Population and area of ​​Khabarovsk. Time zone, climate, economy and attractions of Khabarovsk

In the Far East of the Russian Federation is the city of Khabarovsk. It is the administrative center of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation. In the East it occupies a leading position in education, culture and politics. It is a large industrial and economic metropolis. It is located at a distance of about 30 km from the border of the People's Republic of China.

Where exactly is Khabarovsk? What is the city's climate? What is the area of ​​Khabarovsk? Also below are data on the population of the regional capital. It also talks about the economy and describes the regions of Khabarovsk.

General information about the city

Initially, Khabarovsk was located on neutral territory, without borders, between the Russian Federation and China. And only after a general agreement was the disputed land given to the Russian Empire. Khabarovsk was founded in 1858, and in 1880 it was given city status. Since 2002, it has become part of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The city became the capital of the Khabarovsk Territory. It houses the headquarters of the military district, 200 regional federal authorities, as well as the Ministry for the Development of the Far East. He is a member of the Association of Siberian and Far Eastern Cities.

In the center, where Khabarovsk is located, the largest air and railway transport routes intersect. The city is located on the outskirts of the state and in a different time zone. That is why the question arises: “How long is it from Moscow to Khabarovsk?” It is located at a distance of 8 thousand 500 km from the capital of the Russian Federation, if you travel by rail, and about 6 thousand km by plane. Today the transport interchange is well developed. The city has two airports, four railway stations, and a river port.


There are 36 municipal healthcare institutions in the city:

  • clinics;
  • hospitals;
  • maternity;
  • diagnostic center;
  • ambulance station;
  • emergency service;
  • children's home;
  • sanatoriums.

In addition, a network of medical institutions has been developed to provide high-tech assistance to the population. There are family clinics and traditional Chinese medicine centers.

Medical care for Khabarovsk residents is provided at a high level, so the birth rate in the city is increasing and natural population decline is decreasing.

As you can see, the quality of life in the Far Eastern capital is at the proper level. In the city on the banks of the Amur there are many places for good rest, study and work. Housing is expensive, but recently a number of government programs have been implemented here, and real estate prices are gradually beginning to recover.

Climate and time zone of Khabarovsk

What is the climate in the city? Where is Khabarovsk? The city is located in the southern Middle Amur Lowland, where two rivers merge: the Ussuri and the Amur. It is washed by the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk. Its relief is varied. The central part is located on gentle hills (hills) above sea level 70-90 m.

Due to its close location to the sea, the climate of Khabarovsk is moderate, with warm but rainy summers and cold winters. In winter, the average temperature is around -20 degrees, and the temperature in mid-July is about +21 degrees. The climate of Khabarovsk is monsoon type, as in winter there is little snow and cold, and in summer it is warm and often rains. In January 2011, weather forecasters recorded the lowest temperature of -41 degrees. In the summer of 2010, the thermometer showed a maximum temperature of +36.7 degrees.

The time zone of Khabarovsk is located in Vladivostok time and is offset by +10 hours Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The difference with the Russian capital is +7 hours.

Population and area of ​​Khabarovsk

Khabarovsk Territory is the most sparsely populated region of the Russian Federation. This is mainly influenced by the harsh climate, as well as the decline of the economy, which has continued since post-Soviet times. As of 2022, the population in the region is 1 million 333 thousand 294 people, where the population density is 1.69 people per km².

Despite the difficulties, the population of Khabarovsk increased every year. In 2003, the number of residents was 580 thousand 400 people, and according to analytical estimates in 2022, 616 thousand 242 people live in the regional capital. The city ranks second in population among the cities of the Far East.

The population of Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory is multinational and diverse. As of 2010, the percentage of residents of different nationalities is:

  • about 92% are Russian;
  • 2.1% - Ukrainians;
  • 0.8% - Nanais;
  • 0.6% - Koreans, Tatars;
  • 0.4% - Belarusians, Evenks;
  • 0.3% are Chinese.

The main part (about 65%) of Far Eastern residents are workers and students. Many residents have higher education. Children and teenagers make up 19% of the total population, and pensioners make up 16%.

The administration of the city of Khabarovsk is trying with all its might to improve conditions for large families in the city: medical care is becoming better, providing financial assistance, improving the health of children of low-income families, building playgrounds, landscaping parks, etc.

The area of ​​Khabarovsk is 386 km². The length of the city along the coast is 33 km.

Educational establishments

In the regional center there are hundreds of secondary schools, colleges, schools, and universities.

More than 40 educational institutions train specialists with primary and secondary vocational education. The higher school is represented by three dozen universities and institutes, and a developed branch network.

Prestigious universities include:

  • Far Eastern Medical University;
  • Pacific State University;
  • Amur Humanitarian and Pedagogical University;
  • Khabarovsk Border Institute of the FSB of Russia;
  • Far Eastern Institute of Foreign Languages;
  • Far Eastern Institute of International Relations.

Mayor of the city

The mayor of Khabarovsk since September 2000 is Alexander Nikolaevich Sokolov. Was selected for 4 years. In 1981, he was appointed head of the industrial and transport department of the Zheleznodorozhny district party committee. In 1983 he became secretary of the party committee of the plant. Gorky, and in 1986 he was appointed director.

In Khabarovsk in 1990, the first democratic elections of the city Council of People's Deputies took place. A. N. Sokolov was elected to the post of deputy and chairman of the city council. His ability to rally strong people around him and his great efficiency helped him win the elections. Already in 1993, he was appointed deputy head of the administration for economic issues.

During the second elections in 2004, A. N. Sokolov took the leading place and received 83.84% of the votes. The mayor of Khabarovsk was also elected for a third and fourth term of office and remains in this position to this day.

Cost of products

The table shows prices in Khabarovsk for basic food products at the beginning of 2022.

The product's nameVolumeAverage price in rubles
Cottage cheese0.5 kg160
Rice1.0 kg100
Kefir1.0 l75
Milk1.0 l85
Potatoes, cabbage1.0 kg35
Sugar1.0 kg47
Beef1.0 kg300
Sausages1.0 kg215
Salad (greens)0.5 kg200
Bread1.0 kg36
Vegetable oil1.0 l75
Eggs10 pieces.70
Fish1.0 kg300
Beef1.0 kg250
Sugar1.0 kg60
Chickens1.0 kg200
Pasta1.0 kg80
Mushrooms1.0 kg200

Administrative division into districts

The city is divided into 4 districts: Central, Northern, Railway and Southern.

The districts are divided into Khabarovsk districts. There are 5 administrative districts in the city:

  1. Central is one of the old administrative districts, the center of Khabarovsk. Its territory area is 9.5 km². It differs from others in its more developed infrastructure, cleanliness and amenities. The transport system is well developed. There are educational, cultural and shopping centers here. The river station and the central market are located. As of 2022, the number of residents in the area is 96 thousand 155 people.
  2. Krasnoflotsky is a district with a population of 91 thousand 997 inhabitants.
  3. As of 2022, 53 thousand 674 citizens live in the Kirovsky district.
  4. 151 thousand 990 people live in the Zheleznodorozhny district. It is one of the large areas in the eastern part of the city. It was created in 1938 by order of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Its territory occupies about 9.6 thousand hectares. There is an airport, a railway station, a military airfield and a bus station here.
  5. The industrial district is the largest. 222 thousand 426 people live in it. Located in the southern part. The area has two main transport roads that cross the city from north to south.


The parameter has a significant impact on the demographic situation. The number of marriages affects the birth rate and the natural increase in the number of inhabitants. It is important to know how many marriages have been concluded/divorced.

The current number of marriages and divorces does not show an accurate picture, since the processes of registration/dissolution of family unions have been suspended due to the coronavirus pandemic. March 2022 – 560 marriages were dissolved, April – 192. April 2022 – the divorce rate was 588 registered cases. The number of registered marriages in 2022 exceeds the number of broken ones. According to official data, in April of this year - 588 couples legalized their relationships.

Industrial enterprises and economics

The factories of Khabarovsk make up the bulk of the industrial city. There are 86 main industry enterprises. Main activities:

  • processing production;
  • distribution and production of water, electricity and gas;
  • communications and transport;
  • mechanical engineering;
  • metal processing;
  • wood processing and fuel industry;
  • construction;
  • provision of catering services and trade;
  • Developed activities in the real estate sector.

Since the city needs the development of modern infrastructure and the construction of housing complexes, the city has a mechanism for attracting investment on a long-term basis. In 2008, about 46 million rubles of investment were attracted for construction.

There are about 28 municipal enterprises operating here, operating in 7 sectors of the economy. They constitute the economic sector of the administrative center. The amount of their assets is equal to 13.1 billion rubles.

The Khabarovsk city administration has developed a strategic development plan until 2022. 60 targeted programs have been prepared, most of which are aimed at economic and social development. To implement it you need:

  • creating good, safe conditions for citizens;
  • creation of a scientific and technical center in the region;
  • formation of trade and transport logistics in the region;
  • improving the work of the administrative and political center of the Russian Federation in the Far East.


There is a significant migration outflow. Beginning of 2022 - the Khabarovskstat department announced a record for the decrease in the number of citizens: in 2022, 7 thousand residents left the settlement. Most of the arriving foreigners are residents of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The reasons for the migration outflow are poverty, unemployment, social insecurity, and an unstable political situation.

Railway transport

Railway construction is actively developing in the Far East. The history of the city station begins with the reign of the great Romanovs. According to historical data, it was they who laid the first stone where the largest railway routes now pass, carrying huge cargo and a large number of passengers.

In 1891, the Ussuri Railway was built, and already in 1897 a road was built between Khabarovsk and Vladivostok. The construction of the Amur section of the Trans-Siberian Railway turned the city into a major transport hub. This is how the Khabarovsk-2 railway station appeared. Subsequently, a large Zheleznodorozhny district was built.

Khabarovsk-1 Railway Station is a passenger railway station that impresses all visitors with its original architecture. It was opened in 1905. The station is located in the center of the city itself. In its one hundred and tenth year, the station was completely renovated using funds from the city budget, with the participation of local patrons. From the former station, only the famous monument to E.P. Khabarov, which stands on the station square, remained untouched.

City transport

Khabarovsk is of great international and regional importance in transport communications from the north to the west of the country. The city connects the federal points of the Ussuri, Amur, Khabarovsk-Komsomolsk-on-Amur and Vostok highways. Back in 1893, a bus station was built that could support a passenger flow of five hundred passengers per hour. International buses connect the central and eastern regions.

With the help of the Amur River Shipping Company, passenger and cargo transportation is carried out along the Amur River. The vessels carry out sea transportation (both cargo and passengers) to remote areas of the Far Eastern Territory. The city has a cargo river port, a river station for passengers, and a Khabarovsk fleet repair and maintenance base. Passengers travel down the river using the Meteora motor ships, and up the Tunguska River there is a series of high-speed ships called Zarya. In Soviet times, cruise ships sailed along the Amur River. Currently, such ships have already been canceled, however, it is quite possible that cruise routes will return in the future.

Air transport in Khabarovsk is well developed. Air transportation is carried out through the Small and Large airports, which are located ten kilometers from the center of Khabarovsk. In addition, the city has an aircraft repair base. Air traffic from Japan to Europe passes through the air traffic control zone. The Central and Dynamo military airfields are located here.

Trams, trolleybuses, minibuses and buses run around the city. The length of intracity transport lines is about 500 kilometers. Due to the complex networks of underground rivers and mountainous terrain, no metro was built in the city. Such construction would threaten Khabarovsk, which, with any flaw, could go underground.

Amur river

In addition to the bridge itself, you can admire the beauty of the Amur River , which ranks 4th among Russian rivers and tenth among world rivers.

View of the Amur, the Khekhtsir ridge can be seen in the distance

The river got its name “Amur” from the word “amar” or “damur” common to the Tungus-Manchu languages, which means “big river”. But the Chinese interpretation (the river flows on the border of Russia and China ) of the name is much more interesting. Initially, the Chinese nicknamed the river “ Heihe ” - black river, then “ Heilongjiang ” - “ Black Dragon River ”.

The last name is associated with a legend according to which in ancient times two dragons lived in the river - black and white. The latter personified evil - he sank boats, took fishermen to the bottom, and generally caused mischief in a million different ways. This continued until he was curbed by the Black Dragon , a symbol of kindness. Since then, the Black Dragon settled on the border of the Amur and Jewish Autonomous Regions , and the Amur was nicknamed the Black Dragon River .

View of the Amur from the park above the embankment

The length of the Amur is more than 4.5 thousand kilometers, and the area of ​​its basin is 1.8 million square kilometers.

Art and culture of the city

Khabarovsk is not only a large industrial center, but also a city of culture in the Far East. It houses the following city museums:

  1. Regional Museum. It was founded back in 1894 with the help of the Amur Department of the Russian Geographical Society. A stone turtle weighing 6,400 kg was installed in front of the building. In 2005, the museum opened a new exhibition of Amur fish.
  2. Museum of Archeology named after. A. P. Okladnikova.
  3. Museum of the History of the City. It was opened in 2004. It contains museum exhibits from Khabarovsk from the pre-revolutionary period to modern times.
  4. Art Museum.
  5. Military History Museum of the Far Eastern District. Started working in 1983. It contains samples of military equipment from different times.
  6. Amur Bridge Museum.
  7. Art Gallery named after. Fedotova.
  8. Museum of the history of Khabarovsk-1 station.

Since 1978, the central library named after. P. Komarova, as well as its ten branches. A children's library was also built. A. Gaidar and the scientific library of the Academy of Science and Law.

Development of Khabarovka in the 19th century

For the first couple of years, “life went on without any entertainment or even impressions.” So much so that even letters and newspapers were read several times - mail arrived twice a month, and even then only in winter and summer, because “during the thaw we were cut off from the world for almost 2 months.”

Throughout the second half of the 19th century and until Russia entered the First World War, Khabarovsk gradually developed and was built up. For the first few years of Khabarovka's existence, all residential wooden development was carried out chaotically, and there were no official street names.

View of Srednaya Mountain from the Plyusninka River. End of the 19th century. At the top you can see the Assumption Cathedral and the triumphal arch, built for the visit of Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich

An officer and journalist, P. N. Krasnov, who visited Khabarovka during this period, wrote in his diary:

“A city without a plan, without a drawing. Everyone built his own house wherever he wanted, demarcating for himself as much space as he wanted...”

In 1864, military topographer Marcelius Martynovich Lyubensky developed a plan for the development of the settlement with the prospect of turning it into a commercial and industrial city. The basis for urban planning was the natural landscape. The key elements of the city's layout were the almost parallel hills facing the Amur. Sometimes in the literature they are called the distant spurs of the Sikhote-Alin. The urban planning plan included a regular network of streets, which today forms the basis of the historical center of Khabarovsk.

General plan of Khabarovka by land surveyor of the Primorsky region Lyubensky in 1864

In 1872, Khabarovka was just beginning to be built and looked unsightly. There were few residents, about 500 people, “including the soldiers of the guard team.” Rumors that Khabarovka would become a city spread back in 1876. Artillery depots and a mining division were transferred here from Nikolaevsk.

In 1880, the capital of the Primorsky region was moved from Nikolaevsk to Khabarovka. The village acquires the status of a city , and a separate building is being built in it for the residence of the governor of the Primorsky region. By this time, the settlement had about 2 thousand inhabitants and 855 buildings. Of these, only 5 houses stood on stone foundations. All other private houses were slums typical of Tsarist Russia: chaotic “blocks of wood” without normal infrastructure. Urban inhabitants lived in them: small artisans, traders and office workers.

In 1884, the East Siberian General Government was divided into two military-administrative units: the Irkutsk and Amur General Governments. Khabarovka became the capital of the Amur General Government. The administration of the Amur region was also located here. This year the population of the young city reached 4 thousand people. Of these: 3340 Russians and 519 Chinese.

The acquisition of regional and then provincial rank caused a construction boom in Khabarovka. It was during this period that the first brick buildings appeared in the city. Many of these houses, whose history dates back to the end of the 19th century, have survived in Khabarovsk to this day and are protected as architectural monuments of federal significance.

Stone houses of Khabarovsk, built at the end of the 19th century. Some of them were built on in the 20th century. Clockwise: 1. The first wing of the Local History Museum was commissioned in 1896; 2. Management (Volochaevskaya, 146). Former apartment building of J. A. Smagi; 3. Apartment house of A. M. Baluev (Zaparina, 84); 4. Office of the Amur Governor-General - the first two floors are decorated in the style of Russian brickwork. The third and fourth floors were built during Soviet times.

Ancient buildings in the center of Khabarovsk, preserved in their original form and protected by the state as historical and architectural monuments. Clockwise: 1. Far Eastern State Scientific Library, former apartment building of the Plyusnin merchants; 2. An architectural monument of the early 20th century. Protected by the state; 3. Apartment house of the Dyakonovs until 1912; 4. Headquarters building of the Amur Military District.

Monuments and squares

There are a lot of squares and monuments in the city. The main square of Khabarovsk is Lenin. It hosts all the city's parades and celebrates outstanding local holidays. She is recognized as the most beautiful in the city. The central square of Khabarovsk is Slava Square. It was opened in 1975. There is a monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War on it. Komsomolskaya Square is the oldest in the city. In 1923 it was renamed Red Square.

In 2012, the city was awarded the honorary title of the Russian Federation “City of Military Glory”. Stella was erected in honor of this title. Its opening took place in 2015, that is, on the seventieth anniversary of the end of the Second World War. At the foot of the monument, the city administration plans to open a city museum dedicated to the same topic in the near future.

At the Lenin Stadium, the “Black Tulip” monument was erected in honor of the soldiers who died in the Afghan War. The author of the monument was the famous sculptor Yu. Kukuev. The “Black Tulip” attracts a lot of attention from tourists, although what can I say - local residents involuntarily look back at the monument when accidentally passing by. Many townspeople visit him to honor the memory of their relatives or friends.

Near the stadium there is a monument to the Young Defenders of the City. The monument was built in 2004 in honor of those killed during the 1921 Civil War.

A monument to Captain Y. Dyachenko was erected on a granite platform. It was built solely with donations from townspeople. Next to the monument there is a street named after this man.

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Famous Landmarks

More than a hundred years ago, the Amur Bridge was built - this engineering miracle is the largest bridge in all of Russia. There is rail and two-way road traffic here. Connects the banks of the Amur River. This is one of the unique places in the city.

Modern Khabarovsk has many beautiful places that both tourists and city residents love to visit. In 1983, amazingly beautiful city ponds were built. They consist of three ponds, which are created in the form of a cascade and are separated by a small dam. Around them lie green and shady alleys. In 2011, light illumination and fountain equipment were installed on the ponds. Nowadays, many citizens gather here in the evenings to enjoy the light show, and during the day, those who enjoy the pleasant murmur of the fountains stroll nearby.

Also the city embankment named after. Nevelskogo is a tourist attraction. The Amur cliff is the pride of the townspeople themselves. Local residents often come to this beautiful place to relax with their families, lovers make appointments here, and older townspeople like to stroll. The Amur cliff is considered a particularly romantic place for lovers and newlyweds; during the “wedding season” newlyweds are photographed here every now and then, and people believe that visiting this place on their wedding day is a sign of strong family happiness. The Amur cliff is located in the historical part of Khabarovsk.

On Komsomolskaya Square there is another pride of the Far East - the Grado-Khabarovsk Cathedral of the Assumption of the Mother of God. Every traveler visits it to look at the extraordinary beauty of the cathedral's architecture. The height of the temple is 50 m. It is the first one that is clearly visible immediately upon entering the city. The building took ten years to build, and in 1886 the first service was held there.

Muravyov-Amursky Street is another famous landmark of the city, both among locals and tourists not only in Russia, but also from other countries. It is here that those very old houses have been preserved, which stand out sharply against the background of the modern city, reminiscent of the past. On the street there are many cozy restaurants and cafes that offer both coffee and cakes and full meals at affordable prices, and there is also the best cinema in the city. The shops sell Far Eastern souvenirs for tourists.

Admiral Nevelskoy Embankment

appreciate all the beauty and power of the Amur from the city embankment. She received her name in honor of the great Russian admiral and explorer of the Far Eastern lands - Gennady Ivanovich Nevelsky .

Embankment from the cliff

Initially, the embankment had a length of a modest two kilometers, but work is currently underway to extend it. After construction is completed, the embankment will run almost along the entire city. Over the past few years, the water level in the Amur has reached critical levels, which complicates construction.

Amur embankment from the cliff

Over the past few years, the embankment itself has become very comfortable for walking - there are benches with awnings along its entire length, pedestrian and bicycle paths have been installed, the slopes are covered with grass and bushes, and a router with Wi-Fi has been installed. Part of the embankment is occupied by an amusement park; in winter there is an ice skating rink.

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