Official website of the administration, the Council of Deputies and the Chamber of Control and Accounts of the Stupino City District of the Moscow Region

city ​​of regional subordination with administrative territory[1] / urban district[2]
city ​​of Stupino urban district Stupino
FlagCoat of arms
54°49′ N. w. 37°57′ E. village HGYAO Country Russia Part of the Moscow region Adm. centerStupinoHead of the municipal districtMuzhalskikh Sergey Gennadievich[3]History and geographyArea 1707.81[4] km²Time zoneMSK (UTC+3)PopulationPopulation↗121,332[5] people. (2017)
  • (1,56 %)
Density 71.05 people/km²Digital identifiersAutomatic code. numbers 50, 90, 150, 190Official websiteMedia files on Wikimedia Commons

Stupinsky district

- an administrative-territorial unit (district) and a municipal entity of the same name (municipal district), which existed until June-July 2022 in the Moscow region of Russia.

On June 6, 2022, by law No. 82/2017-OZ, the municipal formation of the Stupinsky municipal district was transformed into the municipal formation of Stupino urban district

with the abolition of all previously included settlements.[6]

On July 8, 2022, the administrative-territorial unit Stupinsky district was transformed into the city of regional subordination of Stupino

with administrative territory
The administrative center is the city of Stupino.

Physiographic characteristics

Geographical position

The territory of the Stupino urban district of the Moscow region is located in the west of Russia, in the European part of the country. Within Eurasia, the urban district is located in the west of the large physical-geographical country of the East European Plain; in the central part of the zone of mixed and broad-leaved forests, the area is also characterized by pine forests. Within the described territory, the PTC of a smaller rank is the province - the Moskvoretsko-Oka moraine-erosive plain, in the southeast of which the urban district of Stupino is located.

The area of ​​the urban district is about 1.7 thousand km2, the length from north to south is about 53 km (from 55° 16′ 49″ to 54° 50′ 30″ N), from west to east – 54.4 km (from 37° 41′ 49″ to 38° 27′ 46″ E). Regarding the territory of the Moscow region, the urban district is located in its southern part. In the south-west it borders with the Serpukhov municipal district, in the west - with the Chekhov urban district, in the north-west - with the Domodedovo urban district, in the north - with the Ramensky municipal district, in the north-east - with the Voskresensky municipal district, in the east - with Kolomna urban district, in the southeast - with the Ozyory urban district, in the south - with the Kashira urban district of the Moscow region. Also in the south, for a short distance (about 4 km), the urban district of Stupino borders on the Yasnogorsk municipal district of the Tula region.

The Stupino urban district, along with the Serpukhov municipal district and the Ozyory urban district of the Moscow region, occupies the southernmost position within the Moskvoretsko-Oka moraine-erosive plain.

The main rivers are Oka, Kashirka, Lopasnya, Gorodenka, Severka.


The Stupino district was formed on June 3, 1959 from the territory subordinate to the city of Stupino and part of the abolished Mikhnevsky district. The district initially included the working villages of Mikhnevo and Zhilevo, as well as the village councils of Bolshe-Alekseevsky, Gorodishchinsky, Dubnevsky, Ivanovsky, Koledinsky, Krutyshkinsky, Kuzminsky, Lapinsky, Leontievsky, Luzhnikovsky, Malinsky, Meshcherinsky, Novoselkovsky, Safronovsky, Semenovsky, Sitne-Shchelkanovsky, Starositnensky and Starinsky.

On July 2, 1959, Tatarinovsky s/s was transferred from Podolsky district to Stupinsky. On July 31, the Krutyshkinsky s/s was abolished. On December 26, Lapinsky s/s was renamed Khatunsky.

On August 20, 1960, Koledinsky and Semenovsky s/s were abolished. Leontyevsky s/s was renamed Alfimovsky.

On July 31, 1962, the Safronovsky s/s was abolished.

On February 1, 1963, the Stupino district was abolished, and its territory was transferred to the Stupino enlarged rural district.

On January 13, 1965, the Stupinsky rural district was transformed into the Stupinsky district (Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR) (Gazette of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. - 1965. - No. 3 (329) of January 18. - P. 68-71).

On April 1, 1966, Starinsky s/s was renamed Aksininsky.

On April 5, 1967, Leontievsky s/s was formed.

On April 4, 1973, Semenovsky s/s was formed.

On February 12, 1987, the r.p. was formed. Malino, the Malinsky s/s was abolished and the Bereznetsovsky s/s was formed.

On February 3, 1994, village councils were transformed into rural districts.

On February 1, 2001, the city of Stupino lost its status as a city of regional subordination (Law of the Moscow Region of January 17, 2001 No. 12/2001-OZ, Podmoskovnye Izvestia, No. 20, 02/01/2001).

On March 15, 2004, the working village of Prioksk, Moscow Region, was merged with the city of Stupino (Resolution of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated March 15, 2004 No. 33-PG, “Information Bulletin of the Government of the Moscow Region”, No. 4, 04/26/2004).

By 2005, the Stupinsky district included the following rural districts: Aksininsky rural district, Alfimovsky rural district, Bereznetsovsky rural district, Bolshealekseevsky rural district, Gorodishchensky rural district, Dubnevsky rural district, Ivanovo rural district, Kuzminsky rural district, Leontyevsky rural district, Luzhnikovsky rural district, Meshcherinsky rural district, Novosyolkovsky rural district, Semenovsky rural district, Sitne-Shchelkanovsky rural district, Starositnensky rural district, Tatarinovsky rural district and Khatunsky rural district[9].

In the Stupino municipal district until June 9, 2022 there were 4 urban and 3 rural settlements:

Urban and rural settlementsAdministrative centerNumber of settlementsPopulationArea, km2
1Urban settlement Zhilevoworking village of Zhilevo24↗7983[5]156,08[10]
2Urban settlement Malinoworking village of Malino29↘7396[5]250,75[10]
3Urban settlement Mikhnevoworking village of Mikhnevo21↘15 539[5]110,28[10]
4Urban settlement Stupinocity ​​of Stupino45↘75 476[5]457,83[10]
5Rural settlement AksininskoyeAksinino village41↘6836[5]282,17[10]
6Rural settlement LeontyevskoyeLeontyevo village37↘2863[5]174,32[10]
7Rural settlement SemyonovskoyeSemenovskoe village41↗5239[5]276,30[10]

June 6, 2022 within the boundaries of the abolished municipal formation Stupinsky municipal district

the urban district of Stupino,
was formed [6] All rural and urban settlements previously included in the municipal district were abolished.

On June 14, 2022, the working villages of Zhilevo, Malino and Mikhnevo were placed under the administrative jurisdiction of the city of Stupino (Resolution of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated June 14, 2022 No. 276-PG, Official Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region, 14.06 .2017).

On June 23, 2022, the rural settlements of Aksininskoye, Leontyevskoye and Semenovskoye were abolished (Resolution of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated June 23, 2022 No. 296-PG, Official Internet portal of the Government of the Moscow Region, 06/23/2017).

On July 8, 2022, the administrative-territorial unit Stupinsky district was transformed into the city of regional subordination of Stupino

with administrative territory


57 098↗57 814↘52 169↘49 439↗116 007↗121 836
↘117 504↗119 282↗119 499→119 499↘119 028↗119 190
↗120 121↗121 070↗121 332

The population of the district is 121.3 thousand people, including 84.2 thousand people living in urban areas[25]. On the territory of the Stupino municipal district there is one city (Stupino), 3 urban-type settlements (Zhilevo, Malino, Mikhnevo), 250 rural settlements[26].

Vacancies at the employment center of the city of Stupino

Proximity to the Russian capital and a large number of operating enterprises could not but have a positive impact on the employment situation in the city of Stupino. However, what immediately attracts attention is that the city needs people with engineering specialties. Here every engineer and technician will find a job to his liking. Moreover, salaries by Russian standards are quite decent. Not every Russian city can boast of such prices.

The minimum is not lower than 14,200 rubles, the most common is around 20-25 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 50-80 thousand rubles. That is, of course, you won’t become millionaires there, but it’s not bad for ordinary life. But those who have a work orientation other than engineering may have problems finding work. Firstly, other vacancies have significantly lower salaries, and secondly, they are much less common, which means there may be competition for a position.


Main article: List of settlements in the Stupino urban district

List of settlements in the region

LocalityTypePopulationformer municipality
12nd Five Year Planvillage→0[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
2Avdotinovillage↘75[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
3Avdotinovillage↘7[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
4Avdulovo-1village↗11[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
5Avdulovo-2village↗5[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
6Agarinovillage↗18[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
7Akatovovillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
8Aksininovillage↗638[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
9Aksinkinovillage↗16[27]urban settlement Stupino
10Aleevovillage↗54[27]urban settlement Stupino
11Aleevo-2village↗5[27]urban settlement Stupino
12Aleshkovovillage↗12[27]urban settlement Stupino
13Alfimovo [comm. 1] village↘1381[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
14Ananinovillage↗19[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
15Antipinovillage↗18[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
16Babeevovillage↗12[27]urban settlement Malino
17Baidikovovillage↗22[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
18Bataykivillage↗23[27]urban settlement Stupino
19Beketovovillage↗16[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
20Belykhinovillage↘2[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
21Bereznetsovovillage↘1209[27]urban settlement Malino
22Bereznyavillage↗16[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
23Bespyatovovillage↘288[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
24Bessonovovillage↘4[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
25Blagovskoevillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
26Bobrovovillage↘53[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
27Bolshoye Alekseevskoyevillage↗1449[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
28Bolshoye Lupakovovillage↘4[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
29Bolshoye Scryabinovillage↘4[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
30Bortnikovovillage↘34[27]urban settlement Malino
31Bunkovovillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
32Burtsevovillage↗16[27]urban settlement Malino
33Valtsovovillage↗35[27]urban settlement Stupino
34Vasilevovillage↘2[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
35Vasilyevskoevillage↘37[27]urban settlement Malino
36Vaskovovillage↘17[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
37Velyaminovovillage↗237[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
38Verzilovovillage↗43[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
39Verkhovlyanvillage↘3[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
40Wihornavillage↘6[27]urban settlement Stupino
41Vladimirovovillage↘9[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
42Renaissancevillage↗17[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
43Teamstersvillage→0[27]urban settlement Stupino
44Volkovovillage→0[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
45Voskresenkivillage↗97[27]urban settlement Stupino
46Gladkovovillage↘3[27]urban settlement Stupino
47Glebovovillage↗1[27]urban settlement Malino
48Golovlinovillage↘5[27]urban settlement Stupino
49Golochelovovillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
50Gorkivillage↘13[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
51Gornostaevovillage↗1[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
52Settlementvillage↗1256[27]urban settlement Stupino
53Gorodnyavillage↘29[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
54State stablevillage↗65[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
55Gridkovovillage↘4[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
56Gridyukinovillage↗23[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
57Gryzlovovillage↗34[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
58Dvoryaninovovillage↗12[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
59Devyatkinovillage↘141[27]urban settlement Malino
60Dorkyvillage↗22[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
61Road workersvillage↘24[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
62Dubechinovillage↘22[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
63Dubnevovillage↘1394[27]urban settlement Malino
64Yeganovovillage→6[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
65Zhilevotown↗2342[28]urban settlement Zhilevo
66Zhilevovillage→0[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
67Zabelinovillage↗12[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
68Zavorykinovillage↗13[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
69Zalugivillage↗6[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
70Zankinovillage↘13[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
71Zakharovovillage↘6[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
72Zevalovovillage↘41[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
73Zybinovillage↘2[27]urban settlement Stupino
74Ivanovskoevillage↗24[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
75Ivanovskoevillage↗1455[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
76Ivanteevovillage↘5[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
77Ivan-Teremetsvillage↗115[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
78Ignatyevovillage↗20[27]urban settlement Malino
79Kabuzhskoevillage↗12[27]urban settlement Stupino
80Kaverinovillage↘13[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
81Kalyaninovillage↘6[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
82Kamenishchivillage↗19[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
83Kamenkavillage↗16[27]urban settlement Malino
84Kamenkavillage→4[27]urban settlement Stupino
85Kamenkavillage↘4[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
86Kanishchevovillage↗14[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
87Kanunovovillage↗23[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
88Karpovovillage↗352[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
89Kishkinovillage→1[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
90Kiyasovovillage↗243[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
91Koldinovillage↗17[27]urban settlement Stupino
92Koledinovillage↗19[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
93Kolychevovillage↗191[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
94Kolychevovillage→5[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
95Kolyupanovovillage↗17[27]urban settlement Stupino
96Condrevovillage↗3[27]urban settlement Stupino
97Konstantinovskoevillage↘194[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
98Koroskovovillage↗13[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
99Kostomarovovillage↘14[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
100Kochkorevovillage↘9[27]urban settlement Malino
101Koshelevkavillage↘56[27]urban settlement Malino
102Koshelevkavillage↗6[27]urban settlement Stupino
103Kravtsovovillage↗23[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
104Nettlevillage↘12[27]urban settlement Malino
105Red Boilermakervillage→47[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
106Flintvillage→19[27]urban settlement Stupino
107Kubasovovillage↗34[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
108Kuzminovillage↗26[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
109Kunavinovillage↘0[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
110Curtinovillage↘39[27]urban settlement Stupino
111Lavrentyevovillage↘0[27]urban settlement Malino
112Lamonovovillage↘1[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
113Lapinovillage↗64[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
114Laptevovillage↗3[27]urban settlement Stupino
115Laptevovillage↗47[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
116Lenkovovillage↘9[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
117Leontyevovillage↗1091[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
118Lipitinovillage↗134[27]urban settlement Malino
119Lobyninovillage↗16[27]urban settlement Malino
120Lovtsovovillage↘0[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
121Luzhnikivillage↗1841[27]urban settlement Stupino
122Lyubanovkavillage↗7[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
123Lyakhovovillage↗1[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
124Makeevovillage↘4[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
125Malino [comm. 2] town↘3712[28]urban settlement Malino
126Maloe Alekseevskoevillage↗8[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
127Maloe Ivanovskoevillage→7[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
128Maloe Lupakovovillage↘0[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
129Malyushina Dachavillage↗20[27]urban settlement Stupino
130Martynovskoevillage↘28[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
131Marinkavillage↘9[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
132Marinkavillage↘2[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
133Maryinskoyevillage↗26[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
134Matveykovovillage↗65[27]urban settlement Stupino
135Matyukovovillage↗20[27]urban settlement Malino
136Medvedevovillage↘0[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
137Meshcherinovillage↘3923[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
138Milinovillage↗12[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
139Minyaevovillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
140Mikhnevo[comm. 3] town↘11 118[28]urban settlement Mikhnevo
141Murzinovillage↗6[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
142Myshenskoe [comm. 4] village↘20[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
143Myakininovillage↘39[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
144Myasishchevovillage→0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
145Meatvillage↗53[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
146Nazarovovillage↘3[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
147Nefedyevovillage↘6[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
148Nivkivillage↗12[27]urban settlement Stupino
149Nikolo-Titelivillage↘4[27]urban settlement Malino
150Nikolskaya Dachavillage↘8[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
151Novoeganovo [comm. 5] village↘96[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
152Novoselkivillage↗56[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
153Novoselkivillage↘6[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
154Novoselkivillage↗13[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
155Ogloblinovillage↘0[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
156Octobervillage↗65[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
157Olginovillage↗4[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
158Olkhovkavillage↘39[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
159Olkhovovillage↗14[27]urban settlement Stupino
160Orekhovovillage↘13[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
161Oreshkovovillage↗8[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
162Ostankovovillage↗33[27]urban settlement Malino
163Pasykinovillage↗13[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
164Sandboxvillage↗3[27]urban settlement Stupino
165Pestrikovovillage↘2[27]urban settlement Malino
166Petrishchevovillage→2[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
167Petrovovillage↘194[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
168Pokrovskoyevillage↘7[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
169Polupirogovovillage↗1[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
170Polushkinovillage↗6[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
171Pochinkivillage↗28[27]urban settlement Stupino
172Pochinkivillage↗13[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
173Privalovovillage→0[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
174Proskurnikovovillage↗36[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
175Protasovovillage→7[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
176Prudnovillage↗58[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
177Psarevovillage↗50[27]urban settlement Stupino
178Rainbowvillage↗211[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
179Razinkovovillage↗19[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
180Rodomanovovillage↗10[27]urban settlement Stupino
181Rudinsvillage↗54[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
182Savelyevovillage↘7[27]urban settlement Malino
183Savinovillage↗52[27]urban settlement Stupino
184Saigatovovillage↘0[27]urban settlement Stupino
185Sapronovovillage↘43[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
186Safronovovillage↗74[27]urban settlement Malino
187Sekirinovillage↗2[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
188Semyonovskoevillage↗2028[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
189Senkinovillage↗3[27]urban settlement Stupino
190Sidorovovillage↗72[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
191Sitne-Shchelkanovovillage↗2901[27]urban settlement Stupino
192Sokolova Pustynvillage↘60[27]urban settlement Stupino
193Sotnikovovillage↘4[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
194Sotnikovovillage↗42[27]urban settlement Malino
195Spasskoyevillage→11[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
196Old Kashiravillage↗175[27]urban settlement Stupino
197Old Sitnyavillage↗1878[27]urban settlement Stupino
198Oldvillage↗9[27]urban settlement Stupino
199Oldvillage↘56[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
200Starokurovovillage↗62[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
201Stupino[comm. 6] city↘65 660[29]urban settlement Stupino
202Sukovovillage↗117[27]urban settlement Stupino
203Sumarokovovillage↘7[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
204Syanovovillage↗17[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
205Tatarinovovillage↗1144[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
206Tenyakovovillage↘8[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
207Tishkovovillage↗40[27]urban settlement Stupino
208Tolbinovillage↗17[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
209Tolochanovovillage↗8[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
210Torbeevovillage↘52[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
211Trinity-Lobanovovillage↘11[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
212Reedsvillage↘37[27]urban settlement Stupino
213Tutykhinovillage↗18[27]urban settlement Stupino
214Tyutkovovillage↘11[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
215Uvarovovillage→3[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
216Estatesvillage↗1866[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
217Utenkovovillage↗7[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
218Fedorovskoevillage↘35[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
219Fominkavillage↗3[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
220Fominovillage↗1[27]urban settlement Malino
221Khatunvillage↗936[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
222Hirinovillage↗19[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
223Khomutovovillage↘0[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
224Khonyatino[comm. 7] village↘113[27]urban settlement Malino
225Wantvillage↗24[27]urban settlement Stupino
226Chernyshovovillage↘1[27]urban settlement Mikhnevo
227Chetryakovovillage↘7[27]urban settlement Malino
228Chirkinovillage↗19[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
229Chirkovovillage↗61[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
230Shelkovovillage→10[27]rural settlement Semyonovskoye
231Shmanaevovillage↘8[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
232Shmatovovillage→7[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
233Shugarovovillage↗1683[27]urban settlement Zhilevo
234Shugarovovillage↘21[27]urban settlement Malino
235Shchapovovillage↗37[27]urban settlement Malino
236Shchapovovillage↘85[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye
237Shcherbininovillage↘23[27]rural settlement Leontievskoye
238Yartsevovillage↗2[27]rural settlement Aksininskoye


Railway transport

The Paveletsky railway line of the Moscow Railway runs within the city district. Stations and platforms (in order from Moscow): Velyaminovo, Privalovo, Mikhnevo, Shugarovo, platf. 85 km, Zhilevo, Sitenka, Stupino

(italics - stations within the city). The Big Ring of the Moscow Railway also passes through the area, crossing the Paveletskaya direction at the Mikhnevo and Zhilevo stations. There are an additional 12 stations/platforms on the ring.

Automobile transport

Intra-district passenger transportation is carried out by the Stupino PATP and the Malinsky branch of the Stupino PATP (Stupino branch of the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mostransavto)


Unlike residents of other cities in the region, residents of the district do not work in Moscow. Most people have a permanent place of work in Stupino, where more than 40 enterprises are located. Salaries at large factories are at the level of the Russian capital, and prices for housing and food are moderate.

In Stupino there are foreign factories producing Mars confectionery, Campina dairy products, Kimberly-Clark cosmetics, Italian Zambati wallpaper, ROCS dental hygiene products. Unique parts and components for aircraft engines are manufactured by the Stupino Metallurgical Plant. There are also many factories producing repair materials here.


  • Holy Trinity Belopesotsky Monastery.
  • Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Sredny.
  • Church of the Intercession and Elijah in Voskresenki.
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Sukovo.
  • Manor and Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Aleshkovo.
  • Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in Myshenskoe.
  • Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Avdotino.
  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Verzilovo (did not close during the USSR)
  • Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Gorodnya (1st half of the 16th century, bell tower built in 1896 by I. D. Bogolepov)
  • Church of John the Baptist in Ivanovo.
  • Znamenskaya Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Old Kashira.
  • Church of the Nativity of Christ in Kamenishche.
  • Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Kiyasovo.
  • Church of the Holy Trinity in Luzhniki.
  • Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Malino.
  • Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Marinka.
  • Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Meshcherino.
  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Mikhnevo.
  • Church of the Archangel Michael in Pochinki.
  • Church of the Nativity of the Mother of God in Khatuni.
  • Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Shchapovo (1775; bell tower 1900, architect N. D. Strukov)[30]

Monuments and infrastructure

The main attraction is the Trinity Belopesotsky Convent, founded in the 15th century. The cathedral includes the churches of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and the Beheading of John the Baptist. The white stone tombstones of the 17th century, which are located in the necropolis, are of significant historical value.

Today the territory where Stupino is located is clean and green. The city has a developed infrastructure. There is a Palace of Culture, a club, libraries, an art gallery, and schools. Since 1966, a branch of the Moscow Aviation Technology Institute has been training specialists in aviation, rocket and space equipment in Stupino.

The regional government plans to create Victory Boulevard with areas for children to relax and play, swimming pools and alleys. It is also planned to establish a forest park in the south of the city with an area of ​​200 hectares with a boat station and beaches.


  1. from the point of view of the administrative-territorial structure
  2. from the point of view of the municipal structure
  3. Head of the Stupino urban district Muzhalskikh Sergei Gennadievich (unspecified)
    Official website of the administration, the Council of Deputies and the Chamber of Control and Accounts
    (January 26, 2021). Access date: January 26, 2022.
  4. Law of the Moscow Region dated July 28, 2017 N 118/2017-OZ “On the border of the Stupino urban district (as amended on February 20, 2022)” (undefined)
    . Date accessed: March 6, 2022.
  5. 123456789
    Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian) (July 31, 2017). Retrieved July 31, 2022. Archived July 31, 2022.
  6. 12
    Law “On the organization of local self-government in the territory of the Stupinsky municipal district”
  7. 12
    Law of the Moscow Region “On classifying the city of Stupino, Stupinsky district of the Moscow region, as a city of regional subordination of the Moscow region, abolishing the Stupino district of the Moscow region and amending the Law of the Moscow region “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Moscow region””
  8. 12
    Law of the Moscow Region No. 11/2013-OZ dated January 31, 2013 “On the administrative-territorial structure of the Moscow Region”
  9. Handbook on the administrative-territorial division of the Moscow region 1929-2004. - M.: Kuchkovo Pole, 2011. - 896 p. — 1500 copies. — ISBN 978-5-9950-0105-8.
  10. 1234567
    (Moscow region. Total area of ​​municipal land
  11. All-Union Population Census of 1959. The actual population of cities and other settlements, districts, regional centers and large rural settlements as of January 15, 1959 by republics, territories and regions of the RSFSR (unspecified)
    . Retrieved October 10, 2013. Archived October 10, 2013.
  12. All-Union population census of 1970. The actual population of cities, urban-type settlements, districts and regional centers of the USSR according to census data as of January 15, 1970 by republic, territory and region (unspecified)
    . Retrieved October 14, 2013. Archived October 14, 2013.
  13. All-Union Population Census of 1979. The current population of the RSFSR, autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, districts, urban settlements, village-district centers and rural settlements with a population of over 5,000 people (unspecified)
  14. All-Union population census of 1989. Population of the USSR, RSFSR and its territorial units by gender (undefined)
    . Archived from the original on August 23, 2011.
  15. All-Russian population census 2002. Volume. 1, table 4. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - regional centers and rural settlements with a population of 3 thousand or more (unspecified)
    . Archived from the original on February 3, 2012.
  16. Alphabetical list of settlements in municipal districts of the Moscow region as of January 1, 2006 (unspecified)
    (RTF+ZIP). Development of local self-government in the Moscow region. Access date: February 4, 2013. Archived January 11, 2012.
  17. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban settlements and regions as of January 1, 2009 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved January 2, 2014. Archived January 2, 2014.
  18. Population census 2010. Population of Russia, federal districts, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, city districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements (Russian). Federal State Statistics Service. Access date: February 9, 2013. Archived April 28, 2013.
  19. Moscow region. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2009-2016
  20. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities. Table 35. Estimated resident population as of January 1, 2012 (unspecified)
    . Retrieved May 31, 2014. Archived May 31, 2014.
  21. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements) (undefined)
    . Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived November 16, 2013.
  22. Table 33. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2014 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 2, 2014. Archived August 2, 2014.
  23. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015 (unspecified)
    . Access date: August 6, 2015. Archived August 6, 2015.
  24. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016 (Russian) (October 5, 2018). Retrieved May 15, 2022. Archived May 8, 2022.
  25. Database of indicators of municipalities of the Moscow region
  26. Information about the area from the official website of the Administration
  27. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 The size of the rural distribution
    on the territory of the Moscow region (results of the All-Russian population
    census 2010). Volume III (undefined)
    (DOC+RAR). M.: Territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Moscow Region (2013). Retrieved October 20, 2013. Archived October 20, 2013.
  28. 1 2 3
    Estimation of the permanent population of the Moscow region as of January 1, 2022 and on average for 2022 for municipalities
    . Mosoblaststat. Access date: April 20, 2022.
  29. The permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022 (Russian). Retrieved April 27, 2022. Archived May 2, 2022.
  30. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Shchapovo (unspecified)
    . Temples of Russia. Access date: March 19, 2013.


  1. Krasnaya Zarya was included in the village
  2. Maryinka
    Kharino were included in the working settlement
  3. Ekimatovo
    , as well as
    the village of Mekhkolonny-20,
    were included in the working settlement ;
    and in 2004, according to the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated August 9, 2004 No. 172-PG, - the village of Astafyevo
  4. Myshenskoye-2 was included in the village
  5. Until 2003, the village was called Yaganovo station
    , renamed according to the Resolution of the Moscow Regional Duma of July 9, 2003 No. 22/64-P.
  6. , the settlement of the branch of the Obraztsovo state farm
    and the villages of
    Bolshoye Obraztsovo
    Maloe Obraztsovo
    were included in the city of Stupino ;
    and according to the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region dated March 15, 2004 No. 33-PG - the urban-type settlement of Prioksk
  7. , the settlement of the Khonyatino state farm branch was included in the village

National composition

By nationality, the majority of the population (92.92%) is Russian; The second largest population is Ukrainians, in third place are Tatars. Compared to 2002, in 2010 the largest increase (one and a half times or more) was among Uzbeks (more than six times), Tajiks (five times), as well as Moldovans, Armenians and Azerbaijanis. The number of Ukrainians, Belarusians and Jews has decreased compared to the data of the last All-Russian census. 419 thousand people did not indicate their nationality - this is almost 2.5 times more than in 2002 (172 thousand people). The Moscow region is also home to a large number of illegal labor migrants, mainly from neighboring countries; In some cities, places of their compact residence are being formed, which contributes to increased interethnic tension.

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