“Exotic Park” and Mozhaisk: where to go with a child for a weekend near Moscow

The modern city of Mozhaisk is located 106 km from Moscow. Its population at the beginning of 2022 was 30,190 people. The area of ​​the city is 17.8 square meters. km. The main thing that Mozhaisk is proud of is its sights. But you won’t be able to see all the historical monuments in one day. The city has many churches and monasteries, museums and estates. The most interesting for city guests will be the ancient Kremlin and Borodino Field.


87 km from the capital there is an interesting area where the great minds of Russia loved to relax. We are talking about three ancient estates located next to each other.

Shakhmatovo is a museum-reserve, which is a synthesis of science and literature. Here is the Boblovo estate of the scientist Dmitry Mendeleev, the estate of the poet Alexander Blok, and in Tarakanovo there is a beautiful church in which Blok and Mendeleev’s sister were married.

The attraction is located in one of the most picturesque areas of the Moscow region - Sosnogorsk. The trip will give adults and children a lot of pleasant impressions. Educational excursions, walks in the fresh air, and magical nature will perfectly color your weekends and holidays.

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Estates of famous Russian families

Not far from the Luzhetsky Monastery there is a house-museum of the artist S. V. Gerasimov. This is a two-story building surrounded by an ancient park. There is a collection of more than 450 works by the painter here. These are mainly landscapes depicting the beauty of the Mozhaisk surroundings.

Along the street of the Red Partisans is the Khlebnikov-Rolle estate. The estate is a one-story brick building. Initially, the site belonged to the French merchant Rolle. By his order, a terrace with a staircase was built around the house. The estate was surrounded by a carved metal fence. There was an orchard next to the terrace.

The merchant had 10 children, each of whom was allocated a flower bed. The children enjoyed growing different plants, observing them and developing new varieties. To this day, exotic plants grow in the garden.

Emperor Nicholas II planned to stay in this mansion. He came to Mozhaisk to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Borodino. However, unexpectedly the king changed his plans. Soon the estate was sold to the merchant Khlebnikov. After the October Revolution, he left the country, and the building alternately housed the military registration and enlistment office, the All-Union Communist Party of Belarus committee, and the district Komsomol committee.

Not far from Mozhaisk, in the village of Goretovo, there is another ancient estate built by Musin-Pushkin. Princes Volkonsky and Bestuzhev-Ryumin visited here at different times. In addition to the two-story mansion, there was a greenhouse, a church, a garden and several small factories.


Serednikovo is an outstanding example of a park and estate ensemble of the 18th-19th centuries. The beloved poet Mikhail Lermontov lived for several years on the former estate of the Vsevolozhskys and Stolypins with his grandmother.

The surrounding area is pleasant to stroll along paved paths and dirt paths that wind through the pine forest around a large pond. Be sure to show your child the Devil's Bridge - a very impressive object. It resembles a fantasy location.

Sightseeing route for 1 day

The city of Mozhaisk is so rich in historical sights that you won’t be able to see everything on your own in 1 day. However, each tourist can create an introductory route for himself, taking into account his interests. An approximate program for exploring the sights of the city might look like this:

  • Visit to the Luzhetsky Monastery and the spring of St. Ferapont.
  • Visit to the historical complex “Mozhaisk Kremlin”.
  • Inspection of the Peter and Paul Cathedral and the temple in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Visit to the chapel of the Mozhaisk Kremlin.

These excursions are best done with a guide. He will tell the history of the buildings and interesting facts about them. You can independently visit the Kremlin cathedrals, Luzhetsky Monastery, Memorial Square and the estates of famous people of the city.


Ostafyevo is one of the most beautiful ancient estates in Russia. It is located in the Podolsk region, southeast of the center of the capital. This is a cult place for Russian literature, which is lovingly called Parnassus - a gathering place for poets and writers.

Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Karamzin, Vasily Zhukovsky, Ivan Dmitriev, Alexander Griboyedov, Nikolai Gogol walked along the well-groomed paths of the magnificent park in search of inspiration. They were guests of the hospitable Vyazemsky-Sheremetev family. After the revolution, outstanding Soviet writers worked in Ostafyevo: Samuil Marshak, Evgeny Petrov with his friend Ilya Ilf.

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If the children are still small and are not impressed by the big names of famous people, a walk along the linden alley, relaxing in the gazebo near the pond system, feeding the ducks, sweets and drinks will certainly dispel their boredom.

Christian shrines and temples

In total, 75 churches and 16 monasteries were built in Mozhaisk. The most interesting places in Mozhaisk that can be seen in 1 day:

  1. Staro-Nikolsky or Peter and Paul Cathedral - erected in 1849 in the image of an older temple. Near the cathedral there is a model of the ancient Mozhaisk Kremlin. The author of the layout is M. Golikov. The structure was created based on drawings and documentary descriptions. The model recreates the fortress walls and towers, 2 lakes and St. Nicholas Cathedral.
  2. Novo-Nikolsky or St. Nicholas Cathedral. Built in the 18th - early 19th centuries. The appearance of the temple differs from traditional Orthodox buildings. On the façade you can see Masonic signs; the entire building is designed in a pseudo-Gothic style. There is a bell tower with 3 tiers, a spire and a cross. The interior decoration of the temple is quite modest. Fragments of ancient paintings have been preserved on the walls. Here you can venerate the relics of the city’s patron saint, Nikola Mozhaisky.
  3. Temple of Joachim and Anna. This temple has never been closed since the day it was built. The first mentions are found in documents of the 14th century. The ancient building has hardly survived; only the northern aisle has partially survived. The new temple was erected in the second half of the 19th century on the old foundation.
  4. Holy spring. According to legend, it was dug by Saint Ferapont in the 15th century. The water in it has healing properties. In 1861, the merchant Rybnikov built a chapel and equipped a well. From 1917 to 1993 the complex was abandoned. Now there are men's and women's fonts, a statue of St. Ferapont, a small chapel, where hundreds of visitors come every day.
  5. Luzhetsky Monastery - founded by Ferapont Belozersky, a follower of Sergius of Radonezh. The first buildings were erected in the 16th century. The relics of Saint Ferapont are kept here.


At the confluence of the Oka and Moscow rivers, the beautiful city of Kolomna grew up. The Kremlin has been preserved here, in one of the towers of which Marina Mnishek, who was suspected of witchcraft, was imprisoned.

The city has many museums and historical sites. For children, the most interesting are the Cathedral Square, the large Staro-Golutvin Monastery, the marshmallow museum, the Kalachnaya kalachnaya museum, the tram museum, the toy museum, etc.

History and modern city

The first mentions in chronicles date back to 1231, but the city was founded much earlier. Initially, it was a fortress and was located on the border of the Moscow, Chernigov and Smolensk Principalities. According to one version, the name comes from the word “interface” - border. There is another hypothesis - the fortress received its name from the Mozhaika River.

At the place where the settlements were located, trade routes to Tver and Smolensk met. In the Middle Ages, many attempts were made to seize the Moscow Principality. The Mozhaisk fortress stood in the way of the conquerors. To protect the inhabitants of the settlement, a wooden Kremlin was built on the top of the hill.

During its existence, the city survived attacks:

  • Tatar-Mongol troops in 1293.
  • Prince of Lithuania in 1368.
  • Troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh in 1382.
  • Capture of False Dmitry by the army in 1608-1614, at which time the city was practically destroyed.
  • Polish King Wladyslaw in 1617.

In the XIV-XV centuries. Mozhaisk was the capital of the principality of the same name. Here their own money was minted, churches and monasteries were built.

Moscow rulers - Vasily III, Ivan the Terrible, Boris Godunov - came to the city on pilgrimage. Palaces were built to visit them. To welcome and accommodate foreign embassies, new courtyards were built.

There is a legend associated with the icon of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisky. When the enemies besieged the city, St. Nicholas appeared over the Kremlin hill with a shield and sword. Seeing him, the besiegers immediately retreated. After this, the city existed quietly for another 200 years. A new attack occurred when the image was taken out of the fortress. Now the icon is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery.

In 1624, Dmitry Pozharsky began building a stone Kremlin. However, in 1782, by order of Catherine II, the dilapidated walls were dismantled, and the Novo-Nikolsky Cathedral was built from stone.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, the outskirts of Mozhaisk were occupied by French troops. Many detachments fought a guerrilla war here, including the detachment of the famous Denis Davydov. The legendary Battle of Borodino took place 12 km from the city.

During Soviet times, the city's economy flourished. However, during the Great Patriotic War, Mozhaisk found itself under occupation and was severely destroyed.

The modern city is located 112 km from Moscow and 713 km from St. Petersburg

Berendeevo kingdom

Near Serpukhov, enthusiasts have created a paid and free theme park-reserve dedicated to the fairy-tale kingdom of Berendey. Some locations can be visited whenever you want. However, tickets must be purchased for the recreation area with cute houses, a pond and gazebos.

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The Ethnomir Park in Borovsk offers an extensive cultural and sports program. There are many outdoor activities for children here. Vacationers can enjoy a variety of attractions, boat and catamaran rentals, and a petting zoo. Children are invited to take part in games, quests, and master classes. Adults can relax in the spa area at this time. The park is divided into thematic sectors dedicated to the culture of different countries and peoples.

What to see in Mozhaisk with children

Outpost Ranch

The “children’s” attractions of Mozhaisk are sometimes as interesting as the rest. The atmosphere of the Wild West (cowboy hats, authentic paddocks of an agricultural estate and settlers' tents) - all this will enchant your child near the Moscow River, on the outskirts of the Luzhetsk monastery. This is north of the Monastyrsky Pond or west of the Mozhaisk Detinets. In addition to learning to ride a horse (as part of a horse safari), the child gets the chance to touch poultry, deer, sheep and ostriches. The Ecopark also offers acquaintance with hares, roe deer, fallow deer and some other animals. You can take photographs (this is included in the cost of visiting). You can also watch professional jockeys (there is a hippodrome here). And those who already have some skill will go on a horseback trek to the sites of the Battle of Borodino. You can get there in an hour. And there are many places to ride. But that's not all. Small children can safely count on the animators and sweets in the cafe. While the adults in hats will show what they can do at the equestrian “training ground”. Maybe they’ll even fly over obstacles. We recommend having a hearty meal at the snack bar with very beautiful wooden verandas. Admission for an adult is 2,000 rubles, and for very small children it is free. It remains to add that you can row on the Monastyrsky pond (with ducks in it). Boats are available right here. Photographer available. There is a hotel and a landscape park. The place is known far beyond the borders of our country - you can meet many foreigners here.

Horse base "Chizhik"

When you determine in advance what to see in Mozhaisk in two days, do not forget to take into account the interests of young family members who are going with you on a trip to the west of the Moscow region. We are sure that they will be interested in the establishment named in the title. It is located exactly 15 kilometers from the western outskirts of the described settlement - in the small village of Koloch. The local railway runs along the equestrian club, trying to deliver passengers of the Moscow electric train to Mozhaisk (there is a station near KK). And the river has the same name - it is covered with bright grass, willows, aspen and stunted spruce trees. But in the direction of Mozhaisk there is a full-fledged deciduous forest - it also lies on one of the radial routes of horse treks organized in Chizhik. One of them, by the way, leads to the points of the Borodino battle. That is, you will have to return towards the regional center, but on horseback! On the Semenovsky stream and on the reservoir Learn those same historical locations. For beginners, there is a closer historical reserve - Doronino. Everything there was left as it was in 1812. Tours up to 2,000 rubles. Group – minimum 4 riders. And regular trips and lessons are much cheaper here.

The House for arts and crafts for children

Like all similar institutions, DDT Mozhaisk exhibits in the hall masterpieces of folk crafts (including Easter souvenirs), as well as graphic and painting works by young masters from this city. And there is also a lot of interesting things in the immediate vicinity. Victory Park in this part is rich in stalls with cotton candy and ice cream.

Now the reader understands that the attractions of Mozhaisk are historical, cultural, natural and even entertaining. And it's worthy of a two-day tour.


If you are too lazy to go somewhere, then in the capital itself hundreds of opportunities for interesting pastime are provided for children and their parents. These are dozens of theme and botanical parks, attractions, the Moscow Zoo, Tsaritsyno, the children's theater "Magic Lamp", a circus, an aquarium, countless museums and more.

But when planning a trip, remember the “Covid” restrictions!

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