Settlements of the Stavropol province and the Kuban region » Blagodarnoe village (Blagodarinsky district)


, a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Blagodarnensky district of the Stavropol Territory, the center of the Blagodarnensky church district of the Georgievsk diocese. Located in the Ciscaucasia, in the northern part of the Stavropol Upland, on both banks of the Mokraya Buivola River, a tributary of the Kuma River, 150 km east of Stavropol and 160 km north of Georgievsk. Railway station on the Budyonnovsk-Svetlograd line. Population - 31.1 thousand people. (2018)

  • On the map: Yandex.Map, Google map

According to legend, the settlement was founded in 1762, but the later year of foundation of the city is officially recognized - 1782, by settlers from the central provinces of Russia and was originally called Soldatsky

Later the village began to be called Blagodarny

In 1806, there were 39 houses in the village, in which 211 “revision souls” lived. The main occupation of the inhabitants was agriculture and cattle breeding. Winter crops were sown on lands leased from the Turkmens, spring crops on their own.

In 1867, the village of Blagodarnoye became the center of the Novogrigorievsky district of the Stavropol province. All district institutions are concentrated in it: the zemstvo chief and judicial investigator, the district police department, the district treasury, the postal and telegraph office and the Blagodarny district prison.

At the end of the 19th century - the beginning of the century it was one of the largest villages in the Stavropol province, the center of the county.

In 1900, Novogrigoryevsky district was abolished and Blagodarensky district was created on part of its territory.

From 1920 to 1922, the village of Blagodarnoye was the city of Blagodarnoye, which was part of the Alexandrovsky district.

During the war from August 1942 to January 15, 1943, the village was occupied by Nazi troops.

At the end of the 1950s, industry began to develop. Due to the construction of new and expansion of existing enterprises, production capacity is significantly increased. In 1970, a brick factory with a capacity of 12 million pieces per year was put into operation in Blagodarny.

On September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarnoye was reorganized into the city of Blagodarnoye.


In November 2004, the Blagodarnensky municipal district was formed, which includes fourteen municipalities - one urban and thirteen rural settlements.

On April 14, 2022, the Blagodarnensky urban district was formed, uniting all the abolished settlements of the Blagodarnensky municipal district [1]. - History in detail

Story Grateful

Grateful – city, history

The city of Blagodarny was founded in 1782. Initially, the village had a different name – Soldatskoye. The first inhabitants of the village were 20 families of Cossacks and retired soldiers, settled by the government on the site of the guard post.

The legend tells how the name Grateful came about. One day the governor-general was passing by the village. The residents decided to give him gifts, to which he replied something like this: “I don’t need your gifts, gentlemen, servicemen, live to your health, and for the fact that you are grateful, let the village be called Grateful.”

Grateful – city, history

The village began to grow, and by 1806 there were already 39 houses, in which a total of 211 “revision souls” lived. And after the mass resettlement of peasants from Voronezh, Tula, Kharkov, Kursk and other provinces of central Russia to Stavropol began, the village began to grow at an even more accelerated pace.

By decree of December 9, 1867 p. Blagodnoye was declared the center of the newly formed Novogrigoryevsky district of the Stavropol province, in which all the district institutions were located: the zemstvo chief and the judicial investigator, the district police department, the district treasury, the postal and telegraph office and others.

Grateful – city, history

In 1900, Novogrigoryevsky district was renamed Blagodarnensky.

During the Great Patriotic War, thousands of thanksgiving soldiers fought at the front. At the end of July 1942, a partisan detachment was created in the city, headed by A.G. Odnokozov. Since August 16, 1942, the village was under German occupation. October 15, 1942 near the village. In Vladimirovka, Levokumsky district, the partisans dealt a crushing blow to the enemy, forcing him to retreat. The territory of the Blagodarnensky district was liberated from the invaders on January 13, 1943.

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarnoye was transformed into the city of Blagodarny.

In May 2000, a monument to the commander of the partisan detachment A.G. Odnokozov and fellow partisans who died in the Patriotic War was erected in the center of the city. Famous citizens of Blagodarny are Lieutenant General A. N. Sidelnikov, a famous scientist, academician, Hero of Socialist Labor B. V. Petrovsky, who headed in 1965-1980. Ministry of Health of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor teacher O.K. Gutseva.

Blagodarny is a district town in the Stavropol Territory, in the north of the Stavropol Upland in the Ciscaucasia. The left tributary of the Kuma River, the Wet Buffalo River, flows through the city. Blagodarny is located 150 km east of Stavropol. The population of the city is 33.8 thousand people.

The climate is temperate continental, arid. Summer is hot with average July temperatures of +22-24 degrees. Winter is mild, with little snow. Average January temperatures are 4-5 degrees below zero. The average annual precipitation is 400-450 mm with a maximum in May-June. Blagodarny arose in 1782 on the site of a village that had already been in this place for 20 years. Initially the village was called Soldatskoye. The people had two names - Soldatskoe and Soldus, which were given to it by the nomadic peoples of Kalmykia and Turkmenistan. At first, the village was inhabited by retired soldiers settled here by the government.

The history of the origin of the name Grateful is very interesting. One day the governor-general was passing through the village, and the residents presented him with many different gifts. The governor refused the gifts and said that if the residents were so grateful to him, then let the village be called Grateful. The rapid growth of the village's population began after peasants from central Russia (Tula, Voronezh, Kursk and other provinces) began to arrive here. Houses were built of stone or brick, stoves were heated with dung. Churches, shops, colleges, schools, taverns, and shops gradually began to appear. At the end of the 19th century, two annual fairs were held.

In 1905-07, village residents actively fought for equal rights, demanding the distribution of landowners' lands. The governor recognized Blagodarnensky district as the most revolutionary. In the 1930s, agricultural cooperatives, industrial enterprises, and cultural centers were created. Blagodarny suffered greatly during the years of fascist occupation. After liberation in January 1943, restoration began, and after the war the village continued its industrial development. The village received city status in 1971.

The city of Blagodarny today is the center of the agro-industrial complex and food industry, as well as a junction of roads and railways. Many agricultural crops are grown in the Blagodarnensky region - grains (wheat, oats, barley), buckwheat, corn, peas, sunflowers, potatoes, watermelons, melons. Vegetable growing, fruit growing and viticulture are highly developed. Among the areas of livestock farming, cattle breeding (breeding cattle and goats), sheep breeding, pig farming, and poultry farming stand out.

On the basis of the district's agriculture, there are food industry enterprises in the city - JSC Khlebopek, JSC Agroprodukt, JSC Lakta, Pivzavod, Blagodarny branch of JSC Stavropol Broiler. There is an elevator for storing and processing grain crops. In addition to food industry enterprises, there is a construction materials plant, JSC Metallist, which produces boilers and other equipment. Not far from Blagodarny, deposits of natural gas (Mirnenskoye field), clay, sand, and limestone are being developed. Blagodarny is the final station of the Stavropol – Elista railway, as well as a junction of several roads, including the Svetlograd – Budennovsk road.

Among the attractions of the city of Blagodarny are three stone churches and other buildings built in the 19th century.

Home\Stavropol Territory\Administrative-territorial division\City and municipal districts

Blagodarnensky urban district of Stavropol Territory

Official website:

District center: Blagodarny

Area of ​​the district: 2,471 sq. km

Population: 57.6 thousand people. (as of January 1, 2022)

Postal address of the administration: 356420, Stavropol Territory, Blagodarny, pl. Lenina, 1

Administration phone: (86549) 2-15-30


Tenkov Alexander Ivanovich

Date of election: September 26, 2022

Term of office: 5 years

Telephone: (86549) 2-15-30

E-mail address


Erokhin Igor Anatolievich

Date of election: September 20, 2022.

Term of office: for the term of office of the representative body

Telephone: (86549) 2-15-77

About the district

Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory (hereinafter referred to as Blagodarnensky District) is the oldest municipal formation, which is located in the center of the Stavropol Territory, located 150 km from the regional center - the city of Stavropol.

Blagodarnensky District borders on the following districts: Aleksandrovsky, Arzgirsky, Budennovsky, Novoselitsky, Petrovsky and Turkmensky. The area of ​​the Blagodarnensky district is 2,471 square meters. km, which is 3 percent of the total area of ​​the Stavropol Territory. The Blagodarnensky District includes twenty-four settlements. The settlements are represented by the city of Blagodarny, ten villages, six towns and seven hamlets. The administrative center of the Blagodarny District is the city of Blagodarny, located along the banks of the Mokraya Buivola River, 150 kilometers east of the city of Stavropol. The settlement was founded in 1782; by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR on September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarnoe was transformed into a city.

Blagodarnensky District belongs to the second agroclimatic zone. Summer is hot and dry. Prevailing winds are from the east and west. The terrain is slightly rugged, with a slight slope towards the Wet Buffalo River and to the east. Dark chestnut carbonate soils predominate. Given the arid, temperate continental climate, grain production has historically developed in the district. The area of ​​agricultural land in the Blagodarnensky District is 239.2 thousand hectares.

One of the positive factors is the availability of land plots free from development, which can be used as investment sites.

There is a developed infrastructure that makes it possible to supply new production with energy without additional capital costs, there are the necessary transport communications, housing and communal services facilities.

The district has a developed network of paved roads. Two highways of regional significance cross the district from east to west and from north to south, providing access to highways of regional and federal significance connecting the regions of Russia. There is direct communication with the airports of the city of Stavropol and the city of Mineralnye Vody, the distance to which is 130 - 150 kilometers.

Blagodarnensky District has solid resources for implementing various investment projects.

Deposits of oil, natural gas, limestone - shell rock, various clays and mineral water are of industrial importance. Blagodarnensky District has unique, largest and best quality quartz sand deposits. Due to their qualitative composition, quartz sands without enrichment are suitable for the production of sheet glass, fiberglass, optical fiber and for foundry production. In addition, geological exploration of the Spassky quartz sand deposit discovered a layer of marl rocks. These rocks are derivatives for cement production using conventional technology. There are three deposits of building stone on the territory of the Blagodarnensky District. On the western side of the city of Blagodarny there are explored deposits of clay suitable for the production of ceramic bricks and tiles.

Favorable geographical location, rich natural resource potential, availability of labor resources, infrastructure of market institutions (banks), the possibility of developing agriculture and industrial production make Blagodarnensky District attractive for investors.

Attracting investment into the economy of the Blagodarnensky District is one of the most important tasks facing the district administration, the solution of which is possible through the formation of a targeted and comprehensive investment policy. Investment activity is the most important component of economic activity. The prospects for economic development depend on it, since this activity determines the potential of the economy and its growth

List of settlements

Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory

Name of municipality name of the locality Population


Blagodarnensky urban district of Stavropol Territory city ​​of Blagodarny 30 399
village of Alexandria 3 290
Gosplodpitomnik village 5
Kuchurin farm 46
Mokraya Buffalo village 160
Novoaleksandrovsky farm 300
Alekseevskoe village 1 658
Bolshevik farm 717
village Burlatskoe 3 193
Elizavetinskoe village 2 953
Kamennaya Balka village 1 550
Kamenka village 276
Altukhov farm 672
Gremuchiy farm 170
village of Krasnye Klyuchi 160
Deinekin farm 74
Mirnoye village 1 168
Sotnikovskoye village 4 159
village of Spasskoye 2 280
village of Stavropol 1 442
Vidny village 160
Molochny village 65
village of Shishkino 1 427
village Edelbay 1 300


Grateful in the 18th – 19th centuries

Blagodarny was founded in 1782 on the Mokraya Buivola River. There is a beautiful legend about how the name of the city appeared. When a new settlement was founded, the regional chief came to see if the people were comfortably accommodated. The boss was greeted according to Russian custom - with bread and salt. Some kind of gift was also presented. The chief, moved, refused the gifts presented and ordered the new settlement to be named Grateful, in memory of the hospitality of the local residents. The nomads always called the settlement Soldus.

The founders of the village of Blagodarnoye were retired soldiers whom the government settled at the location of the guard post. The development of the village did not begin immediately. Blagodnoye suffered from attacks by nomads coming from the steppes. Local residents were killed or driven into slavery, livestock and valuables were taken away, and houses were destroyed. The villagers were constantly on high alert. Agriculture, which was familiar to peasants, could not develop in such conditions. Constant wars in the Caucasus also made themselves felt.

Peace came after the “pacification” of the Caucasus. The nomads were allocated lands near Lake Manych, where they could settle. Only after this the nomads stopped attacking the village. The peasants finally had the opportunity to engage in farming. Now they could cultivate vast tracts of land, and if this was not enough, rent it additionally from private landowners. The second most important occupation was animal husbandry. After the cessation of the nomadic raids, there was no one to steal the cattle, so its population increased several times. Livestock was necessary on the farm as additional labor. Animals were raised for sale and for personal consumption.

With increased security in the village and its surrounding areas, it became possible to hold annual fairs. The report on the fair was always published in the Stavropol Provincial Gazette. The village grew very quickly thanks to the arrival of peasants from Kursk, Tula, Voronezh and other provinces.

According to the “List of populated places of the Stavropol province” for 1873, the village of Blagodarnoe was the center of the Blagodarenskaya volost of the Novogrigorievsky district on the Buivala River. The village had 810 households and 6,031 residents of both sexes - 3,137 males and 2,894 females. The population is Orthodox. Indicated: 2 Orthodox churches, 3 public bread stores, a public school, 4 water mills, 3 drinking houses, a tavern, 15 shops, 2 fairs (on the day of the Holy Trinity and St. Nicholas - December 6), weekly markets.

In 1884, the village of Blagodarnoye became the administrative center of Novogrigorievsky district. All administrative institutions were transferred to this locality. The rural postal station became a branch. In 1894, a prison was opened in Blagodarny, at which a hospital was built. At the turn of two centuries, the development of the cultural life of the villagers began. A club was opened here, where dance evenings were regularly held, and a people's house of care for people's sobriety appeared. An amateur theater was organized in the people's house, where performances were staged monthly. All money earned went to charity. In addition, a library was opened at the teahouse in the people's house. In 1900, part of its territory was separated from Novogrigoryevsky district. The remaining part was called Blagodarinsky district.

The city of Blagodarny in the 20th century

At the beginning of the 20th century, the improvement of the new county began. Since 1902, the construction of stone pavements and sidewalks began here. Recreational parks were established, and ornamental trees were planted on the streets. The continuation of improvement was prevented by the first Russian revolution. The villagers could not remain indifferent to the events taking place in the country. A peasant committee was created in Blagodarny. At first, the committee's activities consisted solely of meetings at which numerous plans of action were discussed. In 1906, a year after Bloody Sunday, the committee decided to move directly to the actions themselves.

According to eyewitnesses, at the beginning of August 1906, the district was gripped by unrest. The residents of Blagodarny were especially aggressive and destroyed the local police station. The villagers attacked the prison and freed all the political prisoners. The participation of artillery was required to suppress the uprising. The first attempt to change the political system was unsuccessful not only for the residents of Blagodarny. The revolution of 1905 and the uprisings that broke out chaotically after it did not bring good luck to other large and small settlements of the Russian Empire.

According to the “Collection of Information about the North Caucasus” for 1909, the village of Blagodarnoe was the center of the Blagodarinsky district. In the village there were 1,842 households and 13,160 residents of both sexes - 6,649 males and 6,511 females. The volost government was located here. Indicated: 3 churches, 8 schools, post and telegraph, 42 trade and 8 industrial enterprises, 2 fairs, a weekly market, a rural bank, a credit partnership, a fire wagon, a bakery store, a pharmacy. In Blagodarny there were 2 doctors and 4 paramedics, as well as a veterinarian and a veterinary paramedic.

In September 1917, news came to the village that the tsarist regime had been overthrown. The villagers created the first volost council of peasant deputies, which included 30 people. As it turned out, the victory of Soviet power was not final. From January 1919 to February 1920 power in the village was in the hands of the White Guards.

In 1920, the village received city status. Blagodarny remained in his new status until 1922 (according to other versions, until 1924). Soviet power was represented in Blagodarny by the city council and the district executive committee. In the early 30s, technical development began in Blagodarny: a radio center appeared and telephone installation in the area began. According to statistics of those years, in the 30s illiteracy was completely eliminated. A Pioneer House was built in the village, where a huge number of clubs opened. This made it possible to increase the cultural level of local youth.

In 1941, thanksgiving people went to the front en masse, like residents of many other cities of the USSR. Those remaining in the rear had to fight on another, no less difficult labor front. In 1942, fascist occupiers came to the village. Grateful was in enemy power until the beginning of 1943. 187 village residents were brutally killed by the invaders. Their bodies were discovered after the end of the occupation. Many years later, the remains of twenty-nine more people were found. More than seven thousand residents of the village and region did not return from the front: some fell on the battlefield, others went missing.

After the liberation of Blagodarny, the development of industry began. The first enterprise that began operating during the war was the district food processing plant. Bread was baked here for the entire Blagodarnensky district. The company employed only 20 people. In the absence of equipment, the dough had to be kneaded manually. In 1945, a creamery was opened. Most of the necessary operations, as at the regional food processing plant, were performed here manually. In 1950, a new plant was built, equipped with the latest technology. During the 50s, a number of more enterprises appeared in the village and region, many of which suffered from a lack of equipment. At the end of the 50s, Blagodarnenskaya MTS was reorganized.

Modern period

The 70s are considered the most favorable period in the development of Blagodarny industry. During these years, many enterprises were built that are still operating today. The increase in the number of enterprises in the village made it possible to return Blagodarny to the status of a city. On November 11, 1970, the village of Blagodarnoe again became a city.

Local residents have always paid a lot of attention to the cultural life of their city. In 1989, a branch of the Stavropol Museum of Local Lore was opened in Blagodarny. P. Gribtsov, who became an honorary citizen of the city, made a huge contribution to the development of the museum. The museum's exposition presents historical events. The visitor can get acquainted with the way of life of the village residents in the 19th-20th centuries. Photographic and documentary materials allow us to learn more not only about the life of the entire village, but also about individual outstanding people who lived in Blagodarny. You can often see schoolchildren on excursions at the museum. A museum may be the most suitable place to conduct lessons on the history of your native land. Each exhibition hall corresponds to a specific theme. The first hall contains the rooms of the burghers. The second room covers the period of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The third hall of the exhibition is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. In the fourth hall you can get acquainted with the life of wonderful people of the village (city). And finally, the fifth room is a peasant hut, where you can get acquainted with the life of the Blagodarny peasants.

In modern Blagodarny, as in other developing Russian cities, there is a continuous construction of new living space. In addition to residential buildings, new enterprises and other social facilities are also being built here. Currently, construction is underway on a sports complex at the Cosmos stadium and a waste sorting complex. Residents of Blagodarny consider their hometown a city of the future, despite the fact that the population here is relatively low and has been declining since 2002.

Grateful doesn't have its name for nothing. Local residents remember with gratitude their fellow countrymen who made one or another contribution to the development of the city. The tradition of conferring the title of honorary citizen appeared in Blagodarny even before the revolution. The Soviet government decided not to maintain the custom of expressing gratitude to those who truly deserve it. The tradition was restored only in the mid-90s of the 20th century. Currently, 29 people have become honorary citizens of the city. Among them are people of various professions and specialties. The services of these people to their city are also very diverse.

Today, a settlement called Blagodarny continues to have the status of a city. It is the center of the food industry and agro-industrial complex in its area. The favorable climate of the city allows local residents to successfully engage in viticulture and vegetable growing. Livestock farming, especially cattle breeding, is developed in Blagodarny. There are several food industry enterprises in the city: JSC Lakta, JSC Agroprodukt, JSC Khlebopek. In Blagodarny there is an elevator for storing grain crops. In addition to the food industry, there are heavy industry enterprises in the city (for example, JSC Metallist). Mining is being developed not far from the city.

Poster of events for City Day Grateful in 2022

09.00 hours - work of exhibitions of agricultural products, birds, pigeons, goods of Stavropol producers, handicrafts, honey, “Bread Fair”, exhibition of farmsteads in the villages of the Blagodarny district “The rich are the happy”, Lenin Square, Blagodarny;

10.00 o’clock - opening ceremony of the holiday “Happy Birthday City, Happy Birthday District”, Lenin Square, Blagodarny city;

Video: Evening concert in honor of SALYUT city day

Video: Saturday's City Day celebrations ended with fireworks

12.00 hours - children's performance, Moscow, district cultural center;

12.00 o’clock - charity event “Good City” and a concert of children’s groups of the city and region, Lenin Square, Blagodarny;

12.30 o’clock – concert of favorite songs, open chess and checkers tournament in the city park, Lenin Square, Blagodarny;

17.00 hours - performance, Moscow, district house of culture;

19.00 hours - concert of artists of the regional cultural center, Lenin Square, Blagodarny;

21.00 o’clock – concert of invited artists, Lenin Square, Blagodarny city;

Blagodarnoye, Blagodarinsky district, Stavropol province.

From the history of the village of Blagodarnoye Vladimir Puzikov.

1795 First census of settlers Tsarina Catherine II signed the Imperial Decree on December 22, 1782, according to which the peasants of the central provinces of Russia received the right to resettle to the Caucasus. Retired soldiers also became settlers. They were given money for their own needs: buying a horse, a cow, building a house; Single men were allowed to marry prisoners. The Soldatskoye settlement was founded in 1782 by retired family soldiers. The number of families is also mentioned - twenty. This is an indisputable fact. By 1785, when the Caucasian governorship opened, 14 villages had already been formed from the settlers. Including: Mikhailovka, Pelagiadskaya, Nadezhda, Vysotskoye, Alexandria, Grateful, Pokoinoe, Fedorovka, Obilnoe, Gentle. Odnodvortsy - free peasants from the Penza governorship - arrived in the village of Blagodnoye. The GASK in fund 49 stores case No. 2293 entitled “Caucasian Chamber of Criminal and Civil Courts. Gor. Georgievsk." In the file is a certificate of the population census of Blagodarny. The census was carried out in 1795. The authenticity of the document was certified by the elder Simon Teplishchev and the zemstvo clerk Ivan Karandin. 33 households were recorded, in which there were 137 people. There were 84 men living there, but only 53 women. Pyotr Davydov, Yegor Bashev, Leonty Balandin, and Nester Kharkov had numerous families. The following people lived without families, as homeless people: Manuylov, Fedoryakov, Altukhov, Kalyazin, Saprykin, Popov, Gladyshev, Sedykh. The names of the first settlers are still heard today in our city! G. Prozritelev wrote: “... From a review of the affairs of the Stavropol Treasury Chamber, it is clear that they (the first settlers) owned the original construction of water mills, ponds, wells, orchards, and the construction of other economic establishments in the remote steppe, which revived the region. The Odnodvortsy were literate, and in that remote and remote time one could even find a civil book in their families, which is a rarity among the urban population of Russia. Their families have inherited various interesting manuscripts.” *** 1830 Farms Residents of large villages were allocated to farms. The main occupations of the farmers were arable farming, cattle breeding and transportation. Farms were formed, as a rule, near rivers, streams and in tracts without official permission from rural communities. General A.P. Ermolov paid special attention to the head of the Caucasus region to ensure that farmsteads “were not allowed or tolerated near the borders of the line, since they served as bait” for attacks by neighboring mountain peoples. Despite the prohibitive measures, the process of forming farmsteads continued almost non-stop. In the census conducted by the Caucasian regional government for the 1830s, the following farms were listed near the village of Blagodarny: Ivan Dmitriev (merchant of the 3rd guild) on the river. Buffalo - 1 yard; Zdvizhkov Ermil Trofimovich (merchant of the 3rd guild) on the river. Buffalo - 1 yard, 4 souls; Kavyazin near the river Buffalo - 1 yard, 8 days; Kukhareva at r. Buffalo - 1 yard, 6 days; Sumsky Nester on the river. Buffalo - 2 yards, 10 days; Shcheptina at the river Buffalo - 2 yards, 11 souls. The issue of farmsteads was repeatedly considered in the 1830s by the Caucasian Regional Council. As a result, small farms were liquidated, and the largest ones were transformed into settlements. *** 1868 Novogrigoryevsky district On December 9, 1867, Alexander II signed the Decree “On the transformation of the Caucasus and Transcaucasian regions.” In pursuance of the Tsar's Decree, the Novogrigorievsky district was formed in 1968. It included the Petrovskaya volost of the Stavropol district, the Medvedskaya (Gofitskoye) and Praskoveyskaya volosts of the Pyatigorsk district and part of the Kizlyar district. The village of Blagodarnoye became part of the Novogrigorievsky district as part of the Medvedskaya volost. In addition, under the control of the volost there were the following villages: Alexandriyskoye, Vysotskoye, Elizavetinskoye, Medvedskoye, Orekhovskoye, Sotnikovsko-Burlatskoye, Spasskoye, Sukhaya Buivola, Shishkinskoye. The district center did not yet exist at that time. District administrations were distributed among 3 camps, which were subordinate to provincial departments. There were 9 zemstvo chiefs; forensic investigators - 3, in the villages of Blagodarny, Praskovey and Petrovsky. *** 1873 Bentkovsky about Grateful In 1874, edited by I. Bentkovsky, the 6th edition of the collection “Stavropol Province. List of populated places according to information from 1873.” In this collection, villages were first called villages. Joseph Vikentievich Bentkovsky served as a full member and secretary of the Stavropol Provincial Statistical Committee. He wrote that in 1873 the district center of Novogrigoryevskoye was the village of Praskovya, and the center of the Blagodarny volost was the village of Blagodarnoye. From Praskoveya to Blagodarny – 72 versts. The district police department was located in Praskovey; there were 1115 households, residents: 4125 males and 3889 females. Our village had almost 2 thousand fewer residents. In Blagodarny: households – 810, male residents – 3,137 people, female residents – 2,894 people. Populated by Orthodox Great Russian (Russians) and Little Russians (Ukrainians) people. In the village there were: two churches, one public school, three public grain stores, three drinking houses, one tavern, 15 shops. There are two fairs: on the day of the Holy Trinity and Nikolaevskaya - on December 6th. A market was held weekly. On the Mokraya Buivola River, four water mills were built, with estates attached to them. Gorbunov's estate was located six miles east from the center of the village and consisted of one courtyard; 7 people lived in it. Bentkovsky noted our landmark - Mount Gorbunov. Its height above sea level is 678 English feet. 1 foot = 30.5 cm. Four versts from the center of Blagodarny to the west on the Mokraya Buivola River was the Ryltsev estate, then, two versts later, the Sumsky (Little Russian) estate. 7 people lived in them. Then, a mile from Sumskiye to the west was the Kovyazin estate, which consisted of 2 courtyards, in which 5 people lived. There were farmsteads around our village. Including: Berezutsky, Korgintsev, Kuleshov, Medvedev, Nechaev. *** 1883 About the construction of wells Residents of the village of Blagodarnoye experienced great need due to a lack of drinking water. The Wet Buffalo River became quite full in the spring, thanks to the melting of snow, but the water in it was salty and not suitable for drinking. Rural society did not give up hope of finding good sources. Wells were built in various places, in lowlands and on the slopes of gullies and ravines. There is information that “...their depth is different: in low places it is 2 fathoms, and in high places it is up to 10 fathoms.” Some wells have not yet been filled in and can be found on city streets and in courtyards. On August 21, 1883, the district police officer of the village of Blagodarny sent a letter to the Stavropol provincial government (Fond 68, no. 113), in which he wrote: “...According to the act drawn up by the commission on August 17, 18 and 19 to find healthy water in the village of Blagodarny, I have the honor to present here water in four bottles taken from the so-called rural stream in Blagodarny, for scientific research and in the future do not leave me to know.” On September 1, 1983, the chief engineer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol Provincial Administration sent water for analysis to the medical department with the following direction: “... The Stavropol branch of the Provincial Administration, forwarding four bottles of water taken from a rural stream in the village of Blagodarny, has the honor to humbly ask the medical department to investigate this water scientifically and inform this department about the result of the research. The said water is intended for consumption by residents of the village. Grateful and the cost of research will be charged to the account of the said society.” We do not know the test results. *** 1900 Blagodarinsky district On October 12, 1900, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Stavropol provincial government sent letter No. 9852 to the district village of Blagodarinsky about the renaming of Novogrigoryevsky district to Blagodarinsky. We present its contents: “...The provincial government has the honor to forward a copy of its decision dated October 7, about the implementation of the Supremely approved on June 10, 1900, Opinion of the State Council on the formation of the Praskovey district in the Stavropol province and on the renaming of the Novogrigoryevsky district to Blagodarinsky . Signed by: Vice Governor, Advisor and Clerk - Ostapenko. Department 3. Table 7." So, initially our district was called “Blagadinsky”. *** 1914 Gulbishche in Blagodarny In August 1914, in connection with the outbreak of the First World War, prohibition was introduced in the Russian Empire. Everywhere, including in the district village of Blagodarny, vacations and the sale of strong drinks were prohibited. The mobilization of militias was hastily carried out in all villages of the district. The chairman of the Blagodarinsky zemstvo council, Maltsevsky, without the permission of the police, gathered all the employees of the council at the walk. The excise official Katkovsky ordered the trading establishments to release Maltsevsky for the party: a bucket of vodka, a bucket of wine and a bucket of beer. The drinks were received by the council employee Fedorov. In front of the common people and the mobilized, the zemstvo employees drank it all and got drunk to the point of disgrace. Marchenko (his position is unknown) made speeches. The peasant of the village of Petrovsky, Ivan Pavlovich Efimov, outraged by the behavior of officials, on August 6, 1914, informed the Stavropol governor about their indecent behavior. He wrote: “...The temptation for the people was great. The men say: “People shed blood in war, and Maltsevsky organizes a carnage with Marchenko. They don’t give the peasants vodka, but Maltsevsky is allowed to go on a promenade.” The wives of the militiamen scolded the zemstvo employees and even wanted to beat them. Peasant Ivan Efimov." *** 1915 About watering vegetable gardens In fund 67 there is file No. 226 “Stavropol provincial presence for zemstvo and city affairs. 1915 – 16.” It stores the petitions of the Blagodarinsky district zemstvo council to the Governor and the highest government institutions and officials of the Stavropol province for the indicated years. As you know, the Mokraya Buivola River, flowing within the boundaries of the village of Blagodarny, was low in water. The Zemstvo Assembly, by its decision, prohibited residents from watering their gardens and petitioned the highest official. From the letter: “...To His Excellency Mr. Governor of the Stavropol province. April 24, 1915. In pursuance of the resolution of the fifth Extraordinary Blagodarinsky District Zemstvo Assembly on the issue of prohibiting taking water from the Buffalo River for watering gardens, the district administration, presenting a copy of the report of the administration and an extract from the journal of the said resolution, has the honor to humbly ask Your Excellency to satisfy the procedure for using water from the Buffalo River for watering vegetable gardens, following the example introduced in the city of Stavropol.” There is no resolution from the governor on the decision made on the document. *** 1915 Flood In the summer of 1915, a severe flood occurred in our district as a result of heavy rains. A powerful disaster hit the village of Blagodarnoe. In file No. 218 of the GASK fund No. 67 there is a certificate “On flooding in Blagodarinsky district. 1915" We present its contents: “...Losses in the villages are accounted for in Blagodarnoye - 140,779 rubles, where the flood washed away 180 residential premises alone. Killed: 2 horses, small livestock - 27 heads, birds - 2,017 pieces, washed away - 28,921 measures of bread. One man drowned. In total there were 4 casualties in the district. 309 residential premises were damaged.” May 14, 2011 Grateful Vasily Sokolov-Cheprasov. Vladimir Puzikov. © Copyright: Vladimir Puzikov, 2011 Certificate of publication No. 21105140439 In the photo: a deep well on Shkolny Lane in the city of Blagodarny.


Until 2012, the city was part of the Stavropol diocese.

Since June 7, 2012, the city of Blagodarny has been the center of the Blagodarny church district of the Diocese of St. George.

The Saints

  • sschmch. Andrey Kovalev, served as a psalm-reader in the Church of Cosmas and Damian in 1895-1896


  • Alexander Nevsky
  • Vladimir Equal to the Apostles
  • Cosmas and Damian
  • New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church
  • Peter and Fevronia

Administration of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory

  • Coat of arms and flag of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory
  • Honorary citizens of the Blagodarnensky urban district of the Stavropol Territory
  • Thank You - Heroes of the Soviet Union
  • Thank You - Heroes of Russia
  • Memorable dates
  • Memory Wall
  • Calendar of memorable dates in the military history of Russia

“The Land of Blagodarnenskaya is grateful and fertile”

According to legend, the first settlement appeared in the early 60s of the 18th century, although Blagodarny’s birth date is officially recognized as 1782. Initially the settlement was called Soldatsky. The Kalmyks and Turkmen who roamed these lands called it Soldutsky (Soldus). Among the people there were two names. The first residents were retired soldiers whom the government settled at the site of the guard post. The legend says that when the governor-general was passing by, the residents presented him with gifts, to which he replied: “I don’t need your gifts, gentlemen, servants, live to your health. And because you are grateful, let your village be called Grateful.”

Blagodarnensky urban district is the oldest of the territorial entities, from 1900 to 1924 - a district of the Stavropol province, as a district has existed since 1924. Before the October Revolution, Blagodarnensky district was one of the largest in the Stavropol province and united six modern districts (Apanasenkovsky, Ipatovsky, Petrovsky, Arzgirsky, Turkmensky, Blagodarnensky). At that time it occupied an area of ​​11 thousand square kilometers. About 300 thousand people lived within the district, mostly Russians. The main occupation of the population was arable farming and cattle breeding. After the proclamation of Soviet power in the province at the beginning of January 1918, during the civil war, Blagodarny district remained surrounded by Denikin’s Volunteer Army for many months. Since July 1918, provincial authorities and executive committees of Stavropol, Medvezhensky and Aleksandrovsky districts have been located on the territory of the district.

During the period of complete collectivization in the Blagodarnensky region, instead of partnerships for joint cultivation of land, agricultural cooperatives were created. The unification of peasant farms was accompanied by administration. Not only peasants, but also “old communists” often refused to join collective farms for various reasons. In 1930, the Blagodarnenskaya MTS was created, and a year later it had 30 tractors. At the end of 1939, a regional food processing plant operated in the regional center, which had a bakery, sausage and confectionery shop. Changes were taking place in cultural life. By 1930, illiteracy had been eliminated in the village of Blagodarny, and in the second half of the 1930s it became possible to move to universal seven-year education.

In the early 40s, the Temp cinema theater operated in the regional center; the House of Pioneers opened its doors, where various clubs worked, performances were staged, and evenings were held.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, thousands of thanksgiving soldiers went to the front. At the end of July 1942, the Maxim partisan detachment was formed in the regional center. From August 16, 1942 until January 1943, the Blagodarnensky district was under German occupation, which was accompanied by arrests, beatings and executions of civilians. An underground organization operated in the village of Blagodarny. The Maxim partisan detachment, together with other detachments under the command of Alexei Grigorievich Odnokozov, was fighting the invaders in the Levokumsky and Achikulaksky districts at that time.

The territory of the Blagodarnensky district was liberated from the invaders on January 13, 1943. The next day, outside the village, one hole was discovered in the southwestern side of the village and four in the northern side; 187 corpses were found in them - the remains of 67 men, 102 women and 18 children. In total, during the period of occupation in the region, 223 people died at the hands of the invaders.

Many hundreds of front-line soldiers did not return from the battlefields. The Book of Memory of the Blagodarnesky District contains 7,411 thanksgiving people who did not return from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Among them: Heroes of the Soviet Union Pyotr Karpovich Prilepa, Pyotr Mikhailovich Dyakov, Yakov Vasilyevich Bocharov. On June 24, 1945, thanksgiving participants took part in the Victory Parade in Moscow, among them I.P. Demchenko, V.A. Kobylin, V.S. Pachin, F.A. Khudokonov.

Immediately after the liberation of the area, restoration work began. A radio center and telephone communications began to operate throughout the area. Metalwork, blacksmith, wool, shoe and sewing workshops came to life. At the end of February, a creamery and a mill began operating in the village of Blagodarny. Over time, public utilities, educational, cultural and healthcare institutions were restored.

During the 60-70s, a qualitatively new milestone was reached in the development of the economy - the region had good economic indicators and became one of the most comfortable and prosperous. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarnoye was transformed into the city of Blagodarny.

Municipal formation Blagodarnensky municipal district was formed in November 2004. Blagodarnensky municipal district includes 14 municipalities: one urban and 13 rural settlements, which include 23 settlements. Fertile lands became the key to the successful development of agriculture. Currently, the main direction of development of the region's economy is grain agricultural production. The region is rich in mineral resources. On the territory of the region, deposits have been developed: gas (Mirnenskoye), oil (Vorobevskoye), limestone (Burlatskoye, Spasskoye), used as building materials. There is the largest deposit of clay and quartz sand in the North Caucasus.

One of the features of the region is powerful broiler production and processing of broiler meat. The visiting card has become the Blagodarnesky Meat and Poultry Processing Plant branch of the Stavropol Broiler Closed Joint Stock Company, which annually increases the volume of broiler meat processing. With the “Blagoyar” trademark, the company reached the global level.

SPKK "Giant" was awarded a gold medal for participation in the All-Russian agro-industrial exhibition "Golden Autumn" in 2009, 2010, 2012. In 2010, it received the status of a breeding farm for breeding Kazakh white-headed cattle.

There are 59 historical and cultural monuments on the territory of the Blagodarnensky district. Memorial signs were unveiled: in 2005 - “Thanksgiving - Heroes of the Soviet Union” and in 2008 - “Victims of Fascism” at the burial site of the executed civilian population during the occupation of the area during the Great Patriotic War.

Blagodarnensky district is the birthplace of the commander of the 46th Guards Taman Red Banner Order Suvorov, 111th degree aviation regiment E.D. Bershanskaya, heroes of Socialist labor B.V. Petrovsky, O.K. Gutseva, A.K. Plotnikova.

Municipal entities of the Blagodarnensky district, settlements included in the urban district

Name of municipalityPopulationNumber of voters
1.Alexandria Village Council39152943
2.Alekseevskoe village16601092
3.Khutor Bolshevik740544
4.Village Burlatskoye31942459
5.Elizavetinskoe village30002285
6.Kamennobalkovsky village council18991367
7.Krasnoklyuchevsky village council1251862
8.Village Mirnoye1208929
9.Village Sotnikovskoye42933341
10.The village of Spasskoye23521817
11.Stavropol village council17321192
12.Village Shishkino1443898
13.Aul Edelbay1216917 ​​of Blagodarny3172024 376

3. Structure and procedure for the formation of local government bodies

Representative body of local self-government: Council of Deputies of the Blagodarnensky Municipal District of the Stavropol Territory, number of deputies - 42 people, term of office of deputies - 5 years.

The council of a municipal district consists of the heads of all settlements that are part of the municipal district, and of deputies of the representative bodies of these settlements, elected by the representative bodies of the settlements from among their members, two deputies from each settlement.

The organization of the activities of the municipal district council is carried out by the chairman of the municipal district council, elected by deputies from among its members at the first meeting by a majority vote of the established number of deputies of the municipal district council.

Head of the municipal district: is the highest official of the municipal district, elected by the council of the municipal district from among the candidates presented by the competition commission based on the results of the competition, and heads the local administration.

The term of office of the head of a municipal district is 5 years.

The municipal district administration is an executive and administrative body.

The administration of a municipal district is headed by the head of the municipal district.

Control and accounting body: the control and accounting body is formed by the council of the municipal district and does not have the rights of a legal entity.

The chairman of the Chamber of Control and Accounts is appointed by the council of the municipal district for a period of 5 years.

Date of creation: 15-05-2021 10:10:55

Last change: 13-12-2019 15:58:44


The founding date of Blagodarny is considered to be 1782. According to popular legend, the village was founded in 1764. Initially, the village was called Soldatsky. The first inhabitants of the village were 20 families of Cossacks and retired soldiers, as well as prisoners whom the government settled at the site of the guard post.

One day, the legend says, the regional chief was passing through the village. The residents presented him with gifts, to which he replied: “Serving gentlemen, I don’t need your gifts, live to your health, and for the fact that you are grateful, let the village be called Grateful.” In 1806, there were 39 houses in the village, in which 211 “revision souls” lived. The most rapid growth of the village began after the mass resettlement of peasants from Voronezh, Tula, Kharkov, Kursk and other provinces of central Russia to the Stavropol region.

According to archival documents in 1880-82. Blagodnoye is declared the center of the newly formed Novogrigoryevsky district of the Stavropol province. All county institutions are concentrated in it: the zemstvo chief and judicial investigator, the county police department, the county treasury, the postal and telegraph office and others. In 1900, Novogrigoryevsky district was renamed Blagodarensky. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR dated September 9, 1971, the village of Blagodarny was transformed into the city of Blagodarny. Blagodarny was also a city from 1920 to 1922 and during these years it was part of the Aleksandrovsky district, then everything became the same again.

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