Sights of Adler: what to see in Adler

The southernmost resort in Russia, Adler, is an administrative district of Sochi. The reason for its popularity among tourists is not only its favorable geographical location, mild climate, developed infrastructure, but also the historical, cultural (ancient and modern) and architectural sights of Adler.

A few facts about Adler

  • Adler is located on the Black Sea coast, at the mouth of the Mzymta River, between Abkhazia and the Sochi-Khosta region.
  • Translated from Abkhazian, Adler means “pier,” which is explained by the original function of the settlement: according to one version, there used to be a port here, which was important for trade relations with Turkey.
  • Numerous caves with artifacts, archaeological finds and dolmens in the Adler region confirm that man appeared here about 350 thousand years ago.
  • In the 19th century, the settlement played the role of a fortress. Political criminals (including the Decembrists) and cultural figures disliked by the government were exiled here. The climatic conditions of the Imereti Valley (or “Valley of Death”), with its high humidity and heat, contributed to the spread of malaria. At the same time, since 1866, the territory was inhabited by Russians, Ukrainians, and Moldovans and was actively used for farming and agriculture.
  • Gradually, from a small village, Adler turned into a large port and trade center, and since 1961, after annexation with Sochi and a series of sanitary measures against malaria, a tourist destination has been actively developing here.
  • Now Adler is a comfortable resort with a developed network of hotels, sanatoriums, recreation and entertainment areas, large-scale sports and interesting cultural facilities.
  • The population of Adler is more than 100 thousand people.
  • The distance from Adler to Krasnodar is 320 km, to Novorossiysk – 300 km.

Sights of Adler

There is a lot to see in Adler; a tourist will not be bored. The main attractions of Adler are the Olympic Park and the Olympic Embankment, as well as the most beautiful park in Adler - the Southern Cultures dendrological park. There is an oceanarium, a dolphinarium, a water park, and of course, a sea with countless beaches.

The border with Abkhazia, a republic that was once part of the USSR, runs near Adler; you can cross the border with a Russian passport. Abkhazia is home to stunningly beautiful lakes, waterfalls, canyons, caves and historical buildings.


Where can you go with children in Adler? Park "Southern Cultures", Stadium "Fisht", Dolphinarium Aquatoria, Sochi Autodrom, Skating, Electric Museum "TESLA".

What can you see in Adler for free? Park named after Bestuzhev-Marlinsky, Adler Park of Culture and Recreation, Holy Trinity Church, Adler Market, Temple of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands.

3 main attractions of Adler that are definitely worth a visit? Olympic Park, Sochi Park, Sochi Discovery World Aquarium.

Olympic Park

The grandiose complex, erected in the Imereti Valley over 5 years, was dedicated to the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014. After the end of the event, the park continues to be the center of international competitions and forums. Thanks to its developed infrastructure, it attracts tourists with its original and large-scale sports facilities.

Olympic Flame Bowl

Among them: the Fisht stadium, the singing fountain, the Shayba ice arena, the Bolshoi and Iceberg ice palaces, the Adler Arena, a curling rink, the Medal Plaza square, the Formula 1 track, an analogue Disneyland Sochi Park, as well as numerous museums. In addition, the park includes an Olympic village, hotels, outbuildings, and a media center. The symbol of the Olympics - the stylized Bowl of the Olympic Flame - is located on the Medal Square of the park.

Fisht Stadium

The complex has developed transport links for the convenience of moving visitors around the vast territory of the park and the city as a whole. Next to the most colossal building of the park - the Fisht stadium with a capacity of more than 40 thousand spectators - an Old Believer cemetery has been preserved.

What to visit in Adler for free:

Olympic Park

Olympic Park

This park is a majestic complex of buildings. It was built in 2014 to host the XXII Winter Olympic Games. It will be of interest not only to athletes. Grandiose monuments, evening shows and souvenirs will attract tourists of all ages.

Address: Adler, Krasnodar region

Opening hours: from 8:00 to 24:00

Free admission

Official website : olympic-park.rf

Adler market

Adler market

The market receives many shoppers every day. A large assortment and friendly salespeople are the main calling card of this shopping place. Tourists should come here for souvenirs or household goods. But even without buying anything, the market will be remembered for its colorfulness.

Address: st. Demokraticheskaya, 38a, Adlersky, Sochi, Krasnodar region

Opening hours: daily from 07:30 to 18:00, Monday until 15:00

Free admission

Temple of the Holy Image of Christ the Savior

Temple of the Holy Image of Christ the Savior

Church made in Russian-Byzantine style. The temple is based on the remains of a Byzantine temple found during excavations in Sochi in 2010. All tourists are recommended to visit this temple. This 43-meter-high structure amazes with its magnificence. At night, the temple has characteristic lighting that decorates it.

Address: st. Spasskaya, 1, Verkhne-Imeretinskaya Bay, Krasnodar region, Sochi

Opening hours: daily from 8:00 to 20:00

Free admission

Official website :

Southern Cultures Park

Address: Sochi, Adler, Nagorny tupik, 13. Opening hours : from 9.00 to 19.00. Ticket price: 250 rubles, children from 7 to 14 years old - 120 rubles.

The famous park of the Adler district was created in 1910 on the initiative of Vice-Governor D.V. Drachevsky.

The park, designed in English style and covering an area of ​​11 hectares, is open year-round. On its territory, consisting of two parts, rare representatives of the fauna (coniferous and deciduous species) grow - in total more than 1.5 thousand plant species from all over the world; there are decorative ponds with fish, turtles and swans, as well as ecological trails and alleys with sculptures.

The park was reconstructed after the natural disaster, without losing its original appearance according to the layout of the architect A.E. Regel.

Sirius Science and Art Park

Website: Address: Sochi, Olympic Avenue, 1.

An important scientific and cultural site of Adler is the Sirius Science and Art Park, created on the initiative of the Talent and Success Foundation with the aim of popularizing knowledge in various scientific fields, creative development and familiarizing children with the cultural traditions of Russia and the world.

There are studios, auditoriums, laboratories, concert and exhibition halls (“Orange Forum”, Great Hall) here. High technologies (interactive laboratories, 3D modeling, robotics) are used in educational clubs and scientific and educational excursions for everyone.

Olympic Park Museums

Sochi Automuseum

The name of the museum speaks for itself. More than 100 examples of domestic cars from different years are presented here.

Sochi Auto Sports Museum

More than 40 sports and racing cars. In addition to various cars, the museum exhibits more than 1,000 exhibits of various racing paraphernalia.

3D ZOOancient animal park

A museum of ancient animals opened its doors in the curling center in the summer of 2022. This unusual zoo was created using the most advanced virtual reality technologies.

Trinity-St. George Convent

Adler's religious attractions are few. Among them, the most famous are the Holy Trinity Church and the Trinity-George Convent. The latter is interesting for its location, history and relics.

The monastery is located in the village of Lesnoye near Adler and is a complex of heterogeneous buildings of the early 21st century, erected on the site of the Holy Trinity Monastery according to the design of the architect F. I. Afuksenidi. The monastery includes the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quiet My Sorrows”, the Cathedral of the Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir, the Holy Trinity Church and others, as well as a well with water saturated with hydrogen sulfide, a belfry, and residential buildings for nuns.

Adler lighthouse

The 11-meter lighthouse in Adler, built in 1898, is still operational. This is the southernmost lighthouse in Russia, it is a strategic object and is protected by the Ministry of Defense, so direct access to it is closed for tourists. Visible from afar thanks to its white and red coloring, it can send radio signals over a distance of up to 21 km.

Singing fountains and Sochi Park

Let's start with the most popular. Of course, the main center of attraction in Adler is the Olympic venues. They are visible from the plane when you just land in Adler.

And it's an amazing sight. The famous stadiums “Fisht”, “Shaiba”, “Bolshoi” and others are very impressive. The Olympic Park is especially beautiful in the evening, when everything is illuminated with colorful lights.

To avoid walking around the entire park, rent a car sharing scooter. There are a sea of ​​them here. The walk will be comfortable and very fun.

It would be ideal if you start the day with a visit to Sochi Park. This is a fabulous huge Disneyland with unique attractions.

A lot of adrenaline and boundless childish happiness await you in this place. And you don’t have to be a child to do this.

Sochi Park is open until 8 pm. And at 8.30 the famous Show of Singing Fountains in the Olympic Park begins. Don't miss it. The spectacle is simply mesmerizing.

Prices: adult ticket to SochiPark - from 1900 rubles, children's ticket - from 1700 rubles. Singing fountains are free.

Akhshtyrskaya cave

Among the valuable natural attractions of the Adler region one can name the Akhshtyrskaya, or Big Kazachebrodskaya, cave. It is located on the slope of the gorge above Mzymta.

The cave is unique not only for its parameters (its depth is 120 m, there are two large halls, a corridor and observation platforms), but also for archaeological finds indicating the site of ancient people (household items, animal bones, tools, etc.). This natural site became accessible to visitors at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the scientist Edouard Martel.

Psaho Canyons

In addition to the Akhshtyrskaya Cave, the natural attractions of Adler are represented by the Wet and Dry canyons of the small mountain river Psakho, a left tributary of the Kudepsta, which are part of the Sochi National Park.

The names of the canyons are associated with the river flowing along their bottom or its traces. It is believed that these natural formations are the result of an ancient fault in the earth's crust.

Along the banks of the 3-kilometer Wet Canyon, endemic boxwood grows and there are waterfalls. The Dry Canyon located above, which consists of limestone layers, is interesting for its grottoes and caves.

Oceanarium Sochi Discovery World Aquarium

Website: Address: Adler, st. Lenina, 219 A/4. Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00, closed on Monday and Tuesday. Ticket price: 800 rubles, children from 4 to 11 years old - 500 rubles, under 4 years old free. Excursion ticket - 50 rubles.

Adler's attractions include entertainment and educational facilities that will interest both children and adults. Among them is the largest southern aquarium, Sochi Discovery World Aquarium, a real museum of wildlife with an area of ​​more than 6 km², opened in 2009.

Here you can see 30 aquariums with more than 4 thousand inhabitants of reservoirs: both salty and fresh. The most impressive sight is the 44-meter underwater tunnel, which allows you to observe sea predators at arm's length.

As an additional service, tourists are offered diving with underwater video filming, photo sessions and excursions. Every day there are fabulous shows with the participation of Mermaids; you can feed the fish by buying food from the vending machine. There is an arcade and gift shop.


As in any other resort city, Adler will have entertainment for those who prefer to learn new things while traveling, and for those who are used to relaxing and having fun to the fullest. Age does not matter - everyone will be able to relax: respectable people, young groups, and families with children.

What attractions are there in Adler, and what to see first, read below.

Ostrich farm

A huge number of feathered inhabitants of the farm - African ostriches, pheasants, Indian peacocks, mandarin ducks, parrots and others - will delight any visitor. In the farm's souvenir shop you can buy figurines of birds and magnets with their images, as well as various souvenirs made from feathers or ostrich egg shells as souvenirs or as gifts for friends. Guests of the farm can try dishes made from ostrich eggs and take a photo with any feathered pet. Entrance ticket – 350 rubles.

Farm address: Forelevaya St., 43.

Olympic Park

Despite the fact that the Olympics have long passed, this place is still a center of attraction for numerous tourists, where everyone wants to visit . Photos against the backdrop of the most beautiful tourist sites - the Olympic Flame, the Olympic Rings - will be an excellent addition to your home photo collection. All stadiums and sports complexes operate according to their own schedule.

Guests of the Olympic Park will be able to visit the sports museum, the race track, and indoor skating rinks. The Singing Fountains show is performed daily (cancelled in case of bad weather conditions).

The park is located in Imereti Bay (you can get there by buses No. 57, 125, 117, 173, stop “Selsovet”).

Sochi Park

It is called “Sochi Disneyland”. The theme entertainment park is united by a common theme and style - Russian fairy tale. All attractions are divided into 5 thematic areas (“Enchanted Forest”, “Avenue of Lights”, “Land of Science and Fantasy”, “Water Kingdom”, “Land of Heroes”) and decorated according to their theme. There is a corner with attractions for the youngest visitors.

The park is open from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Ticket prices are 2,500 rubles for adults and 1,500 rubles for children . This cost is due to the fact that the price includes visits to all sites and attractions without exception, without any limitation on the time of skiing.

Sochi Park is located in the Imeretinsky district . How to get there: by buses No. 100 and 124 to the Sochi Park stop. A free bus runs daily from the Olympic Park to the entertainment center (but it is better to go early in the morning, because the flow of people wanting to leave for free is very large).

Southern Cultures Park

If you don’t know where to go to relax your soul, pay attention to the arboretum. It was founded back in 1910 and contains about 1,400 species of plants, trees and shrubs : here you can see Japanese cherries and maples, rhododendrons, subtropical plants, rare tree species (coffee tree, gingko), and a magnificent rose garden. The park area is designed at a European level - gazebos, ponds, bridges and sculptural compositions. The park's opening hours are from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Ticket price: 250 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children (children under 7 years old are admitted free).

The park is located at: Nagorny deadlock, 13.

Park of Culture and Recreation

The park of culture and recreation is a favorite vacation spot for citizens and tourists. Located near the central city beach "Ogonyok" . The park has children's attractions - a race track, carousels, slides (ticket prices range from 50 to 250 rubles), gazebos and benches for relaxation. The park is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (in winter); in summer, the park is open to visitors from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Address: Romashek St., 1 (crossroads with Lenin St.).

The Wax Museum

The wax museum traditionally attracts visitors - who wouldn’t want to stand next to the empress or take a selfie with a world celebrity? Some exhibits are supplemented with sound effects, which enhances the impression. Ticket price: 350 rubles (children: 300 rubles).

Museum address: Egorova St., 1.


A trip to the dolphinarium is a great option for a family holiday . Almost 1000 people can visit the dolphinarium at the same time. In the huge pool, which serves as a circus arena, fur seals, dolphins, walruses, and beluga whales give daily performances. The performance lasts approximately 1 hour.

Ticket price: for adults – 600 rubles, children’s ticket – 450 rubles . For a fee, you can take photos with animals or ride a small boat around the pool. The Dolphinarium is open all days except Mondays from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Performances start at 10.00, 15.00 and 18.00.

The dolphinarium is located at: Lenin St., 192/2.


The Adler Oceanarium is considered the largest in Russia . Of course: 30 large aquariums with marine life are located on an area of ​​more than 6 thousand square meters. Here you can not only admire the inhabitants of the deep sea (of which there are about 4 thousand species), but also attend various show programs, as well as feed the carp yourself. Diving enthusiasts can dive (under the supervision of an instructor) into a huge sea pool.

Located in Resort Town, Lenin St., 219 (building A)/4.


Transformed from the Sukhumi nursery, the Adler monkey nursery today contains about 4,000 representatives of the monkey world (more than 20 species). During a tour of the nursery, you can observe the life of primates, and also learn how and how they help science (in particular, space medicine).

The nursery is located in the village of Vesely, Adler district, building 1. Telephone: 8-862-243-2028.

Trout farm

The trout farm consists of 111 ponds and lakes in which king trout are bred . Guests of the trout farm, located near the Mzymta River, will be able to appreciate not only the methods of trout breeding, but also the delicious dishes made from it. For fishing lovers, there is an opportunity to fish on trout or carp lakes (entrance to the lakes - 200 rubles + paid rental of fishing equipment).

The entrance ticket costs 250 rubles for adults and 160 rubles for children (children under 7 years of age have free admission).

Farm address: Forelevaya St., 45 "A".

Waterfall "Deep Yar" ("Dragon's Mouth")

Located near the village of Monastery, it is part of the Sochi National Park . The waterfall is almost 42 meters high. Below it there is a small cave, part of which has already been explored by scientists. The path to the waterfall is no less picturesque - next to the attraction are the ruins of an ancient Christian temple.

The cost of an excursion to the waterfall is 100 rubles per person (entrance fee to the territory of the Sochi Nature Reserve, the ticket office is located at the entrance to the reserve). You can get to the place by car or by bus No. 135 (stop “Monastery”).


The Amphibius water park is a great place for a family vacation. 16 rides and slides of varying heights will delight both children and adults. There are also 15-meter slides for extreme sports enthusiasts - in a special area called “Kamikaze”. The slides for young visitors are equipped with a special protection system. As a bonus to your pleasure, there are cafes and pizzerias on the territory of the aquatic complex - you definitely won’t be bored here!

Water park address: Lenin St., 219 “a”.


The Adler lighthouse, almost 11 meters , is one of the oldest lighthouses on the Black Sea coast - it was built back in 1898, but is still an active lighthouse.

Electrical Museum of Nikola Tesla

This excursion is for those who love spectacular events . And there are plenty of sights here - look at the lightning that you can touch with your hands. Visitors watch the main action from the “Faraday cage” - electrical discharges and colorful lightning will delight both children and adults.

Museum visiting hours: from 9 to 22 hours (in low season - up to 20 hours), ticket price: 350 rubles for adult visitors and 300 rubles. – ticket for a child (over 5 years old).

Museum address: Mezhdunarodnaya str., 6. Telephone for inquiries: 8-988-241-0180.

Leonardo da Vinci Museum

Another “non-standard” museum will be of interest to those who like to penetrate into the essence of things and phenomena. In the halls of the museum there are models of the great master's inventions, drawings and diagrams of these mechanisms . All models are functional, everything is allowed to be touched and twisted - this will be especially interesting for children. A separate room is dedicated to Leonardo's paintings. The tour lasts 25-30 minutes.

The museum is open from 10 to 20 hours, ticket prices: 300 rubles for adults and 250 rubles for children.

Address: Mezhdunarodnaya str., 8. Telephone for inquiries: 8-988-241-0180.

Dzykhrinskoye Gorge

Dzykhrinsky Gorge is a natural attraction of Adler . Many small mountain waterfalls and a riot of flowering plants can be perfectly seen during a walking tour (you can also drive to the gorge in jeeps, as part of a specially organized excursion). And if you take your swimwear with you, you can plunge into the cool waters of the Dzyhra River.

In addition, an excellent entertainment option will be: visiting quest rooms in Adler, excursions for fans of extreme tourism (mountain climbing, canoeing, kitesurfing) and much more. Adler is a place where everyone will find their own holiday option.


Founded in 1927, the nursery is the oldest in Russia. It is located in the village of Veseloye in close proximity to Adler. The area is about 1 km², the number of individuals (including rare species) is 4 thousand.

Being a major research center, the nursery has made a significant contribution to the development of astronautics and medicine. Now it is open to visitors who want to get acquainted with the characteristics of monkeys, communicate with them, and also listen to interesting lectures about the history of the nursery and different types of primates.

Main infrastructure facilities

Singing fountain

In the park you can get a lot of pleasure from watching the bright and incredibly beautiful fountain that decorated the grand opening of the Winter Olympics in 2014. Its location is Olympic Square. The fountain is located next to the torch stele. It stands out with rainbow lighting. The play of light is accompanied by famous musical compositions.

Fisht Stadium

The grand beginning and end ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics took place at the Fisht stadium. This is the name of one of the mountain peaks of the Caucasus. In 2022, matches of the world football championship were held here.

Ice Arena "Shaiba"

The title of “small ice arena” was awarded to children’s sports and recreation center. It ranks second in size as a stadium.

Ice Sports Palace "Iceberg"

In 2012, athletes began practicing short track speed skating and figure skating in the new Iceberg Palace.

Ice Palace "Bolshoi"

The Sochi hockey club conducts training in the Big Ice Palace with a dome that looks like a frozen drop. Now it is known as the arena where the KHL holds its tournaments.

"Adler Arena"

At the beginning of the fall of 2014, the Tennis Academy was given the building of an indoor speed skating facility.


Designed for curling. In addition, the popular comedy television show “Comedy Club” is filmed here from time to time.

Sochi Circuit

One of the most modern tracks in Europe. Since 2014, Sochi Autodrom has annually hosted the Formula 1 world road racing championship. The route passes through the Olympic Park.

Tribal trout breeding

Address: Sochi, Adler district, p. Kazachiy Brod, st. Forelevaya, 45A.

You can get acquainted with the local cuisine and the peculiarities of trout breeding on an industrial scale, as well as fishing, by visiting a trout breeding farm located in the village of Kazachiy Brod, Adlerovsky district.

The history of the largest plant in Russia and Europe goes back more than 50 years. The environmentally and aesthetically favorable location of the enterprise (on the Mzymta River, in a picturesque mountainous area) ensured the popularity of the farm.

Trout farming

Valuable species of trout (including rainbow and Adler amber) are bred in a system of man-made reservoirs filled with clean water from a mountain river. Here tourists are told about the stages of trout development - from fry to adult, fresh fish is prepared, etc.

Sochi Park

Children and adults will be interested in visiting the entertaining Sochi Park with familiar and dear characters from famous fairy tales.

Here you can visit thematic areas:

  1. The land of heroes with power pavilions, a blacksmith's workshop and heroic dishes.
  2. The land of fantasy and science, where future scientists and even astronauts are born.
  3. An eco-village with healthy and tasty products that grow in local garden beds.
  4. An enchanted forest in the form of a fairy-tale house with heroes who can only be reached through a labyrinth with craftsmen, acrobats and wizards encountered along the way.
  5. An alley of fire in the form of a central street surrounded by gingerbread houses, trimmed bushes and sculptures of fairy-tale characters.

Sochi Park is the first complex in Russia, the creation of which was based on Russian folk tales. It occupies an area of ​​over twenty hectares with numerous restaurants and cafes, the Bogatyr hotel complex in the form of a castle and all kinds of attractions. You can also have a great time with your family at the Riviera Dolphinarium. It hosts fascinating performances with the participation of dolphins, sea lions and seals.



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