50+ sights of Yekaterinburg. What to see in 2022

When you come to any city for the weekend, you have to face the difficulty of choosing places to visit. I want to see as much as possible within one or two days. Not such an easy task given the limited time. Ekaterinburg can well be considered one of the most compact cities with a million population. If you plan your stay in advance, you will be able to see most of the sights.
  • Museums of Ekaterinburg
      Art Museum
  • Museum of the History of Stone-Cutting and Jewelry Art
  • Yeltsin Center
  • Vysotsky Museum
  • Where to go for a walk in Yekaterinburg
      Kharitonovsky Park
  • Embankment of the city pond
  • Historical park “Russia is my history”
  • Arrow of the pond at Dynamo
  • Unusual sights
      Keyboard Monument
  • The Beatles Monument
  • White Tower
  • Hotel "Iset"
  • Shartash stone tents
  • Where to go with children
      Wonderland Park "Galileo"
  • Yekaterinburg Zoo
  • Yekaterinburg Circus
  • Theater for Young Spectators
  • Waterpark Limpopo
  • Arboretum
  • Yekaterinburg is a kind of bridge between Europe and Asia. It is the only official “mountain city” of the Russian Federation. In 2002, a commission of the authoritative organization UNESCO decided to assign Yekaterinburg the status of an ideal city

    , one of 12 on the planet.

    Here history is perfectly combined with modernity. The city has a lot of skyscrapers, shopping and entertainment centers, and recreational facilities. At the same time, the capital of the Urals boasts an abundance of architectural monuments in the constructivist style that have survived to this day. In terms of population, Ekaterinburg is the fourth among Russian cities, second only to Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk. The city got its name in honor of Ekaterina Alekseevna, the wife of Peter I. There are a lot of attractions in Yekaterinburg. One day may not be enough to see them.

    There is an option for the optimal route in 1 day. It will allow you to “quickly”, but at the same time informatively travel around the city. Through the efforts of the Yekaterinburg administration and caring citizens, it was possible not only to preserve a lot of historical, cultural and architectural monuments, but also to achieve their harmonious combination with modern objects that are of interest to tourists.

    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

    • Address: st. Green Grove, 1, Ekaterinburg

    Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is definitely one of the ten most outstanding architectural sights of Yekaterinburg. This is a majestic white building, designed in a classical style, with powerful columns and large domes. Since its construction in 1838, this building has seen many eras and changes, being one of the oldest buildings in the city, but it has managed to survive and is well preserved. Social cataclysms did not destroy the temple: for some time it served as a repository for the museum’s collection, and in 2013 it underwent restoration and was reopened to Orthodox parishioners.

    2. Dam

    • Address: Lenina Ave., Ekaterinburg

    The dam is one of the most famous historical landmarks of Yekaterinburg. Back in the time of Peter the Great, they decided to build a dam here from wood and granite, but during the creation process, the projects were repeatedly changed and it was rebuilt. Soon it acquired its own pond and was “overgrown” with other buildings: monuments to Peter and Catherine the First appeared here, a beautiful public garden was created and a Mint was built. Today, it is here that Yekaterinburg residents celebrate various festivals, organize shows and fun large-scale celebrations.

    Dam and Historical Square

    The historical place from which the history of Yekaterinburg began - first of all, a city-factory, for the functioning of which a dam was needed. It was based on larch and granite, and the structure of the dam is perfectly preserved even today, even despite intensive use and traffic traffic. In summer, Plotinka is especially beautiful: well-groomed flower beds in the park, and on Iset there are light and musical fountains.

    On the site of the former Yekaterinburg plant, for the 250th anniversary of the city, a Historical Square was landscaped, including the dam of the City Pond on the Iset River, a water tower, the territory of the Yekaterinburg Mint, the Museum of Nature in the former building of small forges and a boiler room, the Museum of Architecture - in the building of a drafting room and a workshop store. . The Historical Square also includes monuments, the main one of which is to the founders of the city, Vasily Tatishchev and William de Gennin.

    Vayner Street

    Located in the very center, Vayner Street is one of the oldest and most significant in Yekaterinburg. Named after a Bolshevik figure, it actually dates back to the 18th century! Nicknamed the “Ural Arbat,” Vayner Street connects many historical and architectural sights of the central part of Yekaterinburg. The abundance of stalls, eateries and cafes gives the place additional vibrancy. A solid flow of tourists walks here every day.

    Square 1905

    The main square of Yekaterinburg, the ensemble of which consists of the Yekaterinburg Administration building in the Stalinist Empire style, the new Passage building, the pseudo-Gothic House of the Korobkov merchants (now part of the Europe shopping center), the building of the Siberian Trade Bank, the House of Actor (the estate of the merchant Tupikov). On the square stands a monument to Vladimir Lenin - a 6-meter bronze figure on a pedestal 10.2 meters high.

    There is a parking lot in the central part of the square for most of the year; on weekends and holidays, fairs are held, a stage is set up, but the main event is still the winter ice town, each time surprising guests with a new theme and the skill of the sculptures.

    Temple on blood

    • Address: st. Tolmacheva, 34, Ekaterinburg

    The Church on the Blood is one of the most elegant and beautiful churches in Yekaterinburg. This is a two-tier building, made in the Russian-Byzantine style, with high walls and five domes. The unique combination of traditional and oriental elements gives the building a very colorful appearance. This creation of master architects is very young: the temple arose in the 90s, in memory of the murdered Romanovs. There is even a monument to the royal family erected on the territory of the temple. While walking around Yekaterinburg, you should not miss the opportunity to visit such an attraction.


    Monument to the founders of the city Tatishchev and de Gennin

    The key monument of Yekaterinburg is located on Plotinka, dedicated to the two founding fathers of the city, geologist Tatishchev and merchant-philanthropist de Gennin. And although they have been honored and respected throughout the city’s history, the monument itself was erected only in 1998. Sculptor Peter Chusovitin.

    • Address: Ekaterinburg, Truda Square

    Obelisk on the Europe-Asia border

    The largest, 30-meter obelisk, is located near Novouralsk. It has been there since 2008.

    Although the debate about where exactly the border between the two parts of the world lies does not subside to this day. In total, there are more than 20 different steles, obelisks and monuments with the inscriptions “Europe - Asia” throughout Yekaterinburg and the region.

    Monument to Vladimir Vysotsky and Marina Vladi

    Bronze figures of Vysotsky and Vladi appeared near the Antey shopping center in 2006. On January 25, the artist’s birthday, a grand opening took place, which was attended by Nikita Vysotsky and Valery Zolotukhin, the son and friend of the actor and singer.

    The monument depicts a scene from life - Vladimir Vysotsky plays a song on the guitar, and Marina Vladi listens attentively.

    Keyboard Monument

    An interesting art object was installed on the second tier of the Iset River embankment. This is the world's largest keyboard made of concrete. The weight of each key is from 100 to 500 kilograms. The buttons completely replicate the layout of a regular keyboard.

    The monument is very popular among the local population, you can relax on it, children jump from button to button.

    Monument to the family of Nicholas II

    The monument is located near the Church on the Blood, built on the site of the Ipatiev House, where the royal family was shot in July 1918. On the memorial there is a composition of seven bronze figures. In the center there is a cross, around it there is a spiral staircase along which the imperial family descends for execution.

    Memorial to the nameless victims in Gulag prisons and camps

    The huge memorial complex contains 46 steles on which are written the names and dates of life of almost 20,000 people who suffered from Stalinist repressions. Excavations and recording of names are still ongoing. In the main part of the memorial there are two bronze Masks of Sorrow.

    Monument to the first steam locomotive

    The monument to the first Russian steam locomotive was erected in front of the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers in 1978, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Sverdlovsk Railway. It shows a model of a “steam stagecoach”, invented in 1833 by the father and son Cherepanovs.

    The pedestal contains a “time capsule” that can be opened in 2028.

    Monument to children who worked during the Great Patriotic War

    Part of the memorial complex is dedicated to children who worked for the front in 1941-1945. It was in Sverdlovsk that the largest factories in the USSR were located, producing products for the front: weapons, shells, combat vehicles, aircraft.

    Memorial "Black Tulip"

    The memorial is dedicated to the tragic events in Afghanistan. A soldier with a machine gun sits on a large pedestal, bowing his head in front of his fallen comrades. Around there are 10-meter steles on which are carved the names of Yekaterinburg residents who died in this campaign.

    Observation deck business

    • Address: st. Malysheva, 51, Ekaterinburg

    Business is a modern skyscraper decorating the center of Yekaterinburg. Needless to say, how popular its observation deck is? Being on the 52nd floor, people can explore Yekaterinburg and its attractions from a height of more than 185 meters! The view is truly luxurious and picturesque, so all guests of the city strive to get here. Among them are many foreigners who can take advantage of audio tours in foreign languages ​​and learn more about the city itself and its rich history.

    Ganina Yama - monastery

    • Address: Ganina Yama tract, Yekaterinburg

    The creation of this monastery in Yekaterinburg, like the Church on the Blood, was a response to the brutal murder of the royal family. It was here that the family of Nicholas II was brought and killed. So in the 1990s, it was decided to create an Orthodox monastery here, which would become a quiet monastery and a reminder of the terrible Russian tragedy. Today it is an ensemble of buildings surrounded by mighty pine trees. It is truly very quiet and serene here, so those tired of the bustle of Yekaterinburg streets can come to this place to find peace of mind.

    Where to go for a walk in Yekaterinburg

    Kharitonovsky Park

    The oldest and richest in legends of Ekaterinburg park. It is located a short distance from the Church on the Blood. The appearance of the park was facilitated by the Kharitonov-Rastorguev merchants, gold miners who lived in an estate on the hill. Thanks to their efforts, the first trees appeared in 1826. With the advent of Soviet power in the city, the merchants' real estate was subject to nationalization. The estate became the Palace of Pioneers for many years. At present, clubs and sections of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth are organized here.

    Kharitonovsky garden in English style

    The park is not very large, but it is a pleasant stay, especially on summer days. A man-made pond, the banks of which are abundantly covered with sedge, is pleasing to the eye. Weeping willows are trying to reach the water surface with their branches. There is a small island in the central part of the pond. There is a gazebo on it. Locals call the structure a rotunda. Getting to the gazebo is not difficult; there is a short bridge for this purpose. There are many ducks in the pond. Small boats also appear here from time to time. The park is riddled with paths in different directions. Along one of them you can get to the grotto. Many years ago, merchants used this place to store wine. The servant used a special device to lift the bottles. According to legends, the Rastorguevs used secret passages laid under the territory of the park. However, stories about tunnels have no practical evidence. These “secret passages” have not yet been discovered.

    Embankment of the city pond

    A quiet and cozy corner of the city, located behind Plotinka. On the other side of the embankment is Lenin Avenue. There is a sense of calm, regularity and silence everywhere here. A completely different Yekaterinburg, without the bustle, rush and noise typical of all modern business and actively developing metropolises. The quarter is replete with old houses, neat paths, and trees. Walking along the embankment, you can see the Dynamo building in a typical constructivist style and the Cosmos cinema. The Isetsky Pond is magnificent, on the opposite bank of which is the Yeltsin Center and the regional administration building. The best time to be on the embankment is early sunrise and late sunset.

    Walking along the embankment of the city pond

    Historical park “Russia is my history”

    The organization of historical parks is a good tradition that covers most regions of the state. Thanks to the large-scale project, knowledge of the history of the Motherland is deepening, and awareness of its contribution to the processes taking place both on the continent and throughout the world is being achieved. Exhibitions operate constantly in Yekaterinburg Park. They are dedicated to important historical events. The exhibitions cover a centuries-old period of time, from ancient Rus' to the present day. Visitors show particular interest in representatives of the Romanov family and the events of the Great Patriotic War. The park also hosts temporary exhibitions, hosts other events, and organizes exciting quests.

    Arrow of the pond at Dynamo

    The construction of the Dynamo stadium and water station was completed in the 30s of the last century. A 50-meter-long swimming pool was built directly in the river, next to the sports complex. It became a place for regular swimming competitions. Currently, the water in Iset is polluted. Doctors strictly do not recommend swimming in the river.

    Sports complex Dynamo

    The building of the Dynamo sports complex is a typical and striking example of the constructivist style. Its shape evokes associations with a ship. At the Dynamo metro station you can visit the spacious stadium. There is also a small but cozy park, available for walking at any time. Thanks to the conveniently equipped embankment, this place is preferred by couples in love, mothers with children in strollers, and cycling enthusiasts. In several places there are convenient descents to the reservoir. It is possible to get close to the water to feed the ducks.

    Boris Yeltsin Presidential Center

    • Address: st. Boris Yeltsin, 3, Ekaterinburg

    The Yeltsin Center is one of the most unusual and memorable modern attractions of Yekaterinburg. Instead of a standard museum in an old house, a huge and modern historical complex opens before guests. Unusual design, modernist solutions and a focus on interactivity - this is the new museum of modern Russian history. It is always crowded here, there are a lot of young people and children. It was these visitors who were counted on when planning the establishment. The Yeltsin Center is an attempt to introduce the younger generation to the history of the Russian Federation with the help of the latest technologies and bright presentation.

    Sevastyanov's House

    • Address: ave. Lenina, 35, Ekaterinburg

    The Sevastyanov House or the House of Trade Unions, without exaggeration, is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. This is a huge palace, mixing an incredible number of different styles: from classicism to non-Moorish elements. It is not surprising that only the lazy would not want to be photographed against the backdrop of such beauty! The house of collegiate assessor N.I. Sevastyanov is today included in the list of monuments of federal significance, so its significance is difficult to overestimate. Over the centuries, the house has acquired various legends and interesting stories that visitors like to tell. You should definitely visit this place in Yekaterinburg!

    Unusual sights

    Keyboard Monument

    One of the most original monuments not only of the city, but of the entire country. The placement of massive concrete keys exactly matches the layout of a computer keyboard. The slabs are installed in the middle of the grass, being an additional “highlight” of the slope of the Iset embankment

    . By jumping on the keys, you can “type” your name or compose a short text.

    Keyboard Monument

    The huge keyboard has been here since 2005. She appeared as part of “Long Stories of Yekaterinburg”, and immediately attracted the attention of all festival participants. An unusual “keyboard” project was implemented by Anatoly Vyatkin. The concrete keyboard attracts Yekaterinburg residents and city guests. True, regular maintenance of concrete slabs is required. In the spring, cleanup days are organized here. Activists are cleaning and painting the slabs. From time to time, IT specialists organize exciting computer mouse throwing competitions here.

    The Beatles Monument

    The originality of the monument to the Liverpool Quartet will be appreciated by fans of the legendary group. It is not difficult to find in Yekaterinburg. From the business center you should move towards Iset. Next you need to walk along the river bank. A brick wall with silhouettes of musicians in the background will catch your eye. This is the first monument to The Beatles in Russia.

    Monument to the Fab Four

    After admiring the Beatles, you should also pay attention to the graffiti. The phone booth from Doctor Who is impressive. The following picture shows Chester Bennington, the former lead singer of Linkin Park, who passed away in 2022.

    White Tower

    This industrial facility has a well-deserved status as a symbol of Uralmash. The need for a water tower has long ceased. Its functioning has ceased. The White Tower is actively visited by tourists interested in avant-garde architecture.

    Constructivism of Yekaterinburg in the form of the White Tower

    The price of visiting as part of a group of tourists is 250 rubles. The cost of ordering an individual tour is 3 thousand rubles. The excursions are conducted by specialists who are committed to preserving the White Tower and returning it “to the life of the city.”

    Externally, the structure is not particularly attractive. The peeling plaster evokes melancholy. Rocks are visible in many places. The former bright whiteness is long gone. The tower is now gray. There is a lot of various graffiti on the concrete walls inside. The floor is covered abundantly with crumbled sand. The broken staircase is not in the best condition. However, a visit to this industrial monument should be included in the program of exploring Yekaterinburg.

    Hotel "Iset"

    The building, which appeared in Yekaterinburg in the 30s of the last century, is distinguished by its unusual architectural forms. The spirit of constructivism is felt. Initially, it was a dormitory for OGPU employees. Later the building became the NKVD Housing Complex. The name exactly corresponds to the specifics of the life of the residents. A common factory-kitchen was intended for their food. Shower rooms were located on the floors for washing. Only decades later a hotel appeared here.

    Chekistov town

    “Iset” is part of a single architectural complex called the Chekist Town. Local houses were not originally equipped with kitchens and bathrooms. There are many legends associated with the hotel, as with the entire Town. True, many of them are fiction that has no confirmation. For years there were rumors that the construction of the Town was planned in the shape of a hammer and sickle, the state symbols of the USSR. For certain reasons, only part of the buildings that formed the crescent were built. Circumstances did not allow the construction of the hammer-shaped buildings to be completed. The stories are not true. There are many horror stories about torture, for which the extensive basement rooms under the complex were used. Access to the dungeon is still open. You can get there if you use the door in the “Sleeping Dog”, a bar located at 40 Pervomaiskaya.

    The hotel is currently not operational. Only restaurants located on the ground floor of the building are accessible to visitors. A few years earlier, Iset became the venue for the Ural Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art. It was assumed that the event would attract attention to the premises and the hotel would have a new owner. Alas, hopes were not met.

    Shartash stone tents

    Unlike most of the attractions of Yekaterinburg, the “tents” are not man-made, they are of natural origin. The peculiarity of mountain relief forms is the accumulation of flat boulders. Since the stones are located next to the lake, from a distance they really look like tourist tents. This corner of Yekaterinburg is a natural and cultural heritage and is included in the list of protected sites. The age of the “tents”, over 18 meters high, is approximately 300 million years.

    "Tents" made of stones - a natural attraction

    The attraction is located on Vysotsky Street. The distance from here to the central part of the city is approximately 2 kilometers. In the 19th century, the heritage was under threat of destruction. Only thanks to the Ural Society of Natural History Lovers have the “tents” survived to this day. Not far from the complex during the Great Patriotic War there was a prison building. Also at that time, active construction of residential buildings began. As a result, the “tents” became an actual part of the city.

    Yekaterinburg Zoo

    • Address: st. Mamina-Sibiryaka, 189, Ekaterinburg

    The local zoo appeared back in 1930 and quickly became an extremely popular place among tourists. It became the first zoo built outside the European part of the country. It is worth noting that this is one of the smallest zoos located right in the city center. Despite its modest dimensions, the Yekaterinburg Zoo has a solid collection of inhabitants: about 1000 animals live in the local enclosures. Visitors can admire Amur tigers and lions, bears, foxes, various monkeys and birds of prey. In addition, the park includes an exotarium, in the terrariums of which snakes, lizards and turtles live. This is a great place in Yekaterinburg to visit with children.

    Climatic features

    The region is dominated by a temperate continental climate with distinct seasons. This belt is characterized by sharp temperature fluctuations and weather anomalies. In April the temperature is positive, but you need to be prepared for snow and frost during this period. Summer is warm. In winter it is cold, the thermometer drops to -30 degrees. The average monthly temperature in January is -12.6°C. The best time to travel to Yekaterinburg is from May to September. In spring and summer, fountains work, flower beds bloom, and the city surprises with its bright colors. But a winter excursion also has its charms: skating rinks, skiing, an ice town, various events for New Year and Christmas.

    Museum of V.S. Vysotsky

    • Address: st. Malysheva, 51, Ekaterinburg

    Vladimir Vysotsky is one of the main cultural personalities of a bygone era. Within these walls, people have the opportunity to travel back in time and learn more about the life of the idol of millions of Soviet citizens. Ekaterinburg Museum of V.S. Vysotsky has a huge amount of the singer’s personal belongings, letters, records, his famous car and even detailed reconstructions of the hotel room in which he lived during his tour. Walking through the museum, guests will be able to learn a lot of interesting things from the personal and creative life of the poet and performer.

    Ekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts

    The largest art museum in the Urals is worth a visit not only for its main permanent exhibit - the Kasli cast-iron pavilion - and the permanent exhibition of art objects, most of which are related to the Urals. The Yekaterinburg Museum of Fine Arts regularly hosts some of the best exhibitions in the country, organized by leading and thematic art museums, and it is especially interesting to visit it on event days: every year it becomes one of the main venues of the Night of Museums.

    Museum of the History of Yekaterinburg

    • Address: st. Karl Liebknechta, 26, Ekaterinburg

    This attraction should be visited by anyone who wants to get acquainted with the history of Yekaterinburg. The museum appeared in the city back in 1940, starting to collect all historical items related to the history and development of Yekaterinburg. Today, the museum’s halls house a huge number of different exhibits: documents, photographs, manuscripts, books, photo albums, works of art and everyday life. Here you can easily trace the stages of formation of the huge city, learn about the first rulers and prominent citizens. In addition to rich funds, the museum has its own creativity center, where children learn to develop their talents.

    Chekistov town

    Another symbol of the city and the heritage of constructivism is the “Chekist Town” in the block of Lenin - Lunacharsky - Pervomaiskaya - Kuznechnaya streets. The model residential complex, built by 1933, includes 14 buildings. Its most famous part is the Iset Hotel, a dominant building of an unusual semicircular shape, whose façade faces Lenin Street. In one of the former buildings of the Chekist Town, the Dzerzhinsky Palace of Culture, the Museum of History and Archeology of the Urals now operates, where, in addition to the exhibition, the only constructivist interior preserved in the city is noteworthy - a marble spiral staircase twisted counterclockwise.

    Limpopo Waterpark

    • Address: st. Shcherbakova, 2, Ekaterinburg

    For those wishing to cool off on a hot summer day, this water park will come in very handy. Limpopo is a large area with a variety of swimming pools, waterfalls and slides for children and adults. Guests of Yekaterinburg should definitely stop by here if they want to have a fun time. In addition to the water attractions themselves, there are cafes, bath and spa complexes and bars in the park. A visit to spa treatments will bring a lot of benefits to adults, given that there is professional equipment and experienced specialists.


    "Baden Baden"

    The year-round thermal pool Baden-Baden opened relatively recently. This is a great place for open-air swimming. In any weather, the water temperature is maintained up to 40 degrees.

    In addition to the pool, there is a large health complex, which includes many procedures.

    • Address: Ekaterinburg, Zimnyaya Street, building 23
    • Cost: from 350 rubles
    • Opening hours: From 9.00 to 23.00
    • Official website: https://baden-uktus.ru/

    Waterpark Limpopo

    The water park began its work in 2005 and is very popular with children and adults. And it’s not surprising - a huge complex, stylized to resemble hot countries, takes the visitor into summer immediately upon entering.

    Lots of cool slides, pools and related attractions. A spa complex, baths, saunas, indoor and outdoor terraces with comfortable sun loungers - all this makes visitors come back again and again.

    • Address: Ekaterinburg, Shcherbakova Street, building 2
    • Opening hours: From 10.00 to 22.00, weekends from 9.00 to 22.00
    • Cost: from 150 to 1700 rubles, depending on the height of the visitor.
    • Official website: https://www.limpopo-park.ru/

    Lake Shartash

    The natural reservoir, measuring more than 7 square kilometers, is located within the city. Just 4 kilometers from the center there is a unique corner of wildlife.

    Here you can relax with tents, fish and simply enjoy the seemingly endless expanses of water. Ekaterinburg residents prefer to sunbathe on the eastern shore of Shartash.

    • Address: Ekaterinburg, Kirovsky district
    • Opening hours: 24 hours a day
    • Cost: Free

    Rastorguev-Kharitonov estate

    • Address: st. Karl Liebknechta, 44, Ekaterinburg

    This architectural ensemble can be called, without exaggeration, one of the most important architectural landmarks of Yekaterinburg. Built at the end of the 18th century, the estate is a magnificent example of Russian classicism with its scope, majesty and severity. Huge buildings surround alleys and a park on the site of the old Kharitonovsky Garden. It is noteworthy that some of the trees surrounding the estate are more than 200 years old! This conveys the feeling of time very well and makes you admire the lush panorama.

    House-Museum of P. P. Bazhov

    • Address: st. Chapaeva, 11, Ekaterinburg

    Bazhov's fairy tales have been known to many since childhood. This native of Yekaterinburg has not lost his fame, and today every traveler can look into the writer’s house. This house-museum is truly priceless, as are the works of Bazhov himself. The institution’s exposition includes not only the house itself with all its accumulated property, but also the yard and even the garden! Trees planted during the writer’s lifetime still delight the eyes of visitors. Excursions are constantly held here, so anyone can learn a lot of new and interesting things about Bazhov’s life and work.


    Residents of Yekaterinburg are proud of their metro, although it only has 9 stations. Transport fare is 32 RUB. It is much more profitable to purchase a single travel card called an “E-card”. The card can work as an “electronic wallet” or serve as a full-fledged monthly travel card. You can buy an unlimited travel pass for exactly one month or a card for 20, 40 or 70 trips with a validity period of 60 days. Prices on the page are for March 2021.

    The metro operates from 5:30 to 00:00. City buses run from 6:00. Trams and trolleybuses - from 5:30. After 23:00, public transport practically stops. Travel on ground transport is paid directly in the cabin (tickets are sold by conductors).

    House-Museum of F. M. Reshetnikov

    • Address: st. Proletarskaya, 6, Ekaterinburg

    Among the famous residents of Yekaterinburg, one cannot fail to mention the writer Fyodor Reshetnikov. After the death of the writer, it was decided to create a museum in his house, where all the things that surrounded this man were collected. The museum's collection includes not only manuscripts of his works, books and letters, but also household and interior items, and more. On the territory there is also a coachman's and stables, with carriages, horses and other important details. Visitors can immerse themselves in the writer's life, and the number of visitors grows year after year.

    Literary Quarter

    In the block of historical buildings on Proletarskaya Street there is the United Museum of Writers of the Urals - one of the largest literary and memorial complexes in Russia. On the territory of the Literary Quarter there are: the F. M. Reshetnikov House-Museum, the Museum “Literary Life of the Urals of the 19th Century”, the Museum “Literary Life of the Urals of the 20th Century”, the Museum of Dolls and Children’s Books “Wonderland”, the Chamber Theater. At the entrance to the block from Pervomaiskaya Street, guests are greeted by a monument to A.S. Pushkin. The United Museum of Writers of the Urals has more than a dozen branches, including regional museums. The most visited branch is located in Yekaterinburg - this is the memorial museum of the Ural writer and storyteller P. P. Bazhov.

    Museum of Military Equipment UMMC

    • Address: st. Alexandra Kozitsyna, 2, Verkhnyaya Pyshma

    This branch of the museum of military and civilian equipment is very popular among both children and adults. Incredible collections of steam locomotives and old cars attract the attention of many visitors. Particular attention is paid to the exhibition of military equipment, which contains tanks, military vehicles, fighter planes, motorcycles and other vehicles that survived the Second World War. There really are a lot of great exhibits here! A visit to this museum in Yekaterinburg will be interesting for both history buffs, schoolchildren, and ordinary citizens who want to see with their own eyes the legendary military equipment of Soviet times.

    What to bring

    Ural gems, a malachite box and the Mistress of the Copper Mountain (depicted as a golden lizard in a crown). Jewelry made of jasper, rock crystal, lapis lazuli and other stones are sold in a small area, not far from USUE, Geologicheskaya metro station. You can also find things made of malachite there.

    By the way, keep in mind that large-scale mining of this mineral in the Urals ended 50 years ago; almost all jewelry and boxes sold in Yekaterinburg are made from African malachite.

    The Urals are famous not only for gems. In the village of Nizhnie Tavolgi, for example, they produce clay products. 50 km from Yekaterinburg, in the city of Sysert, porcelain figurines and dishes are made. Trays are painted in Nizhny Tagil, and in the city of Kasli there is a factory specializing in artistic cast iron casting. In the Ural capital, if you wish, you can find Tavolga ceramics, Sysert porcelain, and even an exclusive cast-iron horse.

    Fans of unique publications can look in bookstores for “Tales of Bazhov” with illustrations by local artists or the almanac “Forgotten Temples of the Urals” with photographs of churches that will never be restored.

    Let's move on to edible souvenirs: from Yekaterinburg they bring “Sverdlovsky” cupcake, “Bazhov’s Tales” gingerbread cookies, “Vivat, Russia!” candies. Catherine I" and "Vivat, Russia! Peter I." And also mayonnaise produced by a local fat plant. Among the drinks in high esteem are “Isetskoe” and “Tagilskoe” beer, “Ural Foothills”, “Ural Rowan” and “Old Ural” liqueurs.

    Yekaterinburg is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the city with the maximum consumption of mayonnaise per capita. According to the collection of records, every Yekaterinburg resident eats 560 ml of mayonnaise every month.

    • mie.ru

    Butterfly Park

    • Address: ave. Lenina, 49, Ekaterinburg

    Among the museums and entertainment centers of Yekaterinburg, the Butterfly Park occupies a special place. This is an excellent place in the city to visit with children. Many interesting and varied animals await guests. In addition to a significant collection of beautiful butterflies, this small room houses a small petting zoo. Visitors can look at the exotic inhabitants of the terrariums (snakes, spiders and lizards) and pet flying dogs, lambs or an iguana. There are also nosoha, porcupine and even pot-bellied piglets. Fish lovers will also be happy to see the beautiful aquariums and their inhabitants, as well as admire the sociable parrots.

    Sights of Ekaterinburg – TOP 30

    The capital of the Urals, which has long been considered the border between the European and Asian parts of our vast homeland, despite non-ideal weather conditions, has long been the object of increased attention of tourists. This is no wonder - the various attractions of Yekaterinburg, among which you can find many exotic and eccentric places, have long become famous throughout Russia and have gained some fame abroad.

    Don't forget about the sights of St. Petersburg and Moscow


    • Address: st. March 8, 43, Ekaterinburg

    What adult doesn't love the circus? The Yekaterinburg Circus is truly a real landmark of Yekaterinburg. It is located in a spacious building with a very interesting, modern design. The building in the form of a huge empty ball will certainly be remembered by everyone who sees it. Inside, spectators will find incredible entertainment: here you can not only watch traditional circus acts, but also admire the performances of trained animals, professional acrobatic and choreographic performances, and much more. This place has selected the best elements of world circus art.

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