I'm going to Livadia: what attractions and entertainment await tourists here

The area now called Livadia was inhabited as early as the 3rd millennium BC. In the Middle Ages, there was a settlement of people engaged in pottery.

In 1834, Count Potocki bought the land. It was he who named the estate Livadia (in Greek - meadow). At this time, two manor houses, a temple, and vineyards were built here. In the park with rare tropical bushes and trees, fountains were installed, statues were placed, and a greenhouse was built.

In 1860, the estate was acquired by Alexander II for his wife Maria Alexandrovna, who suffered from tuberculosis. The Empress was leaving here to escape the damp and cold St. Petersburg winter. During this period, a school, a hospital, and a weather station were built here.

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Under Soviet rule, the Livadia state farm was organized here, which specialized in growing grapes and producing wines.

During the years of fascist occupation, almost all buildings were destroyed; miraculously, only the White Livadia Palace survived. In February 1945, it hosted the famous meeting of the heads of the anti-fascist coalition. After the liberation of the village, the main cultural monuments were restored and reconstructed.

Livadia Palace

Address: Baturina St., 44 Phone: Website: https://livadia-palace.rf/ Opening hours: 10.00-17.00 Cost: adult - 200 rubles, reduced rate -100 rubles.

The palace was designed by the architect Monighetti at the request of Empress Maria Alexandrovna. The basis of the palace was the Pototsky house, which needed reconstruction and expansion. First, the front porch and spiral staircases were added.

Residents called the house the Great Palace.

But over time, it became dilapidated and began to collapse, and in 1910 it was decided not to repair it, but to demolish it and build a new palace. The volume of work was large, but thanks to gigantic financial investments, construction was completed in a short time, in just 17 months. The palace was made in the style of the Italian Renaissance of the 15th-17th centuries. Arches, arcades, and fine carvings create the impression of lightness and grace.

The palace has 116 rooms. The most interesting of them are the following:

  • The front waiting room, the walls of which are finished in dark walnut, the fireplace is decorated with marble and bronze, and an openwork chandelier made of Murano glass, made to order in Italy, stands out effectively against the general dark background.

  • The White Hall is the formal dining room, so named because of the abundance of sun pouring through the huge windows. Above the fireplace is the coat of arms of the Romanovs, under the ceiling there is an ornament from the provincial coats of arms of the empire, in a special niche there is a statue of the Burger “Penelope”. The Crimean Conference of 1945 took place in this hall.

  • The emperor's front office, made in antique style. Roosevelt occupied this office during the conference.

  • Billiard room in English style. The final act of the Yalta Conference in 1945 was signed here.

  • The emperor's upper office on the second floor, decorated in soft colors. Nikolai really liked him. Of particular value is the handmade carpet presented by the Shah of Persia for the anniversary of the House of Romanov.

  • The Empress's office is bright, spacious, with a special table for drawing (Alexandra knew how and loved to draw).

  • The small family dining room is a cozy, not at all palace-like room, decorated with yew.

  • An Italian courtyard lined with palm trees and lined with marble sofas with carved backs.

On the second floor there is a permanent exhibition “The Romanovs in Livadia”.

A little history

Small Livadia Palace

The first settlements in the Livadia region date back to the Bronze Age. Later, this open, picturesque coast was chosen by the Greeks, whose descendants guarded the southern borders of their new homeland during the reign of Catherine II. The valiant warrior, commander of the Greek battalion Lambros Katsonis, bought a small plot of land, which he named “Livadia” in honor of his hometown in Greece.

In the 30s of the 19th century, Count Potocki, a Pole and diplomat of the Russian court, bought these lands. By that time, the beauty and resort opportunities of Crimea were becoming increasingly famous among the Russian aristocracy, which was facilitated by the construction of roads on the coast of the peninsula.

Park-monument to landscape art

The park was founded by gardener Delinger. He managed to arrange new plantings of tropical plants so that trees of local species not only remained in place, but also did not get lost among the colorful inhabitants of the tropics.

This is a landscaped park with numerous lawns and flower beds, on the territory of which there are gazebos, statues, fountains, marble benches, and pergolas. Among the park sculptures, the chimera leaning over a stone well attracts attention. Not far from the palace there is a Turkish gazebo, which is called silver because of its color. This is Monighetti's only surviving building.

Useful tips for travelers

When planning a trip to Crimea, it is important to remember some points. First, it's worth stocking up on cash. Due to sanctions, you will not find the usual Sberbank, Alfa-Bak or BTB. Cashing out at ATMs of local banks will cost you a decent commission, and you will also have to look for an ATM. Cashless payments are not available everywhere. Therefore, it is worth worrying about this in advance.

Secondly, pay attention to your cellular operator. The only Russian operator operating in the territory without roaming is MTS. So before the trip it is better to purchase his SIM card in order to avoid huge bills.

Thirdly, when choosing housing, be prepared for the fact that not all offers can be found on the Internet. A lot will have to be decided on the spot. This applies to the choice of excursions, passenger transportation, and choice of accommodation. This situation gives rise to a lot of intermediaries and excitement on the ground. You should trust only reliable hotel booking sites, or personal recommendations from trusted people.

You should also be very wary of local taxi drivers. Be sure to check the amount of the trip, and possibly even the currency. In most cases, it is much more convenient and cheaper to travel by public transport, which runs regularly on schedule.

Be careful when purchasing “local” natural products. There is a very high risk of purchasing “fresh wine” that you simply haven’t had time to make in the summer. Let these tips help you organize your holiday in comfort and avoid unpleasant situations.

Royal Path

The “royal path” runs through the park, laid by order of Nicholas II and used for walks by members of the royal family. It leads from the palace towards the Swallow's Nest, along its entire length it is protected from the sun by tree branches, and although the path often passes through the mountains, it does not have sharp ascents and descents.

Wuchang-Su Waterfall

Not far from Livadia is the largest waterfall in Crimea. Its height is 390 meters . In summer, the water flow weakens, but if you come here in the spring, when the snow melts high in the mountains, you can enjoy the mesmerizing picture. Not far from it is the meadow of fairy tales - the calling card of Yalta. Thus, you can visit not one, but several interesting places at once.

Church of the Exaltation of the Cross

Address: Palace complex Telephone: Opening hours: 9.00-18.00 Cost: free

The church was erected in 1872 in the Byzantine style, decorated with the mosaic “The Exaltation of the Holy Cross” by master Salviatti. The funeral service for Emperor Alexander III was held in this church. Here the future wife of Nicholas II converted to Orthodoxy. Since 1991, services have been held in the temple.

"Border Guard"

Pogranichnik Beach is also a private area belonging to the boarding house of the same name. However, unlike the “Livadia” beach, this one is open free to all vacationers. The coastal area is small-pebble, it is pleasant to step on it with bare feet, and you get a kind of massage.

The coast is clean, this is strictly monitored by the boarding house administration. The gentle entrance to the sea makes the holiday safe even for small children. The water is warm, clear, and there are almost no storms.

The infrastructure is well developed: resort guests can use sun loungers, umbrellas, changing rooms, go to the shower and toilet. During the season, the place is full of couples with children, grandmothers with grandchildren, and elderly people.

The only negative of the recreation area is the concrete wall that fences the beach from the sanatorium area. This does not affect the rest itself, but spoils the aesthetic appearance.

In the immediate vicinity there are cafes and bars with refreshing drinks, and rental of sun loungers, umbrellas, and equipment is available. Fans of active recreation go on boats, boats, scooters, and go diving. The Pogranichnik sanatorium is located just 300 meters from the Livadiysky Palace.

If you travel from Simferopol by bus towards Yalta, you need to get off at the bus station. Then you should take another bus or minibus to the boarding house “Pogranichnik”, and from there the beach is just a stone’s throw away.

Organ Music Center "Livadia"

Address: Baturina st., 4 Phone: Website: organ-livadia.narod.ru Concerts daily on Sunday at 16.00

In 1911, a power plant was built in Livadia. After the revolution, its building changed many owners: there was a canteen, then a club, and after the war - a prisoner of war camp.

At the end of the 20th century, the building was restored and an extension was made, where a large organ was placed, made by organist V. Khromchenko using local varieties of wood. The organ hall is decorated with decorative stucco and artistic forging. Now it hosts daily organ music concerts.

Village infrastructure

The village is conveniently located on the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, with shuttle buses passing through it. A little over 1000 people live here permanently. There is a kindergarten, a school, and a boarding school. The resort is part of Greater Yalta. The city hospital is located in the vicinity of Livadia. There is a post office, telegraph, telephone office, bank, shops, bars, restaurants.

Dreamwood Amusement Park

Address: Yalta, p. Opolznevoye, st. Generala Ostryakov, 9A Phone: Website: https://dreamwoodpark.com/ Opening hours: 11:00 - 20:00 Tue-Sun Cost: entrance ticket - 1400 rubles, children under 4 years old - free How to get there: from Yalta by bus No. 128 (stop “Sanatorium “Dawns of Russia”), then walk to the checkpoint of the Mriya Resort & SPA hotel, and from there take a free transfer.

The entire territory of the Park is divided into four zones or, as they are called here, Areas: Forest, Mountains, Water and Wind. Each Area has themed playgrounds and attractions.

The Wind area is for those who love thrills. Here you can rise 11 meters above the ground on the Ivy attraction. And then ride along the rails on the flying Kon-Tiki log. Older children and adults will enjoy these attractions.

For kids, the Park has playgrounds and the Flower Carousel attraction - together with funny hedgehogs you can ride across the flower lawn and try yourself in the role of mischievous gardeners. And they will be completely delighted with the small but cozy water park in the Water Area.

For older kids, Dreamwood has prepared real “Squeal-Splash” water cannons , where you can ride on boats.

“Mountains” area , you can visit an ancient mine of the 18th century, where nuggets are mined (and find your “precious” stone), ride in jeeps wearing virtual reality helmets and take part in a real safari, and in the evening see the eruption of a volcano, which is visible from anywhere Dreamwood amusement park.

In the Forest , you can test your dexterity and courage in the rope park - this is a route with obstacles through trees of varying difficulty levels.

Also here you can learn how a tree transmits sounds and talk on a “log phone”, see how inertia works and move a five-ton rock, learn to play mini-golf, and also watch or even take part in a play on the forest stage .

In case of bad weather, there is a Dome . There is a restaurant, dry slide slides, quest rooms and a robot league where you can learn the basics of robotics, and for the little ones in the “Dome” there is a mother and child room and an interactive area “Forest of Miracles” with many educational games and entertainment.

Tips and useful information for those planning to visit Dreamwood Park

Upside Down House

Not long ago, another entertainment for tourists, “House Upside Down,” appeared on the peninsula. For Russia, this is not the first structure of this kind, however, for tourists in Crimea this is a unique structure. All the rooms of the house, and the house itself, are turned upside down. Getting into any room of the house, its furniture and household items hang over your head. Next to the house there is even a garage with a car floating under the ceiling. Once in it, your reality will be turned upside down, you will receive a sea of ​​positive emotions and original photographs.

Location: Vinogradnoye village, Bakhchisarai highway - 17a.

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