sujuk-Kale, leaving the fortress to the Tatar population. But the forced displacement of Tatar families from the fortress began in order to transform it into purely Turkish territory. In addition, emphasis was placed on the fact that numerous mountain peoples were under the protection of the Ottoman Empire, whose support was bought with bribes.

As a result, only about three dozen Janissaries remained in the fortress, who were unable to maintain the viability of Sudzhuk-Kale, which led to its decline. Sensing the weakness of the small garrison, the mountain tribes became more active. They captured Turkish soldiers and sold them into slavery.

The Turkish fortress Sujuk-Kale was constantly attacked by mountaineers

1778 incident is particularly well known.

, when a large 4,000-strong Turkish squadron, led by the fleet commander, arrived in Sujuk-Kale. On the very first night, two hundred Turkish soldiers were kidnapped by the mountaineers and then returned for a huge ransom. Tatar villages also suffered from attacks by mountaineers.

During the period of Turkish rule, Sujuk-Kale played the role of a port town, near which there were dozens of ships in the roadstead. The role of the fortress as a Turkish stronghold increased, and it was to become a new purely Turkish administrative center. But the activated mountain tribes prevented this. They stormed the fortress several times and burned objects located outside it, including food stores. In the end, a long blockade of the fortress began, as a result of which almost all of its defenders died of hunger.

It’s hard to imagine that such a busy life once took place in this place.

After the ransom incident, the Turkish authorities changed tactics and tried to turn the mountaineers into their allies. On the one hand, Turkish representatives began to marry the daughters of mountain leaders, on the other hand, they began to actively convert the mountain people to Islam. During this period, the Turks began to strengthen Sudzhuk-Kale and build new fortresses, including Anapa. It was planned to use warlike highlanders to defend these fortresses, but they did not want to settle in the enclosed areas of the fortresses. Then they were settled by representatives of Asia Minor.

In 1784

Sujuk-Kale was rebuilt both outside and inside. It had new fortifications, a pasha's palace and a mosque, arsenal buildings and barracks. After the completion of the construction of the Anapa fortress, the head of Sujuk-Kale Ferah Ali Pasha moved there, but continued to manage this fortress.

The leadership of Sudzhuk-Kale in the 80s of the 18th century was carried out from the Anapa fortress

Subsequent commandants were more concerned with the slave trade than with strengthening the garrisons. This is probably the only reason why in 1791 the Russian troops of General Gudovich were able to take Anapa and almost completely destroy all the buildings of the Sudzhuk-Kale fortress.

However, on the basis of the next Yassy Peace Treaty, both Anapa and Sudzhuk-Kale again ceded to Turkey and were restored. During the next Russian-Turkish War in 1810, Sudzhuk-Kale was taken again by Russian troops and began to modernize, but the new peace treaty of 1812 forced the Russians to leave these places. When leaving, the Russians blew up the fortifications. The Turks did not begin to restore the fortress, and a local market was organized on this site, where everything was sold, including slaves.

The Sudzhuk-Kale fortress existed on world maps until the end of the 18th century

Another peaceful Treaty of Adrianople in 1829

after the end of the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829. secured the lands of Tsemes Bay to Russia. But the Russian landing occurred somewhat later - in September 1838, when a powerful squadron was formed led by generals N. Raevsky and M. Lazarev for the systematic development of the Black Sea region. The landing of an almost 6,000-strong detachment took place on September 12 near the ruins of Sudzhuk-Kale, since then this day has been considered the birthday of Novorossiysk and the beginning of its new Russian history.

Climatic features of Novorossiysk

There are not many cities in the Russian Federation with a temperate subtropical climate. Novorossiysk is one of them. Even in winter, the temperature here rarely drops below 0.

On average, the lowest temperatures are observed here in January – up to +2.3°C. The hottest month is July, the average temperature is +23.7°C. During the daytime, the air often warms up to +40°C.

Sea temperature

The temperature of sea water in the winter months does not fall below +7°C. Beach lovers also swim in winter. In summer the water warms up to +28°C.

Photo: Roman Ivantsov /

Beginning in August, seaspouts can often be seen here. Some of them also go ashore. A little later, from September, Nord-Ost dominates the city and its environs; the wind causes discomfort to people until May. Sometimes its speed reaches 105 km per hour.


You can learn about the unfavorable ecology of Novorossiysk not only from reviews. For many years, cement factories have been releasing tons of dust into the region's atmosphere, polluting it.

The authorities obliged enterprises to install nano-filters. That was what was done, but the situation did not save. The characteristic white dust can be seen everywhere. It is especially noticeable in the eastern part of the city, where it covers the road, houses, trees and other objects.

Another unfavorable factor for the environment is the largest Russian port. Dump trucks from all over the country come to this important transport hub.

Photo: Vitaliy Timkiv /

Smog caused by exhaust fumes has become a normal phenomenon for the populated area.

Novorossiysk seaport is the largest port in Russia and the fifth port in Europe in terms of cargo turnover. Photo: Vitaliy Timkiv /

The environmental situation is especially depressing in the summer, when the asphalt in Novorossiysk melts from the heat. Numerous oil bases further aggravate the situation.

There is a lot of greenery in Novorossiysk, but it is not able to protect it from harmful fumes. The wind doesn't help the situation either.

The city is recognized as taking 46th place in the ecology list. And according to this indicator, in 2022 it is no different from other settlements in the central part of Russia. It’s not worth coming here for fresh sea air.

Find out from the article on our website: environmentally friendly cities of Russia.

Soviet development of Novorossiysk

Novorossiysk, as a fairly large and developed industrial city, took an active part in both Russian revolutions. During the revolution of 1905

The Novorossiysk Republic was created here, which existed for a very short time.
During the February Revolution of 1917, power in the city passed into the hands of the Provisional Government, which was liquidated at the end of November of the same year. And on December 1, 1917,
Soviet power was proclaimed in the city.

Many people gathered in the church square for revolutionary rallies

In connection with the outbreak of the Civil War and the offensive of the White Guard troops and interventionists, it was decided not to return the ships of the Sevastopol Fleet that arrived at the port of Novorossiysk in the summer of 1918, but to scuttle them in Tsemes Bay. About 20 ships and vehicles ended up at the bottom of the bay on June 18-19. Some are still there today.

In June 1918, about 20 ships of the Russian fleet were sunk near Novorossiysk

At the end of August 1918

Novorossiysk passed into the hands of the White Guard. From the Novorossiysk port, which in the spring of 1920 became the main evacuation base, mass emigration of participants in the “white” movement and civilians who did not want to live under the Soviets began. Episodes of such evacuation can be imagined from the films “Running” and “Two Comrades Served.” The “Exodus” Monument installed on the Embankment reminds of these historical events, which is like an illustration of the final fragment of the film “Two Comrades Served.”

In the spring of 1920, thousands of emigrants left Russia forever from the port of Novorossiysk

Nicholas II's sister Olga and her children, Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna, politician Pyotr Struve, and the famous General Denikin also emigrated from Novorossiysk. On May 1, 1920, a May Day demonstration took place in the already “red” Novorossiysk.

After the establishment of peaceful life, Novorossiysk began to develop not as a resort, but as an industrial port city. Factories operated here, a port functioned, by the end of the 30s illiteracy was completely eliminated, and at the same time most of the ships sunk in 1918 were raised from the bottom of Tsemes Bay.

On the eve of the Second World War, dozens of industrial enterprises operated in Novorossiysk

Population of Novorossiysk: official information

In 2022, the following nationalities live in the city:

  • Russians;
  • Ukrainians;
  • Tatars;
  • Greeks;
  • Armenians, etc.

The most numerous ethnic groups are named. The most active are the Greek and Armenian diasporas. According to the latest census, there are 270,774 people living here. This is very little by Russian standards.

Permanent residents were enumerated in the winter of 2022, since many tourists come in the summer, which makes calculations problematic.

In Novorossiysk, there is a positive growth trend associated not only with the birth rate, but also with immigration. The last factor is the most significant, since with an increase in the birth rate, the mortality rate also increases annually.

Novorossiysk is a city of young people, 65% of the residents are able-bodied people, about 18% are minor children, and 17% are elderly people.

Population gain or loss according to the census

The total and official population of the city of Novorossiysk, how many people live in it as of January 1, 2022, the number of people in each individual city district and municipality, further in the second table.

Year Growth/decrease population

city ​​of Novorossiysk

2017↗270,774 people
2018↗273,278 people
2019↗275,197 people
2020↘274,956 people
2021↗275,795 people


The city's infrastructure is developing rapidly. The percentage of educated residents is increasing every year.

If we move away from official data and switch to reviews, many note the affordability of buying a home.

The city administration is determined to increase the population. Visitors are welcome here, especially those who are ready, together with local residents, to boost the economy of the locality and do everything to improve the quality of life in it.

A healthy lifestyle is actively promoted. The city has many sports and training grounds, bicycles and scooters for rent.

Schools and universities of Novorossiysk

There are many universities and this also affects demographics, since universities attract young people who want to get an education. Some, after completing their studies, find employment in Novorossiysk.

There are kindergartens and schools in Novorossiysk, but there are not enough of them. In recent years, many have moved to the south of Russia. New preschools are being built at a slower pace than new residential buildings. Children are put on a waiting list for kindergarten from birth.

There are 8 kindergartens in the Eastern region, 19 in the central region, 11 in the Primorsky region, and 8 in the southern region.

There are 7 schools in the Eastern region, 11 in the central region, 3 in the coastal region, and 8 in the southern region.

There are universities in Novorossiysk:

  • State Medical University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakova,
  • Novorossiysk branch of Pyatigorsk State University,
  • Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute,
  • Branch of Kuban State University in Novorossiysk,
  • IMSIT branch in Novorossiysk,
  • Novorossiysk Institute is a branch of the Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute,
  • Novorossiysk branch of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation,
  • Novorossiysk branch of Adygea State University,
  • Novorossiysk branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy.

Water supply

The problem with the city's water supply has existed for many years. Water in houses according to schedule, receiving water from imported tanks is familiar to all residents.

In summer there is little rain, the reservoir becomes very shallow. The water supply system that serves the city is old and accidents occur frequently. People install water storage tanks in their homes.

The Crimean War is a sad page of history

1853 is the date of the beginning of the Crimean War, which was very difficult for Russia. Our country was opposed by a powerful coalition of several European states. At the beginning of 1855, the enemy squadron approached the shores of Novorossiysk. The Russian fleet at that time was completely blocked in Sevastopol , while the coastal guns had a very short range. Therefore, the command made the only correct decision at that time: while the enemy was firing from afar with destructive fire along the coastline, all our guns were silent. When, confident of complete victory, the enemy troops approached closer to the shore, our guns hit them with all their might. Taken by surprise, the enemy ships chose to urgently retreat. This battle was won by us.

But, unfortunately, the war itself was lost; under the conditions of defeat, the Black Sea Fleet and fortifications on the coast were destroyed. The city was abandoned by the Russian garrison, as well as many local residents.

Work and wages in Novorossiysk

The average salary in Novorossiysk in 2022 is 36,500 rubles.

Table: salary in Novorossiysk by month in 2022

MonthAverage monthly salary (r.)
January42.5 thousand
February32.7 thousand
March31.5 thousand
April35 thousand
May33 thousand
June37.6 thousand
July42.5 thousand
August37 thousand
September37.4 thousand
October37.6 thousand
November35 thousand
December38.6 thousand

Table: TOP 10 in-demand professions in 2022

ProfessionNumber of vacancies in 2022
Driver with personal carMore than 300
Taxi driver250
Sales Representative170
Real estate agent120

Table: which area has the highest salaries in 2022

SphereSalary per month, rub.
Real estate93 thousand
Insurance65 thousand
Transport and car service48 thousand
Agriculture44 thousand
Top management41 thousand
Personnel Management40 thousand
Production38 thousand
Secretariat37 thousand
Accounting and Finance37 thousand
Construction and housing and communal services37 thousand
Engineering and design37 thousand
Production36.6 thousand
JurisprudenceAbout 33 thousand
Trade and sales29.5 thousand
Beauty and sports29.3 thousand
Audit28.8 thousand

Table: highest paid salaries in Novorossiysk in 2022

SpecialitySalary per month, rub.
Deputy store manager 300 thousand
Risk Specialist300 thousand
Chief technologist of the enterprise200 thousand
Real Estate Lawyer200 thousand
Chief lawyer150 thousand
Specialist in the planning department110 thousand
Insurance Manager109 thousand
Luxury real estate sales manager104 thousand
Legal Services Manager100 thousand
IT Project Manager100 thousand
Driver for a car company65 thousand
Minibus driver60 thousand
Taxi driver60 thousand
Dental assistant50 thousand
Driver category E50 thousand
Department head47 thousand
Production Technologist45 thousand
Engineer, technologist, designer45 thousand

Temporary population forecast

Since Novorossiysk is positioned in the future not only as a large transport and industrial center, but also as one of the recreational centers of the Black Sea coast, an important point in determining the project population is to take into account the temporary population (recreational residents temporarily staying in the project area).

The temporary population is in turn divided into:

  • organized (vacationers in sanatorium-resort institutions);
  • unorganized (amateur vacationers and temporary service personnel living in the “private sector”);
  • short-term (this category represents vacationers, usually excursionists, making excursion routes and visiting attractions, for a period of one or several days without accommodation in resort institutions and the residential sector of settlements).

The master plan carried out calculations and determined project indicators for the one-time number of temporary organized and unorganized population for the estimated period until 2030.

Design of the numerical temporary population of the Novorossiysk urban district for the estimated period until 2030.

No. Name of the locality Number of temporary population, people.
Current state (2009) Estimated date (2030)
Organized population Organized population Unorganized population
I Novorossiysk 1500 1500 35000
II Resort group of settlements 8 500 20 500 45 000
1 Glebovskoe village 0 1800
2 village of Yuzhnaya Ozereevka 1 700 4300 5200
Abrau-Durso rural district 2 400 9 600 18 000
3 village of Abrau-Durso 500 2800 11000
4 village of Bolshie Khutora 0 1700
5 Durso farm 1 900 4800 700
6 Kamchatka village 0 1000
7 village Lesnichestvo Abrau-Durso 0 0
8 village of Severnaya Ozereevka 0 3600
Myshaksky rural district 4 400 6 600 20 000
9 Myskhako village 1000 16400
10 Fedotovka village 0 3100
11 Shirokaya Balka village 4 400 5600 500
Natukhaevsky rural district 1200 0
12 village Natukhaevskaya 1200 0
Raevsky rural district 800 0
13 Pobeda village 800 0
TOTAL 10 000 22000 80000

How and where residents of Novorossiysk spend their leisure time

After work you always want to relax. Let's see how and where residents of Novorossiysk spend their leisure time.

Entertainment centers

  • Entertaining;

There is a cafe, bowling alley, billiards.

  • Shopping center "Red Square";

A huge shopping center with many shops and cafes. For entertainment, there is a large children's entertainment center and a cinema.

  • "HUDSON";

Beauty salons, a fitness club, a cinema, bowling alley, cafes, shops and other entertainment can be found in this center.

  • Entertaining;

You can visit the sauna, billiards, night club, restaurant.

  • Golf Club "Raevsky";
  • .

Located in the Abrau-Durso region. On the territory there are services for horse riding, archery, and air rifle training. There are show programs, there is a hotel and a cafe.


The attractions of Novorossiysk include:

  1. Street of the Novorossiysk Republic. A picturesque wide street descends to the sea. In its lower part there are beautiful fountains, from here you can see the port and the cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov".
  2. Cruiser "Mikhail Kutuzov". Built in 1951, there is a museum on board.
  3. Admiral Serebryakov Embankment; The embankment is very beautiful, its length is 3 kilometers. There are many monuments on it of various subjects.
  4. Memorial "Malaya Zemlya"; Dedicated to the battle of sailors - paratroopers for the liberation of Novorossiysk. Located on the outskirts of the city. Inside the memorial there is a museum and a gallery of glory.
  5. Winery "Myskhako"; One of the oldest in our country. Very interesting excursions, there is a tasting room and a company store.
  6. Abrau - Durso. You can walk along Lake Abrau and visit the famous winery.


  • Central Beach;

Located near the Admiral Serebryakov embankment. Its length is about 300 meters, there are cafes and shops. You can rent a jet ski, a bicycle or play volleyball.

  • Sudzhuk Spit Beach;

The most popular among tourists. Very well equipped, there are umbrellas, sun loungers, slides and trampolines for children. You can rent a scooter or ride a banana boat.

  • Neptune;

There are not many tourists here, the bottom is good. Nearby there is a cinema of the same name.

  • Aleksino;

During the season this beach is crowded. It is sandy, so it is better not to visit it in windy weather. There are attractions and souvenir stalls.

  • Myskhako;

Suitable for those who like a quiet holiday. Pebble shore. Great place for diving and fishing.

  • Beach in Shirokaya Balka.

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Located away from industrial enterprises. You can rent a house or camp in a tent. There is a promenade with shops and cafes.

Post-war life of the city

Few surviving buildings remained in Novorossiysk after a year of terrible fighting. The country's authorities decided to rebuild the city; the city's architect was Boris Iofan.

Ruins of the Novorossiysk industrial zone. Photo:

Today the city is the largest seaport in Russia, the center of the cement industry, and one of the largest transport hubs in our country.

The entire rich history of the city is reflected in a huge number of memorable places - this is Heroes Square near the seaport, and the Central Street of Soviets, and the beautiful embankment.

The rich history of this beautiful city can be studied and retold endlessly.

Grocery prices in Novorossiysk

Prices for products differ in the market and in chain stores. In the summer season they may be higher.

Average prices for products in Novorossiysk:

  • Wheat flour, 1 kg – 47 rubles;
  • Milk 3.2% in a plastic bag – 63 rubles;
  • Butter, 200 gr. – 115 rubles;
  • Chicken eggs 10 pcs. – 65 rubles;
  • Beef on the bone, 1 kg – 385 rubles;
  • Chicken, 1 kg – 160 rubles;
  • Sugar, 1 kg. – 55 rubles;
  • Buckwheat, 900 gr. – 90 rubles;
  • Potatoes, kg. – 30 rubles;
  • Domestic apples, kg. – 65 rubles.

Carrying out the holiday and its features

Figure 2. Fireworks on City Day

Festive events are varied. They start on Saturday and continue on Sunday until lunchtime. On Saturday evenings after sunset there are colorful fireworks displays.

The parade of freshmen and first-graders is traditional. The program is different every year, but it always includes concerts and exhibitions dedicated to the history and modernity of the settlement. National diasporas organize performances of national ensembles. In addition to Russians, quite large communities of Armenians, Ukrainians, Greeks and other nationalities live here.

The organizers pay attention to entertainment events for both adults and children, as well as sports competitions.

Criminal situation

No matter where in the world you go, to live or vacation, it is important to find out what the crime rate is in the city of your choice. Novorossiysk cannot be called prosperous in this regard.

This is one of the places in the Russian Federation where more crimes are committed than in the capital. Main problems:

  • drug trafficking;
  • arms trade;
  • burglary;
  • real estate.

The latter should be taken into account if you are going to buy a house, apartment or land. “Black” realtors operate on a par with normal licensed realtors.

You should check the availability of the necessary constituent documents and monitor the company's reputation.

The fight against crime has been quite successful in recent years. However, the city still cannot be considered prosperous.

Reviews from those who moved to Novorossiysk

Lera moved to Novorossiysk in 2016.

I like Novorossiysk. I didn’t notice any dust from the cement plant. Where is she not? The environment in any city is not very good. Of course it’s hot in the summer, but it’s better than the cold of 9 months. The people are friendly. I don’t like that trees are being cut down and everything is being built up with high-rise buildings. The quality of housing is poor and prices are very high.

Vladimir moved from Saratov.

One of the biggest disadvantages is the problem with water. Especially in the southern region. If the developer promises you that there will be water for 24 hours, do not believe it. This problem is unlikely to be solved in the coming years. Hospitals, schools, kindergartens are overcrowded, built in the USSR. They only build houses. Ideal if you work remotely. Salaries here are small.

Sergey moved from St. Petersburg.

I've been living here for 6 years. There are problems, but everything can be solved if you find a normal job. The quality of the products is better and the prices are lower than in St. Petersburg. Nature is beautiful. Warm. The beaches are of course crowded in summer and public transport is old.

Oksana moved from Ufa.

We live in the Southern region with 2 children. We drive our children to school through traffic jams; there are not enough schools. The clinic has long queues and constant problems with water. We want to return to our homeland.

Lyudmila moved from Vladivostok.

We live in the Primorsky district. We have the 1st floor, column. There is always water. We buy vegetables and meat only at the market. Prices are the same as everywhere else in chain stores. We go to a sanatorium in Anapa. In winter, you can get treatment for 15,000 rubles. We really like the city and don’t regret moving. The people are friendly.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms of Novorossiysk is presented in the form of a golden French shield, topped with a golden tower crown with five teeth. Above the black wavy tip with 5 crests is a double-headed eagle (of the same color). He is crowned with the Imperial crown. The creature holds a scepter and an orb in its paws. On his chest is a red shield with a gold Orthodox eight-pointed cross. It is mounted on a silver overturned crescent.

The artistic composition was approved by decision of the City Duma No. 180 of February 21, 2006. Included in the State Heraldic Register of the Russian Federation under No. 2213.

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