Sights of Murom - the birthplace of Ilya Muromets

The first mention of Murom, as one of the estates of the legendary Rurik, is found in the chronicles of 862. This fact gives the city the right to be included in the ranks of the oldest Russian city policies. The ancient history of Murom is shrouded in legends. It either rose to the center of an appanage principality, or languished in oblivion after being burned by the Mongol hordes, and at the end of the 14th century. became part of Muscovy. In modern times, the city acquired industry and became an important regional cultural and educational center. The sights of Murom, photos and descriptions of which are presented in the article, attract many tourists to the ancient policy on the banks of the Oka. The past is treated with care here, so historical monuments are kept in good condition.

A few facts about Murom

  • Murom is located on the border with the Nizhny Novgorod region.
  • It was first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years in 862 , this year is considered the date of its creation.
  • The first Murom prince Gleb Vladimirovich from the Rurik family (reigned 1013 - 1015) is known for the fact that, together with his brother Prince Boris, he was killed by his brother Prince Svyatopolk the Accursed, for which he was canonized. Gleb and Boris are considered the first saints in Rus'.
  • In 1097, Prince Yaroslav Svyatoslavovich (Constantine) put an end to paganism in the city by baptizing the population. Moreover, the renunciation of the new faith was not voluntary: the prince’s son was killed by disgruntled townspeople. The reign of Yaroslav is associated with economic prosperity and internecine wars.
  • For the next century, the throne was divided between the sons of Yaroslav: Yuri, Svyatoslav and Rostislav. In the 13th century, Murom was subjected to a devastating raid by the Tatar-Mongols, and in 1293 it became the victim of a large-scale fire.
  • Only in 1351 did a white streak begin in the history of the city after the annexation of Murom by Vasily I to the Moscow lands.
  • At the beginning of the 16th century, the city was overtaken by an epidemic that wiped out almost the entire population.
  • Murom survived both the Time of Troubles and the fires of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. At the same time, the city has always remained an important trade and craft center of Rus' due to its advantageous geographical position: leather craftsmen, gunsmiths, tailors, carpenters, jewelers, and bakers were famous far beyond its borders.
  • Now the population of Murom is 109 thousand people, it is the third city in the Vladimir region in terms of population.
  • The distance to the city of Gorokhovets is 97 km, Gus-Khrustalny is 110 km, to the regional center of Vladimir is 130 km, to Suzdal is 170 km.

Architecture and monuments of Murom

The city will not disappoint hunters of tourist trophies. Connoisseurs of elegant architecture will find something to see in Murom.

Water tower

  • Address: st. Lenina, 15. Transport stop “School No. 3”.

Today, few people know that water supply appeared in Murom earlier than in the provincial Vladimir . Nevertheless, it is true. Already in the summer of 1864, the townspeople got rid of the need to stock up on life-giving moisture from the Oka every day, climbing the steep slope of the bank with full buckets. Water distribution to infrastructure facilities and residential areas was carried out through a water tower. This structure, which remained the tallest building in Murom until the beginning of the last century, has been perfectly preserved to this day. The three-story tower, built according to the canons of classicism, is crowned with a hexagonal drum with a spire. It is still part of the city's water supply system.

Moscow street

  • Address: section of the street between “Truda Square” and “1100th Anniversary of Murom Square”. Transport stop "Progress Cinema".

To get an idea of ​​what Murom was like a century and a half ago, just take a walk along Moskovskaya Street, along which the then city elite built mansions. Especially many historical buildings have been preserved in two blocks adjacent to the square of the 1100th anniversary of Murom. In addition to merchant and aristocratic houses, tourists will be able to admire here the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, the Chapel of the Archangel Michael, several public gardens, sculptures, and a fountain.

Epic stone

  • Address: Vladimirskoe highway. Transport stop "Post DPS".

Another interesting monument is seen by everyone who enters the city from the regional center. There is a massive stone block on which the sculptor carved the face of Ilya Muromets, wearing a helmet. Below on the boulder is a quotation from the chronicle of 862. It was this year that dates back the first mention of Murom in the “Tale of Bygone Years.” The original monument was created in 1967.

Armored train Ilya Muromets

  • Address: park named after. 50th anniversary of Soviet power. Vodokanal transport stop.

In 1942, workers at the Murom depot, at odd hours, produced an armored train for the Red Army, lined with 25-mm armor with four artillery platforms. As part of the armored train division, “Ilya Muromets” went through the entire war and met Victory in the vicinity of Berlin. The crew of the formidable train has several shot down Luftwaffe aircraft and destroyed enemy batteries. In addition, in an artillery duel, the Ilya Muromets defeated the fascist armored train Adolf Hitler. Since 1971, the combat vehicle has been permanently parked in one of the city parks.

Popular on the portal: TOP-35 attractions of the Vladimir region

Monument to Ilya Muromets

Address: Oksky Congress, 9

The monument to Ilya Muromets was erected in the hero’s homeland - in the city of Murom, on the high bank of the Oka River in 1999. The sculptor is Vyacheslav Klykov (1939-2006), the author of many famous monuments, including Marshal Zhukov on Manezhnaya Square in Moscow.

The bronze epic hero is presented as both a warrior and a monk. He stands holding a sword in a high hand, with his left hand he presses an Orthodox cross to his chest. Under the warrior's armor is a monastic robe. The monument to Ilya Muromets has become a symbol of the city; next to it there is an observation deck on the Oka River.


Monuments are significant sights of the city of Murom, colorful photographs and descriptions of which are indicated in guidebooks. There are many of them and each is distinguished by its originality. Of particular note are the memorable places dedicated to:

Saints Peter and Fevronia

The monument to the saints who patronize marriage and fidelity was erected on the Monastyrskaya glade near the Holy Trinity Monastery. The image of the prince symbolizes the indestructibility and strength of the Russian spirit, and his wife symbolizes wisdom and virtue. A rabbit sits at the couple's feet. There is a belief that if you stroke his nose, happiness will flow into the house.

Ilya Muromets

The monument to the main character of Russian epics was erected in the park on the local observation deck, where in ancient times the border of the Slavic lands passed. The image of the hero is highly revered by the townspeople. In one hand the warrior holds a raised weapon, and in the other he clutches an Orthodox cross. Below, at the base of the pedestal, proudly leaning on shields, sit the figures of griffins.

To soldier recruits

There is a landmark in the city of Murom, colorful photos with descriptions of which testify to the respect Murom residents have for the memory of the defenders of their land. The monument to the Verbovsk residents who fell during the Second World War was created on the territory of the Verbovsky village. Stone fighters stand like a wall in a picturesque forest, surrounded by ancient trees.

Steam locomotive "Ilya Muromets"

The armored train locomotive, named after the hero, was built by local residents as a gift to the front at the beginning of World War II. They saved the funds for the assembly themselves. The authorities planned to name the car “For the Motherland!”, but the workers insisted on the name “Ilya Muromets”. In the 70s of the 20th century, a steam locomotive was installed near the city park.

Muromsky kalach

The sculpture of the Murom Kalach appeared five years ago, on the day of the holiday in honor of the sweet pastry. The figure of a huge bread product was installed not far from the market, near the Noble Club restaurant. It is believed that the birthplace of kalach is Mur. The monument is equipped with a heating system and even in frosty conditions it maintains a temperature of +35. In the near future they plan to equip it with sprayers, and it will smell like freshly baked cakes.

Water tower

The water tower is an architectural monument erected at the intersection of two central streets - Sovetskaya and Lenin. The construction is associated with the name of the former head of the city, who sponsored the project of the first Murom water supply system. Now the building does not fulfill its basic functions. But, given its historical value, the tower has been preserved in its original condition.

Epic stone

An epic stone rises at the entrance to the old part of the city. It is made in the form of a sculptural block on which the face of a hero is carved. At the bottom there is an inscription in Old Church Slavonic, taken from the Tale of Bygone Years. The quote contains the first mention of Murom. Pine and birch trees grow green near the stone.

Annunciation Monastery

Address: Krasnoarmeyskaya st., 1.

Erected in the 16th century by decree of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of Kazan on the site of a wooden church of the 12th century, the Annunciation Monastery houses the relics of the blessed Prince Constantine (Yaroslav) and his sons Fyodor and Mikhail - fighters for the Orthodox faith, as well as the Venerable Elijah of Muromets.

In addition to the monastery, the Annunciation Cathedral with icons from the 16th century has been preserved. The remaining buildings are buildings reconstructed after the Polish intervention. Services in the monastery did not stop even during the period of Soviet power, and the monastery was officially opened in 1991.

Monasteries and temples of Murom

Murom, whose sights have been preserved since ancient times, has temples and monasteries. Orthodox shrines not only contain spiritual values, but are also monuments of Russian architecture.

Annunciation Monastery

On the site of the Annunciation Monastery, starting from the 12th century, there was a wooden church that housed the relics of 3 princes who converted the local population to Christianity. In the middle of the 16th century. they were canonized. In 1552, Ivan the Terrible stayed in the city and made a vow that if Kazan was taken, he would build a monastery on this site.

It is known from history that the Kazan campaign ended in victory, and the king kept his word; a year later the monastery was founded. During the same period, construction began on the Annunciation Cathedral (the current one was rebuilt in the mid-17th century). During the Soviet period, the community was closed, and it resumed its activities again after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Pilgrims are attracted here by the relics of the holy princes Constantine, Fyodor and Michael, as well as the image of Elijah of Murom with a particle of his relics. At the beginning of the 19th century. A stone fence with corner towers was erected around the temple complex. Object location: st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 16.

Trinity Monastery

Trinity Monastery was built in the 12th century. The oldest building on its territory is the stone five-domed Trinity Church (1642) and the bell tower built 10 years later. Many pilgrims come here to venerate the relics of the faithful Peter and Fevronia, considered patrons of family and love. Another shrine is kept on the monastery territory - the Vilna Cross with relics.

The Holy Trinity Convent was founded on the site of a wooden church that had previously been located here. After the revolution it was closed and opened in 1991. At the same time as the monastery was founded, the Trinity Cathedral was erected, which was expanded and rebuilt several times. A multi-tiered tented bell tower was added to it.

The monastery also preserved a wall with towers (19th century) and the abbot’s building (17th-19th centuries). On the monastery territory there is a church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, moved from a nearby village, which is open in the summer. Community address: pl. Troitskaya (Peasant Square).

Church of the Ascension

Founded in the 16th century. Church of the Ascension of the Lord rises on the street. Moskovskaya, 15. The original structure was made of wood, which is why it burned and was rebuilt several times. A stone building with 5 gilded domes appeared on this site only in 1729.

During the Soviet period, valuables were removed from the monastery, the dome was destroyed and a school was built in it. The temple began to be revived at the end of the 20th century. Currently, a full cycle of services is held there.

Nikolo-Embankment Church

On the bank of the river Oka on the street Plekhanov, 27 there is a Nikolo-Naberezhny temple. It was built at the beginning of the 18th century. in the style of Peter the Great's Baroque. The five-domed bell tower is crowned with a dome with round window openings. Another name for the sanctuary used by local residents is Nikola Mokryi. This is due to the fact that in the spring, when there is a spill, water comes up to its walls.

At the foot of the church there flows the Nikolsky spring, which is healing. In a ravine nearby there is a chapel in honor of the image of the Mother of God “Life-Giving Spring”

Theater-Museum of Ilya Muromets

The unique museum-theater of Ilya Muromets is located on the street. Kommunisticheskaya, 33. In it, visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the history and life of the mighty Russian hero through legends and ancient traditions.

The story is told through an interactive theatrical performance, which invites those who wish to travel to the ancient Russian events of the 12th century to see the healing of the Great Warrior and his battle with the Nightingale the Robber.

Guests of the institution will feel the atmosphere of past times, learn the traditions and life of their ancestors, and will also be able to try on the armor of Ilya Muromets and try the Murom kalach with aromatic tea. At the end of the tour, visitors will take part in a master class on how to design a talisman that protects against the evil eye. The theater-museum was founded in 2016, and during this time it was visited by about 5 thousand people.

Those interested will be able to get here from Tue. on Sat., and on Sun. excursions are available upon prior reservation.

Oksky Park

Oka Garden stretches on the steep slope of the Kremlin Mountain. In ancient times, this space was occupied by a settlement called Old Vyshny Grad, then the Murom Kremlin, dismantled in the 18th century, rose. In an abandoned place in the middle of the 19th century. Prince I. Trubetskoy ordered to lay out the boulevard. Alleys of elms and lindens were planted on it. Only centuries-old elms have survived to this day.

In the 1950s the green zone turned into a Park of Culture and Recreation, and a cathedral square was added to it. The center of the Oka Garden is the monument to Ilya Muromets and the fountain. Object address: crossroads st. May Day and Oka Congress.

Holy Trinity Monastery

Address: Krestyanina Square, 3A.

Holy Trinity Convent, built in the 17th century at the expense of the merchant T.B. Tsvetnova, is a famous place of pilgrimage because of the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia stored there.

According to legend, the young people fell in love with each other and dedicated their lives to God, bequeathing to bury them together. However, after death (on the same day and hour), the bodies of the lovers were buried in different coffins according to the tradition of monasticism. But a miracle happened: the next morning the coffins were empty, and Peter and Fevronia rested in a common coffin prepared in advance for them.

Now the relics of the saints are kept in the Trinity Cathedral - one of the three operating buildings of the complex (along with the Kazan Gate Church with a bell tower), and the territory of the monastery is decorated with a monument in honor of the patron saints of marriage. Here is also the wooden church of St. Sergius of Radonezh of the 18th century, moved from the village of Krasnoe.

Epic stone

"Epic Stone" at the entrance to Murom

At the entrance to the ancient city of Murom from the north, from the side of Vladimir, there is a sculpture carved from stone of Ilya Muromets. Here they honor the memory of the epic hero, who, according to folk legends, was born in the village of Karacharovo, near Murom. The image of the hero became, as it were, an emblem, a coat of arms of the city. From the point of view of historical significance, the epic stone is the main attraction of the city. An inscription from the chronicle “In the summer of 6370 (862)… was carved into the stone. And pine trees grow next to the stone, and everyone certainly remembers the famous folk song “There were three pine trees on the Murom path...”. 1967 Artist S.A. Nikolaev, architect N.A. Bespalov. “The Epic Stone of Ilya Muromets” is located at the entrance to the city of Murom from the direction of Vladimir.

Zworykin House

Zvorykin House
The Zvorykin House (located on Pervomaiskaya Street, 4) is the main building of the Murom Historical and Art Museum. The three-story mansion with a mezzanine from the 19th century is one of the largest and most beautiful houses in the city. A world-famous scientist, “the father of television,” Vladimir Kozmich Zvorykin (1889-1982) was born and spent his youth here.

There is a memorial plaque installed in the Zvorykin mansion in Murom, and a monument is located in front of his home. For a long time, the Zvorykins’ house housed exhibitions on the history and culture of Murom.

Monument to V.K. Zvorykin in Murom

Monument to V.K. Zvorykin in Murom was installed on July 31, 2013. The monument was installed near the walls of the house of the outstanding Murom inventor of television on Pervomaiskaya Street, 4 (building of the Murom Museum). It was here that Vladimir Zvorykin spent his youth, and this is where his complex, eventful and great destiny began. Friend and biographer V.K. Zworykin Frederick OLESSI said this about Zworykin: - Without a doubt, Vladimir Zworykin is one of the greatest people who have ever walked this planet. And we are absolutely right in honoring his memory here, in the country where he was born, because despite the fact that as a scientist he belongs to the world, he will always remain an example of a unique Russian soul.

A kind of “illustration” of one of his deeds in Murom lies in the courtyard of the Zvorykins’ house. This is a giant oak stump, with a sign next to it: “According to legend, Ilya Muromets uprooted such oak trees, threw them into the Oka and changed the course of the river. This oak tree fell into the Oka River in the 16th century at the age of 300 years. In 2002, the oak was raised by Murom river workers from the bottom of the Oka River on the Spassky rift, 197 kilometers from the mouth. The stump has a diameter of 1.5 meters, a girth of about 4.6 meters, and was cut from a whole tree raised from the bottom of the river. See Historical and Art Museum of Murom.

Monument to Lakin M.I.

Monument to Lakin M.I. Lakin Mikhail Ignatievich was born on November 5 (17), 1876 in the village of Saksino, Murom district (Vladimir province) - Russian social democrat, one of the participants in the workers' strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk in 1905. Opening of the monument to M.I. Lakin in Murom took place in 1967. The opening was attended by relatives of the Murom revolutionary. In memory of the Murom revolutionary, streets were named and memorials were erected in other cities. In 1922, the Undol textile factory of the Bazhanovs and the village at the factory, which in 1969 was transformed into the city of Lakinsk, were named after Mikhail Ignatievich Lakin. A street and passage in Vladimir, a street in Ivanovo, a street and exit in Murom, streets in Sobinka and Kokhma were also named in memory of the revolutionary. In the village of Undol, which became part of Lakinsk, on a street also named after Lakin, a memorial stone was erected at the site of his death. A monument was erected in the park opposite the Lakinskaya Manufactory spinning and weaving factory. There is a memorial plaque on one of the houses on Lakina Street in Ivanovo. In 1985, in connection with the 80th anniversary of the strike in Ivanovo-Voznesensk, a bronze bust of Lakin was installed at the Krasnaya Talka memorial complex. Memorial complex in memory of the Murom residents - participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. st. Moscow.

“In memory of the courage of the residents of Murom and the region shown during the liquidation of the consequences of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other nuclear facilities.”

Memorial cross

“The cross was installed in memory of Archpriest Gavriil Vasilyevich Yastrebov. He served as a priest in this Church of the Ascension of the Lord for 47 years. He rested in Bose in 1897 on February 14 (old time). He was buried near the altar of the church.

See Church of the Ascension.

Monument "Mourning Angel"

Monument “Mourning Angel”
The figure of an angel was carved from armor plate on the “Muromteplovoz”.
The pedestal was made of granite, specially delivered from Karelia. The inscription was engraved on it: “Hot spots and a shot in the night... And in the heart, like a bell, memory knocks.” “The Mourning Angel” became, in a way, the repentance of the Murom residents to their fellow countrymen who went through the terrible roads of wars in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Abkhazia, Transnistria, as well as those who died in “hot spots”. The monument is located in the park on the street. Moscow, near the Murom Orthodox gymnasium of St. Elijah Muromets. Monument “Union of Love - Wise Marriage”

Address: st. Lenina, 55a, at the entrance to the Murom registry office. The official name of the monument is “Union of Love - Wise Marriage.” Sculptor Nikolai Shcherbakov. Saints Peter and Fevronia are depicted as two kneeling figures, tenderly stretching out their hands to each other. The sculpture is secular, quite modernist, so they did not install it near monasteries. Opening date: July 8, 2008 (memory day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). In 2008, when the day of remembrance of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - July 8 - was officially declared a holiday, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, a campaign began in Russian cities to install monuments to Peter and Fevronia. And, logically, the first two monuments in Russia appeared in Murom.

Bas-relief of Peter and Fevronia

Bas-relief of Peter and Fevronia
The bas-relief of Peter and Fevronia was installed at the western monastery wall of the Transfiguration Monastery in Murom and was installed on July 8, 2008. See Peter and Fevronia.
Labor Square

Moskovskaya Street ended where the roofing felt factory is now. Behind the stone bridge over the Muromka River, which was encased in reinforced concrete armor back in the sixties of our century, the Moscow outpost began. However, for a long time this place was not called anything, and when a house with a Sporting Goods store was built in the sixties, it was assigned to Moskovskaya Street. At the former Moscow outpost, Labor Square was formed and got its name in the 60s. The first to appear was a nine-story building for workers at a roofing felt factory; a year later, two more of the same type with a large store below stood nearby. A park was laid out along the entire length from Moskovskaya Street to the railway line, and a monument to Labor was erected in the center. A seven-story hotel was built on the northwestern side of the square. On the opposite edge there is a bus station. From here, buses depart daily to Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Gorokhovets, Vyazniki, Melenki and almost all settlements of the Murom region. The lines are served by a passenger motor transport company. The history of this company's staff goes back only 30 years. Even after the end of World War II, there were only two or three buses running around the city. They carry more than 29 million passengers per year.

Monument to Labor.

Obelisk in memory of the revolutionary events in Murom in 1905. 1965 Installed near the Buchikha ravine.

Revolution square

Monument-obelisk to participants in the revolutionary events of 1905

An obelisk monument dedicated to the participants in the revolutionary events of 1905 was installed on the square on Pervomaiskaya Street. The exact date of installation is unknown; most likely, the obelisk dates back to the 1920-1930s. The words are engraved on the plaque: “Obelisk in memory of the first proletarian revolution of 1905. In defense of the rights and freedoms of the workers of Murom.” Address: Murom, crossroads st. Pervomayskaya and st. Vorovsky. See The Emergence of the Murom Party Organization.


Kazanka (district of Murom)

Certain parts of the city have unofficial folk names. On the territory adjacent to the Moscow-Kazan railway line, there is one of the oldest districts of the city, called Kazanka. With the construction of the Moscow-Kazan Railway, which took place three kilometers from the city, civil buildings began to appear here, and railway workers and their families began to settle. With the opening of railway workshops in 1916, this process accelerated. Several streets of standard houses appeared, built by the entrepreneur for workers and management. Later, already during the years of Soviet power, the development of workshops, which in 1926 turned into the Dzerzhinsky steam locomotive repair plant, and the opening of a switch plant led to an increase in housing and cultural construction. Steam locomotive repair workers opened a large workers' club, railway workers created a stadium, expanded the hospital and clinic. However, as before, between the station, the factory and the village that arose around them on the one hand, and the city on the other, there remained a huge three-kilometer wasteland - a city pasture for livestock. Probably because the village grew up near the railway line, the Murom residents began to call it Kazanka among themselves. On Kazanka means far from the city. Before the war, the streets that began at the Kazan Railway station almost reached the station of the railway line to Kovrov. But only in the post-war period did large housing construction begin, merging Kazanka with the city. The construction of Shcherbakova Street has essentially been completed. Along the eastern side of the plant named after. Dzerzhinsky in the 60s. Zheleznodorozhnaya Street grew, later renamed Filatov Street, in honor of the Hero of the Soviet Union, former chief designer] Vyacheslav Ivanovich Filatov[/anchor]. Filatova Street starts at the station and, reaching the northern part of the plant named after. Dzerzhinsky, breaks off. Just a quarter of a century ago there were only two or three wooden houses on it. In the year of the fiftieth anniversary of Soviet power, diesel locomotive builders reconstructed the square between the factory gates and the street, and moved here the monument to F.E. from the internal territory of the enterprise. Dzerzhinsky.

Monument to Dzerzhinsky

Opposite there were residential buildings, dormitories, music school No. 1, a road department building, and shops. Nowadays, Kazanka has turned into a large industrial and residential area of ​​the city. During the years of Soviet power, railway divisions developed, new industrial enterprises appeared: factories for reinforced concrete products, brick factories, reinforced concrete structures, bakery products, and a cold storage plant. Source: Pudkov D.P. P88 Murom: Historical-Econ. Feature article. – 2nd ed., rev. And additional – Yaroslavl: Verkh.-Volzh. Book Publishing house, 1987-176 p.

Station Square named after. N.F. Gastello

Monument “In honor of the immortal feat of Captain N.F. Gastello"

Bust of N.F.
Gastello See Muromsky railway station.
Park named after N.F. Gastello

Stele "Wing"

In connection with the 40th anniversary of N.F. Gastello in 1981, the “Wing” Stele was erected in the park in honor of his name. The monument to the first Murom Hero of the Soviet Union, pilot Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello, juts high into the sky. The inclined stele mounted on the slab depicts the pilot's plane in the rapid movement of the last decisive impulse. The winged car, as conceived by the authors, appears completely embedded in the ground. And the wing of an airplane with a golden star rises heroically above the ground. See Park named after N.F. Gastello

To victims of political repression

“Our grief is immeasurable for the torment of your innocents.
May the bitter memory of descendants save us from the return of the terrible past.” Memorial complex in memory of victims of political repression.
1996 Architect V. Shepeta. st. Lenin, square opposite school No. 3. See Victims of political repression of the Murom region and the city of Murom Voznesensky square

In 1788, Empress Catherine II approved a new urban development plan for Murom, which is why the historically established radial-ring scheme of the city did not receive further development. The new project introduced a rectangular grid of streets with many small standard blocks. The compositional center of this plan was Voznesenskaya Square at the intersection of Moskovskaya and st. L. Tolstoy. In 2015, a new city square with a park was opened. It appeared near the Ascension Cathedral (the Cathedral of the Ascension of the Lord is located at the intersection of modern Moskovskaya and Leo Tolstoy streets), receiving the name in honor of this temple. The Church of the Ascension of the Lord, built in 1729, is a special place for Murom residents. Located in the heart of Murom, this temple is considered one of the most beautiful in the region. The fountain has now become a decoration of Voznesenskaya Square.

Fountain on Voznesensky Square Fountain in Voznesensky Square

Ascension Cathedral

Belyakov Square

In the area of ​​the square there previously stood the Nikolo-Mozhaisk (Kazan) Church.

Monument to twice Hero of Socialist Labor, aircraft designer R. A. Belyakov. 1984 Sculptor V. Fetisov, architect J. Arndt. st. Pervomayskaya - Komsomolskaya.

Rostislav Apollosovich Belyakov - Soviet and Russian aircraft designer, general designer of the Design Bureau named after A.I. Mikoyan. Rostislav Apollosovich was born and spent his childhood in Murom, on Gubkin Street. Graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute named after. Sergo Ordzhonikidze became a design engineer. R.A. Belyakov developed 250 projects of military aviation equipment, under his leadership a whole family of light front-line fighters was born and grew, training and so-called MFIs were created - fifth-generation multifunctional front-line fighters. R.A. Belyakov - Twice Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin, Stalin 1st degree and State Prizes, honorary president of the Russian Academy of Aviation and Aeronautics, honorary member of the Royal Society of Aeronautics (Great Britain), honorary professor of the Moscow Aviation Institute and Peking University. On February 23, 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented academician Rostislav Belyakov in the Kremlin with the Order of Merit to the Fatherland for services of the second degree.

Monument to Krasnukhin Alexander Mikhailovich

Monument to Alexander Mikhailovich Krasnukhin (1908-1982) The monument was erected in 1983. Sculptor I.V. Beschastnov Architect V.N. Fitkovsky

Trinity Square

Trinity Square is located behind the Holy Trinity Monastery, in front of the Annunciation Monastery. Previously it was called Horse Square, after the place where horses were traded. With the appearance of the monument to Peter and Fevronius, the square radically changed its appearance.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

Monument to Peter and Fevronia The opening of the monument to Peter and Fevronia took place on July 7, 2012 on Peasant Square, between the Holy Trinity Convent and the Annunciation Monastery. In ancient times, the Prince’s Court was located on the “Monastery Glade,” so the installation of the monument resembles the symbolic return of the holy princes to the place of their life. The two-meter bronze sculptural composition is installed on a granite pedestal of the same height. The author of the monument is People's Artist of Russia Vladimir Surovtsev. It was created at the expense of the sculptor himself.

Opening of the monument to Vladimir Lenin in the city of Murom on the square near the walls of the Trinity Monastery. November 7, 1927

“Forgotten monument. In 1925, in response to the call of party and Soviet organizations to build a monument to V.I. The proletarians of Murom warmly responded to Levin. We collected about two thousand rubles, placed an order in Leningrad, and the monument was soon sent. Meanwhile, it was a rainy and frosty autumn. Murom residents, continuing the work they had begun, despite the frosts, laid the foundation in order to inaugurate the monument by May 1, 1926. 1926 has passed... New people, new views, and as a result, conclusions - the foundation was laid incorrectly and it needs to be redone. This is the second year that a project for this foundation has been drawn up, and the monument itself still lies in boxes and matting in the City Council barn” (“Call,” August 24, 1927).

Peasant Square in Murom with a view of the Trinity Convent. 1956

Ensemble of the Trinity Monastery in Murom. 1960s.

Funeral wreaths at the foot of the monument to Joseph Stalin in Murom. 1953

Square of victory

In every city, town and village there is a square of people's memory - a square of military glory. There is such a square in Murom. Victory Square appeared on the eve of the 25th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. Previously there were wooden residential buildings here. Victory Square is located on Lev Tolstoy Street, can be reached on foot from the stop at the Vityaz shopping center, which is located in the city center.

Obelisk to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War

About 29 thousand Murom residents fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War, almost 9 thousand did not return from the battlefields. The Victory Memorial is dedicated to their military exploits. “Obelisk to the soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War”, also known as the Monument to the Unknown Soldier, was erected in 1970. The architects are A.S. Belyalov, K.K. Golubev and A.K. Kozlov, located on Victory Square in the city of Murom. This monument reminds people every day and hour of the greatest grief that the war brought, of the desired peace that must be preserved and protected. Rallies are held here, and young people are sent off to serve in the army. The stele contains soil from the battle sites in Volgograd, Brest, Leningrad, Moscow, Radoshkovichi. On May 9, 1970, a parade was held here for the first time. This holiday became possible largely thanks to the director of the plant. Ordzhonikidze Nikolay Lavrentyev. It was he who proposed to give the city a sculpture of the victorious soldier and expressed the opinion that it should be installed in the city center. It took less than a year for these plans to come to fruition. “On May 9, in Murom, on Victory Square, a memorial to the soldiers who fell on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War was solemnly opened. Capsules with soil taken from the heroic cities of Moscow, Leningrad, Volgograd and the hero-fortress of Brest, from the sites of battles in which Murom residents participated, are walled up in the multi-meter pylon of the memorial. The memorial was built by the team of the plant named after. Ordzhonikidze. And the day before, at the monument to the hero-countryman Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello on Station Square in Murom, a solemn meeting of pioneers and schoolchildren of the city dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Victory took place. The pioneers laid fresh flowers at the monument to the hero-countryman" (Newspaper "Call").

“The gun was installed in memory of the soldiers and commanders of the 497th howitzer-artillery regiment of the 137th rifle division, formed in Murom in 1939. The regiment’s front-line life lasted 4 months and 7 days, but during this short period, at the cost of their lives, the artillerymen honorably fulfilled their military duty . Eternal glory to them!”

Fountain on Victory Square

Memorial complex at the Napolnoye Cemetery

Memorial complex in memory of soldiers who died in hospitals in Murom during the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945. (1957 – 1985). Artist R. Kutaev, architect N. Bespalov, engineer V. Rumyantseva. “Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in the struggle for the independence of our Motherland 1941-1945.”

Monument to the Murom Kalach

Monument to Kalach in Murom
The monument to Kalach appeared in Murom on August 4, 2012 next to the “Noble Club” restaurant, which is located near the city market.
On this day, the city celebrated the holiday of kalach for the first time. It is believed that Murom is the birthplace of this Russian bun. One has only to pay attention to the city’s coat of arms, which depicts three rolls. Initially, the ceramic roll weighed 100 kilograms. In winter, the monument was accidentally damaged while clearing snow. Soon they put up a new kalach, which turned out better than the previous one. The monument is heated, and the temperature is maintained at 35 degrees, it is regulated using sensors and soon, after installing the sprayers, the ceramic roll will smell like freshly baked bread. A tasty and hot kalach is located in the city center near the city market (next to the Noble Club restaurant). On May 18, 1798, Emperor Pavel Petrovich was traveling to Kazan and visited Murom. The Emperor, being in a cheerful mood, whose calm was not disturbed by any complaints here, graciously deigned to announce: “I will remember your Murom rolls, which my Empress will soon see (because they were sent at the same hour by express courier from St. Petersburg) and that rain that soaked our greatcoats!” ... His Majesty, preparing to board the carriage that had arrived from the transport, again deigned to make the citizens happy by accepting bread and salt, saying: “This is the Russian way: they met and saw off with the rolls!” May 25, 1805, on Saturday, on the eve of St. Trinity, from the repeated heating of the kalak oven, a strong fire occurred, which, during a raging storm, turned most of the city to ashes, destroying the homes of the disabled, Tanners and the Yamskaya settlement; this misfortune happened at noon, 9 people became victims of the flame; After that, all the bakeries were built of stone, with vaults, instead of the wooden houses that were before the fire. Park of Culture and Recreation

Park of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet Union. Authorities (Sosnovy Bor) was founded in 1966. Participants in planting trees in the park: party and leadership of the city. Moore. 1966

Planting trees in the park of the 50th anniversary of the Owls. Authorities. (Pinery).

Armored train "Ilya Muromets" (1941-1942)

Steam locomotive of the armored train "Ilya Muromets" During the Great Patriotic War, Murom was a rear city. Its residents worked selflessly in factories and raised funds for the defense of the country. So, as a gift to the front, the workers of the steam locomotive repair workshops (now the Diesel Locomotive Plant named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky) built it in 1941-1942. armored train. The authorities wanted to call it “For the Motherland,” but the builders at the rally defended their name—“Ilya Muromets.” It is symbolic that during the war, the Murom iron hero destroyed the enemy armored train “Adolf Hitler” in battle. In 1971, the locomotive of the armored train was installed on Vladimirskaya Street near Park. 50th anniversary of Soviet power. Artist S. Nikolaev, architect N. Bespalov, engineer K. Dolgov. See Armored train "Ilya Muromets".

Sculpture near house No. 2a on the street. Ostrovsky St. Leo Tolstoy Symbol of MUP Vodokanal established in 2009. st. Vladimirskaya, 10a

Murom Park of Culture and Leisure named after. IN AND. Lenin: - Monument to Ilya Muromets; — Alley of Heroes of the Soviet Union - Murom residents; - In memory of the bloody massacre of May 1, 1906 by the police over participants in the May Day rally of working and student youth of the city. Square of the 1100th anniversary of Murom: - Monument to V.I. Lenin; — Sculptures on the square of the 1100th anniversary of Murom. Ermakov Square: - Monument to Alexey Vasilyevich Ermakov; — Water tower. Park named after Yu.A. Gagarin: — Sculpture of a polar bear. Monuments in the microdistrict. Verbovsky.

City of Murom
Murom Park of Culture and Leisure named after. IN AND. Lenin. Park named after Yu.A. Gagarin. Youth Embankment Park in the city of Murom. Prokurorova Square in microdistrict. Verbovsky. Square of the 1100th anniversary of Murom Ermakov Square Museums of the city of Murom. Merchant houses of the city of Murom.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

Address: st. Lakina, 1A.

The history of the monastery goes back more than one century. Built of wood in the domain of Prince Gleb and destroyed in a fire after the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, the monastery was restored in the 14th century by Prince Yuri Yaroslavich.

The first mention of the monastery dates back to 1096. By decree of Ivan the Terrible, a stone Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior was built in the mid-16th century, and in the 17th century - the Church of Cyril of Belozersky, the Intercession Church, etc. The architectural features of the monastery buildings are largely related to the function they perform: the severity of the lines, helmet-shaped domes not only embodied the monastic spirit , but were also characteristic of the fortress. Thus, the Transfiguration Cathedral took the blow of enemies.

Now the monastery attracts believers not only with its shrines, but also with its landscaped territory, there is a mini-zoo.

Microdistrict Karacharovo

Among the attractions of ancient Murom, it is worth noting the photo and description indicated on the map of the village of Karacharovo.
In the microdistrict, according to ancient legends, Ilya Muromets was born. Information about the village appeared in written sources in the 17th century. On its territory, modern archaeologists have discovered a Paleolithic site. This proved the theory that people have lived in central Russia since the Old Stone Age. At different times, these lands belonged to the princes of Cherkassy, ​​Sheremetyev, and Razumovsky. In the microdistrict there is a church with the relics of the hero, which were brought from the Kiev Pechersk Lavra. On January 1, local residents celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Epic Hero. But Ilya is not the only famous descendant of these places. Hero of the USSR Alexey Kukin was also born in Karacharovo.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Address: Krasnoarmeyskaya street

The monument to Peter and Fevronia of Murom is the most widespread of the country's religious monuments. Every year on July 8, the day of remembrance of saints, new monuments are erected in several Russian cities. In a few years, in every locality there will be a monument to Peter and Fevronia, and perhaps more than one. There is no data on how much it helps Russians cement their marriage, but in Murom the monument is historically justified. According to legends, Prince Peter and his wife Princess Fevronia ruled in Murom, but there is no historical confirmation of the existence of the princely couple.

Sights of Murom: TOP-5

An inquisitive traveler will have a lot to see in the city. Among the sights of the policy, several monuments and objects stand out that are considered the hallmarks of Murom.

Monument to Ilya Muromets

  • Address: Oksky Park. Transport stop "October Cinema".

The most famous native of the Murom land is the Russian Hercules - the invincible hero Ilya from the surrounding village of Karacharovo. The exploits of the epic hero who defeated the Nightingale the Robber are described in numerous legends. In the summer of 1999, a monument to the legendary knight appeared in the city. The height of the bronze sculpture of Ilya, dressed in armor and raising a sword above his head, is 21 m. A monastic cloak is thrown over the shoulders of the hero, who is looking towards the Oka, along which in ancient times the borders of the Russian land passed. The sculpture is incredibly expressive. She seems to exude power and steadfastness.

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

  • Address: st. Lakina, 1. Transport stop “Magazin Alyonushka”.

The history of this “business card” of Murom is filled with bright events. The monastery, founded according to legend in 1096 by Prince Gleb Vladimirovich, reached its peak during the reign of Ivan the Terrible. It was at his behest that the architects erected a large cathedral and several other stone buildings on the territory of the complex. During the era of church reform by Patriarch Nikon, the monastery became a stronghold of the Old Believers, and after the October Revolution, the structures of the NKVD and the Red Army were located here. Only at the end of the last century the monastery was returned to the monks. Today here you can admire the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Gate and Transfiguration Church, the buildings of the Refectory, Brotherhood and Rector's buildings, built in the 16th–19th centuries.

Cable-stayed bridge

  • Address: Bypass section of the Vladimir – Arzamas .

In the fall of 2009, the ancient Russian city acquired another iconic landmark - an elegant cable-stayed bridge. The length of the infrastructure facility is 1.4 km with a width of 15 m. The canvas is held in place by steel ropes attached to three paired supports 90 m high. Despite its massiveness, the structure looks very elegant. This is noted not only by tourists, but also by specialists. In 2013, the unique engineering structure was recognized by the Federal Road Agency as the most beautiful bridge in Russia.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia

  • Address: Peasant Square. Transport stop "Ploshchad Krestyanina".

Murom saints - Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia are considered in Russia a symbol of love, fidelity, and the inviolability of marriage bonds. Therefore, it is not surprising that the monument to the faithful is one of the iconic landmarks of the city. A sculptural composition in honor of the princely couple, cast from bronze, appeared on Peasant Square in Murom in the summer of 2012. Peter with a sword in his hand personifies strength and courage, and Fevronia, throwing a blanket over her husband’s shoulders, represents the wisdom inherent in the keeper of the hearth. A rabbit settled at the feet of the couple - a symbol of meekness and fertility. Don't forget to rub the furry animal's nose. Murom residents believe that this brings good luck.

Monument "Murom Kalach"

  • Address: st. Lenin. Transport stop "October Cinema".

Kalach is the same symbol for Murom as the famous gingerbread is for Tula . The city rightfully claims the right to be called the birthplace of this type of pastry, because the delicious delicacy has been baked here since 1862. Moreover, the image of a kalach adorns the coat of arms of the city. The art object is not impressive in size, but it looks very realistic. The fluffy pastry, about a meter in diameter, seems to have just come out of the oven. The ceramic kalach is installed on a hexagonal pedestal with the heraldic symbols of the city.

Nikolo-Embankment Church

Address: st. Plekhanova, 27A.

The stone church, erected in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at the beginning of the 18th century on the site of a wooden structure, is known for its unusual location: in the spring, the waters of the Oka River come close to the building, hence the nickname “Temple of St. Nicholas the Wet.” The saint is considered the patron saint of travelers and the savior of drowning people, which is why the church is located right next to the water.

Simple clear lines, proportionality of details allow us to attribute the style of the building to the Moscow Baroque, and the location on the river bank and the yellow-white color scheme of the main building and bell tower, the gold of the domes allow you to see the church from afar.

Nikolsky spring with healing water (equipped with a bath) and the relics of St. Juliana Lazarevskaya ensured the popularity of the church among the people. The inventor Nikolai Zvorykin was also baptized here.

Church of the Ascension

Address: Moskovskaya st., 15A

This architectural monument of the 18th century, built on the site of a wooden building of the 16th century, is a church of the Yaroslavl type: a five-domed temple, which is crowned with golden domes with openwork crosses, a bell tower and a refectory.

The facade of the main building has two aisles, the belfry is equipped with 10 massive bells. The church houses valuable relics: icons in silver frames, inlaid with gems, as well as imperishable relics.

Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Address: Naberezhnaya st., 10.

The sights of Murom of sacred significance are represented by an unusual monument of the 16th century. These include the Church of Kosma and Damian (or, in Russian, Kuzma and Demyan).

A small modest church on the banks of the Oka is dedicated, according to one version, to the innocently murdered healers Kosma and Damian, patrons of blacksmithing. According to another version, the brothers Kuzma and Demyan, who helped the troops of Ivan the Terrible break up the enemy camp and were subsequently canonized after death.

The church has survived to this day almost unchanged, with the exception of the hipped roof.

Village Karacharovo

The sights of Murom cannot be imagined without epics and legends, the most famous of which is associated with the name of the hero Ilya Muromets, originally from the village of Karacharovo (from the Turkic word “fast”). Thus, an unremarkable settlement became an object of interest for scientists and tourists. At the moment the village is part of the city.

According to legend, Ilya Gushchin (a real historical character of the 12th century, the prototype of a hero) was a man of outstanding physical strength and violent disposition. The relics and icon with the face of Elijah are kept in the stone church of Guria, Samon and Aviva in Karacharovo, as well as in the Cathedral of the Annunciation Monastery and the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Next to the Trinity Church, built from logs, there is a chapel dedicated to Ilya Muromets, and a spring on the site of the footprint, according to legend, left by the hoof of the hero’s horse. The epic fellow is revered by the village residents: on January 1, the Day of Ilya of Muromets is celebrated here. Another attraction of Karacharovo is the “Red Mountain” estate, where the scientist A. S. Uvarov lived since 1852.

Museums of Murom

Murom monuments are very carefully preserved; you can see them in one day.

Cyber ​​Museum

The private Cyber ​​Museum opened in Murom in 2007. It was founded by Murom entrepreneur Viktor Kupriyanov, who from a young age loved to collect computing devices. Now the museum has 500 computers and the same number of other Soviet and imported artifacts on display. There are many real rarities present. The Murom Museum is very interesting to visit.

Address: pl. Peasant, 6B, 602250. Phone: 8 (929) 028-03-80. Adults - 400 rubles, schoolchildren - 200 rubles.

Bread room

The private Murom Museum “Bread Room” opened in 2012. Most of the exhibits demonstrate the process of preparing baked goods. Most attention is paid to rolls and gingerbread cookies. At the master classes held, adults and children decorate gingerbread cookies and bake rolls and other flour delicacies, some of the oldest.

Address: st. Amosova, 48, 602254. Phone: 8 (904) 955-69-58. Tickets: 130–300 rubles.

Theater Museum of Ilya Muromets

In 2016, the Theater - Museum of Ilya Muromets was opened in Murom, located next to the Trinity Convent. In this establishment, visitors are shown a performance of the hero’s exploits, treated to Ivan tea and kalach, and invited to see an exhibition of things used in old times. You can touch everything yourself and create wonderful photographs. With the help of the interactive programs “The Tale of the Hero Ilya Muromets” and “The Bogatyr Secret” you can learn about the history of Ilya Muromets in more detail. The Ilya Muromets Theater-Museum can be visited only by appointment.

Address: Kommunisticheskaya st., 33, 602267. Telephone: 8 (900) 584-69-09.

Ticket price: 250 rubles for adults, 180 rubles for children (children under 10 years old).

History and Art Museum

The main building of the museum is the former house of the Zvorykins, within whose walls the world-famous inventor of television Vladimir Zvorykin spent his childhood. In addition to the exhibition telling about the life of the inventor, there are historical and ethnographic collections, as well as ancient Russian art. The Art Gallery with a collection of Russian and Western European art of the 17th-19th centuries is based in the neighboring building.

Address: Moskovskaya st., 13, 602267. Telephone: 8 (492) 343-31-52.

The cost of entry to the Art Gallery is 80 rubles for adults and 50 rubles for children. Costs vary for different events.

Museum of Illusions and Sciences "Escher's Limit"

This science museum is located in the city center. It is famous for its optical illusions, exhibits, and installations that change the worldview. Adults and children in this museum gain knowledge about the structure of the planet.

Interactive exhibits are located on an area of ​​500 square meters. The museum has a zero-gravity room where you can feel like you are flying. In an upside down house, the visitor feels as if he is standing on the ceiling. In the infinity room you can feel alone with yourself in a huge world.

Address: st. Lev Tolstoy, 13, 602267.


The ticket costs 300 rubles.

Historical and Art Museum

Zworykin House

Website: Address: Exhibition Center - st. Moskovskaya, 13. Art gallery - st. Pervomayskaya, 6. Opening hours: daily from 10.00 to 18.00, Exhibition Center on Saturdays - from 11.00 to 19.00. Ticket price: 80 rubles, schoolchildren and students - 50 rubles, preschoolers - free.

The historical and cultural attractions of the city include the Historical and Art Museum, opened in 1919 and located in the center of Murom.

The “Small Hermitage” (the popular name of the museum) occupies four buildings:

  • Zvorykin estate (built in the 1840s);
  • art gallery in the premises of the city council (1815);
  • exhibition hall in the Golubev house;
  • museum fund in a mansion from the 1880s.

The first museum building was a three-story house of the Zvorykin merchant family in the classical style. The last owner of the mansion was the father of Vladimir Zvorykin, the inventor of television, who ended up in New York in 1919 and remained in America. In 2013, a monument was erected near the house where the engineer was born.

Monument to Vladimir Zvorykin

Valuable exhibits of the museum are represented by the Uvarov collections (ancient archaeological finds), paintings by Western European masters of the 17th - early 20th centuries and Russian artists, household items, etc.

Where to go with children in Murom

Murom has all the conditions for a complete family holiday. Visiting this wonderful city will be no less interesting for young tourists than for adult travelers.

Museum "Bread Room"

  • Opening hours: daily, except Mondays, from 9:00 to 18:00.
  • Ticket price: from 150 rub. up to 400 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Amosova, 48. Transport stop “Employment Center”.

A visit to the unique museum, founded eight years ago, will be interesting for all family members. During the excursion you can learn literally everything about the history of the famous kalach and other types of baked goods that Murom is famous for. The exhibition features utensils that local bakers have long used to create their unrivaled baked goods. The visit to the museum ends with a tea party, which is served with delicious pastries from the best masters of the Murom Bakery enterprise. Master classes on artistic painting of gingerbread cookies are held for children.

Theater-Museum of Ilya Muromets

  • Opening hours: Thursday to Saturday, 10:00 to 16:00.
  • Ticket price: from 150 rub. up to 300 rub.
  • Telephone.
  • Website:
  • Address: st. Kommunisticheskaya, 33. Transport stop “Kommunisticheskaya Street”.

Children are delighted with visiting this wonderful museum. Still would! Here you can try on the helmet of an epic hero, make a real amulet with your own hands, and try to whistle the famous Nightingale the Robber. During the interactive excursion, visitors are introduced to the legends of the Murom land, the exploits of the epic knight, the customs and culture of peasants from the Russian hinterland. Guests will be able to try the dishes of heroic cuisine, which gave Ilya Muromets remarkable strength.

Oksky Park

  • Opening hours: daily, from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Phone: +.
  • Address: st. Pervomaiskaya, 8. Transport stop "October Cinema".

You can have a wonderful time with the whole family in the park, laid out on the site where the wooden Murom Kremlin once stood. Here, among the centuries-old linden trees, there are well-groomed alleys with flower beds, which are so pleasant to stroll along on hot summer days. There are more than a dozen attractions for children. Those wishing to see Murom from a bird's eye view are invited to take a ride on the Ferris Wheel. On the territory of the park there is a Walk of Fame and a monument to Ilya Muromets.

Read about the sights of Aleksandrov, Yuryev-Polsky, Vyazniki, Petushki, Kideksha, Bogolyubovo, Sudogda, Kolchugino, Kirzhach and Suzdal.

Every self-respecting traveler should visit the homeland of the epic Russian hero - the hero of many epics and legends. The city of the Golden Ring of Russia, in whose appearance the past and present are intricately intertwined, is capable of charming the most discerning tourist.

Murom cable-stayed bridge

Modern sights of Murom cannot be imagined without a cable-stayed bridge across the Oka. In 2009, instead of the old pontoon bridge, the construction of a new structure with a length of 1,400 m was completed. It significantly simplified transport links. The bridge connects the Vladimir and Nizhny Novgorod regions and is the architectural highlight of the city: it is not for nothing that it was awarded the title of the most beautiful bridge in Russia.

Water tower

Address: Lenin street

Built according to the design of engineer E. I. Erzhemsky, the tower appeared thanks to the efforts of mayor A. V. Ermakov and represents a valuable monument of civil architecture of the 19th century.

The benefit of the structure for that time is difficult to overestimate: the complex of the tower and distribution points provided the city with river water, and free of charge. The ornate red brick tower was once considered the tallest building in the city. It served as both a fire tower and a “meteorological station”: the weather on the street was determined by the flag hung on it. There was even a clock with a melody installed on the tower, but after numerous complaints from citizens about the loud sound, it was turned off.

Now the tower provides the city not with river water, but with artesian water. In addition to the water tower, the water intake column and pumping station have been preserved.

Architectural buildings

The sights of Murom consist of various architectural compositions and monuments, which it is recommended that guests of the city become familiar with.

Water tower

The foundation of the water tower was laid in the middle of the 19th century. by order of the city mayor A. Ermakov, and a year later it was put into operation. The system contained a water tower, which received water from the river. Okie. 16 distribution points supplying water to various city institutions and large mansions, fountains, as well as horse drinking troughs.

Renting a water supply was free for the townspeople. For some time, a clock was installed on the building that played a melody at a certain time, but then it was dismantled because the device prevented people from sleeping. A 3-tier water-pressure structure made of red brick with towers and arched window openings has survived to this day.

At the top of the structure there is a 4-pitched roof with a spire. In the 19th century it was the tallest building in the city and served as a fire tower. At the end of the 20th century. The tower was no longer used for its intended purpose because the composition of river water resources did not meet established sanitary standards.

In 2008, the building was again used for its intended purpose, but now clean artesian water flows here. Location of the building: st. Lenina, 15.

Moscow street

It is the oldest street artery in the settlement. The eastern zone of the street is an architectural cluster of pre-revolutionary buildings; all tourists strive to get here. The highway appeared on the city map at the end of the 18th century. as a line leading towards the city of Vladimir. It crosses the city from the street. Lenin, to st. Gorky and pl. 1100th anniversary of Murom.

It was in this area that the first huge stone houses were built, and currently a large number of architectural monuments are concentrated on it.

It also houses catering outlets, hotels and various institutions. Among the main attractions here are the ancient Church of the Ascension of the Lord, the Exhibition Complex of the Historical and Artistic Museum Exposition and the park area named after. 50th anniversary of Soviet power.

Epic stone

The obelisk stands at the entrance to Murom from the city of Vladimir. It appeared on this site in 1967. It was created in the image of a souvenir specially made for the famous member of the CPSU Central Committee D. Ustinov. The monument has an irregular configuration; the contours of the face of the hero I. Muromets are carved in it, as the artist Nikolaev saw him. Engraved on the boulder is a phrase from The Tale of Bygone Years, which mentions Murom.

The shape and location of the object are chosen symbolically. Huge stones have always been revered by people. According to legend, it is said that at the end of a difficult path the traveler has a large block of stone, symbolizing the end of the dangerous road and the proximity of the settlement. The epic stone is popular among newlyweds and city guests.

Armored train Ilya Muromets

The monument was erected in the park dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Soviet power. The armored train was built by local railway workers during the Second World War, named “Ilya Muromets”, and volunteers were sent to the front on it. During the entire war, the vehicle did not receive a single hole. In addition, the equipment was equipped with powerful rocket mortars.

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After reconstruction, the military train began to move more quietly, acquired firepower and greater speed. During the hostilities, the armored train made about 150 fire attacks, and also, thanks to mortar fire, destroyed a lot of enemy equipment and fascists. At the end of the war, the combat vehicle covered about 2.5 thousand km and almost reached Berlin.

In the 70s of the XX century. In Murom, a monument to the train was erected, which is a model of a real-size steam locomotive, very similar to the original. Nearby there is a memorial plaque depicting the battle route of the armored train.

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