Bakal Bakal is a city in the Satka district of the Chelyabinsk region. - presentation


Bakal: photo from space (Google Maps) Bakal: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Satka20 (20)NE
2Yuryuzan24 (30)Z
3Trekhgorny26 (36)SW
4Berdyaush33 (53)NE
5Ust-Katav40 (53)Z
6Katav-Ivanovsk43 (54)SW
7Maloyaz (Republic of Bashkortostan)48 (102)NW
8Upper Kigi (Republic of Bashkortostan)54 (73)WITH
9Kusa59 (77)NE
10Zlatoust60 (64)NE
11Sim71 (78)Z
12Uchaly (Republic of Bashkortostan)75 ()SE
13Mesyagutovo (Republic of Bashkortostan)75 (98)NW
14Uchaly78 (199)SE
15Minyar81 (98)Z
16Miass84 (92)IN
17Novobelokatay (Republic of Bashkortostan)86 ()WITH
18Mizhgorye94 ()SW
19Mezozerny94 (217)YU
20Asha97 (118)Z
21Uyskoye98 (180)SE
22Chebarkul100 (112)IN
23Karabash107 (141)NE
24Beloretsk110 (302)YU
25Bolsheustikinskoe (Republic of Bashkortostan)117 (148)WITH
26Verkhneuralsk119 (260)YU

a brief description of

Located on the western slope of the Southern Urals, between the Suleya and Bolshaya Suka ridges, 264 km west of Chelyabinsk. Railway station.

Territory (sq. km): 320

Information about the city of Bakal on the Russian Wikipedia site

Historical sketch

Founded in 1757 as a village at the Bakal iron ore deposit in the Kerkhove river. Bakal. The hydronym is explained from the Turkic baki “frog”, -ly suffix of possession, i.e. "a place where there are a lot of frogs." Other approaches are also possible.

PGT from 08/27/1928 City from 10/25/1951; formed by the union of several mining villages: Bakal, Rudnichny, Irkuskan, Katavka, etc.


Bakal is the center of a large iron ore region (ore mining and processing).

Mining equipment repair plant. Branch of the Zlatoust garment factory. Production of crushed stone.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Bakal Mining Administration"
456900, Chelyabinsk region, Satkinsky district, Bakal, st.
Lenina, 13 Offers:
iron ore, iron ore sinter

Culture, science, education

Museum of History and Local Lore.

Architecture, sights

The two districts of the city are connected by a unique bridge structure, compactly integrated into the terrain.

Near Bakal there is a picturesque natural site - the Shikhan rock. Taiga forests.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)

Private advertisements in Bakal, Chelyabinsk region and Russia

To add an advert


METAL CORK WITH BLACK TAIL – 11 CM. from Love Monster to the city...


Production line worker at Faurecia automobile plant


Phoenix Men's Health Center in Chelyabinsk


StroySuccess construction company
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  • 1 Physiographic characteristics 1.1 Geographical location
  • 1.2 Climate
  • 1.3 Hydrography 1.3.1 Old Pond
  • 1.3.2 Bakalsky pond
  • 1.3.3 Malosatkinskoye Reservoir (Bakalsky Drinking Pond)
  • 1.3.4 Kordonsky spring
  • 1.3.5 Rivers
  • 1.4 Environmental issues
  • 2 History
      2.1 Foundation of the village. XVIII century
  • 2.2 19th century
  • 2.3 Soviet period
  • 2.4 Post-Soviet period
  • 3 Population
      3.1 Population
  • 4 Economics
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Culture and religion
      6.1 Culture
  • 6.2 Religion
  • 6.3 Events
  • 7 Education
      7.1 Technical school
  • 7.2 Educational institutions of general and additional education
  • 8 Sports
  • 9 Media
      9.1 Broadcasting
  • 10 Attractions
  • 11 People associated with the city
  • 12 Interesting facts
  • 13 Notes
  • 14 Literature
  • 15 Links
  • Media[ | ]

    The newspaper "Gornyak Bakala" has been published since 1930. The original title was “Give me the ore!” In 1950 it was renamed “Miner of the Urals”, the current name since 1957. Distribution area: the city of Bakal and the adjacent villages of Rudnichny, Irkuskan, Katavka, Elnichnoe.

    Broadcasting[ | ]

    • 67.25 MHz Radio Russia / Radio South Ural (Yuryuzan);
    • 89.6 MHz Our radio (Satka);
    • 90.0 MHz Intervolna (Satka);
    • 90.6 MHz DFM (Satka);
    • 91.3 MHz Business FM (Satka);
    • 100.4 MHz Radio Russia / Radio South Ural (Satka);
    • 101.0 MHz Radio Record (Satka);
    • 101.6 MHz Radio Dacha (Yuryuzan);
    • 103.6 MHz Radio Continental (Yuryuzan);
    • 105.3 MHz Radio Continental (Satka);
    • 106.8 MHz Autoradio (Satka).

    Excerpt characterizing Bakal

    – But in what position do we attack him? “I was at the outposts today, and it is impossible to decide where exactly he is standing with the main forces,” said Prince Andrei. He wanted to express to Dolgorukov his plan of attack that he had drawn up. “Oh, it doesn’t matter at all,” Dolgorukov quickly spoke, standing up and revealing the card on the table. - All cases are foreseen: if he stands at Brunn... And Prince Dolgorukov quickly and clearly explained the plan for Weyrother’s flank movement. Prince Andrei began to object and prove his plan, which could be equally good with Weyrother’s plan, but had the drawback that Weyrother’s plan had already been approved. As soon as Prince Andrei began to prove the disadvantages of him and the benefits of his own, Prince Dolgorukov stopped listening to him and absentmindedly looked not at the map, but at the face of Prince Andrei. “However, Kutuzov will have a military council today: you can express all this there,” said Dolgorukov. “That’s what I’ll do,” said Prince Andrei, moving away from the map. - And what are you worried about, gentlemen? - said Bilibin, who had been listening to their conversation with a cheerful smile and now, apparently, was about to make a joke. – Whether there is victory or defeat tomorrow, the glory of Russian weapons is insured. Apart from your Kutuzov, there is not a single Russian commander of the columns. Chiefs: Herr general Wimpfen, le comte de Langeron, le prince de Lichtenstein, le prince de Hohenloe et enfin Prsch... prsch... et ainsi de suite, comme tous les noms polonais. [Wimpfen, Count Langeron, Prince Liechtenstein, Hohenlohe and also Prishprshiprsh, like all Polish names.] - Taisez vous, mauvaise langue, [Hold your evil tongue.] - said Dolgorukov. – It’s not true, now there are already two Russians: Miloradovich and Dokhturov, and there would be a 3rd, Count Arakcheev, but his nerves are weak. “However, Mikhail Ilarionovich, I think, came out,” said Prince Andrei. “I wish you happiness and success, gentlemen,” he added and left, shaking hands with Dolgorukov and Bibilin. Returning home, Prince Andrei could not resist asking Kutuzov, who was silently sitting next to him, what he thought about tomorrow’s battle? Kutuzov looked sternly at his adjutant and, after a pause, answered: “I think that the battle will be lost, and I told Count Tolstoy so and asked him to convey this to the sovereign.” What do you think he answered me? Eh, mon cher general, je me mele de riz et des et cotelettes, melez vous des affaires de la guerre. [And, dear general! I’m busy with rice and cutlets, and you are busy with military affairs.] Yes... That’s what they answered me! At 10 o'clock in the evening, Weyrother with his plans moved to Kutuzov's apartment, where a military council was appointed. All the commanders of the columns were requested to see the commander-in-chief, and, with the exception of Prince Bagration, who refused to come, everyone appeared at the appointed hour. Weyrother, who was the overall manager of the proposed battle, presented with his liveliness and haste a sharp contrast with the dissatisfied and sleepy Kutuzov, who reluctantly played the role of chairman and leader of the military council. Weyrother obviously felt himself at the head of a movement that had become unstoppable. He was like a harnessed horse running away downhill with its cart. Whether he was driving or being driven, he did not know; but he rushed as fast as possible, no longer having time to discuss what this movement would lead to. Weyrother that evening was twice for personal inspection in the enemy’s chain and twice with the sovereigns, Russian and Austrian, for a report and explanations, and in his office, where he dictated the German disposition. He, exhausted, now came to Kutuzov. He, apparently, was so busy that he forgot to even be respectful to the commander-in-chief: he interrupted him, spoke quickly, unclearly, without looking into the face of his interlocutor, without answering the questions asked of him, was stained with dirt and looked pitiful, exhausted, confused and at the same time arrogant and proud. Kutuzov occupied a small noble castle near Ostralitsy. In the large living room, which became the office of the commander-in-chief, gathered: Kutuzov himself, Weyrother and members of the military council. They were drinking tea. They were only waiting for Prince Bagration to begin the military council. At 8 o'clock Bagration's orderly arrived with the news that the prince could not be there. Prince Andrei came to report this to the commander-in-chief and, taking advantage of the permission previously given to him by Kutuzov to be present at the council, remained in the room. “Since Prince Bagration will not be there, we can begin,” said Weyrother, hastily getting up from his place and approaching the table on which a huge map of the surrounding area of ​​Brünn was laid out. Kutuzov, in an unbuttoned uniform, from which, as if freed, his fat neck floated out onto the collar, sat in a Voltaire chair, placing his plump old hands symmetrically on the armrests, and was almost asleep. At the sound of Weyrother's voice, he forced his only eye open. “Yes, yes, please, otherwise it’s too late,” he said and, nodding his head, lowered it and closed his eyes again. If at first the members of the council thought that Kutuzov was pretending to be asleep, then the sounds that he made with his nose during the subsequent reading proved that at that moment for the commander-in-chief it was about much more important than the desire to show his contempt for the disposition or for anything else. be that as it may: for him it was about the irrepressible satisfaction of a human need - sleep. He was really asleep. Weyrother, with the movement of a man too busy to waste even one minute of time, looked at Kutuzov and, making sure that he was sleeping, took the paper and in a loud, monotonous tone began to read the disposition of the future battle under the title, which he also read: “Disposition for attack of the enemy position behind Kobelnitsa and Sokolnitsa, November 20, 1805." The disposition was very complex and difficult. The original disposition included: DA Der Feind Mit Seinerien Linken Fluegel An Die Mit Wald Bedecten Berge Lehnt Sich Mit Seinerien Fluegs Kobeinitz Und Sokolienitz Hinter Die Dort BEFIND IChen Teiche Zieht, Wir IM Geegentheil Mit Unserem Linken Fluegel Seineen Rechten Sehr DeboDiren, So Ist es vortheilhaft letzteren Fluegel des Feindes zu attakiren, besondere wenn wir die Doerfer Sokolienitz und Kobelienitz im Besitze haben, wodurch wir dem Feind zugleich in die Flanke fallen und ihn auf der Flaeche zwischen Schlapanitz und dem Thuerassa Walde verfolgen koennen, indem wir dem De filen von Schlapanitz und Bellowitz ausweichen, welche die feindliche Front decken. Zu dieserien Endzwecke ist es noethig... Die erste Kolonne Marieschirt... die zweite Kolonne Marieschirt... die dritte Kolonne Marieschirt... [Since the enemy rests his left wing on the forest-covered mountains, and his right wing stretches along Kobelnitsa and Sokolnitsa behind the ponds located there, and we On the contrary, if our left wing surpasses his right wing, then it is advantageous for us to attack this last enemy wing, especially if we occupy the villages of Sokolnits and Kobelnits, being given the opportunity to attack the enemy’s flank and pursue him in the plain between Shlapanits and the Tyuras forest, avoiding with those defiles between Shlapanitz and Belowitz, which covered the enemy front. For this purpose it is necessary... The first column marches... the second column marches... the third column marches...], etc., Weyrother read. The generals seemed reluctant to listen to the difficult disposition. The blond, tall General Buxhoeveden stood with his back against the wall, and, fixing his eyes on the burning candle, it seemed that he was not listening and did not even want to be thought that he was listening. Directly opposite Weyrother, fixing his shining open eyes on him, in a militant pose, resting his hands with his elbows outstretched on his knees, sat the ruddy Miloradovich with his mustache and shoulders raised. He remained stubbornly silent, looking into Weyrother’s face, and only took his eyes off him when the Austrian chief of staff fell silent. At this time, Miloradovich looked significantly back at the other generals. But from the meaning of this significant glance it was impossible to understand whether he agreed or disagreed, was pleased or dissatisfied with the disposition. Count Langeron sat closest to Weyrother and, with a subtle smile of a southern French face that did not leave him throughout the reading, looked at his thin fingers, quickly turning the corners of a golden snuffbox with a portrait. In the middle of one of the longest periods, he stopped the rotating movement of the snuffbox, raised his head and, with an unpleasant politeness at the very ends of his thin lips, interrupted Weyrother and wanted to say something; but the Austrian general, without interrupting his reading, frowned angrily and waved his elbows, as if saying: later, then you will tell me your thoughts, now if you please look at the map and listen. Langeron raised his eyes upward with an expression of bewilderment, looked back at Miloradovich, as if looking for an explanation, but, meeting Miloradovich’s significant, meaningless gaze, he sadly lowered his eyes and again began to twirl the snuffbox.

    Population[ | ]

    Population[ | ]

    5500↗6300↗29 419↗31 000↘27 385↘26 820↘24 101↘23 800
    ↘22 500↘22 100↗22 314↘22 300↘22 000↘21 800↘21 700↘21 409
    ↗21 437↘20 940↘20 910↘20 708↘20 485↘20 256↘20 153↘19 942
    ↘19 590↘19 264↘19 009↘18 706

    As of January 1, 2022, in terms of population, the city was in 698th place out of 1,116[37]cities of the Russian Federation[38].

    Education[ | ]

    Technical school[ | ]

    • Bakal College of Professional Technologies and Services.

    Educational institutions of general and additional education[ | ]

    • MKOU "Secondary school No. 8".
      Secondary school No. 8 was opened in 1950, initially it was located on the square. Lenin. Since 1968, it has been located in a former boarding school building.
    • MBOU "Secondary school No. 9"
      . Moved to a new building on September 16, 1976 at the address: st. Andrey Kostyleva, 7, where it is currently located. At the same time, the school received secondary status. This is the first school in the Chelyabinsk region to switch to a five-day school system.
    • MAOU "Secondary comprehensive school No. 12".
      It opened in 1918 on Pervomaiskaya Street. In 1933, she moved to another building located on Pugacheva Street. After a two-story red brick building was built next to this building, the school moved into it, giving way to the former kindergarten. In 1941, the first issue was made as a secondary one. In 1963, a new three-story building was built at 2 Titova Street.
    • Orphanage-school No. 1.
      The creation of the Bakal boarding school was initiated by the decision of the Satka City Council of Workers' Deputies on July 8, 1956. At the end of the year, it was decided to transfer the newly built building, which is currently occupied by school No. 8, to a boarding school. The opening took place on February 21, 1957. In the first half of April 1968, the boarding school moved to a new building.
    • Children's art school in Bakala.
      [48] ​​Founded in 1957 as a children's music school.

    People associated with the city[ | ]

    • Studennikov, Sergei Petrovich (born 1967) - Russian businessman, dollar millionaire. Founder and owner of the Krasnoe and Beloe chain of stores.
    • Bogatyreva, Raisa Vasilievna (born 1953) - Ukrainian political and statesman.
    • Kalimullin, Samigulla Masifullovich (1914-1989) - Soviet stage designer.
    • Laptev, Grigory Mikhailovich (1915-1942) - lieutenant of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars, Hero of the Soviet Union (1940).
    • Grishko, Evgeny Dmitrievich (born 1994) - Russian businessman, dollar millionaire. Founder and owner of online stores “home story” and “rupha”.
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