First of 13. How the Ulyanovsk region was born

What holiday is it today?

09 February 2022, Wednesday

Today are holidays and events: Aeroflot's birthday International Dentist Day Memorable date in Russian military history: The feat of the cruiser Varyag Tomorrow: Diplomat's Day

Today is an Orthodox holiday: Transfer of the relics of St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople... Tomorrow: St. Ephraim the Syrian. Venerable Ephraim of Novotorzhsky. Venerable Ephraim of Pechersk, Bishop of Pereyaslavl. Venerable Theodosius of Totem, the head and founder of the Spasosumorin monastery...

Today is a national holiday: Chrysostom's Fire... Tomorrow: Ephraim's Day...


Seasons, four periods of the year (spring, summer, autumn and winter) characterized by certain average temperatures. The period during which the Sun passes through one of these sectors is called the season. Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere begin when the Sun passes through the initial circle of declination and its right ascension is 0° (vernal equinox). Summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere occur when the sun's right ascension is 90° (summer solstice). Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere begin when the sun's right ascension is 180° (autumnal equinox). The beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere is considered to be the winter solstice, when the direct ascension of the Sun is 270°... Next: Seasons. Russian folk calendar. Monthly words...

Russian region codes

Below is a complete list of automobile codes for regions of Russia. To quickly search for a region, start typing the region name or code in the search field.

CodeThe subject of the Russian Federation
01Republic of Adygea
02, 102Republic of Bashkortostan
03, 103The Republic of Buryatia
04Altai Republic (Altai Mountains)
05The Republic of Dagestan
06The Republic of Ingushetia
07Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
08Republic of Kalmykia
09Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia
10Republic of Karelia
11Komi Republic
12Mari El Republic
13, 113The Republic of Mordovia
14The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
15Republic of North Ossetia-Alania
16, 116Republic of Tatarstan
17Tyva Republic
18Udmurt republic
19The Republic of Khakassia
21, 121Chuvash Republic
22Altai region
23, 93, 123Krasnodar region
24, 84, 88, 124Krasnoyarsk region
25, 125Primorsky Krai
26, 126Stavropol region
27Khabarovsk region
28Amur region
29Arhangelsk region
30Astrakhan region
31Belgorod region
32Bryansk region
33Vladimir region
34, 134Volgograd region
35Vologda Region
36, 136Voronezh region
37Ivanovo region
38, 85, 138Irkutsk region
39, 91Kaliningrad region
40Kaluga region
41Kamchatka Krai
42, 142Kemerovo region
43Kirov region
44Kostroma region
45Kurgan region
46Kursk region
47Leningrad region
48Lipetsk region
49Magadan Region
50, 90, 150, 190, 750Moscow region
51Murmansk region
52, 152Nizhny Novgorod Region
53Novgorod region
54, 154Novosibirsk region
55, 155Omsk region
56Orenburg region
57Oryol Region
58Penza region
59, 81, 159Perm region
60Pskov region
61, 161Rostov region
62Ryazan Oblast
63, 163Samara Region
64, 164Saratov region
65Sakhalin region
66, 96, 196Sverdlovsk region
67Smolensk region
68Tambov Region
69Tver region
70Tomsk region
71Tula region
72Tyumen region
73, 173Ulyanovsk region
74, 174Chelyabinsk region
75, 80Transbaikal region
76Yaroslavl region
77, 97, 99, 177, 197, 199, 777, 799Moscow
78, 98, 178Saint Petersburg
79Jewish Autonomous Region
82Republic of Crimea
83Nenets Autonomous Okrug
86, 186Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra
87Chukotka Autonomous Okrug
89Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug
94Territories located outside the Russian Federation and served by the Department of Security Facilities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
95Chechen Republic

Folk calendar about every day

Every day one season always replaces another and this determines a person’s way of life. In connection with this, a folk calendar was formed in which there were practically no nameless, unmarked days. Every day was special, had its own purpose. All this was determined by climate conditions and astrological phenomena.

A calendar is a system for counting periods of time. The first calendars arose a long time ago, in ancient times, because there was a need to measure time. The word calendar comes from the Latin words caleo - to proclaim and calendarium - debt book. This is due to the fact that in Ancient Rome the beginning of each month was especially proclaimed, and because it was customary to pay debts on the first day of the month. Different peoples counted time differently. Some calendars are based on the changing phases of the moon - lunar calendars; in others - the change of seasons - sunny; in others, the length of the year was coordinated with the change of seasons, and the counting of months was associated with the phases of the Moon. Such calendars are called lunisolar.

In Rus', the calendar was called a monthly calendar. Every day, the month book covered the entire year of peasant life, “describing” day by day, month after month, where each day had its own holidays or weekdays, customs and superstitions, traditions and rituals, natural signs and phenomena. The cyclical nature of the calendar is reminiscent of human life, where spring is youth, summer is heyday, autumn is the time of harvesting fruits (it’s good if there are some, otherwise you can live your life without collecting fruits), winter is the time of wisdom and peace. This cyclicality and rhythm determined the way of life of the farmer. The folk calendar was an agricultural calendar, which was reflected in the names of the months, folk signs, rituals and customs. Even the determination of the timing and duration of the seasons is associated with real climatic conditions. Hence the discrepancy between the names of the months in different areas... Next: Folk calendar...

Innovation potential

Leading scientific organizations

  • OJSC "Ulyanovsk Research and Design and Technological Institute of Mechanical Engineering" (UNIPTIMASH)
  • Ulyanovsk Research Institute of Agriculture of the Russian Agricultural Academy
  • OJSC "Ulyanovsk Instrument Engineering Design Bureau"
  • Ulyanovsk branch of the Institute of Radio Electrical Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Ulyanovsk Technology Transfer Center
  • JSC OKB Iskra

There are 31 organizations operating in the field of innovation. The Ulyanovsk region is among the TOP FIVE leaders among Russian regions in terms of the share of R&D in GRP. More than 7 thousand people are engaged in R&D.

TOP TEN most innovative regions of Russia - 2012.

According to Rospatent, the Ulyanovsk region belongs to the group of regions with a high level of inventive activity (coefficient 3.46).

In the region, through targeted development of promising high-tech projects, attractive conditions have been created for the realization of the innovative potential of Russian and foreign scientists in the nuclear, aviation and agricultural industries.

Fishing calendar for every day

The fishing calendar should not be taken as an absolutely indisputable truth. Fish biting is greatly influenced by a whole range of natural factors, as well as the influence on the nature of man himself. You must not forget that the fish’s bite depends and is determined not only by the calendar dates and biological cycles of their life, reflected in the calendar, but also, no less, by the state of their habitat; the bite also depends on weather conditions: air and water temperatures, cloudiness, wind direction and strength, etc... Next: Fishing calendar...

Orthodox calendar about every day

Orthodox calendar: Orthodox, Church and Christian holidays.

The church year is an alternation of weekdays and holidays. On weekdays, a person is called to work “by the sweat of his brow to earn his bread.” Holidays are given in order to feel liberation, to rise above the bustle and routine of the world, to feel involved in the highest of worlds, “where there are no illnesses, sorrows and sighs, but endless life.” Since ancient times, holiday cycles have been associated with the seasons. The pagans associated them with the worship of the forces of nature, the cult of which in the Old Testament was replaced by gratitude to the Creator for the universe. And although the connection between holidays and the seasons has not completely lost its power, since God is present in everything, in the plant and animal world, in human works, it nevertheless faded into the background, giving way to a spiritual foundation built on the Sacred Scriptures. The history of Orthodox holidays dates back to the times of the Old Testament. Each of the Orthodox holidays is dedicated to the remembrance of the most important events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, as well as the memory of saints... Next: Orthodox calendar...


Ulyanovsk - 21st place among the largest cities in Russia:
  • Territory of the region: 37.2 thousand square meters. km
  • Population: 1.3 million people
  • Central city: ULYANOVSK
  • Number of inhabitants: 637.9 thousand people.
  • The most multinational and tolerant region of the Volga region
  • The region has seen an increase in the birth rate and a decrease in emigration from the region

Russian folk calendar for every day

The word “sign” comes from the word “notice”, i.e. observe. As a result of observing what happens around a person every day, he accumulates life experience. This knowledge was passed down from generation to generation, carefully preserved and people trusted it as a sacred book. Many signs have come to us from the depths of centuries without losing their knowledge. Each of us is free to choose: to dismiss all this as an absurd superstition or to take a closer look at the signs and take the centuries-old experience of generations more seriously. Most of us, when taking exams, ask them to scold them, boasting about some kind of good fortune or luck, spit so as not to jinx them or knock on wood, take a detour if a black cat crossed the road, are afraid of the number 13 and much more. And who among us does not have lucky things, numbers? Who has never resorted to the help of fate at least once in their life, who has not believed in secrets? It’s as if everything connected with signs is hidden somewhere deep in our subconscious. Often we remember them mechanically, unconsciously, or just as a joke. But, undoubtedly, the signs contain a lot of accurate knowledge and practical wisdom of our ancestors. They cover all the characteristic, often difficult to perceive, natural phenomena. Signs have preserved a lot of what was in old folk holidays and customs; they help predict the weather, grow crops... Next: Folk signs...

Tourist potential

Ecological tourism

  • Volga water area
  • Undors
  • Nature reserve "Sengileevskie Mountains"
  • Arboretum

Sports tourism

  • Volga Cup Regatta
  • Race for survival on UAZ all-terrain vehicles in the village of Arskoye
  • Sports complex "Park "Simbirsky"
  • Sports complex "Leninskie Gorki"

Historical and cultural tourism

  • "Russian Coast"
  • "Crafts Center"
  • "Reserve of the 19th century"

Health tourism

  • Health improvement at the RIAR medical center
  • A network of holiday homes, boarding houses and sanatoriums in picturesque corners of the region

Historical monuments

  • Museum-Memorial of V.I. Lenin
  • Museum of Local Lore named after. I.A.Goncharova
  • Museum of Contemporary Fine Arts. A.A.Plastova
  • Museum I.A. Goncharova
  • Russian Civil Aviation Museum

Holiday calendar, dates and events of the year

All state and professional holidays in Russia, including significant World and International holidays, and other equally interesting holidays and events about every day.

The holiday has always kept pace with the history of mankind. Social time can be divided into three types: everyday life (weekdays), weekends and holidays. Everyday life is a series of practices repeated day after day and every day (work). Weekends are regular breaks from the rush of everyday life. It is believed that on weekends a person should restore his strength after working days. Day off, non-working day. A holiday is a day of celebration established in honor or in memory of someone or something. A day or series of days celebrated by the church in memory of a religious event or saint... Next: Calendar...

Economic-geographical location

The Ulyanovsk region is located in the southeast of the European part of Russia, in the center of the Volga Federal District.

The territory of the Ulyanovsk region is 37.2 thousand km²

  • In the north - with the Chuvash Republic and the Republic of Tatarstan;
  • In the east - with the Samara region;
  • In the south - with the Saratov region;
  • In the west - with the Penza region and the Republic of Mordovia.

Big cities:

  • Dimitrovgrad – 123 thousand people.
  • Inza – 18.6 thousand people.
  • Barysh – 17.2 thousand people.

Ulyanovsk region is a major transport hub

Developed industrial base:
  • Within a radius of 500 km there are 47 thousand industrial enterprises producing 15% of Russia's industrial products
  • Within a radius of 1000 km there are more than 193 thousand enterprises producing more than 50% of Russia's industrial products

High consumer potential:

  • Over 20 million potential customers live within a radius of 500 km
  • Within a radius of 1000 km - more than 44 million customers

Prayer book, Orthodox prayers for every day

Prayer is the most powerful means for healing all illnesses - both physical and mental. Prayers can be laudatory or grateful, petitionary and repentant. If we have offended God, sinned, we must ask Him for forgiveness, that is, repent. Such prayers are called repentant prayers. If everything is fine with us, if we and our loved ones are healthy and prosperous, if we have a place to live, something to wear, something to eat, we must glorify and thank God for this. Such prayers are called praise or thanksgiving. If some misfortune, illness, trouble or need happens, you need to ask God for help. Such prayers are called petitionary... Next: Orthodox prayers...

Zodiac, astrological, eastern calendar. Zodiac signs

In ancient times, to establish the calendar, priests used knowledge of the positions of all the planets. Before the reform of Peter 1, the New Year was celebrated on the Day of the Autumn Equinox. On this day, according to ancient legend, the most peaceful treaty was concluded between the Great Race (ancient Slavs) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese) and it was approximately 7518 years ago... For the ancient Slavs, the calendar month corresponded to the lunar cycle from new moon to new moon, taking into account such Thus, the relationship of the entire annual cycle with astronomical and natural phenomena. There was no coherent calendar system. The main natural phenomena are still considered to this day to be the days of the solar equinox and solstice - the Slavic holidays Maslenitsa, Kupala, Ovsen and Kolyada. But during the time of Peter 1, all ancient Slavic calendars were abolished and a new Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ (Julian calendar) was introduced, while the beginning of the calendar was moved to January 1. The Julian calendar (old style) did not take leap days into account and accumulated one extra day every 128 years. After the October Revolution in 1918, the Gregorian calendar (new style) was introduced in Russia, according to which an amendment of 13 days was introduced. The calendar of the ancient Slavs was based on two planets: the Sun and the Moon. And now they don’t use anything at all. The calendar has become static. There is no such thing as the calendar, it turns out, resting on some planet. Nobody even knows about it. There are just some standard numbers, there are months and holidays. The calendar is based on the Sun and Moon. Why is this so? Because these two luminaries influence the Earth. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon revolves around the Earth. And these two luminaries create the atmosphere on the planet. From here the calendar is built... Next: Astrological calendar...

General information about the Ulyanovsk region

Administrative center: Ulyanovsk

Federal District: Privolzhsky

Date of formation: January 19, 1943

On April 20, 1966, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, the Ulyanovsk region was awarded the Order of Lenin for its achievements in the development of the national economy.

Territory (thousand sq. km): 37,2

Population (thousands of people): 1382.3 (2011)

The Ulyanovsk region is a densely populated region. Population density 28.9 people per 1 sq. km. Territories.

Population composition: Russians (72.8%), Tatars (11.4%), Chuvash (8.3%), Mordovians (4.4%), Ukrainians (1.3%), etc.

National language - Russian

Governor: Russkikh Alexey Yurievich

Chairman of the Legislative Assembly: Malyshev Valery Vasilievich

Administrative-territorial structure:

Urban districts – 3

Municipal districts - 21

Urban settlements – 31

Rural settlements – 112.

Natural and climatic conditions:

The Ulyanovsk region is located in the very center of the Middle Volga region, on both sides of the Volga. The geographical location makes the region an attractive center for logistics and transport schemes at the federal and international level. In the west it borders with the Penza region and the Republic of Mordovia, in the north with Chuvashia and Tatarstan, in the east with Samara and in the south with Saratov regions.

Main rivers: Volga, Sviyaga, Sura, Cheremshan. Within the region there is the Kuibyshev Reservoir with an area of ​​1878 square meters. km, greatest depth 41 m, average depth 9 m. The largest lakes: Belolebyazhye - 217 hectares, lake. Beloe - 96 hectares, Kryazh - 56 hectares.

The climate of the region is moderate continental. The average January temperature is - - 7. The average July temperature is +21, the average annual precipitation is about 400 mm.

The region is rich in mineral and raw material resources. The main natural resources are glass, cement, siliceous and carbonate raw materials, as well as raw materials for rough ceramics, and mineral water.

On the territory of the Ulyanovsk region there are 142 specially protected natural areas of regional significance and two federal reserves.

Among the rare species of birds and animals living in the region: the imperial eagle (also known as the Solar eagle, a large population that is of interest to ornithologists not only from neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, but also from countries near and far abroad), the white-tailed eagle, and the sandpiper. magpie, gray crane, snake eater, brown bear, ermine.


The economy is characterized by a high degree of industrial development; in the structure of GRP it is 30%, of which 21% is the production of the manufacturing sector. The main industry of the Ulyanovsk region is mechanical engineering (53.2% of the total volume of manufacturing industries). The main directions are aircraft manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, heavy energy and transport engineering.

The largest aircraft manufacturing enterprise in Russia, Aviastar-SP CJSC, produces Tu-204 passenger aircraft of various modifications. Currently, the company is preparing to resume production of the world's largest cargo aircraft, the An-124-100 Ruslan, and to begin production of the Il-476 aircraft, which has great prospects in the development of transport aviation in Russia.

OJSC UAZ is the largest manufacturer of SUVs in Eastern Europe. OJSC Ulyanovsk Mechanical Plant produces the world-famous Shilka, Tunguska-M, Kvadrat and Buk-M1 air defense systems. OJSC Ulyanovsk Motor Plant is one of the leading manufacturers of automobile engines.

In the second largest city of the region, Dimitrovgrad, a nuclear innovation cluster is being created, which includes JSC State Scientific Center RIAR, the construction of a pilot plant with the SVBR-100 power unit, the Federal High-Tech Center for Nuclear Medicine, the creation of a radiopharmaceuticals plant, a specialized technology park, and the construction of a training system personnel for the development of the cluster.

A special feature of the region is the relatively high share of transport and communications in the GRP structure - 14.2%. The Ulyanovsk region is a major transport hub. Air, rail and road communications from all directions of Russia, as well as international air lines connecting the Volga region with Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and China pass through the region. Ulyanovsk has two river ports on both banks of the Volga. Ulyanovsk is the only city in the Volga Federal District, on the territory of which there are two class “A” airports, which allow receiving aircraft of all types without restrictions on take-off weight.

The share of agriculture in the structure of GRP is 6.3%. At the end of 2011, the agricultural index of the Ulyanovsk region was the highest in the Russian Federation. The region specializes in diversified agriculture. The main direction of agriculture is grain farming (2/3 of the sown area is occupied by grains and leguminous crops) and dairy and meat animal husbandry. The scope of activity of the agro-industrial complex also includes the production of compound feed.

The level of development of small and medium-sized businesses in the Ulyanovsk region is relatively high. According to the results of the rating compiled by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation, the most favorable conditions for doing business have been created in Ulyanovsk (out of 30 Russian cities).

Since 2005, an investor support system has been successfully operating in the region. As a result, investment indicators in recent years (from 2005 to 2011) have increased 7 times. Thus, over the past 7 years, over 276 billion rubles have been disbursed. investments (for comparison in 1998-2004, 38.6 billion rubles). At the end of 2011, the Ulyanovsk region came out on top in terms of investment growth rates among the constituent entities of the Volga Federal District. The volume of investments in fixed capital across a full range of enterprises increased by 21% compared to 2010 and amounted to 61.7 billion rubles. The region's investment portfolio increased from 25 to 102 investment projects. Today, a number of large projects have already been implemented in the region by such companies as SABMiller, MARS, Henkel Bautechnik LLC, Alfa-Bank LLC, BAW-Phoenix. Projects began to be implemented for the construction of a plant for the production of paints and varnishes by the Danish company Hempel, the construction of a mining and processing plant by the German company Quarzwerke, the construction of a plant for the production of automotive components of Takata-Petri Rus LLC, the construction of a plant where the production of high-precision metalworking machines will be carried out (this the first example in Russia of technology transfer from abroad).

The demographic situation tends to improve: it is characterized by an increase in the birth rate (by 1.9% in 2011 compared to 2010) and a decrease in mortality (by 6.3%). The number of births per 1000 population is 10.8 per thousand, deaths are 14.8 per thousand.

Standards of living:

The cost of living per capita for the first quarter of 2012 is 5,530 rubles, for the working population - 5,993, for pensioners - 4,314, for children - 5,337 rubles. The cost of the minimum set of the consumer basket is 2179.73 rubles.

The average salary level in the region is growing. Based on the results of January-May 2012, the average monthly accrued wages in the region as a whole for a full range of enterprises amounted to 16,076 rubles. Compared to the corresponding period in 2011, wages increased by 115.8%. Wages grew at the highest rates in the areas of hotels and restaurants, agriculture, hunting and forestry, and financial activities.

Labor market

The economically active population of the Ulyanovsk region in June 2012 amounted to 687.5 thousand people. The officially registered unemployment rate is 0.8%.

Consolidated budget expenses:

“Education” - 11.05 billion rubles.

"Culture" - 1.08 billion rubles.

“Healthcare” - 7.9 billion rubles.

“Physical culture and sports” - 476.78 million rubles.


Historically, two directions of tourism developed in the Ulyanovsk region: health and historical and cultural.

Ulyanovsk is, first of all, the birthplace of V.I. Lenin, here is the Lenin Memorial - the largest museum dedicated to the life of the outstanding leader. The historical center of the city is united by 15 museums that are part of the state historical and memorial museum-reserve “Motherland of V.I. Lenin". A project for the Museum of the USSR Era is being developed, which will reflect all aspects of the Soviet era with the help of modern museum and interactive technologies.

The Ulyanovsk region is also famous for the Civil Aviation Museum, the Kolobok Estate, the Crafts Center, and the Paleontological Museum.

In the Ulyanovsk region there are springs of Undorovskaya medicinal mineral water. In the region, on the basis of the sanatoriums “Dubki”, “Imeni V.I. Lenina", "Pribrezhny", "Bely Yar" specialized programs for the treatment of various diseases using unique mineral water with a high content of organic substances have been developed and are successfully applied.

Dream books online, interpretation of dreams

A dream book is nothing more than an interpreter of dreams and dreams, a translator of dreams. Since ancient times, people have been using dream books; dreams have always been given great importance, and people have often noticed the prophetic properties of some dreams. The dream book can become your faithful assistant every day and throughout your life, thanks to the dream interpreter you can always make the right decisions, the dream book will help you resist temptations in time, and will warn you against wrong steps and frivolous actions. Further…

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