Municipal budgetary institution "CENTRALIZED LIBRARY SYSTEM" of the Bavlinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

There is also an opinion that the word “bavla” is Tatarized from the Russian “bava”, which has the following semantic meaning - “prosperity, abundance, wealth.” The origin of the word goes back to the period preceding our civilization, the 4th-2nd centuries BC, when the Aryan tribes used the Sanskrit language, which is the ancestral language of the tribes of the white race inhabiting the territory of Eurasia. The Bavlu River was called a “sweet river” by the geographer N.P. Rychkov, the son of the famous scientist of our region P.I. Rychkov, in the Tatar pronunciation points elga.


The population of the district is about 37,404 people (2009), of which 23,098 people are urban residents and 14,306 are rural residents. People of various nationalities live and work in Bavly: Tatars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, Russians, Udmurts, Chuvashs, Germans and other nationalities of Russia.

Population, people
13 31514 70616 07020 02522 93923 213


(Republic of Tatarstan)

OKATO code:
Urban settlement since:
City since:
1997 City of district subordination (Bavlinsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Bavlinsky district
Telephone code (reference phone)


Deviation from Moscow time, hours:
Geographic latitude:
Geographic longitude:
Altitude above sea level, meters:
210 Sunrise and sunset times in the city of Bavly

Industry and economics

In the Bavlinsky district there are rich deposits of oil and natural gas.

Among the industrial enterprises of the region and the city, the main part is occupied by oil workers. These are NGDU Bavlyneft, Bavlinsky workshop of ACBPO EPU, OJSC Bavlynefteprodukt, CJSC Aloil, drilling workshop of Almetyevsk UBR, as well as branches of OJSC Tatneft enterprises.

In addition to the oil field, other industries are developed in the area, these are: OJSC "Bavlinskaya MSO", forestry enterprise, Aleksandrovsky alcohol, OJSC "Bavlinsky PATP", OJSC "Bavlinsky bakery", Gorset, Bavlinsky PTS, State Unitary Enterprise "Kommunalshchik", State Unitary Enterprise "Bavlyvodokanal" , Gas Service, Road Administration, Agrokhimservice OJSC, Bavlinskaya PMK Melioration OJSC, as well as a number of other enterprises.


The agro-industrial complex of the district is represented by 18 agricultural enterprises and 54 farmers. The main cultivated grain crops are wheat, barley, oats, peas, buckwheat, and millet. They grow grains, legumes, potatoes, and vegetables. Cattle and sheep are raised. There is a goose farm.


BAULY, republic of Karamagyndagy shәһәr, Bauly districts үзәге. Tatarstannyn, konyak-konchygysh chigenda (Kazannan 369 kilometer). Yk elgasyn sul kushyldygy Bauly suy buenda, Ulyanovsk-Ufa timer yulynyn Bogelma station 35 kilometer konyak-konchygyshtarak urnashkan. Bauls arkyls Kazan-Yrynburg car yula uza. 1658 elda nigez salina. 1930-63 years һәm 1965 eldan Bauly districts үзәге, 1963 eldan Bogelmә shәһәr Soviets Karamagynda, 1950 eldan - shәһәr tipndagy eshcheler bistese, 1997 dan - shәһәr.

Hulks -23 men keshe.

Oil һәm gas sanәgate (“Baulyneft” oil-gas chygaru idaәse, cable җITESHTERү factories, azik-tөlek sanәgate (сөт, ikмәк zavodlary) predpriyatolәre, tozuү materiallary combines Ashley.

6 urta mәktәp, һөнәri lyceum, 2 mәdәniyat yorty, tobәk tarihyn өyrәnү museum, district үзәк khastәһANәse, 2 mәchet, “Miras” halyk kәsәbәcheәre factories, printing house, music mәktabe, 4 kitaphanә bar: 1 -үзәк, 2 - shәһәr, 2 balalar kitaphanәse .

XYIII-XIX Igenchelek, terlek үrchetu, umartachilyk belen shөgyllәngәnnәr.

The names of such famous figures of literature and art as Sirin Batyrshin, Fanis Yarullin, Mirgaziyan Yunusov, Rashit Akhmetzyanov, Musagit Khabibullin, Rafael Mustafin, Hans Sayfullin, Ildus Akhmetzyanov and others are associated with the Bavlinsky land.


Busy transport arteries to Ufa, Samara, Central Asia and Kazakhstan pass through the Bavlinsky district. Also, the Kazan-Orenburg highway passes through the city of Bavly. In the city itself, there is an inexpensive minibus, which has successfully pushed aside the once sole monopolist of the city's public transport - Bavlinsky PATP. The latter provides intercity travel. Unfortunately, the population often expresses dissatisfaction with the schedule and violation of the route taxi route, when buses do not reach the far part of the North-Western region in the evenings. Also, during peak hours, minibuses are filled to capacity and passengers have to ride standing, which violates existing standards. This is also criticized by the population. At the same time, the number of regular taxis has recently increased, offering their services for a fixed fee, depending on the distance. Usually, the fare is 50 rubles.

Change of power in Bavly: who was entrusted with the “outpost” of Tatarstan on the border with fraternal Bashkortostan

Ramil Gatiyatullin, who headed the Bavlinsky district for 7 years, asked to resign of his own free will. He will head one of the divisions in Kazan Photo:

Return to Tatneft

A series of post-election personnel changes reached the Bavlinsky district. Today, an extraordinary meeting of the council was held there, the agenda of which included the only issue - the resignation of the head of the district. As BUSINESS Online sources predicted, Ramil Gatiyatullin , who headed the district for 7 years, asked to resign of his own free will.
Gatiyatullin’s farewell was broadcast on the district’s official Instagram account. Deputies of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan and the local city council, employees of the presidential administration of the Republic of Tatarstan, executive committees were invited to the meeting, and the speaker of the State Council of Tatarstan Farid Mukhametshin .

“The management of PJSC Tatneft, in agreement with the office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, invited me to head one of the divisions of the Tatneft company in the city of Kazan. Therefore, I submit for your consideration my application for the resignation of the head of the municipal district in connection with the transfer to another place of work,” Gatiyatullin himself read out. After the standard voting procedure by show of hands, his application was granted.

Almost all of Gatiyatullin’s career and life have always been connected in one way or another with the Bavlinsky district. The 58-year-old native of Bugulma followed, one might say, in the footsteps of his famous father, Khakimulla Nabiullovich . He was the first secretary of the Bavlinsky CPSU, who stood at the helm of the district for almost 15 years, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, and a recipient of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Being the son of such an influential party functionary is difficult. Mother, by the way, worked as a primary school teacher in an ordinary village school.

Like his father, Gatiyatullin graduated from the Ufa Oil Institute. And he built his career mainly in the oil sector. He started in 1985 from the very bottom, as an assistant foreman, rising 6 years later to become the head of the workshop at Irkenneft in Leninogorsk. Then he worked for four years as chief engineer at Tatoilgaz in Bugulma, for five years he headed the Bugulma section of Tafoil CJSC, from the beginning of the 2000s he was the general director of Bavlynefteprodukt OJSC, then in 2009 he headed the local branch of Tatneft Gas Station Center LLC. Ultimately, the experienced oil worker attracted the attention of the republic’s leadership, who offered to lead the Bavlinsky district and simultaneously serve as the mayor of Bavlov instead of the former head Albert Khabibullin , who then moved to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan.

By that time, Gatiyatullin, familiar with the subject and scope of work, was better suited for this role than ever. His candidacy was submitted for consideration by the local council at the suggestion of Rustam Minnikhanov . Taking over the district watch, Gatiyatullin solemnly vowed to use all his strength and knowledge to ensure the well-being of the citizens of the region. Whether he kept his word is, of course, for the local residents to judge. But since his arrival in Bavly, the district’s position in the ranking of socio-economic development of municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan has not, in fact, improved in any way, but even on the contrary. As for Gatiyatullin’s return to the fold of Tatneft, this looks like a completely logical and reasonable step, based on his work history.

Deputy head Rinat Khamidullin , to whom the right to conduct the meeting passed, addressed Gatiyatullin on behalf of officials and residents of the district. “For 7 years of work at the head of the Bavlinsky district, you have made a huge personal contribution to the development of our city and region. Every day of yours in this post was aimed at the socio-economic development of the area, its improvement, and improving the comfortable life of Bavlin residents,” the speaker solemnly said, pausing for applause.

“I told the president: “Rustam Nurgalievich, it will be very difficult for me to work in the region. They’ll probably compare me to my dad.” To which he said: “This is very good. You won’t do a bad job,” Ramil Gatiyatullin (left) recalled today Photo:

Mukhametshin: “Bavly is an outpost of our republic on the border with fraternal Bashkortostan!”

With a “simple mission” - to say parting words and propose a new candidate for Gatiyatullin’s place - Mukhametshin came to the podium.

“There is only one question on the agenda - and at the same time it is emotional, exciting, and not only for the outgoing leader, but also for all the residents of the district, who, day and night, as they say, cooked the same porridge together, moved this district,” - The speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan began with a lyrical digression. According to him, Gatiyatullin’s departure was discussed at the highest level with the participation of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov . The head of Tatneft, Nail Maganov , also expressed his opinion, Mukhametshin emphasized. “What is it (the division - editor’s note ) called, “AZS-Tatneft”, shulaimy?” — he asked Gatiyatullin about his new place of work, and he nodded in response.

“Life does not stand still, it moves and, fortunately, goes forward,” Mukhametshin continued to reflect. “Every person decides his own destiny, he made this decision himself, you supported him today.” Of course, there were also memories of Gatiyatullin’s father, Khakimulla Nabiullovich . He was the first secretary of the Bavlinsky Regional Committee of the CPSU, who stood at the helm of the district for almost 15 years.

The head of the Bavlinsky district left his post - he is moving to Tatneft

Bavly has changed a lot in recent years, Mukhametshin emphasized. “We can safely say that we have moved forward to create conditions for the work and life of the Bavlin residents - and among us, among oil workers, and in the republic as a whole, they bear [the title] “fathers of Tatar oil”!” — the speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan said not without pride.

He noted the past State Duma elections and the implementation of national projects in the region: “We can’t say anything other than “thank you.” You do it for yourself, for the republic.” “You had a big mission. As long as I can remember, I worked in Almetyevsk, Kazan, as prime minister, minister... We always told the Bavly people: “Bavly is an outpost of our republic on the border with fraternal Bashkortostan. This [means] not only keeping the bar high, the level of development of your territory, but also being a flanker, exemplary, reference point in relations with fraternal Bashkortostan and neighboring regions of the fraternal republic,” said Mukhametshin. He credited Gatiyatullin for creating excellent relations not only with, but also with the oil workers of Bashkortostan and gas workers of the Orenburg region. “Should I tell you about this? — the speaker asked a rhetorical question. - But the price for this is very high. And no matter who comes, it is important for us that the outpost of our republic - the Bavlinsky district - develops successfully, competitively and is an example, a role model. You have succeeded so far.”

The speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan also recalled the old days - when oil workers pushed through the construction of oil refineries in the Republic of Tatarstan using credit money. “If we didn’t have an oil refinery today, we would be processing our crude oil, not very good, viscous sulfurous oil, for pennies, for pennies, and would not be able to replenish the budgets of the oil regions, the budget of the republic and Russia as a whole,” recalled Mukhametshin. “I think these difficult times will pass.” Winter will tell."

The speaker ended his speech with a pressing wish for health. “We’ve already talked so much about Covid, I don’t want to repeat myself. I'm tired of it all already, the muzzles, the gloves, the mittens, and the contacts. But, unfortunately, Covid is not going away. Take care of yourself,” said Mukhatmeshin and asked the authorities and medical personnel to “talk to the people” about the benefits of vaccination. “The world has not yet come up with another way other than getting vaccinated against coronavirus.”

Ramil Gatiyatullin was replaced by 41-year-old District Executive Committee of the Bavlinsky Executive Committee Ilyas Guzairov (left)

Gatiyatullin’s closest associate became the new head of the district

Parting words to the now former head of the district were expressed by the deputy of the district council, the head of the Minnullin peasant farm, Gennady Minnullin , and the chairman of the public council of the district, Tatyana Murzakaeva . Gatiyatullin himself admitted that he was more worried today than 7 years ago, when deputies elected him head of the district in the same place. “I had a huge burden of responsibility to head the district in which my dad worked,” he recalled. — For many years, when I was asked, persuaded, one might say, to head the district, I told the president: “Rustam Nurgalievich, it will be very difficult for me to work in the district.” They’ll probably compare me to my dad.” To which he said: “This is very good. You won’t do a bad job.’”

The speaker gave his colleagues and residents of the region the right to evaluate his work, but admitted that there was some misunderstanding, but in the end there was always a common solution. “I can confidently say that I spent the best years of my life in the Bavlinsky district. Although I was not born here, my whole life is connected with this area. And I always put first of all not my personal interests, but the interests of the people, our Bavlinians,” Gatiyatullin said.

He was not released from the meeting without awards and was given three at once. Mukhametshin awarded Ramil Khakimullovich the medal of the Republic of Tatarstan “For Valiant Labor” for his great contribution to the socio-economic and cultural development of the region. The outgoing head was awarded the medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” by the Russian Ministry of Defense. He also became an honorary citizen of the region.

But the seat of the district head remained vacant for no more than five minutes. Ilyas Guzairov the head of the executive committee of the Bavlinsky district for the last 6 years, as the new - although for now acting - head of the district. His name - as the main candidate for the position of head - was already mentioned by sources of our newspaper. “The process is not easy: we all somehow get used to living as one family, with one person. It’s good that we settled on the candidate that the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, Rustam Nurgalievich Minnikhanov, asked to bring to you,” said Mukhametshin, introducing the already well-known Guzairov. He proposed to entrust him with “full responsibility for the state of the city and district, up to and including his election as the head of the district.” The proposal was supported.

Guzairov himself was taciturn, only thanking the speaker of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan personally, recalling how he was invited to Bavly from the president’s office. “I'm glad to be back. And what we have achieved today is thanks to you. We learned a lot from you,” he said, saying he intends to continue the district’s tradition with his team.

Guzairov, who replaces Gatiyatullin, can be considered young fresh blood for the region. He is 41 years old, was born in the small village of Yakty-Kul, Bavlinsky district, has two higher educations - one from the Bashkir State Agrarian University in the field of Finance and Credit, the second from the RANEPA with a degree in manager.

Guzairov’s career is even more connected with the Bavlinsky district than Gatiyatullin’s career. In 2003, he was involved in the inventory of buildings and structures of the Bavly branch of the BTI, since 2004 he worked as a leading specialist in the economics department of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Tatarstan in Bavly, and since 2005 he worked as an economist at a local housing and communal services management company. Guzairov got his first leadership position only in 2008 - he was appointed head of the organizational department of the Bavlinsky Council apparatus. After that, he briefly moved to the office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan in February 2014, working as the chief adviser to the department for work with territories. But he didn’t serve there long. Soon, Gatiyatullin called the young manager back to Bavly, to the position of head of the district executive committee, where he continued to grow for the next 6 years, being, in fact, Gatiyatullin’s right hand.

Today's personnel changes in the Bavlinsky district are far from the first in the last fortnight. After elections, a series of changes in district heads traditionally follows. So, for example, the government in the Vysokogorsky district recently changed - the now former head of the Apastovsky district, Ravil Khisamutdinov, Rustam Kalimullin . He himself left his chair in Apastovo to Airat Ziganshin , the former director of the branch of OJSC Network. A little earlier, the head of the Muslyumovsky district, Ramil Mullin, became the head of Nizhnekamsk instead of Aidar Metshin , who also received a deputy mandate this fall. Albert Khuzin was entrusted with leading Muslyumovo .

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