Salavat: an industrial city with paintings on the walls - exploring the sights

Salavat is small in area, but at the same time one of the largest industrial cities in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which is located on the left bank of the Belaya River.
From Salavat to the capital of the republic, the city of Ufa, is approximately 150 kilometers. The city-forming enterprise in Salavat is Gazprom neftekhim Salavat, which is also the main source of deterioration of the environmental situation around.

The situation with emissions from the plant was partially resolved through the installation of modern filters.

Where to go

Our city of Salavat is small, its area is slightly more than 100 sq.m. But even we have places that are worth visiting for city guests. One day is enough to walk through them. But it is best to use public transport, a taxi or a personal car to move at a faster speed.

Stela Salavat Yulaev

Stele at the entrance to the city with the figure of the national hero Salavat Yulaev. It is located at the northern entrance. Designed by sculptor A.V. Semchenko.

Stele of Salavat Yulaev.

Museum of Local Lore

Walking along Pervomaiskaya Street (which was the first in the workers' village) you can reach the Museum of Local Lore. It was opened in 2009, but even over the years, historical exhibits have been collected. There are several exhibitions here - numismatic, archaeological, paleontological, ethnographic, and there is also a collection of books. Everyone will be able to find something interesting for themselves.

Palace of Culture of Neftekhimiki

Having reached the beginning of Pervomaiskaya Street we find ourselves on the square named after. Lenin. This is the main square of the city - the mayor’s office (administration) is located on it, the main festivals take place, and the main Christmas tree is installed. The Neftekhimik Palace of Culture is also located here, where concerts and performances by both local artists and state pop stars are often held. On the alley along Dzerzhinsky Street there is a stele to the First Builders. Opposite Neftekhimik there is a monument to V.I. Lenin, which is considered the main attraction for newlyweds who come to him to lay flowers.

Administration (mayor's office) and the Neftekhimik Palace of Culture.

Art Gallery

Not far from the square there is an art gallery, which displays paintings by local artists, as well as objects of art from different times.

Stele 40 years of the October Revolution

Moving straight along Lenin Street, you can walk along the alley, which was decorated in honor of the 100th anniversary of the autonomy of the Republic of Bashkortostan, as well as the stele in honor of the 40th anniversary of the October Revolution. On Victory Square there is the only October cinema in the city, which has been reconstructed into a more modern look.

Stele 40 years of the October Revolution.

Cinema October.

Memorial Eternal Flame

The Eternal Flame Memorial is definitely worth a visit. Several pieces of military equipment and a sculpture dedicated to internationalist soldiers are presented here. It is located on Salavat Yulaev Street, opposite the alley. Walking a little further you can see an open fountain - in hot weather it is always surrounded by children. Opposite is the Agidel Palace of Culture.

Monument to Internationalist Soldiers.

Park of Culture and Recreation

Those who like to walk should visit the parks. The main joy of Salavat residents is the Park of Culture and Recreation on Klyuchevaya Street. There is a fountain, a pond, plantings and paths between them. You can ride a bicycle or scooter along special paths. There are several playgrounds for visitors with children.

Fountain in the park of culture and recreation.

Thematic panels on the walls of houses

Along the streets of Oktyabrskaya, Lenin and Neftyanikov Avenue there are thematic panel paintings on the houses, which are distinguished by their symbolic execution. Also on some other streets in the old part of the city you can see more modern panels on houses.

Panel on the house.

Churches and mosque

For lovers of religious places, an Orthodox church was built in the city - the Holy Assumption Cathedral, the Cathedral Mosque, as well as two churches of Protestant denominations.

Holy Assumption Cathedral.

Cathedral Mosque.

Land of Yurmata

Outside the city, a memorial park was built, which is called the Land of Yurmaty. It is dedicated to 7 villages (Allaguvat, Maly Allaguvat, Irek, Karakul, Artel Kuch, Kyzyl Aul, Kozhak), on the territory of which the cities of Ishimbay and Salavat were built and their inhabitants participating in the Great Patriotic War.

City `s history

The city is quite small and compact, which allows travelers to take a break from the hustle and bustle of big cities. The history of the city begins with the laying of the first stone in its foundation of the Industrial Complex No. 18, which later turned into a huge oil production center, not far from the city of Ishimbaya in 1948.

A small barracks-type settlement was created for the builders, without a special name. They simply called it “New Building”. Gradually, the new building began to expand, survey work was carried out here, warehouses for equipment were built, bases for transport were built, a brick factory was erected, primarily in order to cover the needs of the construction that had begun.

A year later, the village got its own name; in honor of the Bashkir national hero it was named Salavat. After 10 years, the barracks were replaced by multi-story brick buildings, and in the 70s, the barracks were completely demolished and new residential buildings stood in their place. Today the city also continues to develop, new houses and cultural objects are being built, and production is developing.

The city united people of different nationalities. It is inhabited by Russians, Tatars, Bashkirs, and Ukrainians. Today the population of Salavat is about 150,000 people. The main population in Salavat speaks Bashkir, but most people speak both Bashkir and Russian equally well. All names of streets and shops are duplicated in two languages.

You can only get to the city by car from the capital of Bashkiria, Ufa, since there is neither an airport nor a railway station in the city of Salavat.

The first attraction of the city greets its guests at the very entrance. This is a monumental sculpture to Salavat Yulaev, the national hero of the republic.

You can enjoy the beauty of Bashkir nature in the central park of culture and recreation of Salavat. A well-groomed, clean and cozy park is conducive to walks and leisurely contemplation of nature.

The park is equipped with bicycle paths, sports complexes and playgrounds, and an artificial lake has been created where you can go boating. This is a great place for family leisure. A special feature of the park is a pond with crucian carp and crucian carp; at certain times of the year you can officially go fishing here.

The local history museum will tell tourists about the history of the settlement of this place, the development of the plant, outstanding workers, and the peculiarities of life of the first settlers and indigenous inhabitants of the area. The museum appeared relatively recently in 2009.

Now the museum displays more than 4,000 exhibits. Here you can see interior items of an authentic Bashkir dwelling - a yurt, collections of ancient coins, jewelry, books, archaeological and paleontological finds. The guides will tell you about the history of the ancient Bashkir tribe of Yurmaty.

Industrial facilities

Our city of Salavat is one of the industrial centers. Large production facilities are located here. Many business travelers and city guests come to visit them.

Gazprom neftekhim Salavat

Large oil refining chemical production. It is a city-forming enterprise. You can learn about its history in the Neftekhimik Palace of Culture. Thanks to this enterprise, the city was founded. It is constantly growing and organizing new workshops and factories, offering new jobs. There is a panel on the control wall that has a symbolic meaning - the unification of nations and professions.

Administrative building of the enterprise.


A large engineering production facility that produces equipment for the chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industries. They also produce various parts and repair equipment, produce metal structures, etc.

Central entrance of Salavatneftemash.

Salavatneftemash management.


The company produces technical glass. The main product is sheet glass. It is used as double-glazed windows, automobile glass, glass containers, etc. Near the main entrance there is a fountain and a seating area.

Central entrance Salavatsteklo.

Our city is small and you can walk through it in 1 day. But everyone can find something interesting for themselves. At the same time, the city is constantly developing and transforming, becoming more beautiful and unique.

Lyana Rudakova

Entertainment and attractions

Salavat is a very green city, although industrial. Take a walk through the parks and squares - there are four of them: quite a lot for a city with a population of 155 thousand people. Admire the ornate carved patterns of windows, grilles, mosaics on the houses - they have a national flavor that inexplicably coexists with the “Stalinist” and “Khrushchevite” appearance of the city. Take a photo next to the monument to the janitor and local Salavat Yulaev.

An asteroid from the main belt group is named after the city!

Art Gallery

The Salavat Art Museum is located on Lenin Square and opened to visitors in 1989. Here art lovers can get acquainted with the works of contemporary Bashkir artists. It’s better to do this with the help of a guide, otherwise going to a gallery will be like flipping through an album of reproductions: beautiful, but unclear.

Museum of Local Lore

The city acquired its own local history museum quite recently - in 2009. Although they first started talking about its creation back in the 60s of the last century, everything somehow did not work out until the 21st century. Now the museum's holdings contain more than 4 thousand exhibits: copper and silver coins of the 15th-18th centuries, women's jewelry made from coins, a collection of books - historical and early printed liturgical books, paleontological and archaeological finds. Here they will tell you about the ancient Bashkir tribe of Yurmaty.


Cathedral Mosque

Construction of the mosque in Salavat began in 1985, and work continued for 19 years. The construction was carried out with donations from citizens, city enterprises and even foreign companies. But today the Salavat Cathedral Mosque with one 50-meter minaret (tower) is the second largest in Bashkiria, after the Ufa Lyalya-Tulpan. Tourists should remember that mosques have two halls - men's and women's. Representatives of the fair sex are strictly prohibited from entering the men's quarters. You cannot appear in the mosque without a headscarf and with bare shoulders and knees. Mobile phones must be put on silent mode before visiting, but no one will forbid you to take photographs.

Church of St. Dmitry Donskoy

The cathedral is located next to the railway station and bus station, so you can get to it by any minibus. This is a modern building (the temple has been in operation since 2002), nevertheless, it is monumental. The cathedral is open until 7 pm daily.

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