History of Gelendzhik: from Torik to a modern resort

  • September 23, 2019
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  • Molton

Gelendzhik is a large settlement on the Black Sea coast of Russia. Where is the city of Gelendzhik? This resort is located in the south of the Krasnodar Territory. Since 2001 it has been listed as a resort of federal significance. The city has an area of ​​only 19.25 km2. Located in a lowland, near a bay. In the article we will look in more detail at where Gelendzhik is located. This can also be seen on the map below.

The number of local residents indicated by official statistics is 77,212 people.

Gelendzhik - where is it?

This city is located on the Black Sea coast, in its eastern part, 25 km southeast of Novorossiysk. The nearest large city is Krasnodar. There is probably no need to remind you that Gelendzhik is Russia.

The terrain in the city itself is flat, and to the northeast of it it is mountainous, mid-mountain. The mountains are covered with broad-leaved (often low-growing) forest and are bare in places. Some of the species growing in the vicinity of Gelendzhik are characteristic of Mediterranean countries.

The climate is largely determined by the latitudes where Gelendzhik is located. This means that it is relatively soft, which is due to the influence of the Black Sea. However, it is more continental than in Sochi, since the mountain range opposite the city is relatively low, and part of the continental air penetrates through it. But at the same time, it is milder than the climate of nearby Novorossiysk. Thanks to the circulation of water in the Black Sea near the coast, it is never too cold or hot, which makes for comfortable swimming. The sea helps mitigate the summer heat and makes winters milder. Due to lower air humidity, Gelendzhik is not as stuffy as in Tuapse or Sochi.

There is quite a lot of precipitation - 849 mm per year. The maximum amount occurs in December and January (125 and 92 mm, respectively). The average temperature in January is +2.3 °C, and in July - +23.1 °C.


The Black Sea coast of the Caucasus has been inhabited since ancient times. Six kilometers southeast of Gelendzhik, on the eastern outskirts of the village of Svetly, a site of an ancient man of the Acheulean era was discovered in 1966. The studied archaeological material made it possible to clarify the age of the ancient man’s site – 200 thousand years. GELENDZHIK BRONZE AGE

The tribes of the Bronze Age, with whom we are separated by 5,000 years, immortalized themselves with grandiose funerary structures made of stone slabs - dolmens. This scientific name was given to the monuments from the first days of their discovery (from the end of the 19th century). Dolmens are megalithic tombs, unique monuments of the past, left to us by the peoples of the Caucasus. Their construction began at the turn of the 4th-3rd millennia BC.

In the Gelendzhik region, 23 points with 82 dolmens were explored, of which about 50 have survived to this day. The most accessible for visiting are located in the saddle of the ridge between the peaks of the Nexis and Dolmen mountains, in the village of Svetly, southeast of Gelendzhik, there are two dolmens: one tiled (“big Aderbievsky”) and block with a zigzag pattern on the walls (“small Aderbievsky”).

Ancient Greek city of the 6th-5th centuries. BC. on the shore of Gelendzhik Bay. Mentioned in the work of Skilacus of Cariande “Periplus of the Inhabited Sea” in the 6th century. BC. and in other works of ancient authors.

The significance of this settlement, originally a station on the route of Greek ships to the Cimmerian Bosporus, apparently changed over a fairly long period of existence (second quarter of the 6th - mid-5th centuries BC). Torik, founded simultaneously with the first apoikia of the European and Asian Bosporus, existed for more than a century.

The population of Torik was engaged in agriculture, fishing, woodworking, metalworking, and making dishes. From here, grain, livestock, leather, and fish of various preparations were exported to the cities of mainland Greece and the colonies.

Torik was the easternmost point of the Bosporan state. Torik died in a fire no later than the middle of the 5th century. BC. Perhaps this happened after an attack by barbarian tribes who were hostile to its population.

In Roman times it ceased to exist.

After the wars of Mithridates Eupator with Rome, at the end of the 1st century. BC e. Political stabilization and economic prosperity of the Bosporus begins, which becomes dependent on Rome.

Written sources mention the harbor of Pagra, which replaced the ancient Greek colony of Thorik. Pagras are mentioned by late antique authors of the 2nd century. and V century, their convenient geographical location with excellent anchorages for ships - Gelendzhik Bay and Blue Bay, were apparently one of the military and trade centers in this place of the Black Sea coast in the I century. BC e. – I-II century n. e. PAGRY.

This harbor is mentioned twice: in the 2nd century. and V century. (they no longer existed in the 5th century), most likely this settlement did not exist for long. Earlier written sources about them have not reached us. One can only assume that the name appeared with the arrival of the Romans, under whose power the Bosporan kingdom actually fell, after the death of Mithridates VI Eupator and the collapse of his power, in 63 BC. e.


At the end of the XIII-XIV centuries. Genoese colonies began to emerge in Crimea and on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Judging by the data of medieval Italian maps, there were 39 colonies in the territory between Tana (Azov) and Sebastopolis (Sukhumi). Among the names is MAVROLAKO, a Genoese colony (settlement) of the 14th-15th centuries. on the shore of Gelendzhik Bay, the best port of the Circassian coast, very often visited by Italian merchants. The Genoese trade road passed through the territory of Gelendzhik along the route: Feodosia - Anapa - Gelendzhik - the right bank of the Kuban River - the Northern Caspian Sea - Turkestan - Iran - China.

The Ottoman Empire put an end to the dominance of the Italians in the Black Sea region by defeating the Genoese colonies. In 1475, the colony of Mavrolaco also ceased to exist.


As a result of Turkey's defeat in the war of 1828-1829. The Treaty of Adrianople was signed, according to which the entire Trans-Kuban region with the eastern coast of the Black Sea passed to Russia. The Peace of Adrianople marked the end of the nine-year eastern crisis of the 20s of the 19th century. It was concluded by Russia in the difficult conditions of intense rivalry between the great powers in the Balkans and the north-eastern Black Sea coast. In addition, the local tribes, whom Turkey continued to supply with weapons and military supplies, refused to submit to Russia. England took an active part in this, concerned about the growing power of Russia.

Attempts by the tsarist government to suppress Turkish and English smuggling operations by organizing cruising of the coast by warships did not bring significant results. Therefore, on the personal instructions of Emperor Nicholas I, the Black Sea coastline was established in 1830. Its fortifications and forts were ordered to be built mainly at the mouths of rivers and in those bays that were used by Turkish ships for smuggling trade.

On February 18, 1831, the Emperor approved the location of military fortifications in the Sudzhuk (now Tsemes) and Gelendzhik bays. By July 5 of the same year, the Black Sea Fleet squadron arrived in Sudzhuk Bay, and on July 23, the squadron moved to Gelendzhik Bay consisting of the frigates Tenedos and Erivan, brigs Mercury, Gelendzhik, Pegasus and Castor, the transporter "Sukhum-Kale", the sloop "Diana", and other warships. Until July 27, the bay was inspected and a site was selected for laying the fortification. On July 28, 1831, a landing of ground forces consisting of 4,138 people under the command of Major General Berkhman Ermolai Astafyevich was landed on the Tolsty Cape of Gelendzhik Bay. This date is the foundation of the Gelendzhik military fortification, and subsequently the settlement of Gelendzhik.

GELENDZHIK in the second half of the 19th century

In the early 1860s. there is an expansion of the territory of the Kuban region at the expense of the Trans-Kuban lands, which, on the basis of the rescript dated June 23, 1861 and the “Regulations on the settlement of the foothills of the western part of the Caucasus Range by the Kuban Cossacks and other settlers from Russia” dated May 10, 1862, were provided for use by the Kuban Cossack army for studies in Cossack villages.

From April 1 to September 1, 1864, the Russian Cossack population settled the newly occupied spaces on the southern slope of the Main Caucasus Range from Gelendzhik to Tuapse.

In May 1864, 800 Cossacks of the Kuban Army and retired sailors of the Black Sea Fleet from the city of Nikolaev were settled in 12 established villages, in the area from Gelendzhik Bay to the Tuapse River. They formed the Shapsug coastal battalion. The name comes from the ethnonym “Shapsugs” - an Adyghe tribe that lived on the Black Sea coast. It included the following villages: Aderbievskaya, Gelendzhikskaya, Pshadskaya, Beregovaya, Vulanskaya, Defanovskaya, Dzhubga (the location of the headquarters). The villages were extremely small in number and were military settlements, with an average of 50 families, and instead of a battalion, only 450 people, divided into three lines, were sent to serve on cordons and longboats. By the end of 1864, there were 629 families (4,157 people) who were displaced. By decree of March 10, 1866, representatives of all classes, as well as foreign subjects of the Christian faith, were allowed to settle in the Black Sea District. The mixed national composition of the population of the steles is a characteristic feature of the Black Sea coast: Russians, Greeks, Armenians, Circassians, Czechs, Moldovans, Estonians, Georgians, and Germans settled here.

In 1867, the village of Kabardinka (Greeks) and the village of Armenian (Armenians), formed in 1865-1866, were added to the battalion villages. Christian refugees from the Ottoman Empire. The total number in 1867 was 3,434 people, including 2,915 Cossacks. In 1868, the lands of the Shapsug coastal battalion were annexed to the Black Sea District. In 1870, the villages were transferred to the civil department, and some of the Cossacks returned to the Kuban region. With the transfer of the villages, all coastal settlements were divided into three guardianships (sections): Novorossiysk, Sochinskoye (Dakhovskoye) and Velyaminovskoye (Tuapsinskoye).

In 1873, the total number of residents of the 12 villages of the former Shapsug battalion was only 2,760 people of both sexes. After 10 years, almost all the Cossacks moved to the Kuban region. The Russian-Turkish war that began in the late 70s of the 19th century negated what had been achieved, forcing many of the settlers who had taken root on the coast to leave it, abandoning their undertakings and the first results of their work to the mercy of fate.

Since the settlement of the coast progressed slowly and the management system was imperfect, by the Decree of March 21, 1888, the Black Sea District was deprived of administrative independence and transferred to the subordination of the head of the Kuban region. This situation remained until 1896.

On January 1, 1894, the Novorossiysk section included the settlements - villages: Aderbievka, Beregovaya, Gelendzhik, Kabardinka, Praskoveevka, Pshada, and Velyaminovsky - Arkhipo-Osipovka, Tekos, Teshebs. By the 90s of the 19th century, all the land on the Black Sea coast was sold and given away, and meanwhile the coast continued to be a deserted desert. Of great importance for the development of Gelendzhik was the construction of the Sukhumi highway in 1891, which attracted summer residents; in 1894, the opening of a cement plant of a Franco-Russian company attracted up to 3,000 workers and employees.


In 1900, Doctor of Medicine M.F. Sulzhinsky opened the first private “Black Sea Sanatorium” in Gelendzhik. This date is considered the year the resort was founded. “The wonderful corner occupied by the sanatorium, excellent food and constant medical supervision are without a doubt capable of restoring shattered health...” - this is how one of the patients of the sanatorium responded.

Following the Sulzhinsky sanatorium, as the guidebooks of the early twentieth century wrote, “health resorts in Gelendzhik began to grow like mushrooms.” In 1901, Doctor Svetlinsky opened the Blue Sea climatic hospital in False Gelendzhik (now the village of Divnomorskoye). In 1913, the Kuban Medical Society opened a children's bone-tuberculosis sanatorium (DKTS) named after Pirogov on Tonky Cape.


Gelendzhik acquired city status on August 5, 1915 in accordance with the Decree of the Sovereign Emperor of the Russian Empire Nicholas II. After the revolution, according to Lenin’s decree “On healing areas,” the committee formed a resort commission, which defines Gelendzhik as a resort of national importance and a healing area for patients with anemia, nervous system disorders, and mild and moderate forms of tuberculosis. On Tonkiy Mys, a DKTS, named after the October Revolution, is reopening. On the basis of nationalized private dachas in 1920-30. In Gelendzhik, Soviet health resorts are being created, including a holiday home for communications workers - the Caucasus boarding house, a sanatorium of the Moscow State University - a sanatorium named after. M.V. Lomonosov. By 1939, the resort consisted of 14 sanatoriums, 16 rest houses, 7 pioneer camps, in which more than 50 thousand people were treated and rested annually. Gelendzhik continues to develop as a climatic resort.


Three days after the start of the Great Patriotic War, on June 25, 1941, Gelendzhik, as a port and border city, was declared in a threatened position.

From September 1942 to September 1943 The front line ran along the eastern outskirts of the city of Novorossiysk, 30 km from our city. From this period, the purpose of Gelendzhik changed radically. The goals of using the front-line territory became military-strategic, and the tasks of the remaining local population became multifaceted. The city became a working place, a hospital, and a base for combat and material support for the Novorossiysk group of Soviet troops. Combat control over the actions of military forces was carried out from Gelendzhik. Throughout the battle for Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik was subjected to severe enemy bombing. The bombing was especially intense in the areas of the seaport and Tonky Cape - the locations of the Naval Base and aviation.

In January-February 1943, in Gelendzhik, a special-purpose detachment was formed under the command of Hero of the Soviet Union, Major Caesar Lvovich Kunikov, to land troops on the southwestern outskirts of Novorossiysk. As a result of fierce fighting, the bridgehead on which the Kunikovites landed was expanded to almost 30 square kilometers and became known as Malaya Zemlya. The military epic on Malaya Zemlya lasted 225 days. All this time, ammunition and manpower were delivered there from Gelendzhik by sea at night, and from there the wounded defenders of the heroic bridgehead were taken out.

An operation to liberate Novorossiysk was prepared in Gelendzhik, as a result of which on September 16, 1943 the city was completely liberated from the Nazi invaders. From 1941 to 1945, over 2,000 residents of Gelendzhik died for the freedom and independence of their Fatherland.


After the Great Patriotic War, all residents of Gelendzhik took up the task of restoring the war-ravaged city and sanatorium-resort facilities. In the post-war period, sanatoriums were reconstructed, the medical facilities were improved, and throughput increased. In the 50-60s of the last century, many sanatoriums were expanded, new dormitories were built, medical rooms were replenished with the latest equipment, the capacity of health resorts increased, and the construction of new health resorts began. In 1952, in Gelendzhik and resort villages there were 27 sanatoriums and holiday homes with 5,220 beds. In addition, the number of vacationers without vouchers has reached 40 thousand people per season. Tuberculosis, neurosomatic patients, etc. were treated in sanatoriums. In 1960, by decision of the Government of the RSFSR, sanatoriums and rest homes were transferred to the management of trade unions.

In 1963, mainly in the summer season, about 400 thousand workers visited the resort. The total number of health resorts has reached 101, including 10 sanatoriums, a resort clinic with a boarding house, 16 holiday homes, three tourist centers, two car boarding houses, two camping grounds. The bulk of health resorts were represented by small summer recreation centers.

On August 28, 1970, by resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 723, the Gelendzhik resort received the status of a resort of All-Union significance. In the period 1970-1980, new modern sanatorium and resort facilities were built in Gelendzhik: a 9-story building of the sanatorium named after. Lomonosov, the main and residential buildings of the boarding house "Chernomorets" with a swimming pool (now the "Dolphinarium"), 6-storey buildings of the boarding house "Pine Grove", the main building and dining room of the boarding house "Caucasus", boarding house "Polar Star", new buildings of the boarding house "Primorye" ", new sanatorium "Krasnaya Talka", boarding house "Blue Wave", tourist hotels "Solnechnaya" and "Horizon", boarding house "Thin Cape", sanatoriums "Blue Bay" and Children's bone tuberculosis, boarding houses "Golubaya Dal" and "Energetik" in the village of Divnomorskoye, the boarding houses “Prometheus” and “Nadezhda” in Kabardinka, new buildings and the dining room of the sanatorium “Arkhipo-Osipovka” and others.

Pioneer camps were rapidly built: “Znamya”, “Sputnik”, “Brave and Bold”, “Signal”, “Sputnik” in Kabardinka, “Rostselmash”, “Sanatorium-Forest School “Vorkutaugol” in Gelendzhik, “Malozemelets” in Dzhanhot and other. Almost all existing facilities of the sanatorium-resort complex were built during the Soviet period of its development. They are still the flagships of the resort city of Gelendzhik. Also, the bulk of the construction of leading social facilities in the resort city was also carried out in the period from 1970 to 1991. During this time, a medical building of the city hospital, a maternity hospital, a city clinic were built, secondary schools No. 5 and No. 12, kindergartens “Kalinka”, “Aist”, “Lukomorye”, the cinema “Burevestnik”, the Palace of Culture were built according to standard designs resort. The first nine-story residential buildings were built in the mid-70s, and until 1991 such residential microdistricts as Parus, Severny, and Yuzhny were built. Almost the entire social base of the resort was created during this historical period of development of our state. The 1990s became a serious test for the resort, but, despite the difficulties of the perestroika period, many health resorts in Gelendzhik managed to adapt to the conditions of the market economy and maintain a unique medical base.


At the beginning of the 21st century, Gelendzhik retained its status as a seaside climatic resort.

Millions of tourists from our country, near and far abroad come to relax in the resort city, which is unique and especially colorful.

The resort has more than 100 medical and health institutions: sanatoriums, boarding houses, recreation centers, comfortable health resort complexes and children's health camps. The main profile is the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system.

In 2009, Gelendzhik was recognized as the most comfortable city in Russia and was awarded a diploma from the Government of the Russian Federation.

The resort city of Gelendzhik 4 times became the “Best Resort on the Black Sea Coast” in the regional competition of tourism industry leaders of the Krasnodar Territory “Resort Olympus”. This significant award is recognition that the priority in the development of the resort is to create comfortable conditions for life and recreation for citizens of our country, near and far abroad.

In 2022, the municipality of the resort city of Gelendzhik was visited by 3 million 907 thousand 028 people.

Gelendzhik is a favorite vacation spot for people of different ages. The recreation and entertainment industry in Gelendzhik does not stand still, it is developing from year to year: new excursion routes and display facilities are opening (cultural, educational, ethnic, sports and entertainment complexes).

In 2022, 4,002,067 people visited Gelendzhik. The majority of tourists go to the resort for a beach holiday and swimming in the sea. One of the reasons for the massive presence of tourists can be considered the creation of event projects, such as: “Velvet Season” and international boxing fights, which took place in the central square of the resort city.

The number of tourists visiting Gelendzhik in 2022 was 2,298,833 people. The decrease in tourist flow was due to the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that the holiday season began a month later. The resort operates 31 enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex and 352 private accommodation facilities.

In 2022, the resort was visited by 3,611,068 people. Gelendzhik is gradually ceasing to be just a summer resort. Now it is chosen for holidays in spring, winter and autumn. This year it was in demand and popular. Sandy and pebble beaches, the longest snow-white 14-kilometer embankment in Russia, air rich in phytoncides, and rich greenery attract more and more vacationers. During the off-season, 8 year-round sanatorium-resort enterprises welcome guests for health improvement and treatment under preferential terms of the regional marketing program “Southern Health”. Based on the results of 5 shifts in 2022, 20,293 children rested in recreation and health organizations for children (in 2022 - 7,000 children). During the holiday season, 66 beach areas were organized, their area increased by 15 thousand square meters. Children's playgrounds in the village were modernized using resort tax funds. Krinitsa and hut. Betta, sports equipment was installed on the embankments, a skate park was equipped in the village. Arkhipo-Osipovka, an automatic watering system for flower beds has been created in the village. Kabardinka, green spaces have been planted, benches, trash cans, observation binoculars have been installed on the embankments, light structures and small architectural forms have been placed. The opening of new tourist display facilities of the restaurant and tasting complex “Chateau de Talus”, “House of Arts” and “Museum of Mineralogy and Paleontology” took place in the cultural.

Population of Gelendzhik

Since Soviet times, the city has developed as a resort, which could not but affect its demographic indicators. The city is characterized by exponential population growth. Only in 2002 and 2003. it was shrinking. In 2022, the number of residents grew only slightly and the exponential nature of the curve was broken. In 2022, the city’s residents numbered 77,212 people (214th place among Russian cities). The reason for the rapid population growth in the last 10 years was mainly migration, since natural increase was negative.

The national composition of the population is quite specific. In first place, as in most cities of the Russian Federation, are Russians - 76.19%. In second place are the Greeks (4.26%). Next come Armenians (2.72%), and then Ukrainians (2.32%).

The official unemployment rate is only 0.2%.

Banks and ATMs

There are no problems with ATMs and banks in Gelendzhik. Vacationers can withdraw the required amount of money at any convenient time. Most bank branches are open from 10:00 to 22:00, ATMs are open 24 hours a day.

Sovcombank - in Gelendzhik

The resort offers the following banks:

  1. VTB Bank. The branches are located at the following addresses: st. Khalturina, 30; st. Solntsedarskaya, 10; st. Lenina, 10; st. Lunacharskogo, 6. There are also ATMs where you can deposit and withdraw money.
  2. Bank opening. Located at st. Kirova, 51. In addition, the resort has about 6 ATMs from this bank.

    Otkritie - bank in Gelendzhik

  3. Sberbank. There are a total of 4 bank branches in Gelendzhik. They are open from Monday to Friday, from 08:30 to 18:00. Office on the street Lenina, 23 is also open on Saturday (from 09:00 to 16:00).

    Sberbank - in Gelendzhik

  4. Bank Uralsib. Located on the street. Kirova, 51. Open on weekdays, from 09:00 to 18:00.
  5. Home Credit. The bank's head office is located on the street. Gorky, 23. It is available for visiting from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 19:00.

Alfa Bank ATMs in Gelendzhik are located at st. Kirova, 130 and st. Ostrovsky, 6. Tinkoff Bank ATM is located on the street. Revolutionary, 11.

Addresses of Sberbank ATMs in Gelendzhik:

  • st. Mostovaya, 1;
  • st. Telmana, no. 135;
  • st. Kirova, 134;
  • st. Sovetskaya, 71;
  • st. Turisticheskaya, 23;
  • st. Gvardeiskaya, 38;
  • st. Khalturina, 30;
  • st. Pogranichnaya, 1;
  • st. Kirova, 125;
  • st. Revolutionary, 21.

Post Bank - in Gelendzhik


The city is located on the M4 Don federal highway, well known to many Russians. It goes around the city in the northeast, so as not to create problems for vacationers. The congestion on the route is high. Another type of external transport is sea and air. There are no railways, which distinguishes Gelendzhik from other resorts on the Black Sea coast of Russia.

Intracity and suburban transport is represented by buses. There are also several taxi organizations. The city has two cable cars that take tourists to the mountainous surroundings of Gelendzhik.

How to get to the resort?

So, information about Gelendzhik, the features of recreation in these places, local attractions and much more were examined in detail. Now it’s worth talking about how you can get to the resort. There are several options for traveling to Gelendzhik, you can always choose the most suitable one.

The first and most common way to get to the city is by rail. The train does not go to Gelendzhik, but in this case it is convenient to get to Novorossiysk by it. From there, from the railway station, you can get to Gelendzhik by bus or taxi, which won’t take much time. Travel time by train from Moscow to Novorossiysk is approximately 1.5 days. Most people who want to travel to Gelendzhik in June usually buy tickets well in advance of the trip as it is the most popular month.

The second travel option is to go by personal vehicle. This method is also very convenient, since in this case it becomes possible to independently move around the city and its environs, as well as explore various sights. To get there from Moscow, you need to follow the M4 Don highway. The distance between the two cities is about 1518 kilometers. The trip will take about 18 hours.


Gelendzhik is famous for its large number of monuments. This is mainly a legacy of Soviet times. The total number of monuments and sculptures is about 20. There is one bust.

There are 3 water parks in the city: “Golden Bay”, “Dolphin”, “Behemoth”. There are 3 museums available for visiting.

There are many natural, historical and man-made attractions in the surrounding area. Among them are a forest of relict pine, dolmens, the Parus rock, waterfalls, a grove of relict juniper, and a large inscription “Gelendzhik” on the mountain opposite the city. In the city itself you can visit the Olympus recreation and entertainment park, the Roman Empire show park, the 70 Years of Victory park, a safari park, a city amusement park, and a dolphinarium.



  1. ^ a b c d f
    Reference information No. 34.01-707 / 13-03
  2. ^ a b
    Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (2011).
    “All-Russian Population Census 2010. Volume 1" [All-Russian Population Census 2010, vol. 1]. All-Russian Population Census 2010 [All-Russian Population Census 2010]
    (in Russian). Federal State Statistics Service.
  3. https://krsdstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krsdstat/resources/b98c9c8044d9a869b7d6bfde4cdebdf4/Estimation+number_01.01.2018.htm; archive date: April 3, 2022; received: March 23, 2022; Archive URL: https://web.archive.org/web/20180403051854/https://krsdstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krsdstat/resources/b98c9c8044d9a869b7d6bfde4cdebdf4/%D0%9E%D1%5% D0%9E%D1%586% % D0% BD% D0% BA% D0% B0 +% D1% 87% D0% B8% D1% 81% D0% BB% D0% B5% D0% BD% D0% BD% D0% BE% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B8_01.01.2018.htm.
  4. ^ a b c
    Law No. 668-KZ
  5. "On the calculation of time." Official Internet portal of legal information
    (in Russian). June 3, 2011. Retrieved January 19, 2022.
  6. Post office. Information and computing center of OASU RPO. ( Post office
    Search for postal facilities ( Search for postal facilities
    ) (in Russian)
  7. Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (May 21, 2004). > [Population of Russia, its federal districts, federal subjects, districts, urban settlements, rural settlements - administrative centers, rural settlements with a population of more than 3000 people] (XLS). All-Russian Population Census of 2002 [All-Russian Population Census of 2002]
    (in Russian).
  8. “All-Union Population Census of 1989. Current population of union and autonomous republics, autonomous regions and districts, territories, regions, urban settlements and villages. Cities and partnerships.” gelendzhik.org
    (in Russian). Gelendzhik. Retrieved February 5, 2022.

Department of Housing and Utilities

Housing and communal services problems in resort areas are a common occurrence. Due to the influx of tourists, there is a shortage of electricity, water, and gas. Tariffs for housing and communal services are very high in Gelendzhik, which are higher than in Moscow. There are problems with the quality of the Internet. In the private sector, all this can be eliminated by installing additional equipment. Therefore, when moving to this city, the best option would be a private house with a plot. The worst situation is in new buildings, where due to a lack of residents, housing and communal services can be turned off in the entire apartment building.

Features of relaxation in this place

So, the basic facts about the territory, geographical location and population of the city were considered. Now it’s worth talking about some of the nuances associated with staying here. When going to the resorts of Gelendzhik, you need to know some of the features of a seaside holiday in these places. Firstly, it must be noted that local nature is not only beautiful and unusual, it has a positive effect on health. Here are magnificent groves of centuries-old pines; they saturate the air with useful substances and make it much cleaner, which undoubtedly has a beneficial effect on the body.

Another important point is that there are practically no operating industrial enterprises in the city, which also contributes to good air quality.

As for the sea, it is calm and quite clean in these places, compared to other areas, due to the fact that the resort is located in a bay. Therefore, tourists with children often choose a holiday in Gelendzhik; here you don’t have to worry about the safety of little vacationers.

Flood victim

The contrast of air masses and the large amount of moisture evaporating from the surface of the Black Sea create a serious risk of heavy rains leading to floods. In a warming climate, this threat will only increase. The worst flood occurred here in July 2012, when a small but unusually powerful cyclone caused heavy rains, during which about 300 mm of precipitation fell in one day! Gelendzhik was among the three most flooded cities. The flood claimed the lives of many people, and the number of victims was in the tens of thousands. However, the frequency of floods in Gelendzhik is much lower than in Tuapse, where they are now observed several times a year.

Under Ottoman influence

At the end of the 15th century, the lands of the Genoese were captured by the army of the Ottoman ruler. The trading settlement that arose on the site of Mavrolako was named Gelendzhik. For a long time it was a slave market, from where the Turks took young girls to eastern harems. Other goods included timber, livestock, agricultural products and slaves, who were sent to the Trebizond mines. Turkish merchants dictated their terms here for 3 centuries.

There are two versions of the origin of the city's name:

  • translated from the Turkic language - “young bride”, according to the type of activity of the settlement;
  • translated from the Adyghe name - “small pasture”.

Turkish rulers persistently introduced the Islamic religion to the peoples of the Caucasus. Those who accepted the new religion were exempt from taxes and paid only one fee for the use of land. Disobedience was severely punished. If the khanate was headed by a new ruler, the highlanders had to provide people to form a new army and 300 slaves.

1831Foundation of the Gelendzhik fortification as part of the Black Sea fortified coastline
1854The territory was occupied until the end of the war by the troops of the Ottoman Empire who arrived from the south.
1857Russian troops entered the authorized fortress
1864Founding of the village of Gelendzhik as part of the Shapsug coastal battalion
1870The village was transformed into the village of Gelendzhikskoye as part of the Novorossiysk department of the Black Sea District
1896Village of Gelendzhik
1900Opening of the first private sanatorium
1907The coast of Gelendzhik Bay has officially become a resort
1915Gelendzhik received city status
1923-1963Gelendzhik - the center of the Gelendzhik region
1970Gelendzhik is a resort of all-Union significance


Judging by reviews from the last three years, the population as a whole is happy with their city. Thus, resort guests share their impressions that Gelendzhik is a calmer city than Sochi, and that it has its own romance. However, they note that in the summer it is a little noisy. Vacationers also write on forums that people here are gentler than in the country as a whole. And the products are quite high quality. They indicate problems with work, the Internet, transport, drinking water and the environment in general. However, there are conflicting opinions regarding the latter. As with the entire Black Sea coast, there is a risk of contracting infectious diseases.

Sea and beaches

Another main feature of the Gelendzhik resort is a wide selection of wild and developed beaches. The resort sea is clean and warm. You can swim there from mid-May to October. To maintain the required level of cleanliness, special treatment facilities are used in Gelendzhik Bay. The vessel NMS-65 is responsible for collecting oil waste and household waste.

Gelendzhik - beach

Another distinctive feature of Gelendzhik is the absence of water blooms, which is typical for Anapa and other cities in the Krasnodar Territory. The beautiful beaches near Gelendzhik have both pebble and sand. Almost all of them are freely accessible to vacationers. You can read more about the beaches of Gelendzhik in a separate article.

Gelendzhik - embankment

High steep banks in Greater Gelendzhik reach a height of 200 meters

The main part of the embankment of the city of Gelendzhik is located around Gelendzhik Bay, the shore of which is quite flat. Outside the bay, the shores become high and steep.

On Tolstoy Cape, on the outskirts of the city, the height of the cliff reaches 10-15 meters, and if you move about 1 km from the edge of the city, you can already see high rocky cliffs reaching 40 meters, that is, the height of a 13-story building. The rocks here are extremely picturesque, and the view of the sea from the heights is absolutely magnificent.

Further, 14-18 km from Gelendzhik, the coast becomes even higher, and between the villages of Dzhanhot and Praskoveevka the height of the cliffs reaches 200 meters.

Steep rocky coast 1 km from Gelendzhik

Rocky cliff between Dzhankhot and Praskoveevka

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