Where to go in Voronezh: 12 unusual alternatives to classic holidays

Beautiful places in the evening Where to go in the evening for fun Where to go for a walk River walks Theaters and concerts Where to go with children Where to stay in Voronezh Stories, routes and tips from tourists

Voronezh is a large Russian city where life does not subside after sunset. Having seen all the main attractions of the city, tourists ask the question: “Where can you go in Voronezh in the evening?” The choice of evening entertainment in the city is huge! Those who love a quiet atmosphere can go for a walk through picturesque places in the evening illumination or relax in the park area. Those who prefer active nightlife head to the city's clubs and dance establishments. Those who want to join the cultural life of Voronezh should go to the theaters and concert venues of the city. A detailed description of all leisure options is below.

Museum ship “Goto Predestination” Photo: © Tatyana Lisker

ArtCinema Relax Club

Here you can watch original, festival films or video versions of sensational performances. The screening takes place in the company of strangers who have purchased a ticket for the session, or only among friends, after renting the hall. You can organize a romantic evening for your other half. No problem - movies in foreign languages ​​or playing PlayStation 3 on the big screen in 3D. And Timofey the cat lives in the cinema - everyone loves him and brings him treats. Cost from 200 rubles.
Opening hours: from 10:00 to 0:00 daily

Address: st. Nikitinskaya, 1 (ground floor)


Art Cinema Relax Club. Photo https://vk.com/relax_club_vrn

Recreation centers of the Voronezh region

It’s pleasant, informative, and interesting to relax in central Russia – at the tourist centers of the Voronezh region. There are many natural beauties and historical attractions here. Holidays in your own country have many benefits. The weather is moderate, not too hot or cold, so you won't need to spend time acclimatizing. Low prices for places to stay and seasonal products will be a pleasant bonus. Beautiful nature, fresh air, excellent opportunities for active spending time will help improve your health.

The Voronezh region mainly borders on Russian regions. Only in the southwest is the territory adjacent to Ukraine. The climate here is moderate, without significant temperature spikes. In winter, in January, the thermometer rarely drops below 10 degrees below zero. A ski trip, ice skating or quad biking will not end with an unpleasant cold or frostbite. In summer, temperatures rarely rise above 25 degrees Celsius. In the forest, on the banks of the river, you will not suffer from unbearable heat.

Tourist centers in the Voronezh region are located in the most beautiful places in the region. In order to have a good rest, you don’t have to go to exotic countries. You can rent a house or apartment in a country complex. And have a wonderful vacation, weekend.

Nature is one of the main resources of the Voronezh region. In the north-west of the region there is forest-steppe, in the south there are steppe expanses. The main rivers Voronezh, Bityug, and Tikhaya Sosna carry their waters into the Don waters. Man-made ponds and natural lakes, such as Bolshoi Ilmen, Pogonovo, Kremenchug, Dolgoe, are great places for summer beach holidays and winter sports. More than three thousand ponds and lakes, many rivers make the region a place of pilgrimage for fishing lovers.

10% of the territory of the Voronezh region is occupied by forests. Many of them belong to nature reserves: Tellermanovsky, Shipov Les. In the steppe zone, in the Khopersky and Voronezhsky reserves, areas of forbs are preserved.

The fauna of the region is diverse. More than 400 species of animals and birds live here. There are about 60 species of fish in the reservoirs. There is freedom here for hunters and fishermen. In the forests there are moose, wild boars, deer, and roe deer. The reservoirs are inhabited by beavers, muskrats, otters, and muskrats. Lots of birds: terns, waders. The bustard and little bustard nest in the steppe regions. You can hunt foxes and hares. In the rivers of the region there are crucian carp, bream, carp, pike perch, and saberfish. Silver carp, carp, and grass carp feel great in ponds and lakes. The region's tourist centers are located in places where you can go fishing and hunting to your heart's content. Here you can have a great rest with your whole family or in the company of friends.

It offers modern comfortable houses, with a set of appliances, furniture, bathrooms, and kitchens. They are often made of wood. On the territory of the establishments there are entertainment facilities: restaurants, baths, swimming pools, children's playgrounds, gazebos with barbecues. Usually, camp sites have everything for a festive or business event. In nature you can beautifully celebrate a wedding, anniversary, hold negotiations, conferences, and trainings.

Guests are always offered an interesting and useful time. This could be a trip to explore the historical sights of the region, a tourist trip on boats, horses, bicycles, or on foot. Winter runs on ATVs, snowmobiles, and skis will also appeal to outdoor enthusiasts. Football, volleyball and tennis courts are available to guests. You can rent any sports equipment, boat, fishing gear. Those who come to vacation in the Voronezh region are definitely offered to visit interesting places and go on excursions.

Not far from the village of Kostomarovo there is a functioning monastery. The cave temple of the Savior Not Made by Hands is one of the most ancient in our country. Its construction began in the 12th century and continued until the 19th century. The size of the temple amazes visitors. The underground vaults rest on 12 chalk columns. The miraculous icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary on a zinc sheet is one of the main shrines, which is especially revered by pilgrims. The faces of saints painted on wood quickly deteriorated in underground rooms. The monastery has five tiers underground, with galleries, church buildings, and cells. The second church of the complex is the Temple of Seraphim of Sarov. Its construction began in 1903. It was interrupted in the post-revolutionary years and continued only in 2005.

The Voronezh Nature Reserve, located 40 kilometers from the regional center, welcomes visitors with pleasure. There are more than a thousand plant species here. Rare animals that live in local forests and oak groves are listed in the Red Book.

At the Kostenki archaeological museum, tourists will be invited to see an ancient dwelling made from mammoth bones. It is almost 20 thousand years old.

The protected Shipov Forest is famous for the fact that back in 1709, Peter I took high-quality local wood for the construction of ships. To this day, deep in the forest, the crowns of huge oak trees close together so tightly that it is difficult to see the sky through the branches.

On Kudykina Mountain, in the safari park, you will admire camels, ostriches, Tibetan yaks, and llamas. There are entertaining attractions for children. In the city of Zadonsk you can visit the Bogoroditsky Monastery.

Khrenovsky and Chesme stud farms offer to see the best horses in the country - Oryol trotters. They are recognized as a national treasure of Russia. The Chesme stud farm, created by Count Orlov, has a unique complex of stables, which are a kind of architectural monument of the 18th century.

Exciting trips are provided by qualified guides, tour guides, and private guides. They will tell the history of the region and the legends associated with it. At the tourist centers of the Voronezh region you will definitely be offered educational trips, with visits to local attractions.

Catcafe Mr. Moor

It has long been proven that cats are the best at absorbing negative energy! And in this cat cafe there are as many as 20 of them. An atmospheric place for animal lovers and useful pastime. Tea, coffee, books, board games, film screenings, master classes - and as a result, you can take the cat you like to your home. The cost of the first hour in the cafe is 300 rubles. And from the second hour, each subsequent minute is only 2 rubles.

Opening hours: Mon-Sat from 12:00 to 22:00 (Mon-Sat); from 12:00 to 23:00 (Sun)

Address: st. Nikitinskaya, 44,

Telephone: +7 (960) 139‑03-09

Catcafe Mr. Moor. Photo https://vk.com/mr.moore_catcafe

Brain Slaughterhouse

BrainSlaughter is a very popular bar quiz, where for 2 hours teams compare their intellects by answering more difficult, simpler and tricky questions. The host cheers and encourages both teams, tactfully reminding them of the need to place another order at the bar. You can find out where and when the next game will be in the Vk group. Cost: 1,200 rubles/4 people.

Brain slaughterhouse. Photo https://vk.com/mzgb_vrn

Club "60 seconds"

In this club they don’t compare their minds, but prefer to relax wisely. No special knowledge is required here, only attention, logic and a sense of humor. The game has 4 rounds. Participants answer questions from the facilitator and are given one minute for discussion. The game is an analogue of “Own Game” and “Brain Ring” (team no more than 8 players). Prizes and gifts from partners are guaranteed, and at the end of each season the winning team is awarded the Owl Cup. Cost: free. You only pay for ordering from the menu of the establishment where the game is taking place.


Club "60 seconds". Photo https://vk.com/60sec.voronezh

Virtual Reality Club VRpoint

Virtual reality includes more than 80 games in special HTC VIVE helmets. The device allows you to feel completely immersed in another world. There are two gaming zones, multiplayer for two and a large selection of games. Recommended duration of visit: 1–2 hours. The cost of 30 minutes is 350 rubles.

Address: Leninsky Prospekt, 174/21 (trampoline building, next to the Maksimir shopping center, 2nd floor)


Open: daily from 10:00 to 21:00

Virtual reality club VRpoint. Photo https://vk.com/vr_point_vrn


You can please a girl and intrigue her with your sophistication by inviting her to the theater. Voronezh is a theater city. There is an Opera and Ballet Theater, a Philharmonic Society, and the State Chamber Theater. So, where to go with a girl in Voronezh? You can surprise your chosen one by buying tickets to the performance of the Voronezh State Puppet Theater “The Jester”. The theater building itself attracts with its unusual architecture and creates a romantic mood.

The Voronezh Puppet Theater is internationally famous and often takes part in various festivals and competitions. Not only children's plays are staged on the theater stage, but also adult plays by classical and modern authors. The theater's talented acting troupe, combined with unique puppets, leaves a strong impression for a long time.

The performance can smoothly turn into a walk with a girl around Voronezh, during which you can discuss what you saw and become closer to each other.

Horseback riding "Vaitsekhovsky and son"

A very useful option for outdoor recreation in an oak forest. Even if you are completely new to equestrian sports, the feeling is amazing. And there is nothing to worry about, a specially trained instructor will always be nearby. Cost from 200 rubles.

Address: st. Ostrogorzhskaya, 93a

Telephone:, +7 (473) 236-43-22

Horseback riding "Vaitsekhovsky and son". Photo https://vk.com/albums-141041584

Game studio "ChGK"

Especially for fans of the game “What? Where? When?" in the game studio they recreated everything “like on TV.” All the necessary attributes are present so that you can feel like an expert and try your hand at it. A round mirror table, a “Galloping Horseman” spinning top, a black box - everything is for real here! All that remains is to assemble the team and choose a captain. Cost: 650 rubles.

Address: st. Plekhanovskaya, 9, 3rd floor, office. 321

all questions by mail, or you should contact the administrator of the Vk group

Game studio "ChGK". Photo https://vk.com/igravrn

Laser club "Portal"

Everything here is furnished in the spirit of Star Wars. Both big and small fans of this film will be delighted with the laser sword fight. Guests are greeted by the real robot R2D2 and other iconic characters from the star saga. There is also air hockey, a pneumatic shooting range and space basketball competitions. Cost: from 700 rubles.

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 22.00

Address: st. Friedrich Engelsa, 64a (Atmosphere shopping center, 3rd floor)


Laser club "Portal". Photo https://vk.com/lasertag_vrn_portal

Where to stay in Voronezh

Millionth Voronezh has a wide range of hotels, offering guests to find their own option for the purpose of their visit, budget and individual preferences. About a dozen chain hotels, such as Marriott, Ramada, Holiday Inn and others, and an even larger number of local hotels and hostels have been built on its territory. There are many apartments and apartments for rent. Among them, you can choose housing of a certain size, with a swimming pool or gym, a kitchen, a refrigerator, or the ability to move in with a pet.

In Voronezh, you can choose budget accommodation, but more distant from the center. However, a decent length of the city may require transport costs to move around. Or, saving time and money on the road, stay in close proximity to popular and interesting places for visitors - the Admiralty Embankment with a museum ship, funny monuments to the kitten from Lizyukov Street or the chair from rednecks, cathedrals and other architecturally outstanding buildings. The optimal location for your place of residence will be the right bank part of the city, located between the river and the main railway line.

  • Voronezh Hotels
  • Hostels for Budget Travelers
  • Flats and apartments

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Photo: © Svet-lanka


Just jumping high is sometimes just what you need to relieve your brain... and for fun, of course. This year's new trend is dodge ball (a game of knockout on trampolines). The essence of the game in Dodgeball is to knock out all the players of the opposing team with the ball. The main difference is that instead of a hard surface there is a springy trampoline under the players’ feet, which means more emotions and adrenaline. Cost: from 300 rubles.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 22:00

Address: Leninsky Prospekt, 174 (next to the Maksimir shopping center)

Telephone:, +7 (473) 300 38 03

Trampoline. Photo https://vk.com/nevesomost36

A park

Voronezh is considered one of the greenest cities in Russia. An incredible number of parks and squares decorate the city. Historically, the park is a traditional place for lovers.

Where to go out with a girl in Voronezh? City residents unanimously give priority among parks to Koltsovsky Square, which is located in the very center of the city. This is the oldest square in the city. There are many cozy benches, secluded paths and old spreading trees. And with the onset of darkness, a light and musical fountain show begins in the park. It is symbolic for lovers that the registry office is located next to Koltsovsky Square.

Another romantic option for walks is the park with Swan Lake. This park has experienced a rebirth after many years of desolation and abandonment. Since 2011 it began to revive. There are new well-groomed lawns, benches and lanterns. And of course, a pair of white swans, which returned to the park lake.

Wind tunnel "Comet"

Flying in a wind tunnel is a complete delight and the fulfillment of a childhood dream, but first you need equipment, instructions and a few special exercises “on the ground”. Requirements for those wishing to fly: sports shoes, age from 4 years, weight up to 100 kg, no injuries. Cheerful, but sober state. Cost: 800 rubles for 2 minutes.

How to get there: along Ostrogozhskaya street to the public transport stop “Near Gardens No. 2”. After 50 meters behind the stop we find a sign. Turn left strictly opposite the sign. After the turn, you need to move in a straight line for 400 m. At the fork, go straight.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 by appointment every Saturday and Sunday

Telephone:, +7 (473) 275-70-65

Wind tunnel "Comet". Photo https://vk.com/cometavrn

No one has canceled the romance of roofs

When “finance sings romances,” it’s easy to discover the latest romantic in yourself and invite the object of your adoration to contemplate the gorgeous city views from the roof. Which one exactly? Business is the first skyscraper in the Black Earth Region with a height of 100 m. Free excursions , which involve climbing to the observation deck, are held twice a day from Wednesday to Sunday. On weekdays at 12:00 and 15:00, and on weekends at 11:00 and 14:00. The route includes not only a climb to the lookout, but also a walk along the entire backside.

The excursion is possible by appointment.

Address: st. Koltsovskaya, 35 A Phone:

Business rooftop date

Game show "Fort Boyard"

Entertainment in the style of the famous French show Fort Boyard. Options for the quest show program are adapted to suit different companies and any age. Participants undergo interesting tests of strength, agility, ingenuity and endurance. Rats, snakes, cockroaches and the dwarf Passepartout - all real! The program lasts 2.5 hours, and after completing the quest, everyone will be treated to a signature cake. Cost: from 590 rubles.

Address: Leninsky Prospekt, 172 (Alaska shopping center)


Game show "Fort Boyard". Photo https://vk.com/fortboyardvoronezh

Lost – full immersion quests

The world-famous network of quests Lost has reached our city. Here is the most realistic and perfectly designed space with stunning decor for the implementation of a certain main mission. The task is simple: together with a team of 4 people you need to get out to freedom. Time to do everything about everything - an hour and no more. And it doesn’t matter what to look for: the heart of Davy Jones or a way out of a psychiatric clinic, because the main thing is a complete change of environment and a test of strength. Cost: from 1,500 rubles.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 01:00

Address: st. Kukolkina, 9



A date in a cafe has several undeniable advantages: it does not oblige you to anything, allows you to communicate in a calm, cozy atmosphere and does not strain you financially. Here are a few budget cafes in Voronezh where you can go with a girl, for example, on a first date.

Cafe "Vilka" is quite suitable for friendly gatherings or meeting a girl. The main advantage of Vilka is its cozy atmosphere and low prices. The food is not of high quality, but you can do some research before your date and choose a few acceptable dishes in advance.

A date at one of the pizzerias of the Zhar-Ptitsa chain will be quite affordable. Here you can have a tasty snack with your favorite pizza and chat in a relaxed atmosphere, because usually these establishments are calm and not crowded.

If you want to show off in front of a girl, but don’t have the money for an expensive restaurant yet, an excellent choice would be the popular bar “Mesto”, which combines a stylish interior, pleasant music, delicious food and reasonable prices.

You can pay attention to the establishments “Bilbo’s” and The CoVok.

In fact, the choice of small cafes where you can relax in Voronezh is very large. Surely, every person has their own favorite place.

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