Small Motherland - Mytishchi Lesson outline (middle group) on the topic

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  • Mytishchi city

Mytishchi is one of the cities in the Moscow region, located on the Yauza River.
The distance to the center of the capital from Mytishchi does not exceed 20 km in the northeast direction. The city's close proximity to Moscow makes it unusually attractive in the eyes of other residents. The city was first mentioned in the 1460s as Mytishche - the place where the city was washed. What is it? Myt is a special collection from merchants who went down the Yauza to Klyazma. Later, Moscow became the center of tax collection, since ships stopped sailing along the Yauza, but the name of the city remained.

Today, more than 200 thousand people live in Mytishchi, most of whom are employed in industry. The city primarily produces subway cars, trailers, and dump trucks. The electronics industry is also developed - the production of cables and devices. In Mytishchi there are many chemical enterprises producing synthetic resins, plastics and products made from them, cellulose insulation.

Mytishchi is also of great importance as a transport center. The city occupies an important position on the Moscow-Arkhangelsk railway.

There are many parks in the city. The floodplain areas of the Yauza rivers, as well as the central park of culture and recreation, have been improved. Within Mytishchi there is the Losiny Ostrov National Park - one of the very first national parks in Russia, in addition, the largest national park located within the city. Here you can watch birds on a special tower, as well as look at moose calves and feed them.

The city of Mytishchi also surprises with the splendor of its monuments. There are monuments dedicated to the victory in the Great Patriotic War: a monument to the partisan, pilot N.M. Raspopova and many others.

The city of Mytishchi is an important cultural, transport and industrial center of the Moscow region.

Option No. 2

A city in the North-Eastern Moscow region, located 20 kilometers from the center of the capital, on the banks of the Yauza, which is attractive for potential residents when choosing apartments. The area of ​​the city is 40 square kilometers. In terms of population, it ranks 94th out of 1,115 cities in Russia.

The history of the city's name goes deep into antiquity. In the 17th century, on the territory of present-day Mytishchi there was a port of the then navigable Yauza, where merchants paid the “myt” tax for their goods. Subsequently, the word “myt” was transformed into the name of the city of Mytishchi. The city itself dates back to the first century AD, as evidenced by archaeological finds. Since 1925, Mytishchi ceased to be a working village and received the status of a city.

The city is green, with many parks, a landscaped embankment, and a population of 222 thousand. Residents and guests of the city have a unique opportunity to watch moose calves and feed them. You can do this in the huge Losiny Ostrov national park, which is located within the city.

The city has military-themed monuments, as well as a modern monument to Samovar. Fans of cultural recreation in Mytishchi should visit the Mytishchi Drama and Comedy Theater “Fest”. The Mytishchi Historical and Art Museum preserves the history and traditions of the region. Be sure to check out the Mytishchi art gallery, which has a large collection of paintings. For active recreation, you should choose the Mytishchi Arena Ice Palace for a visit.

Cultural monuments have been preserved in Mytishchi. The station building, built in 1911, is an architectural monument, two wooden dachas of merchants Ageev and Buyanov have the status of an architectural monument, as well as the Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God built in 1713 and the Church of the Annunciation in Taininsky, built in 1675.

Most of the population works in the industrial area of ​​the city. Brand new subway cars are being produced from the assembly lines of local factories. The electronics and chemical industries are developed. Cables, synthetic resins, plastic products, sidewalks, and curbs are produced here. There is a wood processing plant. The Titan jewelry factory produces products from precious metals. The Znamya Truda knitting factory produces a wide selection of knitted products.

The city has several universities, a mechanical engineering college and a medical school.

Summary of GCD on the topic “My favorite city of Mytishchi”

Lyubov Ledeneva

Summary of GCD on the topic “My favorite city of Mytishchi”

GCD lesson notes

“My favorite city is Mytishchi(senior group)

Prepared by: Vosser Ledeneva L.K.

Program content: Tell children about your hometown and its attractions. To instill in children a love for the city .

Preliminary work:. Conversation with children about favorite places in the city . Video presentation about the city of Mytishchi .

Equipment and materials: projector with slides, toys, jump ropes, horses, (bus)

chairs, (theater)
- finger and glove puppets,
- hoop (and, audio recordings with music - “horses”, “carousel”, the song “Boat” from the film “True Friends,”

photo album (pictures depicting memorable places of the city )


Educator: - Guys, today our lesson is dedicated to our city .

Do you know the name of our city ( Mytishchi )

And you and I are called Mytishchi residents , because we live in the city of Mytishchi . Please repeat, what are the names of the people living in the city of Mytishchi ?

Guys, guess the riddle:

The forest stands on the banks,

she runs under the bridge,

and the water flows somewhere.

Did you guys guess?

I'll withhold the answer for now. A river flows under the bridge

— Is there a river in our city ? Who knows what it's called? (Show slide 1 of the Yauza River)

— Our Yauza River flows not only in our city , but also in the city of Moscow , merges with the Moscow River (Moscow River)

. The Yauza is the largest tributary of the Moscow River.

Our river used to be very wide and deep. Steamships and merchant ships sailed along it. It was rich in fish. And now the river has become shallow, the banks have become narrow, and there are few fish. You can only navigate it by boat. (Show slide 2 of the Yauza River)


— Guys, do you know what our city ?

— A woman, Hero of the Russian Federation, Pilot-Cosmonaut Elena Vladimirovna Kondikova, was born and lived city This is the third woman

an astronaut who made a long flight into space. (Show photo slide)


An alley was named and a monument erected in honor of the pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Gennady Mikhailovich Strekalov, who completed five space flights. (Slide show)


- Guys, today I suggest you go on a trip around our glorious and beloved city of Mytishchi , using different types of transport: you and I will ride horses, eat by bus, sail on a boat and fly in a helicopter.

- Let's go on a trip! (Children take “horses” and gallop in a given direction to a rhythmic melody.)

- Stop "Recreation and Entertainment Park". This is the favorite recreation area of ​​all the citizens of our city . What are the townspeople ? (Children's answers)

. There are many different entertainments for all ages. (Slideshow of “Recreation Park, Carousel, children’s playground - Let’s put our horses to rest, and we ourselves will ride on the carousel.

P/Game: “Carousel”. Goal: to develop children’s balance in motion, running skills, and increase emotional tone. Description: The teacher invites children to ride a carousel. Children join hands to form a circle (face to the center; back to the center)

The children walk and then run in a circle. The teacher says: Barely, barely, barely the carousel started spinning, and then, and then everything ran, ran, ran! Hush, hush, don't run, stop the carousel. One and two, one and two, the game is over! The children stop. (Can be done in different directions, in several circles)

Had a great ride on the carousel! Funny! We need to go further. The bus is waiting for us! (children quickly build a bus out of chairs)


- Be careful, the doors are closing, the next stop is the children's puppet theater "Ognivo." (Slide show)


— Guys, our group also has its own theater corner. And we can play with fairy-tale characters. (mitten dolls, finger dolls, masks)

Game: “Guess which fairy tale I’m from. “Goal: to consolidate with children the names and characters of fairy tales familiar to children, creative imagination, motor and speech activity. To instill in children an interest in puppet heroes from fairy tales. Description: Children put a toy doll on their hand or fingers and name which fairy tale this hero is from.

— Guys, who remembers the name of the children's puppet theater in our city ? (Children's answers)


Let's continue on our journey. We can't travel by bus

along the Yauza River. Look what a beautiful boat-boat is standing near the shore. (Slide show "Rook")

Let us also build such a boat and sail on it along the river.

Rearranging children: The tallest child stands facing forward, with his arms raised up and spread to the sides (rook head, the rest of the children stand (or sit)

holding hands, forming a circle.
Swaying left and right to the music of the song. (Relax)
Music. song from the movie “True Friends” Boat.

- Look, we are sailing past the coat of arms of our city of Mytishchi ! (Slide show: Coat of arms of the city of Mytishchi )


— Please note that a boat-rook is also drawn on the coat of arms. And she floats under the aqueduct bridge. The White Aqueduct Bridge symbolizes clean water, which in the old days was supplied to Moscow and was considered the most delicious and clean water.

- So you and I swam and swam and swam to the monument to the U-2 aircraft. (Slide show 1 - Monument to the U-2 aircraft)

. We get out of the boat.

— This monument is dedicated to the pilots of the Mytishchi flying club . Letnaya Street was named after him. Many graduates of this club defended our Motherland during the war. (Slide show 2- Veterans at the monument)

— Our pilots used to fly these types of planes during the war, stormed German tanks and derailed railway trains with ammunition. (Slide show 3:- U-2)

— Guys, our journey through the glorious city of Mytishchi ends . And I suggest you take a helicopter flight back to kindergarten.

P/Game: “Helicopter”. Purpose: To develop activity in children, the ability to move to music in one direction, to cultivate friendliness . Description:. One child pilot takes a hoop and raises it above his head (the propeller, the rest of the children behind him, several of them, stand behind him, it’s fashionable to stick to each other. On the command “Let’s take off!” All children move to the music in the given direction. On the command “Let’s land, stop!” - all the children stop.

So our journey through our city . And so that you remember where we were today, I propose to make a photo album with pictures of our beloved city of Mytishchi (the teacher puts pictures on the table depicting memorable places of the city and the children look at them). Then everyone makes a photo album together.

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Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary

The sights of Mytishchi are, of course, unique religious buildings. An amazingly beautiful monument of church architecture can be seen in this town near Moscow - the snow-white Church of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. The staircases are made in an original way - they resemble the entrance to a wooden fairy-tale tower. Two symmetrical spans rise to platforms that are crowned by tents.

This magnificent stone cathedral appeared in 1677 on the site of a wooden structure. In 1812 the temple was badly damaged. And in Soviet times, his fate was not easy. Like the main attractions of the city of Mytishchi, related to religious architecture, it was closed in 1924. Its premises were used as a meat shop, a warehouse, and a dormitory. The temple returned to the Orthodox Church in 1989.

"Mytishchi Arena"

Arriving in Mytishchi, whose attractions are varied, you will probably want to relax after your excursions in the modern sports and entertainment complex “Mytishchi Arena”.

The palace can accommodate nine thousand spectators. Conditions have been created here so that people of any age can engage in sports such as hockey or figure skating.

The first stone of the Mytishchi Arena was solemnly laid in the spring of 2002. And it was put into operation in mid-October 2005. The building of the complex is distinguished by its original architectural design. The facades are made of metal with a large glass area. The project of Skanska East Europe Oy (Finland) became the starting point for construction, but then it was finalized by the Mosoblstroyproekt design institute. As a result, a complex was built that meets international standards.

The palace has two ice stadiums, each with an area of ​​1800 square meters. In addition, there are six buffets, a restaurant, a bar, six banquet halls and twenty-six VIP boxes.

We have not told you about all the sights and memorable places of Mytishchi. Therefore, if you have such an opportunity, come to this glorious city. We are confident that you will enjoy your trip.

"Kva-Kva Park"

Guests of the city enjoy exploring its main attractions. Mytishchi, or rather, its residents are very proud of the Kva-Kva Park. It is located in the shopping and entertainment district.

Both children and adults love to relax in this water park. Here you can ride the “Wild River” slide, rush through the “Cyclone” aquadrome, and experience all the delights of the “Black Hole”.

The six-hundred-meter wave pool pumps adults and children on artificial waves like ocean surf. Children most of all love the attractions in the "Children's Town", and adults who love a relaxing holiday will enjoy relaxing in the spa complex with a Finnish sauna, a Japanese plunge pool, a Russian bath and a solarium. The Etazh bar will offer you light snacks, and for those who are really hungry, we recommend going to the Troya restaurant, where you can have a hearty and inexpensive lunch.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity

Residents of the city of Mytishchi are very sensitive to monuments. Attractions of interest to tourists appeared here at different times. For example, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity is located on the site where the Donskaya Church was built in 1896. After it was closed in the 30s, it was empty for a long time and gradually collapsed.

In October 1994, the Orthodox parish of the temple was officially registered again. The new one-story building was built in 2004 from wood. Next to it stands a bell tower. The temple is crowned with a dome with a cross. Today it houses a house church and a cultural and educational center. There is a Sunday school at the church. Here you can practice choral singing, embroidery, beadwork, and icon painting.

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