Kaluga is the “first step” on the ladder to the stars

Kaluga - the “cradle of astronautics”, the New Year’s capital 2020/2021 - is gaining popularity year after year, occupying a special place in the weekend tourist route. It’s easy to get to, and you can really see all the sights in a couple of days.

Travelers with children can easily find something to do for their children: the city is rich in interesting places and entertainment centers.

What to see in Kaluga with children, what museums and theaters there are for children, amusement parks and attractions, where to play laser tag or take a quest - we’ll look at this in this article.

Where can you go ice skating in Kaluga?

At the same time, it will be necessary to follow safety rules on ice, as well as a social distance of 1.5 meters due to coronavirus. ... Addresses of street skating rinks in Kaluga in winter 2020/21:

  • lane Chicherina 24,
  • Stepana Razin, 60,
  • Suvorova, 69,
  • Marshala Zhukova, 3,
  • Nikitina, 121,
  • Spartak, 6,
  • Kubiaka, 2-6,
  • Olgovskaya, 17,

8 Dec.
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Trampoline centers

Two trampoline centers have opened in Kaluga over the past two years. No, these are not those sluggish rubber street trampolines that are about to burst from the influx of children. These are full-fledged trampoline centers that are suitable even for training professional athletes.

The pioneer of trampoline sports in Kaluga was on the street. Boldina, 67, equipped with several large trampolines and a foam pit.

If you want, just jump, or if you want, dive into the soft cubes like a fish.

The second one is on General Popov Street, 3. It boasts a room of 1200 square meters, which is completely covered with trampolines. There are 40 of them in total, and they are divided into zones: for beginners, for experienced ones and for real extreme sports enthusiasts. There is also a foam pit and a small climbing wall in the center.

Both trampoline centers have trainers. Before jumping, all guests are required to be instructed and told about safety precautions. You can then either pay for a lesson with a trainer or go free jumping.

Children under seven years of age must be supervised by their parents on trampolines. And older kids can be enrolled in group classes, where they will not only learn how to jump to the ceiling, but also learn a few tricks.

The average cost of visiting trampoline centers is from 300 rubles per person. Prices vary depending on the day of the week and time of day.

"Fur Cafe"

Last year, a place opened in Kaluga that literally attracted city residents - the Fur Cafe. This place is not at all like standard cafes - here you will not find a menu with a dozen dishes and a helpful waiter. The only staff members are the administrator and... cats.

About 20 tailed animals from the Cat Territory shelter live in the cafe. They are all sterilized, vaccinated, healthy and ready to find a home.

Actually, this goal was pursued by the owners of the establishment from the very beginning. Here, cafe visitors can get acquainted with the animals and take one of the pets with them.

Children simply love to cuddle fur seals, play with them and stroke their belly. Moreover, if your family does not have the opportunity to have their own pet, the Cat Cafe will be an excellent outlet for your child. Once a week he can come and imagine that he has not one, but twenty cats at once.

Also, the “Fur Cafe” will be an excellent “young fighter course” for those guys who have been begging their parents for a kitten for a long time and persistently. Here they can learn how to handle animals and care for them. Perhaps, having realized that cats are not just a ball of fur for play, your child will stop demanding a pet.

“Fur Cafe” is located in Kaluga at the address: st. Academician Koroleva, 27.

“Mad Laboratory” is a museum of entertaining science.

Few people know that a museum of entertaining science has existed in Kaluga for almost a year. Most of the exhibits here look quite strange, such as an old shoe or an empty tin can.

It looks like ordinary junk, but in fact all the objects are somehow related to science and demonstrate the laws of nature.

Using the example of ordinary things, you can get acquainted with electricity, mechanics, light, thermodynamics and much more.

Do you think your child will not be interested in science? Has he ever seen how a clock runs on potato electricity, a basin of water makes waves, and light bulbs do not burst under human weight? The Crazy Lab will show something different. Also, the museum organizers regularly organize children's events to broaden their horizons and develop their thinking.

The Museum of Entertaining Science is located on the street. Moskovskaya, 5.

Sights of Kaluga for children

If the purpose of a trip to Kaluga is to get to know the city, you can’t do without visiting the main attractions. What else to watch with your child, besides what is already listed above?

One of the most striking architectural monuments is the Gostiny Dvor . Inside there is a cozy public space, and in the buildings themselves there are various educational centers, shops, cafes, a glass museum, etc.

Teatralnaya Street

© Tatyana Lisker

You can also take a walk along the semi-pedestrian Teatralnaya Street , along which there are interesting sights - the sculpture “Bag of Fortune”, the monument “Girl with an Umbrella”, the Zero Kilometer of highways in the Kaluga Region, the sculpture “K. E. Tsiolkovsky with a bicycle” and others.

The Vostok launch vehicle is installed in front of the Museum of Cosmonautics - a real duplicate of the rocket launched into space in 1961.

The tourist route around the city includes the pedestrian and vehicular Stone Bridge , a historical stone aqueduct built in 1785 and 160 meters long.

If you wish, you can get to the bridge over the Oka River near the main entrance to the city to admire the Monument to the 600th anniversary of Kaluga .

The main city attraction for children in the winter months is the fabulous residence of Father Frost . She begins to receive guests in the second half of December and continues to give a festive mood throughout the New Year's weekend.

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Where to go with a child in the vicinity of Kaluga

© Anna Vasilyeva

Just 70 km from Kaluga there is a unique art park for Russia “Nikola-Lenivets” , which is part of the Ugra National Park . It is notable for its rich collection of architectural and artistic objects. The most recognizable of them is the “Lighthouse on the Ugra”. The spectacle is truly mesmerizing, and it will be great to walk around the open spaces with children. There are also houses for accommodation and an area for tents.

100 km north of Kaluga there is an ethnographic complex “Ethnomir” , which unites several ethno-yards on one territory. In particular, here you can visit Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian courtyards, the courtyard of Siberia and the Far East, as well as Asian courtyards. In addition, the infrastructure includes 10 museums (folk dolls, stones and minerals, irons and others), baths of the peoples of the world (Russian, Sri Lankan, etc.), as well as a Siberian husky nursery, a boarding house for cats, a mini-farm, a corral with horses .

120 km from the city extends the Kaluga Zaseki Nature Reserve , created for the conservation and study of old-growth broad-leaved forests in the northwestern part of the Central Russian Upland. Among the inhabitants of the local forests are elk, wild boar, roe deer, wolf, marten, and badger. The main attraction and pride of the reserve are the European bison. A visit to the reserve is possible as part of an excursion group. There are several routes for observing wild animals (bison, wild boars) and ecological trails.

Religious buildings

The city’s religious buildings serve to satisfy the religious needs of parishioners of various faiths.

Holy Trinity Cathedral

Holy Trinity Cathedral is the main Orthodox church of the city . It was built on the site of a wooden church after the War of 1812. The author of the project is P. R. Nikitin. The building, created in the classicist style, resembles the shape of a cross in plan. The iconostasis, developed under the leadership of architect M. M. Kazakov, was destroyed in Soviet times. The temple, conveniently located in the central city square, was adapted into a cinema, museum or sports school. During the war, the cathedral almost burned down.

Worship services were restored after 1991. The building and interior were restored and re-painted. The new iconostasis is made using the technique of imitating the icon painters of ancient Rus'.

The iconostasis of the Holy Trinity Cathedral of Kaluga is painted in the Old Russian style

The cathedral is located in the city's Central Park of Culture and Leisure. Open to the public until 20–00.

Temple of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Temple of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary or the Church of the Sign belongs to the Old Believer community of the city . The stone church building replaced the wooden one at the beginning of the 18th century. Throughout its history, the temple changed its name several times. But its main feature is the invariability of the shape and design of the structure. The architecture of the building is interesting. It is a mixture of elements of ancient Russian architecture and buildings in the style of the late 17th - early 18th centuries. In Soviet times, the church premises were used as a warehouse for textile products.

Nowadays, restoration work continues in this active church: the paintings and external decor are being restored. A bell, preserved by the Old Believers since 1810, was installed on the church belfry.

The main bell of the belfry of the Church of the Sign of the Blessed Virgin Mary was cast in 1810

Temple address: st. Znamenskaya, house 2.

Parish of St. George the Great Martyr of the Roman Catholic Church

The parish of St. George the Great Martyr of the Roman Catholic Church is the place of services and the cultural center of the Kaluga Catholic community. The city's first Catholic church was created for prayers and traditional rituals at the end of the 19th century. At that time, about 1.5 thousand Catholics lived in Kaluga, including officers of military units. The temple was located in a historical building from the Peter the Great era. It existed until 1930.

The Catholic parish was restored in 1993. Regular services, festive masses and religious processions are held on its territory. The parish house invites Catholic families to concerts and performances.

The architecture of the parish is distinguished by laconicism and elegance of forms. The interior decoration is strict and practical. The temple received the Gothic chapel as a gift from the residents of Germany.

The parish Catholic chapel was delivered from Germany in 1996 in disassembled form

Temple address: st. Freedom Field, building 127. The schedule of work, services and special events can be found on the website.

Sunna Mosque

The Sunna Mosque is the only mosque in Kaluga. The city historically has a Tatar Muslim community. In recent years, it has been replenished by immigrants from eastern neighboring countries. The temple was built with funds raised by local Muslims in 2009. Here, believers who profess Islam gather for traditional prayers, get married, and celebrate holidays. With the permission of the ministers, anyone can visit the mosque.

The architecture of the house of worship is modest. The interior of the temple is made taking into account all Islamic canons.

The turret serving as a minaret gives the mosque building an oriental appearance.

Mosque address: st. Annenki, house 23. Open 24 hours a day.

Synagogue of Kaluga

The Kaluga synagogue was housed in a historical building built for a Jewish temple in 1913 . During the Soviet period from 1926 to 2013, the mansion belonged to various city organizations. After returning to the Jewish community, the temple was equipped and welcomes all supporters of the Jewish faith. The prayer room has been restored, there is a Sunday school, a charitable foundation, as well as a traditional cafe and reading rooms.

The Kaluga synagogue was built in 1913 with funds from the city's Jewish community

Synagogue address: st. Dzerzhinsky, house 41. Open daily from 9–00 to 18–00.

Culinary master classes

Children love to repeat after their parents and do “adult things.” That is why many of them are always ready to help in the kitchen and feel like little chefs. But not every parent agrees to let their child into the kitchen - in 99% of cases this threatens with scattered flour and complete chaos. And it’s much more interesting for children to give the world culinary masterpieces in the company of their peers.

Many cafes and coffee shops in Kaluga realized this long ago and began organizing culinary master classes for children. Usually it costs an average of 300 - 400 rubles. This amount includes all necessary products and equipment. Of course, the children take everything cooked with them (unless, being hungry, they don’t eat everything on the spot).

Among the regular organizers of such events are the cafe-bakery “Koritsa” (Kirova St., 25), children’s cafe (Gagarina St., 1\9), and the cafe “Delo v Sauce” (Kirova St., 39). There are also special culinary studios, such as Artichoke. They also regularly conduct master classes for children. True, they do this on different platforms.

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