Passport of the urban district of the city of Sharya, Kostroma region (page 1)

Sharya: areas, recreation, excursions, museums and churches, cuisine and restaurants, shopping and shops, attractions of Sharya.

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At first glance, Sharya seems like a distant provincial town, but there is still something attractive about it. The city owes its birth to the railway, which was put into operation in 1906. And a year later a station, a water pumping station, a school, a hospital and the first residential buildings appeared here. The station, located 701 km from Moscow, received its name in honor of the small Sharinka River, a tributary of the Vetluga. And in 1938, the workers’ settlement, in which 12 thousand people already lived, acquired the status of a city.

The Great Patriotic War had a serious influence on Sharya. Firstly, every third of its residents died at the front - more than 8 thousand people. Secondly, trains with evacuated residents of besieged Leningrad stopped at the local station. Not everyone survived the difficult journey in the heated vehicles: hundreds of Leningraders found peace in the city cemetery.


1) Symbols of the city

The city of Sharya arose as a village at the Sharya railway station (opened in 1906); It was named after the Sharinka River.

The main figure of the coat of arms is a golden pine branch with five ends, allegorically showing that Sharya is one of the centers of the forestry and woodworking industries of the region.

In addition, in the outline of the branch the letter “Ш” is visible, which is identified with the name of the city.

The pine branch allegorically symbolizes the constancy of plant life, the change of seasons and the rebirth of nature.

Gold is a symbol of the highest value, wealth, greatness, constancy, strength, strength, generosity, intelligence and sunlight.

The city is located on the Vetluga River, which is shown in the coat of arms with an azure curved belt.

Azure is a symbol of truth, honor and virtue, clear skies and expanses of water.

Red color is a symbol of vitality, fire, labor, courage and perseverance.

Silver is a symbol of perfection, nobility, purity, faith, and peace.

2) Historical information.

The city of Sharya owes its foundation to the railway laid here at the beginning of the 20th century.

In connection with the construction of a section of the Northern Railway between the cities of Vologda and Vyatka, the Sharya station arose. Its construction is associated with the name of a professor at the Faculty of Mathematics of Moscow University, a friend and a native of Kostroma. The official opening of traffic along the section of the road took place on November 24, 1906, and the new railway began to be called “Northern”. The station was gradually rebuilt and in 1917 it became a large settlement with a locomotive and carriage depot. In 1929, Sharya received the status of a workers' village and became the center of the region. In 1938, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated November 27, the working village of Sharya was transformed into a city with a population of about 12 thousand people. With the formation of the Kostroma region in 1944, Sharya became part of it and was classified as a city of regional subordination.

In the 50-70s the city developed actively. PDO "Sharyadrev" from a timber processing plant has turned into the largest city-forming enterprise. Sewing and furniture production appeared, and the number of food industry enterprises increased. Construction was proceeding at a rapid pace in the city, new neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, colleges were growing.

Today Sharya is a developed industrial city. The modern industry is represented by large forestry and woodworking enterprises, LLC Kronostar and LLC Lesopromyshlenny Kompleks, together with which timber industry enterprises are being revived and furniture production is developing. In the food industry, an enterprise for the production of mineral water arose, and today Sharya Mineral is known throughout Russia.

Cellular communications have arrived in the city, trade is actively developing, and construction is underway.

Sharya is the cultural and educational center of the northeast of the region. There are 4 secondary specialized educational institutions in the city, branches of KSU named after. , Modern Humanitarian University, International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

Among cultural institutions, the local history museum occupies a special place. Its exhibitions tell about certain periods of the city’s life. The names of local artists: , , are well known outside the region.

The names of many famous cultural and artistic figures are associated with the city. Captivated by the beauty and mystery of Vetluga, both Melnikov-Pechersky and Nemirovich-Danchenko wrote about it; the amazing story “The River Plays” was left to us by the writer Korolenko. Every year, with the active assistance of the city district administration, new books are published about Sharya and its residents, as well as the work of local poets and writers. The crowning achievement was the book “Years and People” (the author is a local historian and a patriot of his city), where two volumes tell about the fate of the Vetluzhsky region and the people of Sharya during the Great Patriotic War.

The names of our champions and winners of major competitions are known far beyond the region: L. Kolchanova, S. Perminov, A. Zhuikov, E. Valvas, I. Umnyakov. Traditionally, the city hosts regional and all-Russian competitions in polyathlon, athletics, and motocross.

The city has all the conditions for further development both as an industrial and cultural center in the northeast of the Kostroma region.

3) Geographical and natural-climatic position.

The territory of the urban district consists of lands of industry, transport, communications, lands of specially protected areas and their facilities, lands of forests, and water resources.

The total area of ​​the urban district is 44.3 square meters. km.

Distance from the regional center of Kostroma by road is 321 km; by rail 328 km.

Climate: According to the main climatic factors, the territory of Sharya is located in the temperate continental zone, which is characterized by cold snowy winters and warm, relatively short summers, significant amounts of precipitation and average humidity. The average temperature in January is 13, the average temperature in July is + 18.

4) Potential for business development.

The location of the urban district of Sharya on the national highway Nizhny Novgorod-Kotlas-Moscow-Ekaterinburg is an attractive condition for locating new enterprises on its territory. The availability of vacant land makes it possible to consider any incoming proposals. First of all, it is advisable to locate enterprises that do not worsen the environmental situation and are focused on creating products using the latest technologies. In the urban district of the city of Sharya, the reserve of free municipal premises is almost exhausted, so it is necessary to analyze the entire municipal economy for its effective use and identify hidden reserves.

Small business occupies a strong place in the structure of the modern urban economy and becomes the most important component of the market economy system. Considering that the achieved level of development of small business is still insufficient from the point of view of a market economy to ensure the sustainability of positive changes in the economic situation in the urban district of Sharya, the problem of supporting small businesses is becoming increasingly urgent. The pace of capacity building in this sector of the economy cannot be increased without improving the legal and economic conditions for the free development of small businesses. Therefore, the main goal of the city administration in supporting and developing entrepreneurship will be to create favorable conditions for the development of this sector of the economy. To achieve this goal, the “Program for the development and support of small businesses in the urban district of the city of Sharya for years” was adopted.

5) The structure of the administration of the urban district of the city of Sharya, Kostroma region.

Head of the administration of the urban district of the city of Sharya - contact phone: 9-32, 9-40.

6) The representative body of the urban district of the city of Sharya is the Duma of the urban district of the city of Sharya.

Head of the urban district of the city of Sharya - .

Deputy head of the urban district of the city of Sharya - Chairman of the Duma of the urban district of the city of Sharya -, contact phone: 9-03.

Index Unit measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Total area of ​​land plots within the boundaries of the municipality, total Sq. km 44,323 44,323 44,323
Including those located:
- owned by the Russian Federation ha
- owned by the Kostroma region ha
- owned by the municipality ha
- privately owned ha
- area of ​​land plots, state ownership of which is not demarcated ha
Number of municipalities within a municipal district, total


units 1 1 1
- urban settlements
— rural settlements
Total number of settlements


urban settlements units
of them:
cities of regional significance units
cities of regional significance units
urban settlements (urban-type settlements, workers' settlements) units
rural settlements units
Number of organizations registered in the territory of the urban district, total units Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 790 757 758
including by type of economic activity: -//-
– agriculture, hunting and forestry -//- 44 41 39
— manufacturing industries 72 68 65
— production and distribution of electricity, gas and water 9 8 6
- construction 50 50 48
- wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items 144 134 137
– hotels and restaurants 21 21 20
— transport and communications 51 46 50
- financial activities 11 9 9
— real estate transactions, rental and provision of services 243 241 244
— public administration and ensuring military security; compulsory social security 30 31 29
- education 43 46 45
— healthcare and social services 16 17 17
— provision of other utility, social and personal services 53 43 47
Number of municipally owned organizations, total units 81 75 73
Including by type of economic activity
Index Unit measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Average number of employees of local government bodies at the end of the year Person Accounting and Reporting Department 121 100 75
Average monthly salary of local government employees Rub. -//- 16560 23500 21000
Representative body:

date of election of the representative body








Term of office of the representative body months 60 60 60
Total number of deputies of the representative body Person 20 20 20
Expenses for the maintenance of local government bodies Thousand rub. -//- 43281 44388 36360


Almost all the sights of Sharya are connected either with the railway or with religion. Now there are three Orthodox churches in the city. Among them is the wooden Church of St. Nicholas, built in the 19th century. In Soviet times, it was destroyed and a local history museum was built on the remains of the foundation. Then the building was given to the temple, but it was inconvenient to pray in the museum. Already today, local logging entrepreneurs provided building materials, and the church was restored. In addition to Nikolaevskaya, there are Alekseevskaya and Nativity of Christ churches in the city.

Among the cultural institutions, the Sharya Museum of Local Lore is interesting. Its exhibition is presented in 7 sections, telling about the history of the region from the 19th century to the present day, about the indigenous peoples who have lived on this land for centuries, about the flora and fauna of the region. Opening hours: Monday-Friday: 9:00-17:00, Sunday: 9:00-15:00, Saturday - closed.

There are several iconic places in the vicinity of Sharya. The Nikolo-Preobrazhensky Church in the village of Nikolo-Shanga, built in 1806, is complemented by a stone bell tower and a beautiful fence. Nearby is a cemetery with a prayer house. 40 km from the town, in the village of Rozhdestvenskoye, there is a spring of St. Barnabas of Vetluzhsky. Even during the times of the USSR, the flow of believers from all over the country did not stop. Sometimes it was covered with cement mortar, but water still made its way out. Today, the miraculous spring has been updated and restored, and a chapel has been erected nearby. The Lagunin estate is located in the same village. Currently, there is a pond and a park on the estate that are accessible to the public.


Index Unit measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Resident population (average annual), total Thousand people 38,628 38,568 36,670

urban population

Thousand people 24,815 23,673 35913
rural population Thousand people 0,819 0,754 0,754
Population density people per 1 sq. km 0,87 0,87 0,83
Population by age: Thousand people
- younger than able-bodied Thousand people 6,588 6,724 6,295
- able-bodied Thousand people 23,427 23,059 22,140
- older than able-bodied Thousand people 8,613 8,785 8,225
Number of births per year, total Person 509 599 501

in urban areas

in the countryside Person
Number of deaths per year, total Person 647 583 551

in urban areas

in the countryside Person
Natural increase (+), decrease (-) of population, total Person -138 +16 -50
Number of arrivals per year Person 556 403 881
Number of departures per year Person 382 394 814
Migration increase (decrease), total Person +174 +9 +67


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Economically active population Thousand people 23,681 23,427 20,460
Number of people employed in the economy, total Thousand people 19,570 19,840 18,176
including large and medium-sized organizations Thousand people 9,490 8,949 8,713
Number of unemployed people registered with the employment service Person Employment Center for Sharya 250 157 207
Officially registered unemployment rate % —//— 1,23 0,78 1,05
Number of employees across the full range of organizations, total Thousand people 18,203 18,404 19,504
Number of employees at large and medium-sized enterprises Thousand people Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 9,490 8,949 8,713
Payroll fund, total Million rub. 2107,760 2422,1 2666,7
Average monthly salary, total Rub. 9649 10294 11394
Average monthly salary at large and medium-sized enterprises Rub. Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 14586 15599 17017


(Kostroma region)

OKATO code:
Urban-type settlement since:
City since:
1938 City of regional subordination
Sharya district
Urban-type settlements, population as of 01/1/2021

Telephone code (reference phone)

Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
110 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Sharya


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of operating enterprises and organizations, total (large and medium) units Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 790 757 758
Of them:
Number of operating enterprises and organizations by type of activity “Forestry and logging” —//— 44 41 39
Number of operating enterprises and organizations by type of activity “Manufacturing”, total 72 68 65
including by type of activity
Food production 17 17 16
Textile and clothing production 2 2 2
Wood processing and production of wood products 32 29 26
Pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities 4 3 3
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 4 4 4
Metallurgical production and production of finished metal products 3 2 2
Manufacturing of machinery and equipment 3 3 3
Production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment 3
Other production 3 5 4
Number of operating enterprises and organizations by type of activity “Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water”, total 9 8 6
including by type of activity
Goods of own production were shipped, works and services were performed in-house for a full range of enterprises and organizations (sections C, D, E), total Million rub Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade 8921,8 10563,8 11689,9
Growth rate in current prices % 87 118 111
Including organizations of municipal ownership
Growth rate in current prices
From the total volume:
Section D “Manufacturing industries”, total Million rub. -//- 8595,4 10204,5 11290,0
Growth rate in current prices % 87 119 111
including by type of activity
Food production Thousand rub 87770 104853 82839
Wood processing and production of wood products Million rub 8465,1 10052,1 11146,7
Pulp and paper production; publishing and printing activities Thousand rub 9908 12659 13044
Manufacturing of machinery and equipment Thousand rub 30601 31732 44129
Other production Thousand rub 2025 3110 3274
Section E “Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water”, total Thousand rub. 326350 359274 399967
Growth rate in current prices % 80 110 111

General information about the city of Sharya

Sharya is an urban district of regional subordination, an industrial and cultural center of the northeast of the Kostroma region with a population of about forty thousand people. The city is located on the left low bank of the Vetluga River and covers an area of ​​2530 hectares.

The city of Sharya owes its foundation and development to the railway laid here at the beginning of the last century. On November 24, 1906, the official opening of train traffic took place, and the new railway began to be called Northern, and the station, located 701 km from Moscow, became Sharya, named after the river flowing two hundred meters from the station. From the ancient Meri language (this people settled here in time immemorial), the word “Sharya” is simply translated as a river. In contrast to the station, this river was later called more affectionately – Sharinka.

The station was gradually rebuilt and in 1917 it became a large settlement with a locomotive and carriage depot.

In 1938, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated November 27, the working village of Sharya was transformed into a city with a population of about 12 thousand people. With the formation of the Kostroma region in 1944, Sharya became part of it and was classified as a city of regional subordination.

During the Great Patriotic War, about 24 thousand residents of the city defended their Motherland with weapons in their hands. Almost 8,000 - one in three - died in battle. Sharya residents are proud of the exploits of their fellow countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union: D. Koryagin, who repeated the feat of Gastello; V. Tanycheva, A. Kotegov, I. Bobarykina, V. Dusheina; – full holders of the Order of Glory: S. Gromov, A. Krasnukhin. In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, grateful residents of the city opened a Memorial complex, where the names of all fallen fellow countrymen are immortalized in bronze and granite.

In the 50s–70s the city actively developed. PDO "Sharyadrev" from a timber processing plant has turned into the largest city-forming enterprise. Sewing and furniture production appeared, and the number of food industry enterprises increased. Construction was proceeding at a rapid pace in the city, new neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, colleges were growing.

Today Sharya is a developed industrial city. The modern industry is represented by large forestry and woodworking enterprises, LLC Kronostar and LLC Lesopromyshlenny Kompleks, together with which timber industry enterprises are being revived and furniture production is developing. In the food industry, an enterprise for the production of mineral water arose, and today Sharya Mineral is known throughout Russia.

Cellular communications have arrived in the city, trade is actively developing, and construction is underway.

Sharya has an advantageous transport and geographical location. It is located at the crossroads of federal highways from north to south and from west to east. Due to the abundance of road traffic, a bypass road was built. Its interchange is a complex engineering structure. The railway junction continues to develop; a steel main line runs through Sharya, connecting Moscow and Vladivostok.

Thanks to rich natural resources, a revitalized economy, the availability of qualified personnel, and the gradual development of infrastructure, Sharya is becoming an attractive region for investment.

Today Sharya is the cultural and educational center of the northeast of the region. There are 4 secondary specialized educational institutions in the city, branches of KSU named after. ON THE. Nekrasov, Modern Humanitarian University, International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

Along with education, spirituality is also being revived. Now there are three churches in the city. The revived wooden Church of St. Nicholas became a real work of art.

Among cultural institutions, the Sharya Local History Museum occupies a special place. Its exhibitions tell about certain periods in the life of the city. Names of local artists: S.F. Bogorodsky, A.M. Kuchumova, V.M. Fedorov, are well known outside the region.

The names of many famous cultural and artistic figures are associated with the city. Captivated by the beauty and mystery of Vetluga, both Melnikov-Pechersky and Nemirovich-Danchenko wrote about it; the amazing story “The River Plays” was left to us by the writer Korolenko. M. Bazankov, A. Belyaev, O. Khomyakov were born and worked here. Every year, with the active assistance of the city district administration, new books are published about Sharya and its residents, as well as the work of local poets and writers. The crowning achievement was the book “Years and People” (author – N.V. Golyanov, local historian and patriot of his city), where two volumes tell about the fate of the Vetluzhsky region and the people of Sharya during the Great Patriotic War.

The names of champions and winners of major competitions are known far beyond the region: L. Kolchanova, S. Perminov, A. Zhuikov, E. Valvas, I. Umnyakov. Instills a love of sports at SDYUSSHOR, which has one of the best athletics arenas in the region. Traditionally, the city hosts regional and all-Russian competitions in polyathlon, athletics, and motocross.

The city is an active member of the interregional association of cities of Povetluzhye.


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Volume of work performed by type of activity “construction”, by large and medium-sized organizations in current prices Million rub. Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 39,969 53,082 126,483
Growth rate compared to the previous year in current prices % 64,5 132,8 238,3
Commissioning of capacities and facilities through new construction, expansion and reconstruction
By type of economic activity
Commissioning of residential buildings and dormitories through all sources of financing, total Thousand sq. m. —//— 7,4 6,3 5,5
— municipal form of ownership
— individual housing construction 4,7 4,8 3,5
Development of the construction industry
Production of building materials,


- building brick Million conventional bricks
— small wall blocks made of cellular concrete Million conventional bricks
— panels and other structures for large-panel housing construction Thousand sq. m of total area
— prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and parts Thousand cube m
- lumber Thousand cube m -//- 47,3 62,0 77,9


Sharya: maps

Sharya: photo from space (Google Maps) Sharya: photo from space (Microsoft Virtual Earth)

Nearest cities. Distances in km. on the map (in brackets along roads) + direction. Using the hyperlink in the distance , you can get the route (information courtesy of the AutoTransInfo website)
1Vetluzhsky3 (2)NW
2Manturovo42 (67)Z
3Ponazirevo47 (48)IN
4Georgievskoe48 (127)NW
5Pyshchug58 (67)WITH
6Vetluga59 (68)YU
7Kologriv85 (145)NW
8Pavino91 (110)NE
9Leninskoe (Kirov region)93 (100)IN
10Not me95 (120)Z
11Vokhma95 (157)NE
12Uren101 (113)YU
13Shakhunya101 (129)SE
14Varnavino (Nizhny Novgorod region)110 (158)YU
15Bogovarovo111 (167)NE
16Makariev113 (146)SW
17Tonshaevo (Nizhny Novgorod region)113 (157)SE
18Candle (Kirov region)117 (122)IN

a brief description of

The city is located on the left bank of the river. Vetluga (tributary of the Volga), 328 km northeast of Kostroma. Railway station.

In the Sharya district there are Somonikhinsky and Mikhailovsky (complex) reserves.

Territory (sq. km): 44

Information about the city of Sharya on the Russian Wikipedia website

Historical sketch

It arose as a village near the railway. Sharya station (opened in 1906); name by river Sharya. Hydronym from the stem shar, represented in a number of Finno-Ugric languages: Komi “strait”, Mansi “channel”, etc., which even gives grounds to talk about the existence of the Perm-Ugric stem shar, shor, shur “river”.

Workers' village of Sharya since January 9, 1928. City since 1938.

Municipal indicators

Number of births, per 1000 population9.4
Number of deaths, per 1000 population19.1
Natural increase (decrease), per 1000 population-9.7
Standard of living of the population and social sphere
Average monthly nominal accrued wages, rub.2071
Average housing area per inhabitant (at the end of the year), sq.m.21.1
Number of preschool institutions, pcs.15
Number of children in preschool institutions, thousand people1.5
Number of daytime educational institutions (at the beginning of the school year), pcs.16
Number of students in daytime educational institutions, thousand people5.2
Number of doctors, people.151
Number of nursing staff, people.572
Number of hospital institutions, pcs.2
Number of hospital beds, thousand units0.5
Number of medical outpatient clinics, pcs.5
Capacity of medical outpatient clinics, visits per shift, thousand units.1
Number of registered crimes, pcs.919
Persons who committed crimes were identified, persons.394
Economy, industry
Number of enterprises and organizations (at the end of the year), pcs.432
Volume of work performed by type of activity “Construction” (until 2004 - volume of work performed under construction contracts), million rubles.97.1
Commissioning of residential buildings, thousand sq.m. of total area2.7
Commissioning of residential buildings, apartments31
Commissioning of preschool institutions, places0
Commissioning of educational institutions, places0
Commissioning of hospital facilities, beds0
Commissioning of outpatient clinics, visits per shift0
Number of bus routes (in intracity traffic), pcs.4
Number of passengers transported by buses per year (in intracity traffic), million people.8
Number of residential telephone sets of the city public telephone network, thousand units.4.9
Trade and services to the population
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.445.5
Retail trade turnover (in actual prices), per capita, rub.10840
Public catering turnover (in actual prices), million rubles.13.1
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.65.2
Volume of paid services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.1622.3
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), million rubles.7.8
Volume of household services to the population (in actual prices), per capita, rub.194.6
Investments in fixed assets (in actual prices), million rubles.86.4
Share of investments in fixed assets financed from budgetary funds in the total volume of investments, %9

Data sources:

  1. Regions of Russia. Main characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: statistical collection. Goskomstat of Russia. - M:, 2003.


Sharya is one of the centers of the forestry and woodworking industry in the region: JSC Sharyadrev, Splavnaya Kontor, Sharya Timber Industry Enterprise, a branch of JSC Kostromamebel.

Factories: reinforced concrete structures, experimental mechanical engineering (JSC Eksmash), clothing factory, dairy plant.

In the Sharya region, cattle, sheep, and pigs are raised. They grow potatoes, vegetables, fiber flax, grains (oats, barley, rye, wheat) and fodder crops.

Deposits of expanded clay clay.

Main enterprises


OJSC "Sharya Timber Industry Enterprise"
157610, Kostroma region, Sharya, st.
Pushkina, 4 Offers:
Commercial timber, softwood and hardwood lumber

Culture, science, education

Museum of Local Lore.

Universities of the city

Sharya branch of Kostroma State University.
ON THE. Nekrasova 157505, Kostroma region, Sharya, st. them. surgeon Krylova V.M., 5 WWW:

Museums, galleries, exhibition halls

Sharya Museum of Local Lore 157500, Kostroma region, Sharya, Phone(s): (49449) 5-87-75 Website:

Architecture, sights

In the village of Rozhdestvenskoye there is the former estate of Lagunin (a park and a pond have been preserved).

In the village of Ivanovskoye there is a spring of St. Barnabas.

Population by year (thousands of inhabitants)


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Retail trade turnover for a full range of organizations


Million rub. Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 2189,968 1889,143 2932,118
- according to the municipal form of ownership Million rub.
Growth rate of retail trade turnover compared to the previous year for a full range of organizations in current prices % 99,6 86,3 115
Public catering turnover for a full range of organizations


Million rub. -//- 110,404 113,963 110,500
- according to the municipal form of ownership
Growth rate of public catering turnover compared to the previous year for a full range of organizations in current prices % 74 103 97
Number of retail trade organizations, total


units Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade 276 266 228
— municipal form of ownership
Number of rural settlements without shops units
Number of public catering organizations, total -//- 30 35 36
The number of places in them Thousand places 1,490 1,960 2,055
Number of markets, total units 3 4 4
There are shopping places in them places 290 271 250
Volume of paid services to the population across a full range of organizations, total


Million rub. -//- 602,068 726,345 871,614
- municipal form of ownership
Of the total volume by type of service:
— household services to the population -//- 61,960 74,814 90,524
— transport 34,688 42,500 49,671
- communication services 120,889 145,269 174,323
- housing 9,810 11,622 13,769
- utilities 283,574 341,808 415,944
— education system services 23,471 28,327 33,992
- medical 22,733 27,601 28,057
— health resorts 5,316 6,392 7,670
- veterinary 1,860 2,179 2,615
- services of hotels and similar accommodation 1,133 1,380 1,656
— services of cultural organizations 2,873 3,487 4,184
- tourist 2,256 2,688 3,226
— physical education and sports services
— legal services 1,604 1,961 2,353
— other types of paid services 29,860 36,317 43,580
Growth rate of the volume of paid services to the population for a full range of organizations compared to the previous year in current prices % 115,2 120,6 120
Number of consumer service organizations, total units -//- 66 70 114
Volume of paid services to the population by large and medium-sized organizations, total Million rub. Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 288,907 331,728 362,042
Growth rate of the volume of paid services to the population for large and medium-sized organizations compared to the previous year in current prices % 101,6 114,8 109,1



  1. ^ a b c d f g 112-4
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022.” Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  4. ^ a b c d
    Law No. 237-ZKO
  5. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  6. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal facilities ( Search for postal facilities
    ) (in Russian)
  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people.” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal subjects, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers, rural settlements with a population of more than 3000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census of 2002 [All-Russian Population Census of 2002]
    (in Russian).
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The actual population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages. On the administrative-territorial structure of the Kostroma region.” Came into force on the date of official publication. Published: “SP - regulatory documents”, No. 10 (70), February 28, 2007 (Kostroma Regional Duma. Law No. 112-4-ZKO dated February 9, 2007. On the administrative-territorial structure of the Kostroma region
    As amended by the Law dated September 24, 2007 .2014 No. 567-5-ZKO.
    On amendments to the Law of the Kostroma Region "On the administrative-territorial structure of the Kostroma Region"
    . Valid from the date of official publication.).
  9. Administration of the Kostroma region. Resolution No. 133-a of April 8, 2014 “On approval of settlements in the Kostroma region.” Entered into force on April 11, 2014. Published: “SP - regulatory documents”, No. 15, April 11, 2014 (Administration of the Kostroma Region. Resolution No. 133-a of April 8, 2014. On approval of the register of settlements in the Kostroma Region
    . Valid from April 11, 2014).
  10. Kostroma Regional Duma. Law No. 237-ZKO of December 30, 2004 “On establishing the boundaries of municipalities in the Kostroma region and granting them status,” as amended. Law No. 496-5-ZKO of February 28, 2014 “On Amendments to the Law of the Kostroma Region” On establishing the boundaries of municipalities in the Kostroma Region and giving them the status “”. Came into force after 10 days from the date of official publication. Published: “Northern Truth” (“Documents: Special Issue”), No. 8, January 26, 2005 (Kostroma Regional Duma. Law No. 237-ZKO of December 30, 2004. On establishing the boundaries of municipalities and assigning them statuses
    As amended by the Law dated 02/28/2014 No. 496-5-ZKO.
    On amendments to the Law of the Kostroma Region “On establishing the boundaries of municipalities and assigning them statuses"
    . Valid 10 days after the official date of publication.).
  11. Governor of the Kostroma region. Resolution No. 586 of October 6, 2004 “On the exclusion of certain points of the Kostroma region from the registration data.” Came into force from the date of signing. (Governor of the Kostroma Region. Resolution No. 586 of October 6, 2004. On the exclusion of several settlements of the Kostroma Region from the register
    . Valid from the date of signing.).
  12. Governor of the Kostroma region. Resolution No. 359 of August 17, 2007 “On recognizing as invalid some Resolutions of the Governor of the Kostroma Region.” Came into force on the date of official publication. Published: “SP - normative documents”, No. 43 (103), August 29, 2007 (Governor of the Kostroma Region. Resolution No. 359 of August 17, 2007. On the repeal of a number of resolutions of the Governor of the Kostroma Region
    . Valid from the date of official publication.).


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of small businesses


units No. 6 in the Kostroma region. 436 388 383
— by type of economic activity
Turnover of small enterprises in current prices Million rub.
Average number of employees employed in small enterprises - total Person Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade 5742 6180 6262
Fund of accrued wages for employees of small enterprises Thousand rub.
Average monthly accrued wages of employees of small enterprises Rub.
Number of individual entrepreneurs Person No. 6 in the Kostroma region. 1367 1415 1423
Number of employees of individual entrepreneurs (including individual entrepreneurs themselves) Person 4437 4479 4529
Share of people employed in small businesses from the number of people employed in the economy % 58,0 59,9 60,3
Receipt of taxes and fees from small businesses in the local budget’s own revenues


Million rub. No. 6 in the Kostroma region. 74,668 68,213 59,868
— single tax on imputed income Million rub. 31,960 37,024 39,260
— tax on a simplified taxation system Million rub. 11,137 12,359 15,227

Sharya is a city and station in the Kostroma region

Posted by: kultura, 2-11-2015, 16:44, Travel routes, 2,193, 0

The Sharya station
was opened in November 1906 as part of the
(now Kirov) launch section of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway, 593 versts (633 km) long.
The Vologda-Vyatka section of the northern railways, which included the Sharya station, was built by private contractors, but under the control of the Ministry of Railways, and with public funds. On November 1, 1906, this section was officially transferred to the jurisdiction of the Moscow-Yaroslavl-Arkhangelsk Railway. The official opening of traffic along the section took place on November 24, 1906, and two months later there was a Decree on assigning the name “Northern Railways”
. The total length of the railways built was then 2000 versts or 2133 kilometers. The road to Sharya station was approached from the east. Steam locomotives and rolling stock were transported disassembled along the Volga, Kama and Vyatka rivers. A railway line was built from the Vyatka River to the city of Kotelnich. Using rolling stock, a road was laid from Kotelnich to Svecha and Sharya.

The station at Sharya station was built in
the eclectic style
that dominated Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
The rounded tops of windows, doors and niches were borrowed from the Romanesque style of architecture. In large niches on the side of the platform there were large bowls of antique samples. There were 8 steps going down to the tracks. At the same time, a locomotive depot, a warehouse, an outpatient clinic, a hospital with 20 beds, an elementary school and several residential buildings for the authorities were built. Thus, the main hospital buildings at the Sharya station were built in 1905 - 1907, and it was in them that the population of the railway junction and the adjacent village had the opportunity to receive medical care, and it was from them that the development of territorial healthcare in the city began. The station was gradually rebuilt and in 1917 it became a large settlement with a locomotive and carriage depot. The name of the station comes from the river flowing nearby. Sharya (in the language of the ancient Finno-Ugric tribe Merya “Sharya” means river). The city of Sharya owes its foundation and development to the railway; in 1929, Sharya received the status of an urban-type settlement and became a regional center. In 1929-1930,
the settlement was the center of the Sharya district, which included 13 districts.
In 1938, the working village of Sharya was transformed into a city. 24 thousand residents of the city defended their Motherland with weapons in their hands during the Great Patriotic War. Almost 8,000 - one in three - died in battle. Sharya residents are proud of the exploits of their fellow countrymen - Heroes of the Soviet Union: D. Koryazin, who repeated the feat of Gastello; V. Tanycheva, A. Kotegov, I. Bobarykina, V. Dusheina;
- full holders of the Order of Glory:
S. Gromov, A. Krasnukhin.
In the year of the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, a Memorial complex was opened, where the names of all fallen fellow countrymen are immortalized in bronze and granite. During the siege of Leningrad, trains with trains from besieged Leningrad passed through the Sharya station and stopped in Sharya. Leningraders who died from exhaustion were removed from the train and buried in the Sharya city cemetery. Subsequently, a monument to the residents of Leningrad who died from the siege was unveiled at the cemetery in Kozlovo.

In the 1950-70s
the city actively developed.
"Sharyadrev" from a timber processing plant has turned into the largest city-forming enterprise. Sewing and furniture production appeared, and the number of food industry enterprises increased. Construction was proceeding at a rapid pace in the city, new neighborhoods, hospitals, schools, colleges were growing. In 1969
, during the electrification of the Nomzha-Svecha section, the station was electrified at 25 kV alternating current. Train schedule for Sharya station.

  • 0


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
1. Income, total


Million rub. UFC in the Kostroma region 456,8 464,7 518,4
1.1. Tax revenues Million rub. -//- 203,8 246,0 250,6
1.1.1. Personal income tax Million rub. -//- 107 118,7 127,1
1.1.2. Total income taxes Million rub. -//- 43,1 49,4 54,5
1.2. Non-tax revenues Million rub. -//- 69 62,9 55,6
1.2.1. Income from the use of municipally owned property, total Million rub. -//- 14,6 43,4 43,5
1.3. Free receipts, of which: Million rub. -//- 184 155,8 212,2
1.3.1. Subsidies to equalize the level of budgetary security Million rub. -//- 69,4 23,4 42,0
1.3.2. Subventions from other budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation Million rub. -//- 64,8 80,3 90,8
1.3.3. Subsidies from other budgets of the Russian Federation budget system Million rub. -//- 42,9 12,8 55,5
2. Total expenses


Million rub. -//- 460,7 465,6 516,0
2.1. National issues Million rub. -//- 45,3 47,1 45,6
2.2. Department of Housing and Utilities Million rub. -//- 98,3 71,4 92,1
2.3. Education Million rub. -//- 185,9 213,2 244,5
2.4. Healthcare and sports Million rub. -//- 93,4 32,0 86,8
2.5. Culture, cinematography and media Million rub. -//- 15,2 14,3 15,3
2.6. Social politics Million rub. -//- 3,5 6,1 29,4
3. Budget deficit (-), surplus (+) Million rub. -//- -3,9 -0,9 +2,4
4. Municipal debt (at the end of the period) Million rub. -//- 32,4 31,6 47,3
5. Arrears in taxes to the local budget Million rub. Interdistrict No. 6 in the Kostroma region 13,1 15,1 13,2
6. The volume of tax benefits provided in accordance with decisions of representative bodies of local self-government for local taxes Million rub. Interdistrict No. 6 in the Kostroma region 16,6 5,7 6,9

How to get to Sharya

Sharya is a large railway junction. Every day 3 trains depart from Moscow and stop at a local station. Trains whose final destinations are Khabarovsk, Chita and Abakan depart at 0:35, 13:50 and 23:05, respectively, from the Yaroslavl station. After 11-13 hours they are already in place. Buses run from Kostroma to Sharya: 6 trips per day, starting at 6:00; travel time - 5 hours 40 minutes.

The city is small, but there is public transport - it is represented by 6 bus routes.


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of profitable organizations, total units Territorial body of the Federal State Service. statistics for the Kostroma region 5 6 -//- *
Profit of profitable organizations, total Million rub. -//- 13,2 378,2 -//- *
Balanced financial result of organizations Million rub. -//- -567,3 +332,7 +109,3
Share of unprofitable organizations % 60 33,3 55,6
Accounts receivable from organizations at the end of the year Million rub. -//- 1516,6 1625,4 1204,3
including expired -//- 19,2 147,8 115,7
Accounts payable of organizations at the end of the year Million rub. -//- 3200 2652,1 2395,4
including expired -//- 17,6 237,1 442,6
Debt of organizations -//-
- on payments to the budget -//- 4,064 8,336 23,954
— on payments to state extra-budgetary funds -//- 2,722 4,062 31,14


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Availability of fixed assets of municipally owned organizations at the end of the year: Million rub. Municipal register, municipal treasury 784,7 951,0 916,9
— at full book value in current prices 410,6 601,3 682,5
— at residual book value in current prices 374,1 349,7 234,4
Depreciation of fixed assets by municipally owned organizations, total Million rub. 36,5 251,6
Property intended for solving local government issues Million rub. -//- 410,6 601,3 513,6
Property intended for the implementation of certain state powers transferred to local governments, in cases established by federal laws and laws of the Kostroma region Million rub.
Property intended for the activities of local government bodies and local government officials, municipal employees, employees of municipal enterprises and institutions in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the representative body of the municipality Million rub. -//- 210 300,6 275,2
Cash received from the sale of municipal property, total Million rub. Committee for Municipal Property Management of the City Administration Sharya 0,7 5,4 1,3
Cash received from rental of municipal property, total Million rub. -//- 4,7 4,4 5,1


Lyceums, gymnasiums, schools

  • School number 2
  • School No. 6
  • Spiritual and educational
  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 3


Today Sharya is the cultural and educational center of the northeast of the region. There are 4 secondary specialized educational institutions in the city, branches of KSU named after. N. A. Nekrasov, Modern Humanitarian University, International Law Institute under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation and Moscow Institute of Economics, Management and Law.

Along with education, spirituality is also being revived. Now there are three churches in the city. The revived wooden Church of St. Nicholas became a real work of art. Among cultural institutions, the local history museum occupies a special place. Its exhibitions tell about certain periods in the life of the city. The names of local artists: S. F. Bogorodsky, A. M. Kuchumov, V. M. Fedorov are well known outside the region. The city is an active member of the interregional association of cities of Povetluzhye.


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of public utility organizations, total,


units Management of Housing and Communal Services, S, TP and A 19 19 19
- laundries units/ton of dry linen per shift -//-
- baths and showers units/places -//- 10/156 10/156 9/156
- hotels units/places -//- 3 3/112 3/112
Water supply -//-
Number of water intakes units -//- 5 5 5

from underground sources

units -//- 4 4 4
Installed power 1 lift Thousand cube m/day -//- 214,6 214,6 214,6
Number of water treatment facilities units -//- 1 1 1
Installed capacity of water treatment facilities Thousand cube m/day -//- 5,4 5,4 5,4
Single extension of street water supply networks at the end of the year


km -//- 25,570 25,570 25,600
needing replacement km -//- 7,5 7,5 8,6
Water disposal -//-
Single extension of street sewer networks at the end of the year


km -//- 9,2 9,2 9,2
needing replacement km -//- 1,7 1,7 6,8
Number of sewerage treatment plants -//- 1 1 1
Installed capacity of sewerage treatment facilities Thousand cube m/day -//- 18,4 18,4 18,4
Heat supply -//-
Number of heat supply sources at the end of the year units -//- 22 23 23
Total power of heat supply sources Gcal/h -//- 34.26 without CHP 34.26 without CHP 34.26 without CHP
Length of steam and heating networks at the end of the year


km -//- 108,9 108,9 108,9
needing replacement km -//- 4,2 4,8 47,2
Gasification -//-
Single extension of street gas network at the end of the year km -//- 15,3 15,3 15,3
Number of gasified apartments at the end of the year units -//- 12434 12434 12434
Commissioning of municipal construction projects Thousand rub. -//-
including by objects: -//-
1. Construction of external sewerage 300,4
2. Construction of water supply networks st. Adm. Vinogradova 34 310,4
3. Construction of water supply and sewerage networks 1st microdistrict 29 359,2
4. Construction of external heating main networks on the street. Vokzalnaya, 30, 34 340,5
5. Construction of external sewerage networks to residential buildings on the street. Solnechnoy, 48, 50 323,0
6. Construction of external sewerage networks to residential buildings: 1st microdistrict, no. 6, 14, 19, 25 367,1
7. Construction of a retaining wall for the city water intake of the 1st lift pumping station 610,0
8. Construction of external water supply networks to residential building No. 74 on the street. Vokzalnaya 59,8
9. Construction of external heating main networks on the street. Sverdlova 375,5
Area of ​​land under waste and landfill sites, total ha -//- 14,7 14,7 14,7
Housing stock —//-
Total area of ​​housing stock, total Thousand sq. m -//- 858,7 872,2 869,0
including municipal -//- 92,1 68,1 64,3
Average housing area per resident sq. m -//- 22,1 22,6 23,7
Total area of ​​dilapidated and emergency housing stock Thousand sq. m -//- 30,6 32,4 34,2
Total number of families who received housing and improved their living conditions per year


units -//- 75 128 51
— young families -//- 2 3 2
Number of families registered for housing at the end of the year units -//- 1145 1089 1152
Electricity supply -//-
Length of electrical networks included in the balance of the municipality


km -//-
- overhead lines km -//-
— cable lines km -//-
Of those in need of replacement km -//-

Historical information “Sharya is a city with a kind soul”

Sharya is a city in the Kostroma region with a population of 36,593 people and an area of ​​44.3 square meters. km. The city owes its birth to a steel highway, near which the name of a small station, Sharya, appeared on the road map in 1906.

Each generation of Sharya residents has its own biography. And every line is the story of Sharya, her streets, her businesses, her human existence. The line of life, inseparable from the life of the country, is at the same time filled with local events and names.

In 1929, Sharya received the status of a workers' village and became the center of the Sharya district and region. In the same year, the construction of the postal and telegraph agency was completed; currently the passport office is located in this building, and with the opening of the Sharya printing house, the publication of the newspaper “Sharya Proletary” began, now the newspaper is called “Vetluzhsky Krai”.

Time passed, the population of the village increased. New enterprises and institutions were opened: the city hospital, the sanitary and epidemiological station, the House of Pioneers, schools No. 1 and No. 2, and the streets were united, for example, the streets M. Sokolovo, Baldino, M. Kozlovo were renamed into st. Soviet.

In 1938, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated November 27, the working village of Sharya received the status of a city with a population of about 12 thousand people. With the formation of the Kostroma region in 1944, Sharya became part of it and was classified as a city of regional subordination.

The most serious test for our people were the harsh years of the Great Patriotic War. More than 20 thousand Sharya residents went to the front, more than 8 thousand did not return. Five people became Heroes of the Soviet Union: Disan Koryazin, Vasily Tanachev, Ivan Bobarykin, Vladimir Dushein, Alexey Kotegov. The following became Full Knights of the Order of Glory: Sergei Gromov, Alexey Krasnukhin. Hundreds of Sharya residents have been awarded orders and medals. Sharya residents honor and remember the feat of their fellow countrymen, remember the orphans of besieged Leningrad, for whom an orphanage was opened in the city of Sharya in 1943. Using the funds earned from Komsomol cleanup days, on the 30th anniversary of the Victory, Sharya residents opened a monument to Leningraders, which we call “Malaya Piskarevka”; on the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, a Memorial complex was opened in the city, where the names of all the fallen fellow countrymen are immortalized in granite.

Sharya received its main development and growth since 1946, when in the village of Golyshi, between the Sholyushka River and Lake Podborny in a pine forest, they began construction of a house-building plant (DSK), the capacity of which was planned to be 200 thousand sq.m. living space per year. And already in 1947, DSK began producing complex frame houses. The country began to receive prefabricated houses.

The city needed new educational institutions. In 1947, school No. 6 was founded, and then in 1950, school No. 7 and a forestry school.

In 1953, a mechanical repair plant was founded on the basis of repair shops. In the early 60s, he carried out major overhauls of timber industry equipment. In 1974, RMZ joined a number of machine-building enterprises and became known as the Experimental Mechanical Plant (EMZ), the production of equipment for the forestry industry began to develop, and in 1996 the enterprise was renamed OJSC EKSMASH.

It should be noted that the 60-80s were a time of dynamic development of the Sharya economy. In 1960, the village of Golyshi and DSK merged to form the village of Vetluzhsky. A garment factory was opened, and its products were in great demand not only in the Kostroma region, but also beyond its borders. Sharya enterprises were gaining strength: PDO “Sharyadrev”, asphalt and feed mills, a bakery, a creamery, a poultry factory, and a meat processing plant. At this time, industrial, energy, transport and housing and communal services facilities are being created. Schools No. 21, No. 8, kindergartens are being built, art and music schools are opening, and the Sharya Museum of Local Lore is a branch of the Kostroma Museum-Reserve. During this period, the Sharya children's sports school was opened, and the first carousels began operating in the City Park of Culture and Recreation. In 1963-1964, Sharya medical and pedagogical schools were opened in the city. In 1965, the Sharya CHPP was put into operation.

In 1967, the population of the city of Sharya already reached 38 thousand people. Asphalting of roads has begun, bus service is opening on 6 routes. Residential neighborhoods are growing in the city. The first five-story buildings were built - the street 50 years of Soviet power. An important event for the city was the opening in 1972 of the Sharya Central District Hospital with 500 beds; in 2012, the Central District Hospital was transformed into the Sharya District Hospital named after. Kaverina V.F.

As a result of such intensive development, in 1976 the city of Sharya took 1st place among 100 Russian cities for improvement and industrial development and was awarded the Red Banner and a large cash prize.

Our forest region and Sharya production clearly declares itself on the Russian market. In 1999, the LLC Timber Industry Complex enterprise was founded. A large woodworking enterprise producing joinery and construction products and wood flour. The company employs more than 1000 people.

In 2002, on the basis of the city-forming enterprise PDO Sharyadrev, the construction of a new powerful Russian-Swiss enterprise Kronostar began with a total investment volume exceeding 350 million euros. Already in May 2003, the first batch of products was shipped to consumers. The construction of buildings, installation of equipment and commissioning work were carried out at a high pace, thanks to the fruitful work of specialists and managers. In 2005, the second stage of the plant was opened. Today the plant is the largest manufacturer of wood boards of various modifications, producing laminated floors and wall panels. The sales market covers more than 20 countries.

The Sharya land and enterprises producing bakery products are glorified. LLC “First Sharya Bread” adequately presents its products at exhibitions at various levels, it is known throughout Russia.

In 2001, on the basis of the former Sharya bakery, a new enterprise was created - Sharya Mineral Water LLC. Wells were drilled on the territory of the enterprise, from which water began to flow into production. Currently, the company produces more than 35 types of carbonated drinks, which are included in the hundred “Best Products of Russia”.

In the same 2001, an athletics arena of a specialized children's and youth sports school of the Olympic reserve was opened in the city. I would like to highlight the Sharya athlete who has achieved tremendous results - Lyudmila Kolchanova. In 2006, Lyudmila became the European champion in long jump, and in 2012 she took part in the Summer Olympic Games, where she was among the six strongest athletes on the planet in long jump. Currently, she continues to participate in major events and win top titles. Lyudmila is an Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.

In Sharya, much attention is paid to spirituality. In 2005, a new church in the name of St. Nicholas was consecrated in the city, funded by Timber Industry Complex LLC, and in 2013 in the village. The Church of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God was built in Vetluzhsk. The temple was built at the expense of A. Zinchenko, I. Shchepina and other parishioners.

Sharya residents preserve the memory and honor the merits of fellow countrymen participating in various wars. In 2007, the grand opening of a monument to Sharya soldiers who died in Afghanistan and Chechnya took place in Sharya, and in 2010, on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, a monument to home front workers was opened. It is worth noting the appearance of another monument in 2011, which is dedicated to the dead Sharya sailors. In 2013, a memorial sign “Children of War” was installed.

In 2012, the tourism brand of Sharya was chosen - “The Land of Unknown Paths” and the fairy-tale symbol of the city Hedgehog. The hedgehog is the only animal that can curl up in the shape of a ball, this is in tune with the name of our city, and the hedgehog’s needles are an indicator that on the territory of Sharya there are many coniferous trees already with their own needles. And finally, what hedgehog doesn’t love mushroom places - our city can safely be called the Big Fairytale Mycelium. The city of Sharya was awarded a diploma for systematic work on the formation of a regional tourism brand of the Russian Association of Public Relations. The tourism brand project “The Land of the Unknown is More Expensive” is a finalist of the National Award in the field of event tourism “Russian Event Awards-2013”, the Award for the development of public relations “RuPoR” in 2012 and 2013.

In 2012, the municipal autonomous institution “City Park of Culture and Recreation” was created. It is in the City Park that the main event – ​​Sharya City Day – takes place every year.

Sharya is the cultural and educational center of the northeast of the region. There are 5 secondary schools, 1 gymnasium, and 1 evening school operating in the city. There are 4 secondary specialized educational institutions in the city: OGBOU SPO "Sharya Pedagogical College of the Kostroma Region", OGOBU SPO "Sharya Medical College of the Kostroma Region", OGBOU SPO "Sharya Agrarian College of the Kostroma Region", OGBOU SPO "Sharya Polytechnic College of the Kostroma Region". In Sharya, highly professional personnel are trained for the entire region, including the adjacent regions: Kirov, Vologda, Nizhny Novgorod. The city has a boarding school, an orphanage, preschool institutions, additional education institutions, music schools, an art school, an information and methodological center, cultural and leisure institutions, and libraries.

The concentration of a significant number of youth in modern Sharya (one quarter of the total population) creates the opportunity to turn youth into a factor in the economic, social and cultural development of the municipality of the entire north-east of the Kostroma region. The city district has developed a program taking into account the experience of implementing youth policy in previous years. Its development ensures the consolidation and development of those positive results in the field of youth policy. These include issues of organizing youth employment, promoting the activities of children's and youth public associations, increasing the social activity of youth, developing competitive mechanisms in the implementation of the main directions of youth policy in the city, supporting gifted youth and some others.

By developing and supporting culture and art, moral and spiritual values ​​are formed, aimed at instilling in the population a sense of national pride, citizenship and patriotism. Teachers of children's music and art schools are doing a lot of work to develop moral and aesthetic education. Students become laureates and diploma winners of festivals and competitions. An artists' union has been created in the city.

The city has all the conditions for further development. And we believe that it will develop in all directions: both as an industrial and as a cultural center of the northeast of the Kostroma region. The city of Sharya is a modern, young city, the rhythm of life of which is diverse and multifaceted. Despite its youth, the city can be proud of its achievements in various fields of activity and, most importantly, the good traditions that the townspeople know and love. It’s not for nothing that Sharya recently acquired its own motto: “Sharya is a city with a kind soul.”

Appendix No. 1


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Length of public roads (at the end of the year)


Km Department of Economic Development, Industry and Trade 189,1 189,1 189,1
- with hard surface
Territories of the municipality covered by the route network as of the end of the reporting period shares -//- 0,26 0,24 0,24
Length of intraregional intercity bus lines km
Number of rural settlements without:
- bus service units
- paved roads units
Number of public communications organizations, total units -//- 5 5 5
Number of rural settlements without telephone service:
— with the administrative center of the municipal district
- with the regional center
Scope of work performed Thousand km.
Passengers transported Thousand people -//- 3261 3220 2983,5
Number of routes in the municipality


units -//- 12 9 8
- bus

Administrative and municipal status

As part of the structure of administrative units, Sharya serves as the administrative center of Sharya District,[1] although it is not part of it.[9] As an administrative division, together with the urban settlement of Vetluzhsky and three rural areas,[10] are included separately as the city of regional significance of Sharya

- an administrative unit with a status equal to that of a district.[1]
As a municipal entity, the city of Sharya of regional significance is included as the Sharya Urban District



Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Total capacity of treatment facilities, total Thousand cube m per day Sharya representative office of Vodokanalservice LLC 18,4 18,4 18,4
Volume of wastewater discharge into surface water bodies Thousand cube m Sharya representative office of Vodokanalservice LLC, LPK LLC 2039 2039 2039
Including: Discharge of contaminated wastewater Thousand cube m Sharyavodokanal LLC, LPK LLC
Total number of organizations that emit pollutants from stationary sources units UTEN of Rostechnadzor in the Kostroma region 30 30 30
Total amount of pollutants emanating from stationary sources of emission Thousand tons UTEN of Rostechnadzor in the Kostroma region 14,77 14,77 14,77



Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of preschool educational institutions, total units Department of Education 10 11 11
There are places in them Places -//- 1550 1574 1616
Number of children attending preschool educational institutions, total Person -//- 1842 1916 1938
Provision of places for preschool children in preschool institutions (places per 1000 children) Places -//- 841 822 833
Number of daytime educational institutions, total units -//- 8 8 8
Number of students in daytime general education institutions Person -//- 3639 3731 3767
Number of students in the first shift in daytime institutions of general education as a percentage of the total number of students in these institutions % -//- 89,1 87 87,3
Number of places in general education institutions places -//- 4855 3846 3846
Average class size in state (municipal) educational institutions Person -//- 24,6 24,5 24,5
The share of persons who passed the unified state exam from the number of graduates who participated in the unified state exam % -//- 98 99 100
Coverage of students with hot meals % -//- 93,7 94,7 98,2
Municipal budget expenditures per 1 student: -//-
- for general education Rub. -//- 19950 27177 42359
— for preschool education Rub. -//- 37322 29206 34969


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of hospitals, total units Central District Hospital named after. Kaverina 1 1 1
There are actually deployed inpatient beds (at the end of the reporting year) beds -//- 397 356 365
Provision of population with hospital beds per 10 thousand inhabitants beds -//- 103 108,3 99,5
Number of outpatient clinics units -//- 1 1 1
Outpatient clinic capacity Visits per shift -//- 670 750 750
Number of feldsher-midwife stations (FAP) units -//-
Number of doctors Person -//- 100 106 111
Provision of doctors to the population (per 10 thousand people) Person -//- 25,9 27,4 30,3
Number of nursing staff Person -//- 433 430 452
Provision of the population with paramedical personnel (per 10 thousand people) Person -//- 112,2 111,2 123,3
Number of settlements without medical facilities units -//-


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of state institutions for social support of the population, total units OSU "SHKTSSON" 5 4 4
Number of citizens who received social support measures and social services, total

of them:

Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 22473 22460 20281
— citizens included in the regional register Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 5051 5139 5301
- citizens included in the federal register Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 3898 3515 3557
— recipients of state social assistance Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 2541 1900
— recipients of targeted social assistance Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 15
- citizens who received social services Person OSU "SHKTSSON" 10983 11906 11408



Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of publicly accessible (public) libraries, total units Department of K, T, MP and S 5 4 4
Public Libraries Foundation Thousand copy -//- 85487 87461 86650
Number of public library users Person -//- 11880 12072 12087
Number of cultural and leisure organizations, total units -//- 5 5 5
There are places in them places -//- 708 708 708
Number of theaters units
Number of museums (including branches) units -//- 1 1 1
Number of children's music, art and art schools units 3 3 3
There are students in them Person 893 894 745
Number of rural settlements with a population of over 100 people that do not have cultural organizations units
Number of historical and cultural monuments on the territory of the municipality, total

of them:

- federal significance
— regional significance
Number of cultural heritage objects in municipal ownership, total

of which are

1 1 1
- in satisfactory technical condition
- in unsatisfactory technical condition
- in ruins
Number of cultural heritage sites of municipal property where repair and restoration work was carried out units/thousand rub.


Index units measurements A source of information 2009 2010 2011
Number of sports facilities, total

of them:

units Department of K, T, MP and S 64 64 64
- stadiums and stands -//- 1 1 1
- Sport halls -//- 14 14 16
— flat sports facilities -//- 29 30 41
– swimming pools -//-
Of the total number of sports facilities require major repairs units -//- 7 7 7
Number of participants in sections and groups of sports and recreational activities, total Person -//- 1899 2009 6034

Cuisine and restaurants of Sharya

You can have a tasty and inexpensive lunch in one of the local cafes - the complex will cost only 100 RUB. Even cheaper - in numerous nameless canteens and bars. Higher-class establishments are mainly pizzerias, where, in addition to Italian, Russian cuisine is also widely represented. Dinner in one of the city’s restaurants costs about 550 RUB per person.

Inexpensive buffets operate at hotels in Sharya. You can have a hearty dinner there for 250-350 RUB per person without alcohol. Fast food is represented by shawarma and hamburgers.

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