Chernushka is a small town with its own history, traditions and beliefs

On the first Sunday of December, Perm Region Day is celebrated.
I had the opportunity to visit this region in June 2022 thanks to the invitation of the Local History Museum of the city of Chernushki. And in this essay we will talk about the most interesting places and well-known sights of this amazing city in the south of the Perm region.

Instead of an introduction

Before starting the story about the city, I want to make a small clarification.

I went to Chernushka with Valery Vladimirovich Varov , a resident of the city of Sukhoi Log, Sverdlovsk region. The local history museum invited us to commemorative events that were held in Chernushka on June 22, 2022, which marked the 80th anniversary of the start of the Great Patriotic War. One of the events was a meeting with relatives of participants of the 10th Ural Volunteer Tank Corps. The same one in which Valery Vladimirovich’s father fought.

Valery Vladimirovich himself was born in Chernushka and spent his childhood and youth there. That’s why I invited him to be a co-author and offered to write a joint travel essay about his hometown.

From the text you will see that Valery Vladimirovich has more memories of the old Chernushka, and I have more impressions of the modern city. In my opinion, we have a wonderful symbiosis of the past with the present.

Click on the photos and they will open in larger format

  1. Pages of history
  2. Victory Square and Walk of Fame
  3. Neftchinikov Square
  4. City parks and squares
  5. Orthodox churches
  6. Touches to the portrait of the city
  7. Questions for old-timers

Pages of history

Valery: In 2022, I had the opportunity to visit Chernushka twice, in summer and autumn. The tires rolled on the asphalt for several hundred kilometers. Left behind is “Amenkai Mountain” - this is its name, associated with a village located nearby, if my memory serves me correctly.

Here is the long-awaited Chernushka. My hometown, where I spent my childhood and youth, where I received my first work book, where I left to serve in the Soviet Army and where I returned from the army. The photo turned out to match the title - a little dark because the weather coincided.

The name of the city is not accidental, but is associated with a small river, the water of which was blackish in color. My father told me about this, who knew a lot about the first settlers of Chernushka. As children, we specifically ran to the mouth of this river, which flows into the Strezh River, to make sure that the water was “blackish.”

Tatyana: I read about this natural phenomenon. Dense sedge always grew along the banks of Chernushka. The forest located around did not allow light to pass through, which is why the water seemed almost black.

Tatyana: The first mentions of Chernushka date back to the 40s of the 19th century. It started with four courtyards, then their number gradually increased. While in the city, we went to Uritsky Street, which was one of the first in Chernushka.

Valery: Our family, that is, my ancestors, were among the very first 20 residents who founded a settlement on the banks of the Strezh River in the 19th century. Old Chernushka is a place behind the railway in the southern part of the city. This name was still relevant in my youth.

Here is our house on Uritsky Street . To complete the topic, I’ll tell you a little about the city what I know from my parents. The house on this site is already the third in a row, if we consider the issue from the mid-19th century. It was built during my early childhood. It turns out that a hundred years ago before my birth, my ancestors built the first house on this estate.

Valery: According to the stories of my parents, and my grandfather, accordingly, told my father, the street was built up on one side, with vegetable gardens towards the Strezh River. Currently, this place remains between two alleys. The first lane leads to the oxbow, and the second to the former mill.

The first settlers were pious people, like all people at that time, so a small church was built just opposite the house. I don’t know when it was demolished and for what reasons, but there was a rumor in the house that church ministers from the village of Taush contributed to this. I can assume that the number of parishioners there has probably decreased.

Tatyana: In 1913, a railway began to be built through Chernushka, which connected two large cities, Kazan and Yekaterinburg. The city began to grow and develop rapidly. During the Great Patriotic War, an aircraft repair workshop was moved here, but we will talk about this a little later.

Since 1958, large-scale oil production began in the Chernushinsky region. Several oil production and oil refining complexes were built. Now these oil pumps - “rocking chairs” - are installed on the surrounding highways.

Valery: A “pumping chair” is a mechanism that is mounted at the site of a drilled well and then pumps oil into the pipeline. Similar installations can be found in these places quite often. Oil fields spread over tens of kilometers in neighboring areas.

Tatyana : Oil production is reflected on the coat of arms of Chernushka in the form of a wavy black stripe. In general, it is worth noting that the city had several coats of arms. In this photo, on the left is the penultimate coat of arms, which formed the basis of the Chernushka flag, and on the right is the coat of arms that is currently in force.

Tatyana: It’s very interesting to look at the symbolism of the images on the coats of arms.

Symbolism of the flag and coat of arms of Chernushka

Coat of arms on the left . An open gate has a double meaning. On the one hand, they personify the hospitality of the Chernusha people; on the other hand, they emphasize that Chernushka is the southern gate of the Kama region.

Coat of arms on the right. And here the location of the city in the south of the Perm region is already reflected through the sun on an azure background.

The symbolism of the colors of both coats of arms can be found in the Heraldicum.


After this essay was published, a resident of Chernushka, Alexander Lunegov, explained in a commentary the information about the city’s coats of arms.

“...You have two outdated coats of arms in the photo: the coat of arms of the Chernushinsky urban settlement (the symbol of the urban settlement is a stone crown with three teeth above the shield of the coat of arms) and the coat of arms of the Chernushinsky municipal district (a metal crown with five teeth - the symbol of the municipal district).

Since 2022, these two administrative units have been merged into one - Chernushinsky urban district. In September 2022, the district council adopted a “new” coat of arms, which looks like the old coat of arms of the district, but with a stone five-pointed crown (the symbol of the city district). This coat of arms was approved in the State Heraldic Register and in the regional heraldic commission only in 2022, so they have not yet had time to change it everywhere...

...Usually such changes occur in Chernushka closer to the mass celebrations of the city’s day, which take place on Oilman’s Day (1st Sunday in September), although February 7th is officially considered the city’s birthday.”

Alexander, thank you very much for the clarification. The photographs were taken in June 2022, the essay was published in December. We saw the current coat of arms that you described both in the Heraldicum and in Wikipedia when we wrote the article. However, we did not know all the subtleties and were a little confused, since we did not come across an image of the new coat of arms in Chernushka itself.

A small lyrical digression

In connection with this situation, I remembered the famous poem by Samuil Marshak “The Lady Checked in Luggage.” Remember that she checked in a small dog as luggage, “however, the dog could have grown up during the journey”? So it is here: life does not stand still. It turns out that the city's coat of arms has changed.

Tatyana: Now let's take a walk around Chernushka and get acquainted with its main attractions.

Chernushka (Perm region) - travel and more

There is no more autistic act than one day in February, when the snow steals everything that somehow diversifies the surrounding landscape, to suddenly send everyone to hell and go to one of the provinces scattered in our country and outwardly indistinguishable from one another. another.
Chernushka (Perm region) is an excellent place for exile. Here you can write a lot and productively about melancholy and pain. If Polozkova had been here for a few months, she would probably have written for the rest of her life; if Zoshchenko had been brought here, he would not have written another line.

Sberbank. I was pleased that for some reason it doesn’t work on Thursdays, and in general the work schedule is a la “after the rain on even Tuesday until lunch.”

The work schedule at the toilet at the bus station is similar. Well, why does this granny need three breaks of half an hour? Tired transit bus passengers are forced to piss directly on the bus station building. It's little things like this that tell more about a country/mentality than anything else.

In the city it is impossible to get rid of the symbolism of the local RaiPO (district consumer society). They seem to have taken over all the key retail outlets in the city.

And they zombify the population.

And for a long time.

There is a house in Chernushka, which, despite all its dilapidation, does not upset Leonid Arkadyevich.

Telegraph poles have platforms for more or less comfortable work for electricians.

House numbers are written in huge black numbers.

The stops in Chernushka are special. They are made for anything but waiting for transport. They are located nowhere near the road, littered with snowdrifts, and the outer wall relative to the movement reliably blocks the view of the passenger who decides to sit on the bench. But it’s convenient and cozy to drink cheap beer in them, which is what most of the Chernushino youth, I suspect, do.

A traffic sign on a roundabout that can be sold at a contemporary art exhibition.

Maintenance of Chernushinsky yards in the picture looks like this:

But in reality it’s like this:

One of the central streets is equipped with a small information stand. Since there are only 2-3 streets in Chernushki that you can walk along, I suspect that every mother with a stroller knows by heart what is written there.

For example, about the fact that hedgehogs are dying out in the middle Urals

Ufa! Fuck them!

(for those who are not in the know: in Ufa there is a huge shopping center “Semya”, with the same color scheme, font, logo, and, after all, the name.)

For the entertainment of citizens, the area in front of the administration, where the Christmas tree is, is equipped with a pair of trampolines. Funny.

The pharmacy, which laid tiles in the summer because everyone does it, covered the stairs with boards for the winter.

And so it’s normal there, well, the city lives.

The barmaid in the dining room watches curling with interest

At the bus station, the battery runs along the stairs; it’s nice to grab onto it when going down in cold February.

This is how we will remember Chernushka.

Victory Square and Walk of Fame

Valery: Victory Square is located in the city center, near the ring on Kommunisticheskaya Street. Here, a few steps from residential areas, there is a monument to a soldier of the past war. The Eternal Flame is lit at the base of the obelisk. Along the edges of the square there are busts of Chernushyn Heroes of the Soviet Union. The memorial to participants in the battles against fascism in the Great Patriotic War looks majestic and powerful.

Tatyana : 16 Chernushans fought as part of the 10th Guards Ural Volunteer Tank Corps. Twelve residents of Chernushka were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, two became full holders of the Order of Glory.

Valery : During the Great Patriotic War, over 15 thousand residents of the Chernushinsky district went to the front. A third of them did not return from the battlefields.

Valery : In a cozy park next to Victory Square, surrounded by trees, there is another memorial to soldiers. In the center of the site, the T-34 tank proudly raised the barrel of its 85-mm cannon on a pedestal. In front of him, as if on guard, stood the muzzles of 76-mm anti-tank guns

Valery: Looking at the tank and guns, I remember the Tank Field in Prokhorovka. This is a village in the Belgorod region, near which the famous Battle of Kursk, the largest tank battle of the Second World War, took place in July 1943.

Our trip to Prokhorovka

It is worth saying that our acquaintance took place thanks to Prokhorovka. We met there on April 9, 2022, at the pedestal with the T-34 tank number 213. Based on the results of the trip, we published two interviews on the project, timed to coincide with memorable dates.

  • “The soul is in awakening” (May 9, 2021) - about a trip to the Tank Field and the main attractions of this memorial complex
  • “Our land is riddled with war” (June 22, 2021) - on the importance of preserving historical memory

Valery: True, in Prokhorovka the guns are located slightly behind the tank standing on a pedestal. The peculiarity of such a “neighborhood” is not accidental, since it was part of a military ruse. The guns were installed to provide covering fire for our tanks entering the battle. Often the guns were camouflaged so that enemy tanks that broke through would come under direct fire.

Sometimes tanks were buried in caponiers (special depressions in the ground) up to the tower in places where there was a possible enemy breakthrough. Sometimes such measures brought very significant results during the battle.

Valery: Our fellow tankers fought in the Ural Volunteer Corps, which consisted of the Perm, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk brigades. The tank formation received from the enemy the name “Schwartz Messer”, which is translated from German as “Black Knife”. The bravery of our soldiers caused terror in the enemy camp.

At the sight of our tanks, panicky warnings were heard on the radios: “Akhtung, akhtung” (“Attention, attention”). Here are some examples of radio broadcasts. I learned about them from books written by participants in the battles: “Avoid encounters with the Russian wild division”, “Do not engage in battle, retreat.” And the enemy tried to evade or leave the battle.

As historians say, the fascists felt sorry for themselves. And our soldiers went to win, not sparing their own lives. Almost the entire Perm brigade was killed in difficult battles on the Ors River near the city of Bolkhov, southwest of Moscow. The units, reorganized after the losses, soon liberated the entire nearby territory and the city of Oryol from the enemy.

I recommend reading

If you want to know more about the battles I mentioned, I recommend reading the following books.

  • Vadim Ocheretin “I am yours, Motherland”
  • Mikhail Fomichev “The path began with the Urals”
  • Mikhail Fomichev “Fiery Miles”
  • Dmitry Shein “Rybalko leads the tanks”
  • Ilya Boyashov “Tank Man”

These books can be found in both paper and electronic formats. By the way, based on the novel “Tank Man”, Karen Shakhnazarov made the film “White Tiger”.

Valery: There were cases during the war when only one person remained behind the carriage of such a cannon, who fought to the end. In Victory Park on the Tank Field near Prokhorovka there is a monument to Lieutenant Mikhail Borisov, who alone destroyed several tanks. You can read about this in the essay “Prokhorovka: Russia’s third battlefield.”

Valery: Walk of Fame is adjacent to Victory . I look at the row of memorial plaques, and I understand that behind each name there was a person who, without hesitation, left to defend our Fatherland. Now it is known that our country was not just in danger, but facing the fact of destruction, as a state, as an ethnic group. After all, everyone who went to the front had plans for life, dreams about their future, most already had families.

In the spring of 2022, we had the opportunity to visit the diorama museum “Arc of Fire” in Belgorod. And the guide told about a rare case. The soldier was considered dead and a “funeral” was sent to his homeland twice. Surprisingly, the warrior remained alive despite all the deaths. After the end of the war, he saw his name on the lists of the dead on two memorial obelisks.

Valery : I look at the names and think: if only some of these heroes would rise from oblivion. With age, with pain in your heart and trembling in your soul, you understand the enormous work that was done by our older generations in the name of you and me, in the name of our lives. Eternal Memory and Glory to the Soldier of the past war!

Tatyana : Near Victory Square and the Walk of Fame there are several more monuments. On May 27, 2016, on the eve of Border Guard Day, a border pillar . Not far from it there is a stele in memory of the Chernushans , who took part in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Tatyana : The sculptural composition “For Combat Veterans” was opened quite recently, in July 2022.

Valery: As we see, the Chernusha people remember and honor their warriors with dignity.

Neftchinikov Square

Tatyana : A monument to an oil worker was erected on Oil Workers Square. In his right hand the man holds a helmet, and on his left hand sits a girl who releases a dove, a symbol of peace, from her hands. The sculptural composition was presented to Chernushka in 2016 for the 50th anniversary of the city. The monument is dedicated to everyone associated with the discovery and refining of oil in the Chernushinsky region.

In addition, the so-called “Golden Book of Honor” . Its pages provide information about the city and region.

Tatyana: For example, on these pages you can see the names of those who led Chernushka in different years.

Tatyana: It is logical that it is on Oil Workers Square that there is a memorial plaque in memory of Yuri Pavlovich Shisterov, who is considered the discoverer of Chernushino oil.

After the Tanypskoye and Pavlovskoye fields were discovered, the main oil exploration base moved to Chernushka. It was on the initiative of Yuri Pavlovich that new industrial buildings and residential buildings began to be built here. In 1966, Chernushka was given city status. Now just over 33 thousand people live here.

Tatyana: Neftchinikov Square is very beautifully decorated.

Tatyana: Across the road the name of the city is written in huge letters. Please note: instead of the letter N there is a stylized Chernushka flag .

Tatyana: During a couple of hours of walking around Chernushka, we managed to visit several parks in the city.


(Perm region)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1966 City of regional subordination
Chernushinsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
150 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Chernushka

Seventh Heaven Park

Tatyana: Thanks to the assistance of the famous Soviet pilot, three times Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin, on August 15, 1982, a MIG-17 aircraft was installed on a pedestal in Chernushka. The fact is that the history of the city is closely connected with military aviation.

Valery: Who dreamed of being a pilot? I had such a dream, so when I see winged cars, pleasant vibrations still arise in my soul. During my school years, I read several books about military pilots. By the way, my hero, whom I wanted to “emulate,” was Alexey Maresyev. In 1971, I managed to take a photograph of him from the TV screen, and I carried this photograph in one of my textbooks.

Tatyana: You said that you got the name in honor of our famous pilot Valery Chkalov. So your interest in flying is quite understandable.

Tatyana: In November 1942, the 2nd school for pilots of initial training of the Navy Air Force opened in Chernushka. In one of the barracks on Lenin Street there was a workshop for repairing UT-2 aircraft. Many Chernusha aviators also fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Pilots Evgeny Frantsev, Sergey Krasnoperov and Stepan Ivanov were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Valery: Currently I like to rewatch the film “Only Old Men Go to Battle,” which contains episodes from the book “Baltic Sky.” I also remember the portrait of our fellow countryman, Hero of the Soviet Union Sergei Krasnoperov. This portrait was installed among other portraits along the path to the Pioneer House.

Tatyana: Very close to the MIG-17 is the “Artist’s Glade” . This is a landscaped park area in which students of the Children's Art School take classes.

Tatyana: A thoughtful owl perched on one of the trees. And on the stand there are photographs of the work of school students.

Naturally, not only young artists, but also other residents of Chernushka relax in this park.

Archive photos

1960-1970. Chernushka. District Committee - House of Pioneers. Source: 1980-1990. Chernushka. Neftchinikov Square, snowy town. Author: Dmitry Lepin

1969-1970. Chernushka. Neftyanikov Street, 10. Source: 1985. Chernushka railway station. Source: 1977-1978. Chernushka. Neftchinikov Square. DK, Shopping center. Source: 1980-1990. Chernushka. Shopping mall. Author: Dmitry Lepin

1970-1980. Chernushka. View from the street Lenin 101. Author: Newspaper “Mayak Priuralya”

1972. Cinema "Luch". Photo report from the regional photo exhibition. Source:

1980-1982. Chernushka. View from an airplane. Source:

Square of Peter and Fevronia

Tatyana: In 2014, not far from Victory Square, a park dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronier was laid out. Initially, only the monument was erected, and only then the surrounding area was developed.

Tatyana: The life of the faithful Peter and Fevronia is inextricably linked with the history of the city of Murom, which is located in the Vladimir region. On our project we have an essay about the sights of Murom.

Tatyana: A special area has been created in the park for wedding ceremonies . In my opinion, it is very beautiful and functional.

Tatyana: And this is the “Reconciliation Bench” for couples who have more than one year of family life behind them. Look how much kindness there is in these statements!

Tatyana: Two things struck me in my address to visitors to the park: don’t swear and don’t drive through a dry stream. The remaining points can be seen in other Russian parks, but so far I have only encountered these two in Chernushka.

Sights of Chernushka, Tchaikovsky district, Perm region

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Park by the city pond

Valery: Beautiful and thoughtful. It's nice to stand for a few minutes near the fence, looking at the algae that rises to the very surface. By the way, memories from my youth preserve the sight of this reservoir without a bridge and with clay banks, without grass and, especially, without trees.

There is even fish here, as the local fisherman, casting his fishing rod, assured that any body of water more than one meter deep can contain fish. Paths around the pond where you can walk. It turned out to be a cozy place to relax.

Tatyana: In the center of the bridge there is a “Tree of Life” with traditional locks from the newlyweds. Several years ago, Chernushka took part in the “Cultural Capital of the Perm Region” competition and the city won a grant for the construction of this art object.

Tatyana: In addition, Chernushka is a participant in the inter-district competition “Prikamskaya Shop”.

Tatyana: There is a whole alley near the pond, on which there are a dozen and a half different benches. Each of them is dedicated to one of the settlements of the Chernushinsky district. The names of the settlements are written on the benches and their symbols are depicted. For example, here is a bench called “Tausch” with a picture of bells. Do you see them on the back?

Tatiana: Chernushka is called the “city of five nations” because Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Chuvashs and Udmurts live here. Each nation has preserved its cultural characteristics. There are five stands near the pond. Each of them is dedicated to one of the peoples inhabiting Chernushka.

Tatyana: All stands are double-sided. One side contains information about a particular people inhabiting Chernushka, and the other side depicts national ornaments. You know, such multinationality is very impressive!

Tatyana: On the shore of the pond lies the “Stone Heart” . Chernusha residents consider it a powerful object of strength and a kind of amulet both for the city as a whole and for each family.

Medium-sized cities 20-100 thousand people


Population 95,191 people (2016).


Population 83,056 people (2016).


Population 66,311 people (2016).


Population 63,083 people (2016).


Population 53,964 people (2016).


Population 45,546 people (2016).


Population 33,194 people (2016).


Population 32,982 people (2016).


Population 31,007 people (2016). Until December 1, 2005, it was the administrative center of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug.


Population 22,261 people (2016).

There are other meanings of this name

Population 21,143 people (2016).


Population 20,645 people (2016).

Orthodox churches

In Chernushka we were able to see several Orthodox churches.

Tatyana : In this church I was struck by the unusual combination of civil and religious architecture. I saw something similar in Bobruisk. I still remember my amazement: the map indicates that this is the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, and in front of you stands a typical five-story dormitory.

Valery: This is the Andronikov Church , which is located in the former building of the Luch cinema. I immediately remember the war of 1812, when the French, wanting to desecrate our faith, turned Moscow churches into stables for their horses. To be honest, my thoughts ran wild when I saw this temple, but I will limit myself to a few words. Of course, faith is a deeply personal matter for everyone. In this regard, the words of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy come to mind, who tried to convey to people his understanding: faith is not in churches and not in gold, but in the soul.

Tatyana: This frame in honor of St. Alexy of Moscow was built for believers who live quite far from the center of Chernushka in the Zheleznodorozhny microdistrict. The official website of the Chernushinsky deanery states that previously, in the immediate vicinity of this place, there was the Archangel Michael Church, which was closed 80 years ago.

Valery: I apologize, Tatyana, that I did not immediately pay attention to this fact, because I did not know the name of the church, which was closed in 1940. The Church of the Archangel Michael was located on Uritsky Street, on a hill, opposite the houses of the first settlers. My grandmother and two aunts were among the parishioners.

In the years of my youth, this area remained a wasteland overgrown with nettles. No one dared to break the rules and touch the holy place. Soon the land was plowed up and potatoes began to be planted. In the late 1970s, two residential buildings were built there. Here is a link to an article about the former location of the temple. By the way, the publication is on the same website of the Chernushinsky deanery.

Tatyana: Valery Vladimirovich, very valuable clarification, thank you. It turns out that on one electronic resource - note that this is the official website! — materials with facts that contradict each other are posted.

Tatiana: Church of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky , the largest of the currently operating churches in Chernushka. It was consecrated in 2014 and is located in the city center next to Victory Square. In one of the reviews about the temple, I came across a rhetorical question: is the Spirit of God preserved in such remodels?

Valery : A worthy temple for worship, worship and other Christian rituals. By the way, I was baptized in a village church in the vicinity of Chernushka, and then they carried me home in their arms for seven kilometers, alternately passing from hand to hand.

Chernushka also has its own mosque, but, unfortunately, we didn’t get to it.

Useful tips for tourists

When preparing for your trip, pay attention to several factors:

  1. The climate in the city is temperate continental. This is a long, cold winter and a warm but short summer. The average temperature in July is 19.8 degrees, in January - -17.6 degrees. The amount of precipitation is low.
  2. You can get around Chernushka by buses or minibuses.
  3. Tourists say that Chernushka is worth setting aside at least half a day for a walk. The town is small, but the number of objects allows you to spend more than a single hour here.

You can get to the city by rail from Yekaterinburg, Neftekamsk, Izhevsk, Yanaul. There is also a bus station where flights from Perm, Kungur, Neftekamsk, Ufa, Orenburg, and Yekaterinburg arrive.

Other city attractions

Valery: There is a bust of V.M. Azin in the area of ​​the bus station . In the person of this commander, the memory of the participants of the Civil War is expressed. As historians have now figured out, in this war, pro-Western “friends” skillfully “pushed their heads” against each other so that “son went against father, and brother against brother,” and enough blood was shed over several years of clashes. In my opinion, the bust of the commander is a good reminder to young people that they should think carefully and ask themselves the question: is it worth getting involved in the fratricidal battles that are being imposed on us?

Valery: Driving out of the city towards “Permdorstroy” along Lenin Street, you cannot help but notice a pedestal with a historical car. It is located near the driving school building in the area of ​​the Metelitsa ski base. On the memorial plaque there is the inscription: “To the warrior-drivers, the car-fighter 1941-1945.” On the left side of the body is “Happy Victory Day.”

On the left side of the pedestal there is another memorial plaque screwed with the explanation: “1941-1945. GAZ-AA car with collective farm driver M.E. Gorozhaninov traveled the battle route from Moscow to Berlin. He returned to the collective farm “13 Years of October”. This collective farm was located in the village of Tanypskie Klyuchi not far from Chernushka, if you drive south to the area of ​​​​the village of Taush.

Valery: For me, this pedestal is especially proud, since I graduated from the Chernushinsky driving school in 1975. At that time, our teacher was Grigory Mardanych, who, by the way, founded a driving school near the UTT NGDU Chernushkaneft. Moreover, he taught car mechanics classes for us at school No. 1 when I was in the 9th and 10th grades. These are such amazing coincidences!

Having received a driver's license in Chernushka, I drove several tens of thousands of kilometers around the country. He served in Mongolia as a military driver. Been on the roads of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. We managed to visit Moscow, Tomsk, Nizhny Tagil, Chelyabinsk, Ufa and other cities by car. Thank you, driving school!

Valery: We were in Chernushka at the invitation of the Museum of Local Lore, created by V.G. Khlopin. When I studied at school No. 4, from 4th to 8th grade, Vyacheslav Grigorievich taught me geography. Subsequently, he became the organizer of the creation of the city museum of military glory at school No. 80 in 1972-73.

The collected materials underwent several moves from one building to another. Some of the museum exhibits were lost after an emergency in the building on the street. Oktyabrskaya (it’s not far from the stadium, opposite the former Luch cinema). The remaining exhibits were placed in a newly built building in the “oil workers” area on the street. 48th Infantry Brigade. Currently this is the building of the Museum of Local Lore named after. Khlopin. Our fellow countrymen began their everyday combat life as part of the 48th Infantry Brigade. The street on which the museum is located now bears her name. Amazing coincidences!

Tatyana: The museum has several thematic exhibitions, and also has rotating exhibitions. Be sure to check out his official website, there’s a lot of interesting stuff there!

Tatyana: It was interesting to look at the art object “Oil Formula” . From the outside it looks like 12 single chairs, which are arranged in a chaotic manner. But if you look at these drop chairs from above, you can see that they represent the graphical formula of benzene, a hydrocarbon found in crude oil. We were at the monument before dark. However, in the photographs I saw how beautiful the “chairs” look when illuminated in the evening.

Tatyana: Next to the house where we stayed in Chernushka, there is a Polytechnic College. an oil “pumping station” was installed on its territory .

Valery: Probably, many people, looking at this installation in work, have a question: to whom does SHE bow tirelessly and majestically? So big, steely, but bowing. I also had a question: what kind of process happens when it works? After all, some such installations stand motionless.

There was a time when I had the opportunity to work at the Chernushkaneft Oil and Gas Production Company. But then, apart from the knowledge that it was a “pumping station” and that it was pumping oil from the depths of the earth, nothing was needed. Now I have expanded my knowledge, or rather, deepened it.

With the visible device, more or less, everything is clear. But the hidden system below ground level turns out to be quite simple, although it is made in an expensive version, in the sense of metal pipes and rods. Now, I hope, it has become clear that a steel pipe goes to the oil “lake” located deep in the ground. A rod is lowered inside this pipe, which moves a simple plunger pump with two valves. Oil rises through a pipe to the surface and is distilled to a certain location.

It remains to be seen who came up with such a scheme. By the way, contemporaries have already invented a more economical method, but everyone can find out about this for themselves. I, finding myself next to an oil pump, now want to bow to HER in return, since our well-being very much depends on natural resources.

Tatyana : In the very center of Chernushka, not far from the city administration building, there is a children's playground "Neftegrad" . This is a gift from one of the territories where oil production is carried out.

A whole interactive complex has been installed on the site. It presents various thematic modules, such as “Oil Refinery”, “Fuel Truck” and others. Thanks to these modules, you can get acquainted - as they say, while playing! — with all stages of an oil company’s work from geological exploration and oil production to its refining and marketing.

Perm is the regional capital

The largest city in the Perm region is home to people of dozens of nationalities. According to many Perm residents, public transport has become one of the main problems of the city. Many large companies are private, so they may not provide travel benefits. Of course, an exception is made for students, schoolchildren and the elderly. The lack of a metro makes the situation worse; people often suffer crushes. The lack of budgets does not allow the situation to be resolved.

Perm is a large city in terms of area; only million-plus cities can boast of a larger size. In this regard, the lack of an established infrastructure, the improvement of which will require huge amounts of money, is added to the list of its problems. The Dzerzhinsky district is considered one of the most favorable in terms of infrastructure. There are quite a lot of municipal schools, kindergartens, and a large university here. The Kirovsky district offers children's clinics and a hospital for adults. There are also several sports schools here. In the Motovilikha district there are hospitals, clinics, preschool institutions, colleges and schools. Perm trams have become significantly more convenient, with seats for the disabled. The city's road network has a well-thought-out layout. Public transport moves easily through its territory, but there is a lack of interchanges, especially highways, that could connect the suburbs. An increase in the number of cars leads to an increase in traffic intensity. There are many jobs offered to Perm residents. There is a large branch, industrial enterprises, a machine-building plant, a metallurgy plant, and a printing factory. Even people from the scientific field can find here relevant organizations engaged in the study and development of technologies in the field of mining. The large number of universities resulted in a high percentage of educated citizens among the local population.

Touches to the portrait of the city

Tatyana: I read an interesting phrase in one of the articles about the city’s attractions. Its meaning was that, judging by the monuments, Chernushka is a city of oil and love . I would also add that this is a city of memory, which clearly appears in various places in Chernushka. Here they are proud of both those who lived half a century ago and their contemporaries.

Information stands are dedicated to wartime heroes We saw them on Yubileinaya Street when we were in Chernushka in June 2022.

Tatyana: Directly opposite the Administration building there is a square that bears the name of Viktor Nikolaevich Kopylov . He headed the Chernushinsky district for almost a quarter of a century, from 1968 to 1990, and made a significant contribution to the environmental education of the younger generation.

Tatiana: On this same square you can see the so-called street art, rock paintings of modern times. The history of the city can be clearly read from the drawings: the Administration building, a stand with the name of the city at the entrance to Chernushka (a photo depicting this stand is at the very beginning of the essay), nine-story buildings, Old Chernushka, the Neftyanik Palace of Culture.

Tatyana: Do you recognize? Monument to the fighter car. Sulmash is one of the first settlements in these parts. A cannon in front of a T-34 tank on Victory Square. The history of your hometown appears in full view.

Tatyana: On the ring near Victory Square there was a banner with a portrait of the athlete Evgenia Kalashnikova , our contemporary. In my opinion, this is a very correct decision: citizens should know their current heroes by sight.

Tatyana: In September 2022, the city celebrated its 55th anniversary.

Valery and Tatyana: We would like to thank everyone with whom we had the opportunity to meet and communicate during our stay in Chernushka.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

  • Shestakov Mikhail Vladimirovich , head of the Administration of the Chernushinsky urban district - for the warm welcome we received at the city Administration and the rally on Victory Square
  • Omelina Elena Egorovna, Deputy Head of the Administration of the Chernushinsky City District for Social Issues - for assistance in resolving organizational issues related to the official meeting
  • Trubitsyna Faina Nikolaevna, employee of the city Administration - for hospitality and loyalty to the ideals of the Land of Soviets
  • Komysheva Tatyana Anatolyevna, director of the Chernushinsky Museum of Local Lore - for organizing a meeting at the museum, a city tour, a trip to Nikolaevskoye and help with housing during our stay in Chernushka
  • Ganieva Elmira Faritovna, methodologist of the Chernushinsky Museum of Local Lore - for serious preparatory work, fruitful correspondence and a wonderful speech at a meeting in the museum
  • Bulyshev Vyacheslav Alekseevich , local historian, author of several dozen books about Chernushka - for popularizing knowledge on the history of Chernushka and the Chernushinsky district
  • Evdokimova Lyudmila Nikolaevna - for her indifference to the history of her native land, a video about Vladimir Vasilyevich Varov and help in organizing a meeting at the museum

Valery: I would like to thank my classmates who came to the meeting at the Museum of Local Lore on June 22, 2022. You and I are already over sixty, our hometown is 55 years old. Indescribable feelings!

Tatyana: Why go to St. Petersburg if the city has its own Summer Garden?

Tatyana: I remember Chernushka as a clean and cozy city. Even ordinary petunias in flower beds are pleasing to the eye.

Tatyana: And I was simply fascinated by the lanterns.

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