where you can relax in Kursk on the weekend

Prices 2022 for tourist centers in the Kursk region

Recreation centers on the map

Reservoirs of the Kursk region

Kursk and the region are an educational and interesting place for travel lovers. Despite the fact that this place is a deep province, it is located only five hundred kilometers from Moscow. This region is fraught with ancient history; it is a stronghold of Russian statehood.

This area is famous for its picturesque places and natural resources that can surprise anyone. And many historical and cultural monuments will expand the horizons and erudition of people who visit this wonderful place. It is a fact that many tourists who once came to this area returned here more than once and left with new, vivid impressions. Therefore, while traveling around the Russian Federation, it is worth visiting this region and enjoying its amazing history.

Since religion occupies one of the most important places in the development of the region, pilgrimage is a common area of ​​tourism here. That is why most tourist centers offer trips to the holy places of the region. The most common:

By the way, this place is a shrine to the southern region of our vast homeland. In this place there is a famous icon, which the monastery workers have the honor of carrying out during religious processions. This is a very important event in the life of both local and visiting Christians.

In addition to these two places, in the Kursk region there are many churches, monasteries and temples that will be happy to welcome any visiting guests of the region.

Excursions to religious places strengthen a person’s faith, his morale, make a person kinder, stronger, and more resistant to life’s troubles. That's why it's so beneficial to visit such places.

Kursk and the region are a very ancient land, initially and to this day, it belonged to Russia, therefore it has preserved the history of not only its region, but also the entire country as a whole. It is important that this area was first mentioned in chronicles in the eleventh century. It was then that battles with the Polovtsians took place in Rus'. Therefore, Kursk was mentioned in various literary works. The most famous of them is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

After this, the region constantly changed rulers and belonged to various principalities. This lasted until the city became part of the Principality of Moscow and became its southern border. In the 16th century, Kursk was surrounded by a fortress named after the city. The remains of this fortress have survived to this day.

These lands keep great memories of the harsh battles that took place there. The fiercest battles in the seventeenth century, when the Polish-Lithuanian people wanted to conquer our country, the Battle of Borodino - one of the most famous in the war of 1812, the Battle of Poltava, turbulent times during the Civil War and Revolution - all the hardships of these years were endured by the brave soldiers of Kursk. And now, in places of bloody battles, monuments have been erected in order to honor the memory of the soldiers who defended their Motherland at the cost of their own lives. Many tourists come to these places, excursions are organized, where talented guides talk about the details of the battles, about what our ancestors had to endure in order to defend the country.

The region is also famous for its healing mud and mineral waters. These natural resources can be enjoyed in sanatoriums and boarding houses that provide special treatment services to their guests. The famous waters are Khalinsky (sodium chloride), Zhuravlinsky (hydrocarbonate), Mirgorod.

As for mud, there are several most popular types: mud from the Korenevsky district, mud from Pushkaro-Zhadinsk, Palanga, Dorokhovo. These muds can cure chronic diseases, but they are also used to improve overall health.

It is important to know that in addition to sanatoriums and boarding houses, there are a lot of various tourist centers and holiday homes that will warmly welcome any guests. And the service close to the European level will delight the guests.

Kursk land has reservoirs rich in fish. Therefore, this place will appeal to fishermen. Indeed, in some reservoirs there are more than 30 species of fish. The Seim, Svapa and Psel rivers are full of pike perch, burbot, pike, bream, asp, chub, grass carp, carp, catfish and ide. Tourists can also enjoy the picturesque nature and fresh air.

And the Kursk forests are home to many animals. Hunting for them is organized by camp sites, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Kursk region is a real paradise for travel. Here everyone can find something interesting for themselves. Holidays in pristine nature, a huge selection of excursions and various entertainments will not leave anyone indifferent. And hospitable local boarding houses, hostels, tourist centers and sanatoriums will take care of your comfortable stay in this wonderful area.


Temples of Kursk

The beautiful Znamensky Cathedral also overlooks Red Square, although its address is st. Lunacharskogo, 4.

It was built in 1826 to commemorate the victory over Napoleon. Before the revolution, the cathedral housed the main Kursk shrine - the Root Icon of the Mother of God “The Sign”. After the revolution, the cathedral was looted, but the icon was miraculously found in the well. During the retreat of the White Army, the icon was taken out of the city, and as a result of the ups and downs of emigration, it ended up in New York.

The Council itself also experienced many misfortunes. In 1932 it was closed, then the domes were demolished and a cinema was placed in it. During the retreat, the Germans set fire to the building, which then served as a place to house the same Germans, only prisoners. After the war, the building again housed a cinema. And only in 1992 it was returned to the church.

Now the cathedral has been restored and looks very good both outside and inside.

Directly behind the cathedral is the beautiful Church of the Resurrection . But it is still under restoration and is closed to the public.

There are several more beautiful temples in the city center. We visited the Holy Trinity Convent ,

Resurrection and Elijah Church,

Antonovsky apple and reflection of the Resurrection-Ilyinsky Church

Sergius-Kazan Cathedral.

All of them are good in their own way and worth a visit. There are many interesting churches in other areas of Kursk.

Trinity Church

Vvedenskaya Church

A little away from the center, but also within walking distance, on Marata Street, there is a Roman Catholic church . It is now operational and its renovation is almost complete. This church is famous for the fact that the author of the famous “Black Square”, Kazimir Malevich, was married there, as indicated by the memorial plaque mounted at the entrance.

Prices 2022 for tourist centers in the Kursk region

Recreation centers on the map

Reservoirs of the Kursk region

Kursk and the region are an educational and interesting place for travel lovers. Despite the fact that this place is a deep province, it is located only five hundred kilometers from Moscow. This region is fraught with ancient history; it is a stronghold of Russian statehood.

This area is famous for its picturesque places and natural resources that can surprise anyone. And many historical and cultural monuments will expand the horizons and erudition of people who visit this wonderful place. It is a fact that many tourists who once came to this area returned here more than once and left with new, vivid impressions. Therefore, while traveling around the Russian Federation, it is worth visiting this region and enjoying its amazing history.

Since religion occupies one of the most important places in the development of the region, pilgrimage is a common area of ​​tourism here. That is why most tourist centers offer trips to the holy places of the region. The most common:

By the way, this place is a shrine to the southern region of our vast homeland. In this place there is a famous icon, which the monastery workers have the honor of carrying out during religious processions. This is a very important event in the life of both local and visiting Christians.

In addition to these two places, in the Kursk region there are many churches, monasteries and temples that will be happy to welcome any visiting guests of the region.

Excursions to religious places strengthen a person’s faith, his morale, make a person kinder, stronger, and more resistant to life’s troubles. That's why it's so beneficial to visit such places.

Kursk and the region are a very ancient land, initially and to this day, it belonged to Russia, therefore it has preserved the history of not only its region, but also the entire country as a whole. It is important that this area was first mentioned in chronicles in the eleventh century. It was then that battles with the Polovtsians took place in Rus'. Therefore, Kursk was mentioned in various literary works. The most famous of them is “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

After this, the region constantly changed rulers and belonged to various principalities. This lasted until the city became part of the Principality of Moscow and became its southern border. In the 16th century, Kursk was surrounded by a fortress named after the city. The remains of this fortress have survived to this day.

These lands keep great memories of the harsh battles that took place there. The fiercest battles in the seventeenth century, when the Polish-Lithuanian people wanted to conquer our country, the Battle of Borodino - one of the most famous in the war of 1812, the Battle of Poltava, turbulent times during the Civil War and Revolution - all the hardships of these years were endured by the brave soldiers of Kursk. And now, in places of bloody battles, monuments have been erected in order to honor the memory of the soldiers who defended their Motherland at the cost of their own lives. Many tourists come to these places, excursions are organized, where talented guides talk about the details of the battles, about what our ancestors had to endure in order to defend the country.

The region is also famous for its healing mud and mineral waters. These natural resources can be enjoyed in sanatoriums and boarding houses that provide special treatment services to their guests. The famous waters are Khalinsky (sodium chloride), Zhuravlinsky (hydrocarbonate), Mirgorod.

As for mud, there are several most popular types: mud from the Korenevsky district, mud from Pushkaro-Zhadinsk, Palanga, Dorokhovo. These muds can cure chronic diseases, but they are also used to improve overall health.

It is important to know that in addition to sanatoriums and boarding houses, there are a lot of various tourist centers and holiday homes that will warmly welcome any guests. And the service close to the European level will delight the guests.

Kursk land has reservoirs rich in fish. Therefore, this place will appeal to fishermen. Indeed, in some reservoirs there are more than 30 species of fish. The Seim, Svapa and Psel rivers are full of pike perch, burbot, pike, bream, asp, chub, grass carp, carp, catfish and ide. Tourists can also enjoy the picturesque nature and fresh air.

And the Kursk forests are home to many animals. Hunting for them is organized by camp sites, in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the Kursk region is a real paradise for travel. Here everyone can find something interesting for themselves. Holidays in pristine nature, a huge selection of excursions and various entertainments will not leave anyone indifferent. And hospitable local boarding houses, hostels, tourist centers and sanatoriums will take care of your comfortable stay in this wonderful area.


City museums

Of the Kursk museums, we first visited the Regional History Museum , located next to the Znamensky Cathedral (Lunacharsky St., 6). This museum is not outstanding. As in any local history museum, there are bones of mammoths and rhinoceroses, stuffed local animals against the backdrop of lovingly recreated corners of nature, and an exhibition telling about the glorious history of the region from primitive people to the present day. I remember one room where items of noble life were collected. The hall itself is beautiful, and the exhibits are good.

A little further, on Pioneer Street, 6, there is the Museum of Archeology . And the building in which the museum is located is interesting (the former chambers of the Romodanovsky boyars, built without a foundation and supported by the thickness of the walls), and the exhibition is memorable.

In a separate hall of the museum, under a separate castle, there is the so-called “gold of the Huns,” a treasure discovered by a “black” digger using a metal detector in 2010. This treasure hunter found treasure at an excavator site and tried to sell it online. But the valiant security officers did not allow this. The treasure hunter was arrested, and the treasure was transferred to the museum. But since, if not for the treasure hunter, the treasure would have disappeared under the excavator bucket, he was not convicted. In general, everything ended well: the treasure hunter is free, the treasures are in the museum, and we can admire them.

The works of ancient jewelers are truly beautiful, and it’s worth going to Kursk just to admire them.

Another very good museum is located quite far from the others - the art gallery named after A. A. Deineka (85 Radishcheva St.). The famous artist is a native of the city. But, unfortunately, we did not see his paintings. But, to our delight, we admired the excellent collection of paintings provided by the Russian Museum. There were paintings by Kuindzhi, Levitan, Myasoedov, Serebryakova and many others. We had great fun.





The art gallery building was disappointing. This is a 2-story brick extension to a typical brick house. You might think that there are so many famous artists in Kursk that there are not enough separate beautiful buildings for their galleries.

In addition to the ones we visited, there are many more museums in Kursk. They say that the Battle of Kursk Museum , located in the building of the House of Officers (this building in itself is outstanding), is interesting.

But we didn’t go there, because we had already seen the interesting museum “Rokossovsky’s dugout” in the village of Svoboda, next to the Root Hermitage.

Entertainment - rating, addresses and telephone numbers

43 reviews • Endovishchenskaya, 13 • • 24 hours a day

Excellent hotel. Perhaps there is no better place in Kursk.

23 reviews • Sumskaya, 9 • 24 hours a day

10 reviews • Gaidara, 10 • • Mon–Thu from 12:00 to 00:00; Fri–Sat from 12:00 to 01:00

Great beer! The new menu, large and hearty dishes and prices were a pleasant surprise!

8 reviews • International, 64 • • around the clock

An excellent hotel of European level, you can rent through booking at a discount. The hotel has everything you need, they even gave you a thermometer.

Studencheskaya, 1 • • daily from 09:30 to 00:30

Karl Marx, 59 • • Wed–Sun from 19:00 to 02:00

Nightlife in Kursk is quite rich. After lectures at the university or work in stuffy offices, Kursk youth rush to choose a vacation spot where...

4 reviews • ₽₽₽ • Verkhnyaya Lugovaya, 65 • • daily from 10:00 to 06:00

Very good service in both bars, but the dance floor is too small, and to get to the ladies' room from the dance floor is still 2 floors up. not thought out

Alexandra Nevsky, 4 • • daily from 09:00 to 19:00

Porn Images for free and online without registration

9 reviews • Tropinka, 30 • • 24 hours a day

Decent hotel. Of course it’s not the city center, but it’s very quiet here, spacious warm rooms, good breakfasts for every taste, polite staff.

8 reviews • Pushkarnaya 1st, 76 • • around the clock

2 reviews • ₽₽ • Dzerzhinskogo, 40 • • daily from 19:00 to 07:00

Soyuznaya, 26 • • Thu–Sun from 10:00 to 22:00

Waterpark "Miracle Island" | Miracle Island

2 reviews • ₽ • Belinskogo, 29 • • Mon–Thu from 11:00 to 02:00; Fri from 11:00 to 04:00; Sat from 15:00 to 04:00; Sun from 16:00 to 02:00

Separate booths are the salvation of this place, although the design there, to put it mildly, is nothing.

₽₽ • Khutorskaya, 9 • • daily from 20:00 to 05:00

Borzenovskaya, 67 a •

50 years of October, 102 • • weekdays from 09:00 to 13:00, from 14:00 to 18:00

₽ • Shchepkina, 4B • • daily from 10:00 to 22:00

Lunacharsky, 6 • • Mon–Thurs from 10:30 to 17:30; weekends from 10:30 to 17:00

₽₽₽ • Dzerzhinskogo, 40 • • Fri–Sat from 22:00 to 06:00

GRINNSTAR PARTYBAR, Kursk, shopping and entertainment complex GRINN

Perekalsky, 1a • • weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00

₽₽ • Karl Marx, 59 • • Wed–Sun from 22:00 to 05:00

Dzerzhinsky, 4 • • daily from 10:00 to 21:00

Kursk region, Kursk district, Polyanskoye village •

Country complex "Manzhouli", restaurant "Beijing" hosts weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties, birthdays and other events. Hall for 120 seats…

Karl Marx, 5 • • daily from 09:00 to 00:00

Cinema Yunost: poster, photographs, schedule of Yunost in Kursk.

Red Square, 2/4 • • Tue–Sun from 09:00 to 13:00, from 14:00 to 18:00

Pioneerov, 6 • • daily from 09:00 to 17:30

Dukhovets, os, 1 • • around the clock

Kosukhina, 6a • • around the clock

Mendeleeva, 31 • • daily from 09:00 to 00:00

Radishcheva, 85 • • Tue–Sun from 09:00 to 17:30

The most popular features of the places found: Thai massage, cupping massage, self-tanning, massage for two, facial massage, vegetarian food, Jewish cuisine, Caucasian cuisine, Buryat cuisine, Japanese cuisine.

Entertainment is an activity for pleasure, leisure time.

It also has other names - fun, amusement, and so on.

There are individual and group exercises, differing in energy consumption.

Kursk is a city in Russia, the administrative center of the Kursk region. Located 530 km south of Moscow. In the Middle Ages it was the capital of the Kursk Principality.

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Railway station

A train from Moscow arrives at the city's main station. The station building was built after the war. The pompous huge structure was fully consistent with the position of the city, which was the main gate to the south. Remember how, in Soviet times, countless trains carried Muscovites from the Kursk station to the Black Sea resorts.

Now, in connection with the well-known events in Ukraine, this direction has become a dead end. There is now no way for us beyond Belgorod. Although some trains still go to Ukraine, their number is not comparable to the old days.

But the railway station is located quite far from the city center. You need to get there by bus or minibus. But there are no problems with this, transport runs smoothly. The landmark of the center is the name “Red Square”

Recreation centers in Kursk

What dates are you planning to check in on?

Stroganov Guest House Leader of sales - the property is popular among guests, offers decent service and a good price/quality ratio.

Guest complex Nightingale Grove Leader of sales - the facility is popular among guests, offers decent service and a good price/quality ratio.

Mini-hotel Olympia Leader of sales - the property is popular among guests, offers decent service and a good price/quality ratio.

About the architecture of Kursk

There are several interesting architectural sites in Kursk. My favorite was the Book House, built in the style of Stalin times, but with a clear Italian influence. Pure Italian palazzo.

memorial plaque to the architect of the House of Books

Interestingly, the building was built as a bookstore, and they still sell books there. The interior of the store has been slightly changed and modernized. In my opinion, not entirely successful. But the rethinking of the images of literary authorities, whose sculptural portraits are presented in the store’s hall, is both witty and, in my opinion, not offensive.

Bank buildings are memorable

Medical University, Pushkin Theater,

circus with a monument to Nikulin and Shuidin,

modern shopping center.

The center of Kursk has its own, completely individual architectural appearance.

New Luzhkov style building

Lenin hidden in courtyards

( 1 rating, average 5 out of 5 )
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