Kirensk, Irkutsk region: project “City – Island”


Kirensk is located in a floodplain bend of the Lena River at the confluence of the Kirenga River, on both banks of these rivers and on an island at their confluence, 650 km north-northeast of Irkutsk (in a straight line). The island is connected to the mainland by a dam.

The height of Kirensk above sea level is 255 m.

The left bank part of the Lena is more elevated. From the northeast, Kirensk is covered by Mount Sokolinaya, from which a picturesque view of the island city opens.

Topographic map of square O-49-B (North Baikal Highlands, Kirensk)


It was founded in 1630. The Cossacks near Vasily Bugor called Nikolsky Pogost

citation needed
] Together with Ust-Kut, it was one of the two main passes between the Yenisei and Lena basins.
In the 1630s. Erofey Khabarov operated a salt plant here. In 1665 it was renamed Kirensky Ostrog
In 1775, it was given city status.[ citation needed
] In the 19th century, a large number of political prisoners were forcibly relocated here, among them Józef Piłsudski. Under Stalin, there was a Gulag transit camp here. In 1991, more than eighty bodies were buried in the basement of the former NKVD building. It was reported that they were all killed on the same day in 1938, and all were killed with blows to the head, apparently to hide the noise. During the construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline, goods were sent along Kirenga to Magistralny. In the 1970s, a dam was built at the mouth of Kirenga (originally an island) to reduce flooding and ice jams. In 2001 there was a major flood.

Transport accessibility

The nearest cities are Ust-Kut (170 km to the southwest), Severobaikalsk (250 km to the southeast).

The Lena River is the main transport route of Kirensk and the entire Kirensky district. In this section it has guaranteed depths and is navigable from the second half of May to the end of October (five months a year).

Kirensk Airport is located within the city limits, 3 km west of the city center. It can accommodate light (An-2) and medium (An-24 and -26, Yak-40) aircraft and helicopters. Provides regular flights to the regional center and a number of other settlements in the region.

During the Great Patriotic War, the airport was a key point on the air route to Yakutia and an intermediate point for ferrying aircraft from the United States (from Alaska) to the front. In those years there was no stable navigation. Special skill was required from pilots and navigators. The planes were on the road for six hours, and in winter they flew even in snowfalls, when the wings and stabilizer were covered with ice. The most difficult section of the route was on the Kirensk - Krasnoyarsk section.

The airport retains its significance as an important northern air hub today due to its convenient geographical location in the center of the northern regions of the Irkutsk region. Through the airport, aviation services are provided to the population in the northern regions of the region and aviation work is carried out to service fields in the northern part of the Irkutsk region and in Yakutia. As of 2020, flights are operated:

  1. regular: IK 83/84 (Irkutsk–Kirensk–Irkutsk);
  2. irregular: Kirensk–Nepa–Preobrazhenka–Erema–Erbogachen–Khamakar–Nakano (3 times a month); Kirensk–Tokma–Bur–Ika (3 times a month); Kirensk–Mironovo–Korshunovo–Vizirny (2-3 times a month).

Kirensk is connected by road with Ust-Kut (338 km), as well as with a number of nearby villages. But due to the poor development of the road network, motor transport does not play a significant role in the economy of this territory (unlike water transport). Only in winter does the share of freight and passenger transportation by road increase noticeably. Winter roads operate continuously from November to April.

In general, the city of Kirensk belongs to the territories of the Irkutsk region, where mass delivery of goods is carried out in a limited time frame - in the summer by water transport.

Distance from Kirenskaya to other cities by road, km


Report, Kirensk



Historical reference

Kirensk - the administrative center of the Kirensky district - is located 1251 km through Bratsk and 950 km through Zhigalovo from the regional center, 266 km from the Lena railway station and 230 km from the Nebel railway station, which is located in the Kirensky district of the Irkutsk region . Communication with Irkutsk is carried out by air and road transport, with the Lena station - by water and road, with the Nebel station by road.

In winter, communication with the lower subdistrict of the district, the village of Korshunovo, the village of Vizirny, is carried out by aviation - helicopter, and to the village of Korshunovo and by road transport along the winter road, in the summer only by river transport. In emergency cases, delivery of patients from these areas of the region is carried out by aviation, a division of the disaster medicine service.

The area of ​​the district is 43.8 thousand km², about 5.8% of the region's area. Of the entire territory, rural lands occupy 20.2 thousand hectares. The population of the district in the city is 22.3 thousand people, including 8.6 thousand people employed in the economy of the district. The urban population of the district is 15.9 thousand people, including 12.8 thousand people living in the city of Kirensk, and 3.1 thousand people in the urban-type settlement of Alekseevsk. Rural population - in forty-three settlements of the region - 6.4 thousand people.

In addition to the municipal formation Kirensky district of the Irkutsk region, 12 newly formed municipal formations are located on the territory of the district. Two of them have the status of urban settlements and 10 rural ones.

One of the important factors determining the specific features of the natural conditions of an area is climate. The territory of the Kirensky district belongs to the Kirensko-Lena agroclimatic district. The climate is sharply continental. The predominance of clear and cold weather in winter and hot, dry weather in summer is determined by anticyclones. The amplitude of fluctuations in the average monthly temperature of the coldest and hottest months is 45.9 °C. The number of warm days ranges from 160 to 165, frosts come earlier and end later compared to other areas of the region. The depth of snow cover, according to average long-term data, ranges from 45-50 cm, and in some years reaches 80-90 cm; stable snow cover forms in October - November and usually remains until April-May.

Founded as a winter quarters in 1630 at the mouth of the river. Kirenga by Cossacks from the detachment of V. Bugra, until 1665 it was called Nikolsky Pogost, then Kirensky fort. Located on the trade and transport routes from Ilimsk to Yakutsk, the fort was a significant trading point (a fair and customs office were established here in 1650).

The date of 1631 can be considered the beginning when the first settled inhabitants appeared on the site of the future city of Kirensk. These were industrial people who built here the first winter huts for housing, a chapel, warehouses and storehouses.

Brave explorers passed through this land, enduring all the hardships and hardships: Pyanda, Bugor, Beketov, Dezhnev, Khabarov and others. Kirensk has seen a lot in its lifetime. Its quiet glory preserves the names of those who constitute the pride and glory of Russia.

In 1639 he built a salt pan near Kirensk. In 1762, 152 people lived in Kirensk. Since 1775 - a city, since 1783 a district city, since 1822 a district city of the Irkutsk province.

In 1775, by Decree of Catherine, the Kirensky fort was transformed into a city. From this time on, the chronology of the city and the surrounding lands began. The name of the city is associated with the fate of the famous explorer Khabarov, whose four-hundredth anniversary was widely celebrated by the residents of Kiren in 2003. It was Khabarov that laid the foundation for agriculture and industry on the Lena. The paths of explorers of the North ran through Kirensk: Chersky, Sedov, Chekanovsky, Obruchev and others. The history of the Decembrists also did not bypass the Kirensk land. To this day, the house of the Decembrist Golitsyn, who lived here for a long time in exile, stands in the center of the city as a monument of history and architectural heritage.

The district was founded in 1929. Kirensk was transformed beyond recognition in the 20th century. For more than two centuries it has stood, freely spread out on the banks of the Lena and Kirenga, being built, growing, maturing. Everyone who visits Kirensk admires not only its natural beauty and abundance of water, but also notes its architectural features. Here, antiquity and modernity, past centuries and our time are organically combined. The history of the Kirensky district is also rich and interesting. There are many villages in the region that are more than 350 years old. Kirensk gave the country many outstanding, honored people. One of them is a world-famous surgeon, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, academician Fyodor Grigorievich Uglov.

At the end of the 19th century. In Kirensk, there were 250 residential buildings, including one made of stone, there were 2 churches, the Holy Trinity Monastery for men, 2 stores (bread and seed), a hospital, a parish school for boys, and a girls' gymnasium were opened. The main occupation of the population was agriculture, including gardening and hay making; many went to the gold mines. Many scientific expeditions passed through Kirensk along the Lena (, , etc.). Since the 18th century served as a place of exile; The house in which the Decembrist lived has been preserved.

In modern Kirensk: ship repair plant; wood processing plant, food industry enterprises (including a distillery), a local history museum. The central part of the city is located on an island formed by the Lena, Kirenga and its channel; connected to the mainland by a dam (1969); built up mainly with wooden houses. The building of the former wine warehouses has been preserved (). Modern microdistricts are located on the left bank of the Lena and the right bank of the Kirenga. On the left bank of the Lena, Krasnoarmeyskaya (or Sokolinaya) Mountain rises above the city, from its top there is a view of the island city.

Almost 230 years ago, the Cossacks took a fancy to the island, washed by the beauties Lena and Kirenga. It must be assumed that the founding fathers predicted a great future for the northern fort. It was not for nothing that they brought guns here and built towers with loopholes. Russian merchants saw Ust-Kirensk as a kind of station from which expeditions to the vast North departed. Our ancestors failed to predict one thing: their distant descendants would turn out to be worthless shopkeepers, running their business mainly through counterfeit alcohol. Stupid merchants who stole the fleet overseas, which had been feeding the city for many years. The forefathers could never have dreamed that their followers would barely make ends meet, living on the banks of two rivers in the middle of an almost untouched taiga.

Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from 1965 to 1980, lived in Kirensk. In 1 worked as an instructor of the Siberian Regional Union, member of the board of the Lena Union, head. planning department of the Siberian Regional Union.

Hearths of culture

Of the four Houses of Culture in the city, only one is currently operating - a small regional one. Second, "Aviator". The city recreation center and "Rechnik" burned down for various reasons. There is no cinema in Kirensk at all. Until recently, it was located in a church building, and the children looked in amazement at the high semicircular stucco ceilings. Several years ago, the church began to be restored; services are held in the temple. And what remains as a souvenir from the cinema is a poster board with rusted letters: “Progress”.

The regional center has 3 hospitals and 25 paramedic stations, 23 libraries, 20 preschool institutions, 29 secondary schools, 29 clubs (26 of them in rural areas). The newspaper “Lena Dawns” is published twice a week.

Architectural heritage of Kirensk

The development of the city's economy contributed to the growth of culture and education - with the rise of economic growth, schools, colleges, and public buildings were built in Kirensk. A district hospital is being created. It is the architecture of this time - the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. – still determines the historical appearance of Kirensk. And although the city’s development subsequently suffered considerable losses, it retained its unique appearance.

Today, Kirensk clearly stands out from a number of Siberian cities with its architectural originality, the uniqueness of the harmonious combination of city blocks with the majestic landscapes of the Lena River and some special independence of appearance. That is why, by resolutions of the Central Committee of VOOPIK No. dated 01.01.01, the RF MK No. 12 of 01.01.01 and the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 3 of 01.01.01, Kirensk received the status of a historical settlement.

To this day, historical Kirensk has preserved many of its architectural monuments, which continue to form the basis of the central part of the city.

The historical core of the city is located on an island at the confluence of the Lena and Kirenga rivers. The island has an almost regular elliptical shape and is oriented from southeast to northwest. On one side of the island the Kirenga flows with a wide floodplain, on the other side there is the Lena channel with a clearly defined pebble bank. A small bridge connects the island with the right bank of the Lena. The relief of the island clearly demarcates two main parts – upland and submountain. The foothill part is a flat lowland, turning into the Kirenga floodplain, without any elevations or hills. The upland part has a small hill with a preserved pine grove in the eastern part.

The “primary prison for the city” was set up in the mountainous part of the island, on the banks of the Lena. From a place close to the prison, the streets of Posad, the residential part of the city, were then built. The monastery was founded on the bank of Kirenga, and initially these two parts of the future Kirensk were separated by a pine forest.

The most ancient element of architecture that has come down to us is not just distant houses, but the entire layout of the city. The main modern streets have retained their direction since the 18th century. to the present day. Kirensk is characterized by a street layout that is subordinate to the terrain, with elements of a clear block grid in individual parts.

Today the city has two weakly defined linear centers, two large main streets - Kommunisticheskaya (formerly Cossack), located almost in the center of the island, and Lenskikh Rabochikh Street (formerly Naberezhnaya) with single-row buildings along the Lena River. It contained several shops and service facilities, as well as a school and official offices.

The basis of the residential development of the historical center of Kirensk is a one-story wooden manor house - a type of urban Siberian mansion that developed by the middle of the 19th century. Single-story wooden manor houses formed the basis of the city's urban fabric in the past. Similar estates still exist at the far ends of the main streets. They weren't big. In addition to the residential building, such an estate included several outbuildings (barn, flock, bathhouse) and a small vegetable garden in the backyard.

A typical example of a small estate residential building of past centuries would be the house on Lenskikh Rabochikh Street, 65


This one-story urban manor house with a space-planning solution characteristic of Siberia was built in the middle - second half of the 19th century. The frame, rectangular in plan, is covered with a gable roof with a front at the ends. The main transverse facade, and three windows of the house face the red line of the street. Despite its simplicity and modest size, the house is decorated with great taste and skill. The platbands are decorated with applied carvings, the front and cornice have profile rods.

This monument of folk architecture shows that the level of local building tradition in Kirensk has always been quite high, and the carving of the platbands testifies to the great skill of Kirensk carpenters.

Another example of the skill of Cyrene craftsmen can be seen in one of the most interesting architectural monuments of the city - the house of Yakov Rapatsky
(Komarov St.,8)
built in the 1860s - 1870s. The house is an example of classicism.

A large one-story wooden house with its main five-axis facade faces the red line of Komarova Street. The facades of the house are plastered, the windows are decorated with carved frames with a narrow rectangular forehead and classic overlays in the center and on the sides. The construction of the house is distinguished by its solid strength and craftsmanship - the house has a solid foundation, a double floor made of thick blocks, finely crafted window frames and carved doors in the interior. The iron roof was previously decorated with patterned chimneys and catchments. Residents claim that this house housed a trading store. We can only say for certain that the house has undergone partial redevelopment, as evidenced by the sealed door on the main facade.

The borders of modern Kirensk now include the territory of the Holy Trinity Monastery

The former boundaries of the monastery territory can now only be guessed from the preserved old trees and relief features. of the Trinity Church
has reached us from the monastery .
Two stone churches - Trinity
in the monastery (1784) and
in the city center (1805 - 1815) - are the oldest buildings of modern Kirensk. Both buildings were stripped of their finishing touches and decorations and were redesigned.

The largest number of architectural monuments of Kirensk is associated with the stage of capitalist development - the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century. This was the time of the highest construction activity in the history of the city.

On the main embankment street, two stone shops standing next to each other stand out for their appearance and solidity - the store of the merchant Gromova and the store of the merchant Shchelkunov

. The first building was erected in 1903 in simple but quite monumental forms of the so-called brick style. Shchelkunov’s store, somewhat smaller in size, has a more expressive decor, made in the “neo-Russian style”. Both valuable architectural monuments form a holistic and complete appearance of the historical fragment of the city embankment.

At the beginning of the 20th century. somewhat away from the city center, on the banks of the Kirenga, a large distillery complex was erected (the block between Rabochaya and Sovetskaya streets)

. The complex consists of 12 buildings, the main ones of which are a production workshop, warehouse buildings, and a two-story residential building. Decorative design of the entire distillery complex. Thanks to the unity of decorative design and high quality of construction, the plant complex is an important component of the architectural appearance of the city. The decorative space-planning solution of the buildings and the good quality of construction made it possible to preserve the holistic architectural image of most of the complex and its structures. The relatively small funds allocated for the restoration of this complex will make it possible to eliminate small later layers and return to the city all the architectural merits of this wonderful monument of industrial architecture.

The residential architecture of this time was more diverse and expressive in comparison with the beginning of the 19th century. In the last quarter of the 19th century. sawn decor is widespread in residential architecture in Siberia. Since the 1880s In Kirensk, two-story residential buildings are being built, richly decorated with saw-cut carvings. Houses are becoming larger in size, and their layout and volumetric solutions are becoming more complex. A typical example of a large merchant estate of this time are two adjacent houses at
Lenskikh Rabochikh Street, 30 and 31
. Both two-story wooden houses are decorated with rich saw-cut decoration. They were part of Markov's estate and were built at the beginning of the 20th century.

An example of a one-story rich house of this time is the house on Komarova Street, 7

, erected in 1911. The house standing along the street with a main facade of six windows is richly decorated with complex saw-cut decoration. Not only the figured window frames, but also the wide frieze, cornice, and plank pilasters flanking the walls of the house are covered with carvings.

At the end of the 19th century. A type of apartment building also appears in Kirensk, where apartments were rented out. This is the two-story wooden house on Komarova Street, 5


In describing the architecture of the city, one cannot ignore urban one-story houses with a mezzanine. This typically urban mansion appeared in Kirensk in the first half - mid-19th century. Despite the fact that now the number of such houses is insignificant - only three, their significance in the architectural image of Cyrene streets is great. A house with a mezzanine, located on the corner of Sosnina Street and Uritsky Lane

, shapes the appearance of a whole fragment of the historical urban environment. A tall, one-story log house standing on a solid foundation further emphasizes the elegance of the mezzanine with balcony. The general appearance of the house is impressive and strong.

Judging by the decorative design of residential buildings, it is noticeable that the greatest influence on the architecture of the city was made by classicism, one of the main artistic styles of the late 18th – 19th centuries. Examples of decorative design in a classicist spirit existed in Kirensk from the first third of the 19th century. and until the beginning of XX.

However, there is one residential architectural monument built and decorated in a different artistic style. There is a house on Sosnina Street at No. 28

, built in the Art Nouveau style. "Modern" was the most fashionable style at the beginning of the 20th century.

A one-story wooden house is located at the intersection of streets. The chopped walls of the house are left without cladding, and the expressiveness of the image of the house is created with the help of finishing in the upper part of the frame. The decorative design of this mansion is a rationalistic variation of the Art Nouveau style with the attention to the artistic interpretation of individual structural elements characteristic of this style. The strongly extended roof overhang is supported by elegantly shaped brackets. The window frames have a wide forehead with a modest geometric pattern and a trapezoid-shaped sandstone. The corners of the house were cut completely and flanked with plank pilasters.

The architectural value of this house is significant not only for Kirensk - the house is an example of the Art Nouveau style, rare for the northern part of Siberia.

Economic recovery at the end of the 19th century. affected not only residential construction. Since that time, monuments of public architecture have also reached us. At 11 Kommunisticheskaya Street there is a building of a former women's gymnasium.

, built in 1895, the simple architecture and modest decoration do not detract from the historical significance of this building, especially since, thanks to its large size and location at the intersection of streets, it forms the scale of several blocks of the historical center.

School building (A)

erected in 1890. The builders tried to give it elegance and significance, and they succeeded well.

The building was placed deep in the site, which made it possible to create an open area in front of it, giving a good overview. Two-story, wooden, it has a simple, strict and even somewhat solemn symmetrical composition. The seven-axis main façade of the building is located along the street. In the center of the facade there is an entrance under a canopy, above it, on the second floor level, there is a large wide window. The pronounced center of the facade is further emphasized by a small front at roof level. The decorative design of the school is traditional for Siberian wooden architecture and gives the building an elegant appearance.

Near this school building at the beginning of the 20th century. Another two-story school building was erected. Both school buildings are still used for their intended purpose today.

The historical and architectural value of the school building complex is very high. These buildings are important both in themselves and as an important part of the historical appearance of the city. A special environment developed around them, and the school itself became part of the city, part of the embankment and part of the lives of many people. This established harmonious balance between the landscape of the Lena bank, the architectural appearance of the school and the historical buildings surrounding them should continue to be preserved.

One of the rare monuments of landscape art in Siberia has also been preserved in Kirensk. In 1859, through the efforts of the district trustee Khodakovsky, a garden was built. The remains of this garden have survived to this day and are of great value as an example of landscape art of the 19th century. in the northern part of Siberia.

County hospital complex

in 1894 – 1898.
(between Komsomolskaya and Lenin streets)
is of typological interest as an example of civil engineering in a Siberian city. The complex's five wooden buildings, one and two stories high, are compactly located in one block. The buildings of the complex are united by a common purpose and unity of construction techniques. Despite the complexity of the space-planning design of the buildings of the complex and their decoration, all buildings must be preserved and subsequently restored.

During Soviet times, a building of unusual architecture appeared in Kirensk. Rivermen's House of Culture

was built in 1926 - 1928. near the school. A large two-story log volume faces the Lena embankment with its main longitudinal façade. The main entrance to the building is emphasized by a veranda with a balcony along the second floor and a front at roof level. A one-story extension adjoins the main volume from the courtyard.

The unusual appearance of the building is given by two octagonal towers on either side of the central entrance. The decor of the building is simple and constructive. The main thing that makes the House of Culture stand out is its unconventional space-planning - the result of the search for a new way of life and socialist culture of the 1920s.

You should carefully study the history of the construction of this extraordinary monument in order to find out the conditions of its creation and the name of the architect (note, unfortunately, the building is now irretrievably lost due to a fire).

The uniqueness of its architectural heritage lies in the fact that the city has retained its street layout since the 18th century; The fact is that the appearance of the main city squares and streets today is shaped by the architecture and scale of historical buildings. An important and valuable feature of the historical architecture of Kirensk is that a local building tradition has developed here, which can be traced back to the beginning of the 19th century. and until the end of the 1920s. Evidence of this tradition is the unique type and design of the platbands on the windows of Kirensk houses, the type of one-story residential building with a mezzanine, which Kirensk carpenters tried to develop throughout the 19th century, large representative houses of merchants, which are common on the main streets of Kirensk, houses made of wood, but in size they are not inferior to stone ones.

There is no doubt that the city itself is an example of a leisurely, reasonable arrangement of life in the harsh Siberian nature.

The architectural heritage of the city is a source of patriotic education and love for one’s Motherland, a monument to past generations, the art and skill of Russian craftsmen.

In addition to this important educational value, the historical development of the city has another value - it is an example of construction that proves its economic viability. For a long time, being neglected and inattentive, houses built in past centuries give people shelter and warmth, warm, protect and preserve both the people themselves and their household.

It is necessary to continue the study of the architecture of Kirensk and study not only the artistic features of historical buildings, but also their economic, construction and operational qualities, so that in modern times we can build on Siberian soil as firmly and beautifully as our ancestors built.


, Kirensk and Kirensky district, Irkutsk, 1959;

, On the history of Yeniseisk, Ilimsk and Kirensk in the 18th century, in the book: History of the cities of Siberia (XVII - early XX century), Novosibirsk, 1977;

Boris Slepnev, Olga Kontysheva, Pavel Migalev;

Andrey Lyapin “Irkutsk Land” No. 3 (20), 2002 (popular science illustrated magazine).

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Population dynamics

1856 1897 1926 1931 1959 1970 1979 1989
900 2300 4700 7900 14 412 14 453 16 154 16 137
1992 1996 1998 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006
16 500 16 200 15 600 15 100 13 712 13 700 13 100 12 900
2007 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
12 800 12 433 12 640 12 599 12 359 12 066 11 802 11 568
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
11 436 11 310 11 139 11 046 11 048


  1. 123 Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016
  2. [ The highest approved report of the Senate, with the attachment of coats of arms of the cities of the Irkutsk governorship. // Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. - 1777. - Volume 20. - Law No. 14598.]
  3. [ Drawing of the coat of arms of Ust-Kirensk of the Irkutsk governorship].// Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire. - 1777. - Volume 20. - Law No. 14598. Book of drawings and drawings.
  4. 123456789101112
    [ People's encyclopedia “My City”. Kirensk]. Retrieved November 12, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 12, 2013].
  5. [ All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  6. [ All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  7. [ All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender.] (Russian). Demoscope Weekly. Retrieved September 25, 2013. [ Archived from the original on April 28, 2013].
  8. [ All-Union Population Census of 1989. Urban population]. [ Archived from the original on August 22, 2011].
  9. [ All-Russian Population Census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more]. [ Archived from the original on February 3, 2012].
  10. [ Number of permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and districts as of January 1, 2009]. Retrieved January 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on January 2, 2014].
  11. [ Results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census for the Irkutsk Region]. Retrieved September 23, 2013. [ Archived from the original on September 23, 2013].
  12. 12
    [ Population by municipalities as of January 1, 2012: stat. Bulletin / Irkutskstat. – Irkutsk, 2012. – 81 p.]. Retrieved September 24, 2016. [ Archived from the original on September 24, 2016].
  13. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements)]. Retrieved November 16, 2013. [ Archived from the original on November 16, 2013].
  14. [ Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014]. Retrieved August 2, 2014. [ Archived from the original on August 2, 2014].
  15. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015]. Retrieved August 6, 2015. [ Archived from the original on August 6, 2015].
  16. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  17. [ Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016. Table “31. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2016.” RAR archive (1.0 MB)]
  18. Schedule of high-speed passenger ships on the Peleduy – Kirensk line


Water transport remains the city-forming basis of Kirensk. This industry is represented by OJSC Kirenskaya Fleet Electronic Warfare and a ship repair plant.

The second most important branch of Kirensk's specialization is logging. The region has significant timber resources (the estimated cutting area is one of the largest in the region - 5.3 million m3).

Other industries include the food industry, trade, and consumer services. These types of activities are mainly carried out by private entrepreneurs.

Read on Irkipedia:

  • Kirensky electronic warfare of the fleet
  • Kirensky district of waterways of the Federal State Institution "Lena State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping"
  • Economic and cultural development of Kirensk in the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries.
  • Merchants, traders and entrepreneurs of the city of Kirensk


Kirensk has a subarctic climate (Köppen climate classification DFC

). Winters are very cold with average temperatures between -32.2 °C (-26.0 °F) and -21.0 °C (-5.8 °F) in January, while summers are warm with average temperatures between + 12.2 °C (54.0 °F) to +25.3 °C (77.5 °F). Precipitation is quite low and significantly higher in summer than at other times of the year.

Climate data for Kirensk
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Record high °C (°F)1.4 (34.5)7.0 (44.6)16.1 (61.0)24.4 (75.9)33.6 (92.5)36.8 (98.2)36.6 (97.9)36.5 (97.7)29.3 (84.7)24.0 (75.2)8.9 (48.0)4.1 (39.4)36.8 (98.2)
Average high °C (°F)−21.0 (−5.8)−14.8 (5.4)−3.6 (25.5)5.5 (41.9)15.4 (59.7)22.8 (73.0)25.3 (77.5)22.0 (71.6)12.9 (55.2)2.6 (36.7)−10.5 (13.1)−19.3 (−2.7)3.1 (37.6)
Daily average °C (°F)−26.7 (−16.1)−22.3 (−8.1)−12.7 (9.1)−1.4 (29.5)7.8 (46.0)15.3 (59.5)18.3 (64.9)15.1 (59.2)6.7 (44.1)−2.1 (28.2)−15.5 (4.1)−24.5 (−12.1)−3.5 (25.7)
Average low °C (°F)−32.2 (−26.0)−29.2 (−20.6)−21.0 (−5.8)−8.0 (17.6)0.9 (33.6)8.5 (47.3)12.2 (54.0)9.5 (49.1)2.3 (36.1)−6.0 (21.2)−20.6 (−5.1)−29.8 (−21.6)−9.4 (15.0)
Record low °C (°F)−57.8 (−72.0)−56.2 (−69.2)−47.7 (−53.9)−36.8 (−34.2)−15.4 (4.3)−4.3 (24.3).1 (32.2)−5.3 (22.5)−11.3 (11.7)−37.6 (−35.7)−49.6 (−57.3)−57 (−71)−57.8 (−72.0)
Average precipitation mm (inches)19 (0.7)14 (0.6)11 (0.4)14 (0.6)31 (1.2)52 (2.0)67 (2.6)59 (2.3)42 (1.7)32 (1.3)28 (1.1)26 (1.0)395 (15.5)
Average rainy days001716181717181010105
Average snow days2622181020001142527145
Average relative humidity (%)78777062596774787977797973
Average monthly sunshine501041762162522842652071358956291,863
Source 1:[11]
Source 2: NOAA (solar only, 1961–1990).[12]

Natives and residents

  1. Valeryan Mikhailovich Golitsyn - Decembrist, participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1828-1829, the Caucasian War of 1817-1864.
  2. Maxim Lukich Galat - revolutionary.
  3. Fedor Grigorievich Uglov is a Russian surgeon, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  4. Alexey Nikolaevich Kosygin is a Soviet statesman and party leader, head of the USSR Government.
  5. Afanasy Nikitich Antipin - WWII participant, writer, Honored Teacher of the RSFSR, Director of the Institute for Advanced Training of Teachers of the Irkutsk Region.
  6. Leonid Nikolaevich Kulagin is a Soviet and Russian actor, film director, screenwriter, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  7. Evgeniy Vasilyevich Talalaev - Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, one of the country's leading microbiologists, head of the Department of Plant Physiology and Microbiology at Irkutsk State University.
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