Krasnoufimsk: sights and weekend route

Visit the bear and falcon

After searching for the border of the Urals and Siberia, a team of local historians and photographers headed in the opposite direction - to the West, almost to the border with the Perm Territory. The point of attraction this time was the city of Krasnoufimsk . I, Nadezhda Burlakova , a lover of history and architecture, strove for the monuments of Cossack antiquity and the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral , and Dmitry Elizarov , a photographer and journalist, went to the viaducts, which many people had heard about, but few had seen.
This time our plan involves 10 checkpoints: from the first Cossack hut to the railway tracks in the air (I’m talking about viaducts, if anything).

By the way, there are many more interesting places in Krasnoufimsk than in our plan. For example, the local history museum boasts a huge collection of teeth from prehistoric sharks (fossils are still found near the city), and the Krasnoufimsk Zemstvo Hospital museum conducts tours of five surviving 19th-century buildings with stories about the development of healthcare in Krasnoufimsk there is a similar museum in Russia only in Elabuga ). But we were in the city on Sunday, and this day, alas, is a day off for local museums.

In addition, in the context of a one-day trip, a full combination of a walk through the historical places of the city, museums and a trip to nature is practically incompatible even in the summer, when daylight hours add at least 3 hours to the timing. If your task is maximum, then plan your trip for two days. One day - the city and museums, the second - Alikaev Stone , viaducts and hills within Krasnoufimsk . There are definitely hotels in the city, and if you are a fan of camping, then your options are generally unlimited.

The journey begins, the local historian gets the city again, the naturalist leaves for the viaducts.


Where to take a walk in Krasnoufimsk: parks and groves

There are many places in the city and beyond where you can relax and enjoy the beauty of nature.

Divya mountain

  • Address: st. Sverdlova/st. Freedom.

The city grew up around a wooded hill called Divya Gora. After a short climb up a slope covered with mountain ash and birch trees, tourists will reach an observation deck from where a panorama of Krasnoufimsk opens.

There is a picnic area here. There are benches, gazebos and fire pits. City dwellers and tourists love to sit right on the grass, surrounded by bushes. The mountain does not lose popularity even in winter. The snow-covered slopes are excellent for skiing and sledding.

Pine Grove

  • GPS coordinates: 56.602846, 57.746520.

Pine Grove is a unique natural monument that not only Krasnoufimsk, but the entire Urals is proud of. This is 30 hectares of pure pine forest, which is under state protection.

The grove was planted in 1938 to preserve and increase the number of pine trees. Currently, it is a source of clean air and the main ecological corner of Krasnoufimsk.

Birch Grove

  • Coordinates on the map: 56.611031, 57.748565.

A birch grove lies on the banks of the Sarga River. Unlike the pine grove, it has a natural origin and has existed since time immemorial. The grove is home to relict birches that are up to a hundred years old. This place is recognized as a natural monument and is under protection.

Park of Culture and Recreation

  • Address: st. Rogozinnikovykh/st. International.

The Park of Culture and Recreation is a great place for a walk with a child. In the summer, there are trampolines, zorbinka pools, a small racing track and carousels. In winter, children play on the playgrounds and in the ice town.

The highlight of the park are flower beds with art objects: umbrellas, sculptures and vases. There are a large number of kiosks and stalls here. There are gazebos where you can have a snack. On holidays, the park hosts various entertainment events and music concerts.

Cossack hut

Krasnoufimsk, st. Gorbunova 35

According to legends, which were even included in the Code of Historical and Cultural Monuments of the Sverdlovsk Region , the hut was built not much later than 1734, at a time when a fortress was founded on the site of the modern city to pacify the troubled Bashkirs.

The hut was the honor of a fortress on the banks
of the Ufa River ; here is one of the most convenient places to view the surrounding area. Nothing remains of the fortress walls, the governor’s house, the office, the church and residential buildings of that time except this very hut. The place is really a trump card - having looked in advance on the map, having learned that real Cossacks were guarding the house, I moved towards it with the hope that I would come now - and there were colorful men, a samovar and a Cossack spirit! But the fantasies were cruelly shattered by reality: the fact that the Cossacks protect the house is expressed in its complete closure from the outside world.

You can see in the photo - the windows are boarded up, there is a fence around, and silence... The now fashionable marketing of territories in action - one of the most interesting city objects to me as a tourist is closed for review and access.

I'm sad and I'm moving on to the next point.

History of Krasnoufimsk

The city began with the appearance of the Krasnoufimskaya fortress on the elevated right bank of the Ufa River, intended to protect against Bashkir raids. The site for the fortress was chosen in April 1734 by Colonel A.I. Tevkelev (founder of Orenburg and Chelyabinsk). There was a road along which the Bashkirs moved to raid Kungur. The wooden fortress in the Krasny Yar tract was built in 1736. “Red” in the name meant “beautiful”, and the steep bank was called yar. Over time, the fortress began to be called Krasnoufimskaya. It housed the voivodeship administration and a garrison of Cossacks. Achitskaya, Klenovskaya, Bisertskaya, Kirgishanskaya and Grobovskaya fortresses also appeared. Administratively, the Krasnoufimskaya fortress was part of the Ufa province of the Orenburg province.

In 1770, Academician I.I. visited here. Lepekhin:

“The fortress, located on the elevated bank of Ufa, adjoined the western side to a stone ridge. Bastions armed with cannons were erected along this high ridge. Further down the river there were high wooden walls with towers.”

During the Peasant War at the end of 1773, the Bashkir commander Salavat Yulaev with a 4,000-strong army took the Krasnoufimskaya fortress without a fight. Almost all the Cossacks went over to the Pugachev side. However, soon, in January 1774, the fortress surrendered to the authorities. In June 1774, the city again passed to Pugachev. In the vicinity, near the Alexander Hills, on June 11, a fierce battle between the Pugachevites and government troops took place.

In January 1781, Krasnoufimsk became a district town of the Perm province. Residents were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, processing of agricultural products, crafts, and trade.

The Krasnoufimsky district zemstvo, formed in 1870, played a major role in the development of the city. In Krasnoufimsk there were district literacy schools, a women's gymnasium, a district hospital, and a city public library appeared in 1887. By the beginning of the 20th century, more than 6 thousand people lived here. There were small factories: a tannery, a vodka factory, a brewery, a distillery, a wax and candle factory, a soap factory, a match factory, and various workshops. The Ufa River flowing through the city served as a waterway to the central part of the country. Factory products located in the upper reaches of the enterprise, as well as bread, were floated along it.

In 1912, construction began on the Moscow–Kazan–Ekaterinburg railway; at the design stage it was called the Kazanburg railway. In 1916, the first steam locomotive arrived in Krasnoufimsk, and on July 1, 1920, through traffic began on the Moscow-Ekaterinburg route. Krasnoufimsk has turned into a large railway junction. Nowadays, the Krasnoufimsk station belongs to the Gorky Railway, although it is located in the Sverdlovsk region.

During Soviet times, Krasnoufimsk became the center of an agricultural region. In 1933, a breeding station was created to breed new varieties and organize seed production of spring and winter wheat, barley, oats, peas, buckwheat, and perennial grasses. Employees have bred more than 50 plant varieties, 29 of which are included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of Russia. Interesting fact: in the Sverdlovsk region, every 2 out of 3 hectares of farmland are occupied by Krasnoufimskaya selection varieties, and for spring wheat - about 90%.

Iraida Maskal managed to find an interesting document in the archive (f. 41, d. 314, l. 277). It turns out that in 1936, workers and employees of the Krasnoufimsk railway station, as well as collective farmers of the Krasnoufimsk district, petitioned to rename the city of Krasnoufimsk to the city of Molokov, the Krasnoufimsk district - to the Molokovsky district, and the station - to the Molokovo station. In honor of the pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union V.S. Molokova.

In 1941, on the basis of the evacuated equipment, a mechanical plant arose, which was later transformed into a pilot plant for the production of stands for testing diesel engines (until 1988, it was the only enterprise in the country for the production of such equipment).

Some famous people are associated with Krasnoufimsk. In 1768, N.S. was born in Krasnoufimsk. Popov is an economist, geographer, historian, who compiled the first historical, geographical and economic description of the Perm province. After graduating from the St. Petersburg Teachers' Seminary, he settled in Perm, working as a teacher of history and geography. And the future Marshal of the Soviet Union B.M. studied at the Krasnoufimsky Industrial School in 1893-99. Shaposhnikov (1882–1945). During the Great Patriotic War in Krasnoufimsk, in a house on the street. Proletarskaya, 101 lived in the evacuation of E.D. Stasova - revolutionary, comrade-in-arms of V.I. Lenin, Secretary of the Central Committee.

The population of Krasnoufimsk is 38 thousand people (for comparison, in 1992 it reached more than 46 thousand).


Krasnoufimsk, st. Proletarskaya 83

In the Code of Monuments, only the name of the street is indicated - Proletarskaya , I did not find the coordinates online, so (the weather is good, it’s light and there are no flies biting) I decided to walk the entire Proletarskaya Street . There was definitely something heroic in this, since the street turned out to be long, and there were eight (!!!) local residents to whom I asked the question - where is the tower? — they couldn’t answer me. Sadness turns into irritation, Proletarskaya Street ends, and here, instead of the tower in which Emelyan Pugachev (he and his comrades occupied Krasnoufimsk for almost two years), I get an unexpected bonus, the Chapel on Kamushka , as it is cutely called local residents.

It was the ruins of this chapel that were once identified as a watchtower. When studying the materials of the diocese during the restoration of the Trinity Church in the late 1980s - early 1990s, which we will talk about a little later, the history of the structure on the rock was restored and even photographs of the late 19th century were found. Thus, the sought-after watchtower of Pugachev turns into the chapel of Joseph the Psalmist .

The exact date of construction of the original chapel has not been preserved, but judging by its architecture, it was built at the very end of the 19th century, in the then fashionable Byzantine-Russian style. It is octagonal, very simple, even delicate, and stands in such a place that it immediately becomes clear why its ruins were considered the skeleton of a watchtower. The top of the rock is a “pebble” on which the chapel is installed - an ideal viewing platform from which you can see both the city and the bend of the river.

My mood improved, especially since from this place I saw at least the next three points, to which I continue my walk.

Sculptural ensemble on the embankment

The Ufa embankment is famous not only for its picturesque views and ancient architecture, but also for its unusual sculptures. Here tourists will see monuments that are not found in any other Russian city.

Sculpture “Helicoprion - Ancient Shark”

  • Address: st. Embankment.

In 1899, Russian paleontologist A.P. Karpinsky discovered a fossilized dental spiral on the territory of Krasnoufimsk. Further research showed that the remains belong to a shark-like creature that lived during the Paleozoic era.

The shark was named Helicoprion. Subsequently, several more samples of dental spirals were discovered in Krasnoufimsk and the surrounding area. In the whole world there is no such accumulation of Helicoprion remains as in Krasnoufimsk.

This discovery prompted the creation of a monument to the ancient shark. Today Helicoprion “emerges” from the sidewalk on the shore of Ufa. Scientists have never found a complete skeleton of the shark, so the authenticity of the appearance is debatable.

The only precise element is the famous dental spiral, studied inside and out. Next to the monument there is a bronze tablet with brief information about this monster.

The first samovar

  • Address: Naberezhnaya street.

In 1740, craftsmen from the Nizhneirginsky factory produced the first Russian samovar, ahead of their Tula and Suksun colleagues. Today, a bronze statue of this same samovar adorns the observation deck of the Ufa embankment.

The samovar of 1740 is strikingly different from its “descendants”. It is not round, but hexagonal in shape and stands on long curved legs.

The granite pedestal of the monument is made in the form of a table covered with a flowing tablecloth. On four sides there are bronze bas-reliefs: a scroll with a memorial inscription and medallions with scenes of Russian tea parties.

Boy with an airplane

  • Address: Naberezhnaya street.

The sculptural ensemble is completed by a boy wearing a homemade aviator helmet. He climbed onto a rock and launched a toy airplane into the forest on the opposite bank of the river. The sculpture is made of bronze and is especially liked by the townspeople, as it reminds everyone of their own childhood dreams.

Holy Trinity Church

Krasnoufimsk, st. Kuibysheva 5

The church is now being actively restored, scaffolding has been installed, so all the charm of the building, the construction of which began in 1804 with funds from local merchants, cannot be appreciated. If you’re not too lazy, like me, you can go inside (there are posters with old photographs of the temple on the walls), or look at photos of the late 19th century online.

Trinity Church was distinguished not only by its size (it is really big!), but also by its mixed aesthetics, as it combines both features of Baroque and Classicism. During the Soviet years, the premises of the temple were significantly rebuilt (the dome and bell tower were destroyed); a match factory and a medical school were located here.

from Trinity Church and three steps to the next point.

Temple architecture: churches and cathedrals of Krasnoufimsk

The preserved monuments of Orthodox architecture are of great importance for the city. These buildings are firmly connected not only with the spiritual life of Krasnoufimsk, but also with its history.

Fortress tower

  • Address: Proletarskaya st., 83.

The fortress tower is the only surviving element of the defensive structure from which the city began. The fortress was built in 1736 to pacify the Bashkir troublemakers.

Brick walls stretch along the shore of Ufa. Observations were made from the towers. Today, all that remains of the majestic structure is the ruined base and foundation of one of the towers. The staircase rising along the embankment slope is also noticeable.

For a long time, the remains of the fortress were abandoned, but in the 19th century a small chapel was erected on this site. It is a brick six under a dome. Over the small veranda there is a canopy in the form of kokoshniks with icons.

An equipped tourist staircase leads to the tower. The chapel in no way replicates the features of the ancient tower, but marks the place on which it stood. From the veranda you can see the panorama of the city. From approximately this height, the sentries monitored the surrounding area.

Cemetery church complex

  • Address: Transportnaya st., 1A.

The Krasnoufimsk cemetery was created shortly after the founding of the city. Today on its territory you can find memorials from the 18th-19th centuries. Cossacks, merchants, nobles, heroes of revolutions, civil and world wars, as well as people who made a great contribution to the development of the city are buried here.

Since the 19th century, several religious buildings have stood in the cemetery:

  1. The Church of Innocent of Komel is a wooden building built in 1893 in the classicist style. It is a quadrangle with a single dome and a bell tower. The church never closed.
  2. Dilapidated brick chapel. False windows are noticeable on the facade; the upper part is completely missing.
  3. “Russian Chapel” is a brick six, decorated with Russian kokoshniks, half-columns and a frieze. The chapel is covered with a dome with a dome. It does not work.

The original stone fence and folding gates have also been preserved. Today the cemetery is recognized as an object of historical and architectural value.

Cathedral of the Life-Giving Trinity

  • Address: st. Kuibysheva, 5.

Trinity Cathedral was the first church in Krasnoufimsk. It was built at the beginning of the 19th century in the style of classicism. The building has a cross at the base and is designed like a six on a quad. The facades are decorated with friezes, the apses and aisles end with pediments characteristic of classicism.

The six covered the dome with a belvedere. The two-tier bell tower, decorated with pediments, semi-columns and jagged friezes, attracted much attention. The sharp spire gave it a majestic appearance.

In 1918, three priests were arrested, followed by execution. Despite this, the cathedral continued to function until 1935. The nationalized building was rebuilt as a match factory. The cathedral was returned to believers in 2001. The temple was completely missing the upper part.

Today, the new shesterik and bell tower stand in stark contrast to the 19th-century façades. Restoration work is underway in the temple. Services are held in renovated halls. In the 2000s, the remains of murdered priests were moved to the church grounds. Today there is a monument at their grave.

Zemstvo government

Krasnoufimsk, st. Sovetskaya 17

The building itself is not that old - it was built in the 1910s. We even know the name of the architect - Kavaderov . The office was built in the eclectic style, which was very popular at that time for “office and public” buildings. The preservation is excellent, and you can thoughtfully and with pleasure study the various elements of the red brick facades. In 1918, the first Krasnoufimsky Congress of Soviets took place in this building. Now this house houses the House of Creativity . And the first floor is “decorated” with election advertising...

the Zemskaya Administration to the next point of my plan - the building of the Poklevsky-Kozell winery (and I was shocked when I learned about the huge number of distilleries in the Urals !) is literally 500 meters, but on this section of the city center your head can spin from dozens of facades of one - and two-story residential buildings of the 19th century. They are all different, and it seems to me that each time the appearance of a residential building reflected the character of its residents...

Sights of Krasnoufimsk

If you enter Krasnoufimsk from the Achit and Perm highway, the first attraction of the city along the route will be the Cossack hut (Gorbunovoy St., 35). It is considered the oldest building in Krasnoufimsk, dating back to the 18th century. This small wooden house made of larch, standing on a hill near the steep descent to the Ufa River, is the only thing left from the times of the Krasnoufimsk fortress. In the wall you can see a loophole and an observation window. Gunpowder was stored in the cellar. When ural experts were here in 2014, the house was abandoned and gradually fell into disrepair. Before that, it belonged to private individuals and was a residential building. Now, according to some sources, the hut has been fenced off, there is no longer free access, you can only see it from the street.

On the street Lenina, 79 there is a building of a former industrial school . This stone two-story building with a two-column portico on the second floor was built in the 19th century in the eclectic style. Memorial plaques remind us that the first Social Democratic circle of Krasnoufimsk was born here, and in 1893-99 the future Marshal of the Soviet Union Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov studied. Now the building is occupied by an agricultural college.

Nearby is the Holy Trinity Cathedral (Kuibysheva St., 5). It was built and consecrated in 1804. It had a dome and a two-tier bell tower topped with a spire. The height of the church with its spire reached 49 meters. The architectural style was transitional from Baroque to Classicism. The cathedral was clearly visible from the river and from the other bank. Because of the white color of the walls it was called the White Church. The main city shrine was kept here - the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which supposedly miraculously appeared among various debris on the bell tower.

In 1935, the church was closed, the bell tower and dome were demolished, and later another floor was built. A match factory, a medical school and other organizations were located here. Now the church is being restored. Nearby stands a marble cross, the inscription at the base of which states that “here, in 2002, on July 21, the holy relics of the holy martyrs Alexy (Budrin), Lev (Ershov) and Alexander (Malinovsky) were found.” The priests were shot in 1918.

In front of the cathedral was the central square of the city - Torgovaya (or Cathedral). Many buildings from the 19th – early 20th centuries are concentrated here.

150 m northwest of the cathedral along Proletarskaya Street is the chapel of Joseph the Songwriter (or Songsinger?), built on the rocky mountain Kameshek (in the past this place was called Bolgars). Built of brick in the form of a rotunda, in the Byzantine-Russian style, according to legend, in honor of the founding of the Krasnoufimskaya fortress, which stood on this site. According to another legend, Emelyan Pugachev himself once sat on Pebble. It is known that he stopped at the Krasnoufimsk fortress for the night in mid-June 1774. In some sources, this chapel is mistakenly called a watchtower (or fortress) tower.

According to information received from Iraida Mascal, this chapel was built in the last third of the 19th century (i.e. after 1870) by Marianilla Ioanovna Kropaneva. Her husband, Dementy Ioanovich Kropanev, was a merchant and had a hardware and other goods store in the city. I went to fairs in Nizhny Novgorod to buy goods. The family lived in abundance, but Dementiy Ioanovich drank heavily, and over time his sons began to get good at drinking. That is why Marianilla Ioanovna made a vow that she would build a chapel and pray there, with the faith that people close to her would get rid of their addiction. At her own expense, Kropaneva erected a chapel, decorated it with icons, and the main one among the icons of the chapel was the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. It was to her that the woman most often prayed.

During Soviet times, the chapel was closed and turned into ruins. Today it has been restored.

Local legends say that there was an underground passage . Academician I.I. Lepekhin, who visited the Krasnoufimsk fortress in 1770, wrote:

“Mount Bolgara was an elevated ridge with screes and landslides, reminiscent of the ruins of ancient buildings. At the base of the ridge, almost in its very middle, a hole could be seen in the mountain, which was also filled with scree, and the residents say that there was a spacious passage, divided into different alleys and dens.”

Later he mentioned a certain underground passage and P.S. Sigov:

“Local old-timers said that under the Bolgars there was an underground passage with branches and it went in two directions: to Atamanovskaya Mountain and the Yurt Stone. There was an entrance to the rock on Pebble.”

On the rock you can actually see a hole into a small cave, which gave rise to legends about mysterious dungeons.

Opposite there is a wooden Muslim mosque (Proletarskaya St., 74). Local residents called this beautiful building with an attic “the house on Kamushka.” There is information that this was the house of the merchant of the 1st guild Mukhametkhafiz Khabibullin. He owned a pier, he was engaged in the wholesale sale of grain, which he sent down the Ufa River and further to Nizhny Novgorod and St. Petersburg. However, this is what Iraida Maskal came across in the city archives:

“According to the documents, this house (mosque) belonged to Kuntsevich, the “manor’s house,” as we called it. In the Krasnoufimsk State Archives there is a statement from a group of Muslims in the city of Krasnoufimsk with a request for the demucipalization (i.e., return) of the building at 54 Bolshaya Gostinaya Street and the response to it. (f-6, op. 1, d. 222 p. 227-233, 1921)

According to the petitioners, this house was bought 14 years ago by a Bashkirin from Bolshaya Oka “for religious purposes” and at the same time, according to a deed of gift, was donated to the Muslim community and served for prayer purposes. It was not possible to give this house the shape of a mosque by building a tower “under the monarchical system,” since it was located near an Orthodox chapel at a distance shorter than Orthodox laws allowed. The petition was then (in 1921) denied on the grounds that no documents were presented confirming all of the above by the petitioners.”

After the revolution, the “Natsmen” school was opened in the house, where Bashkir children studied. From the beginning of the 1930s, the school became a general school, and at the end of the 20th century it moved to a new building. After this, the vacant building was handed over to Muslims as a mosque.

But let's return to the Holy Trinity Cathedral. In 2010, in the middle part of the former Trade Square, an Alley of Memory of those killed in the Great Patriotic War was created.

Nearby there is a beautiful two-story building of shopping (lounge) rows (Kuibysheva St., 3). In the 1920s, one half of the living room rows was given over to a cinema, and the other to a theater. The theater operated until 1943, and the cinema until 1969, when a separate building was built for it. Now the building of the shopping arcade is used for its original purpose - for trade.

Behind the shopping arcades there is a House of Culture (Kuibysheva St., 5), built according to a standard design in the mid-20th century. Nearby, on the street. Sovetskaya, there are the buildings of the former women's gymnasium (Sovetskaya St., 2), opened in 1891, and the former prison (prison castle) (Sovetskaya St., 3). According to legend, Elder Fyodor Kuzmich sat in this prison awaiting his sentence for vagrancy. Popular rumor believed that Emperor Alexander I was hiding under this name, allegedly tired of power and abandoned the throne, initiating his death. Nearby is a one-story treasury building , the first stone building of the city built in 1800.

The modern central square of the city is located southwest of the former Torgovaya Square - two blocks along Sovetskaya Street. Here stands the city administration building (Sovetskaya St., 25), built in 1971. As it should be, there is a monument to V.I. in the central square. Lenin.

The most interesting building, facing the square with its main façade, is the former Zemstvo Administration (107 Internatsionalnaya St., corner of Sovetskaya St.). The two-story government building was built in the eclectic style according to the design of the architect Kavaderov by the contractor F.N. Malkov in 1911. Nowadays, these walls house the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth.

Turning onto Mizerov Street, you will come to the five-domed Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (88 Mizerova Street), made of red brick, built in pseudo-Russian style. Krasnoufim residents call it the Red Church. The decision to build it was made back in 1881, but funds to start work were collected only in 1902. The project was completed free of charge by Perm architect D.P. Ryabov, the contractor was F.N. Malkov. Construction was completed in 1914, and consecration took place in 1917. The cathedral was built in honor of Emperor Alexander II, who abolished serfdom and carried out a number of other important reforms for the development of the country. The cathedral operated until 1930, but has now been returned to believers. This cathedral is the hallmark of the city. His image can be seen on magnets, souvenirs and books about Krasnoufimsk.

Near the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral there is a market, moved here from Torgovaya Square in 1931. In the park opposite there is a monument to those who died “in the fight against the White Guard gangs of 1918-1919.”

At the address st. Mizerova, 66, Poklevskikh-Kozell winery from the early 20th century has been preserved (according to another version, this is the building of a wine cellar). Now the Krasnoufimsky experimental plant is located here. And on the street Mizerova, 50, the building of the private clinic E.M. Sienkiewicz (1880-1953) - doctor, researcher, traveler. He worked at the hospital from 1909 for about 10 years. He was buried in Krasnoufimsk.

One of the most unusual sights of Krasnoufimsk is the former zemstvo hospital with a park (Svobody St., 16). It was opened in 1886. Built in a picturesque place on the slope of Divya Mountain according to the design of Dr. M.I. Mizerova. Mizerov was born in the Artinsky district and graduated from the medical faculty of Kazan University. Refusing an offer to remain as a resident at a university clinic, he settled in Krasnoufimsk. Achieved financing for the construction of a new hospital and the purchase of equipment. The hospital had surgical and therapeutic blocks. It became exemplary; for a small town of the 19th century it was the height of achievement. However, having failed to agree with the authorities, after 30 years of work in Krasnoufimsk, Mizerov had to move to Ufa. He died on September 30, 1913, the body was transported to Krasnoufimsk and buried in the city cemetery. Krasnoufimsk residents remember and honor Mizerov to this day; he is the first honorary citizen of the city; one of the central streets is named after him.

The hospital operated here until 1976, when it moved to a new building. For 12 years, the old buildings remained abandoned, until, on the initiative of the director of the Sverdlovsk Regional Museum of the History of Medicine A.D. Balchugov in 1988, the museum complex “Krasnoufimskaya Zemstvo Hospital” . It is a branch of the regional museum of the history of medicine. Consists of several buildings. There are pavilions for zemstvo medicine, traditional medicine, birth, and Soviet medicine, and the apothecary garden has been recreated in accordance with the traditions of zemstvo hospitals.

“Healer” park , founded by M.I., has also been preserved here. Mizerov in 1884. Walking along it is a pleasure. Paramedic G.Kh. Minin wrote that the area allocated for the construction of the hospital was almost completely bare. Only on the southern half of it was there a young birch forest, which continued into a real birch grove. Simultaneously with the construction of the hospital, trees of various species were planted on the free area - linden, pine, spruce and even oak. The planting was done in clumps and alleys. Thus, after a few years the entire hospital found itself surrounded by a shady young garden. In total, more than a thousand trees were planted. There was also an apothecary garden where medicinal plants were grown.

From here (along Svobody Street) you can walk to the top of Divya Mountain , from which you can enjoy a panoramic view of the city.

a local history museum in Krasnoufimsk (Sovetskaya St., 42). It was founded in 1912 as a zemstvo on the initiative of the Krasnoufimsky Society for the Care of Public Education. In 1919, the museum was replenished with exhibits from the collections of the Golubtsov nobles, who lived on an estate in the village of Aleksandrovskoye. This is how the museum got the shackles in which, according to legend, the boyar Mikhail Romanov, exiled to Nyrob in 1601, was kept (however, other shackles presented in the Cherdyn Museum also lay claim to this status).

At first, the museum was located in one of the rooms of the zemstvo government; in 1919, the former house of the merchant I.A. was transferred to it. Shevelin, and in the 1930s the museum moved to the Alexander Nevsky Church, where it was located until 1998. Now it is located in a modern three-story building - in the former House of Public Services.

Particularly interesting is the rich collection of fossils for which the Krasnoufimsky region is famous. The museum has the largest collection of Helicoprion dental spirals in Russia. They were first discovered by the inspector of public schools of the Krasnoufimsky district A.G. Bessonov in 1897 in a quarry on the slope of Divya Mountain and described by academician A.P. Karpinsky. These unusual dental spirals belonged to an extinct shark from the edestid group and were placed on its jaw. In 2015, they decided to make Helicoprion a brand of Krasnoufimsk.

Another famous landmark of Krasnoufimsk is the building of the railway station (Stantsionnaya St., 18). It was built in 1915 according to the design of architect A.V. Shchusev in the style of the Peter I era. He owns the projects of many stations along the Kazan Railway, including the Kazan Station in Moscow. Also, according to his design, the Mausoleum of V.I. was built. Lenin. By the way, on January 25, 1928, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky walked along the platform of the Krasnoufimsky station, getting out of the carriage to warm up on the way to Sverdlovsk. The station building is an architectural monument of the early 20th century.

At the city cemetery (Transportnaya St. – Achitskaya St.), a complex of buildings from the late 19th – early 20th centuries has been preserved, consisting of a wooden church, chapels and a stone fence.

In addition to the objects described, many other old pre-revolutionary houses have been preserved in Krasnoufimsk. It’s impossible to tell about everyone. It is most interesting to walk along the streets of Kuibysheva, Proletarskaya, Lenin, Sovetskaya and others.

There are many oxbow lakes near the Ufa River. Lakes Kriulinskoye and Butki have the status of hydrological natural monuments of the Sverdlovsk region; migratory waterfowl nest on them. Also within the city there are botanical natural monuments - the Krasnoufimskaya Pine Grove and the Birch Grove.

Water tourists often raft along the Ufa River; rocks rise along the banks downstream. Also in the vicinity of Krasnoufimsk, the Alikaev Stone rock (Maryin Utes), railway viaducts, Alexander Hills (Titechnaya Mountains) and other places are interesting to visit.

UPD. In 2022, large-scale improvement of the embankment in Krasnoufimsk began, interesting sculptures and art objects appeared here. Among them are the sculptures Nizhneirginsky Samovar, Helicoprion, Viaduct, Girl with an Airplane (dedicated to Iraida Vertiprakhova, the first female pilot awarded the title “Honored Pilot of the USSR”) and others. I haven’t visited the new embankment yet and haven’t taken any photographs, but I definitely recommend it to you when visiting the city!

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

Krasnoufimsk, st. Mizerova, 88

This is where the eye of a lover of architectural stylization will roam! The construction of the temple was carried out in 1903 - 1914, during the years when the processes of self-identification in Russian culture were completed, which in architecture was expressed in the construction of both temples and secular buildings in the Russian style.

Kokoshniks (semicircles that complete the main facade), the bell tower tent, the arcades of the bell tower and domes, the bright brick color and blue color of the domes, the size of the temple - and we get the most visually attractive object in Krasnoufimsk .

By the way, the most important person in this temple promised that everyone would be allowed into the bell tower Easter I'll be there to check!

According to my plan, I have to visit two more points, then I really want bread and amenities, so I turn on the navigator and look for the nearest establishment. The first attempt is the MARIO Pizza cafe (Sovetskaya str. 26). Judging by the pictures on the menu, there are a lot of pizzas, rolls and beer. The price tag is quite similar to Ekaterinburg - pizza from 300 rubles, rolls from 250. But the waiter warns that you will have to wait at least 35 minutes for your order, so I make a second attempt to find a fast food.

Now it’s lucky - very close to the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Rogozinnikov St. 14) there is “Zhar-Pizza” . A snack for two - two slices of pizza, an Americano and green tea - cost us 242 rubles. It was quick and delicious, and although the price scared me at first (how can it be edible at that price?), there were no negative consequences to the snack. And by the way, the amenities there are in order, which is important for girls. Having powdered my nose, I head to the pride of the residents of Krasnoufimsk .

Railway station building

Krasnoufimsk, st. Station

Look at the photo - there is something to be proud of! Not only is the building itself an undoubted architectural monument, but also the architect is a celebrity! The station was built in 1915, according to the design of the architect Alexei Viktorovich Shchusev . Shchusev's project combines features of Russian Baroque with references to the times of Peter I and Elizaveta Petrovna . A harmonious and very functional building adorns the station square, there are many angles for photos, so, my friends, welcome! A very nice addition is that the waiting room constantly hosts small exhibitions of local artists and art school students.

Completing my program, I call a taxi from the station, since Google refuses to show the distance to the desired point. Taxis are advertised at every pole, and my trip to point 8 - to the local cemetery - cost me 100 rubles.


  1. ^ a b c d
    State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.
    Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 65 224", ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997. Russian classification of administrative divisions) (OKATO).
    Code 65 224 , as amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 of January 1, 2016).
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    . Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. "26. The size of the permanent population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2022". Federal State Statistics Service. Retrieved January 23, 2022.
  4. ^ a b c
    State Committee of the Russian Federation on Statistics.
    Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997 “All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. Code 65 468", ed. changes No. 278 / 2015 dated January 1, 2016. (Goskomstat of the Russian Federation. Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization, Metrology and Certification. No. OK 019-95 January 1, 1997. Russian classification of administrative divisions) (OKATO).
    Code 65 468 , as amended by Amendment No. 278/2015 of January 1, 2016).
  5. ^ a b
    Law No. 85-OZ
  6. "On the Calculation of Time". Official Internet portal of legal information
    . June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  7. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal service objects ( postal Search for objects
    ) (in Russian)
  8. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). “The population of Russia, the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of federal districts, urban settlements, settlements, settlements of 3 thousand or more people” [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal districts, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers and rural settlements with a population of more than 3,000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census 2002
  9. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. The current population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, negative phenomena, urban settlements and rural district centers” [All-Union Population Census of 1989: current population of union and autonomous republics, Autonomous regions and districts , territories, regions, districts, urban settlements and villages performing the functions of district administrative centers. All-Union Population Census of 1989 [All-Union Population Census of 1989]
    Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics [Institute of Demography of the National Research University: Higher School of Economics]. 1989 - via Demoscope Weekly
  10. Law No. 30-OZ
  11. "Krasnoufimsk, Russia". Retrieved January 21, 2013.

Kranoufa Cemetery

Yes, now I’m going to the cemetery, because it is also a landmark here. Of course, this is a very specific type of tourism, but now I’m not interested in old tombstones, but I need two stone chapels, which are mentioned in many lists of monuments in Krasnoufimsk . Here, unfortunately, the aesthetics of the preserved buildings of the borderlands of the 19th - 20th centuries. turned out to be carefully disguised by the general condition of the cemetery. In general, ordinary travelers have nothing to do here, but I checked the box and walked back to the center to wait for a naturalist with impressions of nature.

Monuments to heroes

Krasnoufimsk remembers its heroes: soldiers of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, as well as peacetime heroes who saved a huge number of lives.

Memorial complex "Temple of the Medical Spirit"

  • Address: st. Svobody/st. October.

The complex is located in the park of the former zemstvo hospital and is dedicated to all the doctors of Krasnoufimsk who lived at different times.

At the heart of the complex is a memorial wall with six niches. Each of them symbolizes a medical station that was part of the county in the 19th-20th centuries. A brick chapel completes the complex. Its three facades are lined with marble slabs, and the barrel-shaped roof is completed by a spire with a cross.

The memorial complex was opened in 2013 and since then has reminded Krasnoufimsk residents of the dedication, mercy and selflessness of representatives of this humane profession.

Monument to the Heroes of the Civil War

  • Address: Mizerova street.

Not far from the Church of Alexander Nevsky, there is a granite obelisk erected on the site of a mass grave of Red Guards. Dozens of men and youths fell defending the city from the “white gangs,” as evidenced by the plaque on the pedestal.

The monument is located in a quiet park, hidden by a bird cherry grove. Despite how long ago the events were, the townspeople honor the memory of the heroes and bring flowers to their common grave.

Alley of Memory (Eternal Flame)

  • Address: st. Kuibysheva, 5.

The monument was opened in 2010 in honor of the 65th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It is a stone stele with the dates of the war, the order of victory and a memorial inscription.

The names of Krasnoufimsk residents who did not return from the front are also carved here. The Eternal Flame is lit at the foot of the monument. Later, next to the WWII monument, the “Time Has Chosen You” memorial was erected, dedicated to internationalist soldiers.

Monument to V.I. Lenin

  • Address: Lenin Square.

A statue of Lenin has stood on the street of the same name since Soviet times. The monument is made of porous granite in a rather rough manner and is placed on a rectangular pedestal. Time has not been kind to the sculpture, making it rough and darkened. In the future, a new monument to Lenin is planned to be opened in the city.

Monument "Ya-4"

  • Address: Transportnaya street.

Ya-4 is a legendary Soviet truck that was produced in Yaroslavl in the late 1920s. Vehicles of this series participated in the Great Patriotic War, delivering weapons, food and medical equipment.

In Krasnoufimsk, the original Ya-4, produced in 1928, is placed on a brick pedestal with a memorial plaque. The monument is maintained in decent condition. Tourists passing by do not miss the opportunity to take pictures with him.

Kranoufimsk: railway viaducts

It is near Krasnoufimsk that unique objects for the Sverdlovsk region (and, probably, the region) are located, which will certainly be of interest to lovers of so-called industrial tourism. However, any other Ural jaw will drop when looking at this. Between the villages of Sarana and Chernaya Rechka there are - without exaggeration - huge railway viaducts that were built exactly a century ago - in the period from 1914 to 1918. And some of them are still used for their intended purpose!

in total in these parts, and several were built using the most advanced technology for that time using reinforced concrete. Their appearance is associated with the very whimsical topography of the area through which the railway passes. Some of the viaducts cannot be approached precisely due to the pits and slides, and the fact that bridges, as strategic objects, are carefully guarded.

However, you can even drive under the nearest of them - the one located between Sarana and the village of Pudlingovy : there is a well-worn forest road there. When you stop under the viaduct, do not lose your hats, as you will definitely have to lift your heads: the height of the viaducts is tens of meters. This viaduct is duplicated by a modern railway bridge, which, of course, does not look nearly as impressive.

In winter, the century-old bridges can be reached by almost any car, but since the road connecting them is a kind of grader, it is possible that in summer, in rainy weather, an SUV may be needed. To navigate the terrain, it’s a good idea to stock up on a paper map: our cellular operators refused to work in these parts, so we were deprived of mobile navigators.

Alikaev stone (Maryin cliff) near Sarana

But any digital maps know perfectly well another remarkable place in the Sarana , worthy of a visit. In winter, you can get almost to the foot of the Alikaev Stone , also known as Maryin Utes .

A harsh fifty-meter rock protrudes from the forest so impressively that it is impossible to miss it.
Climbing Alikaev Stone can be an adventure for the whole family, but the list of advantages of this rock includes not only its natural beauty.
The Alikaev stone became a real landmark of the Krasnoufimsky district film “Shadows Disappear at Noon” . Part of the epic was filmed in the vicinity of the stone, and the rock received its second name in honor of the heroine of the film Marya Krasnaya (aka Voronova ), who, according to the plot, is thrown off the Alikaev stone . She was played, by the way, by the famous actress Nina Ruslanova .

In the vicinity of Alikaev Stone you can find places for tourist parking. In addition, the Sarana River , quite picturesque both in winter and summer.

Our program is completed, but before we say goodbye - two bonuses!

Administrative and municipal status[edit]

As part of the administrative divisions, Krasnoufimsk serves as the administrative center of the Krasnoufimsky District, [1] although it is not part of it. [4] As an administrative division, together with four rural settlements it was formed separately as the city of Krasnoufimsk

[4] - an administrative unit with a status equal to that of districts.
[10] As a municipal division, the city of Krasnoufimsk is included as the Krasnoufimsky urban district
. [5]

Bonus first

While walking around the city, I noticed dozens of ruins of main walls, some of which face directly onto the streets. Judging by the masonry, these walls are at least 100-150 years old, but the purpose puzzled me. Thinking rationally, I tried to assume that these are the remains of the walls that were here before the existing houses of earlier buildings. But everything turned out to be simpler: the owner of the dog, who clearly didn’t like me, told me that these were fire walls. The city was mainly made of wood, so it burned often, and to protect against the spread of fire from one house to another, walls 5 m high were built. Of course, they were built by wealthier townspeople who had something to save and had money for such construction. The remains of the walls are impressive!

Bonus two

If, while reading the Strugatskys , you wondered what the Red House from “The Doomed City” , then we have a possible answer!

At the intersection of Proletarskaya and Sovetskaya there is a house without an address, without signs, without any identification marks. Three floors, century-old red brick, and it’s completely surreal if you can look through the blinds into the windows: the first two floors are decorated with mirrors, now there is a choreography school and a fitness center. According to employees of the local cultural center, the building is at least a hundred years old, but its history has already been lost. After the Great Patriotic War there was a DOSAAF school here, then there were just ruins. I couldn’t find out what happened here before the war. If anyone shares information, I will be grateful. And now this building looks almost mystical both from the city center and from the river, fortunately the ice allowed us to walk around and take a couple of pictures. The staircase on the eastern facade is open, you can easily climb to the very top...

Bonus three

And what do the bear and the falcon have to do with it? It's simple: the original coat of arms of Krasnoufimsk since 1783 is a shield divided into two parts. In the upper part is the coat of arms of the Perm province Krasnoufimsk then belonged , with a bear and a golden Gospel. At the bottom there is a silver falcon on a golden branch, which meant bird hunting and “the great abundance of all kinds of birds in the area.” We never saw a falcon or a bear.

Time and money for the route

  • Departure from Yekaterinburg: 9:48
  • Arrival in Krasnoufimsk: 12:00
  • (If you are with children or need convenience - in the middle of the road, at the turn to Kiselevka, 120 km from Yekaterinburg, there is a Lukoil gas station with a cafe and toilet)
  • Departure from Krasnoufimsk: 18:20
  • Arrival in Yekaterinburg: 21:05
  • Kilometer counter: 534
  • Gasoline consumption on our small car: about 1200 rubles.
  • Americano and cappuccino at the gas station: 198 rub.
  • Snack at Zhar-Pizza RUR 242
  • Taxi: 100 rub.
  • Thermos with tea and cookies to go – 130 rub.
  • Total: 1,870 rub.


Krasnoufimsk has a humid continental climate (Köppen climate classification Dfb

). Winters are very cold with average temperatures between -20.3 °C (-4.5 °F) and -11.2 °C (11.8 °F) in January, and summers are warm with average temperatures between +12.1 ° C (53.8 °F) to +24.2 °C (75.6 °F). Atmospheric precipitation is moderate, in summer it is slightly higher than at other times of the year.

Climate data for Krasnoufimsk
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Record high °C (°F)4.5 (40.1)7.5 (45.5)13.5 (56.3)28.7 (83.7)35.3 (95.5)36.6 (97.9)37.3 (99.1)36.3 (97.3)30.5 (86.9)24.5 (76.1)13.1 (55.6)4.8 (40.6)37.3 (99.1)
Average high °C (°F)−11.2 (11.8)−9.0 (15.8)−1.3 (29.7)8.9 (48.0)17.6 (63.7)22.7 (72.9)24.2 (75.6)21.4 (70.5)15.0 (59.0)5.7 (42.3)−3.2 (26.2)−9.0 (15.8)6.8 (44.3)
Daily average °C (°F)−15.4 (4.3)−14.5 (5.9)−7.2 (19.0)3.1 (37.6)10.9 (51.6)16.3 (61.3)18.1 (64.6)15.3 (59.5)9.5 (49.1)2.0 (35.6)−6.5 (20.3)−12.8 (9.0)1.6 (34.8)
Average low °C (°F)−20.3 (−4.5)−19.9 (−3.8)−12.7 (9.1)−2.2 (28.0)4.5 (40.1)9.9 (49.8)12.1 (53.8)9.8 (49.6)5.1 (41.2)−1.0 (30.2)−10.2 (13.6)−17.2 (1.0)−3.5 (25.7)
Record low °C (°F)−53.6 (−64.5)−48.7 (−55.7)−41.8 (−43.2)−28.9 (−20.0)−15.0 (5.0)−5.3 (22.5)0.8 (33.4)−2.8 (27.0)−7.8 (18.0)−27.6 (−17.7)−42.7 (−44.9)−49.7 (−57.5)−53.6 (−64.5)
Average precipitation mm (inches)32.6 (1.28)24.2 (0.95)22.9 (0.90)29.2 (1.15)45.7 (1.80)66.2 (2.61)76.3 (3.00)64.5 (2.54)59.3 (2.33)52.0 (2.05)43.2 (1.70)35.9 (1.41)552 (21.72)
Average number of days with precipitation (≥ 0.1 mm)20.415.316.99.411.811.36.810.211.915.919.620.6170.1
Average relative humidity (%)80.777.275.167.663.670.772.277.279.581.385.082.776.1
Average monthly sunshine49.695.2142.6213.0251.1268.5282.1218.6138.069.846.537.21,812.2
( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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