Notes “Interesting facts about the construction of the city of Sharypovo.”

The city of Sharypovo in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Sharypovo is a small town on the banks of the Kadat River, 315 km from Krasnoyarsk, founded in the 18th century. From its founding until it acquired city status in 1981, it was a village.

Unusual structure of the city of Sharypovo

Sharypovo consists of 11 microdistricts, including several streets, which are indicated on the map, but not indicated on the houses.

Since the city is located on the territory of a former village, its composition is extremely heterogeneous: the old part contains mainly ancient wooden buildings, while the new part is densely packed with high-rise residential buildings, making up entire microdistricts with developed infrastructure.

Holy places near the city of Sharypovo

The largest in the Krasnoyarsk region, the White Stone Holy Trinity Cathedral with seven bells, painted after the model of the Moscow Cathedral of Christ the Savior, is also perhaps the most beautiful and can accommodate a little more than 1000 parishioners. Its central altar was consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'.

On the territory of Sharypovo, among other things, there is a holy spring. One day, on the day of Panteleimon the Healer, a blind girl washed herself with the mud of the Big Lake and suddenly received her sight. Since then, local residents have been confident in its healing properties. In 1863, this spring was illuminated, and since then it has been called the Source of Panteleimon the Healer, and at its sources there is a cross.

Call of the Wild

The Sharypovsky district is unusually rich in archaeological monuments. According to some data, this is about 300 objects. Unique things such as the remains of ancient fish, birds, animals, and even dinosaurs, and various rock paintings were discovered here. And, of course, more than one thousand architectural structures.

Based on objects found in Sharypovo and its environs, the life of various peoples who at one time or another inhabited this territory was studied. It is noteworthy that excavations are still ongoing, and not without success.

You can get acquainted with the achievements of local archaeologists and local historians at the local Museum of Local Lore. Its exhibition includes both the results of excavations and research conducted on their basis, as well as exhibits telling about the formation of Sharypovo as a city.

Industrial symbols of Sharypovo

The city-forming enterprise of Sharypovo is the Berezovskaya State District Power Plant, perhaps the youngest thermal power plant in Russia. It is known for its innovative approach to business, as it was here that new working methods and equipment were first tested. And the station’s chimney, 370 meters high, is the tallest industrial facility in Russia.

On the territory of the state district power plant, in the non-freezing water area of ​​its reservoir, next to the highest pipe, you can also see a wonderful winter fountain.

Sharypovo on the map of Russia: geography, nature and climate

An urban district has been formed around the city, which includes several urban settlements:

  • Sharypovo.
  • Dubinino.
  • Goryachegorsk

The district is located on the border with the Kemerovo region, in the steppe part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In Sharypovo, a climate with sharply variable weather conditions prevails. The amount of precipitation falling during the year exceeds the statistical norm for the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Thus, the most precipitation occurs in July, and March is considered the driest month. In Sharypovo, the winter period is characterized by a strong drop in temperature and frosts, the temperature drops to -25 degrees Celsius. In summer, high temperatures prevail - the air temperature warms up to + 28 degrees Celsius.

You can study the landscape and structural features of the city by referring to the map of Sharypovo from a satellite.

Main streets of Sharypovo

There are 131 streets in the city, the main ones are:

  • Central Avenue – length is 2.5 km. It has access to Rossiyskaya Street and Gorky Street. It runs along microdistricts 6, 7, 8.
  • Rossiyskaya Street – the length of the street is about 10 km. It runs along the coast of the Kadat River.
  • Gorky Street – the length of the street is 3.2 km. There is a hospital town on the street. The street runs along microdistricts 1 and 2.
  • Lenin Street – the length of the street is 1.5 km. There are exits to Kirov, Prosveshcheniya, Fomin, Prokopchik streets.
  • Severnaya Street – the length of the street is less than 1 km. It runs along Lake Ashpyr.
  • Oktyabrskaya Street - the street runs along the city park. It has several intersections with Kirov, Gorky and Rossiyskaya streets.

Population[ | ]

8726↗9458↗53 280↗54 579↘50 754↘48 814↘47 930
↘47 503↘46 980↘46 902↗46 956↘46 771↘46 603↘46 139
↘46 030

An excerpt characterizing Sharypovo

“It’s okay to lie, Kiselev, I’ll look at you.” - What a lie, the truth is true. “If it were my custom, I would have caught him and buried him in the ground.” Yes, with an aspen stake. And what he ruined for the people. “We’ll do it all, he won’t walk,” said the old soldier, yawning. The conversation fell silent, the soldiers began to pack up. - See, the stars, passion, are burning! “Tell me, the women have laid out the canvases,” said the soldier, admiring the Milky Way. - This, guys, is for a good year. “We’ll still need some wood.” “You’ll warm your back, but your belly is frozen.” What a miracle. - Oh my God! - Why are you pushing, is the fire about you alone, or what? See... it fell apart. From behind the established silence, the snoring of some who had fallen asleep was heard; the rest turned and warmed themselves, occasionally talking to each other. A friendly, cheerful laugh was heard from the distant fire, about a hundred paces away. “Look, they’re roaring in the fifth company,” said one soldier. – And what a passion for the people! One soldier got up and went to the fifth company. “It’s laughter,” he said, returning. - Two guards have arrived. One is completely frozen, and the other is so courageous, dammit! Songs are playing. - Oh oh? go have a look... - Several soldiers headed towards the fifth company. The fifth company stood near the forest itself. A huge fire burned brightly in the middle of the snow, illuminating the tree branches weighed down with frost. In the middle of the night, soldiers of the fifth company heard footsteps in the snow and the crunching of branches in the forest. “Guys, it’s a witch,” said one soldier. Everyone raised their heads, listened, and out of the forest, into the bright light of the fire, two strangely dressed human figures stepped out, holding each other. These were two Frenchmen hiding in the forest. Hoarsely saying something in a language incomprehensible to the soldiers, they approached the fire. One was taller, wearing an officer's hat, and seemed completely weakened. Approaching the fire, he wanted to sit down, but fell to the ground. The other, small, stocky soldier with a scarf tied around his cheeks, was stronger. He raised his comrade and, pointing to his mouth, said something. The soldiers surrounded the French, laid out an overcoat for the sick man, and brought porridge and vodka to both of them. The weakened French officer was Rambal; tied with a scarf was his orderly Morel. When Morel drank vodka and finished a pot of porridge, he suddenly became painfully cheerful and began to continuously say something to the soldiers who did not understand him. Rambal refused to eat and silently lay on his elbow by the fire, looking at the Russian soldiers with meaningless red eyes. Occasionally he would let out a long groan and then fall silent again. Morel, pointing to his shoulders, convinced the soldiers that it was an officer and that he needed to be warmed up. The Russian officer, who approached the fire, sent to ask the colonel if he would take the French officer to warm him up; and when they returned and said that the colonel had ordered an officer to be brought, Rambal was told to go. He stood up and wanted to walk, but he staggered and would have fallen if the soldier standing next to him had not supported him. - What? You will not? – one soldier said with a mocking wink, turning to Rambal. - Eh, fool! Why are you lying awkwardly! It’s a man, really, a man,” reproaches to the joking soldier were heard from different sides. They surrounded Rambal, lifted him into his arms, grabbed him, and carried him to the hut. Rambal hugged the necks of the soldiers and, when they carried him, spoke plaintively: “Oh, nies braves, oh, mes bons, mes bons amis!” Voila des hommes! oh, mes braves, mes bons amis! [Oh well done! O my good, good friends! Here are the people! Oh my good friends!] - and, like a child, he leaned his head on the shoulder of one soldier. Meanwhile, Morel sat in the best place, surrounded by soldiers. Morel, a short, stocky Frenchman, with bloodshot, watery eyes, tied like a woman's scarf over his cap, was dressed in a woman's fur coat. He, apparently drunk, put his arm around the soldier sitting next to him and sang a French song in a hoarse, intermittent voice. The soldiers held their sides, looking at him. - Come on, come on, teach me how? I'll take over quickly. How?.. - said the joker songwriter, who was hugged by Morel. Vive Henri Quatre, Vive ce roi vaillanti – [Long live Henry the Fourth! Long live this brave king! etc. (French song)] sang Morel, winking his eye. Se diable a quatre... - Vivarika! Vif seruvaru! sit-down... - the soldier repeated, waving his hand and really catching the tune. - Look, clever! Go go go go!.. - rough, joyful laughter rose from different sides. Morel, wincing, laughed too. - Well, go ahead, go ahead! Qui eut le triple talent, De boire, de battre, Et d'etre un vert galant... [Having triple talent, drinking, fighting and being an amiable...] - But it’s also neat. Well, well, Zaletaev!.. “Kyu...” Zaletaev said with effort. “Kyu yu yu...” he drawled, carefully protruding his lips, “letriptala, de bu de ba and detravagala,” he sang. - Hey, it’s important! That's it, guardian! oh... go go go! - Well, do you want to eat more? - Give him some porridge; After all, it won’t be long before he gets enough of hunger. Again they gave him porridge; and Morel, chuckling, began to work on the third pot. Joyful smiles were on all the faces of the young soldiers looking at Morel. The old soldiers, who considered it indecent to engage in such trifles, lay on the other side of the fire, but occasionally, raising themselves on their elbows, they looked at Morel with a smile. “People too,” said one of them, dodging into his overcoat. - And wormwood grows on its root. - Ooh! Lord, Lord! How stellar, passion! Towards the frost... - And everything fell silent. The stars, as if knowing that now no one would see them, played out in the black sky. Now flaring up, now extinguishing, now shuddering, they busily whispered among themselves about something joyful, but mysterious. X The French troops gradually melted away in a mathematically correct progression. And that crossing of the Berezina, about which so much has been written, was only one of the intermediate stages in the destruction of the French army, and not at all a decisive episode of the campaign. If so much has been and is being written about the Berezina, then on the part of the French this happened only because on the broken Berezina Bridge, the disasters that the French army had previously suffered evenly here suddenly grouped together at one moment and into one tragic spectacle that remained in everyone’s memory. On the Russian side, they talked and wrote so much about the Berezina only because, far from the theater of war, in St. Petersburg, a plan was drawn up (by Pfuel) to capture Napoleon in a strategic trap on the Berezina River. Everyone was convinced that everything would actually happen exactly as planned, and therefore insisted that it was the Berezina crossing that destroyed the French. In essence, the results of the Berezinsky crossing were much less disastrous for the French in terms of the loss of guns and prisoners than Krasnoye, as the numbers show. The only significance of the Berezina crossing is that this crossing obviously and undoubtedly proved the falsity of all plans for cutting off and the justice of the only possible course of action demanded by both Kutuzov and all the troops (mass) - only following the enemy. The crowd of Frenchmen fled with an ever-increasing force of speed, with all their energy directed towards achieving their goal. She ran like a wounded animal, and she could not get in the way. This was proven not so much by the construction of the crossing as by the traffic on the bridges. When the bridges were broken, unarmed soldiers, Moscow residents, women and children who were in the French convoy - all, under the influence of the force of inertia, did not give up, but ran forward into the boats, into the frozen water.

Routes on the map of Sharypovo. Transport infrastructure

In the urban district of Sharypovo there is a railway station - the village of Dubinino . The railway station is part of the Krasnoyarsk Railway.

The city is the center of the transport highway direction - Abakan-Kemerovo .

City transport is represented by regular passenger buses. Buses operate according to a schedule and according to certain routes (there are a total of 18 bus routes in the city).

Each bus runs at intervals of 60-120 minutes. The company operating passenger transport is Kraevoye ATP.

You can study the city's public transport routes in detail on the map of Sharypovo with streets.

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