Holidays with children on Lake Baikal: where and how best to relax with children

  • October 1, 2019
  • Directions
  • Victoria Litvinova

Lake Baikal is the pearl of Russia. It is considered one of the oldest bodies of water on the planet. Of course, the flora and fauna of Lake Baikal are unique. Every year hundreds of tourists from all over the world come to the lake. Holidays on Lake Baikal with children are very popular. This will be discussed in this article.


When planning a trip to this natural site, familiarize yourself with its features. The outline of Baikal resembles a crescent. The reservoir extends for 636 km from southwest to northeast. Moreover, it is located in a mountain range, that is, it is considered a mountain lake.

The impressive depth is 1637 km, much greater than Tanganyika and the Caspian Sea. The other largest lakes have a depth of about 600 meters. Scientists believe that Baikal could accommodate several seas.

The climate here is unique: just like in the oceans, storms rage here or there is complete calm, cold winds blow or the sun scorches. The coastline extends for 2100 km. In total, there are 27 islands in the reservoir, including Olkhon.

Local cuisine on Lake Baikal

The main local dishes are gifts from the lake and forest, wild game meat and fish. As in most areas with a harsh climate, the food here is simple but filling. When coming to Baikal, you should definitely try the following dishes.

  • Omul. It is served here in all forms: salted, smoked, fried. It has very tender, tasty meat.
  • Split from omul. The fish is left overnight in severe frost so that it freezes through. Then they beat it on ice until the skin and bones peel off from the meat. The fish is cut into pieces, placed on a plate, salted and sprinkled with black pepper. The dish is ready.
  • Poses. A Buryat dish, steamed, stuffed with minced lamb, beef or pork, resembling manti in appearance and taste.

Traditional dish on Lake Baikal – “Omul splitting”

In addition to the famous omul, be sure to try grayling and stroganina. Pastries, desserts made from wild berries or pies with sauces containing local herbs and pine nuts will be a worthy end to the meal.

Water and ice

The volume of water is 23,615.39 km3. Baikal is the leader in fresh water reserves. It is transparent, so you can easily see what is happening at a depth of 35-40 m. The almost complete absence of impurities and minerals makes the lake one of the cleanest in the world. You can drink from a reservoir without using a boiler or other technical means.

True, due to the influx of tourists in some places it is forbidden to drink water, because people leave behind dirt. It is better to ask local residents where it is safest to do this. In spring, the water turns blue, which is why you can even see the pebbles at the bottom!

Freeze-up on the lake lasts from January to May. Only a small area at the source of the Angara does not freeze. The thickness of the cover reaches 1 or even 2 meters. Due to Siberian frosts, cracks form on the ice, the length of which is 10-30 km. It is thanks to them that the fish living in the reservoir do not die from lack of oxygen.

Baikal is a unique natural object: flora and fauna on Lake Baikal

Baikal (other names: Holy Sea, Sacred Lake, Holy Lake) is located in the south of Eastern Siberia. This is the deepest freshwater lake in the world and the largest in area in Asia of tectonic origin. Located in the mountains at an altitude of 456 m. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its uniquely clean, clear water. The lake is home to the Baikal epishura, a planktonic crustacean measuring 1.5 mm. The crustacean eats the bulk of the algae, passing water through itself and ensuring the cleanliness of the reservoir.


Baikal contains 19% of the world's lake water reserves. The maximum depth of the reservoir is 1642 m.

Baikal is the oldest lake, its age is 25-35 million years. The unique ecosystem attracts tourists with a variety of landscapes: beautiful sandy beaches, stone cliffs with caves and grottoes, alpine meadows and harsh mountain peaks. Flora and fauna were formed over centuries in a fairly closed space framed by mountain ranges. More than 1,800 species live in Baikal, 2/3 of which are endemic. Among them are the Baikal seal, omul, and the viviparous fish golomyanka.

Transparent water of Baikal

In the Baikal region you can meet the Barguzin sable, Siberian mountain goat, and demoiselle crane. The flora is no less diverse. Several species of rhododendron live here. The main wealth is the Siberian cedar, which lives up to 500 years; local residents called it the “breadfruit tree of Siberia” because it produces abundant harvests of nutritious and healthy nuts.

When to go?

Holidays with children on Lake Baikal will be interesting and full of events at any time of the year, so it is impossible to give an exact answer to this question. However, according to reviews, different attractions and activities are available depending on the season.

Thus, tourists note that the hottest months are July and August. The time for winter sports falls on December-March, because at this time the ice has not yet begun to melt. In summer you can visit almost all interesting places, as well as enjoy camping and river rafting.

In autumn, people who are interested in photography come here. Calm and sunny weather makes this period ideal for a holiday on Lake Baikal with children. According to reviews, the nature here is very beautiful in the autumn months.

If you wish, you can come here for Christmas and New Year holidays. You will get a boost of energy for the whole year by spending a few days in this picturesque place, watching hundreds of stars, a bizarre pattern of ice cracks and beautiful nature.

What to consider when traveling to Baikal with a child

A trip to Baikal is different from a holiday on the seashore, where you can lie on the beach all day long. Baikal tours - active tourism, constant movement, visiting various places. You need to realistically assess your capabilities.

  1. If the child is small, it is better to choose ship cruises as the least complicated.
  2. Take repellent with you.
  3. Camping first aid kit - antipyretic drugs, bandages, plasters, hydrogen peroxide.
  4. You need to take several changes of hiking clothes with you - jeans, windbreakers, sneakers.

What to visit?

Where to relax with children on Lake Baikal in the summer or at any other time of the year? You can visit a wide variety of attractions that will definitely appeal to young travelers.

The Siberian Sea, as it is also called, was included in the UNESCO list in 1996. This, of course, was influenced by the unique nature of the region, which requires careful treatment. However, this is not the only reason. The fact is that there are historical sights, architectural monuments, as well as unique natural objects here.

The most interesting sights of Lake Baikal

There are many cultural, natural and mystical attractions on Lake Baikal, visiting which gives you the opportunity to recharge your batteries, broaden your horizons, and enrich yourself spiritually. While on the Sacred Lake, be sure to visit the most interesting places.

  • Olkhon Island. It is also called the “heart of Baikal”. Here are unique marble rocks covered with red moss. Cape Khoboy is not only very beautiful, it is considered a mystical place, where you can see representatives of various religious cults meditating. Cape Burkhan (Shamanka Rock) is another significant shrine of the Buryats. There is a through cave in the rock. According to legend, Baikal itself lives in it.
  • The Stupa of Enlightenment is located on an island in the center of the Small Sea. Another name is Buddhist Suburg. It is believed that this is the place where 4 elements converge. If you walk around the shrine 3 times, your wish will definitely come true.
  • Barguzin Valley. Shrouded in traditions and legends. It contains a unique natural monument, the Inisky Garden of Rocks, the central object of which is the local shrine of the Bull-Kamen. In the valley you can drink water from a mineral spring.

Rock “Shamanka”, Baikal

Studying the culture and nature of Baikal helps to better understand the philosophy, customs and traditions of the local population, learn the history of our controversial multifaceted country and, through the knowledge gained, rise to a new stage of development ourselves.


It is from this village that you should start your journey to Lake Baikal. A holiday with children should definitely include a visit. According to reviews, you can get to this place from Irkutsk in just 40 minutes. The coastal area here is very clean. Listvyanka is located in an area with the freshest air and picturesque landscapes. Anyone can find entertainment here: with children you can go to a museum, look at the stars through a telescope, or, for example, make a wish. They do this in a specially designated place - at the Shaman Stone.

However, you need to remember that services in Listvyanka hotels are quite expensive. However, the level of work of the staff here is at the highest level. If you wish, you can rent a room or an entire house.

During the winter season, the largest ice skating rink in the world operates in Listvyanka, which means that children will definitely enjoy it there. Younger children will find something interesting in the museum of old dolls. Be sure to go to a seal show or admire the starry sky with your son or daughter, they will definitely be delighted.

Season: when is the best time to travel with children?

The holiday season on Lake Baikal is open almost all year round. In winter, those who prefer to have an active holiday, snowboarding, come here. In summer, these regions attract tourists with the beauty of their nature, smoked omul, fresh air and strawberries.

It is in the summer that it is best to relax here with children.

In July, the average daily temperatures are quite high, but you can swim in most places on the lake only when summer has already passed the middle.

The summer season on Lake Baikal opens in May and lasts until the end of September. In summer, the air temperature on especially hot days can rise above 30 degrees, but if you are near the lake, you don’t feel much discomfort, since a cool breeze constantly blows from Lake Baikal.


This island is popular not only among tourists, but also among local residents. There is a legend that Genghis Khan was buried here. In any case, there are a large number of places where you can worship spirits. What to do while traveling around Olkhon with children?

You can make your holiday on Lake Baikal unforgettable by going to a real shaman. He predicts the future and drives out evil spirits. You can find it in one of the villages. In addition, it is believed that visiting Olkhon will bring health benefits. Local spirits can heal you from various diseases.

In their reviews, travelers note that visiting the ethnographic museum, as well as natural attractions, such as Cape Sagan-Shuun, brings positive impressions.

Features of fishing on Lake Baikal

Of the valuable fish that are allowed to be caught, the lake is inhabited by golomyanka, grayling, omul, and representatives of whitefish. Pike, perch, and whitefish are usually caught in winter; at this time they rise from the lower layers of water to the surface. There are fish listed in the Red Book, so their fishing is completely prohibited; there are species whose catch is limited.

Fishing on Baikal, omul

The most fish can be caught in places where there are few people, on the eastern and southern shores in shallow, well-warmed places. The most favorite places for fishermen are Chivyrkui, Proval, Mukhor bays, and small bays of the Small Sea.

Posolskoe village

This settlement is a must-visit place when going on vacation with children to Lake Baikal. The history of Posolsky dates back to the 17th century. To get to the village, you need to get to Kabansk, after which you will have to call a taxi. What is remarkable about this settlement?

The Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery is located on its territory. It is a cultural heritage of Russia. Its unique architecture makes it one of the most beautiful religious buildings in the world.


The Goryachinsk resort has existed for 200 years. Here is the Goryachinsk sanatorium, famous for its healing mineral springs.

You can get to Goryachinsk by bus from Ulan-Ude. Tickets are sold at the ticket office at the bus station.

In Goryachinsk, you can relax with your children in a local sanatorium, where all conditions are created for relaxation and treatment of children with various diseases of the respiratory system and musculoskeletal system.

Behind the sanatorium there is a nice sandy beach. The beach has all the conditions for relaxation: discos, cafes, entertainment on the water. The cost of staying at the sanatorium is from 2,400 rubles per day, including meals.

Where is the best place to stay in Goryachinsk - prices for the 2018 high season

Name and contactsPrice for a regular family roomNutrition
Guest house "Goryachinsk"
Goryachinsk, st. Dorozhnaya, 3.

Guest house page

The price of a double room is 1600 rubles per day. The price of a budget family triple room is from 3,200 rubles. Children under 5 years old who do not occupy separate beds are free of charge. Extra beds are available upon prior request only! Meals are not included in the room rate.
Hotel "Baikal Riviera"
Gremyachinsk, street, Lesnaya, 36.

Hotel page

The price of a family room with one double and one single bed is 4,000 rubles. Extra beds are not available in the rooms. The price of your stay at the hotel includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Goryachinsk is suitable for a quiet family holiday. We bought a ticket to the sanatorium, here the children are given proper nutrition, and there is a special treatment menu for parents. And although it seemed to me that Goryachinsk is a place for a recreational holiday, throughout June there are discos on the beach almost every night.

This place has a magical pine forest. I would say that even the air here is healthier.


The southernmost point of Lake Baikal is located just 100 km from Irkutsk. With children over 12 years of age, you can climb Chersky Peak, which is the highest point of the lake. Experts have developed a weekend route.

The Khamar-Daban rock is another interesting place to relax with children on Lake Baikal in the summer. A Silver Spring with healing properties flows out of the rock. An amazing feature is that the water does not deteriorate for several years. At least that’s what tourists write in their reviews.

Where is the best place to stay on Lake Baikal for a family holiday with children?

  • Listvyanka is the most popular resort on Lake Baikal.

Therefore, there are always a lot of tourists and local residents here, and city residents also go to Listvyanka on weekends to relax. You can get here by shuttle buses that depart from different districts of Irkutsk every half hour.

Listvyanka has the most developed infrastructure. There are many restaurants, bars, cafes where you can relax. Due to its popularity, Listvyanka also has a vibrant nightlife, which should be taken into account when vacationing with small children.

The disadvantages of the resort include:

  • Cold water, even in the summer months - 13-15 degrees;
  • Rocky shore made of boulders, which poses a danger for children to swim;
  • Lots of tourists, as this is the most popular resort of Lake Baikal;
  • High housing prices.

There are many hotels in Listvyanka with good service, unlike other resort towns of Lake Baikal. In the summer season, prices rise, although here they are not low throughout the year, relative to other resorts. Therefore, many tourists, upon arrival in Listvyanka, prefer to stay with local residents. You can look at the offers of which you can before going on vacation on online portals about renting out housing, or upon arrival on the spot. Many local residents post similar notices on poles, so stopping here will not be a problem.

Among the attractions and interesting places where you can go with your children and have fun, it is worth highlighting:

  • Museum of Antique Dolls;
  • The largest vacuum telescope in Russia;
  • Shaman-stone, who makes wishes;
  • Taltsy Museum of Architecture;
  • Baikal Museum;
  • Arboretum;
  • Nerpinarium, with a performance from Baikal seals.

Also in Listvyanka, any tourist can go on a cruise along Lake Baikal and enjoy beach activities. While here on vacation, you will not have any problems with pharmacies, first-aid posts, shops, restaurants, of which there are plenty in Listvyanka!

  • Olkhon is an island 300 km away from Irkutsk.

You can get here by ferry from the village of Sakhyurat, which takes the whole day. It is important to know that the island is quite popular among tourists, so there may be queues for the ferry. And you should be prepared for a several-hour wait, which is important when traveling with children.

According to legends, it was on this island that Genghis Khan was buried. Here you can visit a Buryat village and get acquainted with their culture and way of life, as well as visit the ethnographic museum.

Also on the island there is incredibly beautiful nature, you can visit Cape Sagan-Shuun, Cape Khoboy, Cape Mare's Head.

A real shaman lives on the island, a visit to which is included in the program of every tourist. According to local beliefs, shamans can turn to spirits and cure illnesses, and simply help you improve your health.

The disadvantages of holidaying on Olkhon are frequent interruptions in water supply and a large number of snakes, so you should be careful.

A visit to Olkhon as part of excursions with a professional guide who will introduce you to local legends and the history of the island will be especially memorable for adults and children. Finding them here is not a problem.

  • Slyudyanka is located 100 km from Irkutsk.

You can get here by shuttle bus during the day. Accommodation prices are comfortable here, but there is not much entertainment.

In Slyudyanka, you can visit Chersky Peak - this is the highest point of Lake Baikal, as well as the Khamar-Daban rock. The Khamar-Daban rock is popular because the Silver Spring with healing water flows from it. You can drink and taste the water from the source, which has healing properties, and also take it home. This water will not deteriorate for several years. The rock is located in the center of Slyudyanka, it will be easy for any tourist to find it.

You can book walking excursions for the whole family from local tour operators, provided the child is at least 12 years old.

And of course, the most popular form of recreation and entertainment for Slyudyanka is traveling along the Circum-Baikal Railway. This railway was built by order of Tsar Alexander 3 and is still considered the most beautiful in the world.

A tour of the Circum-Baikal Railway takes a full day and includes travel through 39 tunnels with stops at each attraction. Departure is carried out from the Slyudyansk railway station, where you can find out the schedule, or on the official Internet portal.

Due to the duration of the trip, which lasts a whole day, the organizer offers to take tickets with meals included in the ticket, or not, at your choice. If your ticket does not include meals, it is important to take food with you, especially when traveling with children.

  • The Small Sea will allow tourists to sunbathe and swim on Lake Baikal.

The Small Sea is the name given to the strait separating the island of Olkhon, which protects the strait from cold winds. The length of the strait is large, about 100 km.

Mandarkhan Bay, Chivyrkuisky Bay, Khuzhir-Nugai Bay and Khagdan-Dalai Bay are the warmest places in Lake Baikal and the most popular beach holiday destinations. That's why there are always a lot of tourists and young people here. Despite the lack of entertainment, it is important to consider when relaxing with small children that silence and sleep come later here.

But in the summer months the water warms up to 25 degrees from mid-June, the swimming season here is much longer, and the beaches are sandy. Therefore, Maloye More is a popular Baikal resort for families with children.

Any tourist can get here from Irkutsk by shuttle buses; the travel time will take up to 4 hours.

For accommodation, tourists use the services of local hotels or rent rooms from local residents, which allows them to save significantly.

The lack of any entertainment is completely compensated by the gorgeous beach and the tan that you get from here.

  • Goryachinsk

Holidays on Lake Baikal are also famous for their healing properties, so among the health and popular resorts you can highlight holidays in Goryachinsk. This resort has been known for its mineral waters for over 200 years and is perfect for a family holiday with walks.

The infrastructure in Goryachinsk is quite developed; there are a large number of cafes, restaurants, and pharmacies. The beaches are sandy and equipped with changing rooms and toilets.

You can visit the resort on your own, or relax with wellness treatments in the sanatorium of the same name.

  • Khakusy is a resort famous for its thermal springs.

A holiday in Khakusy is also perfect for the whole family; you can plunge into the thermal springs from June to October. The resort is surrounded by a nature reserve and the Frolinsky reserve, which, along with coniferous forests, makes it unusually healthy and beautiful.

The infrastructure here is developed, so you can have a holiday with children without any problems.

  • Arshan is a resort preferred by lovers of active recreation.

The Buryatinsky village has a developed infrastructure, which is important for a family holiday.

Here you can enjoy nature and visit the mineral spring, Kyngagri waterfalls, Peak of Love, Bowl of Virgins, Datsan. A visit to the souvenir market will leave a memory of your trip.

Circum-Baikal Railway

This railway was built under Alexander III. Currently it is considered the most picturesque in the world. It stretches through 39 tunnels. The train stops at every attraction. Upon arrival at Lake Baikal, tourists are transferred to a ferry, and travelers return to Irkutsk by water. A summer vacation with children on Lake Baikal cannot be imagined without such a trip.

Prices for vacation on Lake Baikal in summer

Baikal is not one of the budget resorts. If you want to relax in comfort, then be prepared for prices like abroad. However, there are ways to save money.

We will conditionally divide the cost of the trip into four parts: the road to the Irkutsk region, Buryatia and travel along Lake Baikal, housing, food, entertainment.

Road, transport

Tourists get to different places on the Baikal coast from Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude. Let's determine how much it costs to fly and travel by train to these cities in the summer:

  • flight from Moscow – minimum 14,000 rubles. round trip;
  • trip in a reserved seat from the capital - from 11,000 rubles, from Novosibirsk - from 4,500 rubles. in both directions.

The disadvantage of traveling by rail is 7 days travel from Moscow and 3 days from Novosibirsk, including the return route.

Next you need to move along Lake Baikal. There are a lot of buses and minibuses from Irkutsk to Olkhon, Listvyanka, Slyudyanka, etc. The price varies from 100 to 1000 rubles. depending on distance. The ferry from Listvyanka carries passengers for 74 rubles. Traveling by boat costs a minimum of 450 rubles.

You can also travel by train on the Trans-Siberian Railway and the Circum-Baikal Railway. Tickets are inexpensive - from 100 rubles.

In Ulan-Ude the situation with transport is similar. Tourists are transported from the city by minibuses, buses, and trains. Prices start from 200 rubles. and reach 800 rubles.

Fans of active tourism rent bicycles (cost about 200 rubles per hour ride). A car is suitable for an independent trip around Lake Baikal. Rent for 7 days costs from 3,500 rubles.


On Baikal you can stay in different places: camp sites, sanatoriums, private houses, hotels. Below is the price list for daily accommodation in comfort:

  • 3*, 4* hotels - 3000–5000 rubles;
  • 5* hotels - 5,000–10,000 rubles;
  • luxury hotels – 10,000–20,000 rubles;
  • sanatoriums – 7,000 rubles;
  • private houses - 1700–2600 rubles;
  • camp sites – 1700–3550.

The most budget option is to live in a tent.


Baikal is famous for its delicious dishes. Eating in a cafe costs 500 rubles. For 3 meals a day you need to pay 1500 rubles. You can save money by cooking your own food (in private homes and camp sites there are shared kitchens). The cost of sanatorium vouchers includes all-inclusive meals, which also reduces costs. Minimum prices for products in stores:

  • bread, rolls – 40 rubles;
  • bottle of wine 0.7 l – 450 rubles;
  • fresh peled – 400 rub. per kg;
  • bottle of water 0.5 l – 30 rubles;
  • potatoes – 35 rub. per kg;
  • boiled sausage – 230 rub. for a stick.


Tourists are offered many leisure options:

  • walks on the water by boat – 550 rubles. in an hour;
  • visiting nature reserves – from 50 rubles;
  • museums - from 150 rubles;
  • excursions – 600–3000 rubles.

The total amount of the most budget trip will be about 65,000 rubles. for two.

Small Sea

This strait separates Olkhon Island from the mainland. Warm water and beaches make it a great place to relax on Lake Baikal with children. The fact is that the air here is very clean and healthy. You can swim in Mandarkhan Bay without fear of becoming infected with anything. The gently sloping shore allows you to move a considerable distance away from land, while still being able to stand on the bottom. This place is ideal for teaching children to swim.


The weather on Baikal in summer is changeable. A warm day can end in a real storm. Therefore, you should not set up tents on the shore itself if you prefer this type of recreation. If you are looking for places where you can relax as a savage , then we have marked them with checkmarks on the map in a separate material.

It’s up to you to choose when it’s best to relax on Lake Baikal in the summer, but it’s worth considering that in June and July there are a lot of mosquitoes in the taiga, as well as cold water. You need to take repellent with you. In August there are significantly fewer insects, the water in the lake warms up to almost +16°C, in the bays up to +23°C, but night temperatures can drop to +3°C.

In June, the water is still icy, although the air warms up to +25°C during the day and there is little precipitation. It is worth taking a windbreaker, warm sportswear and comfortable shoes with you on your trip. In August, we advise you to travel in the second half of the month, during this period the rains end and the low season begins.

Autumn is the time for romantic trips, the beauty of the local foliage with a yellowish tint attracts tourists for beautiful photography from all over the world. The ideal solution is mid-September - mid-October, during this period there is minimal precipitation.

  • Weather by month:

Average air temperature day and night

Water temperature by month

Still have questions about where to go inexpensively in Russia , don’t know which places to choose? We recommend visiting the section on planning a vacation in our vast Motherland.

How to spend your vacation to get a lot of emotions?

We have listed the most popular attractions that tourists can visit. If you are already tired of traveling around the area, you can spend your vacation differently. How? Go fishing, try yourself in various sports.

Adults can fish from the rocks or go out into the lake on rented boats. Fishing lasts throughout the year, and local residents will be happy to help you organize a pleasant pastime even in 40-degree frost.

Tourists who have visited here note that among all kinds of sports, dog sledding stands out. Under the supervision of professionals, you will go through various routes, ranging from the simplest to the very difficult. In addition, you can go skiing, snowboarding or sledding, or go on an excursion on a real snowmobile. According to reviews, children enjoy this pastime.

Active recreation on Lake Baikal: hiking, diving, alpine skiing, rafting

The dominant direction of tourism on Lake Baikal is active recreation. The swimming season is very short, so mainly wildlife lovers come here. This is a great alternative to a leisurely beach holiday and museum trips for those who are filled with energy and a thirst for adventure. Main types of active recreation.

Rafting on Baikal

  • Hiking. Here you will be offered horseback riding, hiking and cycling trips. Safari on jeeps, quad bikes.
  • Rafting. More than 300 rivers flow into the lake, some of which are characterized by their stormy nature. They are the ones chosen by extreme sports enthusiasts for rafting. Beginners will be offered relatively simple routes, while professionals annually train in areas with turbulent currents and rapids.
  • Skiing. The Eastland center is located in the village of Listvyanka. The resort has a trail for beginners, 150 m long, and 2 trails for those who are confident on skis, each 1 km long. A snowboard park is built here, the only one in Siberia.
  • Diving. The best opportunity to get to know the unique lake is to explore its depths. The most famous places for scuba diving are near Listvyanka, where the bottom is replete with underwater canyons; near the eastern part of Olkhon, where there are many rocks and gorges under water. There are several diving schools on the coast.


In the north, in uninhabited areas, there are many bears that differ from their smaller European counterparts in their ferocious character. When going on a hike in the taiga, be sure to take an armed guide.

Recreation centers

Recently, more and more places where tourists can stay have appeared on Lake Baikal. Recreation centers on Lake Baikal are popular. With children you can stay in hotels, rent a house or pitch a tent. Since there are so many such places, there is no point in listing them. The main thing you should know is that the level of service at all recreation centers is almost the same. Most often, tourists prefer places such as Listvyanka, Goryachinsk and the resort of Khakusy.


A trip to Lake Baikal several years ago was considered quite an extreme test, especially when vacationing with children.

Now the infrastructure around the lake is actively developing, many comfortable hotels, hotels, recreation centers, children's sports and health centers have been built. Therefore, in our time, a holiday on Lake Baikal is an exciting journey for adults and children.

Parents can send their children to sports and entertainment camps, where they can socialize with peers and receive survival training in natural conditions. Entertainment programs are provided for children. This type of holiday is suitable for children over 11 years old.

If parents do not want to separate and send the child so far on their own, then they can travel together.

The clear waters of the lake, fresh air and lush vegetation on Lake Baikal will not leave young or adult tourists indifferent!

How to get there?

Baikal is a popular tourist destination, so you can get here in any way convenient for you. The departure point is nearby cities, such as Ulan-Ude, Severobaikalsk and Irkutsk. You need to get to them first. This can be done by train or plane. Please note that there are no last-minute tours to Baikal, so plane tickets, for example, will cost you about 50 thousand rubles per person.

One of the most popular recreation centers is Listvyanka. You can stay here with children. You can get to the village by bus or boat. You will cover a short distance from Irkutsk in just an hour. Local taxi drivers will take you to any attraction you want to visit.

What is the most convenient way to get to Baikal: by plane, by train, by car

There are 3 main tourist destinations. Those wishing to visit northern Baikal must go to Severobaikalsk. Here are the wildest places, visited by lovers of challenging hikes. To come to the west coast in Listvyanka, Arshan, on Olkhon Island, they first get to Irkutsk. From Ulan-Ude they go to the east of the lake (to the Barguzin Valley, Chivyrkuisky Bay). There are three ways to get to Baikal.

  1. By plane. You can fly to Irkutsk or Ulan-Ude. The flight from Moscow will take 5-6 hours. It’s better to go to Irkutsk, the ticket is cheaper and there are regular flights to the city.
  2. By train. There are railway connections with Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude and Severobaikalsk. A trip along the famous Trans-Siberian Railway will take 3.5-4 days, but will allow you to leave more money for entertainment, and at the same time admire the views from the window.
  3. By car. The distance from Moscow to Baikal is about 5260 km. This is approximately 80-86 hours of pure travel without stops. This trip is suitable only for true adventure lovers, but if you get together with a group, it will help you save money, because tickets are not cheap. You will have to drive along federal highways M-7 and M-53. Therefore, the road is quite tolerable, but there are sections with a dirt road that are difficult to pass for low-slung sedans.

Baikal map

From all three cities you can get to your desired location by minibus, taxi or bus. There is an electric train from Irkutsk. To get to Listvyanka, get off at the Baikal station. Further the route goes to the southern shore of the reservoir. After driving 2.5-3 hours you can get to the Kultuk and Slyudyanka stations. From June to August, ships and ferries operate to some destinations. On the Comet it is possible to sail in the north to Nizhneangarsk.


Holidays on Lake Baikal with children in the summer of 2022 or at any other time will be a great time. However, before your trip, listen to a few tips that will help you get only pleasant impressions from your stay at the lake.

  • Take a couple of warm clothes, because at night the air temperature can drop to +13 °C.
  • Get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis in advance. There are a lot of ticks in the forests, and it is better to prevent this disease than to treat it.
  • Take baby food with you because there is not much choice of food here.
  • Give preference to cash - you will not be able to pay with a card in every establishment in this region.

Baikal is an amazing place. It is a natural heritage of our planet. A visit to the lake is worth it for every person who wants to enjoy the unique nature, have an unforgettable vacation and get only pleasant impressions!

Traditions and customs of local residents on Lake Baikal

Most of the inhabitants of the Baikal region are Buryats. This is an ancient people who have preserved the culture of their ancestors. Many traditions are echoes of ancient shamanic and Buddhist rituals. The people live in harmony with nature, worshiping the mountains and the sky. Buryats believe that every mountain and valley has its own spirit, which must be appeased by presenting it with gifts.

Buryat traditions

When visiting a yurt, it is forbidden to stand on the threshold. In ancient times, a person who stepped on it openly declared himself an enemy of the owner, thus declaring evil intentions. It is customary to leave things at the entrance before going inside, thus showing that you are not a thief. Shoes are taken off and also left on the street. The yurt is divided into female (eastern) and male (western) halves. The northern segment is reserved for honored guests; people do not sit here without a special invitation.

In greeting ceremonies, the cup is served with the right hand. Take the treat with both hands or also with the right hand. A symbol of special respect is a greeting with two hands folded, like Buddhists do when bowing. They respond with a handshake made with both hands at the same time.


It is difficult to describe the Baikal ice with one epithet: it is so different and impressive. Shades of ice vary from soft blue to deep blue, from white to black - transparent, hiding the abyss. The ice is usually covered with a network of cracks, sometimes including "studs" or bubbles. Ice creates entire cities: hummocks or walls of icicles near the rocks. Each of its species has its own name: osenets, kolobovnik, sokui, lard, hills. In addition, this “crystal” sounds when cracking due to temperature changes.

Photo: © Galina Gorshenina

To see frozen Baikal, it’s early to come in November-December: winds and waters are in the process of creating beauty. Ice, on which you can walk and admire its beauty, forms by February and lasts until the end of March . During this period, its thickness reaches 1–2 meters. The entire water area freezes, and only the source of the Angara escapes such shackles. A pleasant plus at the end of February - beginning of March will be more sun and clearer air, emphasizing the ascetic but expressive nature. In April, the ice becomes loose, and in the off-season there are very few vacationers.

The tourist season on Lake Baikal is short, but February and March make up for everyone. Many guests come for winter, although fewer than in summer. Many attractions and excursions are somehow related to ice. Winter roads are laid there, festivals and holidays are held, excursions are organized on amphibious boats, and various entertainments operate - ice skating rinks, husky and snowmobiling rides. They photograph the ice and cut out figures; they crawl on the ice, look at it, and even eat it. “The Kiss of Baikal” is a poetic name given to the custom of drinking strong drinks from a shot glass.

Photo: © Stanislav Kaznov

The easiest way to see the ice on your own is in Listvyanka , located 60 km from Irkutsk or an hour’s ride by minibus. At the end of the village behind Cape Listvenichny there are round bubbles; they are formed by frozen bottom gases.

The best place to find clean, transparent ice is the Maloye More Strait . The winds blowing there leave no chance for a single snowflake. However, it all depends on the weather; the surface of the lake can be swept away. In the north and east of Baikal, clear ice fields are also found, but in the south there are fewer of them.

Another attractive place lies between the villages of Bolshoye Goloustnoye and Peschanaya Bay . The area is famous for its striking displays of bubbles in the ice. The coast also abounds with rocks and grottoes covered with splashes, the Cormorant Stone, stilted trees in the bay and an observation deck on the Bolshoy Kolokolny Cape are picturesque. In February-March, hovercraft called “khivus” after the most common model go to these places. You can get to B. Goloustnoye by car along the highway.

Photo: © Stanislav Kaznov

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