Agryz city in the Republic of Tatarstan

Born in the city of Agryz:


  • Abdrakhmanov Kutdus Khabibrakhmanovich (1882) - teacher.
  • Abdrakhmanov Khabibrakhman Gallyamovich - mullah, 5 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Abdrashitov Akhmetgaray Akhmetzakirovich (1877) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Abdullin Kutdus Shaimardanovich (1909) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1931.
  • Abdullin Shagimardan Abdullovich (1881) - 10 years of labor camp, 1937
  • Agryzsky Gizzatulla Murtazovich (born 1867) - execution, confiscation of property, family exile to the Northern Territory, 1930.
  • Agryzsky Naguman Gizzatullovich (1901) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1930.
  • Aitov Abdulkhak Bagautdinovich (1894)
  • Aitov Khusnutdin Sharafutdinovich (1877) - 10 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Aidarova Makhmuza Galeevna (1903) - 8 years old ITL, 1938, arrived in Karlag on 08/20/1941 from Segezhlag.
  • Aminev Sadyk (1862) - 10 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Asadullin Abdulla Asadulovich (1893) - 10 years of labor camp, 1937
  • Akhmetov Mullamukhamet (1900) - execution, 1937
  • Akhmetshin Basaray Akhmetshevich (1871) - 5 years in concentration camps, 1931, replaced by the OGPU Board on 09/07/32 for deprivation of the right to reside in 12 points, in the Ural region. and TASSR.
  • Akhmetshin Nurmukhamed (1898) - 10 years of labor camp, 1943, place of residence - Izhevsk
  • Batyrshin Baki Lutfullovich (1901) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Bayazitov Khisamutdin Khisnutdinovich (1891) - place of residence - Perm
  • Biktimirov Abdulla Mingazitdinovich (1885) - execution, 1942. Place of work - Agryz railway. hospital, stoker.
  • Valeev Abdrakhman Yasoveevich (1899) - 1st sentence - 10 years in labor camp, 1931, released in 1935. 2nd sentence - execution, confiscation of property, 1937.
  • Vandyurov Nabi Asadullovich (1902) - 10 years in prison, 1937 NKVD TASSR 12/17/39 the case was dismissed due to lack of evidence of the accusation.
  • Gabdeev Abdulla Mullakhmetovich (1890) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Gaisin Yasawi Mukhamadi(e)evich (1874) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Galeev Mullayan Khuzyaakhrarovich (1907) - 10 years of labor camp, 1937
  • Galeev Fatykh Galeevich (1873)
  • Galyamov Mingali (1911)
  • Garayev Galiulla (1867) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1931.
  • Garayev Garifulla (1868) - place of work - collective farmer, guard of a steam mill.
  • Gareev Akhmetzyan Gareevich (1881) - place of residence - Kazan, storekeeper of the Tatsnabsbyt office. Execution, 1938
  • Gareev Galiulla Gareevich (1866) - 10 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Gafiatullin Abdrakhman (1900) - 2 years in prison, 1932
  • Gibadullin Mukhametzyan (1861)
  • Dautov Akhmetzyan (1878) - deportation to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 1930.
  • Dautov Mullamukhamet Yasaveevich (1889) - 10 years in labor camp, 1937, NKVD TASSR 01/16/1939, the case was closed due to insufficient evidence.
  • Dautov Shaukat Akhmetzyanovich (1918) - 8 years of labor camp, 1942. By Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, on February 21, 1948, after the end of his term, he was expelled to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Dalnemostovsky District.
  • Zhuravlev Khabibrakhman (1912) - sent to a psychiatric hospital, 1942 OO NKVD 282 Infantry Division 11/13/1942, the case was closed due to illness.
  • Zakirov Mullakhmet (or Nurmukhamet) (1894)
  • Zakirov Khuzyaakhmat (1896) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1931.
  • Izhboldin Mirzayan Sadykovich (1913) - 10 years in prison, 1936, loss of rights for 3 years.
  • Izhboldin Sadyk Shakirovich (1890) - 5 years of labor camp, 1932
  • Iksanov Gataulla Ismagilovich (1906) - place of residence - Sverdlovsk region, Bazhenovsky district, village. Gryaznovskoe. 10 years of ITL, 1938
  • Iskhakov Khazi Ibragimovich (1882) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Ishimov Gabdulkhak Nabiullovich (1900) - place of residence - Verkhny Kultym village, Kungur district, Ural region. 5 years of ITL, 1933
  • Ishmukhametov Abdrakhman (1882) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1931.
  • Ishmukhametov Baki (1899) - work - caller for locomotive crews, station depot. Agryz.
  • Ishmukhametov Sadyk Sharafiakhmetovich (1855) - 10 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Kazaev (Kozaev) Salikh Sadyamovich (1915) - 1st sentence - 6 years in labor camp, 1935. Prison served in Dmitlag, Moscow region. 2nd sentence - execution, 1938
  • Kalimullin Lutfulla (1893)
  • Kamaev Abdulla Akhmedovich (1887) - place of residence - Izhevsk, work - forestry department of plant 10, horse carrier. 3 years imprisonment, 1936
  • Kamaev Akhmetsha Akhmetzyanovich (1856) - execution, confiscation of property, eviction of the family to the Northern Territory, 1930.
  • Kapilov Mullayan Sattarovich (1896) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Kapilov Sadyk Rakhimovich (1882) - 5 years of labor camp, 1932
  • Kasimov Abdulla Kasimovich (1890)
  • Kutuev Abdrakhman Khasanovich (1885) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Lebedev Nurmukhamet Valiakhmatovich (1871)
  • Lepekhin Arkady Alekseevich (1912) - 10 years in prison for escaping from a camp, by a special camp court of the Kirov region. 1948
  • Mazitov Santzyan Sharafutdinovich (1883) - place of residence - Izhevsk, work - Udmurttorg, buyer. 10 years of ITL, 1937
  • Murtazin Sibgatulla (1894) - execution, 1942
  • Musin Abdrakhman Akhmetzyanovich (1903) - 10 years in a labor camp, 1937. Served a sentence in Bezymyanlag, Zhigulevsky district, Samara region.
  • Mustakimov Khusnutdin Mustakhutdinovich (1894) - 1st sentence - 5 years in labor camp, 1930. 2nd sentence - 10 years in labor camp, 1937.
  • Mustafin Sabirzyan Mukhametovich (1891) - 5 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Mukhamadeev Akhmetgarey (1880) - deportation to the Chelyabinsk region, 1931.
  • Mukhametzyanov Ravil Abdrakhmanovich (1926) - 1st sentence - 10 years in labor camp, 1942, confiscation of property, loss of rights for 3 years, Supreme Court of the TASSR. 2nd sentence - 10 years in labor camp, 1944, Sverdlovsk regional court.
  • Mukhametshin Mukhametzyan (1885)
  • Muhammadiev Akhmatgarey Muhammadievich (1881) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Nafikov Khubbihuzya Abdullovich (1900) - 10 years in labor camp, 1937, served a sentence in Oneglag. NKVD TASSR 01/05/1940, the term was reduced to 5 years.
  • Nuriakhmetov Yakub Nuriakhmetovich (1882) - execution, 1941
  • Pastyrov Zakirzyan Mukhametzyanovich (1880) - 5 years of labor camp, 1931
  • Rakaev Gashim Akhmetovich (1893)
  • Rakhmatullin Gabit (1864)
  • Sayfutdinov Akhmetsha (1882) - 10 years of labor camp, 1937
  • Safina Gaisha Khasanovna (1898) - place of residence - Kazan, work - biology teacher, school No. 1. 5 years in the ITL, 1938. She served her sentence in the Akmola 17th women's camp special department of the Karaganda ITL.
  • Sitdikov Akhmetzakir Sitdikovich (1872) - 5 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Tukmachev Mukhamet (1884)
  • Usmanov Anvar Ibragimovich (1920) - service - ml. Sergeant, Com. squads, reconnaissance platoon, 145 squad. str. battalion, sentenced by a military tribunal - 10 years in labor camp, loss of rights for 5 years, confiscation of money, 1942
  • Usmanov Gabbas Ibragimovich (1906) - place of residence - Votkinsk, work - textile merchant. 3 years of exile in the Southern Urals, 1928
  • Usmanov Ibragim Bagautdinovich (1880) - 1st sentence - 3 years of exile in the Southern Urals, 1928 2nd sentence - 3 years of exile in a special settlement, 1931 3rd sentence - execution, 1937
  • Usmanov Mullanur Bagautdinovich (1868) - 1st sentence - 3 years of exile in the Southern Urals, 1928. 2nd sentence - 3 years of exile in a special settlement, 1931.
  • Usmanov Mullanur Bagautdinovich (1869) - place of residence - Ufa, work - stall No. 2 at the Ufa market, manager. 10 years of ITL, 1936
  • Fayzullin Shakirzyan Khabibullovich (1894) - 5 years of labor camp, 1932
  • Fayzutdinov Abdulla Minnakhmetovich (1925) - place of residence - Aznakaevo village, service - Red Army soldier, 283rd regiment, 140th division. 7 years in labor camp, loss of license for 3 years, 1945
  • Farakhetdinov Aesh (Farakhutdinov Aish) (1883) - 10 years of labor camp, 1942
  • Farrakhov Airat Zakievich
  • Khaziakhmetov Mirzakhan (1890)
  • Khaziev Mullamukhamet Khazievich (1880) - 5 years of labor camp, 1930
  • Khalikov Abdrashit (1863)
  • Khalikov Ildar Shafkatovich
  • Khamitov Makhmut (1908) - 10 years of labor camp, 1937, NKVD, Kazan railway. On January 10, 1939, the case was closed due to insufficient evidence.
  • Khomyakov Mullakhmet Garayevich (1879)
  • Shabaev Fayaz Bayanovich
  • Shaysultanov Ildar Ilgizovich
  • Shagimukhametov Abdrakhman (1887)
  • Sharipov Minniakhmet Sharipovich (1904) - 10 years in labor camp, 1944, confiscation of property, loss of rights for 5 years.
  • Sharipov Salikh Shagimardanovich (1899) - 10 years in a labor camp, 1937, disqualification for 3 years.
  • Shunkarov Khazi Nizamutdinovich (1889) - 5 years of labor camp, 1932
  • Yabbarov Khuzyakhmet Mullamukhametovich (1882)
  • Yapparov Nurkhamet (1890) - 5 years of labor camp, 1932
  • Yarulin Salikhzyan Yarulovich (1903) - place of residence - Izhevsk, work - Udmurtstroy, loader. 10 years of labor camp, 1937, arrived in Ukhtizhemlag on 04/05/1938 from Izhevsk prison, died in custody.



  1. ^ a b c d f
    Order No. 01-02 / 9
  2. ^ a b c d Encyclopedia of Russian Cities
    . Moscow: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 2003. p. 13. ISBN 5-7107-7399-9.
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    ). “Science of Udmurtia”, No. 4 (66), 2013 (in Russian)
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