Evpatoria (Crimea) - the best resort in the west of the Crimean peninsula

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Yevpatoria is a resort city located on the Black Sea coast of Crimea.

Every year, at the height of the tourist season, Evpatoria is visited by thousands of tourists in order to relax on the sea coast and improve their health. Treatment in Evpatoria is a fairly developed area; there are sanatoriums in the city that provide their guests with therapeutic and restorative procedures.


  • The central beach is about 2 km long, half of which belongs to sanatoriums. It is very crowded here during the season.
  • Robinson is a compact sandy beach, located slightly away from Central.
  • The Cote d'Azur is one of the best beaches in Evpatoria, located near Lake Moinak. Is paid. But the entrance price is quite small. Nearby there is another good beach - Rodnichok.
  • Towards Simferopolskaya Street you can find several excellent sandy beaches: Oasis, Golden Sands, Solaris.

Cuisine, restaurants and prices in Evpatoria

What’s good about Yevpatoria is the variety of different catering establishments - from budget canteens to restaurants and themed cafes and pubs.

Most of the catering establishments are located on Frunze Street and the embankment, where life is always in full swing.

Canteens where you can dine on a budget are quite common.

Various pubs where you can sit, drink beer and eat burgers

As well as all kinds of cafes, restaurants and street food. Street food is mainly shawarma, priced from 150 rubles a piece, as well as ice cream, drinks, sweets and hot corn.

Very creative))


Evpatoria is one of the oldest cities in the world and has already celebrated its 2500th anniversary. The settlement here was founded in the 5th - 6th century BC. by the ancient Greeks. The city was named Kerkinitida and in the 4th century BC. existed as a polis. Then it was subordinated to the Chersonesos state and flourished as one of its centers.

In the 2nd century BC. Kerkinitis was captured and practically destroyed by the Scythians. After some time, the city was liberated by the army of Diophantus, but the majority of the population chose to remain in Chersonesus. In the 4th century BC. the settlement was captured by the Huns and actually fell into decay.

theatre square

The medieval history of Evpatoria contains practically no information. It is known that in the 15th century the Crimean Tatars founded the Gezlev fortress here, which grew into a large trading center in the 16th century.

At the end of the 18th century, the city was included in the Russian Empire and received its modern name. During the Crimean War, a base for the British and Turks was located in Yevpatoria. During World War II, the city was occupied by German troops in 1941 and liberated in 1944.

Excursions in Evpatoria (from Evpatoria)

There are many excursions offered in Evpatoria, with which you can explore Evpatoria itself or go explore the Crimean sights.

The most common are excursions:

- Lake Sasyk-Sivash, which is also called Swan Lake because it is home to beautiful and graceful swans. You can also walk to the lake from Evpatoria. There are plans to build a park on the lake;

— palace-castle Swallow's Nest;

— the city of Sevastopol, Balaklava and Bakhchisarai;

- the city of Yalta;

- Vorontsov Palace;

— Jur-Jur waterfall;

as well as trekking, jeep tours, horseback riding, diving and other excursions around Yevpatoria, the surrounding area and the entire Crimea.


Ruins of Kerkinitida
In Evpatoria, the ruins of ancient Kerkinitida have been preserved in several places. So on Gorky Street (not far from the port) there is a restored section of ancient walls, and on Simferopolskaya Street (near the Museum of Local Lore) a glass pyramid was built over excavations and ancient artifacts.

We recommend taking a look at the Museum of Local Lore, which was founded in 1925 and contains about 80 thousand exhibits.

Embankment is the most popular street in Evpatoria, named after Maxim Gorky. It was created at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Here you can see several remarkable mansions and interesting sculptural compositions.

There is a nice small arboretum on Pushkin Street.

Gezlev Gate
Gezlev Gate is a medieval entrance to the Tatar city of Gezlev. The gate was built in the 15th century. The bazaar began immediately behind them.

Temple of St. Elijah

The Temple of St. Elias is a church in the traditional Greek style, built in the 20s of the last century by order of the local Greek community.

St. Nicholas Cathedral

St. Nicholas Cathedral is the main temple of Evpatoria, built at the end of the 20th century in the traditional Byzantine style. The church building has an octagon shape and a large 18-meter dome.

Juma-Jami Mosque

The Juma-Jami Mosque is one of the largest and most beautiful Muslim buildings in Crimea. The mosque was built at the end of the 16th century by order of the Crimean Khan Devlet I. Its architecture is an imitation of the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul: a large main dome and two high minarets (33 meters).

Armenian Church

The Armenian church was built in the first half of the 19th century and has been preserved in very good condition.

There is also an ancient synagogue in Yevpatoria, built at the beginning of the 20th century. During World War II, the synagogue was used as a stable. In 1998, the synagogue received its religious status back.

Tekie is the only Muslim dervish monastery in Crimea. It was founded in the 15th - 16th centuries. The complex of buildings includes the tekie itself, a mosque and a Muslim educational institution (madrasah).

Arch in the old town

Evpatoria has a nice old town with an oriental flavor. Here you can have a great walk among the narrow streets, see interesting old buildings and main attractions.

Greco-Scythian settlement

The Greco-Scythian settlement is the ruins of an ancient settlement 7 km southwest of Yevpatoria. The settlement was founded in the 4th century BC. and was one of the outposts of Chersonesos. In the 1st century AD the settlement was abandoned.

Entertainment in Evpatoria

In Evpatoria, everyone will find something to do and where to have fun!

For young people and companies, these are discos, which are held both in open cafes and in nightclubs.

Adults and parents of children can sit in one of the many cafes, restaurants, and pubs where they can drink beer and other strong drinks. By the way, in some pubs, in addition to a colorful atmosphere, there is also quite good beer.

For children and family entertainment also work

Evpatoria Aquarium (oceanarium)

In the aquarium: inhabitants of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, Black and Japanese Seas, the coast of Mexico and Southeast Asia:

  • huge predatory fish false-flat-striped striped,
  • distinguished by graceful movements and attractive coloring of the arawan, capable of jumping for prey from the water to a height of 3 meters,
  • aquarium snake fish kalamoicht calabar,
  • brightly colored parrotfish,
  • Pterichoplicht brocade,
  • Chukuchan Asian,
  • lungfish Protopterus, preserved from the time of dinosaurs, etc.

Aquarium address: Frunze Park / Gorky Street, 5a1. Aquarium website: evpaquarium.

Yevpatoria Dolphinarium , where you can attend a show of marine animals and chat with dolphins.

The show programs of the dolphinarium include: Black Sea dolphins (bottlenose dolphins), white whales (beluga whales), fur seals and lions.

The Dolphinarium is open all year round.

Dolphinarium address: Kyiv street, 19/20. Dolphinarium website: dolphinevpatoria.

Aqualand water park "At Lukomorye" , which has swimming pools for adults and children, as well as hydromassage pools; children's complex "Aquaplay" for children and teenagers, with many fairy-tale characters and water cannons; water slides for all ages; relaxation area and attractions.

Water park address: Frunze Park, Kirova Street 35. Water park website: aqua-evpatoriya.

The Lost World Theme Park

This is an open-air park in which there are; 16 life-size dinosaur figures that move and growl when you approach them, a children's sandbox "excavation" and places for relaxation and photo sessions.

Park address: Frunze Park - opposite the Dolphinarium. Park website: park-dinozavrov.

Evpatoria exotarium "Tropicpark"

In the Children's Amusement Park there is a fabulous Dragon, inside of which there is a collection of more than 150 species of the most diverse inhabitants of our planet: monkeys, dwarf horses, colorful spiders and large snakes, lizards and crocodiles, colorful birds and decorative rodents.

The pride of Tropicpark is: a seven-meter reticulated python, a giant anaconda, the world's smallest primates, a giant African tortoise and rare birds.

Tropicpark address: Tokareva Street 43, Children's Park "Dragon Pavilion". Tropicpark website: tropicpark.

There is also a small children's amusement park in the city.

Population, national composition and occupation of local residents

In terms of population, the city of Evpatoria ranks fourth on the Crimean Peninsula: according to data as of January 1, 2022, 107,650 people lived here - this is 88.6% of all those permanently residing in the territory of the Evpatoria City Council.

According to the results of the population census conducted in 2014, the national composition of the city’s residents was distributed as follows: 73.9% Russians, 13.9 Ukrainians, 6.5% Crimean Tatars, 1.7% Tatars, 1.0% Belarusians, 0. 7% Armenians, 0.3% Jews, 0.2% each Azerbaijanis, Poles, Koreans, Karaites and Gypsies, 0.1% each Uzbeks, Germans, Moldovans, Greeks, Georgians, Chuvash, Tajiks, Bulgarians, Mordvins and representatives of others nationalities.

In the summer, thanks to tourists, the number of people living in the resort city of Evpatoria reaches 700-900 thousand people. The fact that the city's population increases several times during the season determines the main occupation of the townspeople - this is the tourism sector: hotel business, cafes, restaurants, bars and canteens, entertainment venues, excursion activities, etc.

But at the same time, Evpatoria is also the largest industrial center of northwestern Crimea - light and food industries are developed here. Among about three dozen enterprises significant for the economy of the city district are a garment factory, a toy factory, a furniture factory "Darvis" and "Vympel", a shoe factory "Tavriya", PA "Lukul" (produces hearing aids), a city printing house, "Evpatoria milk, classic wine winery and soft drink factory. On the northern outskirts of Yevpatoria there is an enterprise with mines and open quarries for the extraction of shell rock (natural stone) and the production of products from it.

The city of Evpatoria in Crimea is a port settlement. Some of the local residents work in the sea trade port, where construction cargo is processed: in the city surroundings, on Lake Donuzlav (the deepest on the peninsula), a sand deposit has been developed, and the port is engaged in its transshipment. In addition, grain transshipment and processing of ships traveling in an easterly direction are also carried out here.

A number of research institutes operate in Yevpatoria: Research Institute of Deep Drilling; Research Institute of Children's Balneology, Medical Rehabilitation and Physiotherapy; Research Institute of Space Research, Management and Use of Space Facilities; Research Institute of Urban Planning and Architecture; Research Institute of Measuring Instrumentation.


Evpatoria Theater named after. A. S. Pushkin (multi-genre; built in 1908–10, architects A. L. Genrikh and P. Ya. Seferov; opened in 1910 as the City Theater, since 1937 named after A. S. Pushkin). Puppet theater-studio “Marionettes” (1991). International Center for Theater Arts "Golden Key" (founded in 1987, since 1995 International Children's Center-Complex, since 2014 modern status and name), it includes the gallery of contemporary art "theHARASHO" (2007), the youth theater "Studio 22" ( 2007), interactive museum “Clown House” (2012), etc.

Where to stay in Evpatoria

When planning a trip to Evpatoria and (or) any other city of Crimea, do not forget to take care of your place of accommodation (hotels, apartments), because upon arrival, at the height of the tourist season, there may not be available rooms, and the closer the date of your vacation, the more Accommodation prices may be higher.

Accommodation in Crimea, including in Yevpatoria, can also be booked on the Booking.com accommodation booking service. To book hotels, apartments (individual apartments with all amenities) and other accommodation facilities throughout Crimea on Booking, you need to check the “I am traveling for work” box in the search form and calmly book the accommodation as usual. Link to Booking.com →

The “I am traveling for work” checkbox will not affect check-in during vacation in any way, it’s just that Booking found a way to get around the prohibitions.

If you want to rent an apartment, then on Booking they are called apartments, which you can select in the search filters and also book.

Supermarkets and markets in Evpatoria

The main market of Yevpatoria is located in the old part of the city.

You can always buy fresh fruits, vegetables and berries at the market. The famous red sweet Yalta onion is very tasty, we recommend you try it. As well as various fish, meat, etc.

Large grocery supermarkets include the PUD supermarket chain, as well as all sorts of smaller supermarkets, shops and kiosks, of which there are plenty in Evpatoria.

Local residents recommend trying the products of the Saki Dairy Plant. They say that milk and all dairy products are very tasty - natural and with a short shelf life. The plant's kiosks are named and located throughout the city.


Healthcare in Evpatoria is represented by a full range of medical institutions whose activities are aimed at early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases. All medical institutions provide the population with a wide range of services, from dental treatment to complex surgical operations.

Dental services

The list of dental clinics in the city includes the following range of procedures:

  • removal, treatment and filling of teeth;
  • implantation of dentures;
  • decorating teeth with precious stones.


Local residents speak well of the multifunctional ophthalmology center, which provides professional diagnostics, prevention and treatment of vision pathologies in both adults and children.

Hospitals and private clinics

In Yevpatoria, as in other Russian cities with a population of more than 100 thousand people, along with municipal hospitals, private clinics and medical centers operate. For example, medical. This institution specializes in various medical areas. The clinic employs doctors of specialized professions - neurologist, urologist, proctologist.

Children with developmental disabilities will receive assistance in rehabilitation. The center’s specialists provide treatment and rehabilitation services to children suffering from cerebral palsy, autism, hydrocephalus, microcephaly and other similar diseases.

On the territory of Evpatoria, in all microdistricts of the city, there are a number of pharmacies of the large pharmaceutical chain Vista.

The central resort clinic offers its services to guests of the city.

All clinics in the city, both private and municipal, employ qualified medical personnel.

How to get there

Many roads to Yevpatoria lead through Simferopol, especially if you arrive in Crimea by plane or by train. Evpatoria has direct railway connections with a limited number of cities, for example, with Moscow and St. Petersburg, and there is simply no civil airport in Evpatoria.

You can get from Simferopol to Yevpatoria by bus - about 250 rubles per ticket or by train - from 120 rubles.

The fastest way to get to Yevpatoria with your own or rented car is along the P-25 highway; the journey will take about an hour.

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Resort characteristics

Seaside climatic and balneological resort. Primorye-steppe climate with mild winters with an average January temperature of approx. +1 °C, and a very warm, dry, sunny summer, with an average July temperature of +23 °C, the number of hours of sunshine is approx. 2400 per year. From last Thursday 19th century Mud therapy is developing (known in the region since antiquity). Therapeutic mud and salt-saturated water of lakes Moinakskoye, Bolshoye and Maloye Yaly-Moynakskiye, Maloye Otar-Moynakskoye and Sasyk, sodium chloride mineral water from wells. In 1905, the first climatic sanatorium in Russia was built in the city. Since 1936 it has been developing primarily as a children's resort.


Accommodation in Evpatoria can be found to suit every taste and budget. Conventionally, it is divided into three groups:

  1. Sanatoriums. In the west of Crimea, in particular in Yevpatoria, the largest number of health resorts on the peninsula are concentrated. This is explained by the healing climate and the presence of many lakes with healing mud. Accommodation and treatment in boarding houses in the city will cost on average from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles per night.
  2. Hotels . The choice of hotels in Evpatoria is very large - from small guest houses with several rooms to luxury five-star hotels. The price range for a room is the same - from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles per day and above. When choosing a hotel, you should focus on reviews and location. Hotels on the first coastline will always cost more, prices also change depending on the season.
  3. Private houses . An option for those who love home comfort and want to save money. With some private owners you can negotiate meals for an additional fee, but in others you will have to cook yourself. It’s better to find out prices on the spot; sometimes you can even bargain. But on average they are one and a half to two times lower than in hotels.


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