The riches of the poor town of Krasnovishersk: history, attractions, photos

Krasnovishersk is the northernmost city of the Perm Territory , famous for its natural beauty and lands that hide in their depths almost the entire periodic table , including gold and diamonds.

However, it is difficult to call the city prosperous - in the early 2000s it lost its city-forming enterprises, and people suffer from unemployment (in 2022, the Krasnovishersky district had the second highest unemployment rate in the country). And the point is not that all earthly riches have been exhausted - gold and unmined diamond placers, decorative marbles, iron and manganese ores still lie in the depths of the Krasnovishersk land. But there is no one to develop them.


Once upon a time, instead of cities, there were small villages and settlements: Morchany, Bahari, Aktim, Vizhaikha and others - now many of them have actually become part of Krasnovishersk.

For the first time, the lands began to be actively developed in the 17th century, when the Krasnoborsky ironworks was built, which did not last long, however.

200 years later, at the end of the 19th century, the Kutimskoye deposit, characterized by a high iron content, was discovered.

Its development began in 1887 - the Kutimsky plant was built, which was later joined by Velsovsky, which was engaged in the production of cast iron. Later, all these enterprises were closed and the buildings were dismantled: the ores turned out to be not as rich as expected.

Industry truly began to develop on the territory of the modern city when, in 1925, the USSR People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs decided to build the Vishera pulp and paper plant (which later became a plant) where Krasnovishersk is located. On October 30, 1931, it was opened, and 11 years later, in 1942, Krasnovishersk officially received city status.

The pulp and paper mill became one of the first enterprises in the USSR, almost entirely built by the hands of prisoners: since 1926, the 4th department of the Solovetsky special purpose camps functioned here, and prisoners were perceived as free labor. This practice would later continue in other places.

The second city-forming enterprise of Krasnovishersk - Uralalmaz, which developed diamond mines - was built in the 1950s; besides it, there were gold mines.

At the beginning of the 21st century, both organizations were closed and declared bankrupt. A few years later, gold and diamonds began to be mined by private companies, small woodworking enterprises operate, but the city-forming enterprises no longer exist.

The population of Krasnovishersk reached its maximum size in 2000 - almost 20,000 people lived here. Now, as at the beginning of the city’s development, this figure is about 15,000.


Ethnically, 88.4% of the city's population are Russians, 0.5% are Ukrainians, 0.3% are Tatars, and 0.3% are Belarusians.[ citation needed

Historical population of Krasnovishersk

Population15,200[need a quote
14,900[need a quote

origin of name

The first part of the word “Krasnovishersk”, like many other Soviet cities, has an ideological origin, and the second is a derivative of the name of the Vishera River, on the left bank of which the city stands. The Vishera, a tributary of the Kama, is one of the most picturesque rivers of the Urals.

Abundant with shoals, rapids and riffles, it is a favorite place for active recreation for residents of the Perm region and a popular plein air for painters.

It is in the Vishera Basin that diamond deposits are found, and it is here that the infamous Vishlag (aka Vischerlag) was located in the 1930s. In addition to Krasnovishersk, on the banks of the Vishera there are such large villages as Vaya, Vels, Ust-Yazva, Visherogorsk, Ryabinino.

Museums and reserve

Museum of Local Lore. Here visitors will be offered a rich exhibition about the history of the region, the metallurgical plant, and the mining of diamonds and oil. The tragic pages of the history of Vishlag were not ignored here; one of the halls is completely dedicated to it. One of the walls represents the wall of a camp barque. Here you can also see archival documents, photographs and personal belongings of prisoners. And nearby there is a hall dedicated to the memory of Shalamov.

Museum of Nature of the Vishera Reserve. The reserve itself is located in the northeast of the region, and getting there is quite problematic. But for nature lovers, there is a museum in Krasnovishersk, where they tell in detail about the history of the reserve, its flora and fauna. Visitors can see stuffed birds and animals, herbariums of plants growing on the territory of the reserve. And next to the museum there is a small area where plants brought from the reserve are grown, a sort of miniature reserve.

Famous personalities

Not many famous people were born in Krasnovishersk - after all, the city is small. Notable natives include:

  • Yuri Aslanyan is a poet, writer and journalist, author of investigative journalism;
  • Alexander Zyryanov - dean of the Faculty of Geography at Perm University, Soviet and Russian scientist, popularizer of tourism;
  • Irina Fomina is a Russian biathlete, international master of sports of Russia, world and European champion among juniors.

The Perm region is famous for its athletes, and, probably, there will be more famous names in the near future. For example, at the hockey championship in the USA, the judges were greatly impressed by the young Krasnovisherskaya hockey player Elizaveta Dubey, who is predicted to have a future in world sports.

It is impossible to mention Varlam Shalamov, who was born in the Vologda province, but spent several years in prison in Vishlag, an outstanding repressed writer, author of the famous “Kolyma Tales” and many other books.

City on the edge

Krasnovishersk (Perm region) in Soviet times was a small but promising town. It operated a pulp and paper mill, mined diamonds, oil, and operated many other industries. Unfortunately, now all large enterprises have been declared bankrupt. There are no jobs in the city at large enterprises. The city of Krasnovishersk (Perm Territory) is included in the federal program for the development of single-industry towns in Russia.

The development of ecotourism has breathed new life into the city. Tourists from all over the region come here to vacation in Krasnovishersk (Perm region).

Sights of Krasnovishersk

Krasnovishersk does not look like an ancient town, like some other cities in the region. It was created in a difficult time for the country and did not have time to acquire a host of legends; In addition, now, due to the bankruptcy of two city-forming enterprises, it is in a state close to decline.

The population is decreasing, its well-being is suffering, and young people are leaving the city. However, there is a lot to see and do here.

Museum of Local Lore

Address: Dzerzhinsky street, 4

The mission of the Krasnovishersky Regional Museum of Local Lore is to educate the population in various fields. There are exhibitions dedicated to history (in particular, the Great Patriotic War), geography, science and technology, animal art, engineering and inventions.

The permanent exhibition is constantly enriched with temporary projects; there is a social cinema hall, positioning itself as a club of interests, where you can watch films dedicated to the nature and history of the Urals, and discuss popular social issues.

Exhibition hall of the regional museum of local lore

Address: Dzerzhinsky street, 4

The exhibition hall of the museum houses a permanent graphic and painting exhibition, which is a collection of more than 100 paintings.

There are exhibitions dedicated to photography, arts and crafts (in particular, folk art) and children's drawings. The museum cooperates with the Association of Artists of Vishera “Istok”.

Monument to Varlam Shalamov and victims of political repression

Address: Dzerzhinsky street, 6A

A memorial stone with a portrait of Varlam Shalamov was installed in 2007. In his youth, the writer joined the left opposition, for which he was arrested in 1929, and spent 3 years in Vischerlag.

As an educated prisoner, he participated in the construction of the Berezniki chemical plant, and later was the head of the accounting and distribution department of the Berezniki branch of the Vishlag. He was arrested a second time in 1937 and sent to Kolyma, where he spent a total of 16 years.

Shalamov’s first term was reflected in the collection “Vishera. Anti-novel,” published after the author’s death.

Memorial complex to fallen Krasnovisher soldiers

Address: Dzerzhinsky street

The monument was erected in 1974 in memory of the fallen soldiers who went to war from all over the USSR, including the Perm region.

It is a stele with the figure of a soldier rising against its background, decorated with battle bas-reliefs. The stele lists 797 names of Krasnovisher soldiers who did not return from the fronts.

Fountain "Vetlan, Polyud and Vishera"

Address: Central Square

The sculptural group depicting a girl and two men is a reference to the legend according to which two heroes - Polyud and Vetlan - fought for the heart of the beautiful Vishera, and she did not give preference to anyone and loved both.

The battle lasted 6 days and nights, but the strength of the young men was equal, and, tired, they sat down on the ground and turned into stones; The white light without them became unkind to the girl, and she became a river flowing between them.

The fountain is the “story center” of Krasnovishersk, a favorite place for walks for townspeople and tourists. On the Internet you can find many photographs of this place and illustrations - in particular, children's drawings - dedicated to it.

Peter and Paul Church

Address: Morchanskaya street, 102

The Church of Peter and Paul in Krasnovishersk was built at the expense of parishioners at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a legend according to which two Cossacks, Peter and Pavel, first built a chapel on this site.

Which later became a full-fledged church. In 1912, at the expense of the Cherdyn district zemstvo, a Sunday school began to function here.

In 1931, the building belonging to the church was given over to the collective farm granary, but in 1955 it was reopened as a temple and consecrated. Now the Peter and Paul Church is operational; parishioners can attend services on Saturdays, Sundays and church holidays.

Site occupancy

Where should residents go to get advice on charges for waste removal?

PKGUP Teploenergo operates a hotline. Working hours: Monday – Friday from 9:00 to 18:00.

How will the waste disposal fee change in 2020?

From January 2022, utility fees for the removal of municipal solid waste (MSW) in apartment buildings will be calculated based on the number of residents in the apartment, and not by square meters, as was the case in 2022. Payment in apartment buildings from January 1, 2022 will be 72.86 rubles per resident. In the private sector (individual housing construction) the payment will be 65.80 rubles per resident.

The tariff is established by Resolution of the Ministry of Tariff Regulation and Energy of the Perm Territory dated December 20, 2019 No. 72-o.

Waste accumulation standards are established by Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services and Public Improvement of the Perm Territory dated December 13, 2019 No. SED-24-02-46-145.

The calculation methodology is established by Decree of the Government of the Perm Territory dated December 9, 2019 No. 901-p.

What should I do if the receipt indicates the incorrect number of guests?

In order to correct the data on the number of residents, you need to contact the regional operator for the management of solid waste of PKGUP Teploenergo, or the KRC-Prikamye branch or the nearest office of the regional multifunctional center (MFC) in your locality.

Where to send an application for data correction?

Perm Regional Multifunctional Center

You can submit an application in person at the nearest MFC branch. The address and opening hours of the branch in your locality can be found on the official website of the MFC


You can submit your application in several ways:

· in person at the nearest branch of “KRC-Prikamye”. The address and opening hours of the desired branch can be found on the website · by email · on the website

PKGUP "Teploenego"

You can submit your application in several ways:

· by mail to the address Perm, st. Monastyrskaya, 4; · by email

· personally to the Teploenergo mobile specialists branch in your city, the address and opening hours of the desired branch can be found on the website

What documents need to be attached to the application?

The application can be written in free form. The following documents must be attached to the application:

· Copy of passport or other identification document;

· Copies of documents confirming ownership of the property; either a purchase and sale agreement or an apartment rental agreement;

· Information on the number of residents (certificate from the management company, HOA / other documents).

If the application is not sent by the owner of the apartment, then in addition, documents are required confirming the right to act on behalf of the owner:

· a copy of the power of attorney (in case of carrying out actions on behalf of the owner of the premises);

· a copy of the birth certificate or a copy of the passport page page 16, 17 (when a parent carries out actions on behalf of the minor owner of the premises);

· a copy of the document confirming the powers of the guardian, trustee of the owner of the premises (when carrying out actions on behalf of the minor owner of the premises or from the owner recognized as partially capable or incapacitated.

How to pay for garbage removal if no one lives in the apartment?

— In the absence of permanent or temporary residents in the residential premises, the volume of utility services for the management of municipal solid waste is calculated taking into account the number of owners of the premises (clause 148 (36) of the Rules for the provision of utility services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354).

Will there be a recalculation for 2022 due to the transition to calculating fees based on the number of residents?

— No, fees for 2022 will not be recalculated.
The new calculation method comes into force in January 2022 and is not retroactive. The procedure for recalculating fees for MSW in the event of a temporary absence of a consumer
Due to the fact that the management of MSW is a public service, the document regulating the procedure for recalculating fees for this service is the Rules for the Provision of Utility Services, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 (hereinafter referred to as – Rules No. 354).

In the event that a consumer is temporarily absent from a residential premises, he has the right to demand a recalculation of the payment for MSW. The consumer is considered to be temporarily not residing in the residential premises if he is absent for more than 5 calendar days in a row (clause 148(44) of Regulation No. 354).

Recalculation of fees for MSW due to the permanent or temporary absence of a consumer is carried out strictly on an application basis. The responsibility to confirm the fact of the consumer’s permanent or temporary absence from the residential premises rests solely with the owner of such premises.

The owner of a residential premises or consumer of the service must contact the executor for MSW (hereinafter referred to as the executor) with an application for recalculation indicating the last name, first name and patronymic of each absent consumer, the start and end day of the period of their temporary absence. Documents confirming the fact and period of such absence must be attached to the application.

The following documents may be attached to the recalculation application:

a) a copy of the travel certificate or a copy of the decision (order, instruction) on sending on a business trip or a certificate of a business trip with copies of travel tickets attached;

b) a certificate confirming that you are undergoing treatment in an inpatient medical institution or at a sanatorium-resort treatment;

c) travel tickets issued in the name of the consumer (if the consumer’s name is indicated in such documents in accordance with the rules for their execution), or their certified copies. If travel documents are issued electronically, the contractor is presented with a printout of them on paper, as well as a document issued by the carrier confirming the fact of using the travel document (plane boarding pass, other documents);

d) invoices for accommodation in a hotel, hostel or other place of temporary stay or their certified copies;

e) a document from the body carrying out temporary registration of a citizen at the place of his temporary stay in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or a certified copy thereof;

f) a certificate from the organization providing private security of the residential premises in which the consumer was temporarily absent, confirming the beginning and end of the period during which the residential premises were under continuous security and the use of which was not carried out;

g) a certificate confirming the period of temporary stay of a citizen at the location of an educational institution, orphanage, boarding school, special educational and other children's institution with 24-hour stay;

h) a certificate from a consular office or diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation in the host country, confirming the temporary stay of a citizen outside the Russian Federation, or a certified copy of an identification document of a citizen of the Russian Federation containing marks on crossing the state border of the Russian Federation when leaving and entering the Russian Federation to the Russian Federation;

i) a certificate from a dacha, gardening, vegetable gardening partnership, confirming the period of temporary stay of a citizen at the location of the dacha, gardening, vegetable gardening partnership;

j) other documents that, in the consumer’s opinion, confirm the fact and duration of the consumer’s temporary absence from the residential premises.

Other documents may include:

— copies of payment documents for electricity or statements from energy supply organizations;

- if a person is declared missing - a court decision;

- in case of temporary detention in places of pre-trial detention or deprivation of liberty - a certificate from places of pre-trial detention or deprivation of liberty;

- when undergoing military service or military training - a certificate from the military unit at the place of military service.

— receipts and a receipt for payment for the service for handling solid waste at the place of registration and/or residence.

In this case, the contractor has the right to establish the number of citizens permanently and temporarily residing in the apartment, and the consumer, in turn, is obliged to inform the contractor about all residents (subparagraphs “b” of paragraph 148(25), “c” of paragraph 148(23), paragraph 148(35 ), paragraph 56(1) of Regulation No. 354).

An application for recalculation of the fee for solid waste is submitted to the contractor either before the start of the temporary absence or after the end of the period of absence, but no later than 30 days after return (clause 91 of Rules No. 354). Recalculation can be done for a period of absence of no more than 6 months, with a subsequent extension for another 6 months.

!!! Recalculation of the fee is carried out within 5 working days after receiving a written application from the consumer. The results of recalculation are reflected in the next payment document (if an application for recalculation is submitted after the end of the period of temporary absence), or in payment documents generated by the contractor during the period of temporary absence of the consumer in the occupied residential premises (if an application for recalculation is submitted before the start of the period of temporary absence ).

How to get there

The route from all cities, except the northern ones, passes through the regional center. The distance on the map from Perm to Krasnovishersk is just under 300 km; You can also get there by car from:

  • Chusovoy;
  • Bereznikov;
  • Kungura;
  • Tchaikovsky;
  • Solikamsk;
  • Yekaterinburg (although you will have to travel 600 km).

There is a constant transport connection between Krasnovishersk and Solikamsk, Perm - there are regular buses.

Useful tips for tourists

  1. In small towns, museums and exhibitions are not always open every day. It is recommended that before visiting, you call the numbers listed on the websites to find out exactly when you can arrive. Often special excursions are organized for tourist groups.
  2. In the summer, there is a particularly romantic way to get to Krasnovishersk - along the river on a boat coming from Solikamsk. You can go by river to the pier of the Kama Shipping Company, from there it is only 2 km to the city.


The city's industry includes forestry and woodworking, as well as ferrous metallurgy. Until 2006, the main employer was Visherabumprom

a paper mill that went bankrupt and was closed.

An Uralalmaz

The mine produces high-quality diamonds near Krasnovishersk.


There is no direct train connection with the city; The nearest station is in Solikamsk. The city is served by Krasnovishersk Airport, which is currently inactive.


Alena, village Zolotanka

We went on an excursion to Krasnovishersk. Liked! It’s probably better to choose a tour with a bus escort, because you get tired of running around the sights, even though it’s a pleasant tiredness.

Igor, village Mutiha

We got there on our own. The town is small and not particularly interesting for tourists, but it’s even better - there are fewer people. The main square was found based on the description of the fountain, a very impressive sculptural group.

Anna, Gagarin

It’s difficult to live in Krasnovishersk, it seems to me that it’s a small town, there’s very little work. But what nature! People come here from all over the region.

Picturesque surroundings

All the most famous attractions for which people go to Krasnovishersk are located outside the city. This is a uniquely beautiful place with dense taiga, rutty rivers, steep cliffs and picturesque mountains. Almost untouched by civilization nature with the cleanest air and clear water. In recent years, more and more ecotourism enthusiasts have been visiting Krasnovishersk. The Perm region, whose views are always posted on the Internet by both amateur and professional photographers, captivates at first sight.

The Vishera River is very beautiful in itself. In addition, along its 415 km of flow, stunning landscapes of pristine nature open up. People call it the Diamond River, because a deposit of the hardest mineral was mined next to it. And in the river itself you can find precious crystals. Rafting on this river can take up to a week and is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Rafting starts from Krasnovishersk, and you can swim to the reserve located upstream.

Rock Vetlan is located 3 km from Krasnovishersk on the left bank of the river. You can also get there on foot. Not long ago, for the convenience of tourists, a wooden staircase was built from the bottom to the top. From the cliff there is a stunning view of the surrounding area, the town, the Vishera riverbed with a chain of islands created by the hands of prisoners. These islands were needed for the convenience of rafting timber down a stormy river.

The Maly Vetlan stone is slightly smaller in size and is located slightly north of Vetlan. From here you can also admire the surrounding beauty. This stone is also known for its huge grotto.

Polyudov Stone is the westernmost Ural peak. Its height is 517 m. The mountain is densely overgrown with forest, but the rocky peaks attract extreme sports enthusiasts.

There is a road leading to the top where you can drive an SUV. But the northern slope is sheer and steep - a paradise for mountaineering lovers. To get to the Polyudov Stone from Krasnovishersk, you need to cross the Vishera to the village of Bahari.

On the top of the stone you can find the footprint of the epic hero Polyud.

The Vishera Nature Reserve occupies 1.5% of the territory of the Perm Territory. The territory is huge. During the season, from April to October, entrance to the reserve is open with special passes. But the path to get there is long and quite difficult. You can fly here by helicopter or drive an all-terrain vehicle along the highway from the city of Krasnovishersk (Perm Territory) to the village of Vaya, and then across the river by boat directly to the gates of the reserve. Now many tour operators organize excursions to the reserve, and if you wish, you can go there with a group of tourists.

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