Population of the Smolensk region: size and ethnic composition

“The city is great and full of people” - this is how the Ustyuzhan Chronicle of the 9th century describes the glorious ancient Smolensk. This is the very first mention of the glorious Smolensk region. For the second millennium, an ancient Russian city has been standing on the banks of the Dnieper, which has become a major regional center. Traveling through these places becomes a real discovery of the glorious region. Not only the nature and architecture are surprising, but also the population of the Smolensk region. Guests here are always greeted warmly, with Russian grandeur.

Location of the Smolensk region

The western borders of the Russian land are framed by the glorious Smolensk lands, which can be compared to a wise old warrior guarding peace. And, indeed, more than once this heroic city became a shield for Russia. Smolensk itself is located in the upper reaches of the Dnieper River at a distance of 365 km from Moscow. The Smolensk region is a subject of the Russian Federation and is part of the Central Federal District.

The city, which originated on seven hills, along which the trade route from the “Varyags to the Greeks” passed, became the center of many settlements. Today, the Smolensk region has a common border with the Bryansk, Pskov, Moscow, Kaluga, and Tver regions. Belarus adjoins the Smolensk region with the Vitebsk and Mogilev regions. The region was formed in 1937.

Residents in populated areas of the region (cities, towns, villages)

Smolensk region921 127663 281257 846
Urban district - City of Smolensk320 170320 1700
Smolensk320 170320 1700
Urban district - City of Desnogorsk27 08327 05132
Desnogorsk27 05127 0510
Velizh municipal district10 1176 6393 478
Velizh urban settlement7 0416 639402
Velizh6 6396 6390
Krutovo rural settlement9140914
Pechenkovskoe rural settlement8280828
Seleznevskoye rural settlement1 33401 334
Vyazemsky municipal district73 86152 43421 427
Vyazemsky urban settlement52 43452 4340
Vyazma52 43452 4340
Andreikovskoe rural settlement3 31003 310
Vyazma-Bryansk rural settlement5 30205 302
Kaydakovskoe rural settlement2 30102 301
Novoselskoe rural settlement2 36502 365
Semlyovskoe rural settlement3 00203 002
Stepanikovskoe rural settlement1 90001 900
Tumanovskoe rural settlement3 24703 247
Gagarinsky municipal district44 18328 70215 481
Gagarin urban settlement28 70228 7020
Gagarin28 70228 7020
Gagarin rural settlement6 17806 178
Karmanovskoe rural settlement3 40203 402
Nikolskoye rural settlement5 90105 901
Glinkovsky municipal district3 96903 969
Boltutinskoye rural settlement8210821
Glinka rural settlement2 30802 308
Dobrominskoe rural settlement8400840
Demidovsky municipal district10 9677 3993 568
Demidovskoe urban settlement6 1386 033105
Demidov6 0336 0330
Przhevalskoe urban settlement1 3661 3660
town Przhevalskoe1 3661 3660
Borkovskoe rural settlement2820282
Zaborevskoe rural settlement1 38801 388
Slobodskoe rural settlement1270127
Titovshchinskoe rural settlement1 66601 666
Dorogobuzhsky municipal district24 60820 3174 291
Dorogobuzhskoe urban settlement9 2029 2020
Dorogobuzh9 2029 2020
Verkhnedneprovskoye urban settlement11 11511 1150
Verkhnedneprovsky village11 11511 1150
Aleksinsky rural settlement1 20801 208
Mikhailovskoye rural settlement1 62501 625
Usvyatskoye rural settlement1 45801 458
Dukhovshchinsky municipal district14 1899 0185 171
Dukhovshchinskoe urban settlement3 8913 83259
Dukhovshchina3 8323 8320
Ozernenskoe urban settlement5 3305 186144
village Ozerny5 1865 1860
Bulgakovskoe rural settlement1 07001 070
Prechistenskoye rural settlement2 27502 275
Tretyakov rural settlement1 62301 623
Elninsky municipal district12 0478 6293 418
Elninskoe urban settlement8 8018 629172
Yelnya8 6298 6290
Bobrovichi rural settlement7360736
Korobetskoye rural settlement1 11001 110
Leonidovskoe rural settlement1 40001 400
Ershichi municipal district5 58605 586
Vorginskoe rural settlement8110811
Ershichi rural settlement3 06103 061
Kuzmichskoe rural settlement8010801
Ruhanskoe rural settlement9130913
Kardymovsky municipal district12 1484 6287 520
Kardymovskoye urban settlement5 0174 628389
Kardymovo village4 6284 6280
Kamenskoye rural settlement2 46102 461
Tyushinsky rural settlement2 32802 328
Shokinskoye rural settlement2 34202 342
Krasninsky municipal district11 6474 0517 596
Krasninskoye urban settlement4 1504 05199
village Krasny4 0514 0510
Gusinsky rural settlement4 00204 002
Maleevskoe rural settlement1 54601 546
Merlin rural settlement1 94901 949
Monastyrshchinsky municipal district8 5723 4715 101
Monastyrschinskoe urban settlement3 4713 4710
town Monastyrshchyna3 4713 4710
Alexandrovskoye rural settlement7590759
Barsukovskoe rural settlement6010601
Gogol rural settlement9240924
Novomikhailovskoe rural settlement7020702
Sobolevskoye rural settlement1 10001 100
Tatar rural settlement1 01501 015
Novoduginsky municipal district8 67208 672
Vysokovskoe rural settlement1 09501 095
Dnieper rural settlement1 50401 504
Izvekovskoe rural settlement9810981
Novoduginskoe rural settlement4 12404 124
Tesovskoe rural settlement9680968
Pochinkovsky municipal district28 6898 17120 518
Pochinkovskoe urban settlement8 1718 1710
Pochinok8 1718 1710
Leninsky rural settlement2 10802 108
Muryginskoye rural settlement5 01005 010
Prudkovskoe rural settlement3 31803 318
Stodolishchenskoe rural settlement4 38004 380
Shatalovskoe rural settlement5 70205 702
Roslavl municipal district65 98248 22817 754
Roslavl urban settlement48 22848 2280
Roslavl48 22848 2280
Astapkovichi rural settlement2 10002 100
Ekimovichi rural settlement2 22102 221
Kirillovskoe rural settlement2 50202 502
Lipovskoe rural settlement1 18901 189
Lyubovskoe rural settlement1 35401 354
Oster rural settlement4 02004 020
Perenskoye rural settlement1 28001 280
Prigoryevskoe rural settlement1 80101 801
Syrokorenskoye rural settlement1 28701 287
Rudnyansky municipal district21 94012 6169 324
Rudnyanskoe urban settlement9 4139 4130
Rudnya9 4139 4130
Golynkovskoe urban settlement3 2033 2030
Golynki village3 2033 2030
Lubavitch rural settlement2 02602 026
Perevolochskoe rural settlement2 21402 214
Ponizovskoe rural settlement2 00302 003
Chistikovskoe rural settlement3 08103 081
Safonovsky municipal district54 98640 53714 449
Safonovskoe urban settlement40 53740 5370
Safonovo40 53740 5370
Baranovskoe rural settlement1 72501 725
Beleninskoe rural settlement8780878
Vadinskoe rural settlement3 03203 032
Vyshegorskoye rural settlement2 46102 461
Zimnitskoye rural settlement6770677
Izdeshkovskoye rural settlement1 73601 736
Kazulinskoye rural settlement6190619
Nikolo-Pogorelovskoye rural settlement5180518
Prudkovskoe rural settlement9280928
Pushkinskoe rural settlement6620662
Rybkovskoe rural settlement7660766
Staroselskoye rural settlement4470447
Smolensk municipal district61 385061 385
Volokovskoe rural settlement6210621
Vyazginskoe rural settlement8530853
Gnezdovo rural settlement4 30204 302
Divasovskoe rural settlement5 35005 350
Kasplyanskoe rural settlement1 20001 200
Katyn rural settlement4 40904 409
Kozinskoe rural settlement9 90509 905
Korokhotkinskoye rural settlement5 40305 403
Koshchinskoe rural settlement2 11102 111
Loin rural settlement5390539
Mikhnovskoye rural settlement2 71602 716
Novoselskoe rural settlement1 14501 145
Pecherskoe rural settlement6 28906 289
Pionerskoe rural settlement1 12401 124
Prigorskoe rural settlement5 85505 855
Smetaninskoye rural settlement1 70001 700
Stabenskoe rural settlement3 64803 648
Talashkinskoe rural settlement2 41302 413
Khokhlovskoye rural settlement1 80201 802
Sychevsky municipal district13 3488 3944 954
Sychevskoe urban settlement8 3948 3940
Sychevka8 3948 3940
Duginskoye rural settlement1 12201 122
Karavaevskoe rural settlement1 41501 415
Maltsevskoe rural settlement1 45801 458
Nikolskoye rural settlement9590959
Temkinsky municipal district5 56105 561
Batyushkovskoe rural settlement9680968
Medvedevskoe rural settlement1 15201 152
Pavlovskoe rural settlement1 14101 141
Temkinskoe rural settlement2 30002 300
Ugransky municipal district7 08207 082
Vskhodskoe rural settlement1 41401 414
Znamenskoye rural settlement1 74101 741
Ugranskoe rural settlement3 92703 927
Khislavichsky municipal district7 4783 7553 723
Khislavichskoe urban settlement3 7553 7550
village Khislavichi3 7553 7550
Vladimirovskoye rural settlement1280128
Gorodishchenskoe rural settlement9510951
Kozhukhovichi rural settlement7040704
Korzovskoye rural settlement8170817
Pecherskoe rural settlement7420742
Cherepovskoe rural settlement3810381
Kholm-Zhirkovsky municipal district8 7843 0645 720
Kholm-Zhirkovskoe urban settlement3 2063 064142
village Kholm-Zhirkovsky3 0643 0640
Agibalovskoe rural settlement8320832
Bogdanovskoye rural settlement1 05301 053
Igorevskoe rural settlement1 64601 646
Lekhminskoye rural settlement1 02601 026
Tupikovskoe rural settlement1 02101 021
Shumyachsky municipal district8 7493 6225 127
Shumyachskoe urban settlement3 6223 6220
village Shumyachi3 6223 6220
Nadejkovichi rural settlement4560456
Ozernoe rural settlement9030903
Pervomaiskoe rural settlement1 56301 563
Poniatovskoe rural settlement6650665
Russian rural settlement6320632
Snegirevskoe rural settlement6200620
Studenetskoe rural settlement2880288
Yartsevo municipal district49 32442 3856 939
Yartsevo urban settlement42 38542 3850
Yartsevo42 38542 3850
Kapyrevshchinskoe rural settlement1 97401 974
Mikheykovskoe rural settlement1 41001 410
Mushkovichi rural settlement7170717
Podroshchinskoe rural settlement8370837
Suetovskoe rural settlement2 00102 001

Brief description of the area

The Smolensk region occupies about 50,000 km in the center of the East European Plain. There are both highlands and lowlands here. The climate here is moderate continental, as the climate zone is temperate. Driving through this area, you can observe wavy surfaces, hilly areas, and river valleys.

On the territory of the Smolensk region there are many minerals of sedimentary origin. Here you can encounter deposits of brown coal, peat, rock salt, loam, and clay. Nature has not deprived these lands of healing mud and mineral waters. Sometimes there are deposits of rock crystal, silicon, ore, and ocher. Peat reserves in this area are very large. Sand, gravel, and gypsum are mined here for construction work.

In winter the temperature here is moderately frosty, in summer it is warm and rainy. Such tributaries of the Dnieper as the Vyazma, Vop, Desna, and Sozh flow through the region. From here such large rivers as the Volga and Oka, into which the Vazuza and Ugra flow, also replenish their water reserves.

The main area of ​​the Smolensk region is occupied by sod-podzolic soils. Sometimes there are sandy and loamy areas. There are many forests, meadows, and swamps in this region. Cultivated plants are widely planted. The main representatives of forests are spruce, birch, and aspen. Oaks, maples, ash trees, and linden trees are slightly less represented. The fauna here is represented by many species of mammals and birds. About 50 species of fish are found in local reservoirs.

Historical information

Initially, the Krivichi lived on the lands of the Smolensk region; the population of the Smolensk region originates from them. Then the city was under the control of Kievan Rus for a long time. The heyday of the Smolensk Principality occurred in the 12th century. For some time, part of the lands was part of the Lithuanian Principality, and later they were annexed by the Moscow Principality. The final transition of the Smolensk lands to the Russian state occurred after the Russian-Polish confrontations. This is how the Smolensk province arose in the 18th century.

At the beginning of the Soviet period, some part of the Smolensk region was part of the Belarusian SSR. And since 1937 it has acquired modern borders.

Population of the Smolensk region

The 2010 All-Russian Census found that out of 18 regions of the Central District of the Federation, the Smolensk Territory took 16th place. The population of the Smolensk region then amounted to 985,500 people. During historical events, this figure changed very often. According to Rosstat, in 2013 the population density of the Smolensk region was 19.59 people per sq. km. The decrease in density was once greatly influenced by urbanization.

The urban population significantly exceeds the number of rural residents. So this ratio is equal to 72% of urban residents to 28% of the rural population. The number of women in relation to men is also significantly higher. The number of women is currently 536,900, and men - 448,600.

In the capital of the region, the city of Smolensk, according to estimates as of January 2017, 328,906 people live.

Map of the Smolensk region with cities, districts and villages

1. Smolensk9. Temkino pst (Temkinsky district)17. Demidov city (Demidovsky district)25. Kardymovo district (Kardymovsky district)
2. Safonovo city (Safonovsky district)10. Shumyachi rp (Shumyachsky district)18. Dorogobuzh city (Dorogobuzh district)26. Desnogorsk
3. Izdeshkovo town (Safonovsky district)11. Yartsevo city (Yartsevo district)19. Glinka p. (Glinkovsky district) 27. Ershichi s. (Ershichi district)
4. Golynki town (Rudnyansky district)12. Kholm-Zhirkovsky town (Kholm-Zhirkovsky district)20. Gagarin city (Gagarinsky district)28. Yelnya city (Elninsky district)
5. Roslavl (Roslavl district)13. Khislavichi town (Khislavichi district)21. Velizh city (Velizh district)29. Ozerny town (Dukhovshchinsky district)
6. Pochinok city (Pochinkovsky district)14. Ugra town (Ugransky district)22. Vyazma city (Vyazemsky district)30. Monastyrshchina town (Monastyrshchina district)
7. Sychevka city (Sychevsky district)15. Novodugino village (Novoduginsky district) 23. Verkhnedneprovsky town (Dorogobuzhsky district)
8. Rudnya city (Rudnyansky district)16. Krasny town (Krasninsky district)24. Dukhovshchina city (Dukhovshchinsky district)

Satellite map of the Smolensk region

Switching between the satellite map of the Smolensk region and the schematic one is done in the lower left corner of the interactive map.

Smolensk region - Wikipedia:

Date of formation of the Smolensk region:

September 27, 1937
Population of the Smolensk region:
921,127 people.
(January 1, 2022) Telephone code of the Smolensk region:
Area of ​​the Smolensk region:
49,800 km²
Vehicle code of the Smolensk region:

Districts of the Smolensk region:

Velizhsky • Vyazemsky • Gagarinsky • Glinkovsky • Demidovsky • Dorogobuzhsky • Dukhovshchinsky • Elninsky • Ershichsky • Kardymovsky • Krasninsky • Monastyrshchinsky • Novoduginsky • Pochinkovsky • Roslavlsky • Rudnyansky • Safonovsky • Smolensky • Sychevsky • Temkinsky • Ugransky • Khislavichsky • Kholm-Zhirkovsky • Shum Yachsky district • Yartsevo district.

Cities of the Smolensk region - list of cities in alphabetical order:

Population of cities in the Smolensk region in 2017.

City of Velizh

— City population: 7016 people.
City of Vyazma
- City population: 53,117 people.
City of Gagarin
- City population: 29,285 people.
City of Demidov
- City population: 6289 people.
City of Desnogorsk
- City population: 28,103 people.
City of Dorogobuzh
- City population: 9966 people.
City of Dukhovshchina
- City population: 4184 people.
City of Yelnya
- City population: 9168 people.
City of Pochinok
- City population: 8688 people.
City of Roslavl
- City population: 50,870 people.
City of Rudnya
- City population: 9484 people.
City of Safonovo
- City population: 42,707 people.
City of Smolensk
- City population: 329,853 people.
City of Sychevka
- City population: 8228 people.
City of Yartsevo
- City population: 44,740 people.

Smolensk region

is located in the western European region of Russia and has been described as the "Gateway to Europe" as trains from Moscow pass through Smolensk on their way to Berlin, Prague, Paris and other European cities.
The administrative center of the Smolensk region is the city of Smolensk
, which is one of the oldest cities in Russia and is famous for its Kremlin surrounding the city center.

The stunningly beautiful Assumption Cathedral takes pride of place on the highest hill of the city. The cathedral once housed the revered Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. Unfortunately, the icon was lost without a trace during the Second World War.

The Smolensk Poozerie National Park has many hiking routes and includes more than 35 lakes.

One of the most interesting tourist attractions in the Smolensk region is the Talashkino estate, which was a thriving center of Russian art in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The estate was visited by many famous Russian artists, including Mikhail Vrubel, Nicholas Roerich, Mikhail Nesterov, Alexey Korovin and Ilya Repin. Talashkino is considered a community of creative and talented craftsmen - artists, writers and musicians.

A more grim sight is the Katyn Memorial, located near Smolensk, which is dedicated to the victims of Stalin's repression, especially the thousands of Polish officers.

One of the most famous sons of the Smolensk region - the first man to go into space - Yuri Gagarin - and the city near which he lived was renamed in his honor. It has several museums dedicated to him and his historic space flight. Gagarin was previously known as Gzhatsk, but was renamed in honor of the world's first cosmonaut, who was born outside the city in the village of Klushino.

Vyazma is located between Smolensk and Moscow, and over its history it has suffered at the hands of the armies of both Napoleon and Hitler. As a result, the city was named the City of Military Glory. The city once had a Kremlin that helped defend Russia's western border, but today only one tower remains. In addition, Vyazma boasts an unusual church in the form of the Church of Hodegetria - one of three three-decker churches in Russia.

Historical monuments and attractions are what the Smolensk region of Russia has always been famous for. Memorial complexes, temples, cathedrals - all this splendor can be seen in Smolensk cities, especially in Smolensk. And all because this city is one of the oldest in the state, the first mention of which appeared in 863.

Population of the Smolensk region by city and district

The largest city in the Smolensk region, of course, is the capital of the region - Smolensk. The size of this city was mentioned above. The second largest is the glorious regional center of Vyazma, where 54,259 people live. Following it is the city of Roslavl with a population of 51,775 inhabitants. The regional centers of Yartsevo and Safonovo are almost identical in number of people (46,219 and 43,727). The city of Gagarin has a population of 26,916 people, and Desnogorsk has a population of 28,518. Here are other, less populated cities in the Smolensk region by population:

  • Rudnya - 9,650.
  • Yelnya - 9 460.
  • Repairs - 8,684.
  • Sychevka - 8,246.
  • Velizh - 7,078.
  • Demidov - 6,585.
  • Spirituality - 4,125.

The population of the districts of the Smolensk region has the following indicators:

  • Velizh district - 11,114.
  • Vyazemsky district - 77,359.
  • Gagarinsky district - 45,940.
  • Glinkovsky district - 4,404.
  • Demidovsky district - 12 310.
  • Dorogobuzhsky district - 27,376.
  • Dukhovshchinsky district - 15,484.
  • Elninsky district - 13,846.
  • Ershichi district - 6,444.
  • Kardymovsky district - 12,499.
  • Krasninsky district - 12,269.
  • Monastyrshchinsky district - 9,472.
  • Novoduginsky district - 9 603.
  • Pochinkovsky district - 29,851.
  • Roslavl district - 71,990.
  • Rudnyansky district - 23,562.
  • Safonovsky district - 58,803.
  • Smolensk district - 53,889.
  • Sychevsky district - 13,807.
  • Temkinsky district - 5,971.
  • Ugransky district - 8,190.
  • Khislavichsky district - 8 106.
  • Kholm-Zhirkovsky district - 9,754.
  • Shumyachsky district - 9,909.
  • Yartsevo district - 54,231.

Smolensk - regional center

The annual outflow is approximately 30 thousand people. In the list of cities with problematic demographics, Smolensk ranks high. Young people en masse are trying to move closer to the capital or are leaving there to make ends meet. Smolensk residents have a choice of several higher educational institutions, about 10 state ones, and there are also specialized secondary schools. There are clearly no problems with overcrowding in the city. But people are constantly indignant at the actions of the authorities, who are deforesting and do not care about roads and housing and communal services. We have already become accustomed to constant interruptions in hot water and heating. The situation is even worse with the roads. Many people began to buy cars, which in no way contributes to comfortable traffic. Large buses are rare; they are massively replaced by minibuses, which have to be crowded into. Like large cities, during rush hour Smolensk gets up for long hours.

Smolensk used to have excellent tram service. The tracks were dismantled, but an alternative option was never provided to the population. The paradox of the municipality’s actions is to provide the city with a fleet of trams and trolleybuses, but there is no action to establish the infrastructure necessary for these types of transport. That’s why now everyone has switched en masse to minibuses.

Smolensk does not have enough kindergartens, there are enough schools. Many families have little hope that their child will be able to go to kindergarten for free before going to school. Densely populated areas (Kiselevka) suffer from overdevelopment. This leads to problems in schools, which, although they have places, are overcrowded. There are few companies where you can get a job. OSRAM and the Kristall enterprise are considered the most prestigious. The latter made Smolensk famous throughout the country with its exclusive products encrusted with diamonds. Smolensk remains an important railway junction, and there is also a railway station specializing in government contracts. For the female part of the population there is a knitting factory and large retail chains.

Latest Population Counts

The population of the Smolensk region in 2016 was 958,600 people. As of January 1 of this year, there were 690,000 (72%) urban residents, 268,600 (28%) rural residents. It should be noted that the western regions of the region are more populated than the rest. The smallest population is in the eastern regions (Temkinsky, Ugransky). The number of children and adolescents is 336,000. The population of the Smolensk region in 2016 decreased by 6,000 people compared to 2015.

Administrative division

The Smolensk region includes 24 districts, 23 urban settlements, 278 rural settlements and 2 urban districts (Smolensk and Desnogorsk). There are a total of 257 municipalities within the district of the same name. These include 207 rural settlements, 23 urban settlements, 25 municipal districts and 2 urban districts.

Natural attractions

To preserve natural complexes, as well as for scientific purposes, the Smolensk Lake District was created in the region. This reserve received this name because of the 35 lakes that are part of it. Each of them is famous for its unique beauty. Visitors to the Smolensk Lake District plunge into a fabulous atmosphere. There are many historical monuments located on the territory of the reserve. One of them is the ancient ancient Russian city of Verzhavsk, which flourished in the 9th-12th centuries.

These amazingly beautiful places are also associated with the great traveler and explorer of Asian lands - N. M. Przhevalsky. Many tourists and locals know the famous spring called the “Holy Well”.

Yartsevo is a small but active town

On the territory of Yartsevo there are several enterprises that provide the population with work. Local residents have access to vocational education, which is provided by the Industrial College and the Avtokadry training complex.

Now the authorities are actively focusing on the development of industrial potential. In the entire region, Yartsevo is the most promising for attracting investment. Even foreign companies are ready to invest here. For a long time it was impossible to solve the housing problem, but in recent years a positive trend has emerged. Unfortunately, at the moment the city's population is steadily declining.

Architectural monuments

Among the most ancient architectural buildings in Smolensk, one can highlight the stone fortress. It was built under the leadership of Tsar Fyodor Ioanovich, since in the 16th-17th centuries territorial disputes arose between the Principality of Moscow and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. About 30,000 hired workers were used for this construction. This architectural monument consists of fortress walls and 38 towers, some of them reaching 33 meters in height. This is the most powerful wall of Russian times. The construction was supervised by the famous Smolensk master Fyodor Kon.

In the Smolensk region, like no other, monuments of Russian culture of the pre-Mongol period have been preserved. Here you can find works in the Baroque style, as well as unsurpassed examples of church construction.

In Smolensk there are several memorial signs and complexes that capture the memory of many military events. Also, many monumental monuments dedicated to famous fellow countrymen appeared here. “The green necklace of the city” is what the residents of Smolensk call their parks and squares.

Major museums and Orthodox churches

Many people have heard of the village of Boldino, in the Smolensk region. Very often tourists go there on excursions. One of the oldest and most beautiful objects here is the Holy Trinity Monastery. It was founded by the Venerable Gerasim of Boldinsky back in the 6th century. This temple has already been restored several times, but it also continues to delight its visitors.

In the village of Novospasskoye, Smolensk region, there is the museum-estate of M. I. Glinka, where he once lived. This estate is the only monument dedicated to the famous Russian composer. The estate consists of a main two-story house, a kitchen annex, a guest room, a bakery, a carriage house, beautiful gazebos and a family temple. Very often guests of the estate hear the enchanting sounds of a piano.

In the village of Khmelita, Smolensk region, the former estate of the Griboyedov family has been preserved. Some features of this building can be recognized in his immortal comedy “Woe from Wit”. The palace and park ensemble includes a stone house, 4 outbuildings, a park with alleys, 2 ponds and a temple.

Between the villages of Gnezdovo and Katyn, Smolensk region, the Katyn memorial complex is located. For a very long time during the Soviet period, this place was not mentioned, since tragic events took place here in 1940. It was in the local forest that several tens of thousands of Polish officers and other prisoners were shot. The memorial complex is very young; it was opened in 2000. The main entrance to the memorial is made in the form of glass gates. In the center of the complex there is a high Orthodox cross, from which there is a Memory Alley.

A lot of churches were built in the Smolensk region, but from the pre-Mongol period only three have survived: the Intercession Church, the Assumption Cathedral, the temple of St. Sergius in the church of the Ascension Monastery.

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