Where to go and dance in Kurgan

In total, 57 addresses were found in this section in Kurgan. Rating of the best bars and pubs. Bars in Kurgan are a great place to relax, drink beer, and spend the evening with friends. In this section of our website you will find descriptions, addresses and telephone numbers of popular bars where it is better to drink beer in Kurgan, read the latest reviews and opinions of visitors. more >>>

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Restaurants with a dance floor in Kurgan - which establishments are open 24 hours a day?

Restaurants with a dance floor in Kurgan - where are the highest ratings?

ZOON users rated Aivenhoe, Berloga, and Eli-Peli most positively.

Where are birthday promotions and discounts available?

On your birthday you can get a discount on services at Gosti, Bar 13.

Can you trust reviews on ZOON?

Yes! Every day we filter up to 20 thousand reviews and remove fakes and spam found.

Does ZOON display promotions held at establishments?

Yes. On the pages of establishments there is a section “Promotions”, where you can find out about available discounts and special offers.

Do establishments offer discounts for ZOON users?

Yes. Some of our partners provide discounts on their services using a promotional code for clients who come from ZOON.


Kurgan, Koli Myagotina, 100


Kurgan, st. Kuibysheva, 51

Business trip

Kurgan, Koli Myagotina, 75


The Georgian restaurant “Marani” cannot be called a 24-hour establishment, but you can drown out the whale roar in your stomach in the middle of the night. From Sunday to Thursday the restaurant is open until one in the morning, and on Friday and Saturday until four. Yes, we, in fact, don’t need any more.

Bars with a dance floor in Kurgan

Bars with dance floor

Bars with a dance floor in Kurgan offer delicious cuisine, a rich cocktail menu, a variety of music and the opportunity to dance on a specialized area. By choosing this type of establishment, you give preference not only to a good dinner with friends, but also to the opportunity to relax to the rhythms of your favorite performers.

Deciding which bar to go to should be based on the following criteria: recommendations from friends, reviews online, the direction of the music playing on the dance floor. The main difference between a bar and a restaurant, as a rule, is the age of the audience. Bars are preferred by young people, while restaurants are often an excellent choice for older people.

What is a dance floor?

Dance floor is a specialized platform for dancing, which is located near the stage. Usually it is located in the center of the hall, so the dancers are clearly visible from all sides. Any composition can be played on the dance floor:

  • Club music recorded or led by a DJ;
  • Live music performed by solo vocalists, duets and ensembles;
  • Popular hits from leading radio stations;
  • Instrumental music of different styles.

Sometimes these directions are skillfully combined with each other. For example, live music can be supplemented by recorded songs when the artists are relaxing. And with a wide concert program, there is a presenter on stage who invites artists according to a pre-planned plan. Dance groups can alternate with vocalists to get the room going and lift the mood. Practice shows that after their performance, the dance floor literally explodes with the number of people willing to perform their dance.

For a more spectacular performance of the artists, special paraphernalia and equipment are used. Along with the sounding melodies, steam is released onto the dance floor from a smoke machine or soap bubbles from a profile generator. Laser installations are also used to organize a light show on the site. Multi-colored rays cutting through the darkness look beautiful and impressive.

Safety rules in a bar with a dance floor

Not far from the dance floor there are tables, a bar counter, and soft areas. This is very convenient, because after dancing, guests of the establishment go to the table to quench their thirst, make an additional order and relax a little. The tables are monitored by waiters working in the hall, but it is not recommended to leave valuables when you leave the area.

In a large crowd of people, it is almost impossible to notice how thieves work. And the administration does not bear responsibility for things lost due to carelessness. In this case, it is best to leave your bags with someone from your group who is sitting at the table while you dance. If everyone goes out on the dance floor, then take your purse with you. It is optimal if it is a miniature clutch, and not a large backpack, which will create inconvenience for you and the dancers around you.

Do not overdo it with filming in the hall, as the dancers may inadvertently touch you, resulting in damage to the equipment. A phone or tablet dropped on the floor in the dark is difficult to find, and surrounding dancers may accidentally step on a lost gadget, after which it will be difficult to recover it. In any case, repairs will be expensive, so consider whether it is worth getting the equipment from such a place. There are much more convenient opportunities to take good shots, for example, at the bar with a cocktail in hand or at a table with friends.

How to look natural on a bar dance floor?

Remember a simple truth. The dance floor is the same stage, only for bar visitors who want to relax and dance. Don't be shy about going out in public. Follow the rules of natural behavior, and then you will look natural on the dance floor:

  1. Do not interfere with others. If you don't have enough space, just start dancing. You should not push or push people dancing nearby, deliberately run into them and step on their feet. At best, the crowd will actually retreat from you. At worst, the public, inflamed by alcoholic drinks, will want to sort things out. And then your vacation could end in tears. Do not swing your legs, jerk your elbows or lunge sharply to the sides on the dance floor if there are a lot of people. Move without eccentricity so that it is pleasant to be around you.
  2. Improvise, move spontaneously, without memorized connections and rehearsed techniques. Knowing the basic movements of modern dance, combine them in different combinations while playing music. Otherwise, you will look like a robot, which is unlikely to cause admiration for you.
  3. The dance floor is not your solo appearance on stage for the first time in many years of seclusion. Dance with ease, relaxing in your movements. Don’t forget to listen to music, chat with friends, and take in what’s happening around you.
  4. Be natural, try to convey the mood of the melodies with your movements. With their help, you express your inner state, convey feelings and sensations.
  5. Try to match the style of your clothing. If you are wearing strict classics, you should not fall into hard hard rock to express your inner world. It will look ridiculous and feigned, which will arouse increased interest from the outside. You don't want to become a YouTube star, do you? Then there is no need for frills.

Flower shop

What to do if at one in the morning you frantically want to buy a bouquet of yellow lilies? And then, armed with the spirit of adventurism, climb into the window of your beloved woman. For such desperate romantics, the city has 24-hour flower shops. For example, "Hope".

Quiet K.L.Y.N.

Kurgan, K. Myagotina, 175

Dance floor

You can truly relax after working days and have fun to the fullest in one of the Kurgan nightclubs with a dance floor. A variety of music, celebrity concerts and a rich cocktail menu attract party and dance lovers. Connoisseurs of incendiary sets by famous DJs or live music will easily choose a suitable establishment with a dance floor.

Vacationers can dance to music of various styles:

  • techno
  • house
  • pop
  • retro
  • Latina and much more.

Drive, great mood, cheerful dancing to stylish music - a great pastime for lovers of active recreation in a wonderful company of friends. In many clubs, night parties begin after midnight, but sometimes bars open their doors to visitors after 22:00. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the poster in advance to find out what musical program or theme party awaits you, as well as find out in advance about performances by famous DJs in Kurgan.

Interesting Facts

  • where to dance
  • where can I dance

The most popular features of the places found: organization of coffee breaks, pies, barbecue, jacuzzi, catering, Azerbaijani cuisine, Uzbek cuisine, oriental cuisine, vegetarian food, European cuisine.

Dance floor (abbreviated as dance floor) - in Soviet times, as a rule, this was the name of the place where discos and recreational evenings were held.

As a rule, the dance floor was a small plot of land enclosed by a fence; inside there could be a small stage on which the equipment was placed. Depending on the popularity of the dance floor, VIA or instrumental ensembles could perform on stage, but in most cases, soundtracks were played on the dance floors.

Kurgan (founded in 1679; until 1738 - Tsarevo Gorodishche; until 1782 - Kurganskaya Sloboda) is a large city in the Russian Federation, the administrative center of the Kurgan region. Located in the Urals Federal District, along the banks of the Tobol River (mainly on the left bank).

The population of the city is 326,405 people. (2015). With the suburbs (Ketovo, Vargashi and other settlements) an urban agglomeration is being formed with a population of 420,000 people (as of January 1, 2010)

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Bars in Kurgan - which restaurants are open 24 hours a day?

Bars in Kurgan - where are the highest ratings?

ZOON users rated Palermo, Machete, and London Pub most positively.

Where are birthday promotions and discounts available?

On your birthday you can get a discount on services in Palermo, Guests, Bar 13.

Can you trust reviews on ZOON?

Yes! Every day we filter up to 20 thousand reviews and remove fakes and spam found.

Does ZOON display promotions held at establishments?

Yes. On the pages of establishments there is a section “Promotions”, where you can find out about available discounts and special offers.

Do establishments offer discounts for ZOON users?

Yes. Some of our partners provide discounts on their services using a promotional code for clients who come from ZOON.


Night club
Kurgan, Kuibysheva, 74a, 2nd floor, entrance from the end

Temples and cathedrals

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Address: Volodarskogo street, 32 Phone: , Website: https://www.kurganvera.ru Opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00 Mon-Sun

The main Orthodox church of the Kurgan region. A real architectural monument of the 19th century. The cathedral was built at the expense of Archbishop Agafangel of Tobolsk and Siberia, local merchants and parishioners.

The first half of the money was collected in just half an hour. When it became clear that there was not enough, merchant Smolin, in whose house the fundraiser was taking place, donated an amount equal to what had already been collected for the construction of the temple.

For the construction of the cathedral, the highest place in Kurgan was chosen and consecrated, located in the middle of the old, inactive cemetery at that time.

During Soviet times, the temple did not function; its premises housed warehouses, a school and a planetarium. It was only in 1989 that the cathedral was returned to the parishioners and services began to be held there again.

Temple in honor of the Port Arthur Icon of Our Lady Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Address: Yastrzhembsky street, 41A/1 Phone: Website: https://www.port-artur-hram.ru Opening hours: 9:00 – 17:00 Mon-Sun

The temple is the first founded and erected after the revolution in Kurgan. It was built in 2011, and in 2013 one of the parishioners donated an icon of the Mother of God to the temple. This is the only icon where the Mother of God is depicted as a protective warrior.

According to legend, the image of the Mother of God appeared to one of the sailors and ordered her face to be transferred to the icon. She predicted an imminent war, promised her protection and blessing if the painted icon was transferred to the Port Arthur Temple. After some time, the Japanese attacked the Russian fleet, and this event left no doubt in the sailor’s words.

The main admirers of the icon of the Triumph of the Blessed Virgin Mary are still sailors and military personnel. And the temple itself is located on the territory of a defense enterprise.

Next to the church there is a small exhibition of military equipment.

Holy Spirit Church

Address: p.s.t. Smolino, Maly Lane, 12 Phone: Website: https://www.kurgan.pro/okn/n166 Opening hours: 7:00 - 17:00 Mon-Sun How to get there: from the railway station and bus station, bus 339 to the stop "Church"

The Church of the Holy Spirit was built in 1901, but at that time it was located not in Smolino, but in the village of Ryabkovo. After about 30 years, the temple was closed, and for a long time its premises were used as barns for storing grain. Later a club was opened here, and after that a primary school.

Only in 1956 the church premises were returned to the parishioners again. In 1963, in connection with the reconstruction of the city of Kurgan, an order was received to demolish the church. Through joint efforts we managed to avoid demolition and achieve the transfer of the church to Smolino.

The Temple of the Holy Spirit is the second most important after the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral; it is very popular for baptismal rites.

The temple contains the relics of the Stavropol and Caucasian bishop St. Ignatius.

Restaurants with a dance floor in Kurgan

Three elephants

Kurgan, st. Volodarsky, 75

Baths and saunas

We saw the night, walked all night... Although, who are we kidding? We didn’t see or walk around, but sat all this time in the sauna, in the nice interior of the Dutch sauna (“content” 18+, as it seemed to us) and swam in the pool. Because within the walls of such a place you can arrange both complete relaxation and a super party for all times.

Night clubs in Kurgan

Looking for a place to relax after work or on a day off? Our catalog presents all nightclubs in Kurgan. You can dance, eat, and meet someone—everything is possible. Initially, all clubs are in alphabetical order; in the company cards you will find photo reports from parties, reviews from visitors and contact information. We will tell you where the club life of Kurgan is vibrant.

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Billiard club

In fact, it’s also a sport, only more exciting. And you can play billiards with a cheerful group. The territory of the Fora hotel complex provides a comfortable room for games and offers a wide range of drinks. You can also take your car to a car wash during your vacation.


Kurgan, Trinity Square, 1

Bars with a dance floor in Kurgan - prices

The best restaurants with a dance floor - ratings, addresses and telephone numbers

11 reviews • ₽₽ • Constitution Avenue, 31a • • Wed–Thu from 18:00 to 04:00; Fri–Sat from 18:00 to 06:00

A thoroughbred establishment! The regional governor, Bogomolov, took part in the creation!

18 reviews • ₽₽ • Sovetskaya, 90a • • daily from 11:00 to 22:00

Small selection of meat, but large selection of sushi. Prices are average. What I ordered was delicious.

14 reviews • ₽₽ • Sovetskaya, 128 • • Sun–Wed from 11:00 to 23:00; Fri–Sat from 11:00 to 04:00; Thu from 11:00 to 01:00

Nice, cozy environment. Delicious menu, especially meat and beer. Interior in style)

16 reviews • ₽₽ • Pichugina, 6 • • daily from 10:00 to 23:00

One of the best restaurants I've been to in Kurgan. Fast, tasty, light, cozy. Hotel breakfasts are excellent. Prices are not jacked up. I advise)

14 reviews • ₽₽ • Koli Myagotina, 175 • • Mon–Thu from 11:00 to 00:00; Fri from 11:00 to 04:00; Sat from 12:00 to 04:00; Sun from 12:00 to 00:00

Everything has gone bad, now there is only beer, the food is so-so, the music is also bad. You don't have to read old reviews

11 reviews • Traktovaya, 4B • • around the clock

9 reviews • ₽₽ • Koli Myagotina, 75 • • Sun–Wed from 11:00 to 23:00; Fri–Sat from 11:00 to 04:00; Thu from 11:00 to 01:00

Excellent oriental cuisine, exceeded expectations

5 reviews • ₽₽ • Pichugina, 9 • daily from 18:00 to 06:00

The food is normal, there is a dance floor for those who are especially active. Feels like a place to rent. But very cozy. On many days, discounts on menus/alcohol are up to 50%.

3 reviews • Karbysheva, 33B • • around the clock

Only positive memories

3 reviews • ₽₽ • Constitution Avenue, 31a • • Wed–Sat 24 hours a day; Sun–Tue from 07:00 to 23:00

Turkey roll with Parma ham - a plus!

1 review • Omskaya, 82a • • 24 hours a day

We stopped in Australia. Cool green. :-)

1 review • ₽₽ • Sovetskaya, 90a • • daily from 11:00 to 22:00

It’s bad that neither the children’s menu nor the regular menu includes chicken soup or mashed potato soup. There is a children's room, but no soups :(

1 review • ₽₽ • Sadovaya, 54 • Sun–Thu from 12:00 to 02:00; Fri–Sat from 12:00 to 04:00

Wi-Fi doesn't work, but there's a sign

1 review • Pushkina, 83/1 • • 24 hours a day

Irtysh federal highway 263 km, 2 • • daily from 11:00 to 02:00

Kuibysheva, 57 • • daily from 11:00 to 05:00

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Kurgan Regional Art Museum (KOHM)

Address: Maxim Gorky Street, 129 Phone: Website: https://www.kokhm.rf Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00 Mon-Sun Cost: adults 80 rubles, students 30 rubles, children under 16 years old – for free

The only art museum in the Kurgan region, which contains more than a thousand works by contemporary painters, such as Alexander Deineka, Pyotr Konchalovsky, Grigory Shegal and many others.

One of the most important components of the art museum’s painting collection is the collection of watercolor paintings from Russia and the USSR. The collection includes over 1,500 paintings, among which are works by such famous watercolorists as Arthur Fonvizin, Valery Alfeevsky and Fyodor Bruni.

Aviation Museum

Address: Gagarina street, 41 Phone: Website: https://www.airkurgan.ru Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00 Tue-Sun, Monday – closed Cost: 100 – 150 rubles, preschool children – free

The only aviation museum in Siberia and the Urals. Here you can find aircraft from different years of production. There are not many exhibits, only about twenty aircraft models. Among them you can see the MiG-17 fighter, MiG-19P and MiG21-PF interceptors, Su-24 bomber, An-2 and An-24B aircraft.

In the museum you can explore everything from the inside: climb into the cockpit of a jet plane or walk through the cabin of a passenger plane.

City History Museum

Address: Kuibysheva street, 59 Phone: Website: https://www.museum.kurg.muzkult.ru Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00 Tue-Sat, lunch 13:00 – 14:00, Sun-Mon – day off Cost: 30 – 80 rubles, lectures – 30 – 100 rubles.

The museum is located in a stone mansion that previously belonged to the local merchant Berezin. The museum's exhibition displays all stages of the development of the city of Kurgan - from a small rural settlement to a modern administrative center.

The museum contains a large collection of pre-revolutionary photographs of the city, as well as household items and personal belongings of famous Kurgan residents of all generations.

Decembrists Museum

Address: Klimova street, 80A Telephone: Website: https://www.gukokm.narod.ru Opening hours: 10:00 – 18:00 Tue-Sat, 13:00 – 14:00 lunch, Sun-Mon — closed Cost : 30 – 80 rub., lectures 30 – 100 rub.

The museum is located in the house where from 1833 to 1837. Decembrist Mikhail Naryshkin lived with his wife. Since those times, the house-museum has retained its external and internal appearance.

Documents, portraits and personal belongings of the Decembrists who lived in Kurgan as a settlement are kept here. Museum visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and life of the first half of the 19th century.

Museum of Stalingrad Glory

Address: Kareltseva street, 32 Phone: Website: https://www.kpk.kss45.ru Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00 Mon-Fri Cost: free

The museum is located in the Kurgan Pedagogical College. The exhibition includes more than a thousand exhibits. It contains photographs and personal belongings of front-line soldiers, videos of the Battle of Stalingrad, books, and documents.

A visit to the Museum of Stalingrad Glory may be of interest to anyone who wants to “touch” the history of a large-scale battle.

Every year on February 2, the day of the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, the museum hosts meetings of veterans.

Regional cultural and exhibition center

Address: Gogol street, 30 Phone: Website: https://www.okvc.kurganobl.ru Cost: 40 - 100 rubles, excursion 50 - 120 rubles, group excursion 150 rubles, ticket to all exhibitions 60 - 200 rubles .

Visitors to the cultural and exhibition center have the opportunity to get acquainted with the traditions and cultural life of the Trans-Ural region. The center exhibits the best Trans-Ural and Russian artistic works, photographs and exhibits of arts and crafts.

Every month, various exhibitions and creative meetings of modern Kurgan photographers and artists are held here, master classes are held for children and adults, where you can learn modeling, drawing, creating cartoons, beading and other types of decorative and applied arts.

The exhibition center is one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in Kurgan.

Night clubs in Kurgan

In total, 9 addresses were found in this section in Kurgan. Rating of Kurgan nightclubs for 2022.

Every year the nightlife of Kurgan becomes more vibrant, interesting and eventful. This is where the eyes of people who are accustomed to taking everything from life are directed. This is where the best representatives of the modern generation meet.more >>>

In this section of our website you will find all the nightclubs of Kurgan on a city map, and you can also read the latest reviews and study photographs of these clubs.

Any visitor to our website can take part in the formation of the rating of nightclubs in Kurgan. Leave reviews about the club you visited, and our users will be grateful to you.hide <<


Kurgan, st. Sovetskaya, 123a

Recreation centers of the Kurgan region

Let's take a virtual excursion to Kurgan - one of the farthest points of Russian Siberia. Orientation on the map will show its southern point. The Kurgan region borders on Kazakhstan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk, and Tyumen regions.

Kurgan is the administrative center. The name of the city symbolizes the historical past associated with the accidental excavations of the Tsarev Kurgan in 1960. At the time of discovery, it was of enormous size and the discovered historical landmark, for a number of reasons, remained hidden by the authorities for some time.

Natural landscape

The relief features of the Kurgan region are associated with pronounced depressions in the form of “saucers” on the flat territory. A general picture of the area emerges. The depressions eventually turn into small lakes.

Its geographical location in the center of the Eurasian continent predetermines a pronounced continental climate. The distance from the seas and other large water resources (oceans) creates a rather cold climate in winter and relatively warm in summer (average temperature in July is +19°C. And in January -18°C). But, as experience shows, such weather does not in any way affect the desire of numerous visitors to visit here.

The unusual nature of Siberia attracts tourists. The water recreational and entertainment potential of the region is enormous. About three thousand lakes adorn the Kurgan land, making up about 5% of the entire territory. Due to the healing properties of water and medicinal mud, many have medical value. This mainly applies to lakes. Therapeutic mud is in demand worldwide.

Natural monuments

The pride of local residents is Bear Lake. Its distinctive feature is its large size. From a bird's eye view, the lake has a peculiar outline associated with a local legend. The story is like a legend. In it, a wounded bear puts his paw into the water and he recovers. It's just filled with very concentrated salt water, just like the Dead Sea. It has long been known that salt water is a panacea for many diseases! Meanwhile, the lake takes on the shape of a bear.

Gorky Lake is also amazing. It has magical fame among believers. Reviews of miraculous properties are numerous, due to the ionic-salt properties and the presence of biologically active complexes and microelements. Here at the Holy Kazan Monastery (village of Chimeevo) there is a holy spring. It is classified as an ancient monument. The village of Chimeevo attracts Orthodox Christians from all over the world. In the Church of the Apparition of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God there is a miraculous list, so pilgrims have been going to the shrine for more than a hundred years.

There are many wonderful rivers and streams with clear running water in the Kugan region. They wind and cross the plains of Kurgan, filling you with freshness and coolness. It’s hard to imagine, but there are about five hundred of them here. The Tobol River is the largest. Kursk residents are proud of her. There are rivers smaller in size and width, such as Miass and Iset, which do not beg their merits. The rivers are extraordinary in their Siberian beauty and grandeur.

The positive energy of the region is associated with endless forests. They account for more than a third of the territory. Mainly birch forests and groves. Birch is the leading tree species here in the Ryazan region.

Animal world

The fauna of the Kurgan region is colorful and diverse. The rightful owners of forests are foxes, martens, and wolves. Rodents include hares, squirrels and beavers. Birds found in the forests include ducks, geese, black grouse, wood grouse, and partridges. Hunting is not only permitted, but is also organized according to all rules by camp site workers. The same thing happens with fishing. Here they recommend fishing spots and give you the opportunity to enjoy fishing. Fishing for pike perch, perch, crucian carp, carp, and bream will please everyone.

Cultural attractions

Wonderful traditions of respect for historical heritage have been preserved and maintained. Among them are architectural monuments dedicated to forced migrants - the Decembrists. The convinced and persecuted intelligentsia flocked here individually and with entire families. They settled and loved this region. In the regional center, houses of famous Decembrists with architectural monuments have been taken under protection. The house of the merchant Kunaev is famous. Built back in the 19th century, it has the status of Federal significance.

Church heritage

The city has cathedrals and churches. Many of them are cult-like. From the list, the Dalmatovsky Monastery stands out as particularly important. Its holiness can be explained by the daily and nightly vigils of the monks since the 17th century. It owes its name to the revered elder Dolmat, who selflessly served the church. Among the famous churches is the Chimeevskaya St. Nicholas Church, revered by parishioners.

Historical and technical relics include the aviation museum and its exhibits. It was still under the Soviet Union on the basis of an air detachment and enjoys well-deserved popularity among visitors now.


Kurgan and its surroundings are an amazing place with natural, historical and cultural attractions. Numerous travel agencies organize excursions and make holidays meaningful and affordable. The vacation is not inferior to a vacation spent abroad. In winter there is snow, frost and winter activities. In summer, swimming, fishing, hiking. Available for rental motor boats and boat trips.

The attractiveness of these places makes you want to touch the Siberian way of life. I would like to visit, form a personal opinion and never part with a reliable next meeting.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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