Natural attractions of the Sakhalin region

The article explains:
  1. An excursion into the geography and history of Sakhalin Island
  2. TOP 10 places to travel around Sakhalin
  3. No less interesting sights of Sakhalin
  4. Food on Sakhalin
  5. What to bring from a trip to Sakhalin

Traveling around Sakhalin is more than just visiting one of the easternmost islands of our country.
For many, Sakhalin is associated with fishing, isolation and active recreation. In addition, the island is rich in attractions, and exploring them will give the traveler many amazing discoveries. Exotic food, places of power and sites of ancient people make a walk around Sakhalin truly memorable and unusual. Here you can see quiet bays and smoking volcanoes, visit thermal springs with mineral water and beautiful waterfalls. Our material invites you to get acquainted with one of the most interesting places in Russia.

Five best natural attractions of Sakhalin

Sakhalin is the largest island in Russia, with an area of ​​77,000 square meters. km. It is located north of Japan and is washed by two seas - the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan.

Sakhalin is famous for its unique landscapes and a large number of natural attractions. To get to know them, tourists are recommended to rent a car on the website:

Active tourism is developing on the island - there is the opportunity to go hunting, fishing, water sports, go on a hiking trip or a photo tour. The development of ecotourism is facilitated by the local flora and fauna, which is replete with endemic species: 303 species of animals and plants of Sakhalin are listed in the Red Book.

Lake Busse is a lagoon in the Korsakov district of the Sakhalin region with an area of ​​39.4 square meters. km2 and a depth of up to 4.5 m. In the southwest, the lake is connected to the sea by the narrow Suslov route. In the waters of the lake, ahnfeltia algae grows, from which agar-agar is obtained. The reservoir is relatively easily accessible and is popular with local residents; excursions and fishing trips are organized for tourists.

Cheremshansky waterfall is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Sakhalin. It is located northwest of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on the Yellow River, which is the right tributary of the Cheremshanka River. The waterfall is surrounded by picturesque vegetation and is located at an altitude of 170 m. The area is considered quite inaccessible; it is better to go to the waterfall in good weather by off-road vehicle.

Capes Bird and Giant are probably the most photographed sights of Sakhalin. They are natural monuments of regional importance, and are located in the Korsakov region in the southeast of Sakhalin, on the eastern coast of the Tonino-Aniva Peninsula. The territory from Ptichy to Velikan is replete with picturesque rock formations - outcrops. Local forests are also protected. Getting here is quite easy, so the capes, located about 1.5 km from each other, are popular with both Sakhalin residents and tourists who want to admire the unique natural landscapes.

The cape and the Aniva lighthouse are located in the rather inaccessible south-eastern part of Sakhalin. At the same time, the area remains very popular among tourists, who are attracted by the picturesque Aniva lighthouse - an abandoned building on the Sivuchya rock. The height of the tower is 31 m. Tourists get here on foot or by boat from the abandoned village of Yuzhny, where the lighthouse staff previously lived. There are organized excursions to the lighthouse.

Daginsky thermal springs are a health complex based on the Daginsky thermal water deposit. It is located in the village of Goryachiye Klyuchi in the Nogliki region on the western coast of Dagi Bay. The area of ​​the complex is 9 hectares. The springs are known for their healing thermal waters and deposits of healing mud. Local waters have a temperature of about +50°C and are characterized by a high content of silicic acid and alkali. They are recommended for use in the treatment of diseases of the nervous and reproductive systems, musculoskeletal system, and skin. Now there is only one healing spring here - “Patriot”, and in the village of Goryachiye Klyuchi there is a sanatorium “Dagi-Oasis”.

Moneron Island

There are mysterious places on our planet that hold many mysteries. People associate legends with them and visit them in the hope of unraveling the mysteries. In the Sakhalin region, the small island of Moneron, located between Russia and Japan, is considered a mysterious place. By origin, it is an extinct volcano with an area of ​​about 30 sq. km , and sea fog often hides it from prying eyes.

Most likely, such a natural phenomenon became one of the main reasons for the mystery. The first secret: the island was once part of Japan, and for some reason they began to actively develop it. A lighthouse was built, communications were established, telephone communications were established, a weather station was built, and much more, and most importantly, all this in the shortest possible time. This brought to mind the idea of ​​submarines hidden here, a school for competitive swimmers, and even buildings for isolating leprosy patients.

During the Second World War, the island passed to Russia, the island was deserted, visits to it were limited, but tourist groups can afford to visit it.

The second secret: the graves, from the decoration of which one can judge that they date back to the period of Soviet power, because of the monuments with a red star. It is unknown where they come from. The third mystery: the mystery of the downed South Korean airliner, on board which were almost 300 people, their bodies were never found. The fourth mystery: did anyone live on this island in ancient times, and, if so, who? Objects were discovered here that resemble human creations, reminiscent of places for rituals. Fifth secret: the secret of the nature of the island, because it is inhabited by animals unique to this area. There is the purest water and the purest air.

Secrets are created by people themselves; in most cases, legends appear due to lack of information; to prove or disprove them, you need to visit this mysterious place at least once. More and more tourists come here, and each of them can take a found semi-precious stone as a souvenir of this intriguing place.

Sights of Sakhalin and general description of the island

Sakhalin (Japanese name - Karafuto) is a large island off the eastern coast of mainland Asia. It is separated from the continent by the Strait of Tartary, and from the neighboring island of Hokkaido by the La Perouse Strait. Administratively, the island is part of the Sakhalin region, which also includes a chain of sparsely populated Kuril Islands. The total area of ​​Sakhalin is 76.6 thousand square meters. km. The largest city is Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (190 thousand inhabitants).

Sakhalin Island is one of the most unusual regions in Russia. It stands out noticeably for its unique nature, and its distance from the “mainland” gives it even more color and mystery. Local residents have long been accustomed to the amazing landscapes here, the monsoon climate, and regular tremors. But for residents of other regions and countries, all this is a novelty.

The main natural attractions of Sakhalin include hot springs, numerous lakes, relict yew groves, and unusual rocks created by lava layers. In large cities there are a number of museums with very interesting thematic exhibitions. And on Sakhalin, a unique and working narrow-gauge railway line has been preserved, which has no analogues in the whole world!

We have compiled for you a list of the ten most interesting attractions of Sakhalin (we will describe some of them in more detail below):

  • Museum of the History of the Sakhalin Railway;
  • Moneron Island;
  • Kholmsky pass;
  • Tikhaya Bay;
  • rocks "Three Brothers";
  • lighthouse at Cape Jonquiere;
  • monument to the “Dead Fishermen” in Nevelsk;
  • local history museum in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk;
  • Devil's Bridge in Kholmsk;
  • Nature reserve "Poronaysky".

Korsakov sea trade port

In Aniva Bay of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the southern part of Sakhalin Island there is a seaport, the port of Korsakov and the settlement of the same name.

Navigation in this largest port of the Far Eastern basin continues all year round. The port's work is extensive, including ship repairs, fish production, fish processing, passenger transportation, and transshipment of large cargoes, such as timber, coal, metal, equipment, and petroleum products. The development of inbound tourism in the Sakhalin region depends primarily on the port of Korsakov, because it is through it that foreign tourists can get to Russia by ferry service. The observation deck at the port deserves special attention. It offers an excellent view of the sea, the port itself and the entire city. And at night it is even more beautiful thanks to the many lights in the port.

Location: Portovaya street - 10, Korsakov.

A.P. Chekhov and Sakhalin

The Chekhov Historical and Literary Museum, located in Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, tells in detail about the Sakhalin hard labor, as well as the stay of the famous Russian writer on the island. In 1890, Chekhov went on a long journey to the East. The main goal of the expedition was to visit Sakhalin. On the island, he conducted a census and talked with many convicts, including political ones.

A certain result of Chekhov’s journey to the east was a book with the simple title “Sakhalin Island”. True, reading it is quite boring, because, in addition to the writer’s personal travel impressions, it is full of detailed statistical data.

Bear Museum in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Bears and tales about them are familiar to everyone since childhood. And any mention of Russia by foreigners is associated with a bear. The Sakhalin region is visited by many tourists from neighboring countries, and they will be interested in visiting one of the best bear museums in Russia. The museum clearly shows and tells about the life of Russian residents.

Here you can see a Russian hut as in the fairy tale “The Three Bears”, national masterpieces of art, such as Tula samovars, clay and wooden toys, Khokhloma, Gzhel, Dymka, bear figurines made in various techniques. In addition to viewing fascinating exhibits, the museum offers visitors interesting master classes: wood painting, folk doll making, pottery workshop and many others. An excursion to the museum will interest both adults and children.

Location: 2nd Central Street - 1B, City Mall shopping center.

There is an island in the ocean.

Before describing the sights of Sakhalin, let’s pay a little attention to the island itself. It is located in the Far East and is the largest in our country. Its shores are washed by the Seas of Japan and Okhotsk, the Nevelskoy, La Perouse and Tatar straits.

From the moment Sakhalin became part of the Russian Empire, it became a place of exile and hard labor. The Soviet Union continued the same tradition. But it is not only the dark past that attracts tourists. The fantastic nature of Sakhalin is what makes it worth coming here! Healing mineral springs, ski resorts and numerous museums with unique exhibitions will reward the traveler who has overcome a difficult road.

Holidays on Sakhalin

Natural wonders are the main attractions of Sakhalin. First of all, I would like to mention Mount Vaida and its cave. The peak itself is low - only 900 meters above sea level, but in its depths you can see real miracles, including stalactites and stalagmites.

Therapeutic mud and mineral springs are the pride of the island. For example, near the capital there is the Sinegorsk spring with a rare type of natural mineral water. They are suitable for the treatment of radiation sickness, disorders of cellular metabolism, and diseases of the hematopoietic organs.

Daginsky thermal springs are indicated for people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and skin ailments. These objects are also a natural monument. Just imagine: against the backdrop of an amazing landscape, a picturesque pond in which swans swim floats.

Skin diseases are successfully treated in balneological health resorts located on the shores of the Tatar Strait.

On the outskirts of the island capital there is a ski resort "Mountain Air". It has ten kilometers of modern, well-equipped trails of varying difficulty levels, a snow park, and a chute for tubing enthusiasts. The resort also has a gondola chairlift and a rope tow.

The island capital and its museums

Many of Sakhalin's attractions are located near the island capital. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is the main city of the region, the only one in Russia that is entirely based on islands (there are already 59 of them). The city stands on the banks of the Susuya River in the Susunai Valley, at the foot of the Russian Mountain.

The capital was founded in 1882. Today it is a unique modern city in which life is in full swing. The most famous museums of Sakhalin can be found here. This is a Museum of Local Lore, which will tell the visitor the history of the settlement of the island, tell about the indigenous inhabitants, flora and fauna, and about the war with Japan. The building was built in the teikan style and has a flat tile roof, skylights, and kazari.

The Sakhalin Regional Art Museum is located in the city center. There are many rich, diverse exhibitions here, and in addition, within the walls of the institution you can attend concerts, music and poetry evenings. Of particular interest are also the museum of railway equipment and the city literary and art museum of the book of A.P. Chekhov.

There are emerald parks in the city, a memorial complex to fallen soldiers with an eternal flame. The city park of culture and recreation is a favorite vacation spot for the capital's residents. It has a lake, lush flower beds, green lawns, benches, a children's railway, a tennis court and the Cosmos stadium. In 1995, the Resurrection Cathedral was built in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

Some more useful information

The natural monuments of Sakhalin will not leave any traveler indifferent. Just look at the rocky arches of Cape Velikan on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the inaccessible Cape Aniva with the abandoned lighthouse of the same name, Mount Spamberg with unique mountain lakes on the plateau (eighteen of them), the Three Brothers rocks, the Devil's Bridge. The nature of Sakhalin is so beautiful that the inhabitants of these places created legends that could explain its incredible beauty.

Lake Busse

The best way to take a break from the bustling city is to go to Lake Busse. Amazing views, good fishing, unforgettable experiences - all this is a vacation on Lake Busse.

Nature connoisseurs admire the birds that live here, admire the large lilies growing here, as well as the starry night sky. And the most important thing is the abundance of fish and oysters, which can be cooked immediately after the catch. It is better to stay at the lake for several days. The clearings on the banks are convenient for location, nature fascinates with its beauty, an ideal place for a family holiday.

How to get there?

You can get to the island either by air or by sea - there is no land connection with the mainland on Sakhalin. The capital's airport accepts domestic and international flights. There are small air terminals in the cities of Nogliki, Okha, Shakhtersk and the village of Zonalnoye. If a traveler decides to get here by water, then he should head to the Vanino-Kholmsk ferry crossing, which operates every day throughout the year. And you can get to the village of Vanino, located on the mainland, by train.

Go to the fabulous island of Sakhalin - and you will fall in love with it once and for all!

Sakhalin “Frog”

3 km northeast of the village of Vestochka, located within the administrative boundaries of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, there is the “Frog” outlier. This is a unique natural structure, which is more than 70 million years old. The remnant is a block of stone that looks like a frog sitting on a hillock. A bizarrely shaped block protrudes from the southern slope of Mount Gorbunov. The area of ​​the facility occupies about 12 hectares.

According to legend, this is where the “energy center” of Sakhalin is located. For the indigenous inhabitants of the island, the Ainu, the mountain was a temple of wisdom and a special place for rituals. It is believed that the remnant was once located on the ocean floor; as proof of this theory, fossilized shells can still be found throughout the mountain. Before climbing the mountain, you must definitely ask the spirits of the mountain to let you into their possessions and only after that start climbing. On the mountain, it is advisable to behave respectfully and quietly, otherwise, it is believed, the spirits will be unhappy and punishment will not be long in coming. There is a special place on the “Frog” - a hole in the rock where everyone can make a wish, and if the spirits consider you worthy, then it will definitely come true.

In 1995, the eight-meter rock was declared a specially protected natural area. In good weather, the mountain offers an amazing view of Aniva Bay and the beautiful lakes Tunaicha and Izmenchevoe.

The path to the “Frog” remnant. Photo: Denis Taushkanov, SakhalinMedia news agency

Remnant “Frog”. Photo: Denis Taushkanov, SakhalinMedia news agency

Mud volcano Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky

There are three mud volcanoes on Sakhalin Island. The largest is located 24 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk between the valley of the Alat River and the upper reaches of the Puta River. Mud volcanism is a very interesting and mysterious phenomenon, closely related to tectonic activity and oil and gas content of the earth's interior. In oil and gas bearing areas, mud volcanoes emit methane, to a lesser extent carbon dioxide, and sometimes carbon monoxide and nitrogen. Their waters contain bromine, iodine, boron, which allows the mud to be used for medicinal purposes. The mechanism of formation of such volcanoes is still not entirely clear. In total, more than 700 mud volcanoes are known on the planet.

The mud volcano near Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is a convex mud field, close in shape to a circle with a diameter of about 200 meters. The height of the field is just over 300 meters above sea level. Here and there, mainly along the edges of the mud field, gurgling griffins are visible, each of which represents a miniature volcano. There are about 10 of them in total. In appearance, they resemble mounds with small craters from which gas and gray viscous mud escape. The movement of the mud masses is almost imperceptible, but slowly and surely they spread around. To the touch, the temperature of the erupted mass does not differ from the temperature of the surrounding soil. Liquid mud has a sharp salty taste and a faint odor.

This volcano has the status of a geological natural monument of regional significance “South Sakhalin Mud Volcano”. The natural monument was created with the aim of preserving rare geological objects. You can get to it either independently or as part of tourist groups.

Mud volcano Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky. Photo: club “Adrenaline”

Mud volcano Yuzhno-Sakhalinsky. Photo: club “Adrenaline”

Which waterfalls of Sakhalin are worth seeing?

On the territory of the Sakhalin region there are more than a dozen waterfalls of varying heights and widths. The main thing that unites these wonders of nature is amazing beauty, for the sake of which people overcome kilometers of difficult roads full of obstacles and dangers.

Bird Waterfall

  • GPS coordinates: 44.439449, 146.278717.

A small but picturesque waterfall is a striking landmark of Kunashir Island. On a rocky section of the area, the Ptichya River falls sharply from a 12-meter sheer wall and collapses in a noisy white stream into a small reservoir.

The name of the river and waterfall is telling: every spring birds flock to the river banks to feast on fresh salmon going to spawn.

Cheremshansky Waterfall

  • Coordinates: 47.809936, 142.336046.

The 13-meter waterfall on the Zheltaya River is one of the most memorable landscapes in all of Sakhalin. On both sides of the foamy stream there are coniferous and deciduous trees. Bears often come to the rocky shores.

The waterfall is located in a remote area, several kilometers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, so getting to it is not easy and sometimes dangerous, but all difficulties are more than compensated by the beauty of the natural monument.

Waterfall Ilya Muromets

  • Coordinates: 45.516667, 148.888889.

Not all islands carefully hide their treasures from prying human eyes. The main attraction of Iturup Island - the Ilya Muromets waterfall - is located on the very shore and is visible to almost all passing ships, although it is not so easy to get close to it.

A stormy stream breaks off a steep cliff and noisily plunges into the Pacific Ocean. The height of the giant, named after the mighty hero, is more than 140 meters. In 1946, a miracle of nature was discovered by members of a scientific expedition; impressed by its beauty and height, scientists dubbed the waterfall Ilya Muromets.

The waterfall evokes no less admiration in winter, when the water freezes and the stream turns into a huge block of ice, threatening to collapse into the sea at any moment.

Klokovsky Waterfall

  • Coordinates: 48.447272, 142.706010.

A beautiful high waterfall 200 kilometers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is considered one of the most accessible on the island. There are signs leading to the waterfall, and there is an information board at the observation deck. A stream of water runs down a steep wall, breaking along the road into dozens of small streams. In winter, the waterfall turns into an ice slide, from under which streams of clean water emerge.

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