Population of Petrozavodsk: number, composition, density. Petrozavodsk city area

How many people live in the city of Petrozavodsk? What is the population as of January 1, 2022?

Statistics have always interested people and no matter what it concerns, and we are interested in it for a variety of reasons, out of curiosity and for other, very different reasons, we want to know about something, for example, about a given topic, which we will deal with below.

National composition

The city is dominated by Russians. Their share exceeds 75%. Karelians account for 9%. The municipality is considered a place of compact settlement of representatives of this ethnic group. Every fifth Karelian lives in Petrozavodsk. There is a high concentration of Vepsians in the city. This is another northern people who have lived in Karelia for centuries. The national composition of the population of Petrozavodsk is represented by five dozen ethnic groups.

These include Finns. According to statistics, their number exceeds 7,383 or 2.8%. There are about the same number of Belarusians. There are slightly fewer Ukrainians. Their number is 6,255 people or 2.3%. There are many Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Poles and Tatars. There are Gypsies, Jews, Georgians, Germans and Chuvashs.

Opportunities and prospects

Petrozavodsk is acquiring new multi-storey microdistricts. Improving the quality of life attracts qualified personnel and young people to the region. Every year more than sixty thousand square meters of modern housing are put into operation. Builders report that the number of apartments they have delivered has almost reached 1,000.

The city's population is served by public transport. There are five municipal routes. Every year, urban transport operators serve about five million passengers. All major cellular companies in Russia provide their services on the territory of the municipality. In addition to voice communication, they offer high-speed Internet access.

Demographic statistics

The population of Petrozavodsk was first established in 1723. The number of residents at that time barely reached two thousand people. At the beginning of the 19th century, the city began to actively grow and develop. In 1801, almost five thousand lived there. In 1856 there were already more than 10,000 people. Until 1992, the population of Petrozavodsk was constantly increasing. In 1993, it amounted to 279,000. This year became a turning point for the demographic situation in the region.

The years in which growth was noted alternated with periods of natural decline. Thus, in 2001, the number of residents exceeded 282,900, and in 2002 it decreased to 266,160. The population of Petrozavodsk in 2009 reached 271,112. In 2010, demographers noted a systematic increase in the number of citizens. Every year the number of residents increases by about two thousand. In 2011, 263,500 people were registered in the city. In 2012 there were already 265,263, in 2013 this figure reached 268,946.

The population of Petrozavodsk in 2022 exceeded 278,000 inhabitants. Peak birth rates occurred in the sixties of the 20th century. Today the municipality occupies the seventieth place in the all-Russian ranking. The positive dynamics that the city shows are associated not only with a reduction in deaths and an increase in the birth rate, but also with a change in the statistical accounting system.

In 2011, city residents began to include not only migrants who had obtained citizenship, but also visitors who received temporary registration for more than nine months. The population density of Petrozavodsk is 2,063 people. per square kilometer.


Wages in the city are thirty and sometimes fifty percent lower than in St. Petersburg. An ordinary resident of Petrozavodsk receives on average fifteen thousand rubles. However, official information states that this amount is 20,000. Over ten years, the income of the population has almost doubled. About twenty thousand companies and enterprises are registered on the territory of the municipal district.

Three plants are involved in mining. There are more than two hundred factories processing raw materials. There are more than seventy complexes involved in the production of electricity and maintenance of public utility lines.

What is the population of the city of Petrozavodsk?

Republic of Karelia609 071494 545114 526
City district of Petrozavodsk280 711280 7110
Petrozavodsk280 711280 7110
Urban district of Kostomuksha30 27329 778495
Kostomuksha29 77829 7780
Belomorsky municipal district15 1519 0366 115
Belomorskoe urban settlement9 8999 036863
Belomorsk9 0369 0360
Letnerechenskoe rural settlement1 24601 246
Sosnovets rural settlement2 22602 226
Sumposad rural settlement1 78001 780
Kalevalsky municipal district6 4893 7842 705
Kalevala urban settlement3 9973 784213
town Kalevala3 7843 7840
Borovskoe rural settlement1 38401 384
Luusalma rural settlement2950295
Yushkozerskoye rural settlement8130813
Kemsky municipal district13 96110 4633 498
Kem urban settlement11 00910 463546
Kem10 46310 4630
Krivoporozhskoe rural settlement9610961
Kuzemskoe rural settlement3390339
Rabocheostrovskoe rural settlement1 65201 652
Kondopoga municipal district34 52128 7445 777
Kondopoga urban settlement29 32728 744583
Kondopoga28 74428 7440
Girvas rural settlement1 14701 147
Kedrozerskoe rural settlement2860286
Konchezerskoe rural settlement1 25401 254
Kyappeselga rural settlement6800680
Novinskoye rural settlement1540154
Petrovskoye rural settlement7590759
Yanishpolskoe rural settlement9140914
Lakhdenpokh municipal district12 2986 8905 408
Lakhdenpokh urban settlement6 8906 8900
Lakhdenpokhya6 8906 8900
Kurkiyek rural settlement1 40101 401
Miinal rural settlement1 51401 514
Khiitolskoye rural settlement1 40501 405
Elisenvaara rural settlement1 08801 088
Loukhsky municipal district10 6197 4633 156
Loukhskoe urban settlement3 7493 7490
Loukhi village3 7493 7490
Pyaozerskoe urban settlement1 5641 5640
village Pyaozersky1 5641 5640
Chupa urban settlement2 1502 1500
Chupa village2 1502 1500
Ambarnsky rural settlement8720872
Kestenga rural settlement1 75801 758
Malinovarakki rural settlement3050305
Plotinskoe rural settlement2210221
Medvezhyegorsky municipal district26 47519 7456 730
Medvezhyegorsk urban settlement14 04613 841205
Medvezhyegorsk13 84113 8410
Pindush urban settlement4 6544 193461
Pindushi village4 1934 1930
Povenets urban settlement2 5591 711848
village Povenets1 7111 7110
Velikogubskoe rural settlement1 56301 563
Padanskoe rural settlement9050905
Tolvuiskoe rural settlement1 04401 044
Chebinskoe rural settlement1970197
Chelmuzhskoye rural settlement7580758
Shunga rural settlement7490749
Muezersky municipal district9 2412 6736 568
Muezerskoe urban settlement2 6732 6730
village Muezersky2 6732 6730
Volomskoe rural settlement7540754
Ledmozerskoe rural settlement2 07802 078
Lenderskoe rural settlement1 06001 060
Peningskoe rural settlement3890389
Rebolskoe rural settlement6300630
Rugozerskoye rural settlement6620662
Sukkozero rural settlement9950995
Olonetsky municipal district19 8027 94211 860
Olonets urban settlement10 1047 9422 162
Olonets7 9427 9420
Vidlitskoe rural settlement2 02702 027
Ilyinskoe rural settlement3 25503 255
Kover rural settlement5340534
Kotkozerskoe rural settlement1 02501 025
Kuitezhskoe rural settlement6380638
Megreg rural settlement9180918
Mikhailovskoye rural settlement3100310
Tuksinsky rural settlement9910991
Pitkyaranta municipal district16 89510 0486 847
Pitkyaranta urban settlement10 29810 048250
Pitkyaranta10 04810 0480
Impilakhtinskoe rural settlement6100610
Lyaskelskoye rural settlement2 50402 504
Salminskoe rural settlement2 36502 365
Kharlu rural settlement1 11801 118
Prionezhsky municipal district21 931021 931
Derevyankskoe rural settlement1 59101 591
Wooden rural settlement2 04702 047
Garrison rural settlement1 72601 726
Zaozerskoe rural settlement2 02502 025
Ladvinskoe rural settlement1 99401 994
Ladva-Vetkinskoye rural settlement6780678
Reclamation rural settlement2 17002 170
Novovilgovskoe rural settlement3 22803 228
Pai rural settlement3310331
Ryboretskoye Vepsian rural settlement4270427
Sheltozersk Vepsian rural settlement8300830
Shokshinskoye Vepsian rural settlement8380838
Shuya rural settlement4 04604 046
Pryazhinsky municipal district14 0493 43810 611
Pryazhinskoye urban settlement3 5133 43875
village Yarn3 4383 4380
Vedlozerskoye rural settlement1 29901 299
Kroshnozerskoye rural settlement3050305
Matrosskoe rural settlement1 71201 712
Svyatozerskoye rural settlement6320632
Chalny rural settlement3 30603 306
Essoyl rural settlement3 28203 282
Pudozhsky municipal district16 6948 5138 181
Pudozh urban settlement9 5508 5131 037
Pudozh8 5138 5130
Avdeevskoe rural settlement6760676
Krasnoborskoe rural settlement8460846
Krivetskoe rural settlement8200820
Kubovskoe rural settlement1 00901 009
Kuganavolokskoe rural settlement2730273
Pyalma rural settlement1 77001 770
Shalskoe rural settlement1 75001 750
Segezha municipal district34 76132 7212 040
Segezha urban settlement25 58525 5850
Segezha25 58525 5850
Nadvoitsky urban settlement7 2047 13668
Nadvoitsy village7 1367 1360
Valdai rural settlement8030803
Idel rural settlement4150415
Popovporozhskoe rural settlement2910291
Chernoporozhye rural settlement4630463
Sortavala municipal district30 36623 9896 377
Sortavala urban settlement22 81221 0731 739
Sortavala18 70418 7040
Helyulya village2 3692 3690
Vyartsila urban settlement2 9162 9160
village of Vyartsilya2 9162 9160
Kaalam rural settlement2 58402 584
Khaapalampinskoe rural settlement2 05402 054
Suoyarvi municipal district14 8348 6076 227
Suoyarvi urban settlement8 6078 6070
Suoyarvi8 6078 6070
Veshkel rural settlement4470447
Loymolskoe rural settlement1 61901 619
Naistenjärvi rural settlement1 99001 990
Porosozerskoe rural settlement2 17102 171

With the population of the city of Petrozavodsk as of January 1, 2022, how many people live in this territory, people in municipalities and this locality, this territorial unit of the Russian Federation, that’s what we figured out here, we made our contribution to satisfying the requests of those interested in this statistical information .

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Way of life

The Petrozavodsk Employment Center claims that vacancies for artisans and craftsmen in the locality are always open. Embroidery on clothing and home textiles, sewing with gold threads, birch bark weaving, and wood painting are considered traditional for these places. As well as blacksmith craft, artistic carving, creating decorative elements and jewelry from dry straw.

Local craftswomen decorate clothes with pearl embroidery and weave mats and carpets. Products from local manufacturers can be purchased in museums, galleries and exhibition centers. The workshops employ a large number of ethnic minorities, as well as people with disabilities. Employees of the Petrozavodsk Employment Center note a reduction in the number of unemployed and an increase in the number of able-bodied citizens.

Social infrastructure

The population of Petrozavodsk has at its disposal kindergartens, secondary schools, colleges, branches of higher educational institutions, outpatient and hospital complexes. There are about twenty square meters of comfortable housing per resident of the municipal center. The number of operating preschool institutions exceeds 66. They educate more than 12,000 children.

Enrollment of children in educational institutions is 82%. The number of secondary schools is constantly increasing. According to official data, there are more than 46 municipal facilities. About 30,000 people study there. Medical institutions are represented by clinics, sanatoriums, outpatient clinics, dispensaries and hospitals. They employ about 2,500 doctors. The number of nursing staff exceeds 4,000.

Fifteen hospital complexes provide 3,500 beds. Each outpatient facility is designed to provide medical care to 7,000 Petrozavodsk residents. Law enforcement agencies record 7,000 crimes annually. For each attacker, there are approximately three episodes of violation of the law.

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