Sami to Partenit - what a tourist needs to know about the Crimean resort and how to prepare a trip

Partenit – Southern coast of Crimea

The village of Partenit is one of the pearls of the southern coast of Crimea, framed by subtropical greenery and azure of the Black Sea. In recent decades, Partenit has become a prestigious resort, very popular among people who value the quality of a beach holiday, complemented by the enjoyment of the unique Crimean nature and vivid impressions from visiting historical and cultural attractions.

History of Parthenit

People have lived in the Partenite Valley since the Stone Age, as evidenced by excavations. The settlement received its name during the time when the Taurian colony lived here. From the Greek language “parthenite” is translated as “virgin”.

There is a legend that in ancient times on Mount Ayu-Dag, located near the village, there was a sanctuary of the Virgin, the main goddess revered by the Taurus. In the 4th-3rd centuries AD. Ancient Greeks lived in this area. The rich history of Partenite preserves the memory of being under the rule of Constantinople, the Khazar Khaganate, the Byzantines, the Genoese, the Ottoman Empire, the Russian state, the Soviet Union and Ukraine. Since 1914, Partenit has been a popular resort within the Russian Federation.

For a month

Shops and restaurants

The main market is located in the center, on Solnechnaya Street. The range of goods is extensive, from food to souvenirs and household items.

Nearby there is a decent supermarket “ Yabloko ”. Another large grocery store “ Neighbor ” is located opposite the entrance to the Aivazovskoye sanatorium.

The 2nd center of attraction is the bus station area and a small shopping alley up along the stream. Partenit also has its own clinic and pharmacy, beauty salons, and bank branches.

Most of the catering establishments are located in the lower part of Partenit . But along the way there are shops with pizza and pasties, kiosks with drinks and sweets.

The right restaurant in Partenit is “ Sunflowers ”: delicious dishes, good service, live music in the evenings. But the prices are also not inferior to the quality. Cheaper and tasty in the Home Kitchen . Located 2 steps from the restaurant around the corner across from Resort Goods.

You can have a normal and inexpensive meal on the way to the city beach at the Citadel . If you're in the market area, stop by to see what Alina's has . Home cooking and prices are not bad.

If you need a barbecue, you can try your luck at the Ayu-Dag . Everything seems to be fine, but it doesn’t change from year to year. We need to test it.

Well, no one has canceled children’s favorite pizza and hamburgers. For this business, definitely go to the Picanto pizzeria opposite the entrance to Aivazovskoye. By the way, they also have delivery, if that happens.

Geographical position

Partenit is an urban-type settlement with a population of up to 9 thousand inhabitants, located in the valley of the southern coast of Crimea near Bear Mountain, between Big Yalta from the west and Big Alushta from the east. It is surrounded on three sides by mountains, which provides a favorable dry subtropical climate with 2,300 hours of sunshine per year and the absence of northerly winds from the continent. Thanks to excellent climatic conditions, the beach season here stretches from late May to October. It’s only 63 kilometers from Simferopol along the Yalta highway to this wonderful corner of Crimea.

How to navigate the resort

Many tourists call it a town, but it is just a village with a population of about 6,000 people. There are lower and upper areas of Partenit, with their own infrastructure and accommodation facilities.

  1. The bus station is the center of the village. From here the sea is just a stone's throw away, and the most popular cafes and shops are at your fingertips.
  2. The most tourist and lively areas are the market and Ayvazovka .
  3. The Wiener region remains remote from the sea and boring for tourists . But for those who don’t like resort noise and don’t mind walking, this area is also suitable.

The center of life for city residents is the street. Solnechnaya in the area of ​​the Food Market ( red circle ). There are shops, the market itself, cosmetics, a hairdresser - everything you need for life.

A little higher at the intersection of the street. Frunzeskaya and st. Vasilyevskaya Aivazovka ( green ) is another oasis of civilization. Parking, shop, cafe and entrance to the park of the Aivazovskoye sanatorium.

But, still, the tourist center of Partenit is the bus station area and the gate to the Crimea sanatorium ( green circle below).

From there I will present you with a panorama for orientation on the spot:


Sights of Partenit

Holidays in Partenit are not only about staying on the beach, a colorful kaleidoscope of water activities in the water park and conquering the sea on boats, scooters, catamarans and other watercraft, but also about unique natural, spiritual, historical and cultural attractions. Let's take a short tour of the most attractive sights of Partenit.

Daily housing in Partenit without intermediaries - rent

Aivazovsky Park in Partenit

Park Paradise in Partenit

One of the calling cards of the Southern Coast of Crimea is Aivazovsky Park in Partenit or Paradise Park, which is translated from Greek as “biblical paradise”. It is spread over 25 hectares in the natural amphitheater of a cozy bay between Cape Plaka and Cape Tepeler. The landscape design of the park reflected the culture of ancient Greece, dolmens of the Taurus, and sections of the Genoese forts. The visits to the region by Pushkin, Mitskevich and Lermontov were embodied in their monuments.

At the entrance, visitors are greeted by a sculpture of the painter Aivazovsky, who worked in Crimea. The walk begins with a landscape park of Crimean trees and shrubs, green lawns surrounding the sculpture of the goddess Flora. Conquers a wonderful Mexican corner with a hill of cacti of various shapes, agaves and exotic fruit trees.

Next comes the Italian garden with fountains, gazebos with ponds, evergreens and sculptures of mythological heroes. The antique garden with a 200-year-old olive grove, with statues, amphorae and a white rotunda brought from Italy, makes an indelible impression. The Japanese park is growing before our eyes with stone slides, ponds, bridges and dwarf trees.

In total, more than 300 species of trees, shrubs and plants are collected in amazing garden and park compositions. Along the steep stairs of Raevsky, the steps of which are painted with poems by Pushkin, you can go down to the beach, the best in Partenit. Near the stairs there is a monument to the famous General Raevsky, whose family owned Partenit for 80 years.

Stone Museum

Stone Museum in Partenit

In the park of the Crimea sanatorium there is a unique museum of Stone, nature and antiquities. The museum collection contains more than 4,000 types of stones found in the Crimea and other parts of the world. Here there are stones, the cross sections of which reveal amazing pictures created by nature millions of years ago. On the surface of the minerals one can see a sunset, animals, biblical scenes, fantastic stereo landscapes and a map of the Crimean peninsula.

There are stones with miniature designs that can only be seen with a magnifying glass. Stunning compositions and installations are created from multi-colored minerals. The exhibition of rock crystal, shining with a mysterious light under artificial lighting, delights. The pride of the museum was a fragment of quartz rock with a frozen drop of water with an air bubble that had been pulsating inside the stone for a million years.

Bear Mountain

Bear mountain in Crimea

Between Partenit and Gurzuf there is Bear Mountain (Ayu-Dag), which protrudes half into the sea and forms a cape with an area of ​​4.1 sq. km, clearly visible from almost the entire southern coast. Scientists have calculated this mountain to be 161 million years old. Bear Mountain is one of the failed volcanoes, the magma of which froze before it could escape to the surface.

In appearance, Ayu-Dag resembles a huge sleeping huge bear, which is often covered by swirling clouds. Polovin Zhivopisnaya Mountain, rising 572 meters above sea level, has the status of a natural monument. In the 10th century BC. The first settlements settled here, as evidenced by objects of labor and everyday life found during excavations. After the earthquake that happened here in 1468, people left the mountain due to the disappearance of fresh water on it. Bear Mountain is one of the most outstanding natural attractions of Crimea.

Gagarina's Palace

Castle of Princess Gagarina

Gagarina's palace, built in 1907 on Cape Plaka, became a visible embodiment of love for her husband, who died in a duel three years after the wedding. The Romanesque architecture of the palace resembles a small medieval castle with sharp spiers, crenellated turrets, narrow loopholes and carved windows.

In terms of color, it is similar to the Massandra Palace - with a roof covered with terracotta tiles and walls lined with yellowish stone, entwined with ivy. The entrance to the main facade is decorated with the coat of arms of the Gagarin family. The western side of the building is complemented by columns supporting the balcony. In front of the southern facade there is a square with a sculpture “in memory of love”, embodying the sad image of a young princess with a rose in her hand.

From the square there is a path to the park, where the Alexander Nevsky Church, built of marble-like limestone in the style of Byzantine architecture, rises. The octagonal building of the temple is topped with a golden dome. The entrance to the temple is decorated with a mosaic panel depicting Alexander Nevsky. Visitors pass through the park to an observation deck. It offers an amazing panorama of Cape Plaka, where among the cypress trees there is the destroyed family crypt of the Gagarins.

Estate "Karasan"

Estate "Karasan" in Crimea

The Karasan estate, located in the village of Utes, was the ancestral property of the Raevsky family, famous in Tsarist Russia. Today it houses a sanatorium of the same name. Raevsky came up with the name of the estate after visiting Persia in the province of Khorasan, which conquered it with its nature. About 200 years ago, he laid out a magnificent park here on 18 hectares with exotic trees, shrubs and 220 species of plants from the Mediterranean countries of Europe, Japan and North America. The center of the park is decorated with a fabulous palace built in Moorish style architecture.

The palace building is decorated with luxurious stucco, skillful ornamental patterns and openwork wood carvings. Its architecture looks beautiful with wide terraces and attics. The arrangement of small helmet-shaped domes on the roof gives the massive building an extraordinary lightness. The palace is part of a sanatorium that preserves its original interior with antique fireplaces, parquet floors and staircases. One of the walls is decorated with an amazing bas-relief of the Madonna, presumably brought by Raevsky from Europe.

Turquoise lake in Partenit

Turquoise lake in Crimea

The lake, located in the mountains at an altitude of 610 meters, captivates with its turquoise color, which gives it its name. The lake is fed by springs gushing out of the ground from its bottom, so the lake water does not warm up even in the heat. Legends consider it magical, capable of removing witchcraft curses. The perimeter of the natural reservoir is surrounded by mountains covered with dense forest. The lake edge has rocky and flat areas. Near the lake there is a source of drinking water. The beauty of the landscape and the peaceful atmosphere make many tourists want to stay near the lake overnight. A tourist parking lot is provided for them.

Parthenit 2017

After visiting the main attractions of Partenita, you can also admire the Prometheus fountain by sculptor Zurab Tsereteli and the monument to Avicenna, visit the Partenita settlement of the 6th-15th centuries and the Church of John the Gothic with a monument to this Orthodox saint. Holidays here will remain a bright page in life.

Sanatoriums and hotels

There are 2 excellent sanatoriums in Partenit, which share almost the entire beach line of the village between them:

  • Aivazovskoye is a luxurious sanatorium with its own incredible park, beach area, spa and swimming pools. Considering that the seasonal price for visiting the park is 1200 rubles (!!), it would not be bad to live here for at least a few days.
  • Crimea is a coastal sanatorium in Moscow Region, which also has a large (but rather simple) park, a dolphinarium, and its own beaches. Here the number of rooms is more tired, but the medical facilities are better.

There are also 3 hotels of a fairly high level. See accommodation prices here.

  1. Europe - 4* all-inclusive hotel with its own beach and other amenities for an unforgettable vacation. Located between Paradise Park and the Karasan estate right on the embankment. Prices are high.
  2. Nord is not a bad 3* hotel with everything you need for a carefree holiday: swimming pool, hammam, food, parking, but in the basic version. Considering the prices, it's ok. 2 big disadvantages - soundproofing and no territory. But 2 steps from the bus station and the beach.
  3. Majestic is a direct competitor to Nord in the same price category. What is the difference? The hotel itself is nice with its own outdoor pool. But the walk to the beach is 1 km.
  • Tours to Partenit with flight
  • Sanatoriums Partenita - prices

Where to stay

Housing in Partenit is not difficult to find, but it may seem too expensive compared to other Crimean cities not included in the South Coast. You can book a room in a hotel or sanatorium. Or stay in the private sector. The village is small, so nearby there are not only cafes and restaurants, but also a variety of shops and a colorful Crimean market.

Everyone who has visited this village confirms that holidays in Partenit are excellent. It is rich in impressive sights, developed and wild beaches, magnificent landscapes and exciting entertainment. However, no description, no matter how colorful, can create a real impression of these beautiful places. Only by visiting these places can you fully feel their charm.

Aivazovsky gives the go-ahead!

The administration of the picturesque park of the South Coast “Aivazovskoe” , without deliberating for long, charged 1,200 rubles for the entrance ticket to the park. The Tsar Nikitsky Botanical Garden, with its 300 rubles for entry, looks like a child.

Plus, due to the pandemic, the sanatorium periodically limits visits to the park.

Now, to get to the beaches of the sanatorium, you either have to pay and walk along the shady alleys. Or look for the loophole that the extortionists left for greedy and persistent visitors.

The administration has allocated beach cards 5 and 6 for hungry people who do not want to pay 600 rubles for entry. But you can get to them not through the front gate, but from the back entrance.

The “back entrance” is located on the embankment in front of the Europe Hotel and consists of a gate like this. It's a 1 km detour, but fortunately, during the season, a minibus runs here from the Partenita bus station (Yuzhny cinema).

Local residents were also sent to the lower gate (just above the tourist gate) until August 2022. But thanks to the intervention of the authorities and higher powers, the truth triumphed.

Now local residents, like white people, upon presentation of a passport with Partenite registration, paid bills for water and electricity and a password to the beach can pass through the upper entrance.

Beaches of the sanatorium with a wide pebble shoreline, awnings, changing rooms, showers and equipment rental. There is also a rescue point, a toilet, and trash cans installed.

Unfortunately, there is no entertainment provided. And there are not many people here, in general, silence is beauty.

The private beaches of the sanatorium itself cannot cause any complaints. To use them you will have to pay 5,000 rubles per room out of season. But, as you like, everything is included!

Rock Bear

But stomp even closer to the little Bear. What am I talking about? The Bear Cub rock (its other name is Kuchuk-Ayu) is perched right on the Partenite beach; it has the same volcanic origin as Mount Ayu-Dag and rises 15 meters above the sea. Climbing the Bear Cub rock is not difficult, and in the process of climbing you can perfectly diversify your beach leisure time. But, naturally, it is best to do this in sports shoes, because the surface of the rock is granite and rocky, there are very sharp areas on it, which only a yogi can walk on barefoot without pain.

Rock Bear

Bus schedule Alushta - Partenit

Bus number 109 Alushta - Partenit: 07.05, 07.40, 09.05, 10.15, 11.00, 11.50, 14.00, 14.30, 15.40, 16.40, 17.10, 18.10, 18.30, 20.00, 21.20.

Bus No. 127 Partenit - Alushta: 07.50, 10.00, 11.20, 13.00, 15.10, 16.20, 17.50.

Route No. 25 Partenit - Alushta: 08.10, 09.35, 12.30, 14.45, 16.00, 17.30, 19.00.

Yalta - Partenit

Bus number 110 runs from Yalta to Partenit. Departs from the bus station on the street. Moscow.

By train

You can get to Partenit on vacation in Crimea by train, but it’s difficult. As of 2022, there are no direct trains to Crimea. During travel from April 30 to September 30, you can buy a so-called “single ticket” on the Russian Railways website. It includes a train to Anapa or Krasnodar + a bus across Crimea (travels across the new Crimean Bridge).

In total, there are 7 cities in Crimea where you can get directly by bus using a “single ticket”: Kerch, Simferopol, Sevastopol, Feodosia, Sudak, Evpatoria, Yalta. When heading to Partenit, you can take a “single ticket” to Yalta.

Buying a train ticket to Crimea in the summer season is quite difficult. Tickets are sold out on the opening day of sales, and their cost is sometimes even higher than for an airplane. Travel time from Moscow is from 24 hours. After September 30, it is also possible to get to Crimea. You just need to buy a bus ticket yourself on the official website. Railway tickets

By taxi to Partenit

You can get to your vacation in Crimea in Partenit from the train station or airport by taxi. The distance from Simferopol to Partenit is 60 km. The cost of a car with a driver will cost 25 rubles. per kilometer. It is best to order a taxi in advance and you will be provided with a meeting upon arrival and the minimum price. Simferopol Airport → Partenit. There are also taxi counters at the airport.

By car

A popular way for our tourists to get to Partenit in Crimea on vacation is by car. Having crossed the new Crimean Bridge and arrived in Kerch, we set off on the road along the E97 federal highway. We drive along this road to Feodosia. After 5 km in the Nasypny area we turn left onto the P29 highway, and before Alushta we turn onto the E105 highway. This road will lead you to Partenit.

Beach of the recreation center "Tavrida-Azot"

The largest of all Partenit beaches. It is located closer to Cape Plaka, the area is well-groomed, there is a large public canopy, and sun loungers are available for rent. Guests of the sanatorium often relax here, but anyone can visit this beach. The infrastructure is not very well developed, there is a recently restored embankment, several boutiques and cafes. The beach is well suited for those who are accustomed to a comfortable location. You don’t have to run to the sea in the morning to visit this beach.

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