Sights of Belgorod - what to see in 2-3 days in Belgorod, where to go on your own

Attractions With children What to see in the Belgorod region Tips and reviews from tourists Where to stay in Belgorod

Belgorod is a small city, a cultural, industrial and educational center of one of the regions in the southwest of Russia. It may be of interest not only to neighboring Kursk and Voronezh, but also to everyone who wants to discover a new page in the big book - Russia. The sights of Belgorod can be seen in one day, however, the region also hides many beautiful places for which a day is definitely not enough.

Not everything is clear about the founding date of Belgorod. The official year is 1596, but there are versions about the 10th century. Regardless, the fortress, and later the city, was often subject to raids by neighbors who wanted to get these lands. During the Great Patriotic War, Belgorod was occupied twice, and fierce battles took place nearby. Now its history is largely connected with this period. It was one of the first to be awarded the title of City of Military Glory.

Belgorod from the observation deck on Kharkov Mountain Photo: © miljkovic14

Modern Belgorod has more than once received the status of the most comfortable city in Russia. The city center is compact and pleasant and convenient to walk around. On the streets and boulevards there are many interesting details, architectural creations of recent years and a few architectural monuments that managed to survive the war. On the page of this advice about what exactly to see and where to go for a tourist in Belgorod in one day.

History of Belgorod.

There are discussions among historians about the exact time of the emergence of the city of Belgorod. Some believe that in ancient times there stood the Seversky settlement, founded in the 10th century by order of Prince Vladimir and which served to protect the borders of Rus' from nomadic peoples. Therefore, in 1995, the 1000th anniversary of the White City was solemnly celebrated. But most archaeological finds confirm another hypothesis, according to which Belgorod arose much later - in 1596, when the fortress was built. This means that the city is a little over 400 years old.

With the loss of its significance as a defensive structure, Belgorod turned into a county town. After a big fire occurred in the 18th century, it had to be rebuilt. St. Petersburg architect Alexey Kvasov brilliantly coped with the task, introducing into the appearance of the city features characteristic of the rectangular layout of the capital. Today Belgorod is a bright and spacious city, which gets its name from the color of the mountain on the slope of which it stands. Numerous buildings and houses built from almost white stone reinforce Belgorod's trueness to its name.

Victory Park

Belgorod is a city that was one of the first to receive the statuses “City of Military Glory” and “City of the First Fireworks”. In the name of victory over the German occupiers, in 1945, Victory Park was founded in the city center on the banks of the Vyazelka River, which quickly became a very popular place in the city. It was opened in 1989. On the main park alley stands the monument “Victory in the Patriotic War”. This is a tribute to the immortal feat of the Soviet people, unity and heroism. The sculpture consists of a figure of a girl soldier holding a battle flag in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. Two soldiers nearby: a very young one and an almost old one. This monument indicates that both old people and young people stood up to defend the Motherland.

In 2001, the Walk of Fame of the city of Belgorod was laid out in the park. Along it were installed 17 busts of famous people, 12 of which were Heroes of the Soviet Union. At the head there is a monument to Marshal G.K. Zhukov. In summer, the alley is decorated with white flowerpots and bright flower beds of petunias. The park has comfortable paths among shady trees. This is a great place for a walk. The main festive events are held here. Celebrations dedicated to Victory Day are especially grandiose. Colorful fireworks displays are held annually. In winter, an ice skating rink and slides for children are installed on the territory of Victory Park. On Maslenitsa, charity pancake evenings and mass celebrations are held.

Assumption-Nicholas Cathedral.

Almost all buildings and sights of Belgorod dating back to the early historical period of the city were destroyed during the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. Despite this, there are countless museums, temples, sculptures and places to relax in the city. The oldest monuments that Belgorod is proud of are its temples. Erected in 1703, the Assumption-Nicholas Cathedral was empty or used for other purposes for a long time after the 1917 revolution. After its return to the possession of the Orthodox Church in 1998, a large-scale restoration of this landmark of Belgorod began, which lasted seven years. Currently, the temple belongs to the Marfo-Mariinsky monastery.

Lenin Park

The Central Park of Culture and Recreation was opened in 1956. Hundreds of different trees and ornamental shrubs were planted here, a gorgeous “Round Dance” fountain was installed, and a children’s playground was installed. The main alley of the park is decorated with a plaster monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In 2001, a major reconstruction was carried out. Paving slabs were laid in the park, an electrical substation was erected, the most modern attractions at that time were equipped, and an electrical network was laid. An amusement park, a rope town, and a small petting zoo appeared here. After the walk, you can have a snack in one of the cafes located on the territory or grab food from stalls offering snacks and drinks.

Nowadays all kinds of city events, folk festivals and holidays are held here. Popular bands and bands often perform on the park's summer stage. This is a great place to spend leisure time for all age groups; everyone can find something to their liking.

Smolensky Cathedral.

The Smolensk Cathedral, erected in honor of the sign originating from the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1703, is an architectural and historical monument in the Moscow Baroque style, as well as one of the most interesting sights of Belgorod. The battles that raged here during the Great Patriotic War left many “scars” on the Smolensk Cathedral. In 1980, after restoration, an organ hall was opened in its premises. In 1991, the cathedral was handed over to believers, and from that moment on, services have been held there. The dominant place in the temple is occupied by “Hodegetria” - the icon of the Smolensk Mother of God.

Tips and reviews from tourists

Belgorod is visited for various reasons, and one of them is tourism. People come to get to know the city for one day, including it in a big tour along the western borders of Russia, or set aside several days for a detailed study. Belgorod can be liked or controversial, surprising or not meeting expectations - this is how you can describe the impressions of tourists who visit it.

The first images of Belgorod will help compile user reviews:

  • miljkovic14 in the story “Belgorod. May 2019";
  • Alexandra Goretova in the publication “Belgorod - a city of living museums and fascinating parks”;
  • Studio Spbtales in “Purely in Belgorod (travel to Belgorod)”;
  • as well as the photo album “Belogorye” from Evgeny Sapronov.

All tourist reviews about Belgorod on Tourist. RU

Hotel "Belgorod" Photo: © miljkovic14

May be useful:

  • background information from the guidebook;
  • tips on how to get to Belgorod from different cities of Russia;
  • advice on what to bring from Belgorod.

Cathedrals of Belgorod.

There are a lot of attractions in the city of Belgorod, among them a sufficient number of new cathedrals built in the last decade: the Church of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, the Archangel Gabriel, the Blessed Matrona of Moscow, the Great Martyr George the Victorious and the Temple of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia.

Fountain Patron

Fountains are, of course, an exquisite decoration of the city and an integral part of its landscape. One of the main city fountains is considered to be the “Patron”, installed on the square near the main building of Belgorod State University.

In 2005, this unique fountain was installed according to the design of A. Shishkov. The composition of the hydraulic structure is crowned with a sculpture of the Archangel Gabriel. It is quite natural that Archangel Gabriel was chosen as the spiritual benefactor and protector of the university. After all, it was he who taught the book, arithmetic and all the wisdom of Moses, told him about the creation of the world, about the flood, about the location of the celestial planets.

The four-meter figure of the holy messenger Gabriel, holding a ball in the palm of his outstretched hand, is washed by numerous streams of water, sparkling in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. The jets are illuminated, and the ball emits a glow even when the fountain is turned off. This hydraulic structure is very popular among those who want to take a photo against the backdrop of the fountain and have a great rest. Many consider the fountain one of the beautiful places in Belgorod for memorable selfies and relaxation.

Belgorod State Museum of History and Local Lore.

In any city there is a museum telling about the history of its origin and development. There is such a museum in Belgorod. It was founded in 1924. During the Nazi occupation, almost all funds were destroyed or taken away. After the end of the war, it resumed its work, and in 1964 it acquired the status of a museum of regional significance. Every year, the museum's exhibitions are viewed by more than 80,000 visitors.

With kids

Arriving in Belgorod with children, you won’t get bored. If you only have one day to explore the city, you will have to choose what is more interesting to visit now and what to leave for later. An excellent option would be a trip to DinoPark and the Belgorod Zoo. They won't disappoint and you can easily spend half a day exploring them.

“DinoPark” occupies a rather large territory and will certainly give a head start to those you have visited before. It was created jointly with a Czech company, whose dino parks are located in the Czech Republic, Spain and Slovakia. Eighty figures of dinosaurs of all kinds, static and moving, are organically integrated into the forest landscape. On the territory there is a museum, a cinema and two interactive areas where you can dig up lizard bones or independently control the movement of a tyrannosaurus. Please note that the park is open from April to the end of October, as exhibits cannot be open in winter.

Read more: "DinoPark" Belgorod

Dinosaurs of Dinopark Photo: © Olga Vinidiktova

The Belgorod Zoo has an even larger forest park area. Clean, beautiful, well-groomed - this is how visitors see it. The animals occupy spacious enclosures designed to resemble their habitat. The zoo is decorated with flower beds, paths, recreation and picnic areas. Much has been thought out for a walk with a child: you can rent transport, heat up food or visit a cafe, and purchase food for the friendliest animals.

Read more: Belgorod Zoo

Belgorod Zoo Photo: © Vladimir Lobachev | Wikimedia Commons CC BY-SA 4.0

In addition, among the family entertainment establishments in Belgorod there are quests (Exit, in100quest, CityQuest and others), trampoline, JUMP and others), and colorful children's playgrounds in shopping centers in the Rio shopping center. and “Grinnlandia” in the MegaGRINN shopping center. The children's city of professions "Masterslavl" will help keep your child busy, and the Museum of Medieval Military Affairs , where you can touch, try on everything, and also try your hand at archery.

Even more fun options for a good weekend in a separate article:

Where to go with a child in Belgorod

Belgorod State Literary Museum.

The Literary Museum, another attraction of the city of Belgorod, is quite young, it was opened in the spring of 1999, but it is already loved by guests and residents of the city. The exhibits on display are located in a house that belonged to the merchant Selivanov. The building, built in the 18th century, is itself an architectural monument. Visitors are introduced to the interior decoration of the merchant's house, as well as the life that existed in those days. In addition, the guides talk about the development of literature in the region, and also introduce letters, manuscripts and archives of Russian and modern writers. The Literary Museum often hosts literary readings and presentations of newly published books.

Fountain "Nika"

Every year Belgorod is growing, and with it the number of fountains is increasing, of which there are more than 15. They are all working. They all differ from each other in their design. One of them is the Nika fountain on Olympic Square. Nearby is a sports complex named after the famous Russian athlete Svetlana Khorkina. The figure of the ancient goddess Nike, towering in the center of the fountain, is very impressive. In her hands raised above her head she holds a laurel branch. And around the statue, murmuring streams of water rush upward.

This whole complex is harmoniously combined and symbolizes victory in sports. In hot weather, a fountain is valuable not only because it represents a significant element of the architectural composition, but also because it refreshes the air and gives life-saving coolness. This square with a fountain is a very beautiful place in Belgorod. It is popular not only among local residents, but also among numerous visitors to the city.

Belgorod State Art Museum.

The exhibition of the Belgorod Art Museum includes more than 4 thousand exhibits, represented by paintings, icons, graphics and sculptures. In addition, as a result of collaboration with other museums, temporary exhibitions are organized where you can see exhibitions of the Russian, Tula or Kharkov museums. In the salon, located on the first floor of the Art Museum, you can buy some modern work of art as a souvenir.

Museum Square

In the city center on the left bank of the Vezelka there is a beautiful museum square, surrounded on three sides by spectacular architectural sights and green spaces of Victory Park. It got its name due to the concentration of museums in one place. A large-scale diorama museum, an art gallery and a local history museum in an interesting building with decor in the form of balconies-towers.

The center of the square is decorated with a large mosaic fountain with multi-colored lighting in the evening, nicknamed “Salute” by local residents. There is a dance floor and a small stage where local musicians hold concerts on weekends and holidays. This square is also loved by photographers; there are many beautiful places for photo shoots in Belgorod. Flower beds, neat lawns, picturesque alleys among park trees - a piece of paradise in the center of a bustling metropolis.

State Museum of Folk Culture.

The museum of folk culture displays objects that belonged to representatives of the Scythian tribes, as well as the ancient Slavs and nomads who lived on these lands in the 8th-10th centuries. The exhibition dedicated to the history of the peasantry in Rus' is of great interest. It includes a collection of towels, traditional clothing, belts, carpets and other household items.


Address : intersection of Narodny Boulevard and st. 50th anniversary of the Belgorod region

A Belgorod sculptor created a gift from granite and bronze for Belgorod in honor of Liberation Day. Using this watch, you can determine the time with an accuracy of 10 minutes. One problem is the required sunny weather. But even at night, the clock functions as a small planetarium. The bright constellations of our hemisphere and the most famous astronomical bodies of the Milky Way light up on the dial.

There are cafes around the clock where tourists can relax and townspeople can meet. The height of the composition is about 11 meters. This building, strange at first glance, quickly gains attention. The sundial is the smile of Belgorod.

Monument to the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir - the Baptist of Rus'.

One of the symbols of Belgorod is the monument to Grand Duke Vladimir, towering on the top of the Kharkov Mountain. The monument to the Baptist of Rus' was unveiled on the eve of the celebration of the 2000th anniversary of this event. At the foot of the 22-meter sculpture there is an observation deck from which you can admire magnificent views of the city.

Monastery Forest

The Log tract is not only one of the most beautiful places in Belgorod, but is also associated with local belief. It says that the miraculous Korsun Icon of the Mother of God was found here near the holy spring. Once upon a time, Dmitry Donskoy’s wife, Efrosinya, brought her to Russian lands. For a long time the icon was considered lost, but at the end of the 17th century it was miraculously recovered.

If you believe the surviving records, children walked not far from this place and saw a pillar of fire from the water to the sky. Afterwards, a chapel was erected here, and even later - two churches. The Monastery Forest is a very beautiful place in Belgorod. Newlyweds from all over the region often come here for a wedding photo shoot.

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