Map of the city of Velikiye Luki in detail with streets, houses and districts

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Velikiye Luki is a city (since 1166) in the Pskov region of Russia, “City of Military Glory”; is a city of regional subordination. A large multidisciplinary commercial, industrial, cultural and educational center in the south of the Pskov region. The city is the administrative center of the Velikiye Luki municipal district, and the city of Velikiye Luki is part of an independent municipal entity within the Pskov region - the Velikiye Luki urban district.


In the history of Russia, Velikiye Luki played a special role - the role of a warrior city, a shield city, a stronghold in the Western border, which they performed for more than eight centuries.

“Velikiye Luki is a city with a beautiful location, rich and commercial, the key to the ancient southern possessions of the Novgorod Empire.”

Karamzin N. M. History of the Russian State. T. 9. Ch. 5. St. Petersburg, 1816-1829.

The advantageous cross-border geopolitical and strategic position of Velikiye Luki has always occupied a worthy place both in historical retrospect and in the modern interests of the country’s defense and security; since ancient times it has served as a contribution to the strengthening of statehood on the northwestern borders of Russia.

Celebrating the 850th anniversary of the city

In 2016, the city of Velikiye Luki will celebrate the anniversary date - 850 years since the first mention in the chronicle (1166):

  • Velikiye Luki is 850: on the threshold of its anniversary. Archived from the original on February 4, 2013. (official website)
  • The preparation plan for the 850th anniversary of Velikiye Luki is designed to improve the quality of life of Velikiye Luki residents. Archived from the original on February 4, 2013.
  • Dmitry Medvedev supported the idea of ​​giving federal status to the 850th anniversary of Velikiye Luki. Archived from the original on February 4, 2013.

Dyatlinka Island

Velikiye Luki, whose attractions attract a small number of tourists, still remains a city, thanks to a visit to which you can get a lot of pleasant memories. One of the busiest places in the city in the summer is Dyatlinka Island.

Until 2012-2014, there was a sports complex and several open areas for sports games on the island. But after 2012, many new exercise equipment were located on the island and new indoor areas appeared, which are used for sports games or training on specialized equipment.

At Dyatlinka you can meet people involved in skateboarding, since this is where a specialized area is located. Despite its small size, a large number of children who are interested in skateboarding train here. There is also a basketball court nearby, and near it there are many exercise equipment that anyone can use.

If you wish, you can rent:

  • roller Skates;
  • skateboard;
  • skis;
  • skates.

In addition, the island has a specialized beach volleyball court. The football field can also be rented for training and competitions. In winter, the skating rink is filled on Dyatlinka, which is also one of the favorite places for people who love active recreation.

You can get to the island via a beautiful suspension bridge, on which you can see many locks hung there by newlyweds. It is here that the newlyweds secure their locks, symbolizing an eternal bond, after which they throw the keys into the river.

In summerPricein winterPrice
Roller skate rental50 rub./houraccess to the skating rink40 rub. per person
Skateboard rental100 rub./hourskate rental50 rub./hour
Volleyball lessons on the volleyball court200 rub./hourski rental100 rub./hour
Conducting training and competitions on 1/2 of a football field1200 rub./hour


City from 1166 to 1406 was called Luke; and from 1406 to the present - Velikiye Luki. Versions of the origin of the toponym Luka:

  • In the plural form of onion - “curvature, inversion of the river; arc, steep meander", "low-lying and grassy or wooded headland; a floodplain meadow, surrounded by a river” (according to V.I. Dahl) - the Lovat River, on which the city is located, forms sharp bends next to it.
  • In Ancient Rus', the word “luka” was also used to describe a damp piece of land. In some Slavic countries (Ukraine, Slovakia, Belarus), the word “luka” more often means “meadow” or “water meadow.” Translation from Ukrainian “veliki luki” - “vast meadows” (see M. Vasmer: “swampy meadow in a valley”, “low plain”, “grassy dell”).
  • The name of one of the first rulers of the city - the Novgorod governor Luka, sent here from Kholm (According to legend given by M. I. Semevsky).

Holy Ascension Cathedral

The construction of this monastery was approved in 1675 by the Novgorod Metropolitan. Previously, the Elias Monastery was located on this site. The modern appearance of the temple is quite modest, but the structure and surrounding area significantly enliven the landscape of the city.

After the revolution, the church was closed, and in the post-war years the building was partially dismantled. The restoration took place only in 1990, and the first service took place only in 1992.

Official symbols and attributes

City anthem

In the free breath of our days - There stands a mighty Russian city! He is like a warrior at the borders of the state - Old for years, but young in spirit! Chorus: Glory forever - our native city: Native land, native origins - Velikiye Luki - our holy city! Glory to our city, Glory to the people: Great Fatherland - Velikiye Luki - Reliable shield and stronghold! You have risen by a people's feat from dust, ashes and ruins. The fortress does not fade in its noble grandeur; it honors the ancient epics. Chorus. In Russia, glory forever You are inscribed with gold and blood! You are a cherished star in everyone’s heart, guarded by our love! Chorus.

Words by A. Shlepetinsky; music by D. Vasiliev

Local authorities

The former building of the Velikiye Luki City Duma, now a branch of Pskov State University.

The current Charter of the municipal formation “City of Velikiye Luki” was adopted by decision of the Velikiye Luki City Duma of the third convocation dated July 12, 2005 No. 57. According to it, the structure of local government bodies is:

  • Velikolukskaya City Duma is a representative body;
  • The head of the city of Velikiye Luki is the head of the municipality;
  • The administration of the municipal formation "City of Velikiye Luki" is an executive and administrative body.

Results of the elections of deputies of the Velikiy Luki City Duma of the fifth convocation on March 4, 2012 District No. Full name of the elected deputy Share of votes District No. Full name of the elected deputy Share of votes District No. Full name of the elected deputy Share of votes 1 Gogolev Igor Viktorovich 53.94% 2 Volyntsev Viktor Vasilievich 42.65% 3 Kravchenko Dmitry Viktorovich 54.80% 4 Androsovich Nikolay Ivanovich 68.65% 5 Kornev Andrey Yuryevich 59.65% 6 Gusev Sergey Georgievich 52.19% 7 Petrov Anatoly Petrovich 54.31% 8 Danshova Elena Nikolaevna 57.22% 9 Pavlyuk Igor Evgenievich 47.50% 10 Mozhaikin Boris Nikolaevich 53.16% 11 Spiridonov Vladimir Vasilievich 61.50% 12 Usacheva Marina Aleksandrovna 53.72% 13 Agarev Sergey Nikolaevich 48.33% 14 Vlasyuk Yuri Ivanovich 60.50% 15 Fedoseev Sergey Anat Olevich 62 .87%


Climate data for Velikiye Luki
MonthJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctoberBut IDecemberYear
Record high °C (°F)10.7 (51.3)9.0 (48.2)18.7 (65.7)26.8 (80.2)33.0 (91.4)32.5 (90.5)35.7 (96.3)36.2 (97.2)30.0 (86.0)24.3 (75.7)15.8 (60.4)10.5 (50.9)36.2 (97.2)
Average high °C (°F)−2.9 (26.8)−2.5 (27.5)3.3 (37.9)11.6 (52.9)18.2 (64.8)21.2 (70.2)23.4 (74.1)21.8 (71.2)15.9 (60.6)9.4 (48.9)2.1 (35.8)−1.9 (28.6)10.0 (50.0)
Daily average °C (°F)−5.5 (22.1)−6 (21)−0.9 (30.4)6.2 (43.2)12.4 (54.3)15.9 (60.6)18.0 (64.4)16.3 (61.3)11.0 (51.8)5.9 (42.6)−0.2 (31.6)−4.2 (24.4)5.7 (42.3)
Average low °C (°F)−8.6 (16.5)−9.8 (14.4)−4.8 (23.4)1.3 (34.3)6.5 (43.7)10.5 (50.9)12.5 (54.5)11.2 (52.2)6.8 (44.2)2.6 (36.7)−2.5 (27.5)−7 (19)1.6 (34.9)
Record low °C (°F)−45.7 (−50.3)−39.3 (−38.7)−34.4 (−29.9)−20.4 (−4.7)−6.9 (19.6)−1.3 (29.7)1.7 (35.1)−2.7 (27.1)−8.2 (17.2)−17.3 (0.9)−30.3 (−22.5)−42.3 (−44.1)−45.7 (−50.3)
Average precipitation mm (inches)39 (1.5)33 (1.3)33 (1.3)32 (1.3)51 (2.0)84 (3.3)78 (3.1)81 (3.2)67 (2.6)56 (2.2)44 (1.7)42 (1.7)640 (25.2)
Average snowfall, cm (inches)12 (4.7)16 (6.3)11 (4.3)5 (2.0)0.3 (0.1)0.1 (0.0)0 (0)0 (0)0.3 (0.1)1 (0.4)2 (0.8)8 (3.1)55.7 (21.8)
Average rainy days64811141615141615116136
Average snow days21191250.30.1000.33122093
Average relative humidity (%)84817669697577798384868679
Average monthly sunshine37.267.2133.3180.0286.8273.0257.3248.0172.5102.334.515.51,807.6
Source 1:[26]
Source 2: Climate base (sun, 1881–2008)[27]

Economics and investment

Investment potential and development strategy

  • Investment passport of Velikiye Luki municipal district
  • Pskov and the region: people, resources, opportunities. Business map of Russia. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House "RIAL-Pronto", 2008. - 32 p. (Archived)

Investments in fixed capital carried out by municipal organizations (2009): 2.2 (billion rubles) Investments in fixed capital at the expense of the municipal budget: 48471 (thousand rubles) Comparative share of investments in the cities of Pskov and Velikiye Onions (2008): 52.8% and 10.6%

The city performs the functions of a cultural, financial, economic, educational, humanitarian, tourist and industrially developed administrative and economic center at the interdistrict and zonal level in the south of the Pskov region.

Velikiye Luki - as a supporting center of social, cultural and public services, a node of advanced (concentrated) development at the inter-district level and one of the poles of growth of regional significance, in the future should be aimed at strengthening diversification and developing existing functions: a large polystructural industrial complex with a developed social business infrastructure, part of the southern zone of economic activity in the region, with a high share of agro-industrial and mechanical engineering enterprises, through a strengthened role in the territorial “system of division of labor” under the influence of the attraction of the two largest agglomerations - Moscow and St. Petersburg; with the formation of an interregional cluster of a production nature, which is due to the border transit location of the southernmost zone, as well as proximity to such large economic centers as Vitebsk and Smolensk.

Velikiye Luki has an important function as the southern coordination center of the Pskov region, especially in light of the region’s developing ties with neighboring regions of the Northwestern Federal District, the Republic of Belarus, and the countries of the European Union. Which implies more active and close interaction with interregional agglomerations, border regions of the Republic of Belarus and the Baltic countries. Implementation of joint cultural programs and business exchange of experience with nearby regions of both Russia and Belarus: as a platform for holding international festivals and meetings. The city is open to mutually beneficial, stable and long-term trade, business, industrial, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation.

The participation of small and medium-sized businesses in city, regional, interregional and international trade and industrial exhibitions and fairs is provided. The city has a branch of the Pskov Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. There is an All-Russian public organization for the support of small and medium-sized businesses “Support of Russia” and the Center for Support of Civil Initiatives “Consent”.


Share of expenses by sections and main cost items (2009):
Execution of city budget expenses has an educational and social orientation. An analysis of the revenue structure showed that the share of tax revenues in the total volume was 36.6%, non-tax revenues - 19.4%, interbudgetary transfers - 44%. Local revenues in the reporting year 2009 were received in the amount of 659,753.4 thousand rubles. The share of own income is 48.9% (of the total amount equal to 1178673.8 thousand rubles). Free receipts (grants, subsidies, subventions) from higher budgets of the Russian Federation - 518,920.4 thousand rubles. Execution of budget expenditures amounted to 1199871.8 thousand rubles. In 2009, the budget deficit amounted to: −21,198 thousand rubles. (about 12%).


  • Municipal institution “Business incubator “Novation” (city of Velikiye Luki)

As of 2009, there were 4,109 small and medium-sized businesses operating in the city of Velikiye Luki. The number of workers in small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as entrepreneurs without a legal entity, amounted to 16,028 people. These, in particular, include the trade sector, which employs more than 60% of small and medium-sized businesses. The share in transport accounts for 9.4%; manufacturing - 7.5%; construction - 4.4%; socially significant household services - 2.6%; agriculture - 0.4%.

Trade, service and services

Retail trade turnover of large and medium-sized organizations (as of 2010) amounted to 1,567.9 million rubles. On the territory of Velikiye Luki there are both local business offices and regional branches - representative offices of the largest networks of leading Russian retail leaders, including branded stores of the most popular brands: Velikolukskie Sausages LLC, Molokolamsk, etc. Two central City Markets (for 1462 trading places): “weekend” trading is carried out every Saturday at 2 sites. The practice of holding annual food fairs (“Spring” and “Autumn”) has developed, where retail sales are carried out by over 140 business entities.

Table of the number of objects of the trade and household sphere (2009) Retail trade and public catering, number of objects: Shops Shopping centers Pavilions 432 6 76 Tents and kiosks Pharmacies Public canteens 63 21 25 Restaurants, cafes, bars Gas stations Universal markets 43 13 2 Household services to the population, number of facilities: Shoe repair Clothing repair Equipment repair 14 6 13 Transport repair Furniture repair Dry cleaning 17 7 2 Laundries Home repair Baths and saunas 3 13 3 Hairdressing salons Photo studios Ritual 54 6 11


Department of Housing and Utilities

Provision of households with infrastructure facilities, in percent (2009): Water supply (with standpipes) 100% Sewerage 81.6% Electric stoves 11.2% Gas (network and liquefied) 82.9% Central heating supply 74.5% Hot water supply 11, 2% Share of paved roads 52.5%
According to the draft Master Plan, the territory of the Central District of Velikiye Luki is subject to targeted compaction and modernization with an increase in public and business functions, tourist and social, as well as the functions of the historical city. Heat supply, central heating, in the city of Velikiye Luki is provided by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Heat Networks” (the number of heat supply sources is 19). Gas supply - Pskovregiongaz LLC (from the branch of the Porkhov - Velikiye Luki main gas pipeline). Electricity is supplied by IDGC North-West JSC Pskovenergosbyt (from the 330 kV / 110 kV substation Pskovskaya GRES - Novosokolniki 270 MVA). Centralized water supply and sanitation (sewage) - MP "Vodokanal" (consisting of 26 divisions). About 30% of Velikiye Luki’s water intake comes from the Lovat River; 70% - from 10 underground artesian wells. In the vicinity of the city, 3 areas of groundwater of the Sargaevsko-Bureg aquifer complex in the amount of 60 thousand m³/day have been identified and explored. (in the future 130 thousand m³/day): 1) On the south-eastern outskirts of the city; 2) At the southern tip of Lake Bozhnoye; 3) On the left bank of the Lovat River near the Kolomenka stream.

Housing stock (2009) Number of residents in low- and mid-rise buildings (4-12 floors) 77 thousand people (housing area - 1790.0 thousand sq. m.) In buildings 1-2 floors 23 thousand people (area housing - 598.7 thousand sq. m.)


Taking into account the favorable economic-geographical and geopolitical position of the Pskov region at the junction of several regions and the intersection of the axes of transit flows of European integration of the pan-European North-West Transport Corridor (PE-9). The presence near federal highways provides transit potential, allowing the city to become a significant southern regional logistics distribution center, a major transshipment point located at the crossroads of trade and transport arteries. From the point of view of international and intercity connections, the city is an important railway transport hub, claiming to be a logistics center of a subregional scale, which is capable of serving not only the market of the south of the Pskov region, but also the flow of goods from regions of Russia and abroad. In the future, Velikiye Luki, like the Pskov region, is a convenient and reliable transport corridor connecting the EU and Russia. The city is a junction of the main oil pipeline "Surgut - Polotsk". Until April 1, 2015, it housed the branch of Transneft-Baltika LLC BTS-II. Convenient location relative to transport communications ensures the efficiency of road and rail transportation. Velikiye Luki is located close to 300 meters from the M9 federal highway (Moscow - Baltic), which is connected to the M20 highway (St. Petersburg - Kyiv). The regional route P51 (Shimsk - Nevel) runs through the city center. The city is crossed by the Moscow-Riga and Bologoe-Moskovskoe-Velikiye Luki-Polotsk railway lines, connecting Velikiye Luki with the cities of Belarus, Ukraine, as well as Kaliningrad and other major Baltic cities.

  • Bus station
  • Train Station. Velikiye Luki is directly connected by convenient daily trains and intercity bus services to two capitals: Moscow and St. Petersburg. Travel time is about 10 hours.
  • Velikiye Luki Airport by air (there is currently no civil air service). The airport itself is gradually falling into disrepair, as evidenced by the abandoned old airport building, vegetation growing through the runway and rotting aircraft on the premises.

According to data for 2002, there were 22 passenger bus routes in the city (SPE “Lukiavtotrans”). However, intracity public transport is represented mainly by commercial private minibuses.

Communications and telecommunications

Internet and mobile communications are represented by operators:

  • Megafon (3G UMTS/HSDPA)
  • "Tele2" (2.5G GPRS/EDGE)
  • Beeline (3G UMTS/HSDPA)
  • Branch "Pskov GTS" (ADSL)
  • Branch "Avangard North-West" (ADSL)
  • Provider "Mart" (FOCL/Ethernet)
  • CJSC "Impulse-TV" (Digital TV + Internet)

Among other things, there are local private Internet cafes. Internet room in the Central Library named after M. I. Semevsky and the Federal Postal Service "Russian Post" (PKD "CyberPost").

Mail and telephone:

Communication of the population with a public telephone network (number of numbers per 100 families) - 75. Number of universal payphones - 4. Postal services in the city are provided by the Velikoluksky Post Office (a branch of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post") - in 11 post offices.

Social protection authorities

Local operating charitable and public organizations: “Branch of the Pskov Regional Organization of the All-Russian Society of the Blind”; Velikoluksky branch of the All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons (VOI); Regional branch of the “All-Russian Society of the Deaf” (VOG); LLC Velikoluksk city branch of the Russian Red Cross. In 2010, the autumn charity exhibition-fair “The Generosity of Autumn is the Generosity of the Heart,” which claims to be an annual event, was held. There are inpatient medical and social rehabilitation institutions in the city:

  • GBUSO “Center for Assistance to Children Without Parental Care, Velikiye Luki”;
  • State educational institution "Special (correctional) general education school No. 9 of the VIII type";
  • GBOU "Velikolukskaya comprehensive boarding school for children in need of social support";
  • GBUSO "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities";
  • GBUSO "Velikoluksky boarding house for the elderly and disabled";
  • "Psychoneurological boarding school";
  • GBUSO "Social Service Center of Velikiye Luki"

Famous people

Velikiye Luki was declared the birthplace of Soviet Marshal Konstantin Rokossovsky. Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Matrosov is buried in this city. The Modest Mussorgsky Memorial House in the Kuniinsky district, standing on the shore of a large picturesque lake, is within easy reach of the city.

Other people from Velikiye Luki

  • Alexandra Burchenkova (born 1988), road racing cyclist
  • Roman Kagazezhev (born 1980), professional football player
  • German Lovchev (born 1981), professional football player
  • Andrey Lukanchenkov (born 1986), professional football player
  • Oleg Marichev (born 1945), mathematician
  • Victor Safronov (1917–1999), astronomer
  • Genrikh Fedosov (1932–2005), football player
  • Sergey Firsanov (born 1982), professional road cyclist
  • Allan Erdman (born 1933), retired Soviet rifleman
  • Dmitry Alenichev (born 1972), Russian football coach, former player and politician.

Tourism and recreation

  • City park of culture and recreation with a boat station.
  • On the border with the Velikoluksky district there is a sanatorium of mineral waters “Blue Lakes” (Opukhliki village, Maly Ivan (lake)).
  • State Unitary Enterprise "Regional Center for Children, Family Recreation and Health."
  • State Healthcare Institution "Velikoluksky Children's Sanatorium".
  • Physical education and recreation.
  • Aeronautics Club "Aeroluks" (flight on a motorized hang glider, balloon, scuba diving).
  • Private Observatory Velikiye Luki (under the code “C00”).
  • Organized forms of children's and youth recreation, health improvement and employment (summer camps), Velikoluksky district: “Beryozka” (Gololoby village), “Chaika” (Borki village), “Cosmos” (Uritskoye village, Uritskoye Lake), “Zvezdny” (village Opukhliki, Maly Ivan (lake)).
  • Recreation center "Forest Lake" (Uritskoye village).
  • Equestrian club "Karina".
  • PROO "Velikoluksky Cynological Center" (which is more than 28 years old).
  • Branch of the Pskov regional “Animal Protection Society”.
  • Velikoluksky Branch of the Pskov and regional society of hunters and fishermen.

Velikiye Luki hosts:

  • Annual “International Aeronautics Championship”.
  • Stage of the Russian Cycling Championship.
  • Rally "Auto-Alliance Velikiye Luki".
  • Motocross competition (Bulynino track).
  • Biker season.
  • Russian Archery Championship.
  • Annual festival of intellectual games among schoolchildren “Meetings on Lovat”.

see also

  • Photo report from the “Aeronautics Meeting 2011”. Archived from the original on June 20, 2011.

Museum-Estate of Sofia Kovalevskaya

Address: Pskov region, Velikoluksky district, Polibino village Telephone: 8 (81153)2-95-23; 8-911-355-64-62 E-mail: Opening hours: Every day from 10.00 to 17.00 Weekends - Saturday and Sunday. Excursions upon prior request are accepted on any day of the week. Cost: 30 rub. — schoolchildren, pensioners, students, 40 rubles. - adults. Video shooting - 250 rub. Excursion services: adults - 300 - 600 rubles, students - 550 rubles, schoolchildren, pensioners - 500 rubles. How to get there: From Velikiye Luki - by bus "Velikiye Luki - Nevel" From Pskov by bus "Pskov - Velikiye Luki" (stop "Polibino").

Initially, the estate was part of the estate of I. I. Mikhelson; in 1824, Sofia Vasilievna’s father bought it. The house was built in pseudo-Gothic style.

Sofia Kovalevskaya was the first female mathematician, public figure and writer, which is reflected in the museum’s exhibition. The collections on display consist of personal letters, photographs, handwritten versions of her novels and objects of applied art.


  • Monument to tank crews
  • Monument to Academician I. M. Vinogradov
  • A memorial sign in honor of the city being awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, first degree.
  • Obelisk of Glory in Velikolukskaya Fortress
  • Velikolukskaya fortress during the Northern War of 1704-08. (L. F. Magnitsky) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010097000 No. 6010097000
  • Bronze monument-grave of Alexander Matrosov (E. V. Vuchetich) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010099000 No. 6010099000
  • Memorial Stele "City of Military Glory"
  • Monument to A. S. Pushkin (V. A. Alekseev)
  • Bust of the twice hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal K. K. Rokossovsky (Z. I. Azgur, G. A. Zakharov) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010102000 No. 6010102000
  • Monument to Academician I. M. Vinogradov (Yu. P. Pommer, N. A. Kovalchuk) and Memorial House-Museum of Academician I. M. Vinogradov Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010101000 No. 6010101000
  • Literary and Art Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War named after I. A. Vasilyev and the House of Environmental Education (as part of the Borkovsky museum complex)
  • Monument and memorial museum-reserve of the composer M. P. Mussorgsky (Naumovo village) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010140000 No. 6010140000
  • Museum-estate of Sofia Kovalevskaya (Polibino village) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010111000 No. 6010111000
  • Obelisk to the Soviet soldiers who died during the liberation of the city of Velikiye Luki from the Nazi invaders in 1942-1943. (M. Port) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6000000497 No. 6000000497
  • Colored fountains (A.K. Loginov)
  • Ancient Slavic Settlement of the 9th-10th centuries. (4 km from the city, Polibino village) Cultural Heritage Site of the Russian Federation No. 6010109000 No. 6010109000
  • Monument-tank in honor of the heroic exploits of tank soldiers who took part in the liberation of the city Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6000130000 No. 6000130000
  • Military Fraternal Cemetery of Soviet soldiers who died in battles with the Nazis Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6000140000 No. 6000140000
  • Bust of Hero of the Soviet Union K. S. Zaslonov
  • Monument to Alexander Matrosov
  • Colored fountain “Stone Flower” on Rokossovsky Square
  • Memorial Stele "City of Military Glory"
  • Fortress gates (early 20th century, now ruins)

Architectural monuments

And although the history of Velikiye Luki dates back over eight centuries, there are no buildings of medieval architecture in it - during the Great Patriotic War, during the defense and during the liberation, the city was actually wiped off the face of the earth and rebuilt, in addition to those restored, with Stalinist Empire-style buildings. The most famous surviving oldest buildings are:

  • Kazan Church (1821), Vodoprovodny Lane Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010100000 No. 6010100000
  • Ascension Cathedral (1752), K. Liebknecht Street Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6001104000 No. 6001104000
  • Theological seminary building (1913), Stavskogo street, 63/4 Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6001105000 No. 6001105000
  • Merchant mansion (Kazakovsky house) (XIX century), Stavskogo street, 79 (hospital) Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6010096000 No. 6010096000
  • Post office (1913), Nekrasova street, 1
  • Chamber of Commerce (XIX century), Oktyabrsky Avenue, 35
  • House of the merchant Vyazmensky (1914), Nekrasova street, 4/2
  • Pharmacy store (XIX century), Nekrasova street, 8
  • House of Doctor (XIX century), Dolgaya Street Cultural Heritage Site of the Russian Federation No. 6001102000 No. 6001102000
  • Merchant's house with a shop (XIX century), Stavskogo street, 14 Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6001106000 No. 6001106000
  • Real school (1904-1906), Yubileinaya street, 4 Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6000000496 No. 6000000496
  • 2nd City School (1911), Botvin Street, 12
  • House of the merchant Demeshko (19th century), L. Chaikina street, 15/21
  • Buildings of the 19th century, Schmidt street, 7,8
  • Zemskaya hospital (1876), Bolnichnaya street, 10
  • Building of the “Round House” (1778), Nekrasova Street, 9
  • Korvin-Krukovsky distillery building (1810-1887), Kholmskaya street, 3
  • Workshop building of the Ascension Monastery (XIX century), K. Liebknecht Street, 5 Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation No. 6000000679 No. 6000000679
  • The building of the parish school of the 19th century, Krasnoflotskaya embankment
  • Former Elsting distillery on Dyatlinka Island
  • 19th century building, Engels street, 13
  • 19th century building, Engels street, 15
  • 19th century building, 3rd Shock Army Street, 75

Velikoluksky Museum of Local Lore

Address: pl. Matrosova, 1 Phone: 8 (81153) 7-27-11 Website: Opening hours: Daily from 10.00 to 17.30, closed Mon. and the last Thursday of the month Cost: Full - 50 rubles, school, student, pension - 25 rubles, preferential categories of visitors - free. Last Wednesday of every month - free entry for all persons under 18 years of age

Not far from the park is the Local History Museum of Military Glory named after. A. Matrosov, where you can see personal belongings and photographs of the hero, as well as exhibitions about the Great Patriotic War.

The museum tells about the history and nature of the Pskov region. The museum's fund is supplemented by a collection of butterflies.

City in works of art

  • Kozlov V.F. I rush for happiness. - L., 1979. - 544 p.
  • Lyamin M.A. Velikoluksky blow // Four years in greatcoats. The story of the native division. - Izhevsk, 1970. - P. 89-184.
  • O. P. Shishkina. Chapter III // Notes and memories of a Russian traveler around Russia. - St. Petersburg, 1848. - T. 1. - P. 36-43.
  • Sluchevsky K. K. Velikie Luki // Across the North-West of Russia: Across the West of Russia. — 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg, 1897. - T. 2. - P. 263-268.
  • “Where are you now, Maxim?”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1964, b/w, 81 min. Director: Edmond Keosayan (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • “The Sun on the Wall”, 2 episodes, USSR, 1970. Directors: K. Khudyakov, T. Tatarishvili
  • “Ivan the Great”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1987, 99 min. Director: Gavriil Egiazarov
  • “A soldier came from the front”, USSR, Mosfilm, 1971, b/w, 86 min. Director: Nikolai Gubenko (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • “Mechanical Suite”, Russia, Cinema, 2001, 100 min. Director: Dmitry Meskhiev (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • “Hunter”, Russia, STV Film Company, 2011, 124 min. Director: Bakur Bakuradze (English) on the Internet Movie Database
  • Letters from the provinces. Velikiye Luki (TV channel “Culture”, aired on September 15, 2005); Russian courier. Film 28. Velikie Luki (TV channel “Culture”, aired on June 14, 2006)
  • "Velikie Luki - Little Stalingrad." Doc. movie. Director: T. G. Kiseleva. Russia, M.: “Moment”, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, 2012. 26 min.

Monument to Alexander Matrosov

In 1948, the remains of the hero were transported from the village of Chernushok, where Alexander Matrosov died. Few people know that the guy who covered the enemy bunker with his body was only twelve years old. The monument at the grave of the young hero was opened in 1954.

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