Presentation “History of the city of Yurga” presentation for a lesson on the surrounding world (middle group) on the topic

The subject of the Russian Federation is the Kemerovo region. The city of Yurga is located on its territory. Belongs to the Siberian Federal District. Yurga is the center of the Yurga district. According to the results of 2016, the population of the city was about 82 thousand people.

Yurga is located on the Tom River, which is a tributary of the Ob. The distance to Kemerovo is 110 km, to Novosibirsk – 170 km. The city is a fairly large railway junction.

History (briefly)

The city was founded at the end of the 19th century. Until 1949 it was considered a village. It arose on the banks of the Tom River. Until 1940, there was no industry in Yurga. At that time it was simply a village near a railway station. Yurga (Kemerovo region) began its history as a city with the construction of a machine-building plant. It began to develop at a rapid pace. And the plant received the proud title of a city-forming enterprise. During the war and post-war years, the first stage of development of the machine-building plant began. So, in 1943, Yurga together with the district were transferred to the Kemerovo region, which had just been formed. Before this, the city was part of the Novosibirsk region.

Nearest universities

Moscow University of Humanities and Economics - Stavropol branch

355012, Stavropol region, Stavropol, st. Mayakovskogo, 10a

The Stavropol branch of ANO VO MSEU was founded in 1997. The young university quickly began to be in demand. The strategic goal of the university branch is to train specialists who are able to skillfully and creatively approach solving the problems of our society, and to introduce into practice the achievements of socio-economic, psychological and legal sciences.

64 m

North Caucasus Social Institute

355012, Stavropol region, Stavropol, st. Goleneva, 59A

The North Caucasus Social Institute, one of the first universities of a new formation in Russia, was created on July 16, 1992, as the North Caucasus branch of the Moscow Open Social University and in 1997 was transformed into an independent higher education institution. The strength of our institute is the ability to look into the future of society, to anticipate its problems and the need for a wide variety of specialists called upon to solve these problems. Therefore, the institute today is consistently recognized by the state education system, it has a license and state accreditation. And as a result - a gold medal “European Quality” in the category “One Hundred Best Universities in Russia”.

660 m

Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law – Stavropol Institute of Cooperation

355035, Stavropol region, Stavropol, st. Goleneva, 36

The Stavropol Institute of Cooperation (branch) of the Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law has been conducting educational activities since March 19, 1964 and is the largest center for training highly qualified cooperative personnel in the North Caucasus region.

796 m

Stavropol Institute of Continuing Medical and Pharmaceutical Education

355006, Stavropol region, Stavropol, st. Kirova, 25, letter A

SINMFO conducts training of specialists at the pharmaceutical and dental faculties

1.56 km

Stavropol branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation

355002, Stavropol region, Stavropol, st. Lermontova, 189

Currently, the Stavropol branch of RANEPA, in accordance with the license for the right to carry out educational activities dated October 9, 2022 No. 2656, issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, carries out educational activities in the areas of training “State and municipal management”, “Jurisprudence” , "Management".

1.57 km

More? 20 more nearby universities

City development

The machine-building plant developed and improved, and this became the beginning of the urban biography of Yurga. Everything in this city was built according to special projects. According to them, it was planned to make Yurga one of the largest industrial and cultural centers of Siberia. By 1950, the city's population was 22 thousand people. By this time, eight enterprises were already operating here, but the machine-building plant remained the largest and leading. Other institutions were also gradually opened: a hospital, a nursery, a kindergarten, two schools, and a technical school.

In 1949, Yurga (Kemerovo region) received city status. At first it was classified as a settlement under regional subordination. However, in 1953 the status was changed, and Yurga became a city of regional subordination.

The economic growth

Since 1950, Yurga began its rapid economic growth. The city's infrastructure began to develop rapidly. This was the impetus for the increase in residential buildings, which were being built at an accelerated pace at that time.

The peak of the city's development was in the 60-80s. There was steady economic growth, positive processes were observed in all cultural spheres, as well as sports and education.

But since the mid-eighties, alarming trends have emerged in the urban economy. Since 1992, the population began to decline. The main reason was migration - people moved to larger cities.

University specialties


Economics (38.03.01) - profile “Accounting, analysis and audit”




Management (38.03.02) - profile “Human Resource Management” (training qualified managers capable of developing human resource management strategies, conducting their audit, developing business plans, assessing the economic and social conditions of business activities)




Psychology (37.03.01) - profile “Counseling Psychology” (training highly professional psychologists ready to solve complex problems in the field of healthcare, management, psychological assistance to the population, education, in the system of law enforcement agencies)




Design (03/54/01) - profile “Graphic Design” (students master interior design, landscape design, clothing and accessory design, makeup artistry, work in Corel Draw, Photoshop, 3D MAX, ArchiCad and much more)




Jurisprudence (40.03.01) - profile `Civil Law; Criminal Law`


The city of Yurga (Kemerovo region) currently

At present, the machine-building plant is still the city-forming enterprise. Now it produces equipment intended for mines, heating units, loaders and other equipment. In Yurga there are enterprises such as a dairy plant, a furniture factory, an abrasive plant and a number of other industrial institutions.

Military unit

A military unit is located in Yurga, which is a separate guards motorized rifle brigade. For her services, she was awarded the Order of Suvorov, 2nd degree. This is what the residents of a city like Yurga (Kemerovo region) are proud of. The military unit is part of the Central Military District. It was formed back in 1943. The Marines who served in this unit took part in the battles of Stalingrad during World War II, liberated Moldova and reached Berlin, where they met victory. Nowadays, soldiers and officers of the unit took part in operations in the North Caucasus. Now the military unit includes a tank battalion, a motorized rifle battalion, as well as artillery battalions and support companies.

Directions and results of scientific (research) activities

CodeName of specialty, area of ​​trainingList of scientific areas within which scientific (research) activities are carried outNumber of faculty members taking part in scientific (research) activitiesNumber of students taking part in scientific (research) activitiesNumber of published monographs by scientific and pedagogical workers of educational organizations in all scientific areasNumber of articles published and accepted for publication in publications recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission/foreign for the publication of scientific works over the past yearNumber of patents received for developments over the past year: Russian/foreignNumber of intellectual property registration certificates issued for developments over the last year: Russian/foreignAverage annual amount of funding for scientific research per one scientific and pedagogical worker (in rates reduced to integer values)
37.03.01PsychologyPsychological mechanisms and patterns of personality functioning in professional activities4256.2
Organizational and competence factors of the effectiveness of psychological counseling and training3356.2
38.03.01EconomyManaging the competitiveness of regional enterprises in the context of economic globalization413111.1
Information support for sustainable development of the regional economy412111.1
38.03.02ManagementManaging the competitiveness of regional enterprises in the context of economic globalization31
40.03.01JurisprudenceFoundations and trends in the development of civil law in modern conditions31772.8
Problems of implementing principles in the administration of justice31372.8
Legal system of the Russian Federation: problems of theory and practice11472.8
54.03.01DesignDidactic problems of teaching graphic design42275.5
Methodological problems of environmental design375.5
37.04.01PsychologyPsychological mechanisms and patterns of personality functioning in professional activities356.2
Organizational and competence factors of the effectiveness of psychological counseling and training356.2
Features of culture and philosophy in the postmodern situation245.5
38.04.01EconomyManaging the competitiveness of regional enterprises in the context of economic globalization4111.1
54.04.01DesignDidactic problems of teaching graphic design4175.5

Education (training) at YURGI is carried out in Russian

Hotels for city guests

It’s amazing, but now the city of Yurga (Kemerovo region) has hotels, parks, cinemas, public gardens. Its streets have a modern and beautiful style. There are several hotels in Yurga where city guests can stay. You can find business class hotels for those visitors whose earnings are above average. These are such as “Citadel”, “Russia”. There are hotels for the middle class, with rooms with a standard set of services, and, of course, economy hotels with a minimum cost of accommodation from 500 rubles per day. They are mainly located on the outskirts of the city and provide a minimum range of services.

Operating procedure

Regulations on the procedure for organizing the consideration of citizens' appeals in the Administration of the city of Yurga (as amended by PA dated 01.09.2020 No. 885)

Organizational and technical support for the consideration of appeals from citizens, organizations (legal entities) addressed to the Head of the city of Yurga, the business manager is carried out by the department of organizational work and control of the Administration of the city of Yurga, in the structural unit of the Administration of the city of Yurga - its head or an official appointed by him.

Reception and registration of written (oral), in the form of an electronic document, appeals from citizens received by the Yurga City Administration, addressed to:

  • The head of the city of Yurga, the first deputy head of the city is carried out by a specialist from the department of organizational work and control of the Administration of the city of Yurga - Natalya Vladimirovna Grabar, tel. 4-70-25.
  • The Deputy Head of the city of Yurga for construction, the Deputy Head of the city for economic issues, the Deputy Head of the city for social issues is carried out by a specialist from the department of organizational work and control - Okunkova Natalya Aleksandrovna, tel. 4-70-25.
  • The Deputy Head of the City for Housing and Communal Issues is provided by the reception specialist of the Deputy Head of the City.

An appeal is considered collective if it is signed by two or more authors, or received on behalf of the administration of an enterprise or public organization. Letters signed by members of the same family are also considered collective.

Letters received by mistake (at the wrong address) are returned to the post office unopened.

Accounting for applicants' requests is carried out using an automated information system software package. At the request of the applicant, a mark is made on the copy of the application indicating the date of acceptance of the application and the telephone number for information.

Appeals from applicants are subject to registration by assigning a registration number within three days from the date of receipt, sent to the Head of the city of Yurga for consideration on the day of registration of the appeal.

If the question raised in the appeal does not fall within the powers of the Administration of the city of Yurga, then the appeal within seven days from the date of registration is forwarded according to its affiliation to the body whose competence relates to the solution of the issue raised, with mandatory written notification to the citizen who sent the appeal about redirection of the request by the executor of the request.

A written appeal received by the Administration of the city of Yurga, an appeal received through the “Internet reception” section or during the “direct telephone line” of the Head of the city of Yurga is considered within 30 days from the date of registration, unless a short deadline for execution is established (in exceptional cases) cases, as well as in the case of sending a request for the provision of necessary materials for an appeal to other government bodies and officials, the period for consideration of the appeal can be extended by no more than 30 days with the obligatory notification of the citizen who sent the appeal about the extension of the period for its consideration by the executor appeals).

Appeals received by the Yurga City Administration are subject to mandatory monitoring.

Appeals are considered completed and removed from control if all the questions raised in them are resolved, the necessary measures are taken, and the applicant(s) are given a response in writing or orally.

Personal responsibility for improper consideration of citizens' appeals lies with the official - the head of the structural unit of the Yurga City Administration.

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